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it's the saddest scene in the whole show
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flowersareemos · 5 years
It’s impossible for Jem to erase Magnus’ memories. Jem was a shadowhunter,and he lived by the motto “shadowhunters love once,fiercely”. He witnessed Tessa and Will’s love and he knows Magnus,he knows him too well to “hurt” him like that. Silent Brothers are lawful,and Jem is way too clever to do it. Jem as definitely witnessed their destiny and realized they’re soumates.
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immortalhusbandsxox · 5 years
How many times do you think Magnus has been told that he's too much? I'm thinking hundreds. What Magnus gets out of this, each and every time, is that - apparently - all of his notable and worthy characteristics are never enough to make up for his too-eccentric personality. 
So, in an ironic way, he's never been enough because he's always been too much. 
I mean, the makeup? The crazily colored wardrobe? And don't even get me started on his Halloween decorations...
So Magnus is confused. Because he has always been too much. And now... he's not. No house, no job, no magic. Nothing to make him special. 
This should solve all his problems, right? 
The situation is reversed. Alec is overwhelmed because Magnus is no longer enough. Overwhelmed enough to break up with him.
How many times do you think Magnus replayed Alec's words in his head like a broken record after he left?
Perhaps a more interesting question is: how many rounds of repetition did it take for Alec's words to... change?
Because after the fifth or sixth time, Magnus can no longer hear the, "I need a break from us” anymore. It's slowly being replaced by a more familiar phrase, one repeated by lovers countless times over the centuries: "I need a break from you."
Magnus knows that when Alec said "There is no fixing this", he really means that "There is no fixing you."
He was always too much or, now, too little. But it doesn't really matter anymore, does it? Because all Magnus knows is that he never can seem to get it right.
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anythingforthebooty · 11 years
Friend: Im going to start reading the Mortal Instruments series! Me: Ok then listen to me very carefully. Friend: Okay... Me: Find City Of Lost Souls and just rip out page 511. Friend: What? Why? Me: Just trust me. It's better that way.
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