#makes a rp blog and never uses it
elfelt-valentine · 1 year
I want to rp so bad its not even funny
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kg2hub · 18 days
🎭 Kindergala Starter Prompts!
here's a collection of prompts you can send into people's ask boxes to interact with them if you don't know what to say, or find it easier to just copy & paste something and send it!! :D
ofc, feel free to change, alter, or expand on these prompts if needed! these are all for different scenarios, but i'm sure you can figure which ones are which from context :'''D
❝Your mask is cool! What's it supposed to be of?❞
❝Ew. What are you doing here?❞
❝Are you... supposed to be me?❞
❝Oh my god. I am so sorry! I didn't mean to spill my drink on you!❞
❝This is really weird... You remind me of someone I know. But different.❞
❝Have we met before?❞
❝There's so many people... I'm getting kind of nervous.❞
❝What are you doing all by yourself? The party's over there.❞
❝Is it really you...? I thought you were dead!❞
❝Oh no, you are not getting the last slice of cake if I have anything to say about it! It's mine!❞
❝Fancy seeing you here. I didn't think we'd meet again.❞
❝I didn't know they let plebians in.❞
❝Why are you so old?❞
❝I remember being that young. I wouldn't ever go back to that.❞
❝Excuse me? I don’t think that's a very nice thing to say.❞
❝I noticed you staring at me for a while... Why?❞
❝I thought I should say hi to everyone here! So hi!❞
❝What even is up with all this multiverse stuff... Have you ever thought about it, like, on a philosophical level?❞
❝So... any mysteries from your world you can spill about to a total stranger?❞
❝I'm under a lot of stress here, so can you stop being so annoying!?❞
❝Do you think past lives are real?❞
❝How do you feel about dying?❞
❝I wish I got a better mask... Mine doesn't fit me that well.❞
❝You're carrying a lot of food there! Need some help?❞
❝Man... I hate the 'no violence' rule. Do you know what I'd do if that wasn't a thing?❞
❝You look like you're having fun! Can I join you?❞
❝You just look like you need some company. I can sit with you for however long you need.❞
❝Did you bring a date for the gala?❞
❝I'd really like to dance with you... Do you feel the same?❞
❝So. We're in the void, huh? I've never been here before...❞
❝You have a nice outfit. Very fancy! I want your style so bad!❞
❝I feel kind of silly, all dressed up for something like this... How about you?❞
❝I came here alone... Can I hang out around you and just be friends for tonight?❞
❝Whoa, hold up! What are you doing?? Isn't that dangerous!?❞
❝I'm about to pull the biggest prank ever, but I need some help. Are you in?❞
❝I bet I can chug all the punch in less than a minute. Wanna watch?❞
❝I'm glad I'm here with you. I'm glad we're here. Coming to this place with you was the best idea, truly."
❝—Wait, is it your birthday? Happy birthday!! Good place to have your party, huh?❞
❝I didn't actually want to come... I was dragged here, kicking and screaming.❞
❝I didn't think I'd have this much fun, but I am!❞
❝Hold on for a second— Your mask is crooked. And there's no mirror nearby... Can I fix it for you?❞
❝...Have you been in the bathroom this whole time?❞
❝Where have you been!? I've missed you!❞
❝Hey, my favourite song's on! Have you ever heard of them?❞
❝Do you think we'll get kicked out if we put ghost pepper powder on all the food and drinks?❞
❝There's so much space to run around and be free! Let loose a little, okay?❞
❝I guess we can't play hide and seek here... Unless you can turn invisible or something. —Wait, can you turn invisible??❞
❝I challenge you to a duel!❞
❝I wanna dance so bad... I'm so scared, though. I'll probably look terrible. I have zero sense of rhythm! I can't dance!❞
❝My group needs someone to take our picture! Can you do it? We'll treat you after, if you want!❞
❝I can't believe I cancelled plans for this.❞
❝Wow... How are you so cool?? I can't believe I'm meeting someone like you!❞
❝What did one mask say to the other? 'I got you covered!'❞
❝I don't think I've been this... calm... in a long time.❞
❝You have such a beautiful smile.❞
❝Jeez, you look like you really need to talk to someone. Like a therapist, maybe?❞
❝I took too much food at the snack bar... Do you want some? Please? I'm begging you, I seriously can't eat all this myself—❞
❝Do you ever know someone, but you don't really know them?❞
❝We might have gotten off on the wrong foot. Can we start over?❞
❝You just arrived? Welcome to the Kindergala! You're a bit late, so the dessert might be all gone if we don't hurry—!❞
❝Did anyone lose a wallet?❞
❝—Hey, is this yours? You dropped this while you were walking.❞
❝I am not cute. Don't you dare call me that.❞
❝I always do something funny before a picture is taken so the smiles are more genuine.❞
❝I thought there would be more adults here. Why is this a daycare??❞
❝The real question is... Where's Waldo?❞
❝...I can't read this. Can you read? What does it say?❞
❝...Sorry, who are you, again?❞
❝Come on, don't look at me like that!❞
❝Coming here was a lot nicer than I thought it'd be!❞
❝This place is so... away from everything. Like, in a good way. It's cozy and quiet— Can I stay here too?❞
❝Would anyone notice if we just take a nap, right here, right now?❞
❝I... brought a gift for you. I hope you like it! Here you go!❞
❝You should let your hair down more often.❞
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the-kipsabian · 7 months
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elftwink · 5 months
been learning to play ironsworn (gritty fantasy ttrpg which you can play with a gm but is mostly suited for solo or small group co-op gmless play) after having the rulebook pdf for several years (stars finally aligned to remove invisible thing blocking me from reading it idk) because i'm on another solo ttrpg kick & i don't know what took me so long to get around to this game because it genuinely is exactly what i was looking for. years ago when i was playing through solo 5e modules i should have just been playing ironsworn (believe it or not, 5e isn't very suited to solo play and is extremely clunky when you try lol).
also though i have dabbled in some other solo ttrpgs, a considerable amount of them are journaling games which is fun but imo considerably more work (usually by the time i'm a quarter of the way through the journal entry, i know how to entire scene played out and i want to move on to the next gameplay thing, so i get frustrated and bored quickly. it feels like when you solve a level in a video game but don't have the coordination to pull off the necessary move so you have to spend 20 extra minutes doing something you already figured out), so i really appreciate like not needing to write something for the game to progress (ive been taking notes for my own record since im playing solo and thus am not really out loud roleplaying the way you do in a group, but i definitely could do that instead and not take notes and the game would still function perfectly)
& ive been playing by myself but also in the past ive played a lot of ttrpgs in very small groups which has been other games but is mostly dnd and like. we also should have been playing ironsworn so that having a gm was not necessary. have definitely played games where we had to adapt the rules soooo much to do something that is just base game included in ironsworn. plus it's rules-light enough to do pretty complex moves that pose difficulties in bulkier games (ever introduced someone to dnd and they tell you they want to do a sick backflip and catch something and then attack and you have to tell them that will require several different consecutive rolls and some creative liberties with how the rules are 'supposed' to let you move? you can just Do That in ironsworn. use the strike move and describe it. done!)
the one thing is that although it's rules-light enough to theoretically play any setting or genre (some with more difficulty than others), ive found so far that like... the grittiness and sense of threat is very built into the mechanics so that would be sort of difficult to work around or change (but i think it's great from a game design perspective). what i mean is like, okay: you start with 5 max hp. there isn't really a way to raise this max hp, you just slowly gain abilities (assets) that make you less likely to have to lose the hp in the first place, or that make it easier to recover. when you encounter foes, you rank them on a scale of 1 -5, and enemies on the lowest side of this scale do one harm to you, while enemies on the highest side do five harm to you. so even though encountering an epic enemy won't always be deadly due to the assets you have, they are ALWAYS capable of taking you down to 0 hp with one good hit. so the feeling of threat is much more present compared to games where your character starts to be able to just tank and push through a failure or huge threat.
admittedly also i'm playing solo, im still learning how to balance combat, and also i built a character who has NO combat talents and iron (the close quarters fighting stat) is one of my lowest stats so i personally am under much more threat than if you built a character who knew how to fight or who could do deadly harm. but also the other thing about combat is it's extremely difficult to maintain control of the fight; you have to score a strong hit to do it on basically all moves, and there's a really limited pool of moves available when you don't have the initiative, and obviously none of them really favour you. i don't know that this makes combat genuinely more difficult, but it does make you feel like the fight is always about to spiral out of your control. every second you let it drag without decisive action feels like it brings you closer to dying. like i said, this is a feature of the game design and not a problem in any way. just thinking about it because when i was initially learning i was going to try to supplant it into a homebrew fantasy world of my own but the tone just wouldn't be right. and that it is somewhat difficult to replicate the kind of worlds that i typically play or run for dnd, which tend to lean somewhat sillier and definitely much higher fantasy
but i like to try new things and tbh especially in dnd i find that i very rarely feel that sense of threat and when i do feel it, it has nothing at all to do with the actual mechanics and reality of the combat and everything to do with how well the dm sells it to me and makes it sound and feel scary and dangerous. which is a testament to what a good gm can do for you but i do appreciate the threat feeling more built-in and also being actually real.
#good idea generator#kas plays ironsworn#am giving it a tag because i will continue to talk about this. its my blog#idk i just find in dnd like. players often FEEL threatened WAY before they actually are threatened#which makes it really hard to balance combat because players treat evenly matched fights like hopeless death traps#so instead they do underleveled combat that feels boring for some hard to pin down reason#but like. the reason is even though you're nervous about the dm's description and the things the monsters can do#there is no real threat. especially in bigger parties where the players DOMINATE action economy. they are always in control#so of course it gets boring. it drags out so everyone can take their turn but it never forces you to make difficult choices#or to totally exhaust all your abilities. after awhile the combats start to feel same-y#because even if the monster is different. you never have to do anything different to defeat it#ofc this is a subjective assessment and also if youre reading this and we play dnd together this is not a gripe abt our table i love u#i think it's really easy to get trapped doing this esp in tables which like rp more than combat#because its also like. once you're used to a certain balance of combat if your dm suddenly threw you a big one#you assume that this is a uniquely large threat in the narrative as well (rather than a rebalancing attempt)#and treat it accordingly. which is to say with way too much caution because it isnt actually that big of a threat#so then as a dm when you have to maintain the feeling of threat and the mechanical threat#(especially when sometimes the mechanical line between 'cakewalk' and 'tpk' is razor thin#and is more about the initiative order and luck than anything else)#you start to prioritize the feeling of threat. which is imo the right call always#but its just after awhile when you feel the threat but nothing ever happens to anybody. the dissonance starts to affect the table#also balancing dnd combat as a dm is really hard and often requires a LOT of on the fly adaptation#because sometimes the CR is useless and you don't know how it's gonna do until the dice are on the table already#anyway. my point is that im enjoying how ironsworn handles this problem
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
Not ask-blog related, then, but how would you get into role-playing?
honestly, just find an RP space/community (that's accepting new members) and hop right in. If you're nervous about your writing not being up to snuff, RP spaces are in my opinion the way to build up your writing. We all start somewhere and RP spaces are a great place to start and often full of beginners. You will pick it up and improve very quickly, have no fear. The general rules to be aware of in any RP space is basically just be nice and don't powerplay (which means don't do stuff like start controlling other people's characters, or deciding things for other people's characters without their permission, don't make everything in the RP about only your character, etc etc. Generally just treat everybody else and their characters with general courtesy). Also if everybody else in a space is doing only script or only paragraph format rp, try to match that. And try to make sure your writing is legible as a general courtesy cause otherwise people will have a hard time joining you in RP even if they want to - so avoid letter replacement/typing quirks (unless it's specific to the RP - see: Homestuck, though even with HS rp there is sometimes a site toggle to turn typing quirks off or similar) and do a quick scan to make sure your posts aren't super full of typos or etc.
more advice below the cut cause whoops this got long:
The finding the space is really the hardest part - RP-designated spaces are becoming more difficult to find since forum boards have started disappearing (though they have also started making a resurgence!). My old forum stomping grounds have since become an adoptables pet game site - though I do know a lot of online pet game sites have very active forum communities that usually had plenty of rp. I know for a fact Flight Rising has an active RP community. Rarely you can also find some other forms of RP-designated sites, like MSPARP used to be the big one for Homestuck and had some pan-fandom offshoots, but I don't know exactly what the status is for that stuff over there. I believe MSPARP doesn't exist anymore and I don't know anything about the rest of all that.
I used to also play some RP-dedicated multiplayer games and those can be a great option, depending on the game and your personal tastes. The main one I used to play a.) i would not recommend to people lol and b.) i'm pretty sure is very dead anyways so I don't have any exact recommendations there. I hear Roblox is a good place to find RP servers in a similar vein to that type of stuff but I never got into Roblox so I cannot confirm/deny that. You can sometimes find public Minecraft servers that have rp spaces but those are harder to find nowadays. There's a ton of discord RP communities you can join though. It's a bit more difficult to search around and get a feel for them just with how discord is but there's definitely plenty of 'em.
And I am not very in the tumblr RP community spheres (or other social media rp spheres - though i have dabbled) but to my understanding with those you either find an active group and ask if they're open to new members/if you can join, or you just jump right in to making your own blog/account/etc for it. Make some prompts/rp starters for people to potentially hop in and join you with or otherwise just kind of find you and rope you into their rp group or whatever. And of course you can always start a group with your friends.
The major things with RP is just kind of figuring what type of RP you want to be doing cause that informs everything else. Do you want to do script rp (usually formatted along the lines of [CHARACTER]: *runs around*) or paragraph/prose rp (the "[Character] ran around in circles before coming to a halt before the door." type format)? Do you want to do more of a video-game type rp where you have an avatar? Do you want to do something more like a TTRPG/D&D? Do you wanna do just straight up LARP (i can't really help you with that one much that one. you'd just have to search for local LARP groups - sometimes you can find them at your local conventions)? All those things are going to point you in different directions for what you want to do. In general, if you can find RP forums you can usually find both script and paragraph rp though paragraph rp is more common. Chatrooms and video games are more likely to lean script rp format due to chat limitations though this is not always the case. Social media rp is kind of it's whole own beast and everybody does it differently or different groups do it differently but if you want to do RP stuff primarily on your own and maybe pick up a group as you go then in-character social media can be a fun route for that. Or if you're not particularly looking for collaborative RP but want to do some interactive story stuff in a similar vein, then making an askblog might be more your style.
In general right now though, looking for RP discords is a relatively easy one or you can start your own and advertise it. Tbh if you find Warrior Cat RPers they may very likely have a designated area for non-WC rp (in the past Warriors RP sites/groups/etc ive been a part of, this has been the case in all of them). Also Warriors RP is like, everywhere. You will find it. It's like a constant of the universe or something. Actually doing a quick search i found some newer WCRPG forums and they look beautiful and yes, they do have non-Warriors rp sections. Idk much about RP communities in other fandoms but you can always count on Warriors. And as mentioned before, social media RP is an easy one.
Hopefully something in all of that helps a lil bit.
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fluxedbuds · 6 months
I'm starting to think it's impossible to have a Yogs gimmick account without inevitably rping with anons. Putting chemicals in the water that make us play toys
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stillcominback · 7 months
🎀 🎀 🎀
#hi friends!#local cryptid laurel making a quick little dash appearance just to check in tbh 💗💗💗#miss you all and writing loads but life continues to be a lot lol 😮‍💨#still job hunting which has been really rough in general but also mentally#then raising my daughter aka puppy who I love but takes a lot of my time and energy 🐶#BUUUUUUT a couple things!#1 - i’m better at checking into discord these days so if you would like to plot/write there and/or make servers to do so I would LOVE THAT#2 - RE: depressing job search - I’m working on opening up my own small shop!!#I’ll be starting with a collection inspired by The Traitors aka one of my fave shows atm#but will be doing all kinds of designs going forward!#I’ll drop more info here once we officially ✨launch✨#but I would love to get more followers on our IG page and just get some hype/interest going!#so if anyone wants to check us out to see what’s to come (soon)! the IG is sonichedesigns#(and the website is thatsoniche but it’s not fully opened yet!)#I’m nervous but excited because I’ve always wanted to do something like this but never really had the time or creative/mental energy#so maybe the stars are aligning who knows!#LOVE YOU ALL and hope to catch you on discord at least!#(again not abandoning tumblr or rp at all! just don’t have much time for it so my blogs are basically for aesthetic things and w/e I have#time for haha 🤪💗 but discord I would love to do more writing and stuff so hmu or ask for my handle! MWAH!)#💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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radrobotz · 1 month
i think the funniest ocs ive ever had were it was like a next gen crossover au where all webseries (of the 2000s-2010s for reference) exist in the same world but its like the kids of the characters and the main character (and couple) were an eddsworld fankid and a dick figures fankid
#i dont think i Ever got around to making any other characters i doodled tf out of it in a journal that. idk where it is#lost forever or thrown out which is sort of sad i feel like theres gotta be smth in there....#anyways i think that would be a funny idea for an au still actually but i rewrote the ew kid into a different story#and the mild inspiration for the au gives me the ick i never even read it just thought ''oh big xover cool''#though i think. the ew kid when i first rewrote him i think i gave him a crossover fankid s/o again but idk what the fandom was#cuz i had mentioned it on the blog i was using him on and was vague about it#from context clues in my mind from that time. first year or so of highschool. fucked up it mightve been a tmnt fankid#ALSOOOOO so everyone can rest well. the ew fankid was the kid of one of the main guys BUT!!! the mom is never specified#and i dont think i had a mom in mind the kid looks like 99% like his dad#the dick figures girl was blue x pink obviously. was her name pink. the fankid was called magenta#i swear there was at least 1 other character i mightve had when i first made it. but that would be in Lost Journal#i bet if i kept it going i wouldve had a htf kid or a charlie the unicorn kid cuz i was sick in the heeeaaaaddd#i never posted like anything about it. 1 pic on dA long deleted and talked abt them to The RP Girl#i still love the ew kid dearly but its bc i saved him from That#ACTUALLY THE EXTRA FUNNIEST FCKING THING WAS IN CHATS for some reason despite how eddsworld is#i accidentally implied the fankid was. born in canada. cuz im canadian and it leaked into the writing#DUNNO WHAT THE EW GUY WOULD BE DOING IN CANADA but that detail which i only realized NOW is rlly funny to me i want it canon
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fuckyeahyukiharu · 10 months
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The archive is still there too, and all those fans who created works in the past still deserve some attention too, so please check out the archive if you haven't in a while and if you're also missing Tsuritama!!
Also, if you're interested, please check out my YukiHaru A.M.V \o/ (Made a few years back for YukiHarus shared birthdays specifically!)
{All I did was reblog some old gifs I missed to keep blog active, but I'm glad if people still appreciate this blog existing!!!}
(I may also have another A.M.V. or two planned for future years, if I can finish them in decent time!)
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bassistscottpilgrim · 9 months
Merry funny Santa day Scott :D
I have made you a cool gift as a show of good faith :33
It’s a hand crocheted sweater :D
It’s pretty thick and a bit oversized, but it’s nice and cozy and good for naps :D (also it has a little embroidered bunny on the front but the council forced me to make all my gifts bunny themed)
I hope you enjoy the sweater Scotty :>
merry funny santa day to you too! thank you for the gift, its a very nice sweater :)
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erabundus · 2 years
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anonymous &&. said... hi sorry, this isn't an interaction, but is it alright to ask where your blog theme is from <;3?
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oh, i don't mind!
i  actually  made  my  theme  myself  —  both  the  graphics  and  the  code.  (  except  the  little  floating  blobs;  you  can  find  that  here!  )
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fourfuckinghorsemen · 2 years
I don't think I actually like normal.
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nayfem · 1 year
deleting a sideblog is the scariest thing you can ever do because what if i accidentally delete my main..... itll never happen but what if.....
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thedreamparadox · 2 years
Voice headcanon for theKaren sibs?? Different or same as the voices from jod?
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Reala's voice from JoD is pretty on point imo, plus or minus maybe adjusting the pitch up to be a little bit closer to their handful of voice lines in NiD. NiGHTS' is okay? I couldn't tell you an alternative voice actor, but there's someone that pitched down some JoD cut scenes and it sounds better imo. I think the accent could work, but it is entirely dependent on keeping to the accent of the closest Dreamers they're in proximity to. To be honest, up until I started working on my longfics my headcanon was mostly mute!NiGHTS. Or functionally mute at least, where Marenspeak was completely incomprehensible to humans and they couldn't speak any human languages, so they opted for primarily ballet mime supplemented with various forms of sign language and leaning on speaking while dualized, since how much that is 'voiced' is wibbly.
For Jackle, back when I used to lurk on the old NiD.com forums, someone suggested Carnage from one of the old Spiderman animated series and I'm inclined to agree, though at a higher register/pitch to be closer to Jackle's voiced lines from NiD.
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I've gotta make icons for some of these fellas though
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hopefulstarfire · 1 year
here's the truth; I get more writing done in rps than I do anything else. Like. I guess my brain just sees it as this little treat and can be productive that way versus me actually writing and staring at a screen hoping I'm getting all of this right.
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