#managed to set up my art stuff in the place we're staying at and immediately used it for evil
tomaturtles · 4 months
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Got inspired by this and had to
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cerastes · 3 years
What do you make of Specter's operator record? Personally I liked it, but that's with the knowledge we're getting more Specter backstory soon.
Ok, so! Just as you pointed out, I went into it with the knowledge that:
We're getting Under TIDES soon.
Specter gets a second Operator Record later, some time after Under TIDES.
And with that in mind, I'm fine with it, but if I was a CN player and all we got was Specter's first Operator Record without any knowledge of the future, I would be pretty pissed, lmao. In fact, CN players were pretty pissed, the reception to her Operator Record was pretty bad. Specter is a popular character both in terms of gameplay and character (the latter more so in China, she gets a steady influx of cosplayers, fanart and fanfic in Weibo, Lofter, and such). It's believed that Hypergryph announced her second Operator Record because of this backlash.
Now, with the context and preamble on the table, I want to say: Great idea, not so great execution. Overall, I enjoyed it, but again, that's only with knowledge of the future. Despite that, I sincerely praise Hypergryph for actually having the balls to try a narrative approach like this one on a mobile game. The thing is, just because an idea is interesting doesn't mean it's good, and I think a lot of aspiring writers and designers need to hammer that in their head, especially armchair game designers that like to theorize oh so much about how cool it would be to have a game that did this or that. I don't care if it's cool or not, is it enjoyable to experience?
And that's just the thing with Specter's Operator Record: It felt lackluster in many regards. The approach was definitely interesting, bold, I'd even say, but that doesn't really matter too much if the result isn't a success, now, does it? Let's immediately address the Originium Slug in the room: Specter doesn't even appear in it. Now, is that an interesting approach to an Operator Record? Sure! Is it good? I don't really think so, especially with a character that fans really have been clamoring to see more of in actual cutscenes, given the wealth of clues they've put regarding Specter in other places:
Blue Poison' Files -> We learn that Blue Poison knew Specter personally before her descent to madness, addressing her with her real name.
Skadi's Dialogue -> Skadi implies that Specter was on a very important mission, and more or less confirms she knew her before she went crazy.
Several pieces of official art -> Specter is associated with the phrase "All seas are singing your name".
Ceobe's Fungimist -> It's implied the cursed painting depicting the end times is the same confusing painting Specter painted in her Token.
Rosmontis' Files -> It's confirmed that Specter's spinal cord is filed to the brim with originium fluid, and the Medical Team theorizes that, just like Rosmontis, her infection was artificially induced. It also confirms that they have no idea how Specter is able to fight such an insanely high level of infection.
So, see, this has been a character that fans have really been clamoring to see again. The only cutscene Specter's ever been is the secret cutscene of Grani and the Knight's Treasure AKA the very first event in the game. Understandably, after two years of the game existing, people were a bit miffed that once again we just get breadcrumbs and a non-participation 'appearance', to say the least, in what's supposed to be her day in the limelight.
Now, personally, I kind of get how they are handling her, and the Operator Records are a very faithful reflection of this: Specter is meant to be this mysterious force that we don't have clearance to know about, as Kal'tsit herself is the only one authorized to treat her or even enter her containment quarters. And, in this regard, I think the Records succeed:
It all starts innocently with Suzuran drawing Specter in a Secret Santa and then having to start deep diving to find out who the hell even IS Specter, because absolutely no one knows of her. Eventually, Suzuran lucks out by asking Meteorite, who did participate in a mission with Specter once, to which Suzuran immediately reacts: "Hey hold on, don't they send you on pretty dangerous missions all the time?", and Meteorite's answer is, "Yeah, and she's right at home there."
Now, this is really interesting because we, as Doctor, have some level of clearance: We know things about Specter and can even converse with her to a certain degree, because Doctor is a high authority in Rhodes Island, but the average Operator, like Suzuran, Aosta and Chiave, doesn't even know of her existence. She's one of Rhodes Island's well kept secrets, even within Rhodes Island. Even Meteorite, a veteran Sarkaz mercenary and a bombardment expert, only knows about Specter in a need-to-know basis (because they deployed once together). More telling is the fact that Meteorite doesn't think she'd get along with Specter, simply based on the fact that, just on that one operation, the level of violence and carnage brought upon by Specter unnerved even her, a Kazdel Sarkaz veteran. Well, to be precise, it's not the sheer level of destruction that Specter is capable of that unnerved Meteorite, it's the fact that she does it all seemingly without a care in the world, expressionless, soundless, simply following orders to the letter without showing or taking in a single emotion. To paraphrase Meteorite, "someone that can unleash such destruction and violence upon others so easily, and that can then just not mind it in the slightest, has something wrong and concerning going on with them, no doubt".
Next up, we also learn that Folinic has very restricted, also on a need-to-know basis access to Specter. Keep in mind that Folinic is extremely competent and not at all a stranger to danger: She handles Phantom. So this is a huge hint: There's perhaps more to the secrecy regarding Specter than just her being a dangerous, unstable element. Folinic could reasonably handle Specter professionally, but it's not about whether she can or not, it's about information, and this brings us back to Grani and the Knight's Treasure: Kal'tsit makes it clear to Skadi that Specter is, as a whole, inaccessible to everyone but her, that only she has clearance to access Specter's quarters. Keep in mind that Skadi does not operate in the same conditions, despite also being an Abyssal Hunter. In fact, it's well known that Skadi is infamous among other Operators for being unreasonable and obstructive in operations, as well as unapproachable outside of them (unless you are Grani, who managed to successfully befriend Skadi and vouches for her). There's things about Specter that are so sensitive, so important, that Kal'tsit can't risk them getting out, and even using her as an Operator is something reserved for very dangerous operations. Not even Warfarin, senior staff and Operator that's been with Rhodes Island for a very long time, has full access to Specter, but she clearly knows the importance of keeping her under curtains, given she immediately diffused the Folinic-Suzuran situation by coming up with a compromise on the spot.
There's another interesting contrast between Files and the Operator Record: Meteorite describes Specter as "dead silent". Mind you, we knew from before, thanks to Specter's Files, that the shark is completely silent in battle, but we also do know that she incoherently rambles quite a lot. Folinic sheds some light onto this, explaining that Specter intentionally stays silent most of the time so as to not say anything that could be misunderstood when around others. When she's in a more private setting, however, she does let loose with the insane talk. This is confirmation of something that had been hinted at before: Even though she's insane, there's a fervent part of her clinging onto sanity for dear life with bloodied, splintered fingers, and it manifests itself in how she'll never harm an ally, and how Specter is, to a certain degree, aware of how far gone she is, and thus keeps her mouth shut around others that aren't Doctor or Kal'tsit, so as to not spook them out or accidentally threaten them with her insane rambling.
Then, at the very end, after Suzuran managed to get her present to her, Specter does in fact deliver a thank you present back to Suzuran: A music box, consistent with Specter's love for the arts. Of course, the gift might have been chosen by a proxy of hers (Skadi or Blue Poison, both known to also enjoy music), but the message is all the same: Specter clearly appreciated the gift, and was mentioned to see an improvement in her condition after receiving the doll Suzuran gave her.
So, in paper? All of this? I love it. Of course I do, she's my favorite character, and it was such a bold way to present her Record, too, I respect them trying out new things, it managed to capture the essence of "the mysterious, terrifying fighting machine Operator they don't want us to know about that's actually a pretty sweet and decent person, just going through some really hard stuff" that they've been going for with Specter, it's just, I can also understand (and agree with) fans because... It's been two years, bwahaha, let us see her again, you know? It's her Operator Record, we've gotten some VERY good insights into the lives and days of other Operators through those, like with Angelina's or Kroos'! Of course we also wanted something like that, bwahaha.
What I would've loved, and what I think would've made it all better with fans, is if the final scene had Specter actually show up in Suzuran's room like the cryptid she is, with Suzuran noting the security door had just sort of been casually pried open, Specter's perpetual smile on her face as she's holding her thank you gift before Warfarin and Folinic just sort of storm into the room like "DUDE, WE SAID YOU CAN'T--", she thanks Suzuran wordlessly, gently hands her the music box, and then she calmly turns back and walks back to her confinement quarters.
But, yeah, I've gone on for long enough. I appreciate it overall, knowing what's coming, and I appreciate the idea, I just think they could've handled it better, but the whole essence and message of it, I think lands pretty nicely.
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kygo-keigo · 4 years
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Two worlds apart, Xiao Zhan meets a mysterious man in his dream, Lan Wanji. Who is this man wearing an ancient costume?
Two worlds apart, Lan Wanji saw Wei Wuxian inside of a bizarre man's clothing. Is it Wei Ying? Why does he look exactly like Wei Ying?
Two souls separated from different eras, bonded by unknown incense burner.
Art by: 陆离-popo
for wattpad link, visit: https://my.w.tt/qs7X83uah8
Inside the Cloud Recess Pavilion, disciples of Gusu Lan Sect often hear Lan Wanji's inquiry. It is like a morning ritual for Lan Wanji to play his guqin, every day for 10 years, without skipping any day. Many of the disciples know the notes he's playing. It is a solemn melody full of agony and longingness. In Gusu Lan Sect, it is forbidden to talk about the person behind their back. But it is rumored that song is dedicated to his long lost lover. As to know whether it is true or not, no one dares to ask.
Today is a different day. It is Wei Wuxian's birthday. Lan Wangji places his guqin on the table and stares outside the window. It is autumn now, the Ginko trees outside fills the whole pathway with its yellow leaves. He strums the strings on his hands and plays the tune he composed years ago. When the one who heard it was still here, beside him in the cold and desolate cave, asking what's the title of the song.
Wangxian, he said. But that person can no longer hear it.
Lan Wangji turns his head up in the sky as he plucks the chords out of his guqin. Begging the heavens to answer his most ardent prayer.
"Wei Ying, where are you?"
Lan Sizhui turns his head towards the melody he's hearing. Although it is faintly heard, he notices a different melody from what Lan Wangji usually plays.
"Jingyi, have you heard that melody? It is different from what Hanguang-jun usually plays."
Lan Jingyi shook his head. He's struggling to reply as the long tips of his headband were on his lips while doing a handstand, copying all of the sect rules. "Focus on your work and stop distracting me. If we are caught loafing around, we won't be able to have our dinner."
"Zhanzhan, are you dizzy again?"
Xiao Zhan turned his head and shook it. "Just a simple headache." Xiao Zhan presses his temples and massage in between his eyebrows. He shakes his head the continues to rummage inside the garage sale.
Mei Hui grabs an incense burner and places it on top of the table. "I'll give this to you, you just need to buy some calming oil and place it inside. It will help you with your headache."
It is an old ceramic incense burner with intricate design holes where the smoke goes out. Using the tip of his finger, he touches the incense burner, he felt the electricity flow on his fingers and immediately remove his finger away.
Mei Hui laughs, "It has not been used for a while, why do you react as if you're scalded?" She immediately stuffs the incense burner in a paper bag and shoves it to Xiao Zhan. "Use it well."
It's almost midnight when Xiao Zhan finished his portfolio. He's a dedicated and hard-working student. It is his last semester in university, so he just needs to endure countless sleepless nights before he graduates. That's why he often caught a headache because of a lack of sleep.
He stretches his whole body to ease those tensed muscles from prolonged sitting, suddenly caught a glimpse of an incense burner from earlier. He already bought a lavender-scented incense oil to help him sleep tonight. It doesn't matter if he wakes up late tomorrow since it is the weekend.
After he lits up the incense burner, Xiao Zhan finally rewarded himself under the quilt as he snuggles his body into the soft mattress under him, ready to meet his deep slumber.
Bright noonday welcomes Xiao Zhan in his dream while walking in a pathway covered with yellow leaves. Although the sun is on its peak, he didn't feel any heat in the air. A sense of familiarity envelopes his body as he takes long strides in this place. Maybe he's already been here before?
At the end of the path, there is a small hut located in the middle. There is a man inside the hut, wearing a long white dress with clouds design on his lapels, a white headband on his forehead, and a guqin on his lap. Xiao Zhan feels like he's on an ancient drama, Who is this man wearing an ancient costume?
As soon as Lan Wanji sets his gaze on the man under the tree, his heart skips a beat.
Lan Wangji knows deep in his heart that this man is certainly Wei Wuxian. He exactly looks like Wei Wuxian, but his hair is short and wears bizarre clothes that he never saw in his life. Is it Wei Ying? Why does he look exactly like Wei Ying? His heart starts to waver, but it didn't stop him from going outside of the hut.
"Wei Ying?"
When Lan Wanji was a meter close to Wei Wuxian, he disappeared. A glimpse of Wei Wuxian vanished in thin air, all of a sudden Wangji wakes up from the dream. Tears start to fall from his eyes when he opened his eyes.
Xiao Zhan fell from his bed and wakes up. He turns his face to the large mirror in front of him, and tears start to roll down from his face. He didn't know why he is crying, maybe he dreamt of something sad but he can no longer remember.
After that hellish exam, Xiao Zhan finally can rest peacefully on his bed. Just as he walks out, Mei Hui invites him for a couple of drinks with their friends as they successfully finished their final exams. Just a couple of requirements to make and they will graduate a few months from now. Although Xiao Zhan doesn't like to socialize, he agreed. He didn't know why but he's in a good mood and a couple of drinks won't be a bad idea.
They enjoy good hotpot meat and a couple of drinks. This place is full of students that also came from finishing their exams. From different departments, although they did not know each other, as they sang their alma mater's hymn, they unite as one. Some cried and some drank as they sang their final song. Eventually, someone plays a graduation song and everyone must state their name, age, and department after that take a one-shot of alcohol. They can also add witty remarks if they want to.
All of the students are on their high spirits with an alcohol-induced body, so everyone is willing to do this nonsense.
After their friends and Mei Hui introduced themselves, it is now Xiao Zhan's turn. Xiao Zhan is a bit tipsy now but can manage to stand up. "Hello everyone, my name is Xiao Zhan, 24 years old, from the modern international art design department. For the future of Chongqing university, Gānbēi!"
Everyone also raised their cups and drink. Xiao Zhan slightly slipped from the corner of his chair. Luckily, someone grabs his arms to find his balance.
"Thank you," Xiao Zhan didn't shot a glance at the person as he drops his head on the table. That last shot knocked him out.
He didn't know how he managed to go back to his bed. Xiao Zhan can hear Mei Hui's voice and some strange yet familiar voice of a man. He tries to open his eyes, but all he can see is their shadow. The last thing he saw is Mei Hui putting something on his incense burner then he passed out.
Lan Wanji strums his guqin inside the hut. He solemnly plays the notes while picturing Wei Wuxian in his mind.
Once again, Xiao Zhan goes back to the last scene on his dream, but this time he heard an ancient guqin plays. Like he was calling from the past. He followed the sound until he saw that man again playing his guqin while softly whispered the word, Wei Ying.
"Wei Ying?"
Lan Wangji suddenly stops playing. When he opened his eyes, he saw that bizarre man that looks like Wei Wuxian.
"Wei Ying!" Lan Wanji immediately stands up and reached his hand to the man.
Xiao Zhan panicked and raised his two hands, "So... Sorry. I.. I am not Wei Ying."
Lan Wangji stepped back.
"I'm afraid you recognized the wrong person."
Lan Wanji's eyebrows furrowed. He hides his face from the man with his hand, I am wrong.
Xiao Zhan saw the man's sorrowful face, he felt guilty. "That person... I mean Wei Ying, is he your friend?"
Lan Wanji pressed this thin lips, "He is..."
Lan Wanji didn't finish his sentence when Xiao Zhan interrupts him, "Oh, you also have that incense burner?"
Lan Wanji picks up the incense burner, "You also have the same kind?"
Xiao Zhan nods.
Now Lan Wanji finally understands the situation, "The incense burner brought you into my dreams, I was calling for his spirit and you came here. You don't belong in this world, that's why I don't recognize your clothing."
Xiao Zhan quickly lift the hem of his clothes, "In your dream? Is it kind of magic?"
Lan Wanji slightly smiles. He explained that incense burner they both use is an ancient treasure, maybe it was passed down for generations. Lan Wanji didn't know it is capable of meeting two souls from a different era, until now. What bothers him is that he met Wei Wuxian from the other world, is it really him or not?.
Lan Wangji, "What's your name?"
Xiao Zhan, "My name is Xiao Zhan, you?"
"Lan Zhan." Lan Wanji didn't know why he easily gave his birth name.
Xiao Zhan chuckled, "Lan Zhan? I'm Xiao Zhan, we're both Zhanzhan."
Lan Zhan saw Xiao Zhan's bright smile. In a split second, he looked like Wei Wuxian from where they were young. His sweet smile that can brighten up any gloomy day. A smile that completely conquered his heart. They stayed there for a couple of hours, asking about their world, how people live from Wanji's time, how different is Xiao Zhan's generation.
"Lan Zhan."
Lan Wangji's heart pounded so hard when he hears his name.
Xiao Zhan, "I'm glad to see you. Even if it's a dream, I can feel we're both knew each other. The next time we see each other, teach me how to play that some from earlier."
Lan Wanji, "Mn."
Xiao Zhan, "See you in my dreams."
It continues for three weeks. Xiao Zhan always meets Lan Wangji on his dream. He learned that Lan Zhan's real name is Lan Wanji. That he's a cultivator in Gusu Lan Sect and people call him Hanguang-jun. He also has a brother that looks like him. He also learned about Wei Ying called Wei Wuxian by his real name. Also a cultivator like him.
Even if there are so many things to comply with their graduation, Xiao Zhan manages to sleep whenever he can. That's why among their group, he's the only one who looks fresh while everyone carries a black bag underneath their eyes.
Mei Hui, on the other hand, noticed something unusual from Xiao Zhan. Unlike last month which he really looked like a dead fish, now he looks vibrant even his skin looks plumper than hers. Envy rose from her, he never saw Xiao Zhan this happy before. From the looks of it, people might see it as the excitement from the graduation, but in her eyes, it feels like he's in love.
Mei Hui, "Zhanzhan, you look so happy these past few days. Are you dating someone?"
Suddenly, Lan Wanji's face crossed his mind. Xiao Zhan slightly smiles in a fraction of second, but it did not escape from Mei Hui's eyes.
"Nope, I don't have time to date someone, " Xiao Zhan nonchalantly said.
Mei Hui didn't bother to dig deeper from his personal life and focused on other things. She just silently wished that when one day, when she falls for the other person too, she'll glow brighter too just like him.
Each day they're getting closer to his graduation, each day Xiao Zhan almost perfected Lan Wanji's melody score using a flute. Though he only plays on his dream, Xiao Zhan silently wished he could play it in real life too. So the next day, Xiao Zhan bought a Dizi (Chinese Flute) from a shop referred by Mei Hui. He wants to test his conjecture to play the flute just like what he plays in his dream. Although it wasn't as good as what he did on his dream, he's still happy that he remembered all of the notes.
Xiao Zhan wants to play the melody after his graduation.
Lan Wanji waits for Xiao Zhan to appear in his dream. He noticed a man wearing a black coat and a hat. That man walks towards him while waving his hand. His heart nearly escapes from his chest. It is pounding so loud and hurts each time it pumps blood. He didn't know if he was hallucinating as he saw Wei Wuxian in front of him.
"Lan Zhan!"
Wei Wuxian smiled at him and began to press his mouth towards the flute that almost looks like Chengqing and plays Wangxian. Lan Wangji's world stopped right in front of him. His eyes only glare at the man in front of him. Maybe he's delusional but if he can only wish to live inside his dream, he's willing to give up everything just to be with him. Only with him.
"Lan Zhan, what is the name of the song?" Wei Wuxian asked.
Now, Lan Wanji can say the words that he wanted to say a long time ago, "Wangxian."
Lan Wanji noticed some changes from Wei Wuxian's face and quickly turn his body away from him. He grabs his shoulder only to see Xiao Zhan's bloodshot eyes. Lan Wanji quickly retracts his hand that was resting on Xiao Zhan's shoulder. He just imagines him as Wei Wuxian.
Xiao Zhan, who wears graduation clothes just to play the melody he's been practicing for weeks in front of Lan Wangji as a surprise was defeated by Lan Wanji's past lover. He never knew that the song was named after their combined name.
He silently clenches his flute as he speaks, "Is this song... For that person, you called Wei Ying?"
"But you've been waiting for him for 13 years now. How can you sure you'll find him again?"
"I don't know."
Xiao Zhan swallowed the invisible lump he feels on his throat. He quickly suppresses his sour feeling and said, "Lan Zhan, I... I like you."
Lan Wangji remained stoic. He takes 3 steps away from Xiao Zhan and looks into the sky and closes his eyes. Xiao Zhan's personality is somehow the same as Wei Wuxian, but Xiao Zhan isn't Wei Wuxian.
"I've been waiting for him for more than a decade now, how much more if I wait another year for him?"
Xiao Zhan just received an indirect rejection from Lan Wanji's rhetorical question. He silently accepts it as he twists his feet against the ground.
"What you are wearing?"
"Oh this, I just graduated from the University."
Lan Wangji pats his head, "Congratulations."
Xiao Zhan paid him with a smile too, "I wished to receive that same kind of love like you have for Wei Wuxian."
Xiao Zhan, "I don't want anyone if it's not you."
Lan Zhan, "You're still young Xiao Zhan. I can't accompany you in your world nor you can in my world. I have my life in Cloud Recess, you also have your life in your world. Maybe he's waiting for me somewhere in the underworld and there are people waiting for you there. We can only move forward with our life. We can't be stuck in a dream no matter how much we wanted to. So this will be the last time we'll see each other."
Xiao Zhan finally broke down, tears came falling down from his face as his body slowly fades away.
Xiao Zhan, "I'll never get to see you again?"
Lan Wanji, "If you're Wei Wuxian's spirit from another world, maybe you'll meet me there too if fate allows."
After that, there is only an empty dream.
Maybe Lan Wangji was right, or maybe he's not. Maybe he is Wei Wuxian in his past life, or maybe not. In any case, whether he hopes for another Lan Wanji in his world or not, if fate allows it will happen.
Three years had passed, Xiao Zhan never saw Lan Wangji again. Being consumed by his work, he no longer thinks about him. After his encounter with the incense burner, he never used it again. He sometimes dreams about Lan Wangji until he can no longer remember his face. He even dreamt of himself wearing wuxia clothes but never really know what he did there.
One thing is for certain, he still plays Wangxian.
Xiao Zhan fiddled the flute in his hand, smiling at the thought of that dream under the ginkgo tree. That yellow leaves that are slowly covered the road. He didn't know why but he felt like playing the song in his flute.
As he blows his breath, the melody starts to play.
Whether if it's 16 years or hundred years, Lan Wangji still waits for Wei Wuxian. Until the day comes when he hears Wangxian in the air. It is played roughly but he can still recognize the notes. He quickly followed the melody and saw a ridiculous man playing his bamboo flute with makeup on his face. Now he certainly knows, he came back.
He grabs that man's wrist and stares directly at him.
Wei Ying, you came back. It is you. I found you.
Xiao Zhan stops playing his flute when he notices a man in front of him calling out his name, who looks exactly like a man he's familiar with.
'Maybe you'll meet me there too if fate allows.'
It is no longer a maybe. Lan Zhan, I found you.
"You're Xiao Zhan, right?"
"Yes, I am. And you are?"
"Wang Yibo..."
Whether in this life or your life, we are destined to belong to each other no matter where we are.
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softspaceboibrian · 6 years
as I promised, here's some Valentine's Day headcanons for you
He would probably ask you days prior to take a long weekend and stay home from work
He would show up to your door first thing in the morning
"where are we going?"
"it's a surprise! you'll love it"
you get in the car and drive off
during the drive you listen to music and sing along to pretty much every single song that comes on (it's a playlist you made for him some time back and it's full of Queen songs)
his hand is always on you, whether it's on your thigh, behind your head gently playing with your hair or holding yours
after a few hours, you finally understand where he's taking you
you had been there on your first holiday together as a couple
you stay in a rustic house, really cozy, in Pembrokeshire
in the afternoon he takes you to see the sea at the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
the view is breathtaking and you can't keep your eyes away from the horizon when the sun starts to set
"it's so beautiful, isn't it?" you say
"it is" he replies
but hes not looking at the sun
he can't keep his eyes off of you
that evening he takes you to a small restaurant
he pays for you because he's a gentleman
you walk back to the house
it's chilly and he doesn't lose the chance to keep you close
his arm is around your shoulders, yours around his waists
he casually places small kisses on the top your head every once in a while
"you know I love you, right?"
"of course, I do"
"just making sure you remember"
once you get home, you change into soft and warm pj's and sit in front of the small fireplace in the living room
he pulls you closer and places a soft, gentle kiss on your lips
you kiss him back and then lay your head on his shoulder
you two then stay there, cuddling, until you both fall asleep
he might look all though and stuff
but he's actually the softest boy ever
he would pick you up from work with a big bouquet with all your favourite flowers
"hope you like them"
"I love them, baby"
he slightly blushes and you love it (soft boi)
he walks you home hand in hand, asking you about your day, making sure you feel good and nothing went wrong
when you get home, you find a Chanel bag on the kitchen counter
inside there's a beautiful little black dress
"what is this?"
"put it on. I'm taking you out"
you jump into his arms, peppering his face with small wet kisses
and he can't help but giggle
he puts you back on the ground and you run into your bedroom
when you're ready, you get back into the living room
he's speechless
to him, you look like an angel
you put your coat on and walk out
you're wearing heels, but luckily he takes the car
you have time to spare, so he takes you to the National Gallery to watch some art because he knows how much you love it
he fakes being interested in the paintings, but he's looking at you all the time
he loves it when you get so lost in a painting, your eyes shine and you smile while you tell him about the artist you love so much (soft boi pt 2)
around 8pm you go out and walk to the restaurantit's a beautiful restaurant (Galvin at Windows) and your ta le is right next to the window, from which you can see the entire London skyline
"you are so good to me"
"you deserve to be treated like a princess"
after dinner, he drives you home
you ask him to stay over for the night
he obviously agrees
you sit in the couch with a glass of wine in your hands, just chatting and exchanging sweet compliments
which quickly turn into dirty talk
and you end up naked on the living room's carpet
like Gwilym, he asks you to take a long weekend but he has something bigger in mind
he shows up early in the morning with two plane tickets in his hand
"I'm taking you to Paris"
you immediately cup his face and pull him down to place a long kiss on his lips
he helps you to pack some stuff for the trip
then you rush off to the airport
you're in Paris around noon (you were still in London after the baftas)
you drop everything off at your hotel before heading downtown
the room is beautiful, on the last floor. the view from the window is scenic. you can see the Eiffel Tower
the Eiffel Tower is in fact your first stop
you take so many pictures together and then random photos of your beautiful boyfriend on your Polaroid
you then go on your tour of the city
he takes you to the Louvres because you always wanted to see it, and then to Notre Dame Cathedral
you're both Disney freaks and you start to sing to songs in the middle of the square, gaining everyone attention
a girl who recognises him from BoRhap takes a video of the two of you and then uploads it on twitter: the internet goes crazy
the two of you end up laughing
then you walk around the city hand in hand, getting lost between the old streets
it feels like Midnight in Paris, it's so beautiful
when you two get hungry, you pick a random restaurant and walk in
it's beautiful, it looks exactly like one would expect a French restaurant to look like
after dinner, you take a walk by the Seine
the sky is clear and you stop to admire the stars
he's right behind you, his arms around your waists, his head on your shoulder
"the stars are so beautiful, just like everything here"
"you're by far the most beautiful thing I've seen here in Paris and everywhere else"
your face turns red and he spins you around to place a kiss on your lips
when you get home, he runs a warm bubble bath for the two of you, with champagne on the side
you relax in the bathtub together
he softly hums love songs in your ear
"I love you so much"
"I love you, Joey"
he's not the biggest fan of Valentine's Day, but he still tries to surprise you
he asks for suggestions to the boys on their group chat
he ends up preparing you a simple dinner (lasagna and a chocolate cake you taught him how to prepare)
when you get home from work, the lights are low and, in the living room, table is set
two vanilla-scented candles are burning in the middle of the table
you can already smell the chocolate cake
you walk into the kitchen and he's just finished cleaning up the mess he made while preparing dinner
"you're home"
his smile is so pure
he walks over to you and pulls you into a warm hug, before taking your hand and walking you back into the living room
he helps you with chair and then runs back into the kitchen, only to come back to you with the lasagna
"this looks exquisite"
"I hope so, Gwil suggested it"
you can't help but smile, knowing he tried his best to surprise you
it actually tastes really good
you laugh together, he asks you about your day
you end up drinking an entire bottle of wine in two and you haven't even had dessert
speaking of, the cake!
it's amazing
you really didn't think he would manage to do it all by himself (the last time he did, he almost burnt the house down)
your eyes go wide for a second, but then you just smile to him
you're so proud
you clear the table together after dinner, but just leaving everything in the kitchen
he sits on the couch and pulls you into is chest, his fingers immediately finding their way into your hair
he plays with them, helping you relax
"I thought you didn't like Valentine's Day"
"yeah, but I love you and I wanted you to feel special"
"I always feel special when I'm with you"
"then I hope today you feel extra special"
you kiss him, your lips gently pressed against his
she had everything planned out for weeks now
when you get home from work, she waiting for you on the couch
you walk over to her and press a small kiss on her lips
but then you notice the smirk on her face
"what is going on?"
"we're going to see that musical you always talk about!"
"you got us tickets to go see Waitress??"
"with the karaoke and everything"
"what did I do to deserve you?"
you kiss her again and again
then you go to take a shower and get dressed
you're so excited that, all the way to the theatre, you're jumping around, singing the songs you already know by heart
and Lucy can't help but smile, thinking about how lucky she is to have you in her life
she intertwine her fingers with yours, making sure you don't start running when you see the big poster in front of the theater
you're basically acting like a child but she still love you
once you're inside, you find your seats
you're at the front, like 6th row
you can't keep still, so she has to place a hand on your thigh, stroking the exposed skin with her thumb
she didn't mention it before, but she loves the dress you're wearing, it really brings out the colour in your eyes
when they turn off the lights and the music starts playing, you let out a little squealshe finds adorable the way you sing along to every single song of the show, how your eyes get glassy into most emotional scenes, how loudly you laugh
when the show is over, she buys you the t-shirt you had set your eyes on when you first had walked inside the theatre a couple of hours before
you then take a walk hand in hand and end up having dinner at Shake Shack
she listens to you talking about the show and can't help but smile
"I love you"
you look at her and smile
"I love you, babygirl"
this is it, hope you liked it💞
🌹happy Valentine's Day, my lovelies🌻
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