#man i have college stuff to do the brainrot hits too hard sometimes
n4b3 · 4 years
Do you mind elaborating about those last reblogs? Your brain is huge would love to hear your name
damn anon u rlly want me to write an academic essay on behaviors in the middle of my finals, i got u bro.
Anon is referring to these two post of big brain anon (ur brain anon... let me marry it).
Well what anon has said may be like a theory or a reality since it has been scientifically and psychologically proven that reading fictional stories affects the perception of reality more due to the fact that our brains when reading enters a world imaginative where our brain uses the sectors of perception of reality, completely connected to our form of human socialization. These two articles can perfectly explain what may be happening with Dream.
And im more than sure that it is also what has happened with everything that surrounded with heatwaves, the fans have fallen into a perception of false reality, because it is a fictional story so well written that it has managed to give that feeling to readers and go like crazy to the point of asking content creators about this work of fiction because it is more likely that they have been left in a perplexed state by the same fact that reality and fiction got blurry. Or maybe the dono who made all that crap happen was maybe an annoying troll!!! 
Looking back and looking today dream behavior with george has changed so much, too much, and their love for each other (either romantic or platonic) has grown to the point where it can be easily perceived, its something that viewers love to see!! strong connections between two people in an era where youtube found out that people love seeing that but everyone’s been acting it, over exaggerating it some better than other, “youtube friendships” (not saying that there are not good genuine friendships born bc of youtube...) and all of that happened because people saw the genuine relationship between two people with genuine reactions that looked over the top bc it was genuine!!! it brought the clicks and everyone did it!! to the point where its exhausting seeing it everywhere that people got tired of it, it started to be too fake for the over exposure of exaggerated expressions and emotions, what many say and call youtuber voice. Genuinity is the true marketing strategy of youtube apart of doing incredible over the top things that no one else can!!! 
And oh do we have history in youtube of duos being successful and historically we have smosh (you think people didnt ship them??? you want me to go and find forums and deviantart groups dedicated to them???) its always been there when it comes to famous people, its always been there in fandom culture, since sherlock holmes happened, since star trek happened (and sadly there's recorded history of how even the actors themselves confused their characters with themselves in reality... all because of fans screaming at it, we also have one direction as another example).
But how is this all connected to dream’s behavior? because he wants to be  accepted by everyone, be perceived as a good influence a good person. 
I'm not saying that a bad thing, but its a very dangerous trait that can lead to some bad decisions and surely we have some behaviors that shows that, the fact the he stopped streaming bc people were accusing him of cheating, he could have easily flicked them off right? and knowing exactly he never cheated? but he still showed insecurity of it, fear even on being rejected, and its something very normal specially in a community he holds very dearly and its part of his personality too. 
He has a huge audience, too many eyes on him, from all sort of backgrounds and places, the community he holds more dearly and protects most is the one focused on fandom and stans culture. The ones who always forgive or always have a good perception of him. A place one would always go if you are so loved in there, people always talk about you, all about you. Even yourself can fall on the fake percepción of who you are, because of how people perceive you.
It’s sadly something that comes with fame, mostly you are alone with it, some people can’t handle it, some people can with the correct support and help. Very dangerous in my opinion i would say, to be so close to this world of how people perceive you, to know the limits because fiction and reality can blur a lot being in such place for a big while. It can happen to celebrities, to everyone even.
But take this mega rant as a way of retrospective, to sit down and think, real people are people like you, even themselves can fall like that, not saying dream is in a “bad place” right now. I even adore the fact that he interacts with fans the way he does, its something almost no cc does, and how he appreciates all the art of all sort of levels too much, but as fear has stated and quoting “ it’s blurring the line between creator and fan a bit too much. it shouldn’t be this blurry. there are things that we do about them that aren’t meant for them. it’s not. it’s meant for fans.“ 
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