#makes more sense while she's still green 8U
sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
BF: *is going on a ‘buying anime spree’* Hey what do you think is the most expensive retail priced anime? Me, without missing a beat: P5 anime, or at least it should be up there. BF: Oh really? *looks it up* Oh that is pretty expensive! Oh well it has cards- Me: Cards? Really? For that price? BF: Yeah you’re right...... *watches the trailer* It looks pretty good Me: It’s not.  BF: How would you know? I thought you didn’t watch it. Me: I watched the first arc, they fucked it up. And fans bitched about the rest of it so I know the rest is bad too from that. It’s trash. The animation is trash too. BF: But it looks fine in the trai- Me: The trailers lie. They cherry picked only the best animated scenes they had for it. BF: I think you and I both know, this might juuuust be your anti-P5 bias. ;D Me: *points to the star ratings on his phone for him to look at* BF: *reads the reviews* BF: I’m sorry I may have misspoke. Me: Like I said, the actual fans bitched about it too. :P
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mr-hawkmoth · 7 years
Adrienette: M4r1 <3 4dri3n
Pay what you can commission for @stirredbrew ; Thank you so so so much for the commission you have no idea how much it helps. You asked for a math study date and it took some interesting turns but I think you’ll enjoy it :) Enjoy!!!
“Girl, how are you failing algebra?” Alya asked incredulous. Marinette groaned letting her head fall flat onto the desk.
“I’ve just been… busy,” Marinette fumbled for words. She couldn’t exactly tell Alya about her nights as Ladybug. “And I guess I got a little behind.”
“Well you better catch up before finals, otherwise we won’t be in the same class next year, and I cannot handle Chloe without you girl,” Alya pointed out. Marinette winced. It was a bit harsh but Alya was right. There was no way she would be in the same class next year unless she did well on her final exams. Marinette had just gotten so far behind in her studies with the recent influx in akuma attacks.
“Final exams are in less than two weeks! I’m never going to catch up in time,” Marinette lamented.
“You can if you get a tutor,”Alya reassured her. Marinette immediately brightened.
“Alya, you’re a genius! Can you tutor me?” Marinette asked eagerly. Alya’s eyes widened.
“What? No way! I barely understand this stuff myself! You need a real tutor!” Alya backpedaled. Marinette’s shoulders slumped.
“I’m doomed,” Marinette groaned falling forward onto her desk feeling a little defeated. “Where are we going to find a tutor who can teach me everything I need to know before exams?” Marinette muttered.
“I have someone in mind.” Alya smiled coyly as she eyed Adrien. Marinette quickly sat up suddenly on guard.
“Alya,” Marinette warned, “no. I wouldn’t be able to focus, don’t you dare-” before Marinette could finish her threat Alya was already calling on Adrien’s attention.
“Hey Adrien!” Alya  said a little too loudly as she leaned over her desk. Adrien turned to them. Marinette froze in place. “You’re good at math right?” Alya asked feigning naivety. She and Marinette knew very well that Adrien was top in their class when it came to math.
“Yeah I guess you could say that.” Adrien smiled at them both. Marinette would have swooned had her heart not already been about to implode.
“Great because Marinette here needs a tutor!” Alya looked at Adrien pleadingly. Adrien grinned turning to Marinette.
“I can help you with math Marinette! What time are you free?” Adrien’s eyes lit up as he spoke.
“Um- you don’t- you don’t have to-“ Marinette stammered.
“She’s fee after six!” Alya chimed in.
“Great I’ll come by around then!” Adrien beamed at Marinette before turning back to the front of the classroom. Alya gave her friend a cheeky smile. Was it just her or did Adrien seem a little too overzealous about his study date with Mari?
Marinette glared daggers at her plotting friend. Now Marinette would have to rush home to hide all her pictures of Adrien, and any other embarrassing stuff in her room. Not to mention she would have to make sure she looked somewhat decent before he came over and on top of that she would have to give her parents a refresher course on how they were allowed to act around him since they didn’t seem to be able to act normal the last time he was over. Marinette groaned as she hit her head on the desk again. Alya would pay for this.
‘A new camera-- no, a new camera plus another exclusive with Ladybug,’ Marinette thought as she registered the meaning of the solution she had just written out. “I am not a Negative Nancy!” she laughed, mock pouting at her computer screen. She felt her cheeks warm at the giggle snorting that came through loud and clear on her speakers. Thankfully for her, Adrien had been unable to come over to her house, and so they had settled on Skyping instead. While she still had to take down all her posters and clippings, at least it also meant she wasn’t at risk of spontaneously combusting due to his mere presence. And she was more grateful for that than ever as Adrien finally calmed down enough to shoot her a mischievously handsome smirk. “You’re right, you’re probably closer to a Drama Queen, Miss ‘I’m-Gonna-Fail-And-Become-A-Hobo-Cat-Lady’--” “Hey!” she retorted, sticking her tongue out. “It’s a valid concern!” “Marinette, you missed one question earlier,” he deadpanned, referring to the practice quiz she had finished over an hour ago. “And you’ve been nailing all the math puzzles I’ve thrown at you, so I think you’ll be fine.” Marinette hunched her shoulder defiantly, but knew he was right. They had finished actual studying some time ago, and he’d just been sending her silly math puzzles and riddles since, including beghilos equations for her calculator. Honestly, she;d never realized that Adrien had such a sweet, if somewhat nerdy, sense of humor. And if she didn’t know better, she would think he might have actually been trying to flirt with her a little… ‘A new camera, an exclusive with Ladybug, and a giant Toblerone…?’ She definitely owed Alya for setting this up for her. “Okay, last one!” A formula popped up on their shared DrawPile app, and Marinette grinned. “What, getting tired of me already?” she quipped, even as she set about solving it. She was so focused, she failed to notice Adrien flush slightly. 7x-7i > h*(7(x-8u)) Solve for i. “No, it’s just this one has a special message for you at the end that I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while…” Marinette felt her heart skip, and she quickly rewrote the problem, simplifying and balancing the different sides of the equation the way Adrien had shown her earlier. Marinette finished scrawling out the answer only for her hand to freeze as her mind finally translated the hidden message.
“Marinette?” Adrien asked hesitantly.
“I-I should go,” Marinette whispered almost to herself. Her heart hammered in her chest and she prayed she could hold it together long enough to end the call.
“Marinette, what’s wrong? If it’s the message, we don’t have to-” Adrien started.
“I’ve taken up enough of your time today. I promise I won’t bother you anymore,” Marinette cut him off before he could finish. Adrien opened his mouth as if to speak again and Marinette knew if she let him there was no stopping the waterworks. “I’ll see you at school,” Marinette squeaked before promptly terminating the call. She slammed her laptop shut as the tears began to roll down her cheek with careless abandon. How could she have actually thought that he might have been interested?
“Marinette sucked in a deep breath before sweeping the pages of scrap paper into the wastebasket. One loan sheet fluttered to the ground missing it’s target. The answer to the equation appeared glaringly large to Marinette as if to taunt her. Marinette growled in frustration as she hastily scrunched the offending paper up in her hand and thrust it deep into the wastebasket wishing to never see the equation again.
The answer to the equation read:  i < h(8u)
“Plagg this isn’t funny!” Adrien shouted at his hysteric kwami.
“Are you kidding this is hilarious! Seriously how do you give the girl the wrong equation?” Plagg snickered.
“I wasn’t thinking straight!” Adrien defended.
“No kidding, that was a pretty dummy move,” Plagg added.
“She-she distracted me,” Adrien stammered.
“Oh yes because a girl writing down math problems is just so distracting!” Plagg mocked.
“It is when she does it!” Adrien argued. Plagg raised an eyebrow at Adrien giving him a pointed look.
“She was doing math kid not a lap dance,” Plagg said incredulously.
“She just- when she’s so focused she does this cute thing where she sticks out her tongue and- and her eyes- I just- I wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing,” Adrien justified.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Plagg muttered under his breath. He most definitely didn’t want to deal with Adrien being lovesick over yet another girl.
“I’ve got to fix this! Plagg, I have an idea.” Adrien hit his fist with his palm which could only mean one thing…
“Oh no no no! I don’t want any part of your plan! Count me out!” Plagg crossed his arms turning his back to a desperate Adrien.
“Plagg I just need to transform so I can go over and explain to her, and you know my dad won’t let me out of the house,” Adrien trailed off.
“No! Nu-uh! Nien! I’m not doing it! I’m not letting you transform just to go make kiss-y faces at some girl!” Plagg refused.
“We don’t make kiss-y faces at each other!” Adrien said indignantly. “Look Plagg. We’re going. I’m sorry. I promise to give you extra camembert later,” Adrien assured him.
“Kid… w-what are you doing- wait-“ Plagg made a mad dash to get away.
“Plagg, claws out!” With those words Plagg was sucked into the ring and the transformation took hold. Adrien took a deep breath. “I’ll make it up to you later, I’m sorry buddy,” Adrien whispered into his ring.
Adrien made it all the way to Marinette’s before he hesitated. Sitting on the rooftop next door he suddenly lost his nerve. How was he supposed to do this? He couldn’t very well show up as Chat Noir. Not to mention Marinette seemed pretty upset when she ended the call with him. He had really screwed up this time, was there even a way he could fix this?
“You got this Adrien, you can do this you just have to- Aargh! What the hell?!” Adrien squeaked. Pain rolled through his body causing him to collapse to his knees. Green light flashed in front of his eyes and the cold night air seemed to envelope him. What’s going on?! I didn’t call off my transformation! Adrien thought worriedly to himself.
“You little brat! You can’t just abuse me like that ya’ know!” Plagg hissed. Adrien’s head snapped up to meet Plagg’s gaze. Adrien looked down at his bare arms.
“How- how did you do that?” Adrien breathed.
“I can expel myself from a user at any given time it’s just a lot of effort I would rather not spend,” Plagg clarified rolling his eyes as he did so.
“So you waited until we were halfway across town to do it?!” Adrien practically shrieked.
“Well like I said its a lot of work! And I don’t want to be a part of your sexcapades!” Plagg spat.
“They’re not- never mind, Plagg how am I supposed to get over there now?” Adrien whined. Plagg gave Adrien a cruel smile.
“Tough love my friend. If you really want to go talk to the pretty girl you can do it like a normal hormonal boy,” Plagg said brightly.
“Plagg,” Adrein growled “Claws out!” Adrien waited but nothing happened.
“Oh yeah did I forget to mention after a kwami expels itself it needs to recharge. You can’t be Chat Noir again until I have some camembert.” Plagg smiled feigning innocence.
“We’ll talk about this later,” Adrien muttered. “But right now I have to take care of Marinette.” Plagg flew into Adrien’s pocket. Adrien walked up to the edge of the rooftop looking over to Marinette’s balcony. Taking a shaky breath Adrien prepared himself. He could do this as Chat Noir right? So why couldn’t he do it as Adrien to?
Feeling completely terrified and slightly out of his mind Adrien took a couple steps back and broke out in a run towards the rooftops edge. He leapt into the air and for a wild second Adrien thought he might actually make it onto the balcony without any hiccups. Unfortunately for Adrien Plagg’s bad luck spread into more than just his romantic life. Adrien went plummeting to the ground below just shy of the balcony. Adrien’s hands grasped the air for anything to catch hold of. As it turned out that included the string of lights hung up around Marinette’s balcony. Hanging precariously from the stretched string of lights Adrien swung his legs over to the storm pipe desperately grabbing hold before his light lifeline snapped. Adrien looked at the ground below his heart racing. That was a little too close for comfort. He slowly started inching his way up the storm pipe.
“Adrien? What are you doing?” Marinette’s voice caused Adrien’s head to snap up.
“I- uh- sorry about your lights,” Adrien stammered out idiotically. Marinette looked blankly at him.
“Do- do you need help?” Marinette asked hesitantly. After some awkward shuffling and a surprising amount of strength on Marinette’s part the pair were able to heft Adrien up to the balcony.
“What are you doing here?” Marinette asked solemnly, not meeting his gaze. Adrien noted her eyes looked a bit puffy and more than a little red. Had she been crying? Snapping back to attention Adrien forced himself to focus on the task at hand.
“I uh- I brought something for you,” Adrien said, digging around in his pocket. With some struggle (his pants were fairly tight) Adrien was able to produce the scrap of paper containing the equation he hoped would fix everything. He handed it to a not so eager Marinette who looked down at the scrap of paper with both bewilderment and fear. Cautiously she took the scrap from him. She merely glanced at his script before ferociously throwing the note down at his feet.
“You came all the way over here to give me another equation?! You’ve made yourself clear Adrien, I don’t need you climbing up to my balcony to remind me!” Marinette snapped looking more than just a little hurt. Adrien could see clearly now that she had indeed been crying. He felt like a monster. Red faced Marinette turned away from him and headed towards her trap door. Adrien scrambled to the door to follow her, scooping up his crumpled equation as he did so. He dove in after Marinette, barely missing being crushed by the door itself on his way through.
“Marinette, if you just solve the equation I promise it will fix everything,” Adrien assured her. Marinette turned to him startled. She had not expected him to follow her inside.
“I-I really can’t right now alright Adrien.” Marinette’s eyes welled with tears as she looked away from him. Adrien’s heart constricted. Tentatively Adrien reached out towards her gently brushing a tear from her cheek with his thumb. Marinette looked at him briefly before quickly shying away from both his gaze and his touch.
“I gave you the wrong equation,” Adrien attempted to explain.
“H-huh?” Marinette hiccuped.
“I gave you the wrong equation earlier. It was supposed to say something else,” Adrien rushed.
“Adrien you don’t have to…” Marinette shook her head sorrowfully still refusing to look at him. Adrien placed his hands on her shoulders in an effort to force her to look up him. His efforts were greeted by two large blue eyes staring back at him.
“You think I would have spent all that time sending you things to make you laugh and then send you something like that?” Adrien asked her eyes wide, a smile tugging at his lips. Marinette looked away uncertainly. “Marinette I-I-” Adrien struggled for words. He didn’t have the nerve to tell her himself. Instead he stepped back from her and took her hand pressing the crumpled note into her palm. “Please just solve it. This is what I meant to send.” Adrien could feel his own face warming as he looked down at her pleadingly. Marinette’s eyes flicked up at him and back down to the note. She sniffled but nodded anyways moving towards her desk where she began working out the problem with paper and pencil. Adrien hovered over her to monitor her work. He double checked that he wrote the write problem down several times. 9x-7i > 3(3x-7u) .
“The ‘u’ goes there.” Adrien pointed out guiding Marinette’s problem solving which earned him an irritated grumble. As Marinette finished writing out the last letter of the answer she froze her mouth falling slightly open. Adrien smiled as he read the answer in her script- i <3 u. She opened and closed her mouth several times unable to form a response she turned to him confused. She looked as though she was about to ask him what it meant but Adrien couldn’t stand to explain it any further to her instead he simply grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her.
Her lips were extremely warm and soft to the touch. Adrien worried he might have overstepped his bounds when Marinette’s lips finally moved against his. Self control be damned Adrien began to kiss Marinette in earnest pushing her back until she bumped into the desk with a squeak. Adrien’s fingers drifted into her hair. He smiled as he played with the soft tendrils. His only concern in that moment was getting closer to her. Marinette pulled away from him with a gasp. Both were panting as they looked at each other. Marinette’s hands lay splayed on her desk. She was half sitting on the desk now. Her eyes were wide with questions her cheeks flushed pink. She looked stunned but at least now she no longer seemed to be hurt.
“Do you really-” Marinette began, Adrien was quick to cut her off with another lingering kiss. This time he only pulled a fraction of an inch away before nodding his nose brushing lightly against her own. Marinette swallowed hard looking up at him through long lashes.
“Sorry I couldn’t say it before. I guess I kind of messed it up earlier with the other equation,” Adrien breathed nervously, his voice hitching in awkward places. To his relief Marinette finally smiled.
“Well you did climb all the way up my storm pipe to apologize so I guess I can forgive you,” Marinette whispered. Adrien smiled ducking his head back in for another kiss that left him breathless.
“Marinette,” Adrien panted, “before I forget you don’t happen to have any camembert do you?”
Thank you so much for the commission- Pay what you can commissions are still open and @squirrellygirlart and I are in need of the help (the commissions I’m doing are split between the two of us because I love her and and know she is going through some tough times right now). Please message me if you have any questions, thank you :)
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