#malex speculation
gra-sonas · 2 years
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HusbandsFiancées 😌🌻
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angrycowboy · 2 years
my mind has been going a million miles a minute since that episode. it was so good! i swear all i need to be fed some good malex scenes, less overt pop culture references, and i’m a happy camper. but of course, this meant i went into full speculation mode regarding what’s happening to alex...
the liminal space or “pocket dimension” is an interesting concept. but what i think we may actually be looking at right now, is some form of alex’s mindscape.
alex has spent his entire life in survival mode. first with jesse, then in the air force. and this liminal space reflects that. when we see him, he’s in survival mode yet again - this time from an unknown element causing his death. he assumes radiation because chemical warfare would match up with his military background and upbringing.
why the 1940′s? given this is the only instance of the liminal space we’ve seen, it might be because that’s when it all went wrong in alex’s mind. that’s when the ship crashed, that’s when his ancestors began their targeted genocide of the aliens. 
(could this also be indicative of theo’s hand, where the setting of the liminal space for anyone would be the same? it’s possible. when alex fell through, the “open” symbole illuminated on michael’s console. perhaps the liminal space only takes the shape of the mindscape of the first person dropped into it? perhaps that’s why nora and louise locked jones up - to make him the first one to use it?)
alex sets up the faraday cage trap at the drive-in. this is another method of his survival - gain the upper hand on anyone who may be dangerous. 
all of alex’s scenes take place at the drive-in. and in alex’s mind, his first date with michael was back in 1x03 at the drive-in. to alex, we learn, it didn’t matter that it ended poorly, he still has fond memories of it, and it holds special importance to him. 
one of the first things dallas asks about is the fruit, to which alex answers that he’s seen a grove of weird looking trees. it’s only after this that bonnie and dallas return later saying the grove has been burned down. this is information that had he known about, alex surely would have provided. 
alex mentions is that he’s noticed a drop in barometric pressure - something he’d also referred to in 4x01 right before the st. elmo’s fire happened. the presence of an electric magnetic storm is “new” he says, but it’s not the first time we’ve heard about one on the show - in 1x12 alex mentioned it outside caulfield.
the fractals on his chest appear similiar to the ones that appeared on liz’s arm in 4x09 while she was in her mindscape and under the influence of the mist. liz’s mindscape adventure was for her to try and work through her internal conflict regarding the science and max, and whether max was holding her back. in alex’s case, he’s faced with michael’s ongoing decision - stay on earth with him and give up seeing the planet he’s been looking for, or travel back to oasis and the home he’s been searching for since he first crawled out of the pod. the alex we’re seeing in the liminal space right now is seemingly making the decision for michael - alex gets the shred of happiness he believes he’s allowed, and he’s also freeing michael from having to make that choice.
so why would tezca need to throw alex into the pocket dimension as a contingency plan? well in 4x11 we learn that anyone with the triad symbol can’t make the jump to oasis through the portal. it’s entirely possible that jones found out not only about max’s tattoo but michael’s as well. so when jones found out about alex (”there is someone you care about as much as nora”), he realized if he was going to try and use liz to bypass theo’s lock, there needed to be stakes. trapping michael in the pocket dimension knowing he would go after alex means that liz will be unable to say no any longer.
and lastly, sometimes this show still gets music right. the lyrics playing at the end of the scene where alex begs michael to let dallas marry them? “it’s all in your head”
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mazzystar24 · 2 years
Words cannot express how much I want (if they kill Alex temporarily) a scene where when Michael sees this and he just full on breaks down over his body and like his powers go CRAZY like I’m talking give me a season one type storm or a damn downpour give me telekinesis pushing and destroying everything and cracking the very earth give me a fucking fire I wanna see it soooo bad
This trope is absolute perfection and I live for the angst im not gonna lie
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So, if Bonnie was in charge of Eduardo, that means that Tezca might've put Clyde in charge of Alex?
I mean, considering Alex isn't dead or wrapped unconsciously in a cocoon of quicksand, buried deep in the desert.
I'm so here for Michael to find out that they quicksanded his boyfriend while they were luring him with tales of home.
I love you, Guerin, but I need to see you go ballistic on them and on yourself too.
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notsowrites · 2 years
and i hope i never lose you
summary: dealing with the aftermath of finding Alex in the pocket dimension.
a/n: just a quick little 4x11 coda because who knows how this is all gonna resolve itself in two episodes and i have a lot of ideas rolling around.
[AO3 Link]
The handprint shimmers across the skin of his chest, above his heart. He watches as Michael’s fingertips trace around it, igniting the connection with each movement. Lingering feelings of regret, determination, fear, and love all mix together, and Alex doesn’t think he’s ever going to get used to the feeling.
He’s never felt like he’s needed to know Michael in this way, that they needed to share emotions through some alien connection. Even through everything they’ve been through, all their miscommunication and misunderstandings, he’s preferred that everything that has happened to them has been because they’ve put the work in. Neither of them has ever needed to rely on anything otherworldly to know they love each other.
Even as cosmic is the word they’ve always fallen back on to describe how they feel, Alex believes it’s still rooted in reality - in the way his entire body instantly calms when Michael puts his hands on his face, or when they interlace their fingers together. Words were never his strong suit, that was always Michael’s thing, but he’s been trying, day by day, to do better. It’d been his slow realization that he needed to be more open with Michael, to stop shutting him out from the thoughts in his head, that has even allowed them to get here to this point.
He’d heard about the handprint from Liz, the difference in the one that Max has left on her to the one he’d first been introduced to in the folder Jenna Cameron had dropped in front of him years ago. But it didn’t make understanding it any easier.
Not until Michael had pressed his palm against his chest, the place he remembered the black fractals had been while trapped in the mindscape of the pocket dimension, the energy needed to sustain it feeding off his body. He wishes it had been as simple as leaving that liminal space and everything would be fine, but that’s never been how his story goes. Kyle had done a full workup, demanding to ensure he was healthy, and ending up discovering the irregular heartbeat he’d never possessed before.
As it turned out, he hadn’t been wrong when he’d told Michael he was dying.
“What do you mean he’s still dying?”
Michael had looked somewhere between furious and devastated, and all Alex could do was take his hand in his own and interlace their fingers together while Kyle explained.
“There was too much stress on his heart, it started interfering with the electrical signals that maintain the heartbeat. A week ago, it was just a little slower than normal, I thought it was just residual from the pocket dimension, that it’d bounce back. But it didn’t.”
It’d made sense. The shortness of breath, how easily he was tiring out from normal activity, the lightheadedness that followed. In the beginning it’d been easier to hide it from Michael, to act like it was just a side effect of being back in their reality, in their world.
“So what’s the cure, doc? We’ve been here before-”
Kyle had nodded, clearly running the scenarios in his head. “Like Max, it’s not caused by a normal human cause, so I don’t know if a normal human solution will work.”
“So I build another pacemaker? That you can-”
“We can try, but it might only be a temporary solution.”
He hadn’t even realized they’d been in a mindscape. That it had in fact just been feeding off his own energy, slowly killing him day by day. He’d watched as Dallas had explained the mechanics and the science to everyone in the days afterward, Michael withdrawing bit by bit, and Alex knew it was because of that guilt he still felt. How he’d shared about the time he’d been tempted by the idea of returning to Oasis, beating himself up for not noticing something was wrong sooner.
Liz should have been there to explain what had happened in her own mindscape, when he’d learned about the alien mist Liz had crafted after Michael had lost his alien powers. Max had reluctantly admitted that black fractals had slowly spider-webbed across Liz’s arms and chest the longer she had remained in the mindscape. Her absence is noted by the somber tone in everyone’s voices and actions as they bring him up to speed on the things he’d missed that there hadn’t been time recently to discuss.
Mimi’s death hits him the hardest.
With Maria on his arm, they visit the little memorial she’d built high in the hills near the Wild Pony. Together, they sit there for hours, a blanket pulled over their shoulders, tears flowing down their cheeks. The moment he’d begun to beat himself up about not being there for her when she needed him, she reminded him that it was Mimi’s death that allowed her to connect with him when he needed to be found.
None of it feels fair.
Without Liz’s brilliance, they are at a standstill in regards to his heart. It had been Liz’s own decision, when faced with the choice of losing her memories of the aliens, or losing her mind completely, to forget the otherworldly origins of the most important people in her life. Their new friend Bonnie, once a follower of Jones and Clyde’s partner in crime, seemingly choosing Earth over whatever had been promised her before, wiping Liz’s mind so that no one close to her had to. It hadn’t been hard for Liz to slip back into teaching, to give her something outside of being a scientist.
“We don’t even know if it’ll work,” he’d argued, Kyle’s prognosis still fresh in his mind.
Michael had sighed, that fully body thing he does when he’s frustrated, turning away from him, and Alex has to grab hold of his hand, pull him back around. 
“I’ve been dreaming of marrying you since we were seventeen,” Michael had begun, looking down and gently pressing his palm against his chest. “And when you asked, you gave me that glimmer of hope, of that happiness I believed was too far out of reach.”
He takes a deep breath, reaching up and wrapping his own hand around Michael’s, holding it against his chest. 
“You’ve always been my choice, Michael. Everything I’ve done, every decision I’ve made has always been with you on my mind.” He feels the tears start to form in his eyes, threatening to quickly spill over. “Whether it’s running into a building about to explode or dismantling a secret government project - protecting you, making the world a better, safer, place for you, has been my constant since we were seventeen.”
A tear rolls down Michael’s cheek at his words, and Alex reaches up with his free hand to wipe it away, before taking a quick swipe at his own eyes. 
“So let me burn the world down for you now.”
Each time Michael heals him, each time he feels the connections between them roar to life, he also watches as Michael falls into a deep sleep for several hours, his body needing to recover from the energy it’s dispelled. And every time it happens, despite the smile Michael has on his face, and the love that shines through in his eyes, Alex can’t help but feel guilty for needing this. It lasts for a week, a ritual they develop each morning and even Michael holding his hand above his heart, listening to the beats as he counts them, checking to see how it’s doing.
Max had warned against it, the toll the repeated healing would eventually take on Michael’s body as well. But Alex doesn’t know how to tell him to stop. He’d seen the heartbreak in Michael’s eyes when he’d revealed he was dying. There was no stopping Michael Guerin when he was set on doing something.
“How are you feeling?” He asks, thinking about the three hour nap Michael has just woken up from.
Michael scoffs, slipping his hand from the mark on his chest, up to cup his face, carefully drawing their faces close enough so they can kiss.
“Like I have the love of my life in my arms and nothing else in the universe matters.”
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stillcosmic · 2 years
so it sounds like alex was thrown in so michael would go in after and it would crumble?
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itsjustmouse · 2 years
Next episode theory.
When Michael opens the ‘portal’, Alex is there but neither can get through. They hold their hands up to each other’s at the threshold. This will be the cliffhanger.
Then in the next episode, they find out that the only way to free Alex/break down the barrier is to bring about the Alighting.
That’s why in the episode synopsis it says Michael fears that he’ll never get Alex back.
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equal-melody · 2 years
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Roswell New Mexico season 4, episode 8 theory -
What if Michael is sitting in-front of the keyboard here. Michael playing guitar, Rosa and Maria asking out-loud for Alex to show himself and suddenly the keyboard starts to play ‘Would you come home?” Where Michael is looking is the area Alex played his song for the first time.
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miniastrophysicist · 2 years
I was rewatching 1x02 tonight and lost my mind a little when I realized the song playing in the background of this scene-
Isobel: “Yes. Max risked our lives to save Liz, okay? I am mad too. But she was dying, right in front of him. Come on, Michael. Is there really nobody in this world you wouldn’t risk everything to save?”
-is a cover of “How’s It Gonna Be”, aka nearly the title of the finale.
Does this mean anything? Probably not. But what if it does.
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dreamer-of-ships · 2 years
My prediction for 4x05: There won’t be any Alex for the majority of the episode then we catch a glimpse of him at the very end. It’ll end on a cliffhanger with him trying to get out of wherever he’s been taken.
And/or Michael will spend most of it still having no clue that Alex is missing, but then he makes the horrifying realisation near the end of the episode.
I’ll take a shot if I’m wrong.
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gra-sonas · 2 years
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angrycowboy · 2 years
i dunno who hollier think he’s fooling with that interview but a lot of malex shippers saw that gazebo model in 4x01 and alex say “my ideal roswell” and went MALEX IS GETTING MARRIED THERE.
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mazzystar24 · 2 years
Can the “former adversary” please be flint I wanna be at least half right that he helps get Alex back cos ya know ex-alien hunter here is some evil aliens keeping your brother? And unhinged Michael working with him while flint gets his redemption arc would be so iconic.
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My best guess is Michael will get his powers back when he gets angry or heartbroken enough to trigger his abilities again.
Bonnie's power is reacting differently in Michael.
She didn't just take away his powers. She got him sick. And according to Bonnie herself "that never happened before".
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youngsamberg · 2 years
what happens when alex is dead/dying and michael remembers “what i can’t live without is you so why don’t you put your hand in mine and we’ll start with that” and that’s what gives him the idea to do the handprint WHAT THEN
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ms-three · 2 years
Just a thought.
What if the only way to save Alex is to destroy Nora’s ship(or the last puzzle to find that ship) and Michael is the one who have to make this decision…
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