#making me wanna do it for fun when i have zero creative bone in this body baby
meowmix1100blr · 11 months
y'all we are not talking enough about Guggenheim Assemble THAT SHIT SLAPS SO FUCKING HARDDD Daniel Pemberton I love you
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aclosetfan · 3 years
Lunch Break Blues
The wind whipped Blossom's hair as she tried wrestling it into a top knot. It had been raining on and off all day, and no doubt it would start up again soon, but while the rain had momentarily ceased, she and her sisters took advantage of the rare sunlight pouring through the broken clouds. It was the first lunch in a long week that they took perched atop one of the skyscrapers far from any prying eyes. Usually, a weather report full of rain made Townsville dull and would drive Buttercup crazy, but this week's unprecedented downpour had done little to stop Townsville's villains. Blossom suspected it was because they were feeling a little stir crazy too.
She didn't know what was worse, staying home and doing nothing or flying around soaked to the bone each day. Her hair was a frizzy mess, and she was pretty sure a nasty cold was on the horizon. The rain was such a nuisance that Bubbles had begun to forgo her tennis shoes or steel-toed boots for her daisy-print rain boots. Buttercup had busted out her rain repellant windbreaker. And Blossom had personally opted for her ugly yellow polka-dotted raincoat and matching hat, which yes, she knew looked ridiculous, but she dressed practicably not for fashion. She didn't care who laughed (her sisters and a choice selection of villains); at least she was staying reasonably dry!
The skyscraper they were at was far too windy for her hat to stay on, so she had shoved it in her pocket and went to task on taming her hair. An awful frizzy mess. She pouted and sighed, dropping her hands from her mangled top knot. Generally, the wind did very little to bug her, having the capability to fly and all, but it kept spraying rain droplets and puddles into her face and her hand itched towards her rain cap once more.
A dejected sigh from her left pulled her attention away from her own problems. Glancing over at Bubbles, whose pigtails had gone limp, stabbed absentmindedly at her salad. Her sister took a sad, miserable bite and chewed slowly as she watched the next round of clouds blow in with watery eyes. Bubbles had seemed to be feeling blue (har har) for the last few days, and it wasn't because of the rain. What for though, Blossom didn't know. Bubbles hadn't decided to pour her heart out just yet. However, that didn't deter her from trying to pry the problem out of her sister. Blossom was a problem-solver after all—it was one of her core defining traits.
"Bubs?" She asked with a tilt of her head, "You okay?"
"Oh, Bloss," Bubbles sighed, putting her salad down in favor of ringing out the water from her pigtails, "I'm just feeling a lil crummy. Don't worry."
Blossom snorted, "It'd be easier changing the tide."
That tugged a small smile out of Bubbles.
"Is it the rain?" She asked, already knowing it was the wrong answer.
Bubbles sighed, "No, it's not the rain—it's just, well, it's kind of silly actually."
"I could go for a good joke about now that isn't about my raincoat," Blossom shrugged.
"It's an affront to fashionable society, Blossom," Bubbles sniffed, "You look like a drowned clown!"
"On the outside!" She huffed, "But I'm perfectly dry, thank you, unlike some people."
"I look cute, rain or shine. Jealousy isn't a good color on you." Bubbles blew a raspberry at her before going back to stabbing her salad.
Blossom rolled her eyes and muffled an annoyed groan, "So you're not going to tell us what's up?"
"You'll just tell me it's silly."
The response stung a little, but Blossom shook it off, "Come on, I promise I won't—" she held out her pinky, "—I swear!"
Bubbles regarded her hand for a moment with a thoughtful look before linking their pinkies together. Simultaneously, they lifted their hands and sealed the deal with quick kisses to their fists.
"So," Blossom tried again, "what's up?"
Bubbles sigh was loud and dramatic as she brought one leg up to wrap her arms around, resting a cheek on her knee.
"It's my art," her sister complained, "I wanna make something big, you know, like real profound, but all I ever draw is cute stuff!"
Blossom felt her eyebrows furrow, "But you love cute stuff?"
"Van Gogh didn't get famous for drawing fluffy bunnies, Blossom!" Bubbles whined, "Real artists have really thoughtful ideas! They mean things, and anytime I try to do the same thing, it comes out stupid!"
"Van Gogh drank paint and killed himself. So I don't think he's someone you should be comparing yourself to."
"But he was a genius!"
"He was sick." Blossom counterpointed, "And couldn't find the help he needed. I prefer you sane and alive. Everyone does. The world doesn't need another tortured artist."
Bubbles pouted, "Yeah, but they don't need another goofy doodlist either. I want to make stuff that means something to people."
"They do mean something." She smiled, nudging Bubbles' shoulder with her own, "Your drawings always make me smile. They're happy and fun, and even if they're sometimes silly, that doesn't make them any less valuable to me. That counts for something, right?"
Bubbles smile brightened, and she giggled, "That's really sweet, Bloss, thanks. I think I needed to hear that, but—" there was another dejected sigh, "—I dunno, I just feel so uninspired and bored, and I really want to make a statement. I know there's something great inside me—"
"Because there is."
That earned her another smile, "—yeah, but I can't get it out! It's like all my hand can do is silly cartoons!"
Blossom nodded, "Well, I'm no artist myself, but I'm guessing there's nothing better than practice."
Bubbles flopped back onto the wet concrete, and Blossom cringed in sympathy as she imagined the water soaking its way through Bubbles' shirt.
"Bubs don't lay on—"
"I need to be more introspective!" Bubbles interrupted, "More in tune with myself and nature and the world! I need more life experiences, ya know, so I have stuff I can really pull from when I draw."
Outside of Bubbles probably being the most "self in-tuned" person Blossom knew, it was "life experiences" that threw her the most.
"Bubbles, life experiences? You're a superhero. You face the most depraved of society every day; you met people at their lowest moments. You've faced adversity larger than most will ever dare encounter!"
"But none of that has affected me! I need to get sad! I need to get in touch with my blue period!" Bubbles waved her hands around in exasperation, "I need to be relatable!"
"You've faced the worst and have come out better because of it," She scowled, "and you don't want that? Do you want to be emotionally scarred? To be relatable?"
Bubbles groaned and covered her face with her hands. "I knew you wouldn't get it!" Then came a muffled whine, "This is why I didn't wanna tell you!"
Blossom tsked, "I certainly don't see how being a beacon of hope as opposed to a cesspool of depression and self-pity is worse."
"It's not like that!" Bubbles shot up, "I don't want to be dark and depressed, but that's like what all the great art is!"
"Great art is the art that makes you feel, Bubbles; it doesn't matter what emotion that is, you know that. And if your art makes people feel happy, then what's the big issue?"
Bubbles deflated, "I dunno. I just want to make something that'll make people remember. Centuries from now, I want it to inspire people! Go, oh, I want that! Whatever that is." Bubbles looked up back at the clouds, "And that means I've really got to come up with something good. Something meaningful, but I've got zero ideas."
Blossom considered what she was saying for a moment before nodding, "Okay, I think I understand what you're saying. It's like you're in an art block."
"Yeah," Bubbles nodded, "I'm on creative hold. Everything I make, I don't like."
"Well, this weekend, why don't we go to the art museum, look at the stuff you want to emulate, and try to get into the head of the artist, you know?"
Bubbles perked up, "That's a good idea! You'd really wanna come with me?"
"Of course. We'll drag Buttercup along too. You know she needs some sophisticating." Blossom murmured, shooting their other sister a sideways look.
With the hood of her windbreaker still partially up and wet dripping hair curling in every direction, Buttercup sat perched on the ledge of the building a few feet away, hunched over her sandwich. She chewed mechanically in what looked like deep pensive thought. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she seemed to study the cars far below. She had been mostly quiet this afternoon, happy to be outside but pissy about the rain, and had spent much of their lunch hour shooing away a group of hungry pigeons that seemed to follow her everywhere she went. The pigeons, however, seemed to be appeased at the moment with the few chunks of bread and potato chips Buttercup had relinquished to them.
Blossom expected Buttercup to snap at her for the comment, but it seemed she was so lost in her own little world, watching the cars whiz by, that she hadn't heard them talking.
Bubbles giggled, "Actually, Bloss, I was thinking I needed to be a bit more like Buttercup."
She gave Bubbles a look, jabbing a thumb towards their sister, "Buttercup?"
"Mm-hmm," Bubbles nodded.
"Our sister?" Blossom asked again for clarification, "Buttercup?"
"Ah, come on! Look at her!" Bubbles grabbed her by the cheeks and swiveled her head back towards Buttercup, "She's got the look down."
"What look?" Blossom asked, but because her cheeks were being squished, it came out like, "Wa'ok?" Bubbles understood her regardless.
"That dark, introspective look." Bubbles explained, "Ya know, mused hair, dark under-eyes, stained fingers. The look of a moody artist!"
Generally, Buttercup's hair was mused because she refused to brush it since it was "short for a reason, Blossom." Today, it was also because of the rain. Furthermore, Buttercup had dark under-eyes partly because she insisted on wearing dark eyeliner that smudged halfway down her face every day without fail, and also because she had stayed up until 3 a.m. last night playing video games. And finally, Buttercup's fingers were stained not because of any artistic endeavor but because she had stuck her whole hand into a vat of black and mysterious sludge this morning. She had done so because Blossom had explicitly told her not to stick her hand in the vat of black and mysterious sludge they had been investigating, which had been a mistake on Blossom's part. She knew her sister couldn't resist doing something after it had been brought to her attention, so why she had decided to tell Buttercup not to mess with the vat of sludge was beyond her.
And while Buttercup was often quote-unquote moody, it wasn't because she was broody or introspective. It was because she was either hungry or bored or sometimes both. Bubbles was actually the moody and overly sensitive one, but Blossom knew better than to say that out loud.
"She looks like she needs a bath." Blossom huffed, pulling her face from Bubbles grasp.
"Don't focus on that." Bubbles waved her off, "Look how deep in thought she is! Buttercup isn't much for talking, is she? I bet she's got a lot going on in that head of hers."
"Buttercup?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion once again.
Bubbles rolled her eyes and gave her shoulder a playful wack, "Don't be mean! I'm serious. She's been sitting like that for half an hour now, looking, thinking—"Bubbles tapped her chin in thought, "—I wonder what she's thinking about. From the looks of it, it must be important."
Blossom looked back over at Buttercup, tracing her eyes over her sister's face once more to look for something she may have missed. Her look was pensive. And it was admittedly artsy even if it was on accident. She supposed that even if Buttercup tended to evade artistic endeavors in favor of more physical hobbies, she could still be a poet at heart.
Buttercup was done with her sandwich now and handed off the crumbs to the birds. She still seemed lost in thought. However, she had moved her attention away from the hustle and bustle of the city to the clouds above. She didn't smile, but when a beam of light broke through the clouds and landed on her face, the stress lines on her forehead disappeared, and contentment passed over her features. Blossom couldn't help smiling at the sight of it. It was nice to see her like that. Maybe she was thinking about something profound and meaningful. Bubbles was right. Buttercup wasn't one to share her every single thought unless she was pissed, annoyed, or pressed for an answer. When Buttercup was in a good mood, she simply vibed, enjoying the quality time.
Blossom hardly thought she was mysterious, though. Buttercup's body language was more than enough to determine her mood. If she liked a song, she'd bob her head to its beat. If she liked a certain food, she'd inhale it without breathing. But now that Bubbles had said it, what was Buttercup actually thinking about?
Suddenly, Blossom felt guilty for never asking.
"Hey, Butters?" She called out to their sister, snapping a few times to get her attention.
Buttercup blinked back into reality and turned to face them, "Mhm?"
"What are you thinking about?" She asked.
"What am I thinking about?" Buttercup tilted her head, giving them both a look, "Why?"
"Don't worry about it." Bubbles spoke up, "Just tell us, right now, what you're thinking about."
Buttercup shrugged, looked away, smacked her lips a few times, and looked back, "Lizards."
"Lizards?" Blossom heard herself echoing as every kind, and warm thought she had regarding Buttercup came to a crashing halt.
Buttercup shrugged again, picking at her teeth, before looking back up at the clouds, "They're cool as shit, dude."
Blossom blinked once and then twice before turning back to Bubbles, who looked a little bit dumbstruck. 
"Well, you're right when you're right, Bubbles. She's a real Van Gogh in the making," She snorted dryly.
"Ah, shut it," Bubbles huffed, crossing her arms.
"Wait," Buttercup spoke up over the wind, "why you dumbasses talking about vans?"
"Face it, Bubs," Blossom smiled, ignoring Buttercup, "you don't give yourself enough credit. If there's someone here proficient in artistic musings, it's not the pigeon whisperer. It's most definitely you."
Bubbles uncrossed her arms and sent her a warm smile, leaning her damp head on her shoulder, "Maybe you're right, Bloss, but could we still go to the art museum?"
"Yeah, duh." Blossom smiled, leaning her head on Bubbles, "You know I love museums."
"Hey!" Buttercup shouted, hands on her hips, "Seriously, which van are two laughing about, and where is it going!"
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uclaradio · 6 years
Interview with CJ Harvey
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Interview and photos by Megan Hullander
We caught up with photographer CJ Harvey on tour with Ron Gallo, The Nude Party, and Twen.
You can check out her work via her Instagram and her website.
You seem to be very close with everyone you tour with. I’m sure it did not start off that way, so how has touring with people who are also your friends changed your work?
It has influenced me so much. I am kind of one of those people who mostly just listens to whatever my friends are making. I think it's more fulfilling to listen to because if I am sad or bummed out I can just put on my friend’s music and it’s like my friend is just singing to me, and I am very lucky to be surrounded by such talented musicians where I can kind of do that and get by with only listening to my friends’ projects which is so awesome. And I'm definitely most inspired by my friends who are, you know, making art and touring and playing shows, and I would always rather watch my friends play than, you know, someone else.
I have kind of reached a level of success with tour photography at the point where I can be more selective with who I'm touring with, where it's not like, oh, this is the only band willing to take me out like this year, so I'm going to do it because I want the experience and I want a tour. I can kind of pick and choose who I'm working with and, you know, my best friends are going on tour, I want to go with them and I'm now experienced enough so they want to go with me, and I'm learning a lot by being so close with my subjects because there's just kind of a level of trust that wouldn't have happened had it just been like a random band that hired me. And that is not to say that there is anything wrong with touring with bands that I am less close with but it takes a long time to develop that kind of trust. It will take like two weeks into the tour for you to actually feel like you're comfortable with each other and you're not being like a burden. Everyone is so busy on tour, everyone is exhausted, everyone is doing everything at once, nobody wants to go out and go on a photo adventure, but when it is just your best friends, its like hey, if you don’t have time to do this right now, you tell me, if you do, let’s do it. It's so easy and a lot more exciting because it's more involved and it’s more personal and it’s people I care a lot about.
I always get spooked out when I use flash, it just feels so invasive.
Yeah, it can feel so scary! But like with Ron I am just like in his face, I’m on stage, I’m walking around, I don’t feel like I need to hide behind a curtain where if anyone sees me I am doing it wrong. There is a lot more creative freedom in that situation which is awesome.
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Going off of that, it seems like you feel a connection between artists and their art, which kind of goes into people disowning music when allegations come out about artists. Where do you see the line being between separating art from the artist and is it okay to continue to have a relationship with their art?
So, obviously, everyone feels very differently about this subject and I would never judge someone for continuing to support someone. Say their friend fucked up and it was an honest mistake and they apologized and they are genuinely trying to get help, like that's awesome, everyone fucks up and everyone deserves a second chance and everyone you know deserves love and respect in their healing process, but I just get so turned off as soon as something sour comes out about someone. Especially if it's someone that you respected or looked up to or like supported in any way, it just feels like such a personal attack, like I can't believe someone that I know did this or like this happen to like my friend, like fuck you forever.
I am pretty unforgiving in terms of actually listening to music. For example, if there was someone who did something kind of shitty and they kind of handled it as best they could and they're like I take full accountability and I'm so sorry this is me, genuinely apologizing, and here are the steps I'm taking to get better, I got sober, I'm in therapy, I like contacted this person that I've hurt. If they are going about it the right way of course they deserve a second chance and of course they deserve to keep making art, but I just won't want to listen to anything that they made because for me I see it as they made this at a time when they are doing the shitty thing and I don't trust them and I don't respect this version of that person therefore I want nothing to do with this and it's going to turn me off and it's not going to be fun to listen to.
With that being said there is nothing wrong with having important emotions and memories, all of the emotions and memories you have to certain artists and memories that is totally valid. Those memories should not have to change, but I just can’t do it. I can’t pity someone enough to be like, oh its okay, its still a good album, it makes me feel so good.
Yeah, it is tough, because there is just so much out there that it is pretty easy to replace it.
You can easily replace any artist, everyone sounds the same, nothing is original. That's actually kind of funny, there should be a website, like oh you found out about this person, here is like five other bands you might like that sound exactly the same. Here are much better humans who make very similar music.
You have posted quite a few times about just being considerate of other people at shows, and women specifically. Where do you see this boundary being between being in the moment when experiencing live music and being conscious and considerate and respectful of other people and their boundaries?
I think especially for people it shows who identifies as a woman, like it's so easy to just be the victim of everyone around you. It takes just one shitty person at a show to make you feel like you don’t belong there and you aren’t welcome and nobody cares about your safety and well being. Especially at a show, especially if it is a band who is so progressive and welcoming and kind. I tour with really great people, and that is not always the case of course, but at least for the people I am touring with, if anyone was in the crowd and someone was dancing on them in a way that made them feel uncomfortable or someone was touching them inappropriately, if they got someone on the stage’s attention, that would be it. That person would get kicked out, get sent to the other side of the room, or have security called on them. My friends don’t tolerate that.
As someone who has been the victim of weird things happening to them at shows, I am a lot more aware of my personal space. I feel like it is not hard at all to have fun and dance and have a good time, and even if you are someone who enjoys moshing, that is awesome and there are definitely other people who want to mosh with you and it is so easy to slowly start a mosh pit. You just start slowly, feel it out, test the waters a little bit. If there are people who look uncomfortable, help them get out before you start the pit. Just mosh with the people who want to mosh. People make such a big deal about it and are like, “I just wanna have a good time at the show,” but it’s so easy to also not violate other people’s space.
I feel like the people who mosh with people who clearly don’t want to are also the people who mosh during the wrong songs too.
Yeah! And I hate moshing 99.9 percent of the time because I always have a camera on me, and I have broken a bone at a show before, I have been slammed to the ground and trampled. I have been through all of that shit and I am kind of claustrophobic too. I am usually at the front because I am taking pictures and not paying attention to what is going on behind me, so if you come crashing into me, you are going to smash me to the ground. As I am falling I am gonna protect my camera over my body and end up getting really hurt because you are an insensitive asshole.
I always get scared of people with drinks, and they start to like lean into you a bit.
And you’re like, I hate that you are ruining this! And then you can’t pay attention to the show at all, you are just looking through you peripheral vision hoping this person won’t crash into you and spill their drink and vomit all over your stuff. It sucks not trusting the people around you at shows. There is a mosh etiquette that most people just don’t understand.
We need to add to our website with the artist redirection -  like how to mosh, how to not spill your drink on someone at a show.
Maybe just don’t have a drink on you while you’re moshing. If you are gonna be thrashing around, don’t hold liquids. Easy. There should be mosh cups that are paper, or no, use like a camelback. That would be awesome.
Another easy add to our website. Lets add moshing camelbacks.
What other business endeavors should we start? As a result of shitty people in music.
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You’ve been around for a bit within the music scene, do you feel the dynamic has changed at all since you first started?
Women have always existed in the music industry, but within the last year especially, there has been this huge boom. I work with a lot of bands who are all straight, white dudes, like zero diversity, but that’s not to say they are uninteresting or bad people. They are so lovely and welcoming and kind and they have really gone out of their way from what I have observed to get women on their shows and trying so hard to work with the female agent instead of the other agent who was recommended to them, or bringing me out not because they feel like they have to but because they want to support me as a female and my work and give me a safe space where they will look out for me. The bands I tour with are also really good at picking up on social cues and I am definitely really vocal about stuff that makes me uncomfortable and I am gonna call them out. Even this tour, all of the guys in Ron Gallo and The Nude Party and Twen have all gone out of their way to check in with me. There was this guy who was super drunk and close to me and talking in my ear and it was totally fine, but I can see how it might look like it was maybe a sketchy situation and Dylan while drumming was looking at me like mouthing, “Are you okay? Is everything good?” He is like looking out for me mid-song! All of the guys I surround myself with have my back. I can’t speak for other touring women, but you can educate your friends and get them on the same page. Like you may have not have had this experience but I have and this is why it’s not okay, and even if you didn’t know before, now you do and you know how to look out for that.
It is crazy to see how quickly people’s mindsets will change, like as soon as they become aware of this kind of stuff. Even with social media platforms, just the number of people you can reach.
Exactly, I have even had men DM me on Instagram and be like, I had no idea that was happening or still is happening. Thank you for sharing this and now as a guy I can look out for it and help out my female friends. Its really cool to see that -
*** CJ was then interrupted by a man who approaches and asks if we need tickets, and when I reply no, he says, “Just send your girlfriends on over to me.” ***
Love the timing. I was just starting to feel warm about everything.
That’s the thing! I know this is still on the record, but I am just gonna shit talk someone at the show in Santa Cruz. You think you are surrounded by such loyal, loving men who are there to look out for you and it’s awesome and you feel invincible. This tour specifically is full of so many good people and you get in this head space where you are like everything is fine, this is a safe space and you forget that there are external people who come into that group.
There was this one man who comes up to me at the merch table and is like, “Oh, is that your boyfriend?” And I get that question all of the time and I hate it. I’m like, no it’s not, you see me here selling the merch, why would you not assume that it’s my job to sell merch? He just found it really hard to believe instead of being apologetic. And I said no, but why would you assume that I simply must be dating someone on stage? And he said, “I am not assuming that you have to be dating someone.” But like he did! That is the very first thing he said to me, he didn’t even introduce himself! There were people in line and I didn’t have time to talk to him too much and Ron was still doing the encore so it’s kind of hard to hear. And he said, ”Well, so you aren’t dating anyone in the band, what are you doing?” And I am like, let me tell you how many hats I wear on tour and how I work my ass off for these bands and pour my entire heart and soul into this. Let me tell you about all of the jobs I am doing right now.
Really everything except dating them.
Yeah that’s exactly it. This man was like, “Sure, well for your sake I hope you are being important and helpful and creative. For your sake I hope one day you can be one tenth the creative genius as that guy on stage.” I just was so mad, I had other people to sell to, I was just done, I can’t be upset right now, and I tried to brush it off. I am usually pretty good at doing that, but I saw him talking to Ron after the set and I was like I need to say something, not to make him feel bad or put him on the spot, but I just needed to tell him that it is not okay to say that to people. So I go up to him and I say, “Hey, man. Next time you see a woman identifying person at a show, don’t assume they are there to sleep with someone in the band. Don’t assume that is their job. If you see someone working a show, assume they are working.” And he was like, “Look, sorry you have some problems you are projecting on me. I am a lot older than you are. I have been to way more shows than you have and scientifically speaking, women at shows are usually dating someone in the band.” And I was like interesting because let me tell you how many shows I have been to in the last five years alone and how few of the women I have interacted with are sleeping with someone in the band and I told him that that is bullshit. He said, “I am a realist, I speak the truth, I am not gonna lie to you to protect your feelings.” I had kind of complained about this guy earlier and in that moment Pat from The Nude Party noticed that I was clearly upset by this guy and he asked me to come help pack stuff up so I had an excuse to get out of it, but I was like, “You’re an asshole!” And he was like, “No I’m not!” I was just shaking I was so mad. Usually someone is close minded and then you explain it to them and they apologize, but he just would not have it. I started crying and it’s so frustrating because people like that are never going to change. They don’t want to change.
I just never even understand the intention behind it, like what are they getting out of asking you that in the first place, even if you were dating someone?
Like what satisfaction would that give you if one of the guys was my husband of twenty years? Now that I have started tour managing too, I love having that say because you’re at the top of the touring crew, so if something like that happens, you can get them kicked out. I like knowing that I can do that to help people out. But that night I just could not handle it and then The Nude Party came to pack up their merch and I am sobbing and they are like, “What happened?” And Alec is like, “What is he wearing, is he still here? I need to talk to him.” And I was like no, no, no, no, no. He just ran outside to try and find him, but he had already left.They are just very good boys. I cannot speak highly enough of them. There are good boys in music.
Catch the good boys and sweet gals of Ron Gallo, The Nude Party, and Twen on tour now with CJ.
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msawesomegeek · 4 years
My top 10 sub-genred movies
Inspired by cinefix, I wanted to try and challenge myself, to see if I could too discribe my top ten super specific genre movies that I love. 
If you like this thing that I am doing, and you wanna see more, check out here, when I get really personal and tell you 30 movies that has been the building blocks in my 21 years of life (though from 2018). You can read that here. Fair warning, this turned out super long, but I had fun with the format so I hope you will too. Also since I am talking about movies freely, note that there may be spoilers about any of the movies listed her, this was your formal warning! 
1. Favorite classic danish movies - Sømand I knibe Starting off with some old stuff from my childhood, my first pick, comes from an era of film where they had just added colour, but it was still rolling on actual film. This is an era of films produced from the 40s to the mid 50s. Danish cinema from this time is its own brand of fantastic. All movies consists of heartwarming comedies that value family and the simple life on a farm. The good guys always win. Looking back, these movies has some fantastic music and makes the weather in my country look like spring time every day. However the thing I love most about these movies are its quirky humor, that has most certainly influenced me throughout my life. With a lot of movies starring Dirch Passer who is always a delight, and I almost considered picking a movie called Sønnerne fra Vingaarden solely because it features the funniest movie song known to man (A man singing about how drunk a horse called Nuller is.) I also considered giving this slot to one of the Olsen Banden films, it is a hilarious serious and asks the question: What if criminals were lovable goofy and combined with the perfect straighten and hilarious plots? The answer a set of cinematic masterpieces (at least if it was being measured in delight.) my pick for this slot did however end up going to Sømand I knibe. This movie has everything Dirch Passer being hilarious, Otto Brandenburg singing beautifully and looking good doing it. And everyone else acting their asses off in a heartwarming story that you just can not help but love. It is a perfect example of this sub-genre of movies, and one of my go to movies to watch when I am having a bad day. 
2. Films that I was forced to watch in school, but somehow ended up falling in love with - Trainspotting & Dead poets society
We all remember that gleeful feeling of seeing a TV rolling into the classroom. Watching films in school was amazing school wise, but could also spoil a good film, when you were forced to watch it sitting next to your annoying classmate. More than one movie has been ruined by being showed to me at school at too young an age, I still have nightmares about button eyes from Coraline, and I have still not dared to re-watch Lord of the flies after seeing both of those movies at the age of 11. Mostly my school years have traumatised me when it came to movies, or introduced me to lovely period pieces that I do love to this day like A Royal affair and All Quiet on the western front. However, my pick in this category has to go to my english teachers in high school. I had two wonderfully insane english teachers in high school that I am glad was allowed to show us the movies they did. Therefore this slot is a tie between two films I watched in english class, Dead poets society and Trainspotting. Two wildly different movies but also kind of similar in topic - adolensence (fitting). I hated reading Dead Poets Society when we did so my first year of high school english, the movie seemed boring at first as well, however as soon as Robin Williams utters the words carpe diem as Mr. Keating I was sold. This movie is beautiful, fun, magical and heartbreak all wrapped into a rollercoaster of a movie that is as inspiring as it is heartbreaking. A movie that will make me forgive same teacher for showing us the terrible Romeo + Juliet later that same year. My second slot Trainspotting was in my last year of high school with a much different teacher, he was kind of Mr. Keating, let us do wild creative things, he let us do a rap battle in class, while listening to some killer punk or hip hop music, he has sleeve tattoos but is one of the nicest guys I ever knew. However what I love him for most now, is introducing me to the masterpiece of a film that is Trainspotting. Trainspotting is Scottish, high and low, beautiful, whimsical and fun, while being horrible and terrifying at the same time. It is a movie about drug addiction, friendship, family and stabbing your friends in the back. It is till this day still one of my favourite films and I have my old (kick ass) english teacher to thank for that. 
3. Weird and whimsical comedy movies - Monty Python Life of Brian
Moving on from school, I wanna talk about the movies that brighten your day. These are the movie you put on a rainy day or when you're feeling depressed to remind yourself, that maybe, just maybe the world is not as bad as it all seems. I am talking, Ferris Bueller's day off, Singing in the rain, The grand Budapest Hotel, Lemony Snickets a series of unfortunate events and Wayne’s World. However, to me, nothing cheers me up like watching Monty Pythons Life Of Brian. One of my all time favourite movies, and hell this movie even has my favourite song in it. This is a movie from my childhood, it reminds me of a simpler time watching movies with my dad, and it looks damn good doing it. This movie to me has no faults. It is hilarious, and while I do adore the “I fart in your general direction” “I’m being repressed” and “Its merely a flesh wound” tomfoolery of the holy grail, Life of Brian is sacred to me. The holy grail is funny to the bone, but Life of Brian is funny and tells a compelling story while making you laugh your ass off. And for that reason my slot goes to Monty Pythons Life of Brian, making me say, Holy Grail Ite Domum! 
4. Action movies where you know they had fun while making it - Kingsmen the secret service
Transitioning smoothly from goofy comedies, we go to my other weirdly specific sub genre of movies, the movie that is fun to watch, where you can feel that someone had a lot of fun while making all of this. It is the kind of action movies where you know, someone said fuck it, this could be awesome, lets do it, and then went out and did just that. It is Action movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, Pirates of the Caribien Curse of the black perle, Zombieland, Goodfellas, Fast Five, The Gentlemen and my pick, Kingsmen The secret service. Forgetting the sequel ever existed, I love this movie! From the moment I first saw this movie in theaters I have been in love. It takes everything from the spy genre that had become too serious with Daniel Craig’s Bond and made it great again. Coming from an era of action movies where everything was serious and gritty and dark (almost noir action), this movie came bursting out in all its glory. It has fantastically choreographed fight scenes in a world that was dominated by shaky cams. It was hilarious while still taking itself seriously, it had heart while being witty and charming. It knew what it was and it used it to an perfect extent! If you wanna know exactly how to make the perfect long take or fight scene? Look no further than the bar fight and Church fight scene from this movie. This movie is entertaining through and through and it looks damn good doing it! To me this movie has no faults. It is a movie that gives zero fucks, and in no other movie has it been more clear how much fun everyone involved had making it. 
5. Movies that turn me into a blubbering crying mess - Lilo & Stitch.
Moving on from the fantastic, witty, whimsical and fun is the other end of the spectrum. These are the kinds of movies that has you crying your own eyes out while it breaks your heart into a million pieces. It is films like Titanic, Harry Potter and the half blood prince, Schindlers List, The Hunger Games and my pick, Lilo and Stitch. Disney and Pixar will always have a special place in all of our hearts, nothing makes me bawl like a baby like watching Dumbo being sung his lullaby with his mother in a cage, or seeing Remmy beaten down in Ratatuille. Hell the ending alone from Toy Story 3 is enough to make any strong adult curl into a ball of sadness. And while I most definitely cried at those movies, and also spent a while even some times afterwards crying of the movies I listed above, nothing will till this day beat Lilo & Stitch. The tale of a girl who was bullied and weird like me, finding her alien friend and a new family is a beautiful and fantastic story. As I have grown older and lost a parent of my own I cry even more through out the movie, and till this day I tear up just writing, thinking or saying: Ohana means family, family means, nobody gets left behind, or forgotten.
(Give me a moment to gather my tears before we move on here).
6. Films that changed my mind - Inception
Moving on from movies that made me laugh, made me cry to movies that made me think. Thee movies that blew my mind were the kind of movies that when you're done makes you think back and reevaluate your life. It is the movies that makes you answer the question: what if that was real? Holy shit! It is movies like The Matrix, The Truman show, The Hunger Games/Battle Royal, Birdman and my pick; Inception. While maybe a little cliche, this movie truly does blow your mind. It alters the way you look at your own world while also being a fantastic action movie. Is this a dream? Is the movie all a dream, or is it reality? It is like swallowing the blue in the Matrix but still not being entirely sure what is the goo and what is reality. This movie has some truly stunning visuals, and while we all love the dark knight, Inception is truly as good a contender to being crowned Nolans masterpiece. This movie till this day blows my mind while I am simultaneously being entertained, and for that it gets a spot on this list. 
7. Movies that pulled the rug from under me in a spectacular way - The handmaiden.
Moving seamlessly along to this category is the movies that blows your mind within its own movie. It is the movies that reveal that it was all a dream and are damn good at it. It is movies like the Sixth sense and Fight club, would both be natural picks for this category, as would Old boy, Birdman and even the Wizard of Oz. However my pick is a lot more recent and a movie that has truly blown my mind not only once, not just twice but three times, is the spectacular South Korean 2016 film The Handmaiden. The Handmaiden is the movie if Fight club had a baby with Old boy and the story structure of Inglorious Basterds. The movie split into 4 parts reveals something incredibly smart, that was right in front of your nose the whole time but you never noticed, replaying events to show you how you were a fool all along and back to the present where the consequences of all of this is then unfolded until the next chapter begins and reveals something entirely different. It is a masterpiece in plot twists and a movie I have loved since seeing it the first time. So while the reveal of Tyler may be great, it does not have the same impact like being fooled not only once, but three times, while being entertained to the fullest, never being able to look away from the screen for a second! 
8. Movies that has your eyes glued to the screen - Inglorious Basterds/ Joker
Moving perfectly along into my next category is the movies that are so intense you can’t look away from the screen. The world could be ending outside and there is nothing that can make you look away from that god damn screen. The movie equivalent of just one more episode! It is for me mostly thrillers, movies like; Good Fellas, The Handmaiden, The Gentlemen, Battle Royal, The Platform, Reservior Dogs, The Hateful Eight and The Dark Knight. However I could not pick between my two top choices therefore this spot is also split between an old time favourite; Iglorious Basterds and new comer Joker. Inglorious Basterds is tied with a few others from this list to being my favourite movie. It is a 3 hour long Tarantino movie that feels like time is flying by when you're having that much of a good time! It has humor, heart and scalping Nazi’s which is something we all need in our life! However the reason this movie is so fantastic is those elements of violent delights and funny scenes combined with the intensity of the other half of the movie. Making a glass of Milk and a strudel with whipped cream on it seem intimidating and holding a scene so intense you're holding your breath. While other times it is both intense to the extreme while being funny and mocking their italian accents. This movie is a god damn masterpiece and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise!  The other movie is weird but has certainly earned its spot on this list. Joker, is one of the most intense and insane movies I have watched in a long time. While it lacks the good time of Inglorious Basterds and The Gentlemen, it makes up for it in pure intensity. The blur between reality and surrealism blended perfectly with the slow burning melt down of a man getting more and more broken as the run time goes on, is painful and intriguing to watch. This movie had me literally sitting at the edge of my seat painfully yet gleefully waiting to see what Jauquin Pheonix’s Joker could do next. It is though controversial, still an amazing film that I barely dared to blink while watching, scared to miss even a minute!
9. Fantastic films that no one else has heard of - Gentleman Broncos.
Second to last comes a sub-genre I rarely seek out but usually stumble upon accidentally. It is a category that actually makes me sad that it is like so. Between being happy that it can be my little secret great movie, and being sad that no one else gets the experience the wonders this movie has to offer! It is the movies that I sometimes have to convince my friends are not just made up, they are the niche of the niche and I wonder if anyone besides me not even the people that made it has even seen it? It is the movies I wish more people would see if they could just look past all of the blockbuster crap that we wasted our time on instead (you know who you are, Suicide Squad) They are the kind of movies so unknown they barely even have a cult following/status. It is movies like: The Gentlemen, A stupid and futile gesture, The Handmaiden, Circ Du Freak, my close second; The Voices but my pick; Gentleman Broncos. While I truly love all of the movies above, no movie has I been so alone in loving as with Gentleman Broncos. Stumbling upon it at the library it is a movie I have mentioned to many and has yet to meet anyone who has seen it before. The movie is weird to say the least, a coming of age sci fi comedy that looks exactly as weird as it sounds. It has the deadpannest of humor, but is hilarious up to par with a monty python movie. It has great actors, and half of it consists of what can only be described as doctor Who has an acid trip. It is to me a cinematic masterpiece because it is so fantastically surreal and dares to be nothing short of weird. Sadly, no one is willing to watch it with me!
10. Movies for the cinephile - Scream
Lastly, we come to the movies that honor movies. If this list or the rest of my tumblr is to be quickly summarised it would be with the world: Film-nerd.  I have since I have been a kid loved watching movies, and still make a habit of going to the movies alone to truly enjoy them to the fullest. I love movies, I am in no way shy about that. And like any other pretentious film nerd, I enjoy a good reference to other movies. Therefore my last category is dedicated to movies celebrating the media we all love! Movies like; Inglorious Basterds or Once Upon a time in Hollywood (basically anything Tarantino touches has a loveletter to the film media), The Truman Show, Adaptation, Big Fish (being an homage to great storytelling in my opinion) and my pick, though not directly about movie it is the movie dubbed; The scary movie for people who watch scary movies, and the only horror movie on my list, Scream.  Scream is the horror movie that has a special place in my heart. It is like a parody but instead of making fun of it, it takes everything that is fantastic about the horror genre and turns it into a masterpiece while pointing out the rules of the genre it is currently acting within and either having characters outright break them or letting the genre be the inspiration for their heinous crimes. It is the horror movie about the cinephile, while being funny, entertaining, just the right amount of scary and fantastically creative and gory when it comes to committing murders. It is an interesting story and it is in my opinion the perfect horror movie, therefore also the perfect movie about and for the cinephile. 
If you made it this far, then wow, incredible, I hope you liked what you read, and tell me if there is any movies you think I missed or have any ideas what I should watch, rank or review next? 
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howellrichard · 6 years
My 2018 Holiday Gift Guide (Eco-Friendly!)
Hiya Gorgeous!
My holiday gift guide is here and this year, I’ve taken it to a whole new level. Only compassionate, eco-friendly gifts made the cut. I believe that giving to someone you love doesn’t have to mean taking away from someone or something else—other people, animals and the environment included.
So much of our gifting culture is wrapped up in an excess of things. Wasteful things. Things with a short lifespan. Things that hurt our fellow beings or beautiful planet. That’s why I’m challenging us (myself included!) to give with a different mindset this year. Let’s focus on meaningful, caring tokens of our affection. On quality, not quantity. And on showing love not only to our friends and family, but to the creatures large and small, soil we tread on, water we drink and air we breath.
Before we jump into the wonderful world of eco-friendly gifts, I wanna say one thing. I know that taking on a more sustainable, ethical approach to gifting can be overwhelming at first. Don’t feel like you have to go from zero to sixty right away. This is a process and it’s definitely not about being perfect. Every little bit you do makes a difference!
Alright, fellow eco elves, let’s do this!
For the Animal Activist
Have a friend who’s got a big heart for fur babies? These eco-friendly gifts are right up their alley!
Donation to an Animal Rescue/Advocacy Organization
Send in a one-time donation or commit to a monthly amount on behalf of your loved one. They’ve probably already told you about their favorite organization, but if you’re looking for inspiration, Second Chance Rescue NYC and Farm Sanctuary are two of my personal favorites. Second Chance’s incredible work helps abused, abandoned and neglected cats and dogs find better lives—support their mission here. Farm Sanctuary has an awesome program that allows you to sponsor one of their furry or feathered residents—check it out here.
Christy Robinson Animals in their Natural Habitat Necklace – $18
Help your pal show of their passion style with one of Christy Robinson’s sweet pieces. My latest favorite from her collection are these Animals in their Natural Habitat necklaces. They’re beautiful, match with everything and come with a powerful message: Animals don’t belong in confined cages or on factory farms. They should be free to roam, play, smell the flowers and munch on the grass—whatever their beautiful hearts desire. Click here to gift a necklace!
Not a Purse and Not a Nugget – $9.95 each
These adorable books by Stephanie Dreyer are the perfect gift for animal activists of all ages! Whether your giftee is a parent, kid or kid at heart, this is a fun, creative way to learn more and spark conversations about living a compassionate lifestyle. Get Not a Purse here and Not a Nugget here.
For the Wellness Seeker
These eco-friendly gifts are exactly what your health-loving friend really wants this year.
Crazy Sexy Reset: 3-Day Plant-Based Cleanse – $29
My Crazy Sexy Reset is simple and FUN, because I believe that getting healthy doesn’t have to be a drag. It’s got everything they need to get back on track quickly, including scrumptious recipes and an easy-to-follow meal plan and shopping list. Plus, since your bud loves learning about nutrition, they’ll devour the daily lessons and in-depth intro to plant-based nutrition, eating and living. Gift the Crazy Sexy Reset (available at a 50% savings) here!
Self-Care for Busy People Meditation Album – $15
This album is perfect for someone who’s new to meditation or has trouble finding time to maintain a consistent practice. And it’s digitally delivered, so no shipping, packaging or other throw-away materials are involved! The album includes calming, guided tracks (all under 15 minutes each!) for lots of different situations and times of day. Giving it is like lifting the stress and overwhelm right off your loved one’s shoulders. Get it for your wonderful wellness seeker here.
Extraordinary Meditations for a Magnificent Life Album – $20
My newest meditation album is great for someone who’s looking to deepen their meditation practice. Plus, just like my other album, it’s all digital—that means no waste and no WAIT (any other last minute shoppers out there?!). This album includes inspirational guided meditations, contemplations with mini-spiritual talks, breathing exercises, mindfulness training, affirmation work and an Extraordinary Living Journal to help reinforce the positive, self-loving mindset the meditations are intended to create. Gift the album here!
For the Self-Care Enthusiast
Not sure what to get  for your friend who’s hip to all of the latest lotions and potions? Gift them an at-home spa treatment—no animal testing or yucky ingredients involved!
Charlotte’s Web Hemp Infused Cream – $49.99
If you’ve read my CBD oil blog, then you know about the many potential benefits of this fascinating hemp extract—one of which is that it’s great for your skin! This luxurious cream from Charlotte’s web is the perfect way for your loved one to test out the CBD skincare waters. It’s nourishing, non-greasy and smells lovely. Plus, the ingredients are sustainably grown, non-GMO, gluten free, cruelty-free and packaged in BPA-free containers! Pick up a bottle (plus one for you!) here.
Nail & Bone Nail Polish – $9.99 per bottle
Polish with a purpose? Count me in! These polishes are Leaping Bunny certified (aka 100% cruelty-free!) and made without any of the nasty chemicals commonly found in nail polish. Oh, and did I mention that 20% of their profits are donated to dogs in need? I love this set ($26.99) that they collaborated on with Halle Berry. Each polish is named after one of her pets. A-freakin-dorable. Click here to give the gift of an at-home mani/pedi!
Juice Beauty Green Apple Peel Exfoliating Mask – $48
Top off your friend’s relaxing spa night with a fabulous facial! Juice Beauty’s products are all completely vegan and free of animal testing. They’ve also swapped out the common chemical ingredients usually found in skincare products for clean, organic alternatives! This exfoliating mask really does smell like tart Granny Smiths and leaves your skin feeling soft and refreshed. Check it out here (psst… if your loved one has sensitive skin, check out this mask instead)!
Don’t forget to take care of yourself this season, sweetheart! Get your free holiday self-care guide here:
For the Mover and Shaker
These eco-friendly gifts are for your pal who loves to get up and go!
Girlfriend Collective Leggings – $68
These leggings by Girlfriend Collective are made from recycled plastic bottles! This company seriously rocks. Their line is size inclusive, high-quality, and produced under fair and safe factory conditions. Plus, their leggings are comfortable for rest days AND sweaty workouts—the best of both worlds! Grab a pair here.
Yuhme Sugarcane Water Bottle – $34.99
Who doesn’t need a reliable, take-everywhere water bottle? I love this one from Yuhme because it’s made of sugarcane (what?!), which is a renewable resource, CO2 negative and totally recyclable. And if that doesn’t get you excited, Yuhme also partners with Water for Good to give 6 months of clean water to someone in the Central African Republic for every bottle sold. Order a water bottle here!
Erin Stutland’s Soul Stroll Volume I – $29
This is an incredible gift that doesn’t require your loved one to get any special equipment or drive to the gym. All they have to do is download the audios, pop in their headphones and step outside! Erin’s powerful guided meditations will help them de-stress while building their confidence and boosting their mood. And they get to enjoy some relaxing, mindful movement in the beautiful outdoors—what’s better than that? Get volume I of the series here!
For the Fashionista
Finding eco-friendly gifts for fashion lovers isn’t always easy… until now!
Everlane Slim Cotton Long-Sleeve Crew – $25
Comfy, high-quality basics are a necessity in every closet. Everlane’s mission statement says it all: “Exceptional quality. Ethical factories. Radical Transparency.” And by cutting out the middleman (meaning they produce everything in their own factories and sell it directly to us) they’re able to keep their prices nice and low! One thing to keep in mind: Not all of Everlane’s products are totally animal free, but they have plenty of vegan options to choose from. I bet your fashion-forward friend would love one of these laid-back, layerable long-sleeves. Pick one up here!
Angela Roi Morning Crossbody – $145
A timeless, dress-up-or-down bag is a wonderful gift—and one that’s not made from animals is next-level awesome. Angela Roi’s ethical luxury handbags are stunning, versatile and expertly crafted. I love this everyday cross-body because it’s large enough to carry all the essentials, but small enough not to be a burden. Pick it up for your lucky friend here!
Rothy’s Pointed Toe Flats – $145
Walking can save the environment in more ways than one! These cute, easy-to-wear shoes are made from recycled plastic bottles AND they’re machine washable. So, when they start to look a little rough, don’t retire them—just give ‘em a good bath! Check out Rothy’s here.
For the Aspiring Interior Decorator
Ya know that friend who just has an eye for design? These eco-friendly gifts are for them!
P.F. Candle Co. Terra Soy Candle – $30
Not only are these candles made from 100% domestic soy wax and natural fragrance oils, they also come in the most adorable reusable pots I’ve ever seen. That makes this gift a twofer! First, your giftee gets to fill up their cozy space with a delicious scent like juniper, rosemary or lavender. Then once the candle is gone, they can use the container to plant a sweet little succulent or collect odds and ends on their desk. Order their new favorite candle here!
The Little Market Striped Sisal Nesting Baskets – $8-72
These gorgeous handmade baskets come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They’re made out of sisal—a type of agave plant native to Mexico but grown in Kenya—by the Kasigau Basket Weavers (female artisans ages 25-90) of sisal. Any one of these baskets is sure to make your interior deco-loving pal smile. Click here to support these talented artisans!
Coyuchi Cirrus Supersoft Organic Cotton Throw – $148
Keep your favorite homebody warm all winter long with this beautifully soft blanket! It’s made of 100% GOTS certified cotton, which means it’s produced under strict social and environmental standards from start to finish. Cozy and kind—what more could you want?! Check it out here.
For the Chef
Hedley & Bennet Woodstock Classic Apron – $94
This super functional apron is exactly what your master chef friend needs to take their kitchen game to a whole new level. It’s handmade from recycled materials and the company is female founded (woo!). You can even get it embroidered with their name so everyone knows who’s the boss at mealtime.  Check out Hedley & Bennet here.
Purifyou Reusable Produce Bags – $14.97
This may seem basic, but reusable produce bags really are a game changer when it comes to creating an eco-friendly kitchen. This set comes with nine bags in a variety of sizes. They’re made without BPA, lead or mercury, and produced in a facility free from harmful manufacturing chemicals. They’re also machine washable, which is a huge plus! Check them out here.
KitchenAid Sparkling Beverage Maker – $187.85
Single-use plastic bottles are a major source of waste, but we can make a difference by choosing alternatives like this sparkling beverage maker! Gift it to the creative cook in your life so they can make infused sparkling waters and fun cocktails for their next dinner party. Fancy AND good for the environment? Oh la la! This is the one I have (you might’ve seen it hanging out on the counter in one of my videos!), but I noticed there’s low stock, so here’s a backup just in case.
Wanna find the perfect gift for everyone on your list? Check out @kris_carr’s eco-friendly holiday gift guide!
I hope this list of eco-friendly gifts makes your holiday shopping a little bit easier (and kinder!) this year. I’m sending you lots of love, stress-free vibes and big, jolly Santa hugs!
Your turn: What are your favorite eco-friendly gifts to give? I love learning about products and companies that are doing good things for people and our planet. Let me know in the comments below!
Peace and kind gifting,
The post My 2018 Holiday Gift Guide (Eco-Friendly!) appeared first on KrisCarr.com.
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marcusssanderson · 6 years
50 Loving Parents Quotes and Sayings About Family and Support
Our latest collection of parents quotes on Everyday Power Blog!
The importance of parents can be seen in the way they support our lives. Parents are the only ones who show unconditional love.
Parents play the biggest role in our development. Whether it’s in our mental, physical, social, financial, or career development, parents help us in every step of our life.
When we’re young, parents prepare us for the future. They work hard to prepare us for future challenges. When we make mistakes, they’re our teachers.
Parents live for us. They’re happy when we are happy. In short, parents are the most precious gifts God gave humans.
To help us appreciate, love and show more respect for our parents, below are some inspirational parents quotes? Enjoy!
  Loving Parents Quotes and Sayings About Family and Support
  1.) We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves. – Henry Ward Beecher
  2.) Let parents bequeath to their children not riches, but the spirit of reverence. – Plato
  3.) When you look into your mother’s eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth. – Mitch Albom
  4.) A parent’s love is whole no matter how many times divided. – Robert Brault
  5.) Love as powerful as your mother’s for you leaves its own mark to have been loved so deeply .. will give us some protection forever. – J.K. Rowling
  6.) The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day. – O. A. Battista
  7.) “Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.” ― Oscar Wilde
  8.) There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one. – SUE ATKINS
  9.) “First your parents, they give you your life, but then they try to give you their life.” ― Chuck Palahniuk
  10.) “There’s nothing like your mother’s sympathetic voice to make you want to burst into tears.” ― Sophie Kinsella
  Parents quotes to appreciate them more
  11.) Parents are the bones on which children cut their teeth. – Peter Ustinov
  12.) “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my mother.” – Abraham Lincoln
  13.) “Being a father is the single greatest feeling on Earth. Not including those wonderful years I spent without a child, of course.” – Ryan Reynolds
  14.) “The thing about parenting rules is there aren’t any. That’s what makes it so difficult.” —Ewan McGregor
  15.) “It’s not always easy being her daughter.’
I think,’ she said, ‘sometimes it’s hard no matter whose daughter you are.” ― Sarah Dessen
  16.) “We don’t always do the things our parents want us to do, but it is their mistake if they can’t find a way to love us anyway.” ― J. Courtney Sullivan
  17.) “When you lose your parents, the sadness doesn’t go away. It just changes. It hits you sideways sometimes instead of head-on. Like now.” ― Jude Watson
  18.) “They’re your parents. They’re meant to love you because. Never in spite.” ― Patrick Ness
  19.) “My mum and dad had worked incredibly hard to afford me an education.” ― Benedict Cumberbatch
  20.) “My parents were supportive of my creativity but did not have a lot of patience for whimsy with zero production value. They had stuff to do.” ― Mindy Kaling
  Importance of parents quotes
  21.) To understand your parents’ love you must raise children yourself – Chinese Proverb
  22.) “Parents are like God because you wanna know they’re out there, and you want them to think well of you, but you really only call when you need something.” ― Chuck Palahniuk
  23.) “Parents aren’t the people you come from. They’re the people you want to be, when you grow up.” ― Jodi Picoult
  24.) “Everyone else we knew growing up is the same: image of their parents, no matter how loud they told themselves they’d be different” ― Tana French
  25.) “Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.” – Unknown
  26.) “Step parents are not around to replace a biological parent, rather augment a child’s life experience.” – Azriel Johnson
  27.) ”Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.” – Matthew Jacobson
  28.) “I got a lot of support from my parents. That’s the one thing I always appreciated. They didn’t tell me I was being stupid; they told me I was being funny.” – Jim Carrey
  29) “The reasonableness of the command to obey parents is clear to children, even when quite young.” ― Noah Webster
  30.) “No matter how far we come, our parents are always in us.”– Brad Meltzer
  Parents quotes to respect them more
  31.) A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone. – Billy Graham
  32.) “My biggest parenting conundrum: why is it so hard to put someone who is already sleepy to sleep.” – Chrissy Teigen
  33.) “You cannot let your parents anywhere near your real humiliations.” ― Alice Munro
  34.) “That’s what children are for—that their parents may not be bored.” ― Ivan Turgenev
  35.) “The thing about lying to your parents is, you have to do it to protect them. It’s for their own good.” ― Sophie Kinsella
  36.) “Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.” – Anne Frank
  37.) “It’s a sad moment, really, when parents first become a bit frightened of their children.” – Ama Ata Aidoo
  38.) “Our parents prayer is the most beautiful poetry and expectations.”– Aditia Rinaldi
  39.) A good father is a source of inspiration and self-restraint. A good mother is the root of kindness and humbleness.– Dr T.P.Chia
  40.) In the happiest of our childhood memories, our parents were happy, too.– Robert Brault
  Other inspirational parents quotes
  41.) They’ve got great parents; I’m just trying to be the fun uncle. – Sarah Silverman
  42.) “It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” ― Maya Angelou
  43.) “Have you ever noticed how parents can go from the most wonderful people in the world to totally embarrassing in three seconds?” ― Rick Riordan
  44.) “Parents had some kind of sin radar, Claire thought. They always called when you were in the middle of something you just knew they’d consider wrong. Or at least risky.”― Rachel Caine
  45.) “The Golden Rule of Parenting is do unto your children as you wish your parents had done unto you!” — Louise Hart
  46.) “Parenthood…It’s about guiding the next generation, and forgiving the last.” ― Peter Krause
  47.) “There is nothing worse than a thirteen-year-old boy. You’re embarrassed by your parents, and you’re trying to find your independence because, deep inside, you are so dependent on your mom.” » Ben Affleck
  48.) “Parents aren’t the people you come from. They’re the people you want to be, when you grow up.”– Jodie Picoult
  49.) “Parents. Honestly. Sometimes they really do think the world revolves around them.” ― Randa Abdel-Fattah
  50.) “Parents have to instill the right principles in their children, but then it’s up to the children to live up to those principles.” ― Mary Lydon Simonsen
  Which are your favorite parents quotes?
Parents are the gentle and supportive pillars that hold our families together. We can expect genuine and unconditional love only from parents.
Hopefully, these quotes have shown why parents are important in our lives and inspired you to appreciate them more.
Did you enjoy these parents quotes? Which of the quotes was your favorite? Tell us in the comment section below. We would love to hear all about it.
The post 50 Loving Parents Quotes and Sayings About Family and Support appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.
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