#malum--in--se and i roleplayed these two SO FUCKING MUCH back in the day AHHHHHHHHH
queenofbaws · 1 year
u know what?? im gonna throw an absolute curveball here and say how about you write a lil somethin homestuck for shits and gigs :]
There were certain things one simply could not prepare oneself for, even if the one in question were as put-together and on top of things and...oh who was he kidding, the second Eridan realized he wasn't having some sort of land-based hallucination and Vriska was, in fact, headed his way, his collapsing and expanding bladder-based aquatic vascular system kicked into overdrive.
See, he remembered the last thing he'd messaged her on Trollian, was the thing - there really wasn't any forgetting that - and that, in combination with the sheer determination of her stride, uh, was making him a little nervous.
"Heyyy Vris - " was about all he was able to get out before her hands were on his face, both of them, her palms pressing in on his cheeks until his mouth puckered and his voice came out pinched as he continued, " - not sure how I'm feelin'...that you came out...all this way..."
The particular curve of her grin did not, it stood to be noted, help matters, especially not when paired with the simpering tone of her drawl, "You have got to be joking...of course I came out all this way, Eridan...after such a positively mortifying confession, I thought you deserved a face-to-face response, so." She took a breath, squared her shoulders, and, leaning in just a touch closer, absolutely purred, "Gross!"
Then, with all her might, she gave him a single well-calculated shove to send him sprawling to the ground, which, all considering, wasn't even close to the worst thing he'd imagined could happen...so before she could turn on her heel to leave, he had to ask, "Should I take that as a 'maybe,' then?"
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
i don't usually attach extra stuff to these fills but i'd be remiss if i didn't blow a gentle kismesis smooch to tumblr user @malum--in--se, my fav vriska roleplayer of all time
i'd let you push me down the stairs any day
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