#man mycroft eugh
sarah-dipitous · 10 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 330
The Lying Detective
“The Lying Detective”
Plot Description: Sherlock goes up against the powerful and seemingly unassailable Culverton Smith - a man with a very dark secret indeed.
Oh. Is John’s therapist the secret Holmes sister??
Ayo fuck John. I mean, at least he knows leaving his daughter with friends is shitty behavior, though, i GUESS
Right. He WAS the Dream Lord, and now he’s gonna alter the memories of his closest friends to forget wherever he’s about to tell them
His daughter was the one writing down all the info he was telling them? Fair
I almost thought he imagined the daughter…actually that remains to be seen. We know how Sherlock can be
Why are we constantly intersplicing commercials for Dream Lord??
I know Sherlock is guessing romantic relationship but what if the daughter still lives at home???
“Everything’s about Sherlock” well, it IS his show, so….
Omg IS he imagining the Dream Lord’s daughter?? You can really tell I haven’t watched these episodes since they aired
Oh wait…is the “daughter” his sister?? I just vaguely remember this bit being important like that. They want me to believe she was imaginary, but I’m pretty sure the woman Sherlock walked around London with all night wasn’t the daughter of Culverton Smith, it was his sister
Oh, cool, Smith is a serial killer, apparently
Omg this is just really bad tv. I miss seasons one and two…
“I don’t know anything anymore” same, John. I don’t care that or how Sherlock can predict the future, and I’m very uninterested in the melodrama of Sherlock’s drug usage
Thing is, of course Sherlock will end up being right because it’s his show…but because we’re closing in on the worst episode, there will be consequences
Why is Smith asking everyone how long they’ve worked for him??
I bet she’s not gonna look anything like the woman who Sherlock met. Well, she looks SOMEWHAT like her
Eugh, this actor is really good at the kinds of characters he plays but I don’t like those characters
This isn’t even remotely interesting to watch. Did I find this episode THIS bad when it aired??
Why are they so mad at Mycroft? He’s literally trying to figure out what the fuck is going on with Sherlock, too. Don’t call him a reptile, Mrs Hudson. He DOES care even if he has a stupid way of showing it
Eugh…he went down this path where he was basically given weeks to live so John would save him so he could keep a promise to a video of John’s dead wife to save John
The “daughter” wasn’t imaginary, Sherlock. She was your sister
How did I manage to move and make a small grunting noise just a second before Sherlock’s text notification (specifically the one Irene Adler recorded for him) went off?
The amatonormativity happening “romantic entanglement, while fulfilling for other people—“ “will complete you as a human being” Are starting and ending this episode with a “fuck you, John”?? I get you’re grieving but that doesn’t mean that Sherlock has to get into a relationship
God, I almost forgot about the emotional cheating John did. Fuck you, John
The Mary in John’s head is a lot nicer to him than I would have been
People, stop trying to fuck the Holmes brothers. They’re unfuckable (not derogatory)
I think the only somewhat clever part about the reveal of the secret sister is that John believed it was a secret brother and in the pilot Sherlock had guessed John’s sibling Harry was his brother…but Harry is short for Harriette. And this is my reasoning for there to never ever be another season of this show ever again
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bulletproofbell · 10 years
That crowbar comment does explain a lot about the holmes brothers though
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 240
His Last Vow
“His Last Vow”
Plot Description: Sherlock goes up against Charles Augustus Magnussen, media tycoon and a notorious blackmailer
I had to check…at the time this aired, I definitely knew Magnussen was played by Hannibal’s brother. The Mikkelsen brothers have a very wonderfully offputting effect on any scene they’re in
Yikes yikes yikes. Sure *I* know this guy is bad, but the way this committee is asking him questions just feels xenophobic
I hate the twist at the end that this is Magnussen’s mind palace and none of what we’re seeing is real…so the only way to get rid of his files on everyone is to shoot him in the head
This man is such a downgrade from Moriarty. Yes, I'm biased, but I'm also right
Wait, there was another person in that room and he just...LET MAGNUSSEN LICK THAT LADY'S FACE?
I do remember how the "WELL I'M NOT NOW" gif was all over this site for a long time after this episode aired. It's probably the highl--I was going to say it's the highlight of the episode but I forgot this one, I BELIEVE, has Mycroft being forced into Christmas celebrations, so...that's...that's better
Man, they really jumped to all sorts of conclusions all while Sherlock was saying that he was in the drug den for a case. Not even a clean urine test saved him from Molly slapping him and everyone berating him. wtf
This is possibly the one time where I'm like "Mmmmm, Mycroft, noooo" You're SIDING WITH MAGNUSSEN?! Look, I KNOW he's got all sorts of info on all sorts of people, but that does not make him an asset to you, bud
John's total confusion about Janine's presence in 221b is very chef's kiss. He's also so fucking annoyed by it.
I'm sorry. But the (lack of) build up for Magnussen's big bad status for this season makes everything Sherlock is saying about him just fall completely flat. I truly don't blame John for remaining more distracted by Janine and Sherlock dating
Remember how everyone wanted Janine to secretly be Moriarty's sister? (That does make season 4 just a little bit funny...) They saw a dark haired Irish actress and went "She MUST be related to Moriarty"
He really needs to stop pulling all these gross power moves. Moriarty would never.
God, I forgot that Janine was Magnussen's assistant.
Dude. I think this is the moment that I actually hate using Sherlock as ace and/or aro coded representation (and if we're being for real the autistic coding of the character, too). He just proposed to Janine in order to get into Magnussen's office and called her love for him that allowed him to do that "human error." Not being experiencing those types of attraction does not make someone inherently cruel like that
They get wayyyyyyyyy too...I don't even know what to call it. I don't want to call it artistic because that's so broad. But from the moment Mary shoots Sherlock, the way this part is being filmed is such a departure from the "modern twist on the Sherlock Holmes stories" that we get in the first two seasons and even, to a lesser extent, the first two episodes of this season. They're, for some reason, being akin to an action movie.
There's so much time wasted on Sherlock being shot and nearly dying.
EUGH!! NO. Not the subconscious mention of the secret sister that comes in next season
The fact that he enters the very dingy room in his mind that contains a straightjacket-ed and chained up Moriarty while yelling "control!" repeatedly is...it's something. And really?? Moriarty never felt pain?? Were you not on that rooftop with him when he pontificated about how lonesome he was in his life? How boring everyone he's ever met was? Yes, he had his machinations, but that only gets you so far.
Not to bring my "everything is about the Todorokis and especially Touya" into Sherlock, too. But this depiction of Moriarty in Sherlock's mind is so reminiscent of all the times post Dabi's Dance that someone in that family thinks about him and what he's doing at that moment. It's so much more unhinged than anything he's actually doing. And yes, Moriarty had his outbursts, but he wasn't like this all the time
But truly. They could have been friends. They could have been such good and cool FRIENDS. And Sherlock fucked that up by pretending to be in love with her, stringing her along, just to get to Magnussen.
The way John asks who Sherlock would be protecting by not revealing the name of the person who shot him AND AT THE SAME TIME, HE'S SITTING DOWN INTO HIS CHAIR THAT HAS VERY RECENTLY RETURNED TO 221B. It's a good moment
Maybe I'm delusional, but I believe there could have been a way to make this story line good, the Mary is an assassin/spy/whatever and it needs to be kept from John. Her confrontation with Sherlock in the fake building is good, but the immediate revelation that John was there the whole time sucks. There could have been so much more intrigue, if only things were stretched out more over the season instead of cramming it all into this one.
I love Mycroft's petulance
It is kind of funny how John is often perceived as the normal one, but he's surrounded himself by all this. Sherlock's not wrong when he says John's addicted to danger
The gut-wrenching "you are a client now. this is where you sit and talk, and this is where we sit and listen and decide if we want you or not" from John to Mary. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve it for lying to him from the moment they met, but GOD. DAMN.
"Your loss would break my heart" caused more of a reaction in Sherlock than "There ain't no me if there ain't no you" did in Sam. But that might be because the Winchesters talk and lie about how they feel about each other far more often than the Holmes boys ever would.
I forgot he drugs everyone at Christmas as part of a deal with Magnussen...wtf. Sherlock, I know you're not ACTUALLY going to turn over Mycroft's laptop (which he for some reason brought to Christmas dinner) to Magnussen moments after that heart to heart with him
The fact that neither Sherlock but especially John hasn't shot him yet.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T HAVE TO PROVE IT YOU JUST HAVE TO PRINT IT? Aren't Britain's libel and slander laws like...famously bonkers? Like, just incredibly intense? What a crazy thing to have this guy living and working in England who owns multiple newspapers say
We get a couple glimpses in this episode of Sherlock as a kid......not as effective as when we see the Winchesters as kids
Mmmmmm, Sherlock shooting Magnussen is why he's gotta go on that mission Mycroft mentioned earlier that would likely kill him in six months' time
This is truly when Sherlock should have ended. True, it would be sad to have John and Sherlock split up at the end of the series, but nothing that comes after this is good. Also, we could have ended on the threat of Moriarty coming back. I DO remember how the "did you miss me?" image flooded this site
I wish Moriarty had actually come back and not get ruined by the series finale. Then I could have the "if i had a nickel for every time I loved a character who announced they were back from the dead by taking over every screen in the country their story takes place in, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice" meme. But noooooooooooo, Moftiss didn't want me to have anything nice.
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