#managed to find like two and then i gave up bcs of the wolfs đź’€
gothamslostboy · 10 months
Marko W/ A Werewolf Mate
A/N: I FINALLY DID IT! Here’s the final part to the lost boys with a werewolf s/o series. This started last year when I made Paul’s post, and I really didn’t expect me to take so long finishing this💀 sorry to all my marko lovers that his took almost a full year to complete and enjoy:]
Marko finds you while strolling the boardwalk
He had separated from the boys in order to steal pick up some new paints
He’s a little disappointed that you’re a werewolf for 3 reasons
He thinks the idea of turning his mate and “corrupting” them is pretty hot
It’s easier to understand his mate’s emotions and feelings if they are eventually the same species as him
He’s been told since the day he was turned that werewolves hate vampires and now he’s scared you’ll reject him for it
But he doesn’t let it stop him from overall being excited about finding you
It’s been a couple decades since he got a new mate and he’s extremely curious what your personality is like
Will you be like any of his current mates? Or maybe something entirely new?
Marko’s mainly just hoping for someone who can keep up with his shananigans
Pauls fun to cause mayhem with but he’s also clumsy as fuck and normally they end up kicked off the boardwalk
At least until they can eat the guard who bands them
While Marko is still thinking of all the possibilities, you manage to catch his scent
Immediately you start running towards him
He notices you and starts to greet you
But Paul caught your scent, and wanted to protect his boy
He ends up tackling you into an alley and holding you down
Paul keeps asking you why you were trying to attack Marko but doesn’t trust you when you say he’s your mate
Well at least until Marko throws him off of you
It’s safe to say it wasn’t the first meeting either of you expected
But once everything got sorted out, and Paul gave an embarrassed apology, it ended up okay
Paul left to tell David and Dwayne what was going on, so you and Marko got to talking
He asked you to help him get the paints, and with the extra help, he also got a new sketchbook and some markers
With your supernatural speeds the two of you manage to out run the security guards and end up hiding under the dock, huddling together in order to avoid being seen through the cracks
He looks at you and breaks out into laughter, as quiet as he could, until you can’t contain your own laughter
Both of you whisper about the successful haul, until the giggles naturally die off
Staring at each other without speaking, you take in the other’s scents again
After the moment passes Marko has an idea
He smirks quickly before stuffing the stuff into his “shopping” bag and pulling you by the hand
Together you flee the boardwalk and don’t stop until you’re about 50 ft into the woods near the cave
You ask him what he’s doing and he tells you to listen to the noises around
Focusing as hard as possible, you notice a couple things: rushing water from the creek, an owl on the hunt, various animals walking, and finally, a group of ppl laughing near a camp fire
He proposes a challenge, first one to get a kill gets to make the first move
You chuckle at the idea but end up agreeing, shifting into your wolf form and darting towards the group
Marko is a bit in awe of your transformation
He had never seen anything like it
He doesn’t let himself fixate on it for too long long bc he realizes that now you’ve had a head start
Going as fast as he can, Marko gets to the campsite just in time to see you pounce
“Fuck!” He lets out a playful sigh as he helps take out the group, making sure there isn’t any stragglers
He fakes annoyance as you shift back, gloating about your victory
Marko is about to respond when you lean in and kiss him
He pulls away after a few seconds and you guys spend the rest of the night joking and getting familiar, eventually going back to the cave and meeting the others
Date nights for you two tend to involve some kind of scheme or murder
You pretending to be a dog and luring ppl into the woods to kill, testing each others abilities and seeing who’s better at certain things, messing with the rest of the pack, etc.
Marko also loves to play fight, so thank god you both have advanced healing
The full moon tends to make you more playful and increase your sex drive, and Marko is more than okay with both of those things
The only time Marko is gentle with you is the night after a full moon, when you’re dazed and tired from the heightened emotions and sensations you experience
But he’s right back to his normal self as soon as your better
After a couple years he starts getting sad about your mortality, so you both go to Dwayne for help
He figures out the rituals and items you need, and you and Marko set off to complete them
If you thought Marko was a sadist before, well you’re in for a shock now that you’re not a risk of death
He likes to howl at the moon with you at night, even though he doesn’t fully understand why you like it so much
He wanted to know if you play fetch since he met you, but didn’t know if that was a rude question to ask or not
He goes to the boys for advice on how to ask you but David just gets up and asks you right then
Now it’s a game yall play as a group
After a hunt they take a limb and throw it as hard as they can
If Marko is trying to hide something from you, like a gift or a conversation, he tends to throw things in the opposite direction
Your instincts are to immediately go get it
After the 3rd or 4th toss you figure it out and manage to stop chasing it though
He also thinks it’s funny to jokingly call you “bad dog/good dog” at random times and laugh when you give him a dirty look and growl
Marko doesn’t think it’s as funny when you bury his things in retaliation
@crustyboypix @lazywerebat
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