#male veira
surichiart · 2 years
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Hello! Its me .. your master Introvert that draws for like .. 4 months then hides for like 1 year after anxiety hits! Take 1273182731897 of drawing people again and attempting to open comms.. hoping I dont freak out and then run away again LOL. Free WOL scribbles to cool peeps I met in Dynamis. Anyway starting my year with returning to art and PRAYING I do comms this time Q_Q.
PLS don't edit, repost claiming its your own etc! PLSSSS. Not without permission. TY.
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gazihsah · 2 years
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「i can’t escape the weight of your ultraviolent heart」
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mochateeny · 2 years
"What do you do for fun?"
make thirst traps of my WOL
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etheirysbunny · 2 years
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Finished Bard! I liked it more this expansion than through Shadowbringers. It’s not bad, but I can’t say I’d ever pick it over DNC as my ranged go-to, aside from story reasons for going back through a dungeon “as canon”. The BRD gear this expansion also isn’t bad, but not remotely Rein’s aesthetic.
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divala-xiv · 2 years
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If... if you insist. >////<
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misswarrioroflight · 3 months
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Ebony: draw your bunny boy in the Alice and wonderland theme for the funny
Me: mmmk
(3 days later)
Both my wols are in this picture
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dawidstrong · 2 years
Pedro Veiras Santana
Spanish bodybuilder and coach
IG: pedroveirass
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voidendron · 1 year
goddamn body type hitboxes
I had a feeling
I had a feeling
that the issue I was having on NiM Storm/Fire was because Synnda is a body type 3 male, but I didn't have anyone I could test it with since he's my only Impside bt3 assassin/shadow
the issue: I've noticed on all of my other tanks, while tanking Firebrand, it does an annoying knockback occasionally. whatever, it's part of the mechanic. I just need to reposition and hope I don't get knocked off the tank, and if I do just hop back on quick before a spire lands on my head
...except Synnda Never got knocked. ever. same ability tree, same gear, same everything - until I realized he was the only bt3 male I'd tried it on. others I'd tried: Azan (bt3 female), Liakige/Veira/Raphios (bt2 male), Leo/Kavaari (bt2 female)
so I made a quest to test it out. I made Andur on Star Force - specifically Andur bc 1) bt3 male shadow 2) he's my favorite Exarch <333
started out as:
*while forming group*
Gham: "Where have I seen that name before???"
Me: "uhhhhh you'll know when you see the toon"
Gham: *upon entering phase after I pulled up speeder, deadpan* ".......oliver what is your deal with the star fortresses"
we got to Storm/Fire, things are going fine
I discover I Am Not getting knocked back
then seemingly out the blue about 20 seconds into the fight
que my co-tank and Gham fucking Losing It because this has been bugging me for literal months to the point I made a toon for the sole purpose of running my own test
whyyyyyy is this a thing aaaaaa😭
I'd like to test it on both bt4, but don't have any who are Impside sin/shadow, so I'll need to wait until I can buy another slot to level one of each for more tests
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usagimen · 1 year
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I finally played the 24 man raid on XIV, which nearly threw me since I haven't healed in months. Anyway, I made Sayuri a bun!
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I kinda love the male veira on her, it fits her personality
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anestofocs · 2 months
Muse profile: Amir Djitgilda
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Name: Amir Djitgilda
Age: 45, presumably
Speices: Viera
Clan: Rava
Home State: Ul'dah
Occupation: Weaver, Arcanist
Sociable and fairly easy going, Amir is one who lives for connection and community, a stark contrast to the isolationist leanings of most male veira. With a love of textiles, reading, numbers and gossip. Amir is adept at navigating the soical web that is the city of Ul'dah. Even if he is a bit easily distracted at times.
Short Bio:
Born in the jungles of Dalmasca, Amir was raised like most of his people, raised in a seculded village, taught the importance of the green word and played with his fellow kits. On his thirteenth birthday, when his masculinity was found. Amir, like the other Jacks were taken out of the village to a mentor.
But the life of isolation that was demanded of him ill suited Amir. Though strong in magic and able to survive the trails to become a wood warder. The years of loneliness were too much. Knowing the woods were protected by others. Amir abandoned ths green word, his past name and set forth to expolre the world, Meeting two other like minded Viera. The axe weilding Yimir, a fellow man and Byrnds, a woman archer. Together, the three took on the same kast name and traveled together. Settling in Ul'dah. Yimir finding work as a miner, Byrnds as a botanist and Aimir himself, joining the weavers guild.
Now, with plenty of Gil, the trio take to adventuring, seeking to hone their skills in combat.
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musegame · 2 years
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“I’ve noticed an abundance of cats feeling a bit threatened by the rise of Male Veiras... So, consider this a gentle pick me up from the Lalafell Collective!”
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“Hey, champ...it’s okay...you know why?”
“No matter what happens...”
“You’ll always be our favorite lil sloot.”
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vantaray · 3 years
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Waitin’ for that update
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robinaa · 3 years
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I can't resist giving veira Flavianys little jewelry that mimics his headwings from his angel form!
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str4wbrry-bl00d · 3 years
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blognerdynekogirl · 7 years
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Male Veira. His name is Vencent.
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silentowlffixiv · 2 years
I am not used to it here. My eyes still open at dawn to ready myself for patrol, but there is no patrol to do. I wake to sounds wondering if it is the start of the raid, but there are no raids. This clan doesn't travel. My feet have been so used to moving that remaining still leaves me restless. I've taken to training more. Mostly alone. Everything from hands to blade practice and then running the length of the Goblet a few times. It helps some. My collarbone feels better thanks to Seer-ree's balm and Mesa's forced rest. There was a fight in the Lounge the other day. I think back on it. I don't know who the small yapper that came in was, but that was what he reminded me of. Some small animal yapping at larger predators. I was told before to not act but to watch. So I watched. Ikamo was the one to bite first, taking a bottle and striking the side of the yapper's head. And then it was chaos and many stopped to gawk at the sight to the point where the staff stopped serving. I am not sure why. Fights are not new and they end in seconds. Many like to say they don't like fights but are quick to gather around them like bees to honey. When I think back on it, I think differences of between how Halcyon Clan resolves fights and how mine would. Halcyon's way is not bad. Guardians coming and removing a threat. The only difference I can think of is when there is heat between two people, they are expected to see it to the end. With words or fists. I am not sure which one is right. Life is violent.
I tried to serve one pay-tron at the bar and needed Roehs to help me. Bartending is scary. There are many bottles in different colors and I don't know what the letters on them mean. The more I see times I am held back by not reading common, the smaller I feel. There is a girl here that uses written words to communicate with us and I feel shame that I cannot read them. She moves her hands as well and that seems to mean something. Should I learn that? I told Mesa I would ask someone in Halcyon tribe to help me read. He would help me if I asked, but he already does much for me and I know I need to do more with his tribe. The scales between us do not feel even. I told him that and he laughed and said he didn't care.
Problematic male.
There is a female veira that saw me the other day after running the Goblet a few times. She asked if I did bodyguard work. I said I did and she asked to speak to me later. We exchanged names and separated. Not sure if I will go. People who need guarding are either running or attacking. My feet are restless.
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