cataclysmcrows · 2 months
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@haruspexism's little freak
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lancelotslair · 1 year
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darkhopping · 2 years
rb game your new halloween costume is "sexy [the last scp you read]" go
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eparchclass · 2 months
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Dissomaksurclass — Dissocontained and dissoesotericclass subterm in which someone is disconnected to their external life, believing they are a maksur class anomalous entity instead; it is against transitioning if it is harmful to the user or stigmatizes/appropriates any groups
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yalnzardc · 1 year
Bayramlarda ezan okuma âdetini ilk olarak başlatan,
Camide mihraba yakın hükümdarlara mahsus odacık (maksure) yapan ilk kişi de Muaviye radıyallahuanh'dır.
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fuzedatti · 2 years
XII. A broken king.
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───── ❝ 𝐀𝐧 𝐒𝐂𝐏 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞 ❞ ─────
CW ; Graphic descriptions of violence.
—Login session 7 for SCP-035. Procuring the Maksur-Beta protocol. Proceed with host extraction.
The trembling D-Class was pushed into SCP-035's containment cell. The null light accentuated his face horrified by what was going to happen. His trembling legs kept moving against his will, inching closer to the specimen.
With devotion, the prisoner took the mask in his hands to caress the divine porcelain. —What a beautiful piece... With such fine stems, so perfect...– His corrupted mind adored every detail of the entity, licking his lips just thinking about being a bearer.
As always, the anomaly didn't have to ask twice to be carried, adhering to human pumping skin with ease. For a moment, stasis washed over him, feeling a deep euphoria at being touched by a god, and not just any god, Meská the Fallen. The mortal's feeble limbs were shattered in seconds for divine consumption, leaving only the remnants of what had once been human.
—Host infected successfully,– the voice said through the speakerphone. —Proceed with the protocol.– The static voice was replaced by the soft melody of a piano, it played something unidentifiable classical, to the sound of the music the beast rose, erect and proud of its work; A mute growl stunned everyone, the mask seemed somewhat damaged but not broken, not yet. He turned to see the lonely camera in his usual corner, he was trapped again.
—SCP-035, this is your last chance,– He explained. —Cooperate, and we won't have to use more drastic measures.–
He didn't believe his words. What would mere humans do to him? He taunted them while letting his "blood" spill on the floor. The frigid door opened while he was distracted, letting in an ordinary researcher. Dýo allowed him to keep his life, he had to buy time to escape from this prison again, SCP-148 weakened him not in a good way and he would not tolerate spending another second in place.
He was ordered to sit at the table to be interviewed, an easy order to follow. He laced his own fingers together and rested his elbows on the table, resting his chin on his narrow hands. He saw the interviewer with some repudiation, it was flat and graceless, all humans are equally aberrational. The melody silenced the seemingly eternal silence of the room, waiting for instructions.
His legs wobbled indecisively, calming the violent impulses that his now anxious soul desired. The administrators noticed this and ordered the interviewer to take something out of his briefcase, a mousse. He dragged it against the table to his direction, giving him the indication to try it, a simple dessert wouldn't convince him so easy. The violet glow of his eye sockets was nullified for a short period of time, it was his way of blinking; He seemed to want to contact something, or someone.
—SCP-035, eat the dessert.
No answer.
—Someone very special made it for you.– From the pocket of the researcher, they took out a single black feather. —He wants you to try it.–
Bastards, filthy manipulators, he thought. He took the dessert and swallow it in his jaws without leaving a single crumb. The administrators smiled victoriously behind the window.
—Well...– The entity finally spoke. —What do you want now?–
He withdrew his arms from the table to rest them behind his neck, stretching his long legs over the metal, a very confident pose for the situation he found himself in. The man in front of him took out some papers and arranged them to spread them out on the table, choosing a striking photo among all of them. The Black Lord.
—Tell me, 035, or rather, Black Lord.– He said neutrally. 035 just blinked one more time. —What were you doing in Alagadda?–
Dýo's patience was starting to run out, the music didn't help much. He was silent for a few minutes before shaking his head and responding.
—What does a King do in his lands?– He chuckled. —We eternals must rule over something, satisfy ourselves. I suppose you mortals do something similar.–
—Are you, or were you, the King of Alagadda?
—I'd like to say yes, darling, but I'm just a counselor, a duke. Someone you ask if killing the poor prisoner is right or not.
The man didn't react to his blatant flirtation.
—Laugh a little, I'm playing with you!– His laughter bounced off the walls, again, getting no obvious reaction from the other. Ah, then they will be like that.
—I'm not here to laugh, 035, we know that you and 049 were present during the breach and escaped together, accompanied by an important Archon classification project.– His tone of voice was impossible to decipher, almost mechanical. —And the disappearance of Doctor Jack Bright... Where is he?–
Archon class anomaly, disappearance of the most important doctor of the foundation... Something very bad was happening. Polonoí left his confident facade and recovered his hunched posture to better reach the investigator.
—Jack Bright is dead.
Seeing his micro-expression of contempt made him laugh, but in a sadistic way. Its violet orbs burned evilly, constantly blinking in what was taken to be Morse code.
—Explain that SCP-035.– Ordered the voice from outside. —Bright can't die, remember? He has his amulet.–
—A magician shouldn't depend on his tricks, doctor,– He sang. —The amulet does not exist, now it is part of me. Bright could never possess me nor I, but no one said that he could not merge with me.–
The violet glow changed to red in seconds, flooding the room with a crimson tint. The man who appeared to be made of stone now rose violently from the table to grab the entity by the neck.
—What have you done!?– He yelled, his tone of voice different, a familiar one that was recognizable. Dýo just kept laughing as he let his eyes fill with fury. —WHERE THE FUCK IS BRIGHT!?–
—Ho ho ho, Doctor Clef, there you are! Scared to see me in person, hm~?
He would continue to annoy him but the decoy body hit him right in the chest with great force, ripping and tearing every part of his torso. Normally, human damage had no effect on his body, but something higher managed to pierce through his consciousness. He recognized that puncture, it was from someone mechanical.
—Not so talkative now, huh?– He twisted his hand inside, causing 035 to spit out human blood and corrosive liquid. His comedic face changed to one of anguish, expelling organs and tissue from his mouth.
—Now tell me what you did with Bright, you disgusting mask.
He let out a loud whimper, gnashing his dark fangs. Hre was incapable of crying like mortals did, but if he could he would be doing it right now. He took a deep breath as he "closed" his eyes tightly, collecting the vivid memories of yesterday.
—Bright took us to Alagadda before handing us over to the foundation, he wanted to show the King and the Ambassador that I was still alive, that I was still their enemy. He planned to use me as a sacrifice to extend his power.– He giggled. —But it didn't go as planned... His visit was not appreciated, the Ambassador was furious, yes, furious to see me... They ordered Bright to shut his mouth and locked up 049 somewhere. I saw everything from a distance, emanating my energy in the kingdom, announcing my return.–
The administrators watched the scene in terror, watching as SCP-035's laughter became more erratic as he told the story. He wasn't lying, they had never seen the anomaly like this before.
—The Ambassador demanded his reason for presence, Bright wanted to convince them to kill me and stay with 049 to continue with the Kul-Manas cycle, a tempting offer but it is rude to arrive without warning, much less bringing a despised relative; Oh Bright was so confused... "But my Lord I have brought you your greatest contempt!" He imitated the voices. "The Black Lord is dead to me and you have revived him, ignorant human, your eternal disguise will never change you!"–
Without Clef's consciousness noticing, Dýo brought one of his tentacles closer to Clef's waist to begin to immobilize him. His telepathy filled his head with inconsistencies in favor of the entity, which was communicating with someone else at that moment.
—You should have seen it... It was a bloody, visceral spectacle. The great doctor Jack Bright was brutally dismembered by your master and lord the Hanged King together with the Ambassador of Alagadda!– He rose up a bit to leave Alto Clef's arm out of his abdomen.
—The royal chains strangled the doctor, only to be then completely stripped of his humanity, his soul. His deal with them was in vain, sacrificing his troops only showed little loyalty to his human kingdom. I had never seen someone suffer as much as Jack Bright did... And I was there, moved by what a wonderful movie his death was. I'm glad to know that even though I left, they still consider me as one of their own.–
It was all, that was all. Doctor Clef let his guard down to be decapitated by Polonoí, he broke his neck with force, completely destroying his spine and leaving his head rolling on the dark floor. It is said that the heads can still feel their ambient 6 minutes after being cut, because Clef witnessed how Dýo calmly stretched out to spat the mechanism he had inside him, introduced by the dessert.
—Mekhane, we were never friends.
And from there, a tall and serious shadow entered with the zombified corpses of the administrators. It was Louis, possessed by Dýo, he was the one he was calling throughout the interview. Both gazes turned reddish, Dýo taking out a fake amulet to break it into pieces. It would be enough of a distraction for the O-5 at that moment, wondering what was next from now on. He took the hand of his hypnotized partner to leave the cell, listening to the piercing screams of pain in the distance. Hundreds of SCP's out of confinement once again, not enough time had passed since the last breach for them to contain this one. But for Dýo, it was only the beginning of his plan, of his masterpiece. Finding the "son" was not difficult, he was hiding in one of the cleaning warehouses. Upon meeting them, his large yellow eyes turned red as well.
It was all part of something bigger than them. Bigger than SCP-049.
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purpupa · 1 year
apologies to maksur machine lounge for my recent post that was a gross lapse in judgment on my part
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Planned Coins
Alt Coining - [1] [2]
Gendersafe | Safe
Gendereuclid | Euclid
Genderketer | Keter
Genderthaumiel | Thaumiel
Genderneutralized | Neutralized
Genderapollyon | Apollyon
Genderembla | Embla
Genderunnecessary | Unnecessary
Genderarchon | Archon
Genderuncontained | Uncontained
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Containment Classes
Flor Galana
Disruption Classes
Risk Classes
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Amnestics (General)
Class A | General Retrograde
Class B | Regressive Retrograde
Class C | Targeted Retrograde
Class D | Progressive Retrograde
Class E | Ennui
Class F | Fugue
Class G | Gaslighting
Class H | Anterograde
Class I | Transient
Mnestics (General)
Class W | Reliable
Class X | Restorative
Class Y | Drill
Class Z | Lifetime
Gnostics (General)
Agnostics (General)
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K-Class Scenarios
AK-Class "Madness" Scenario
CK-Class "Restructuring" Scenario / RK
EK-Class "End of Human Consciousness" Scenario / MK
GH-Class "Dead Greenhouse" Scenario
HK-Class "Deific Subjugation" Scenario
IK-Class "End of Global Civilization" Scenario
LK-Class "Species Transmutation" Scenario
NK-Class "Grey Goo" Scenario
SK-Class "Dominance Shift" Scenario
XK-Class "End of the World" Scenario
XK-Δ-Class "Solar Singularity" Scenario
ZK-Class "Reality Failure" Scenario"
"Broken Masquerade" Scenario
ΩK-Class "End of Death" Scenario
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MTF Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" | Overseer Council
MTF Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" | O5, Internal Security
MTF Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand" | Ethics Comittee
MTF Rēsh-1 "Seat of Consciousness" | The Administrator
MTF Omega-7 "Pandora's Box" (Disbanded)
MTF Alpha-9 "Last Hope"
MTF Omega-12 "Achilles' Heels"
MTF Epsilon-6 "Village Idiots" | Rural, Suburban
MTF Tau-51 "Urban Brawl" | Urban
MTF Pi-1 "City Slickers" | Dense Urban
MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" | Underground
MTF Theta-90 "Angle Grinders" | Unstable Geometry
MTF Lambda-5 "White Rabbits" | Unstable Reality
MTF Alpha-4 "Pony Express"
MTF Iota-10 "Damn Feds"
MTF Psi-7 "Home Improvement"
MTF Eta-10 "See No Evil"
MTF Eta-11 "Savage Beasts"
MTF Upsilon-4 "Sugar Pill"
Anomaly Specialists
MTF Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" | Bio/Chem/Radio Hazards
MTF Gamma-6 "Deep Feeders" | Oceanic
MTF Eta-5 "Jäeger Bombers" | Gigantic
MTF Theta-4 "Gardeners" | Flora
MTF Kappa-10 "Skynet" | Cyberspace
MTF Lamba-4 "Birdwatchers" | Airborne, Avian
MTF Lambda-12 "Pest Control" | Vermin
MTF Mu-4 "Debuggers" | Electronics
MTF Mu-13 "Ghostbusters" | Intangible
MTF Rho-9 "Technical Support" | Cybersecurity
MTF Phi-2 "Clever Girls" | Prehistoric
MTF Psi-8 "The Silencers" | Reanimated
MTF Chi-9 "Page Turners" | Literature
MTF Gamma-5 "Red Herrings" | Information Control
MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" | Emergency Battalion
MTF Omega-0 "Ará Orún" | Noöspheric Constructs
MTF Epsilon-7 "Forget Me Nots" | Mnestics
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[ACS Guide] - [Esoteric Classes List] - [Amnestics Guide] - [K-Class Scenarios] - [Task Forces List]
Send a request if something you're looking to see isn't here, not everything under each category is included.
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dersolojisblog · 1 year
Fakülteye geldim Zehra hoca ameliyat olduğu icin ders boştu kantinde oturup maksur isimlere çalıştım ümidim tükendi bitiyor her manada artık dün kıvırcığı yemekte gördüm yine bı yemek yemeye gelirken paravanin orada bı de ben yemeği dökmeye giderken ama öyle bakmalarla olmaz tabi inanmiyoruz kimseye yine ondan da bahsetmeyeceğim günler gelecek hissediyorum
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haruspexism · 14 days
i'm not calling you a good boy maksur your solution was shit
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grimm-the-tiger · 5 months
If in doubt about the containment class, consult "The Box Test":
If you put it in a box and nothing happens, it's Safe.
If you put it in a box and nothing happens because you killed it first, it's Neutralized.
If you don't need to put it in a box because you know what it is and how it works, it's Explained.
If you put it in the box and something happens, but it stays inside the box, it's Euclid.
If it keeps breaking out of the box, it's Keter.
If it is the box, it's Thaumiel.
If you can put it in a box but you shouldn't, it's Archon.
If you can't put it in a box but don't need to put it in a box anyways because of how pathetic it is, it's Ticonderoga.
If it needs multiple boxes, it's Maksur.
If it kills random personnel within 50 feet of it but acts as the box for a demon that wants to destroy the world, it's Hiemal.
If it breaks out of the box, crashes the cardboard market, and kills everything in its path on its way out, it's Apollyon.
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cataclysmcrows · 9 months
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NOT microwave safe @haruspexism
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floorknight · 5 months
oh let's unpack Maksur origins tonight
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refsitaac · 6 months
When Maudi Ayunda said :
Habiskan masa muda untuk ngejar karir dan masa depan yang jelas masalah pasangan hidup akan menyesuaikan kualitas dirimu. Jodoh itu cerminan diri & maksure semakin diri mu berkualitas maka yang datang juga akan berkualitas.
Just focus with our goals and the best for everything. Last, jangan sampai menghabiskan waktumu dengan orang yang sia-sia.
Gunakan waktumu sebaik mungkin. Lakukan apa yang dari dulu pengen kamu lakukan. Jangan takut ambil resiko dan gagal. Karena itu juga bagian dari proses untuk membuatmu bertumbuh 📈. Semangatt ✨
dikutip dari video reels @sas_growth
semoga senantiasa Allah ta'ala tolong dan mudahkan segala urusan kita semua
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eparchclass · 8 months
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Maksurclassian // Gender related to, or best described by, the containment class Maksur
Icon by ShineShadowD [original] // Maksur is used for anomalies which are made of several parts that need to be kept seperate from each other
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yalnzardc · 1 year
Muaviye b. Ebi Süfyan Sahr b. Harb b. Umeyye b. Abdi Şems b. Abdi Menaf b. Kusay el-Emevi, Ebu Abdirrahman'dır.
Kendisi ve babası Mekke'nin fethinde Müslüman oldular. Huneyn savaşına katıldı, Müellefetül-külup'tandır."
Rasulullah (s.a.)'in vahiy kâtiplerindendi.
Peygamber (s.a.)'den yüz altmış üç hadis rivayet etmiştir.
Muaviye yirmi yıl vali ve yirmi yıl da halife olarak kaldı.
Hicretin 51. Senesinde haccedip oğlu için biat aldı.
"Bayramlarda ezan okuma âdetini ilk olarak başlatan Muaviye'dir."
Camide mihraba yakın hükümdarlara mahsus odacık (maksure) yapanilk kişi de Muaviye'dir
Onun zamanında fethedilen yerler :
Sicistan'ın Ruhac, Burka'nın Vidad ve Sudan'ın Kur gibi birçok şehir ve bölgeleri, kikan, kuhistan, fethedildi.
Hicretin 60. Yılında recep ayında 77 yaşında vefat etti.
Yezid b. Muaviye, Ebu'l-Halid el-Emevî;
hicri yirmi beş veya yirmi altıda doğdu. İri-yarı, şişmandı.
Anası, Meysun bintu Bahdel el-Kelbiyye'dir.
Muaviye b. Yezid b. Muaviye, Ebu Abdurrahman'dır. Ona Ebu Yezid de denilir. Ebu Leyle diyenler de vardır.
Altmış dört senesinde babasının onu veliaht tayin etmesiyle Rebiülevvel ayında halife oldu.
Halife olduğunda hastaydı.
Hilafetinin süresi kırk gündü. İki veya üç ay olduğunu söyleyenler de vardır. Yirmi bir yaşında vefat etti. Yirmi diyenler de vardır.
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