#man. man. daily i do learn new stuff abt spg lore.
a-flickering-soul · 2 years
spg anon here once more: i am now in love with rabbit and i would die for her
also if you have any links to good places to read the lore at, i would be welcomed to get them! i have read the storyline and timeline on their website and have read the comics so far and im just in love with this entire concept
Beloved SPG Anon, I feel like us Rabbit Spouses (TM) should start a union because our collective wife puts us through so much daily. And yes! I can definitely provide some links aside from the website and comics!
A fair warning beforehand: a lot of these resources, especially the older ones, do reference Mike Reed and Steve Negrete, both of whom have left the band after rather upsetting behavior. I won't go into it here, but it's pretty easy to find reasons why. Please take the necessary precautions beforehand if this is something that could trigger you.
A GREAT resource is going through the Internet Archive and plugging in http://www.steampoweredgiraffe.com and clicking around. A good addon is /cavalcadium, which will bring you to their old lore hub, as well as any /CHARACTERNAME.html (i.e. "/Upgrade.html") to bring you to a character-specific page. I don't remember what date saves are especially good, but if you click around you should see some good stuff. Definitely recommend spending a lot of time here, since you'll find the most lore here as far as I know!
Another cool resource is the Reddit SPG Lore Sundays Bunny did, which are linked here (1), (2), (3), (4).
Their YouTube channel has some nice videos and playlists explaining some lore/in-jokes, as well as some aspects of the Vice Quadrant. Their podcast has some bits of lore, but it's mostly them fucking around for an hour, so YMMV. There is an in-character improv radio show with the characters if you're interested though here! The Youtube clips of their performances are really fun but not as lore-heavy aside from a few one-off jokes. The major exception to this is the Malfunction Incident featuring a flashback to the Weekend War (there's another significant malfunction in the Walter Robotics Expo liveshow video, which is $5 for the full recording and IMO well worth it).
Their Tumblr @officialsteampoweredgiraffe has some really interesting bits of lore as well, but you will definitely have to dig for it. I personally recommend starting at the very last page and working your way forward, since the blog nowadays just autoposts new podcast eps.
@emmi-kat has done some phenomenal lore masterposts too, and I can link some here and here off the top of my head.
They also have a Patreon with content dating back like ten years or something?? I haven't gotten into it yet but I plan to and I have a feeling there's a lot of cool stuff in there. If you're interested, the lowest tier iirc is like $1.
That's all I can think of right now, but I'm gonna maintag this as an open invitation for anyone with more resources to add on, because I would like to know too! My literal second post in the SPG fandom was 'hey guys where can i find lore because it's impossible' so trust me, I know the feeling.
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