#makorn is the better dad
respectthepetty · 1 year
Daddy Issues in Naughty Babe
I cannot express enough how much I love every single thing that Naughty Babe is doing.
It constantly emphasizes loving our friends as much as we love our romantic partners, and now this entire episode was about being a good father and wanting better for your son. We see the difference between wanting a better life through money versus wanting a better life through love, and we see the difference between wanting your son to be better than you versus wanting your son to do better than you.
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Yi's dad, Makorn, openly adores Diao, which is why Diao willingly confessed to his plan to ruin the wedding, yet Makorn told Diao regardless of what happens, Diao is family.
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And we got to see that even though Makorn is tough on Yi, it's because he doesn't want his son to be him. Makorn told his son that his wife and Yi's mother left him because he was a cold man and tells Yi to express his feelings for Diao. He tells his son it's okay to cry.
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So even though Makorn could not comfort Yi as a child even when Yi called out to him, he encouraged his son to express his feelings, which is something Makorn himself struggles to do.
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Yi wants to be his dad. He wants to be strong and protective. He was reckless once, and it destroyed people's lives, so now he is controlling not only of others, but himself and his emotions. So he leaves his bedroom and has a panic attack in the living room without seeking any form of comfort. His father told him he could cry, but his father also showed him that nobody would be there to comfort him even if he asked.
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Then Diao walks in, sits down next to Yi, and wipes his tears away. And Yi allows it.
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This is why Makorn loves Diao. Makorn knows that even though he wants better for his son, he is to blame for Yi's callousness. Diao is good for him. Diao is is the remedy to a cold heart, and Makorn never wanted that for his son in the first place.
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When Yi snaps on the phone, Makorn tells him to listen to Diao instead.
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When Yi is ready to kill Diao's family, Makorn tells him he did not raise him to be violent the way he is.
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He doesn't want his son to be better than him. He wants his son to DO better than him. He wants his son to have the love he was incapable of giving him.
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And Diao can give him that.
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Makorn continuously warns Diao that Yi is hard to love, yet Diao consistently responds that Yi deserves his love regardless of how difficult it is.
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Because Diao only wanted love from his father.
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His father, Sattha, tells him that he wanted a better life for Diao which is why he has done all he has including sending Diao to the UK.
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Yet Diao confronts him with the fact that Sattha also greatly benefited from Diao's predicament, so if Sattha has anything to apologize for, it's that he basically exchanged his child for a better life.
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Every time Yi has stumbled, Makorn has been there to scorn him and threaten him, but he has been there. He cannot express his love, but he does express his support, even if it is abrasive. He tells Diao and Aon, the bodyguard, to look out for his son. He cares deeply even if he cannot show it.
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Yet Diao literally stumbles in front of his father, and his father doesn't even try to reach out to help because up until this point, Sattha has only financially helped his child through the contract with the Chens but never physically. He doesn't support Diao. He doesn't physically care for him. Because he thought he didn't need to if Diao was financially well off.
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Neither Yi nor Diao know what love looks like, but are trying despite their upbringings. Yi tried being controlling and protective because that is what he knew were ways to show love. Diao tried to be obedient because that is what he believed would get him love. Now both are seeing what the love they want actually looks like.
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For Diao, it is someone who tells him he loves him. It is someone who allows him to make his own choices. For Yi, it is someone who comforts him when he cries. It is someone who protects him when he feels weak. And for both, it is someone who is their safe place, their home.
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Because home is always been rough for both. When Diao called his father at home, his father was short and distant. Yi's father always summons him home because he wants to talk to Yi (aka lecture him).
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Makorn wants his son to do better than he did and encourages his son, in his aggressive way, to love better than he did. Sattha wants his to son to be better than he was and made every move to guarantee that. Makorn wants his son to marry for love. Sattha wants his son to marry for money.
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Sattha wanted his son to be better than him and didn't give Diao an option. Makorn wanted his his son to do better than him and has given him nothing but (harsh) support.
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Both boys have issues that make it difficult for them to trust how they are loved.
But they trust their friends. They trust each other.
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And they trust one of their fathers.
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Congratulations, Makorn, on being an issue, but ceaselessly trying to help your SONS solve their issues.
look at me appreciating a character's father instead of telling the character to kill him. *growth*
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