#mal it's so cool the episodes are literally titled house's head and wilson's heart
dylanlila ยท 3 years
Look this psychiatrist agrees with me. Wilson is right and House is wrong.
Oh yeah Wilson is definitely right, but here's the thing: House knows this too. He just... doesn't want it to be true hence he avoids dealing with the issue. (which evolves into a working mechanism over time to the point of him barely having to actively think about it) All of this actually leans into a whole other dimension which is the nature of House's leg pain in general (is it purely physical? is it psychological? is it phantom pain?). There are a couple of instances throughout the show where we kind of get a closer look at the possible solution to this dilemma, but it's never clearly resolved which is done purposely. (and quite masterfully, if I may add, but I'll shut up about that cause I don't wanna spoil you!) It's not that House can't solve the puzzle that's his own mind, it's that he doesn't want to. Which is why he's forced to do it by none other than his own mind (oh god the human brain. let me take a breath. ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ’ซ) several times throughout the course of the show. And that's when he's faced with a difficult realization: you stay in your own mind too much -> you risk losing it which manifests in that reality vs imagination dance the show does so well. It's real if the brain tells you that it's real. AND THIS is where primarily Wilson, but also Cuddy (tho it's a bit different with her because she's more similar to House than she lets on) come in. It's the two of them that represent House's connection to the real world which, most of the time, he isn't too thrilled about. And why is that? Because he cares about them. Which makes him dependent on them and that ultimately makes him dependent on the real world. (the cane symbolizes that dependence as well! so do his team(s) who are essential to his case-solving, but Wilson and Cuddy are more about emotional dependence which is why I'm leaving the other stuff for some other post) And that's why the truth and his cases and solving the puzzle are so freaking important to him. If he HAS to be dependent on the real world, he also has to make it make sense, make it mean something, make life worth it. It is, and I know House would hate me for saying this (precisely for how true it is. me? wilson-blogging? never.), all about hope really. It's all about hope. In whatever cruel, twisted way it presents itself in. (check. this. out.)
Now, let's go back to what Allison says to House in s1: "the world doesn't disappear just because you want it to". Oh wait... isn't that... that's right:
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credit: @ambervolaki
And it's no coincidence that it's Cuddy, one of two valuable connections to the world he hates, that tells him that. And it's no coincidence that later on, House admits that he needs both Wilson and Cuddy. (+ when he first mentions the lyric, he doesn't mention the second part. he doesn't want to think about it or assign any importance to it) Idk man, the whole show circles back to that one line. Rolling Stones my beloved <333333
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