#male cousins <<<<<<<<
alicentsaegon · 3 months
They actually took the BEST male love interest in all of the Bridgerton universe and made him into a woman destroying both his and Francesca's characters and arcs going forward.... Like I'm sorry but the gender roles Michael and Francesca have are integral to their story... The infertility, Michael inheriting all of John's estate and title....and the guilt that comes with it. They even give him John's old clothes to wear
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Madison Cawthorne Republican cocaine orgy pervert. Literal cousin f—ker moved to Florida after losing in the North Carolina Republican primary.
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snowdecahdrn · 2 months
New Hancock headcanon:
He would call a non-binary sole survivor "cousin."
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chibichibisha · 1 year
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Mages and their non mage-friendly love interests 👌
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threepandas · 3 months
Beautiful Monsters: Yandere AfO
(Absolute GOLD STANDARD AfO art by -> blackberreh-art <- )
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He had never stopped to consider his whore of a mother. Not for even an instance. Not to wonder who she had been. Not how she had come to be that way. And CERTAINLY not to wonder if she had, at some point, had siblings of her own. He had fed upon her. Consumed. Then survived where she had not.
But now... now he wonders is perhaps he SHOULD have looked into it. Pondered, perhaps, WHERE his Quirk's genetics came from. Maternal or Paternal line? And did they have siblings? Other offspring?
It was certainly possible with the sperm donor. A man of no doubt loose morals, likely to have sired many. Though... how many SURVIVED the coming purges, is another thing entirely. Especially if they were Quirked.
He ponders this? Because he is staring down at his own distorted, yet magnificent, reflection. Through the surveillance screens, a SUPPOSEDLY unassuming public relations manager is shaking the hand of a low ranking hero. It is the seventh hand shake he's observed.
And that's just this sitting.
Just this meeting.
It is... MAGNIFICENT. Underhanded and brilliant. Predicated on the intense social pressures to maintain decorum, he knew if HE greeted in an Western manner, his victims would be forced to play along. What could they do? REFUSE to take his hand? Look RUDE and unreasonable? Even those few who THINK they know his Quirk, can't act.
It would appear bigoted. Quirkist. They have no PROOF.
All For One can only laugh. He is delighted. What a fumbling, audacious, greedy little scheme! How UTTERLY covetous. A "mute and mimic" quirk, was it? The "ability to 'briefly' copy quirks by 'temporarily muting' someone else's Quirk"? Oh, of COURSE! How completely non-threatening! It's TEMPORARY. Not GONE, just MUTED.
No need to VERIFY any of these facts. Why would a child LIE?
To get MORE? To avoid the hostile eyes of the power fearing SHEEP?
And to go into to PUBLIC RELATIONS! The gall! A brazen little monster in the making. He has to wonder... would HE have done the same? Had the world been as settled as it is now, when he was born? Were there no Quirk riots? No wars? Would HE have been content to "play the system"?
It's like looking through time at his younger self. So cocky. Self assured. A pretty, powerful, little thing that thinks it's the biggest fish in the pond. Hair like his brother, smooth to his curls, yet just as bleached bone white. Smug eyes, that dance with the secrets they keep. A vague smile, that gives away nothing.
Promises nothing.
He wants to RUIN him.
Grab him by that pretty little throat and SLAM him to the ground. Crater it. Hard enough to shatter the bones of lesser men. Wants to feel that pretty little thing CHOKE as he looks up at him with such magnificent disdain. As though HE is the insect that does not know it's place. That DARES touch it's better. Oh~
The poor little thing would have NO IDEA.
The sort of MONSTERS that have been lurking in the dark, ready to eat him ALIVE.
He has good taste, for the resources he has on hand. The budget he has to work with. The boy cleans up well, in his pretty little suits and quaint colognes. Decent cuts. Flattering. But All for One could do BETTER.
He keeps his hair long. A vanity and a means to soften their imposing jawline. Kept so neat and tidy. All of him, so very neat. So immaculately dressed. Clean.
He would RUIN IT.
As he holds him down by the throat. Under that furious gaze. He'd make him WATCH as he ruins the appearance he's oh so proud off. Shows him EXACTLY how different they are in strength. No knives, he thinks. Not even Quirks. At least, not directly, no...
Just his HANDS.
Ripping cloth. Shredding it beneath his fingers. Letting him kick and struggle in the DIRT. Insulted and wrathful. As All for One's hands wander. He wonders~ how FAR would the little monster let him get before he snapped?
He's been chained down for so long. So used to HIDING, can he even bring himself to do it? How far would All for One need to PUSH to get him to abandon his little plans, and FIGHT BACK?
Watching him struggle, FIGHT, throw EVERYTHING he has at him. Seeing the realization spark in his eyes that it's not ENOUGH. That it's hopeless. That beautiful despair. That he's pinned down like a butterfly for All for One to devour. A ruined beauty in his trashed remains of a suit.
The little monster would HATE it. Would RAGE. His lovely little mask of civility would come crumbling apart as he WRITHED beneath him. Trying to rip his throat out with his TEETH. Trying to claw out his EYES with that carefully maintained manicure. And All for One would DELIGHT.
Reveal in it.
Drink it all in, like the fine wine it was.
Because, OH~ What a magnificent MONSTER you've held back, little one~ Hateful and ugly. Just like ME~
All for One could out match him. Strength, experience, Quirks. His empire is sprawling while the boy has none. He COULD be a threat, in time. COULD grow to be an equal. But All for One could never allow THAT! The avaricious little thing would kill him!
He's going to eat the boy ALIVE.
And his little monster will HATE it. DISPISE him. Because he his going to love it. And that? That CAN NOT be forgiven. Not by monsters like them. The defeat, the humiliation, the helplessness. It's unforgivable. But the PLEASURE? For THAT All for One will have to BURN. It can end no other way.
Not after he's held him down. Made him WEAK and filthy. Then found every spot that makes him twitch. Dragged open his mouth so he can not escape the NOISES he makes, as AfO swallows him whole. As quirks are combined to squirm, painlessly, easily, at JUST the right angle too...
He'd make him HOWL. Choke on his begging. Thrash and beg and curse.
Like he was DYING. Like he's begging for death.
You can torture a man with more then just pain, after all.
And he'd wants his little his monster OBSESSED. Wants the memory of his cock to HAUNT him. The feeling of being split open. Filled so gloriously, so PERFECTLY. Over and over again. Endlessly. With stamina beyond human limitations. With strength most humans could never dream off.
Combining sensory quirks and attraction quirks, body modification and lust quirks, into something NO ONE else could possibly hope to give him. Everything so sensitive, so pleasurable, it dances the line of pain. He could fry the pleasure center in your brain again and again, then FIX them, little monster. Could make you see GOD.
No one else would ever be able to give him that. The touch of his own hands would forever be ruined for him. Not enough. Never enough. Not after HIM.
And that's why his little monster would have to try and kill him. Would try and hunt him. Obsess. Chase. Rage. But oh, he'd fall in line, in the end. Because he'd LOSE. His cravings crippling him. His NEED to submit.
All for One watchs the security monitors. Lazily palming himself. He wonders... should he keep his little pet by his side? Or tucked away, chained safely to his bed? He supposes it would depend on his mood.
Leaning back, he let's a solid shadow quirk slide over his skin, servicing him. His eyes never stray from the screen. It's twenty-eight handshakes now. Quite the collection he must have. His little monster glances up at the camera and for a moment... it is as though their eyes have met.
Such MAGNIFICENT crimson.
He spills into the greedy, sucking, vice of the shadow he created. Then vanishes the mess. Decadent and relaxed, he orders his spies to gather more information. It's been entirely too long since he's last left the base. Not since killing Shimura. And with her idiot successor off doing... SOMETHING, in America? He has time.
Or at least, time ENOUGH, for a bit of monster hunting~
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disneysooner · 1 year
Similarities between two of the sweetest, kindest, beautiful inside-and-out women of anime: Miyo Saimori and Tohru Honda
1. Both come from a family that looks down on them and treats the poorly.
For Miyo, the cruel members are her step-sister, step-mother, and even her father.
For Tohru, it’s her aunt and her cousins. Grandpa is the kindest of all of them.
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2. Despite that, they had mothers who loved them very much. Unfortunately, these mothers died fairly early in their child’s life.
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3. With that loss, they had a special item that played a large role in the remembrance of their mothers.
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4. Due to unforeseen circumstances, they both wind up living in a house that belongs to a stranger.
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5. Both have a personality that tends to win the hearts of all they come across, especially of the family they have become a part of.
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6. These ladies are both amazing cooks, and are happy to make meals for their new “families”. It’s one of their many ways they help out around the house.
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7. Both end up falling in love with a man that can be considered cold, distant, and stubborn at first. You get to know them, and they are the absolute gentleman who truly loves and cares for their woman. They will do whatever it takes to protect her.
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possession-swapbody · 11 months
Todo queda en familia
Saben tengo un secreto muy especial que nunca le he contado a nadie, ni a mi propia familia, cuando era adolescente encontre algo inusual, un libro con un montón de echizos y encantamientos, aunque no los probé, hasta entrar a la universidad, saben estudiar arquitectura era extremadamente cansado, así que un día que recordé el libro decidí usar un e hizo para ayudarme, vi al nerd de la clase y recite un encantamiento, 5 minutos después lo tenía haciendo mis tareas, claro habían muchos echizos pero solo logro me llamola atención, un echizo que podía darme el control del cuerpo de alguien más, pero había un problema, yo y esa persona teníamos que estar desnudos, debido a eso no había tenido oportunidad de probar el echizo hasta hace 5 días, mi primo estaba cumpliendo años así que hizo fiesta, como se había echo tarde me dejo quedarme en su casa.
Yo me estaba hospedado en su sala ya que su casa solo tenía 2 cuartos y el otro lo había echo su cuarto de estudio ya que el era foráneo pero no quiso quedarse con nadie de la familia. A mitad de la noche me desperté ya que escuchaba un ruido de rsguños provenir de su cuarto, me levante a ver que era y era simplemente un gato arañando la ventana del cuarto de primo, se que no devi ver pero mi primo estaba acostado desnudo, no sabia que el dormía desnudo y cuando había visitas, pero viendo que el destino me dio una oportunidad perfecta no la iba a desperdiciar.
Abrí completamente la puesta con cuidado de no hacer ruido, me acerqué a su cama mientras pronunciaba el echizo de la manera más silenciosa posible, pero cuando estaba a punto de terminar el se volteo boca arriba así que rápido me escondí a los pies de su cama pero no se despertó pues siguió durmiendo.
Sali de mi escondite improvisado y me subí arriba de el quedando mi rostro a pocos sentimientos del suyo, sentía sus lentas respiraciones, y a la vez yo sentía como mi cuerpo comenzaba a frufir los efectos del echizo, pues un hormigueo recorría mi espalda, entonces procedí a terminar el echizo, comencé poniendo mis pies sobre los suyos y lentamente se estaban undiéndo, luego mis rodillas y después senti como mi pene se estaba poniendo do duro al tocar el de el, su cuerpo tenía la misma reaccion y entonces sus ojos se abrieron pero tenía una mirada de que no comprendía lo que pasaba, así que me di prisa y aventé el resto de mi ser sobre el suyo hasta que todo mi cuerpo desapareció dentro de él, sentía como tomaba control poco a poco de cada uno de sus músculos, como poco a poco sentía la sensación d la sabada bajo la espalda pero también sentía como mi primo se resistía un poco.
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Me tomo unos cuantos segundos tomar completo control de el, me levante y me mire en el espejo era increíble lo que veía, yo haora era Fernando, toque su cara y luego su pecho, entonces vi como estaba duro, estar en su cuerpo me exitaba, era tan extraño ser más alto, tocar su pecho y sentía como mi nuevo cuerpo rogaba que lo vadiara, así que tome mi nueva polla y comencé a bombear, la sensación era tal que solté un gran gemido de placer, sentía como poco a poco su cuerpo pedía más, así que bombear más rápido con ambas manos, hasta que sentía como un temblor recorríahasta su espalda, haciendo que me saqueada y con una mano seguía bombeando, mientras que con la otra comenzaba a masajes su pecho, ese fue el detonante que hizo que toda su semilla saliera disparada por todo mi pecho y mi cara, lo probé y luego lo frote por mi abdomen, en eso sentía como si su conciencia quisiera salir un poco, así que rápidamente me decidí a salir de él, me acosté boca abajo y pronuncie el e hizo para abandonar su cuerpo, salí disparado hacia el piso y corrí a la sala donde me vestí y luego espere a que se escuchara un ruido proveniente de el, entonces me dirigí a fuera de su cuarto y fingí que en realidad iba al baño que quedaba despues de su cuarto y que como su puerta estaba abierta lo vi por accidente, pero, solo quería ver como reaccionaba a encontrar su cuerpo así, el se sonrojo de la vergüenza que yo lo viera así, ya que no parecía recordar nada más que el masturbandose, me rogó que olvidara lo que vi, claro no sabe que yo cause que el este así, por lo que solo le dije que no se preocupara pués todo queda en familia.
Hola, les comparto este borrador que tenia guardado ya hace tiempo, debido a ciertos asuntos los cuales me dejan sin tiempoo libre quizá no publique historias seguido, pero trataré de traerles historias más seguido
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Rick leaned so hard into the incest for the first few books. There’s so many of these scattered throughout the books, causally mentioning that all of the campers share facial features and the traits their godly parents like the most. Not to mention calling each other by familial names (cousin, sister, uncle, etc…).
He should have just leaned into it instead of trying to retcon it and then retconning his retcon in the same paragraph.
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“But the thing is, the godly side of your family doesn’t count, genetically speaking, since gods don’t have DNA.”
Well, that’s not what the other four books say but alright. We can pretend that this is what Rick meant all along. Problem solved. oh wait, there’s more…
“A demigod would never think about dating someone who had the same godly parent. Like two kids from Athena cabin? No way.”
But they’re not related. You just said they aren’t related. Most of the campers are also only there for summer, so they aren’t “like siblings” or “raised together as siblings” and they aren’t adopted. Why wouldn’t they date if they wanted to?
“But a daughter of Aphrodite and a son of Hephaestus? They’re not related. So it’s no problem.”
Yes, we know they aren’t related because gods don’t have DNA and because they aren’t “like siblings” or “raised together as siblings” or adopted. Kind of like how Annabeth and Malcolm aren’t related, aren’t like siblings, weren’t raised together as siblings, and aren’t adopted. So there’s no problem with Annabeth and Malcolm dating.
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limelocked · 4 months
Guy who gets isekaied into an omegaverse world, it’s not even sexy
It’s a slice of life that opens every story with some form of “living in the background of some smut novel/an omegaverse reality/a BL book that swung too close to the sun is always [adjective related to the story at hand]” then he would continue with the weird shit that’s treated entirely normal like finding himself in the red light district and having to learn about secondary gender specific kink gear or he finds a Main Character TM having pheromone problems while shopping and has to debate if they have a partner and if helping here will be detrimental to future safety or run into a group of alpha teens that look like delinquents but they’re actually all just on edge and need very much to patrol this area around their one sick friend
This guy has the full suburban family and one of his uncles kids were just found out to be a secondary sex impossible for the parents to produce so there’s Drama and Gossip flying everywhere
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storge · 10 months
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Love Me, Love My Voice (2023) 1.12
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yanaleese · 2 months
Hello there! :D, Karma, would you be willing for me to caress your hair? It looks really cool and fluffy!
And please, tell us a little more about dark karma, even if it's a small one-shot or a headcanon or a drawing! (Dark karma's design is really great)
-🎀 Coquette Anon
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Well...I'll try and do my best since I haven't gotten so deep into Dark Karma's story! Please note it's still in the works so I apologize for any mistakes here.
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Translation: "What a mess..."
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Translation: "Target [is] silenced."
SO as you may know from the previous post, this Karma had a lot of emotional baggage. However, he had his good moments such as meeting José and a servant girl named ██████ . He also strengthened his ties with his cousins named Jakuzure and Mugen. He also spent a lot of his time partnering up with brothers (especially with Kallisto), as the family needed a Plan B. So, Kallisto became super clingy and reliable pretty quickly.
In terms of romantic relationships, Karma was a no-go due to his status. He also didn't want another engagement since the relationship left a bad taste in his mouth. So, he was a loner similar to his T'Abuelo.
The difference between those two though, was that:
(1) T'Abuelo was an illegitimate ruler due to being an in-law. His wife was actually supposed to be the head (but she died earlier on). Additionally, this does not explain why his daughter did not take his place, causing serious controversy amongst half-bloods and pure-bloods.
(2) T'Abuelo ruled like an iron fist, whereas Karma ruled the system in a more balanced, collected manner. So where T'Abuelo was hot-headed, Karma remained incredibly calm.
(3) T'Abuelo caused chaos towards pure-bloods and family feuds outside of the immediate family. This made the Sangres infamous, and hated by many. So by Karma succeeding the throne, he brought peace and compromise to both sides.
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ganymedia-guys · 7 months
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Him: “You think we can pass for twins?“
Other him: “we can always say we’re cousins…“
Him: “what do we tell them about the moans and groans and screaming they hear in the middle of the night?“
Other him: “just chill man, I always think of something.“
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hachiibun · 1 year
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Pool time with August and Gen 🏊🏾 ft. @sneezytomatosquish's Tuesday and @sailormoon-snz's Zion watching over them
You know I had to have August say something about his Kuya Gen taking his month. Also that whole sneezing-because-of-pool-chlorine thing August has? Yeah, he shares that with Gen along with the tendency to stifle to avoid sneezing on whatever's in front of them — because god knows neither of them are subtle nor really quiet (Gen can but August can't be even if he tried) about it.
And if you even imply that either of them sneezed on something when they stifle... they can get defensive 😂
August has to deal with the chlorine reaction more often because of his job, while on the flip side Gen has a lot more allergies/sensitivities 😁
If you like my drawings, and are willing and able to do so, please consider pledging to my Patreon or donating through ko-fi ☕! You're not obliged to, but every bit helps to keep me living decently and I really do appreciate it!
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blackypanther9 · 1 year
Uncle x Papa – Nephew!Kid!Lloyd x Adopted Son!Morro x Father!Uncle!Male!Reader (Ninjago)
Part 3
WARNING!: Mention of rape, kidnapping and murder, mention of abandonment, mention of close to death encounter, Angered Morro AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!
“Morro is still around ?! I thought...after all these years of him not returning...he died.”, Wu muttered.
“No he is alive.”
“Describe him to me.”
“Black hair with a green strand in it, forest green eyes, wears gray and green clothes, has some weird symbol on his clothes, like we have on ours, spiked eyebrows on the ends.”, Cole described.
“That...that is him...”, Wu muttered.
“And M/n ?”, Zane pressed.
“He...was my Brother. Garmadon’s and my Brother. After a few events, he moved out and I never knew where he went.”, he answered.
Kai covered Jay’s mouth and shook his head. He didn’t want them to tell Wu that Lloyd was with them.
“My sister has a date with Morro.”, Kai informed.
Wu looked at him in surprise.
“She does ? Who made the first move ?”,  he asked.
“Morro did.”, Zane answered.
He looked even more shocked.
“That is impossible. He would NEVER have time for such things. He was always way too busy to prove me wrong... Did he change ?”, Wu was in deep thoughts.
So what Morro said was true. Wu did know them and the proving part seemed to be right too. Kai was ready to stalk his Sister tomorrow.
-The next day after Lunch-
M/n gave Morro a small basket for a picnic and told them both to be careful in the woods. Then they left and they found Nya. Morro landed behind her and Lloyd got down.
“Hello, Nya.”, Morro greeted.
She turned around and smiled.
“Hello, Morro and Lloyd.”, she replied.
Nya was dressed up in nice clothes, but not too nice, in case she gets dirty. Morro and Lloyd just the same.
“You look charming, Nya.”, Morro complimented.
“Thank you, you look nice as well.”, she replied.
Lloyd looked at Nya in awe, but shook his head and stuck his tongue out, looking away.
“Eww, girls...”, Lloyd muttered.
Morro lightly smacked the back of Lloyd’s head.
“Hey !”, he protested.
Morro smirked.
“You are such a terrible Cousin. Not even trying to be happy for your Cousin.”, Morro said dramatically.
Lloyd hugged him tightly.
“She is stealing the attention away from me. You are supposed to pay attention to me, Bubba.”, Lloyd said.
Morro looked at Lloyd in shock.
“Bubba ?”, he asked.
“I see you more like a Brother....is that wrong ?”, he asked.
Morro thought about it and then shook his head.
“No, no it isn’t. You just caught me off guard, little Buddy.”
“Okay.”, he said and snuggled deeper into Morro’s side.
He looked at Nya.
“Shall we get going ? I know a perfect spot to watch the sunset.”, Morro suggested.
“Sure. Do you want me to carry the basket ?”, she asked.
Morro looked at Lloyd and sighed.
“I guess I have to ask that of you, so this bundle of attention, will get soaked in enough of it for later.”, Morro said jokingly.
Lloyd smiled and hugged him tighter. She took the basket and Morro picked Lloyd up, who wrapped his tiny arms around Morro’s neck and hid his face in Morro’s chest.
“He seems to like you a lot.”, Nya stated.
“He does. He liked me since I can remember.”, Morro explained.
“And when was that ?”, she asked.
“Oh, when Lloyd was a Baby still. Garmadon needed a break sometimes and I took care of Lloyd then. I fed him, I changed his nappies, I played with him, I spent time with him. Yes, it sounds like much, but really, his Dad worked himself to the bone for him. He passed out from exhaustion, because he barely slept. It got to a point that whenever he saw me or Garmadon entering he was giggling happily and just wanted attention.”, Morro explained, having a sparkle in his eyes when he recalled the memories.
Nya found the sparkle pretty.
“Enough about me though. What about you ? Tell me how you are related to such a Meanie.”, Morro started.
“I don’t know sometimes, myself. Kai has been like this, since we lost our parents. We were still kids when they left and never came back. We still have Father’s blacksmith and a picture of them. Since then, Kai has been overprotective of me, because I was the younger sibling and I am a female.”, she explained a bit annoyed.
Morro smiled.
“He is only looking out for you. He wasn’t THAT wrong, Nya. There are people that would use your body for their own pleasures. Females, no matter if they can fight or not, are the most endangered of getting kidnapped and disgraced. He is not that wrong to look out for you.”, Morro stated softly.
“How do you know ?”, she asked.
Morro frowned and looked at Lloyd, who seemed to be asleep.
“I saw such things happen when I was a child. I grew up on the streets, until Wu found me. Well, he caught me going through his trash to find something to eat. He gave me fresh food instead and took me under his wing. But...it doesn’t fix the damage that I have gotten on the streets. I heard the screaming, the begging for mercy. I heard how men cussed out homeless women and continued to use them... I saw some men ambushing women that could fight, how they dragged them into dark alleyways and did it... I couldn’t do anything back then. I was a small kid, that couldn’t even fight or speak properly....”, he said saddened.
Nya stared at Morro in shock as she heard that.
“Wait, if Wu took you in, why do you hate him so much ?”, she asked.
Morro’s eyes darkened and he frowned deeply.
“I admit that he took me in, fed me, kept me around, cared for me and trained me. But...he did a big mistake and it damaged me for years. Did he tell you about the Prophecy ?”, Morro asked.
“The Green ninja thing ? Yeah, the others are fighting of who it will be of them. Sensei forgot to take the scroll out of the pocket, on Kai’s Dragon. It fell out and they fight since then.”, she said annoyed.
Morro nodded.
“That is what he made me believe in.”, he told her lowly.
“What ?”
“I found out that I could do an impressive thing. Wu instantly jumped to the conclusion that I am the Green Ninja. He trained me for it, I broke my limbs for it, I didn’t stop working hard for it...I never wanted to disappoint him. As a homeless, weak child, it meant the world to me. I wanted to be it, so no one can hurt anyone anymore. I didn’t even notice how I slipped from being kind and helpful, to aggressive and angry. Wu never told me, so I would notice, he just told me to stop training, which fueled my anger just more. Then at some point, we tried to determine if I was the Chosen One, but the Golden Weapons didn’t react. I wasn’t ready to give up as fast as Wu did. I insisted on trying more, but he denied me over and over. He talked into my head that I was the Green Ninja and suddenly he said that I wasn’t. After a while I left the Monastery and was trying to prove him wrong. I went on a hunt for something that could have killed me. Garmadon and M/n looked for me, while Wu never did, nor did he try to stop me from leaving. They saved me just in time, before I could have most possibly burned to death. Since then, I stayed with them. He hates M/n and blamed him for his wrongs with me, he banished Garmadon, he never visited Lloyd...Do I have to add anything else ?”, Morro asked, unusually calm.
Nya stared at Morro in absolute shock. Then she looked down, feeling guilty.
“I...I’m sorry that I asked... I ruined the good mood, didn’t I ?”, she asked softly.
Morro looked at her, eyes wide.
“No, no, you didn’t. Honestly, yes I still get cold when I think about it, but you can be lucky that I am not as aggressive anymore about it. The first two years, I was a ball of anger and rage. I destroyed my room a lot and almost tore down our house, just thinking about it. Papa helped me to recover. He helped me to get my anger under control. I don’t get angered easily anymore.”
“Almost tore the house down ?”, Nya asked concerned.
Morro looked at her and then smiled.
“Your friends didn’t figure it out ?”, he asked.
“Figure out what ?”, she asked.
Morro came close to her ear and whispered.
“I am the Elemental Master of Wind.”
Then he pulled back and she looked at him in shock.
“No way !”, she said.
“I could make us both fly, but I am unsure how you would react and the forest is a bad spot to do that too. Lloyd and I fly a lot, our home is pretty far away from Ninjago itself.”
She looked at Morro in awe.
“Maybe next time we meet up, you could chose a spot to show me ?”, she asked.
He gave her a small smile.
With that they continued walking, telling a few jokes and past childhood events, making each other laugh. Nya liked Morro’s laugh.
“No way !”, she laughed out.
“Oh yes.”, Morro chuckled out.
“You really did that ?”
“Papa always understood a little joke, other than Wu. Me kicking him in the ass was just meant in good fun and M/n understood that. He chased my ass for hours to repay the kindness to me.”, Morro chuckled out.
Nya laughed.
“M/n sounds like a fun person.”, she said after they calmed down.
“Papa is a very calm, collected and funny person, besides you make him mad.”
“Did you ever make him mad ?”
“A few times. I hate his anger directed at me, it scares me. He was always angry when I was mean to someone as I was so obsessed to become the Green Ninja. He was pissed when I refused to sleep and trained instead, he was angry when he saved my ass from my Death Trap and since then he forbid me to talk about the Chosen One ever again. I only told you, so you know why I don’t like Wu anymore. Lloyd is not allowed to know about the Green Ninja thing, otherwise he could turn out like I did...”
She looked at him with understanding.
“Like the other four fight each other right now.”, she said saddened.
Morro shrugged his shoulders.
“As long as they argue about it and fight each other, none of them is going to be worthy. Maybe none of them ever will be. I mean, who has a brain, can already guess who could be the Chosen One and it ain’t me.”
“What do you mean ?”, Nya asked.
Morro looked at her conflicted and the shook his head.
“Another time. I don’t want Wu to know. He...he will then suddenly act like he cares.”, Morro muttered out.
Nya looked at Morro in worry. He really doesn’t want anything to do with Sensei Wu. They continued to walk and soon enough they arrived at a big tree.
“If we climb this one, we will see the sun going under. Do you want to take a break first and eat something ? I brought some food and drinks in the basket.”, Morro offered.
“Sure.”, she said with a smile.
Morro woke up Lloyd and he looked at him with bleary eyes.
“Hum...?”, Lloyd asked.
“Food ? I bet Papa packed some sweets for you.”, Morro said.
Lloyd woke up at that and Morro put him down chuckling. He took the basket from Nya and took out the blanket that his Papa put inside. Lloyd helped him to put it properly on the ground, then everyone sat down and Morro pulled out some packed up cupcakes, that his Dad, Lloyd and him made together yesterday.
“Apple cupcakes. I hope you are not allergic to them, Nya.”
“No, no. I am only allergic to perfume.”, Nya said.
“Got it then, no perfume, only deo.”, Morro replied, noting down to never use perfume near Nya.
She smiled and took the one Morro handed to her, then he looked around and found a lollipop for Lloyd, he gave it to Lloyd.
“I want a cupcake too.”, he told Morro after he took the candy.
Morro reached back into the basket and gave Lloyd one, who eagerly took a bite and hummed.
“You can’t even wait for me to have one too...”, Morro pouted.
Lloyd looked at Morro with big eyes and swallowed.
“Oh, sorry ! I just got so excited to taste one.”, Lloyd apologized.
“It’s fine, Lloyd.”
Morro then took one out too and together they ate them. Nya had to admit, she liked them.
“Who made them ? They are awesome.”, she asked.
“We all made them. Papa, Lloyd and me. Papa cut the apples and put them in the oven, Lloyd and I peeled the apples and washed them, then we made the batter.”, Morro answered.
Lloyd nodded at that eagerly.
“My Uncle is the best ! He is almost like Dad ! I might not remember much of him...due to how young I was when I lost him..., but I remember how he always made me and Morro some delicious food, when M/n was away ! His chicken recipes were the best !”, Lloyd said.
Morro nodded his head.
“That is right. Uncle Garmadon’s chicken thighs were the best food. The meat was always well done, the skin was seasoned well and very crispy too and the sauce he made for the chicken meat was also great. My favorite dish he made.”
“The chicken and rice dish was delicious too ! With the yellow sauce, you remember, Bubba ?”
“Ah, yes. The chicken curry with rice dish. Uncle Garmadon left out the Pineapples, because I am allergic to them and Lloyd doesn’t like them anyways.”
“You are allergic to Pineapples ?”
Morro nodded.
“My airways close up when I eat Pineapple and I need a vaccination to make it stop. Papa has some in case of emergencies.”
“Huh... Alright, so when I ever cook, no Pineapples.”
Morro chuckled and nodded. Lloyd looked at Morro.
“Bubba ? Am I allergic to something ?”, Lloyd asked.
“I hope not. Your Father has no allergies as much as I know. I don’t know about your Mother though, Lloyd.”, Morro replied.
Lloyd looked away.
“I don’t have a Mother, Bubba. You KNOW that.”
Nya looked at Lloyd with big eyes, then at Morro.
“Fine, then the person that carried you around and birthed you.”, Morro corrected himself.
With that Lloyd got up and looked around, leaving Morro and Nya alone.
“He doesn’t have a Mother ?”, she asked.
“She left Garmadon and him as Lloyd was still just a Baby. She never showed her face, so Lloyd started to say that he doesn’t have a Mother. Whoever his Mom was, Lloyd pretty much disowned her as his Mother.”, Morro explained.
“Oh... I am so sorry for asking.”
“It’s fine. You didn’t know.”, he said.
-Time skip-
After they ate and climbed the tree, they were already about to witness the sunset. Nya couldn’t lie, it was beautiful from up on the tree. Morro gave her a kind smile and they continued to watch it.
After the sunset was over, Morro walked Nya home, left Lloyd at the beginning of the many stairs up, brought Nya up all the stairs to the Monastery and froze as he saw that Wu was waiting for her. Wu stared at him and Morro stared back. Nya was surprised that Sensei Wu stood there and worried for Morro’s reaction.
“It really is you, Morro.”, Wu then got out.
Nya could hear a bit of emotion coming from him. Happiness and sadness. Probably because Morro didn’t come back to him. Morro glared at him and clenched his hands into fists.
“Don’t pretend like you suddenly care, Wu. I hate pretenders.”, Morro growled out.
Nya looked at Morro in worry. She never heard that darkness in his tone before.
“What do you mean, Morro ? I left the doors open for you to come back. I...I thought I lost you for good.”
“You did. I am surprised you left the doors open. You knew how thick skulled I was. You should have stopped me or at least came looking for me. Funny that Garmadon and M/n did that, but not YOU. The person, who claimed to care about me, oh so much. Don’t fucking lie to me.”
Wu looked away in guilt.
“I’m sorry I let you down, Morro.”
“You are only sorry for letting me down, by not looking for me ?”, Morro asked harshly.
The other Ninja appeared and Kai jumped over the wall, without anyone noticing and let it seem like he just left the house, trying to find out what this rocus was about.
Wu looked at Morro, confused.
“Y...Yes ?”
Nya and Kai knew that was the wrong answer for Morro. The other Ninja saw her and Morro suddenly and they saw how angry Morro was with Wu.
“How about you are sorry for corrupting me ?! How about you are sorry, for fucking up my unstable psychological state ?! How about you are sorry for almost letting me DIE ?! How about you are sorry for making me believe in LIES for YEARS ?! How about you are sorry for BLAMING MY PAPA for YOUR own mistakes ?!”, Morro yelled at him angered.
Each question that Morro asked outraged, he seemed to get more pissed off and Nya was worried. He said he had anger issues before, but now under control. But Sensei Wu seemed to be a trigger.
The Ninja visibly shrunk into each other, while Wu backed away from Morro slightly, who came closer with every question.
“How did I corrupt you ? What lies did I make you believe in ?”, Wu asked in disbelief.
“You never said that I COULD be the Green Ninja ! That there is a slight CHANCE I COULD be. You always said that I AM and that I WILL be ! It destroyed my psychological state ! You made me believe that I AM the Green Ninja and not that I COULD be ! That is a difference, WU ! You made me believe that you LOVED me as your own kid, for all the things you did with and for me ! You told me you cared about me like I was YOUR Son ! But as soon as I lost sight of what was important, you let me leave and walk right into my own DEATH ! WHAT A FATHER ARE YOU ?! YOU ABANDONED ME IN A TIME OF NEED !”, Morro yelled into Wu’s face, tears of anger and betrayal running down his face.
The Ninja’s eyes widened in shock and they stared at Wu, who was just as shocked. Morro wiped his tears and scoffed, looking at Wu with disgust.
“What does it matter, you don’t care anyways.”, he said, coldly.
“SHUT UP ! I don’t want to hear your half assed excuses !”, Morro yelled back.
“Morro ?”, Nya asked softly.
He turned to her. She could see all the emotions swarming in his eyes. She slowly approached him and pulled him into a hug. Morro stiffened up for a slight bit, then hugged back, tightly.
“Sorry, if I scared you, Nya.”, Morro apologized.
“It’s okay. I understand...”, she replied.
“I soured the evening...”, Morro said with slight sadness.
“It’s fine. We both didn’t know that Sensei Wu would be here. Thank you for walking me home.”, she said softly.
“No problem. Do you want to meet up tomorrow again ? I know a place. We could meet in Jamanakai.”, Morro offered softly.
“Sure. What time ?”
“One PM ?”
“Okay. I will be there.”, she replied.
Morro smiled and kissed her cheek quickly. She froze and blushed.
“I’ll see you then.”
“Morro, stay please.”, Wu said softly.
He turned around to his former Sensei.
“Never. I live with Papa. He would be worried sick and I do NOT like you all that much anymore.”, Morro pointed out.
Nya pulled Morro into a hug, his back to her front.
“Your Dad is probably worried sick right now. You should get going. No need to get into any trouble with him, right Morro ?”, Nya asked.
He knew what she was trying. She wanted him to leave before they both escalate into a fight and M/n would be mad at Morro, while Lloyd would be scared. Nya was smart to act like this. He pecked her cheek again.
“Okay, I will leave. Until tomorrow, Dollface.”, Morro said and then left.
Nya blushed brightly at that pet name. As soon as Morro was out of sight, he used the Wind and flew down the rest of the stairs. Lloyd waited there, with his flashlight.
“Let’s go home, shall we ?”, Morro asked.
Lloyd looked at him and nodded. Morro picked him up and then they both froze.
“Morro ! Come back, please !”, Wu called.
They saw him running down the stairs. Morro cursed and put Lloyd down.
“Hide in the dark, no flashlight. He can’t see you, Lloyd.”
He nodded and did as Morro told. Then Wu was in front of him. Morro glared.
“What part of NEVER did you not hear ?”, Morro asked.
“I want to make it up to you. Your Father can move in too.”, Wu offered.
“He won’t want to. Why would he come back to you ? After everything you did to him ?”, Morro asked darkly.
“I figured that M/n, my Brother, is your Father now, but please. I really want to make it up to you.”
“How can you make something up to me ? I can’t even look at you, without getting angered. Just because I can control my anger better, doesn’t that mean that, I am not very close to punch you.”
Wu stared at him in shock.
“You have your little Noobs to take care of. So leave me alone.”, Morro stated coldly.
Morro turned his back to Wu and took a few steps away from him.
“Do you want me, to beg you, to forgive me ?”, Wu asked sullenly.
Morro froze up at that and turned around, caught off guard.
“What ? No ! I just don’t want to be near YOU ! How can I be near you, if I just want to beat the living shit out of you ?! Wu, YOU broke my trust in you ! YOU left me, I just did the final step for you ! You left me, BEFORE I even left the Monastery ! Trust was hard to built up, but it is easily shattered. You shattered my trust in you. I am pissed off with you, for everything you did and continue to do. Thanks to you, Lloyd won’t have a Mother nor a Father now. M/n told me everything about Lloyd. Garmadon went to him after his wife left him with Lloyd, as a Baby. Where have YOU been ? Why did Garmadon search for Papa, if he had YOU ? You weren’t all THAT trustworthy, huh ? Your OWN BROTHER didn’t TRUST you. That says something, don’t you think ?”, Morro pressed.
Wu looked down in sadness.
“Is Lloyd with you two ?”, he asked.
“No, he is not. Garmadon sent him off somewhere. We have no idea where he is, nor can we ask Garmadon. And guess who’s fault that is AGAIN. YOURS. We saw you two fighting. We saw how you let him fall. If Lloyd ever finds out about this, he will be very much against you. I think that is your special talent, you MAKE the VILLANS and Papa CLEANS your shit up.”
Wu looked at Morro as he said that. Morro triggered Wu’s own anger.
“M/n is a good for nothing Brother ! He left us ! He didn’t help in the wars we had ! You know NOTHING, Morro !”, he yelled angered.
Lloyd stared at Wu in fright and anger. His Uncle, M/n, was NOT useless !
The Wind whipped around behind Morro. He was losing control this time and Lloyd grabbed onto something already, lying on the ground too, like Morro taught him, in emergency cases like this.
Wu shut up at that and his eyes widened, anger gone.
“I...I said that...?”, Wu asked in shock.
Morro was too angry to calm down.
Nya was now there too, like the others. She stared at the Wind behind Morro, that seemed to be raging. Then she stared at Morro and reached him without problems. Wu did trigger Morro’s dangerous side.
She made him focus on her and her only.
“Morro, look at me. Hey ! Eyes up here.”, she coached him.
He snapped his eyes at her face, rage evident in them.
“Calm down. I know it’s easier said than done, but you are losing control. Snap out of it.”, she said softly.
Morro stared at her, but his eyes showed shock. He seemed to realize it, thanks to her.
“Take deep breaths and calm down slowly.”, she instructed.
Morro did exactly that and soon was as calm as a cat again. He hugged Nya tightly.
“Thank you...”, he whispered.
She hugged him back.
“No problem. Grab Lloyd and go.”, she said softly.
Morro nodded, glared at Wu, pecked Nya’s cheek again and then ran into the darkness. He snatched Lloyd and then flew away in the darkness.
“Morro ! WAIT !”, Wu yelled, trying to stop him from leaving.
Nya blocked Wu’s way and shook her head.
“Enough, Sensei. You made him angry enough for tonight.”, she said and then glared at the four Ninja.
“WHO snitched on me and Morro having a date on the Sensei ?!”, she asked pissed off.
“It was Kai ! He snitched !”, Cole and Jay quickly answered.
Kai looked at them with betrayal. Zane only nodded as they gave Kai out. She glared at her Brother.
“Look, Kai, I know you are only looking out for me and try to protect me, but I do not tolerate you snitching on me. Morro is a very nice guy, even though he has his own imperfections. He is save as long as people like Sensei Wu don’t piss him off. So please stop from trying to make Morro hate me.”, she said.
Kai looked at Nya in guilt.
“I know now that he is a nice fella...”, he said softly.
Everyone looked at him in confusion.
“Kai...what did you do ?”, Nya asked.
“I...I followed you and Morro around....I just wanted to make sure that he won’t hurt you. I heard everything you talked about and saw everything too. I’m sorry...”, Kai said softly.
Nya looked at him with disbelief, while the others just stared at him gob smacked. Nya took a deep breath and then approached her Brother, slapped him hard in the face and then pulled him into a hug.
“I love you too, Brother. But seriously now, stop stalking us.”, she said softly.
Kai nodded and hugged her back.
“He is dangerous. I don’t think he is interested in you, Nya. That is not Morro’s thing.”, Wu warned.
She looked at him with a slight glare.
“How long has it been that you saw him, Sensei ?”, she snapped.
He looked nervously around.
“Uhm...Almost eight years...”, he admitted.
“In eight years a lot can change.”, she sassed.
“But not Morro. You don’t understand. He is very obsessed with proving me wrong of something that he isn’t.”
“He gave up on it. He told me that, into my face. Get your info refreshed.”, Nya countered.
Kai nodded.
“She is right. He said that he gave up on it. He doesn’t care anymore.”, Kai said.
Wu looked at them.
“That is so...unlike him...”
Nya shook her head.
“For you maybe, but honestly ? I bet M/n and Garmadon had to give him therapy to get back on track. He was anger issued, was believing lies you told him, became obsessed with something you made him believe in and had a close to death experience, he barely escaped from. This calls, for therapy, to me, honestly.”
With that she left and went back up the stairs into the Monastery, with the other Ninja following. Wu stayed there rooted in place and looked at the ground.
‘Did M/n really fix, what I might have broke, inside Morro ? Am I really...that blind and bad ?’
To be continued...
Masterlist HERE !
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possession-swapbody · 10 months
Todo queda en Familia parte 2
Ya han pasado varias semanas desde que estuve en el cuerpo de Fernando por primera vez, luego de eso lo había tomado 3 veces, esas habían sido las mejores experiencias de mi vida, pero, a mi parecer muy cortas ya que decía dejarlo en cuestión de minutos o horas.
Quería repetirlo pero no sabia como lograr que se repitiera la ocasión, hasta que se me ocurrió hacer un viaje, saben desde hace dos semanas mi primo quería ir a visitar el rancho de la familia pero nadie había querido ir porque no tenían tiempo, pero ya que estoy de vacaciones aprovecharía la ocasión, invite a mi primo y acepto de inmediato, seria un viaje de 1 semana, para mi fortuna nadie más quiso ir, sorprendentemente conveniente si me lo preguntas a mi.
El día que nos fuimos mi primo estaba muy emocionado por salir a escalar montañas y dar paseos por la pradera, yo por otro lado estaba emocionado por poder tener su cuerpo, llegamos a la casa de campo y el se instalo en el segundo piso y yo en el primero, deje los primeros días pasar no quería que mi primo sospechara que algo estaba mal, fue hasta el cuarto día que decidí hacer mi jugada, me concentrará y pasaría no una o 2 horas en el sino que estaría todo un día, claro tendría que tener una buena excusa, así que me decidí a emborracharlo, prácticamente armamos una peda improvisada, después de todo era la excusa perfecta un sueño largo por culpa del alcohol, mientras el tomaba, yo solo tome lo mínimo y lo engañe tomando latas que anteriormente llene de agua.
Luego de que lo embriague, se fue a dormir, estaba dormido completamente desnudo en su habitación, entonces yo entré y tras asegurarme de que estuviera completamente dormido, me desnude y a su vez estaba leyendo el hechizo, después dejé el libro en una repisa junto a su cama, pues mi cuerpo comenzaba a sufrir los efectos, entonces me acosté encima de del y deje que mi cuerpo se fundieron e el suyo, así poco a poco fui desapareciendo, no sin antes dar un último vistazo a la cara que pronto sería mía.
Al retomar la conciencia estaba claramente borracho, no fue buena idea embragarlo tanto, pero eso no impidió comenzar mi propósito, no se si fue el alcohol o mis hormonas pero la sensación era increíble, su cuerpo me pedía más y más, así que bombeaba su polla, a la par que masajeaba sus bolas, un hormigueo me recorrió desde las piernas y comencé a soltar su semilla por todo mi pecho, pero seguí adelante, cuando termine vi que tenía un gran desastre que limpiar, pero mi estado no me lo permitía el cuerpo embriagado cedió y me dormí.
A la mañana siguiente limpie, cambie su cama y tome un relajante baño, no puse ropa en fin estaba solo, fui a almorzar y mientras veía por la ventana tomándome una taza de café solo podía pensar en porque le gustará tanto a mi primo salir al campo, así que decidí probar a hacer una caminata en su cuerpo, me vestí y salí, sentir el aire fresco pero ahora en este nuevo cuerpo me excitaba, me pasee hacia una colina cercana y cuando llegué a lo más alto vi una cerca, esta cerca nos dividía de una pendiente, que aunque chica, si alguien caía seguro salía herido, me senté y comencé a relajarme, deje mis piernas colgando mientras mi cuerpo se recostaba en el césped, entonces una idea recorrió mi mente, nadie estaba cerca así que abrí el cierre de mis pantalones y comencé a acariciar mi polla, era la mejor sensación, como mientras le hacía un masaje el aire soplaba, comencé a bombear y a soltar ligeros gemidos, me desabotone la camisa y comencé a acariciar su pecho, entonces mis bolas hormiguearon y mi espalda temblaba mientras soltaba mi carga hacia la bajada,fue la mejor masturbada de la vida, después de eso me volví a vestir y regrese a la cabaña, tome un baño, cene y me fui a la cama, al día siguiente me desperté a la 5:00 para dejar su cuerpo, pero entonces decidí iniciar una tercera ronda y así fue, entonces deje su cuerpo justo cuando el sol estaba saliendo y me fui, me apresure a vestirme y salí de la casa lo más rápido, no fue hasta que vi la luz de su habitación prendida que me decidí a entrar, fingí que venía de un paseo y subí a verlo, le dije desde el pasillo:
Luis: Fer ¿ya despertaste?
No recibí respuesta, me asomé y vi como esta desnudo, pero aun cubierto de semen, claro no lo había limpiado porque quería ver su cara, Fernando se veía alterado y se tapo con las sabanas.
Fernando: Luis que esta pasando aquí?
Luis: a que te refieres?, yo debería preguntar eso, mira como estas... oye creo que mejor te dejo terminar y me voy.
Fernando: no espera, no te vallas, esto no se como paso, así desperté y vi mi teléfono dice que es viernes a las 6:20 am , pero estoy seguro que antes de dormir era miércoles.
Luis: si, bueno bro dormiste todo el día ayer, creo que te empedaste de más.
Fernando: si tienes razón...
No lo veía muy convencido y miraba hacia arriba, creo que tenía mucha vergüenza porque lo volví a encontrar en esta situación.
Luis: sabes deberías controlar un poco más cuando estás soñando con alguien.
Le dije esto en tono burlón para aligerar el ambiente que se volvía incómodo.
Fernando: oye no te burles.
Me dijo con tono más calmado.
Fernando: me dejas solo, tengo que cambiarme.
Era tan gracioso verlo así, no lo negaré me fue un poco evitarte ver esa expresión en su rostro y a la ver como se cubría, pero en fondo yo sabía lo que había bajo esas sabanas.
Luis: claro... mira yo hare de cuenta que esto no paso y sera nuestro secreto.
Fernando: enserio?
Luis: si a fin de cuentas todo queda en familia, y para que veas que no pasa nada voy a hacer el desayuno te espero abajo en media hora, haré panqueques, se que estas en definición pero como son tus favoritos sera lo mejor para que se te quite la vergüenza jaja.
El asintió con la cabeza y yo me fui, el día fue un poco incomodo, el se veía serio y distante, creo que estaba demasiado avergonzado, yo decidí salir a pasear un rato, regrese al atardecer, y me metí a bañar, pero entonces mi primo entró corriendo, su respiración se veía agitada y entonces me tomó a la fuerza y me presiono contra la pared, pero algo estaba sucediendo, vi como su mano entraba en la mía, espera, acaso el estaba... no no podía ser eso, entonces le dije:
Luis: ¡¿Fernando que haces?!, ¡¿que esta pasando?!
Fernando: No te hagas el tonto, tu lo sabes muy bien.
Luis: ¿ que?, pero...
Fernando: pero nada, ahora me toca a mi.
Entonces mi visión se oscureció y mis sentidos desaparecieron.
Luego me desperté desnudo, lleno de semen y con mi culo adolorido, estaba en casa de mi primo y no en el rancho, al lado de mi estaban mis maletas y una nota que decía:
Querido primo Luis.
Se que estarás confundido, bueno te diré algo pero te dejare muchas dudas, como el porqué tu culo esta adolorido y lleno de bueno no entremos en detalles, se lo que has estado haciendo, descuida ya me las cobre , y por el libro no te preocupes lo incinere antes de regresar, no tenia la certeza si al hacer eso quedaría atrapado en tu cuerpo pero decidí tomar el riesgo, descuida yo no guardo rencores y espero que tu tampoco lo hagas, después de todo y como tu dices " todo queda en familia"
P.D. si te preguntan estuvimos 2 días más en el rancho de la familia y aparte si te llama un tal Samuel, contestarle sera tu decisión dejamos un asunto a medias jeje.
Leer lo último me dejo con muchas dudas, vi mi celular y no lo podía creer, el paso 6 días en mi cuerpo, pero no sólo eso, sino que tenía un montón de fotos mías muy comprometedoras y un mensaje de el diciendo que esto quedara entre nosotros o bueno le daría uso a esas fotos.
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Quien diría que ese viaje terminaría tan mal.
Me desperté alterado, vi mi cuerpo lleno de semen y al ver el día parecería que dormí un día y medio, entonces mi primo entró, fue incómodo, se veía muy comprensivo y me dijo que había sido producto de emborracharme, y dijo que el haría el desayuno, mientras hable con el ci la cámara que deje en mi habitación, si es raro pero antes me habían pasado cosas similares mientras estaba con Luis, saben había cierto patrón, por momentos pensé que me hacia bromas mientras dormía, así que coloque una cámara ya que estaría con el una semana y quería salir de dudas, vi como entraba desnudo mientras leía algo en un libro, que luego escondió en una repisa, luego vi algo que me heló la sangre, vi como se subía arriba de mi y desaparecía solo para momentos después ver como mi cuerpo despertaba y se masturbaba y dormía, luego en la amañan se iba sin vestirse, rato después regresaba a vestirse, se iba de nuevo, regresaba a bañarse se salia por una rato, luego volvía se dormía y luego la grabación detecto movimiento hasta el día siguiente, cuando el se masturbaba, salia de mi cuerpo y el descarado se iba y volvía haciéndose el que no sabe nada.
Estaba fúrico pero decidí que tomaría venganza, aunque no sabia que era lo que hizo exactamente, vi en la repisa había el libro que mi primo está usando y leí una ojeado, encontré un hechizo de posesión, entonces conecte todo, y decidí que me las cobraría, ojo por ojo, diente por diente y robo de cuerpo por robo de cuerpo.
Durante el día me retire de reclamarle ya que estaba esperando a que hiciera lago en lo que se tuviera que desnudar, hasta que en la noche se metió a bañar, decidí que ahí haría mi jugada.
Leí el hechizo mi pecho se sentía extraño y mi respiración se agitaba, corrí hacia el, lo inmoviliza contra la pared y comencé a repetir lo que el hacía en el video, el me cuestionaba pero yo no me retractaría, tome su cuerpo rápidamente, vi como mi visión se oscurecía y al retomarla, vi como ahora esta mirando hacia la puerta del baño, camine al espejo y vi que era Luis, había logrado tomar su cuerpo, me regrese a la ducha ya que que mejor lugar para explorar mi nuevo cuerpo que bajo la cálida presión de una ducha tibia, que además limpiarla todo l oque voy a hacer con este cuerpo.
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ecce-felix · 1 year
I like parts of the Maester conspiracy theory but what I don’t like abt it is it’s used to blame everything that’s ever gone wrong for the targs on someone else & absolve them of any responsibility for negative actions. I can believe they hate magic, because all the types of magic we’ve seen in asoiaf is destructive and/or requires sacrifice of an unwilling innocent, and they want order and peace for the realm (how is that a bad thing??). I can even believe they may have poisoned the remaining eggs during aegon III’s time to prevent another dance from ripping apart the realm. I don’t think they are anti woman troglodytes who do things just to cause mass suffering, that’s not in line with what we’ve seen of any maesters besides maybe pycelle (besides, making targ women suffer is the hobby of targ men). I don’t think they somehow killed aemma arryn/baelon to install Alicent hightower. I’m willing to be generous and see how that’s a plausible theory to someone being told the broad strokes & not all the facts bc hightower = oldtown = citadel and all that. But we know the maesters were the ones telling viserys to leave her alone for a few more years, we know that her trying for kids too young is what made her weaker, which then eventually killed her. If the goal is to see her dead, why the hell were they trying to preserve her health? Wouldn’t they have encouraged viserys to start impregnating aemma the moment her cycle began? The situation is very clearly written to show viserys’ desperation to not be like jaehaerys & to have a son and heir, which culminates in him losing his wife and their most recent baby all at once. I don’t think the maesters caused summerhall. Even though I unironically love egg & will be saddened if I’m proven right & he’s the one who did the deed (again, willing to be gracious & say the experiment got out of control, but it’s more likely to me that he was intentionally sacrificing family members to hatch the eggs), it makes no sense for maesters to have done it just bc pycelle & tywin were alive and shady at the time. I think egg doing it makes sense with what we’ve seen of targaryen self destructive obsession & how desperate egg was to have dragons bc of war/trouble with the lords. Also some other things mentioned in dunk & egg that I’m not arsed to fully flesh out in my ramblings lol. Idk my point is some things abt the theory are plausible and some things sound like qanon supporters talking about The Deep StateTM to avoid talking about the failings/losses of their favorite politicians.
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