rhoyaltey · 2 years
I don't know if people put intros on langblr but here is mine,
Native: Xitsonga
Also speaks: English
Learning: Kiswahili, Mandarin Chinese
Planning to learn: Sepedi, Spanish, Tshivenda
Interested: Lingala, Igbo, Chishona, Siswati, Makhuwa, French, Portuguese
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rebrandtdebibls · 1 year
Mosambiek, en deels ook na die onstabiliteit in die land.
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Hoe is dit moontlik dat daar binne dieselfde land 'n soortgelyke kulturele gaping tussen een gebied en 'n ander is? Alles kan teruggevoer word na die etniese en politieke geskiedenis van Mosambiek, en deels ook na die onstabiliteit in die land. Tussen 1976 en 1992 was daar burgeroorlog, wat hervat is tussen 2013 en 2018. Die opeenvolgende regerings ná onafhanklikheid was despoties en outoritêr, maar die etniese vraagstuk is altyd verborge gehou. Sedert 2014, met die koms van Nyusi, word die Mosambiekse etniese mosaïek egter nie meer in ag geneem nie. Nyusi het haar eie etniese groep bevoordeel en oop beleide van uitsluiting en skending van menseregte teen ander groepe geïmplementeer. Die Makonde is dus net 2% van die bevolking en is aan bewind. Die ander Mosambiekers sal nie juis tevrede wees met hierdie toedrag van sake nie… As ons die saamgestelde werklikheid van Mosambiek met ons parameters lees, loop ons die risiko om mislei te word. Natuurlik is dit 'n duidelike minderheid, in vergelyking met byvoorbeeld die Makhuwa-etniese groep, die mees teenwoordige in die land, veral geleë in die noordelike streke wat ons genoem het weens die ontploffing van jihadistiese aanvalle. Alhoewel daar vooroordele tussen etniese groepe en taalkundige of godsdienstige verskille is, is dit nie hierdie verskille wat spanning en oorloë aanwakker nie. In die jare onmiddellik na onafhanklikheid het die sosialisme van die Frelimo-party selfs probeer om hierdie besonderhede uit te wis, en om 'n proses van versnelde nasionalisering van die massas te bedryf wat slegs gedeeltelik suksesvol was. Konflikte en etniese sluitings ontstaan ​​om ekonomiese redes, om toegang tot hulpbronne te verkry. Die Staat was nog altyd eksklusief, met hierdie President nog meer. Wat my bekommer is dat jihadistiese groepe – en ek gaan voort om te sê dat godsdiens die instrument is, nie die rede agter die voortslepende guerrilla-oorlogvoering nie – werf sonder om met geweld te dwing: mens nader die terroriste uit eie vrye wil.
Mense sterf in Mosambiek, terwyl die politieke leiers dink oor hoe om die Grondwet te wysig om die perk van twee opeenvolgende presidensiële mandate te omseil en president Filipe Nyusi toe te laat om stewig aan bewind te bly. Suster Maria De Coppi, 'n Comboni-sendeling van Venesiese oorsprong, is onder die slagoffers van 'n geweld wat die land kort-kort skud, veral in sy noordelike deel en suidelike Tanzanië. Kom ons kyk na die geskiedenis van hierdie groot Afrika-land saam met professor Luca Bussotti, universiteitsprofessor aan die Federale Universiteit van Pernambuco, Brasilië, en aan die Tegniese Universiteit van Mosambiek, navorser in Afrikastudies en fynproewer van Mosambiek en Lusitaanse Afrika, d.w.s. van die Afrikalande. voormalige kolonies van Portugal wat die Portugese taal in gebruik hou.
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ker4unos · 2 years
The Anthropological Masterlist is HERE.
North Africa is an African region that spans the northern part of the continent. North Africa shares many cultural and linguistic similarities with the Middle East.
BERBER ─ “The Berber, or Amazigh, people are an African people. They are native to North Africa.” ─ Berber Encyclopedia (in French) ─ Amazigh Culture (in French) ─ Berber Dictionary (in French)
GUANCHE ─ “The Guanche people are an African people. They are native to the Canary Islands.” ─ Guanche Information ─ Guanche History
KUSHITE ─ “The Kingdom of Kush was a Northeast African civilization that lived from 1070 B.C.E. to 550 C.E. They lived in modern-day northern Sudan and southern Egypt.” ─ Kushite Information ─ Kerma History ─ Meroitic Language
KABYLE ─ “The Kabyle people are an African people. They are native to northern Algeria.” ─ Kabyle History (in French)
East Africa is an African region that spans the eastern part of the continent. East Africa shares many cultural and linguistic similarities with the Middle East. 
BAGANDA ─ “The Baganda, or Ganda, people are an African people. They are native to Buganda in Uganda.” ─ Baganda Culture
BANYARWANDA ─ “The Banyarwanda, or Kingdom of Rwanda, were an African people that lived from the 15th century C.E. to the 20th century C.E. They lived in modern-day Rwanda.” ─ Rwanda in the 20th Century ─ Genocide in Rwanda
DINKA ─ “The Dinka people are an African people. They are native to South Sudan.” ─ Dinka Culture ─ Dinka Language ─ Dinka Language Grammar
ETHIOPIAN ─ “The Ethiopian people are an African people that share the Ethiopian culture. They are native to Ethiopia.” ─ Ethiopian History ─ Afar Language ─ Ethiopian Music
KIPSIGIS ─ “The Kipsigis, or Kipsigiis, people are an African people. They are native to Kenya.” ─ Kipsigis Recordings
LOZI ─ “The Lozi, or Barotse, people are an African people. They are native to Barotseland in western Zambia.” ─ Barotseland Information ─ Lozi Language
LUGBARA ─ “The Lugbara people are an African people. They are native to the West Nile region in Uganda.” ─ Lugbara Culture ─ Sacrifice in Lugbara Culture
MAASAI ─ “The Maasai people are an African people. They are native to Kenya and northern Tanzania.” ─ Maasai Information ─ Maasai Culture ─ Maasai Language
MAKUA ─ “The Makua, or Makhuwa, people are an African people. They are native to northern Mozambique.” ─ Makua Culture
SHONA ─ “The Shona people are an African people. They are native to Zimbabwe.” ─ Shona History ─ Shona Dictionary
SWAHILI ─ “The Swahili, or Waswahili, people are an African people. They are native to the Swahili coast.” ─ Swahili Information ─ Swahili Culture ─ Swahili Dictionaries
VENDA ─ “The Venda people are an African people. They are native to the South African and Zimbabwean border.” ─ Venda Culture ─ Venda Culture
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roxyandelsewhere · 3 years
“Ethnomathematics is the field that studies the multifaceted relationships and connections between mathematical ideas and other cultural elements, like language, art, crafts, construction, education. [...] It is the field that studies the mathematical knowledge of the so-called 'indigenous' peoples. Ethnomathematics is also the field that studies the know-how and mathematical knowledge gathered in practical activities, by street salespeople, by money exchangers, by basket makers, by painters, by seamstresses, by sportsmen, by cooks...
Ethnomathematics shows that mathematical ideas exist in every human culture, in the experiences of all peoples, of all social and cultural groups, of both men and women. [...] In similar circumstances, similar ideas could have been discovered and/or used, like how Aguaruni and Ticuna basket makers in the Peruvian Amazon make fishing baskets with hexagonal holes, as do the Makonde and Makhuwa basket makers in Northwestern Mozambique. [...] 
Ethnomathematics and mathematics history show how much of what is taught in primary and secondary schools originates from Asian and African cultures, with some similarities to indigenous cultures of the so-called Americas. They show that not all things originate from the so-called West. They show there's no such thing as Western mathematics. There is rather a universal mathematics, heritage of all humanity. Every people, of all time, may contribute to this universal mathematics. Every people has the right to learn and enjoy this accrued knowledge, and to contribute to its enrichment. Here lies an ethical and moral dimension of ethnomathematical reflection.”
- “Geometry and basket making of the Bora in the Peruvian Amazon”, by Paulus Gerdes (Mozambican mathematician)
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Praying for Makhuwa in Mozambique 🇲🇿 @unreached_peoples . . . #pray #intercession #prayers #praying #prayerchangesthings #prayerworks #prayerrequestsarewelcome #seekgodfirst #seekgoddaily #endtimes #rapture #raptureready #watchmen #Jesus #jesusiscoming #salvation #holyspirit #christianlife #christian #christiangirl #spiritualwarfare #unreachedpeople #unreachedpeoplegroups #unreached #Makhuwa #Mozambique #islam #nahara https://www.instagram.com/p/CiNwI4cpdRO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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5 Facts You Should Definitely Know About Mozambique
The unique destination of Africa, Mozambique, has rich reserves of natural entities, starting from beaches to dolphins to whales to wild beasts. Coming straight to the beach isn’t the only way of celebrating a holiday in this place. With rich historic architecture and local kind people, this place has been brimming of wondrous elements.
If you are planning on a trip to Mozambique, here’s a few things you should know.
1. Geography – The Bazaruto archipelago is one of the beautiful places you would find in Mozambique. Due to incessant rains and flood-like situations in the location of this savanna plateau, several villagers have already displaced. Some beach accommodation in Mozambique is pleasurable near the coast.
2. Incredible destinations – It would be too hard to prepare a short itinerary in Mozambique since the place is filled with unique destinations like the Bazaruto islands, the capital city of Maputo, beaches of Vilanculos, etc. You can find a variety of Mozambique accommodation, starting from small rustic guest rooms to luxury small resorts.
3. Language – 50% of Mozambique’s populace speak Portuguese, whereas languages like Swahili, Makhuwa, Ndau, Tsonga, etc. are widely spoken there. People also speak in their indigenous languages of Mozambique, which includes Makonde, Chuwabu, Ronga, etc.
4. Visa Policy – Unlike several countries, Mozambique has a fair visa-on-arrival policy for all nationalities.
5. Driving in Mozambique – Following normal vehicle-driving rules like wearing seat-belts, obeying speed limits, etc. will do. It is normally easy and less stressful for drivers in Mozambique. Moreover, as a traveler, you should carry a huge smile to enjoy the best moments of your life in this place.
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max-im-glueck · 6 years
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Makhuwa (hier: Piekenbrock, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany)
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fulvius · 7 years
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O SwiftKey é um dos teclados mais antigos do Android, e nesse momento, acaba de adicionar suporte para sete novos idiomas, contabilizando um total de 205 suportados, o que não é um feito pequeno, considerando que em fevereiro a desenvolvedora anunciou que tinha atingido o suporte para 150 idiomas. Aqui estão os sete novos idiomas inseridos no último update: Bislama, Limburgish, Lower Sorbian, Makhuwa, Nuosu, Silesian e Venetian. A equipe do SwiftKey deixa claro que os usuários podem digitar em
via: http://eexponews.com/swiftkey-agora-suporta-7-novos-idiomas-elevando-o-total-para-205_5156408480235520
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institutogamaliel · 7 years
Bruxa se entrega a Jesus, após missionários insistirem em evangelizá-la por um ano
Bruxa se entrega a Jesus, após missionários insistirem em evangelizá-la por um ano
Adelina recebeu os missionários Brian e Becky Harrell em sua casa, durante um ano. Após sua conversão, ela decidiu queimar tudo o que usava em seus rituais. Brian Harrell e sua esposa, Becky perseveraram para alcançar cerca de 300.000 pessoas da etnia Makhuwa Nahara, em aldeias que pontilham a costa de Moçambique, ao longo do Oceano Índico. Estas aldeias são tão remotas que a melhor maneira de…
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