#makes me wanna make my own but a peryton
deer-butch · 4 years
I’ve learnt that peryton is not one guy but in fact a species, do you wanna infodump?
yes i do lksdjfaldfjh thank you so much for this ask im having a shitty night and this kind of made it so tysm
below a cut so i dont annoy ppl but tl;dr i just think theyre neat
the reason i was reblogging like a billion perytons is i love winged deer, i always have, cause im super like. spiritually? connected to deer and they’re my favorite animal, but i think birds are the coolest and i want to be able to fly sooooo bad i want wings. so id always imaged winged deer as like the best animal/cryptid possible. but i didnt know they were a thing with a name!!!! anyway yes they are a species called perytons, theyre from  Jorge Luis Borges’s Book of Imaginary Beings which was supposed to be based off ancient texts about monsters but actually was just cool shit he made up. 
perytons are evil in their “official” mythos, but fuck that i like them so theyre good forest gods. but their original idea is they have back bird legs kind of like a hippogriff and they kill people. they cast the shadow of a man until they kill a man, and then they cast their own shadow. i think this is supposed to be like them getting their souls back? but it feels backwards to me, like that long text post i reblogged points out.
i literally created a fursona that im like this 👌 close to commissioning art of now bc i love them very much. i had a deer fursona already but now they have wings!! lil peryton boy whom i love. this was also already the design for my ponysona (dont @ me mlp is cool as fuck), a pegasus with antlers. i just feel so vindicated that its a real thing! also remided me of my fondness for jackalopes. excellent little critters. i love north american animal based cryptids so much i wanna give them all a kiss on the mouth.
thank you so much for this ask you honestly did make my night a lot better! the anon feature on my blog has been used for Evil (not a joke lmao my inbox is a cesspool) before so im really really happy you thought to send this to me! thank you!!!
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therantingsage · 4 years
There is no need to add an excess of worldbuilding. I just don't want the Olsen kingdom to be the only one around as kingdoms need alliances to thrive. Just a mention of other rulers is good. For the deer's name, I'm as stumped as you are. For the A, I have Apollo or Atlas and for the D, the best I could find is Dayax. Dayax is Somali for "moon". Sorry I could not provide much assistance. If you need ideas for story beats or medieval life I can help there.
Hmmm...Atlas Dayax, the Alabaster one
Nah I need to workshop that for a bit to make it sound right. It’s a good start but I need to smudge it around, maybe mix it with Alan Dracula’s name?
Like...Apollan Drayax, Alppan Dayax...not entirely sold on how Dayax sounds but I’ll figure something out. It just sounds like nonsense to me now
Also as a moon god I wanna give AD feathery wings, like a Peryton! I googled them but there wasn’t much lore I could find on Perytons so I’ll just make up my own, especially since a Peryton likely won’t be his true form, just the one he appears as to mortals
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amphithereartz · 3 years
It’s about time I make an about me post. XD
Anyway, hi, call me Allen or Shadra. My most common names I use online. XD
I’ve been here before under a different username. I didn’t really want to use my old blog again, it’s a mess and hasn’t been touched in several years so I’m starting fresh. :3
Basic info
Birthdate: February 23, 1989.
Current age: 32
Gender: Genderfluid/FTM Transgender 🏳️‍⚧️ (Pre hormones, pre op, socially transitioning.)
Orientation: Gay 🏳️‍🌈
Location: California, USA
Attack on Titan
Fire Emblem
Fire Force
Percy Jackson
These aren’t the only fandoms I’m apart of but they’re the main ones I talk about most often.
So I did indeed mention I’m a furry. :3 My main fursona is a White German Shepherd named Allen. Hence the name I use online. He’s a character I’ve had for over 10 years now but he’s not the first character I was using when I joined the fandom in 2008. That character is a dragon I named Shadra, hence my other name. Though she is no longer my sona she is the mascot of my artist accounts on Instagram and Twitter. I just couldn’t bare parting with her. XD
I draw a lot of furry related art. Literally all hand drawn art by me is just furry and OC work but I’m working on expanding to fanart for my favorite fandoms.
I do a lot of sewing and make a lot of costumes for cosplay and fursuit purposes. I’ve been doing this for nearly 12 years now. Half my closet is just cosplays I’ve made through the years and bring back out to a con from time to time.
I do own my own fursuit which I’ve made myself. Currently I have 4 active ones with a 5th still being made. Photos will come in the future. :3 my suits are Allen the White Shepherd, Salazar the Demon Jackal, Inigo the Sika Deer (becomes a reindeer during the holidays when I put on his bell harness), and finally Elyas the Neon Coyote. The 5th is a Peryton named Einon. I can’t wait to complete him. I love doing rare species no one knows much about. XD
Social Media
Other places you can find me.
Instagram: @AmphithereArtz (link doesn’t wanna work for this one. 😣)
Thank you for taking the time to read this. And please continue to enjoy my blog. 😁
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