#makes me just wanna delete everything because it makes me feel exploited and gross
adonis-koo · 7 months
I know people hesitant to reblog and can get how you must be feeling after working so hard over a fic and people not doing the minimum of dropping a comment. But from the time BTS has enlisted there is an over all slag in fic been written and readers too. Like I remember during Covid there was so much good stuff written and also updated on regular bases. I know writers have their lives too but some time updates r tooo slow and with Wicked it some time so happened that I had to go back re read some stuff so I could get what was happening. Sorry if u find this annoying but if updates r regular then readers will engage more. Like I know many who like to binge read so they will wait for like atleast 4-5 chapters and then read. And it may take some time a year for that kind of update. But surly Wicked deserves a lot of attention. Sorry for this confusing ask all I want to say is I get your side of story but slow updates is also on of the reasons for low engagement rate is what I want to say
I respect your side of what you feel might cause a lack of engagement, but it really comes across as definitely a reader and not a writer, as I simply don’t agree that updating quicker will solve the issue of more engagement. Wicked chapter 18 and 19 we’re back to back updates, posted only a week a part, and the drop off in people sending in asks was very stark.
In fact I went on a six month hiatus to finish writing the story of tease so I could update the rest of the story (12 more chapters) consistently, once a week, that was when my engagement dropped the most, and I’m talking went from 1.2k notes to only 300.
And if updating more regularly is the solution to this then surely only three weeks shouldn’t have caused such a sharp drop off? When I posted chapter seventeen after eight months it blew up, I honestly feel more inclined to say that quicker updates cause people to disengage because they’re simply able to binge read multiple chapters at a time with little thought about engaging with an author.
I’ve seen more people then I can count continually drop likes which tell me they’re binging reading and I rarely ever get a comment, let alone an ask on the 50,000 words they just consumed, in five hours, did you guys know a regular fiction novel is only 80k words??
14k words takes a little over sixteen hours of non stop writing for me to produce. Now imagine working full time and having a life outside of writing that only leaves one hour on a week day to relax.
I guess this take should be expected, as being a good writer only rewards you with more work and the same amount of engagement
The only thing I really gain from this is to stop writing such long fics 🤷‍♀️ I’ve enjoyed the process, don’t get me wrong! But it’s honestly become too much of a hassle to maintain and not only this it makes me even less inclined to want to write anymore. I’ve watched a lot of incredible authors leave this site over the course of my time where and I never thought I would become one of them but here I am
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