#makes me think L doesn't really. like himself. or at the very least 'Luigi' because 'he abandoned his brother'
snowyfrostshadows · 10 months
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I know @istadris proooobably meant Mr. L masks his true character under a mean, tough guy act to protect himself from further pain in their Missing Half AU buuuut.
I can't quite separate Mr. L from his iconic mask.
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istadris · 7 months
Bowuigi ft. Bowsette
Since you voted for it, here is my version of Bowuigi involving Bowsette.
First of all, have in mind this AU (thank you @scribeprotra for sending me that ask )
Now by this point, once Luigi gets to where Bowser is detained, I have two different scenarios :
TLDR : Scenario 1 : Bowser gets turned into Bowsette, recognizes Luigi but Luigi doesn't recognize "Bowsette" Scenario 2 : Bowsette is a separate person from Bowser (and the villainess), Bowser doesn't recognize "Mr L" but Luigi does recognize him.
Scenario 1 : Villain turned Bowser into Bowsette and has locked her up thanks to several spells, claiming 'such a delicate flower shouldn't be exposed to the harsh, cold elements before our wedding day"
(As you can imagine, Bowsette is FURIOUS).
Luigi crashes into Bowsette's bedroom and she immediately grabs him by the collar :
"YOU ! What the shell ! WHAT are YOU doing here !!??" "I-I-I-I-" Are you here to kidnap me ?" "Errrr...." "Good, because this place SUCKS !! And I can't get out on my own, because that dumb spell forces me to be "escorted by a gentleman", so you'll do the trick, got it ?!" "G-got it!" "Now get me out the hell of here!! "Y-yes ma'am!"
Bowsette has immediately recognized Luigi (seriously, who does he think he's fooling with that dumb mask when he's still got his cap?) but she NEVER wants to admit who she really is, so for now she has to pretend she has nothing to do with that Koopa King guy. "Although I heard he was damn shredded, with sweet muscles that make the ladies swoon" Luigi : "Oh, you shouldn't get your hopes up, he's got a terrible attitude and he's been chasing after a lost cause for years." "..." "Which is a shame because seriously, he's a real catch! He's sexy, he's got a lotta kids, he's a musician, he's badass, his minions love him, why does he have to be so dumb and stubborn ?!" "...Wait you think I...he's sexy ?"
For all her efforts, Bowsette is TERRIBLE at lying about not knowing who Mr L is.
"Can't you jump your way through here, pasta braiiiiiizilian truck Mushroom! " "What" "I'm errr having a heat stroke ! Yeah!" "Oh no ! Hang on Miss!!!"
Meanwhile Luigi tries his best to act like a villain but he's torn between how "Mr L" would act, his education who makes him very polite to ladies, his respect of badass ladies (including Peach, he knows she can hold her own if needed) and the weird behavior of Miss Bowsette everytime he mentions how cool he finds Bowser if only he wasn't such a doo-doo head.
Scenario 2 : this time Bowsette is a separate entity from Bowser and she is the villain. Maybe a crazy fangirl going too far with her obsession for the Koopa King to the point of capturing him and trying to force to marry her.
Here too, Mr L crashes into Bowser's bedroom, but here Bowser doesn't recognise Luigi. He's furious because he's stuck here thanks to a damn spell, but at least now he's got a minion to get him out !
"A spell trapped you here ?? Wowie, must have been a really powerful one !" "Nah. It's a spell that prevents me from using stairs AND THEY'RE THE ONLY WAY OUTTA HERE !!!" "...oh." "YOU FIND THIS FUNNY ??" "WAH! Nonononononono, not funny at all !!!"
While on the way out escaping the castle, Bowser muses out loud on how it's the WORST to have some crazy fangirl chasing after you and forcing themselves on you, seriously, can you believe it ?
Mr L, deadpan : "Never saw that before. Can't imagine what it would be like."
Still, he tries to use the opportunity to encourage Bowser to maybe realize that there's other Cheep Cheep in the sea, and mayyyyybe Bowser could look for better options than the princess already in a committed relationship who expressed several times her refusal to Bowser's propositions ?
Except, because he's Luigi and both the best and the worst at expressing himself, Bowser ends up convinced that Mr L is making a move on him and is jealous from Peach. Now that's hilarious ! And flattering, because Mr L is a dorky little villain but he's the most efficient minion Bowser ever recruited!
"By the way, when did you sign up ? I should have sent you after Mario ages ago!" "You hired me, actually." "Wait, what ?? How come I don't remember ??" "Errrr you had some memory issues around that time."
Which Bowser interprets as "we had a drunken one-night-stand and that's when I hired him", and he feels a bit bad for not remembering it.
"You know what, once we're home, I'll make it up for ya!!"
He has no idea how exactly, but hey, thinking ahead is for nerds, that's what his advisors are for!
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marbarmars · 1 year
Wait I never asked you my iconic little headcanon question, did I? Shame on me! Uhhhh sorry if you answered it already my brain is very wonky sometimes
Do you have an M&L headcanon that you believe is so incredibly rare that no one else has it? Or maybe just a really rare headcanon in general?
Do you have a headcanon so oddly specific that sometimes you yourself have to question why it even exists?
If so tell me 👁️👁️
I love to hear about other people's headcanons. I collect them like little trading cards hehe
Feder, I can finally answer your long awaited question! <3
(I had my brothers over at my house for most of the day yesterday, we played lots of Kirby, and one of them turns 15 on...the 15th! I gave him a Builder Luigi plushie :D)
Anyways, I had to think about this for a bit, because I really don't think I have headcanons SO RARE that nobody else in the world has it, but I did manage to think of some that MIGHT be that.
I'm ofc gonna talk about Fawful headcanons first because I have,,,a lot and he's M&L soooooo I have a story w/Fawful in it (that's still a wip) where he picks up a hobby in stargazing to calm his nerves. It's a story where Cackletta and Midbus are gone and he thinks about them a lot. At first he would just disassociate and stare at the sky, but then he noticed the stars...one telescope later and now when Fawful feels sad, he can at least distract himself.
I think Fawful "chatters" with his teeth similar to cats when he's deep in thought, excited, stressed, or especially while he's asleep & dreaming. It's very noticeable (and adorable imo)
As for M&L in general...
Mario for sure wears green dotted socks underneath his overalls. You literally cannot change my mind. (and fr it's in his Minty Frazzles design) >:)
Starlow has personal self esteem issues, it's why she seems to bully Luigi (either that or she's trying to give him tough love, what doesn't kill you make your stronger, but she's just communicating it in a really bad way) after all, from what little we know about her, Starlow seems to be a mere representative of the Star Sprites, meaning that maybe she doesn't really hold much meaning to them. It could also explain why she's hanging around Mario and Luigi a lot, to make herself feel more important.
If I can think of more perhaps I'll make a seperate post and @ you, but this is all I have for now :)
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