ballwizard · 2 months
im breaking the stigma by being a trans MAN in computer science #MaleFeminist
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milimeters-morales · 6 months
for my birthday i don’t even want a big booty ho i want a big personality ho #malefeminist
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viciar · 8 months
fighting the war on fujos on the side of the fujos #malefeminist
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goldensunset · 7 months
i said i won't liveblog and i mean it but i do have to say a few things though about revisiting pla after having finally familiarized myself with the original media-
•laventon’s theme gives me hearthome city theme vibes. i think the opening rhythm is the same. it's weird for that to be his theme out of anything but my musically trained ear does not lie to me
•i’m kind of amazed someone else had to point out to me how the obsidian fieldlands/prelude beach cutscene theme is twinleaf town with an altered rhythm. i mean granted i didn’t pay that much attention to twinleaf town but like the obsidian fieldlands theme is one of my favorite songs i should have been listening close for it
•edit- i think obsidian fieldlands also references sandgem town a tiny bit? possibly canalave city? it's small enough to be coincidental but it would make sense geographically
•tons of name references. canala avenue. floaro gardens. sandgem flats. veilstone cape. spring path. wayward cave. celestica ruins. solaceon ruins. etc
•so at what point in time did cyllene/her descendants overthrow kamado/his descendants in the galaxy team’s rankings. lol
•galaxy hall theme is rowan’s lab theme! seriously uh. when did the rift between these families start
•i noticed right away while playing platinum… but the celestica flute tone, azure flute tone, and galaxy team rank-up jingle all reference the music from the opening movie for dppt! it was like overwhelming to get hit with all those at once for me when booting up my ds lemme tell you
other random commentary:
•volo having a togepi really is pretty ridiculous. just goes to show the kinda guy he is. totally not special at all right. your descendant gave me one of those and i named it after you boy. i'm going to abuse volo this run btw. the man not the baby egg i mean
•amazing how when i choose the male protagonist suddenly i get the super lucky rare female starter (it was cyndaquil btw). granted i also got the rare female gift eevee from bebe while playing as the female protag in platinum but like i think to get that sort of luck with your starter is something especially meaningful. so i'm going to do the #malefeminist run. my challenge is to only use female mons
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pinene · 1 year
I hate misogyny #malefeminist
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murderonpa-4-tsjw · 1 month
What do you guys feel about TERFS and Feminists that don't support tgirls and only support AFABS?
EVERY WOMEN DESERVES MY UPMOST RESPECT!!!! 😠😠 i'm a malefeminist that supports all women. afab or not :/
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visualmemoryunit · 4 months
girls rule #feminism #malefeminist
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piduai · 11 months
now I gotta see how everyone in GK would be in an office setting..especially my toxic king usami
tsurumi: head of an important but insane people department (like sales) & everyone under him is obsessed with him and SEETHING each time his wife drops by the office. he is a toxic boss that encourages unhealthy competition and drama and is the king of micromanaging though he does it in secret. he knows everyone's business and has treated Each of the employees under him & as well as a few from other departments to dinners just to learn about them and their weaknesses. he's in his element during company parties/nomikais because he doesn't drink but he listens. and he talks. and manipulates. he likes setting people against each other just for fun. but he's also GOOD at his job and his dept's performance is always through the roof though the turnover rate is no joke because he burns people out easily
usami: he's good at his job, great even, because he wants to impress tsurumi and be his number one candy baby. has slept with half of the women and a quarter of the men in the office. is also a terrible gossip, the kind of guy who just walks around and talks shit about people all the fucking time. has a nasty habit of bullying newbies tsurumi shows too much interest in, though he swears it's in good faith if he gets caught, though usually he doesn't. extremely passive-aggressive but also very friendly and sociable if he needs/wants to be, he's the master of putting on the customer service smile. jerks off in the office bathroom 5 times a day, 7 if tsurumi praises him
kikuta: a good for nothing moron who somehow got a rather high position despite being incompetent. his underlings love him though, he may be a shit boss who can't learn how to filter stuff in excel but he's a great amiable guy who sometimes treats them to meals and is a fun chat. he takes 3 smoking breaks per hour and always stinks of that shit, and stinks up any place he goes to too because the stuff he smokes is atomic. tsurumi hates his ass and hates having to do work with his department because the papers kikuta touched Will stink of tobacco. honestly nobody really knows how he manages to keep his job because he screws up sooo much, people just like him and take pity on him
sugimoto: would NOT work in an office ever because his anger management is simply not good and he'd get in physical fights over trivial shit for which he'd get fired. the closest would be delivery guy of stuff like stationery or company bentos or the post or something, i think he'd be fine with carrying stuff around. he smiled at ogata once (at the woman behind him actually) which led to ogata fantasizing about locking him in a shipping container and torturing him there for a year. so now each time the handsome and friendly delivery guy makes the deliveries ogata hides somewhere
ogata: does not work in the insane people department (sales) due to his introverted nature but has been to the tsurudinner which left him unhinged. is the IT guy backup (being the main IT guy means fixing people's computers which he doesn't care about) and is generally great, the company servers are thriving, the cloud is neat and orderly, nobody could complain. would not participate in a company party/nomikai with a gun to his head. leaves work exactly on time, not a minute later, for which everyone resents him (on top of being a creep and a weirdo and having bad vibes). women in the office have learnt to steer clear of him because way too often he claims he never received the important papers they have personally handed to him which has proven to be a problem on multiple occasions
kiroranke: terrible office flirt who knocked up at least two women and humbly paid for their abortions (#prochoice #malefeminist). has been pinning after both wilk and sofia (both are his superiors) for yearssss tho neither will give him the time of the day #sad. is some kind of sub-chief/second in command, not at the top of the food chain but not a nobody either, which is why his pleas of going to a union falls on deaf ears because for people higher than him it's against their interests, while people lower than him think they're too insignificant to be the catalysts of change and are simultaneously afraid of losing their jobs. loves threatening to call the labor standards inspection on his bosses each time they get out of line which is why they don't really like him, but he's too good at his job & knows what he's doing so they can't lay him off
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gotinterest · 5 months
masculine women and feminine men are equally attractive but feminism compels me to vote for women #equality #malefeminist
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goldensunset · 7 months
updates on pla:
-musical commentary! the crimson mirelands themes are both so so crazy good and both bring back a lot of motifs from sinnoh. weirdly enough this may be my favorite region. i think i realized those musical references like while still playing platinum but i never truly appreciated how good all that music is. i feel like there's something else i was going to say about music but some of these references are far too subtle for me for the time being
-volo continues to be unimportant and unimpressive
-there's a MAJOR issue i've realized with my #malefeminist run. it's hard enough when certain mons i love, namely eevee and the eeveelutions, have lopsided gender ratios. but even worse: it occurred to me that my beloved gallade is an all-male species. obviously i'm gonna catch him and the others for the sake of dex completion but i can't use my boy on my team this run :(
-interesting how rei calls irida a girl and akari calls her a woman. how old is she you guys c'mon. she looks young yeah but i'm inclined to do things the latter way personally when there's doubt bc of my personal opinions on the relationships between age gender and respect. that's not important though what's important is that irida is super super autistic btw
-i got hit by like almost every one of lady lilligant's attacks and only even stunned her to properly battle her once. i have never once struggled with that fight that was incredibly embarrassing. but i suppose this is supposed to be the feminist run. but for crying out loud have i ever played a video game before
-losing my mind that one of the default early-game hairstyles for rei is a whole entire fluffy long ponytail. why does the male protag get a better long hair option than the female one. why do all his looks kinda slay honestly. i've got the slight-curled bob on rn
-the 'fancy' outfit series too... gonna get mad real quick here. the tops look super feminine cutesy in either gender version funny enough but the bottoms?? almost the exact same except akari gets these meh shorts and rei gets actual PANTS. thank you. but i deserved to let my girl survive the cold while looking cute too smh... please let video game women cover their legs
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atthebell-moved · 2 years
does anyone remember that stream where hannah and boomer and sam were arguing about the bank and connor walked up and was a #malefeminist and may or may not have been hired as another employee? i need to rewatch that bit for sub rosa but i cannot fucking remember when it was or what it was called
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delusioner · 1 year
girls shouldn't have to work. if they don't want to #malefeminist
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verminleger · 1 year
Actually i remind you of #FF8E88
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This is still red, but you're right because I always believe women. #feminist #malefeminist
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testosterogna · 2 years
me listening to my cis coworker explain menopause, as someone who essentially went through menopause by taking testosterone: damn that’s sooo crazy, can’t imagine going through that. women have it so hard 😔 #malefeminist
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jelreth · 2 years
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#style #malefeminist
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roughentumble · 2 years
"if you always pick the female character in a video game then i have news for you" ACTUALLY its because im a FEMINIST and all stories are about women #malefeminist #womenYES #thisiswhatafeministlookslike
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