#makes me wanna play it again since there's so much dialogue i haven't experienced yet
now that i got my hands over tfs I've been playing it again and again i always make the same choices and dialogues with an exception or two, but always take Louis romance route and he stays alive till the end and all that, but ngl I've been thinking of trying your despair route, why? idk to make myself suffer because all that route causes is pain HAHA. like i want to try other things but it hurts so much and it's hard to let Louis go nnggghh
oof, are you completely sure you wanna subject yourself to the pain that's the despair route...? because it's not fun. I've only done it twice and I swore I'd never go down that path ever again haha
I originally did it because I wanted to see Tenn's ending. This was forever ago when I came across people defending the Tenn ending and claiming it as their canon, which piqued my curiosity since I hadn't watched or played it myself... but the problem with Tenn's ending is that Louis or Violet have to die in his place and I hate that.
But then I thought about how I haven't played the romance/betray route for Louis where he loses his tongue and I didn't want to but convinced myself that I should do it at least once just so I could experience it..... plus I hadn't done an asshole run yet.... and thus, the despair route was born.
And despair it is- not only was I an asshole to everyone with the exception of Louis, I also let him get taken.... so he lost his tongue... AND on top of all that, I had to tell AJ I didn't trust him which led to Violet getting eaten alive on the bridge and I hate that shit.
Bright side? I did get to see Tenn's ending and yes, it's sweet. I totally get where people are coming from when they talk about how much they enjoy it and I get why some have it as their canon ending. Tenn realizing how naïve he's been all these years, seeing people die saving him, and wanting to be more like AJ... it's a good ending, I give it that.
But it didn't feel right for me. In fact, it felt super wrong. Louis couldn't speak, and while I enjoy the little moment he has with Clem and AJ, it's just not worth it to me, it's not my canon. Plus, it feels wrong to not have Violet there.
I feel bad that Tenn always dies in my canon, but for me, that's what feels correct, y'know? I hate it, I wish everyone had made it off the bridge, but it feels wrong to not trust AJ and let Louis/Violet die.
By the way, no I haven't done the ending where Louis dies on the bridge and I never will. It's bad enough that I experienced his cell scene twice, I'm not about to let him die on the bridge. Nope. Nu-uh. Sorry.
But here's the thing, I would actually recommend doing a sort of despair run at least once just to experience it and see the characters react to the different situations that come up. Sometimes it's good and interesting, other times it's infuriating. If you do end up doing it, anon, lemme know how it goes and we can all be sad together haha
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