#worry not though.... i may have been quiet on here lately but tumblr is still my house
tomaturtles · 4 months
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Got inspired by this and had to
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killerpixel · 6 months
What's left of you if you change the past?
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Divider here! Pairing: OC x Josh Futturman (platonic) Word count: 1568 Summary: Mintypud is on lookout to make sure no threats are approaching. When she hears someone sneak around, she allows herself to approach them, realizing all they need is comfort and someone to ground them. Authors note/OC info!: this is my first time publishing something on tumblr, and my overall first time writing Canon with an OC. Sooo here's some info about her! Mintypud's a girl with cat ears and tail, overall wears rather bright colors and LOVE Kandi making! She actually made a couple bracelets for Josh. Her cat ears make it possible for her to hear incredibly well, and her tail gives her great balance. Other than that, she can see in the dark better than normal people, and is just as sneaky as a cat. Those are the key point needed for this oneshot! Have fun reading!
Read under cut!
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Mintypud was sitting outside the camp to keep an eye out for threats. It was late at night, Wolf and Tiger had insisted on taking turns on looking out for threats. Both are currently asleep to rest up for their shifts, while Josh, well…
Minty sighs, her ears lowering just the tiniest bit.
Josh had not been doing well lately. Who can blame him though?
They blew up Kronish Labs, Josh ended up in prison, was kidnapped,... he went through hell and back, to be honest.
He hasn’t been the same since then.
He wasn’t the same Josh that would walk into that game shop to chat with her about video games, or start the regular light-hearted console war with her.
Mintypud threads up another bead.
This bracelet she’s making right now was nothing special, just something to pass the time. In the darkness people would call her insane for trying to make bracelets in the pitchblack of the night, but thanks to her night vision, she doesn’t have to worry about that.
Since she doesn’t see color at night though, this may just end up being either the weirdest or the best color combination she has put together so far.
She remains quiet and keeps looking around eventually, not seeming too bothered by her surroundings though. It’s a quiet night, just the wind whistling through the grass around her.
Minty grabs for a random pendant. A dinosaur. She smiles slightly.
Josh loves dinosaurs. Maybe this will cheer him up.
Just as she threads up the dinosaur pendant, she hears the crack of a branch breaking beneath some weight.
Instantly she’s on high alert, but stays low, her ears turning constantly in the hopes of hearing another sound that could betray who- or whatever is trespassing.
Mintypud holds her breath, slowly reaching for the knife Tiger lend her.
Her heart was beating against her chest, and she can’t help but flinch when she hears something heavy shift by the hill closeby.
She instantly turns around, her tail whipping left and right in anxiety. Her eyes need a couple seconds to adjust as she tries to keep herself as calm as she possibly could, her nervousness soon replaced by confusion.
The silhouette climbing up the hill… The weight of the footsteps… There was no doubt. But why would he…?
She looks around again, making sure there’s no actual threat anywhere close. Tiger and Wolf also seem asleep still, so she slowly gets up to follow the silhouette.
Her light footsteps are barely heard, even though she’s climbing the hill rather quickly, her tail keeping her balance steady at all times.
Once she reaches the top, she sits down beside the man, looking up into the cloudless sky while he can’t seem to look anywhere but his hands.
“....It’s kind of late, you know?”, Mintypud spoke up after a couple seconds, looking over at him. “You should be asleep…”
However, she was greeted with silence.
She tries again. “...You can see the stars really nicely tonight… wanna stargaze and find constellations? I already found-”
“It doesn’t matter”, he cut her off, not looking up at all. Dumbfounded, she looks over at him, ears perked up in confusion.
“...What do you mean?”
“Stars, constellations, nothing is real. Those aren’t our stars”
“Josh, what are you saying…?”
Mintypud looked at him, confused and beyond worried.
They used to climb the roof of his house at sleepovers, pointing at stars and constellations, making up new ones, and wishing on the occasional shooting star. Sure, some people would call it romantic, but for them it was just the usual. Sometimes they’d talk about shit going down at work, or other life struggles, or joke around and threaten to shove the other off the roof. All in good fun, obviously. It never happened.
But now…
Not even an answer.
Mintypud’s ears lower a little when she takes a closer look.
Josh was hunched over, knees pulled close to his chest, dirt and scratches still evident from his escape. It broke her heart to see him this sad.
“...Josh, what’s on your mind?”, she asks eventually.
Josh didn’t react for a couple seconds, but spoke just before Minty could try again.
“...Who am I?”
He sounded unsure, his voice thin and shaky.
The cat girl scooted a bit closer, worried about her friend.
“....You’re Josh Futturman… Did you lose your memory?”, she asks, fearing the absolute worst.
However, he shakes his head.
“No, I just… I don’t know who I am anymore…”
“No, Minty, Listen.”
She blinks, taken aback by how serious, yet shaky he sounded all of a sudden.
“Sure, I’m Josh Futturman… but- I’m also the Savior, right? The one to save the future in the end. But, I’m also Joosh, a millionaire hated by his parents… Not that I blame them, I really was an asshole to them, but-”
“But I had this really great life as this millionaire, developing games and all, with this mansion, but-”
“but then I blew up the labs, which should have saved the future, right? I should’ve been the Savior, I should be Future Man, but we’re still here, and no matter how often we time travel, no matter how many times I lie, how many roles I take on, it doesn’t matter, nothing changes, nothing gets fucking fixed, I’m still just this fucking terrorist millionaire J-”
”Joshua Sasha Futturman.”
That stopped Josh in his tracks, staring at Mintypud in confusion. She had his face cupped with he hands, cat ears hanging low and her eyes full of worry. Minty had never seen her best friend this confused, especially about himself. His voice had gotten more shaky as he had sped up his ranting, tears had already formed in his eyes. It broke her heart when she realizes that, no, he wasn’t sad. He was broken.
“...Sasha?”, he asks, voice barely a whisper.
Minty gulps.
“Yeah, that’s your middle name, remember? It was y-”
“My grandma’s name, yeah…”
She nods slightly.
“...Josh, have you really forgotten who you are?”
Her friend remains quiet, avoiding her gaze.
“...Hey idiot, look at me”, she coos softly, teasing him just the tiniest bit.
He listens, even though he hesitates. A tear rolls down his cheek.
She smiles softly at him, trying her hardest not to cry herself when she sees his eyes drowning in sadness and anxiety, moreso than usual.
“You’re Josh Futturman, janitor at Kronish Labs. Remember?”
He nods simply, not pulling himself together enough to talk.
“You’re the nerd I got to know briefly whenever you walked into the Game store, mostly because you broke your Joystick again. Caught me off-guard once studying on my shift while no one was in the store, we ended up talking about games and consoles, you started calling me gamergirl and I’d call you bastard or idiot in return. We would always joke like that. I’m pretty sure I gave you one of my Kandi bracelets that day”
“...The blue one with the stars, and- and the >Game Over< letters…”, he mutters shakily, shoulders shaking as he tries not to cry.
Minty smiles and nods. “Exactly, that was the one!”
“Josh, you’re my best friend… You told me about Biotic Wars, you let me watch you game whenever I came over. Your parents always welcomed me too! I’d alway kick your ass in MarioKart!”
Josh sobs a laugh, quickly wiping his tears away.
Mintypud can't help it and pulls him into a tight hug, her tail wrapping around his back as well. She feels how he clings onto her, his face buried in her shoulder.
“But.. but we can’t go back to that time… we fucked with the timeline too much…”, he whimpers into her shoulder, another sob escaping him.
“Maybe… but you’re still you.”, she coos softly, rubbing calming circles on his back.
“We can’t go back, but we’re still us. I’m the same Mintypud from the game store, and you’re the same gamer who was obsessed over Biotic Wars for three years before you beat it.”
Mintypud gently kisses his head, something she’d always do to try and soothe him when days were particularly tough.
“You’re not Joosh, or JFutz, or whatever that asshole called himself. You’re not a millionaire, not a game developer, and not hated by your parents. Those are things of someone else. You are none of that. You merely had to jump into this role to blend in.”
“You’re still Josh Futturman, the idiot who ended up being my best friend despite all odds. The idiots who is loved by his parents beyond time and space. Yes, you are said to be the savior… And I believe that you can be that savior, if you just focus on being yourself, okay?”
Mintypud’s voice got shaky as well as she hugs him even tighter, as if she had to protect him from himself.
“And as long as we’re together, I’ll always remind you of who you are…”
It was late at night, the stars were shining brightly above them.
The wind was softly whistling through the grass surrounding them, and the only other sound that could be heard were Josh’s muffled sobbing into Mintypud’s shoulder, as well as her own sniffling.
The bracelet she had worked on earlier may still find it’s use after all.
After all, Josh loves Dinosaurs.
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Divider here!
@joshfutturman | @saplesss-tree | @dotts-stuff | @leafletterr
I know y'all know it already from discord but sshhhhh
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marlette-au · 2 years
An Update
Hey all, Scott here!
I understand the silence for comic-making has been a bit... long as of late. Things may continue to be a little inactive for a while on that front, but I do have some news that may excite you.
Slowly, I'm moving the Marlette comics to ComicFury!
This means a lot of things for this little AU. So, below, I'll detail exactly what will happen with this change and why I've come to this conclusion.
Why ComicFury?
Truth be told, uploading the comics to Imgur isn't very fun. For one, if I need to fix a typo, I have to upload the image, resort the album in order to place it correctly (which in itself can take a few minutes, depending on the size of the comic AND the visuals for the panel), and delete the old image. There's no "update image" button. This is, frankly, really elaborate in ways that frustrates me. That's why the ol' "lense" typo from Tape 1 still exists...
There's the ability to add captions for each panel, but I can't visually separate an author's note for clarifying something, versus making a transcript. I've never written them for the comics, but I do want to to help make things more accessible. Without the visual and even technical distinction between them, I fear it might make things a little frustrating for more than just me.
Changing hosts from Imgur to ComicFury will help alleviate the issues I've described. I can add author notes to certain pages, and I can add transcripts easily! That way, things are so much better for everyone.
How long will this take?
Ever since I've uploaded the comic, Magic, I've been working on the site in quiet. I initially wanted to host it on Neocities for its custom layout, but after seeing the rather complex systems for comic hosting I've seen, it deterred me for a while. Then, I realized... hey, one of my favorite Undertale AUs is hosted on ComicFury, and they also have a custom layout! And looking into its system, it has systems that very closely resemble something I've been wanting and looking for.
All of this to say, the website should be complete very soon! It's very close to completion, though I still have much to do. I have to finish coding the looks of the website. Everything looks roughly the way I want to right now, but there's small little touches I'd like to add. At most, this will take a month, and at least, it might be out this week!
What does the site look like right now?
Well, I'm glad you asked! Here's some screenshots of what I have so far. Note that not everything here is final.
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The page that displays the comic will have a border if your resolution / window size will support it. If it's smaller, don't worry, the border can disappear for optimal reading experience!
The sidebar holds important information about the comic, a search bar to look for specific pages, and a section that holds other AUs one may be interested in. There might be more information here in the future... who knows!
For now, that's all I have to show. I hope this makes up for the silence I've been giving. I'll make a post when the website is ready.
No, the site will not replace the Tumblr. Both will run together.
Thank you for your patience, as always!
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shinsouskitten · 3 years
Hi, so I just read your Bakugou NSFW alphabet, and I was wondering could you do one for Karma Akabane? There's a lack of content for him on Tumblr in general compared to Bakugou and I'm THIRSTY.
ME TOO HONEY. love me some sadistic redhead moments
also sorry for this being like RLLY late 😔 i hope you're not too dehydrated
Warnings: nsfw, mdni, this one is dirty
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Okay hear me out. He’s kinda shit at aftercare. He tries, bless him, but he’s just not really a nice guy (I love the guy but c’mon). Likely the most you’ll get is half a glass of water he forgot was on his bedside table and a towel to clean yourself off. At least, that’s all you’ll get while you’re awake. Once you’re asleep he’ll clean you properly (as well as he can without waking you up) and make sure you’re lying comfortably so you don’t wake up too stiff
There’s been the occasional time when you’ve passed out from how hard you came and he’s just kinda stared at you for a moment before making sure you’re okay (and alive) then just lay there stroking your hair until you come (no pun intended) back to him
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s)
He likes his hands, especially around your throat or gripping your hips like a vice as he completely ruins you. Something makes me think Karma is a neck guy, cause he can cover them with hickies that you can’t hope to hide unless you have some really good concealer. He’s a bit of a vampire
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Everywhere and anywhere. Karma loves to make a mess, and then constantly tell you how dirty you are and demand that you clean yourself up. One of his favorite moments is after he cums inside you, and warns you not to waste a single drop. If you do, oh boy, I guess he’ll just have to fill you up again
D = Dirty secret (pretty clear, a dirty secret of theirs)
Karma doesn’t really have any dirty secrets. If he wants to try something out, he’ll tell you. Really he’s shameless. He’s not gonna hide anything from you, even the darkest thoughts born from his deepest depravity
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not many people would be able to go a night with Karma, cause he can get a little intense, so before you he’s not incredibly experienced. He’s not a virgin by any means, but he hasn’t had the chance to try out most of the crazy things he wants to try. So for the most part he knows what he’s doing, but when it gets to the really fun stuff… well it’ll be a learning curve for the both of you
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Karma doesn’t really have a favorite position, simply because you never stay in one for long enough
G = Goofy (how serious are they in the moment?)
If you whine, or beg, he will laugh at you (the low chuckle 😩). This dude just really enjoys mocking you, but he’s still very serious about pleasuring you
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Tbh he doesn’t really put too much effort into grooming. Mostly he’ll just try to keep it trimmed, and occasionally he’ll shave. Don’t worry tho, even though he doesn’t groom like crazy, he still keeps everything clean
I = Intimacy (how romantic are they in the moment?)
He’s a fucking sadist. Don’t expect him to kiss your forehead and shower you with rose petals cause that’s just not Karma. This man will fuck you until you’re drooling and shaking and unable to talk with absolutely no remorse
J = Jack off (what are their views on masturbation?)
Honestly likes it a little too much. Is there such a thing as a masturbation addiction, cause if so, Karma has it. He has an incredibly high drive, and you’re not always there (or able to keep up with him) so if the dick goes up, the hand goes down
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He puts the S in BDSM
L = Location (favorite places to do the dance with no pants)
Once again, anywhere and everywhere. He’s also not shy about being caught
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going, etc)
When you talk back to him. Did someone say brat tamer?
N = No (turn offs, something they wouldn’t do)
He’ll try anything once, so don’t be shy to suggest something. This man is truly depraved, so anything you could think of, he’s thought of worse
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?)
Receiving, 100% receiving. And he’s not gentle either. Get ready for a face fucking cause he will use you until he’s satisfied. If he’s going down on you, it’s because he wants to overstimulate you and see those pretty little tears run down your cheeks
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He will break your back. ‘Nuff said
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies)
Karma looooooooves quickies, especially in public. There’s something about being so needy that you just can’t wait and the thrill and risk of being caught by unsuspecting onlookers
R = Risk (how risky are they willing to be?)
He once fucked you through a midnight showing of Fifty Shades of Gray, as a demonstration that that movie knows nothing about the real good stuff (his words). Surprisingly, no one in the cinema caught on to what was happening in the back seats, and even if they heard something, they most likely ignored it as part of the film. So yeah, he’s down for some risk
S = Stamina (how long do they last? how many rounds?)
It just doesn’t stop. Like- HOW CAN ONE PERSON HAVE SO MUCH STAMINA?! TF?! If you’re not literally shaking he’s not stopping (unless you ask him too of course, he may be an ass but he’s not a completely terrible person)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them on a partner or themselves?)
Oh my. If it exists, he has it. And he’s not shy about trying toys on himself either. He’s very open to new things so it’s not uncommon that you come home to find three new boxes on the kitchen counter and Karma standing over them with a maniacal grin
U = Unfair (how much do they tease?)
Dude. It’s Karma
V = Volume (how they sound, how loud they are, etc)
A small groan here and there, but most of the volume coming from your bedroom will be your own screams. The neighbors know his name, they’ve heard it so much it’d be impossible not to. He uses a fair amount of dirty talk, but he keeps most of his own sounds quiet. He wants to hear your voice, not his own
W = Wild card (a random headcanon)
Now cause it’s not technically a dirty secret I left this one until now. One time he had a dream where you topped him and he woke up harder than he’s ever been in his life. He’s way too proud to ever admit wanting to see you take the lead, but if you surprise him and steal the reins, he may just protest a little less
X = X-ray (let’s have a looksee in those pants)
Mini Karma stands tall at a good 7 inches. He’s slightly leaner than average, but there’s a slight curve that has him drilling into your sweet spot with each and every thrust
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
You know Mt Everest? Yeah? Keep going up
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
With his stamina levels it’s highly unlikely he’d fall asleep before you. There’s been the occasional time when you’ve passed out from how hard you came and he’s just kinda stared at you for a moment before making sure you’re still alive
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haikyuu-sins · 2 years
Hey there! I've been following your account for awhile now! I think a little over a month? Time flies when you're a college student just looking for content with your comfort character to distract yourself during class instead of listening to lectures... Anyways! I really love your work! You always put so much effort into it and it really does show! The OP x reader Fandom here on Tumblr greatly appreciates you- I greatly appreciate you! As for my ask... I'm going to have to step away from the positivity for a second. I would like to request a sfw headcannon for Law with a female (or male, everyone can struggle with this issue!) S/O who has self-harmed in the past or maybe struggles with it a bit. I know that this is a super dark topic! Please don't feel obligated to respond to this ask if you don't want too! I totally understand! I'm only asking because just recently, I had broken my almost one year without self-harm streak. Genuinely I am very sad and super disappointed with myself for breaking my streak. I've been struggling lately and I'm sure you probably know that internalizing things dosen't help. I suppose this would be considered as a comfort request. Besides that- I'm a huge wall of text and I'm super, super sorry for taking up more time to explain than what I needed! I hope you have a great day! And please remember- since this is a dark concept please, if it makes you uncomfortable don't respond! You got to take care of yourself, do what's best for you!
Dark concepts are welcome! I don’t mind them at all, so don’t worry. I know that i already told you this before but i want you to know that i’m still so proud of you for going that long without self h*rm! I believe in you and i know that you’ll be able to get to your one year mark! I want you to know that you are so strong!! You can do it! As for your kind words, i really appreciate them and I��m so glad that i can help put a smile on people’s faces :) but also listen to your lectures!! 
WARNINGS: Mentions of Self-h*rm!
Law x Reader 
Law is the type of person who will probably be a little disappointed at first, but he can’t say that he’s never thought of self harming in the first place seeing as what he’s gone through in his life. 
Internally he gets really sad when he finds the fresh self harm scab that’s on your arm, thigh, side, or wherever you chose to harm yourself. The way he might initially react may come off as a bit angry, and honestly, he might be. 
But of course he would want to help you in any way he possibly could. You want to go to a summer island because the sun might help you? He’s already having Bepo charting a course. Do you need a relaxing bath? He has candles lit and epsom salts already in the tub.  
Most importantly, he’ll be there to let you vent about what’s happening in your head. He doesn’t mind how long it’s going to take, as long as you aren’t bottling everything. That’s the last thing he wants you to do even though he’s the first to admit that he hates talking about his feelings. 
Law might be quiet while you speak, but don’t let that deter you from talking. He’s listening and he’ll give you his advice at the end. He may interject here and there, but for the most part, he lets you get everything out first. 
He takes away anything that you would even think about hurting yourself with and he’ll definitely keep an eye on you for the next couple of days or even weeks until he trusts that you won’t try anything. Law will even tell the crew to keep an eye out too and to let him know if there are any issues. 
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scuttling · 3 years
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid/Latina OFC Sophie Cortes Word Count: 4,598 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Voyeurism, Masturbation in shower, Sexting, Oral Sex, Dom/sub, Protected Sex, Established Aaron/Sophie Summary: Sophie sends Aaron a sexy video while he’s away on a case, Spencer watches it, and smut ensues. Collection: Part 1 of 5 of Present, Perfect, Patient, Promise, Pretend series Note: This is a previously published work from A03, just moving it over to tumblr because I was thinking about it today. 🤤 Link to A03 or read below! “I sprained my ankle. I’m not injured, not really. I can even walk on it,” Sophie assures as she pours them each a cup of coffee in the break room. She sets the carafe down, takes a step, wobbles, and Aaron catches her around the waist with a raised eyebrow of judgement. “Okay, so I can’t walk that well, but I can certainly sit in a conference room bouncing ideas around and drinking coffee. That’s all Rossi does, anyway.” He chuckles softly, knows she’s still… warming up, to Rossi and his idiosyncrasies.
“You know the rules.”
“Yeah, because we’re so good at following the rules,” she teases with a smirk, running her hands down his stomach, stopping at his belt. He looks over at the bullpen out of the corner of his eye, shoots her a warning look that makes her sigh and pull away.
“Think of it as choosing our battles,” he suggests, hoping that might get her back on track. “If you want to continue making out in my office, you have to stay here this one time.” She smiles, crooked, nods her head.
“Okay, when you put it that way, I’ll take the make outs.”
“I thought you might. Plus, you get to spend all day with Garcia. I figured that would be like a dream come true.”
“It is, definitely. It’s more the long, cold, nights that I’m worried about.” He sighs, because she’s being so dramatic, but he doesn’t want to give her the satisfaction of making him smile again. He can’t be looking as smitten and infatuated with her as he is all of the time. “I’m going to be so lonely.”
“Oh, I think you’ll manage without sex for a few nights,” he teases, and she looks scandalized, as if that wasn’t exactly what she was getting at.
“It’s not about sex, it’s about intimacy, comfort, sharing my bed with a big heavy man who scares away the bad dreams.” She grins lecherously and he prepares to roll his eyes. “And who has a dick that won't quit.”
“Like I said,” he enunciates, taking his travel mug of coffee for the road, “you’ll be fine for a few nights. If you do decide to touch yourself, though, make sure you send me a present,” he reminds her, because they aren’t separated often, but when they are, a couple of racy pictures or videos almost always exchange hands. He bends for a quick kiss on the lips, brushes her cheek. “I love you. Behave.”
“I love you,” she murmurs, all tenderness and no heat, now. “Be safe.” Two days after taking the case, the team is on the jet for a night flight home. Spencer is tired, but he can’t sleep; JJ is stretched out on the couch, Morgan and Emily are slumped over in their seats up front with pillows and headphones, and Rossi has been snoring softly since they took off, so it’s just him and Hotch awake. They are in seats next to each other, Spencer by the window, because he knew he would be a little restless, and that Hotch wouldn’t sleep, so it seemed like the safest bet if he didn't want to disturb anyone’s rest.
He also enjoys the comforting presence of the older man, always, but especially in the calm, quiet atmosphere of the flight home.
He tries to listen to music, a podcast, but he eventually pauses it and just rests his eyes, his head, listens to Hotch as he flips pages or taps away at his phone. He’s probably texting Sophie, who’s home with a sprained ankle and who hasn’t stopped grumbling about it since. He smiles at the thought, likes when she’s comfortable enough to complain to him. Likes being someone she turns to.
He sighs. Feelings are complicated. Sometimes he hates being part of such a tight-knit team because it makes the things he feels all the more confusing, especially when the two objects of his (totally manageable) affection are in a relationship together; he feels like the odd man out, as always, can’t deny that it hurts sometimes.
He’s drifting in and out of the not quite asleep stage when he hears sound coming from Hotch’s phone, shuffling, ambiguous noises. He lifts his eyelids just slightly to see a video up on the screen, a wall that looks vaguely familiar, like a bathroom, maybe. There’s nothing particularly intriguing about that, but then he sees a pair of smooth, bare legs standing inside a bathtub and his interest is… piqued.
There’s another sound, unmistakably a shower being turned on, and then the woman—it is Sophie, no doubt; even if he can’t see her face, the tattoo on her forearm is easily identifiable—squats down, and she is so gloriously naked that he just… freezes. His body and his mind are suspended in a conflicting state of this is wrong, I shouldn’t be seeing this, and this is the best thing I’ve ever seen, and why is Hotch watching this right now, with me right next to him, and hnnng.
She pulls the shower head into view, lets it pour over her hair from what he can see of it, then down her breasts, her stomach, arms and legs; after that, she adjusts it to a stream that is harder and more controlled than one would typically use in the shower. He wonders why, thinks it could be uncomfortable, until she moves it to hover over her pussy, moaning softly, and then he really, really gets it.
His heart is racing as she runs her hand over her body, thumbing at her nipples, sighing at her own touch. She rocks back and forth a little so the stream of water hits her clit, then lower, between her lips, against her opening, and Spencer swallows hard.
“Mmm,” she sighs, and the sound goes straight through him; he feels himself getting hard as she murmurs, pressing her hand against the rim of the tub for leverage. “Mmm, yeah.” He can see that Hotch is breathing heavily next to him, eyes fixed on the screen. It’s too dark in the cabin to see his lap, but he knows he must be aching in his pants, too, wonders what it would be like if he reached out and touched him there.
Sophie is incredibly gorgeous as she works to reach her climax, bouncing lightly on her heels as the pressure builds, her moans longer and louder, but it’s when she stops moving and presses the shower head closer, directly over her clit, that he knows she’s almost ready to come.
“Oh, yeah, yeah,” she whines, pinching a nipple, arching her back, and her voice is high and breathy and addictive. He would give anything to be in the same room as those sounds, to pull her wet body close and help her get off. “Fuck, mmm,” she purrs, bringing the stream even closer, and she comes, short, loud moans that sound like they’re being ripped from her throat as her thighs shake, her chest heaves.
She drags a slow hand down her body, like she’s soothing herself, and then shudders, pulls the shower head away like maybe the pressure is too much where she’s sensitive. With a sigh, she reaches for the phone, tilts it so her face is in view, cheeks flushed and wet hair clinging to her shoulders. She turns up her lips in a coy smile. “See you soon.” The video ends.
It takes Hotch a moment to lock his phone, and he looks a little dazed when Spencer risks a glance up at his face—with good reason. If he was on the receiving end of videos like that, he would never be able to focus on anything.
The rest of the trip is quiet, certainly uneventful in comparison. Spencer makes a show of opening his eyes fully, stretching, thinks it would be too awkward now to admit he saw and heard every incredible second; Hotch looks over at him with an expression he can’t read, and then flips open a new case file.
When they land, he and Hotch are the last two to grab their bags, and Hotch brushes up against him in a way that feels purposeful, but is probably wishful thinking. “Do you have anything going on for the rest of the night?” he asks, and Spencer shakes his head.
“Nope, nothing.” Maybe masturbating—definitely masturbating—but he doesn’t need to know that. Hotch nods, thoughtful.
“You should come home with me.” Spencer looks at him with wide eyes.
“We both know that you saw the video,” he says in a low, no nonsense tone that makes him gulp. “I told Sophie, and she seemed… interested in the prospect. So you should come home with me. If you want to.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—” Hotch raises a hand, halting his train of thought.
“I may have had a suspicion that you were awake when I chose to play the video, so don’t be so hard on yourself.” Spencer looks at his face, trying to determine if he’s saying what he thinks he’s saying. He did that on purpose? He knew that Spencer was watching? “No pressure, if you don’t want to come over. I would never want you to do something you don’t want to do.”
“I do want to… do… whatever it is we’re doing,” he rambles awkwardly, and Hotch chuckles.
“What we're doing is having sex. And I won’t touch you, or anything, if you don’t want that. It can be me and Sophie and you and Sophie.” Spencer swallows hard again, so turned on and breathless that it makes him feel bold.
“What if I do want you to touch me?” he asks, and Hotch leans in slowly, hot breath at his ear.
“Then I’m going to touch you.” When he pulls away, his fingers brush over Spencer’s jaw. “Do you want to come home with me?”
His answer is an emphatic yes. Aaron is due home any minute, and Sophie is vibrating with nervous energy, puttering around the apartment in her robe, couldn’t sit still if she tried. She waits for him on nights he has to work late and can’t bring it home, sure, but it’s almost never like this, where they are apart for days on end. It’s seriously affecting not only her sex drive, but also her mental state, which she hadn’t expected; she feels clingy, needy already, wants to smell him and touch him and taste him and be caged in by him, and it’s frankly getting a little out of hand.
It doesn’t help, she guesses, that she sent that video, but she was horny and wanted his attention… and boy, did she get it, had several texts come through a couple of minutes after she sent it, all very sweet and dirty and good.
Then she saw one about Reid, wanted to be mortified, but she just… wasn’t.
A: So, Reid saw me watching your present.
S: Oh, really? Did he like it?
A: Yeah, he liked it.
A: I bet he’d come pretty quick if he got to see the real thing.
A: Touch you… taste you.
God, how can this calm, controlled man make her such a whimpering mess with just a couple of texts? It’s unfair, is what it is.
S: Maybe we should invite him over sometime.
S: I’ve seen him looking at you, too.
S: Imagine how pretty he would look between us.
That was about an hour ago, and the only thing she received in reply was a brief message letting her know they’d landed and that he was on the way home. She hopes she didn’t upset him, knows that he’s mentioned being interested in men but that he’s never slept with one, hopes she didn’t hit a sore spot. She promises herself they will talk about it when he gets home.
But when he gets home, he kisses her so deeply she feels faint. Her body is lit up in an instant, suddenly desperate for more of him.
“I brought you a present,” he says, so low and sexy, and she grins, breathless, wraps her arms around his neck.
“Ooh, you know I love presents. What is it?”
“It’s not a what, it’s a who,” Spencer says, then, from the open doorway, and she glances between them, bites at her bottom lip. He steps inside and closes the door.
“Hey, Spencer,” she greets, but she can hear the tremble in her voice when she does. He looks to Aaron, and Aaron reaches back, wraps a hand around his wrist, guides him closer.
“I told him what you said, about how pretty he would look between us. He happened to agree, so I figured, why wait?” He looks her over intently, like he’s making sure she’s okay with this.
She is so okay with this.
She wants to speak but she’s so out of breath, her heart beating so fast, that she just pulls him down for a kiss, messy and graceless, and then she reaches for Spencer’s shirt and pulls him close as well, doing the same. She takes turns kissing them, ten kisses each, probably, until Aaron pushes her back gently with a soft laugh.
“Easy, baby. He’s going to stay the night; we have time to go slow.” Her chest is heaving, and he walks around so he’s standing behind her, unties the sash of her robe, pulls it off to reveal the lacy black bra and panties she thought would be a sexy surprise.
He kind of outdid her in the surprise department, but she’ll forgive him this once.
He runs his hands over her panties, her stomach, her boobs, and she bends her neck back, arching up for his lips, moaning against them. Spencer approaches, a bit hesitant, puts his hands on her hips and kisses her exposed throat, her chest. She feels like she’s died and gone to heaven, two pairs of hands on her, two mouths, her body pressed between them tightly. She thinks offhand that she’s glad her ankle doesn’t hurt anymore, because she could stand between them all night long, if they keep this up, would be content to never move again.
Then one of Spencer’s beautiful, incredible hands slips down the front of her panties, and they stop kissing her to kiss each other, and she whimpers, and her knees give out anyway.
“So dramatic,” Aaron whispers teasingly in her ear as he holds her up, big hands on her body, and she shakes her head, wets her lips.
“Not being dramatic. This is so fucking sexy.” Spencer—apparently not worried about the fact that she almost collapsed on them because Aaron wasn’t—slides two fingers over the slippery wet lips of her pussy, and she groans. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take all the attention,” she murmurs, moving her hips against his hand. “Kiss some more, please.” Spencer huffs a laugh and leans in, catches Aaron’s lips with his. From her point of view she can see the slide of their tongues, lips pressing together, and she groans again.
“If it’s okay with you,” Spencer says to her when they separate, “I would really like to eat your pussy now.” He kisses her softly on the cheek, and she exhales, shaky.
“Yeah, please—please do that.”
“I’ll hold you,” Aaron whispers, lips at her ear. “I’ll be right here, I promise.” She hums, leans back against him, and Spencer drops to his knees, guides her panties down. She’s so wet there’s slick on the insides of her thighs, and when he lifts one leg to hook her knee around his shoulder, he licks it away. She shudders.
She feels like she should have known how hot and skillful his mouth would be, because he talks so fast sometimes that his brain—his incredibly high-functioning brain—can’t even keep up, and she usually finds his mouth cute, but right now she finds it sexy, will probably never be able to look at it without thinking of the way he feels with his tongue in her pussy.
He is very enthusiastic, licking her quick and deep, with one hand on her waist and the other rubbing her clit like he’s got a PhD in bringing girls to orgasm, and she knows she’s moaning like a slut, gets even louder when Aaron bites at her earlobe, kisses her neck, squeezes her breasts. “Fuck, oh fuck, yeah,” she pants, reaches a hand down to wrap it in Spencer’s hair, making him groan; she rocks against his delicious mouth, which he encourages, moving his hand to her ass and guiding her closer.
“Come for him, baby,” Aaron urges, hand inside the cup of her bra to pinch her nipple. “Isn’t he pretty, down on his knees for you?” She drops her head back against him, brings a hand to his hair, too.
“So pretty.” He stoops down to kiss her as best as he can, and Spencer’s looking up at them, gorgeous, and she comes tugging on both of them, panting into Aaron’s mouth.
When Spencer stands up and kisses her, mouth soft and wet after working her through her orgasm, and then Aaron leans in to taste both of them on her lips? It’s a wonder she doesn’t get weak in the knees again. Sophie is soft and pliant after she comes, clinging onto them, and Aaron lifts her into his arms and carries her to the bedroom, Spencer following closely behind. He sets her on the bed, unhooks her bra and pulls it off; Spencer watches closely as he does, kneels down to kiss her, brush his hands over her bare breasts, and she sighs at the treatment.
“What do you want to do?” Aaron asks them, getting down on his knees as well, and he kisses them, thrills at the similarities in their soft lips, soft skin.
“I wanna suck you both,” she says, and he touches her face gently.
“Are you sure you’re up for that? You look a little fuzzy.” He didn’t think that she would get submissive so quickly, since he hadn’t actually dominated her, but can see how feeling at the mercy of two men might make her go to that place; he just wants to make sure he does what’s best for her while she’s there.
“Might not be able to get you off, but I want them in my mouth. Can I?” She looks up at him, then at Spencer, who swallows visibly. Aaron gave him a little insight on the way there about how they normally interact with each other, how she likes to ask for permission and he likes to give it—or deny it, depending.
(Aaron Hotchner’s crash course on having a submissive girlfriend—he might have to find a way to monetize that, somehow.)
“You can, for a couple minutes. Then what do you want?” He looks to Spencer to see if he has anything in mind.
“I don’t—I’ve never done this,” he says quietly, and he and Sophie both touch him, and she nuzzles against his shoulder.
“Neither have we, it’s okay. You want to, though?” He looks at them with soft, open eyes, and nods without hesitation.
“Yeah, I want to.” Aaron takes his face in his hands, kisses him deeply.
“Okay, good. Sophie,” he says softly, touches her face too, “do you think you would be alright being with both of us at the same time?” She licks her lips and frowns a little like she’s confused.
“What do you mean?”
“Maybe we could lay you down, and one of us could be inside your pussy, and one of us could be inside your mouth. I’ll take your mouth,” he decides quickly, because she doesn’t like it too fast or rough and he knows her limits, doesn’t want to hurt or overwhelm her. “You’ll be full of us, baby. Do you think you want that?” She closes her eyes, nods, and Spencer touches her throat with long, gentle fingers.
“You’d give us that?” he asks like he’s in awe, and Aaron gets it, knows how much it means that she trusts them with something like this. “You’re incredible, Sophie,” he murmurs against her lips, and she sighs, pulls him closer.
Watching them make out is a very enjoyable thing, made all the more so when he decides to come up behind Spencer to unbutton his pants, untuck his shirt. The younger man moans at the feel of his hands helping him undress, and he presses back against Aaron’s chest, panting and eager. He guides him to stand, gets him naked, and wraps a hand around his long, hard cock, stroking it a couple times.
“You want her mouth on you while I get undressed?” he asks, and Spencer bucks up into his hand, nods quickly. Sophie reaches for him, pulling him closer, and she licks at the head, moans. “Gently,” he murmurs in Spencer’s ear, “let her be in control.” He nods seriously, presses a hand to Sophie’s cheek when she takes him in.
Between the two of them, their moans are so filthy, wanton, that he craves the heat of their mouths, so he captures Spencer’s in a kiss when he can, pulling off his clothes slowly so they can enjoy the time together. “Sophie,” Spencer murmurs, and she looks up at him, and Aaron’s arms around him, and whines. She pulls off of him, licks her lips looking hungry.
“I’m ready for you guys.” The simple sentence makes his dick throb, and he lays her back on the bed, kisses her soft and sweet and slow. Spencer curls around them, kisses them and rubs his hands over their bare skin.
“Spencer, can you get in that drawer and take out a condom?” he has presence of mind to ask, glad that the ones they have should fit him, and he stretches up, all long, lithe muscles, grabs one and tears the wrapper open, rolling it on. Neither Aaron nor Sophie can take their eyes off of him, and when he’s finished, Aaron moves out of his way so he can settle between her legs. She hitches up her knees, and he knows first hand how inviting that can be, understands completely when he shivers with pleasure.
Aaron kisses Sophie a few more times, whispers sweet, loving words into her ear, and then he crawls up by her head, the tip of his dick at the same level as her mouth.
“Are you okay, baby?” he asks, running his hands over her breasts, and she nods, puts her hands on Spencer’s hips and pulls him closer until he is fully sheathed inside her; he keeps still, panting, and Aaron leads forward to brush his hair back. “You’re so gorgeous, Spencer,” he coos, and then he presses into Sophie's mouth, sighs.
She takes him in hand, guiding him in and out at a pace she’s comfortable with, so he just lets her take the lead and runs his hands over her body, Spencer’s fingers where they press against her thighs. He is pumping into her deeply now, an easy rhythm Sophie matches with her hand, and the room is filled with a symphony of soft, wet sounds and moans and hums that Aaron doesn’t think he’ll ever forget.
He is wholly unsurprised when he is the first to come, because watching Spencer’s hips move against her, his hands careful where he holds her down, and feeling her moan around his cock because she loves feeling full, it’s all too much for him. He spills with a groan, and Spencer watches his face like it’s art, which makes him feel warm in his chest. Something to explore at a later time.
Sophie lets go of him, panting, and he slides down to his belly so he can kiss her mouth, caress her. He looks up at Spencer, who appears to be trying so hard not to come, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip, and he rubs Sophie’s clit to help get her close, so he’ll stop trying so hard and just let himself feel good.
“Oh, god,” Sophie whines, brings her hands up to squeeze hard at her breasts. “This is good, so good, mmm.” She starts bucking hard against him, her neck stretched long, and he knows the instant she comes, her mouth opening in a wordless moan before she all but howls her pleasure. Spencer groans, shifts his legs a little so he’s hovering over the both of them, and he thrusts for a few more seconds before finding his own orgasm. “Hmm, yes,” Sophie sighs, and he kisses her slowly, passionately; Aaron rubs both of their bodies as they shiver with aftershocks, and they all sink into the mattress, deeply spent.
They cuddle together for a few minutes, until Sophie complains she has to pee, and she and Spencer go into the bathroom together to take care of business. Aaron runs a hand through his hair and exhales long, because this is the absolute last thing he expected to happen, while also being one of the most unforgettable nights of his life; he knows they’ll look to him for guidance about what to do next, and he’s really not sure what to say when they do.
When they amble back into the room, they’re both smiling softly, and Aaron smiles because he can’t help it. They climb back onto the bed, Spencer in the middle, though Sophie reaches across him to rub at the hair on Aaron’s chest.
“So that’s a thing that happened,” Sophie says eventually, propped up on her elbow, looking over at their two blissed out faces with nothing short of affection. “Is it a thing that’s going to happen again, or a thing we swear up and down didn’t happen?—No pressure, only asking so I know how to compartmentalize my many, many thoughts.”
Aaron looks to Spencer and can’t help but feel like there’s something more worth exploring, there. He thinks Spencer feels the same when he pulls him in for a tender kiss.
“I think it should happen again,” Spencer murmurs, and Sophie leans down to kiss him too.
“Yeah, it should happen again.” Aaron sits up, smiles at his girl, guides her mouth to his.
“Okay, then.” They kiss again, easy, sweet, and he breathes a laugh. “We owe you for this, you know: you and your little shower performance.”
“Oscar worthy,” Spencer says with a grin, and Sophie shoves him playfully.
“Hey, a girl has needs.”
“And we’ll help you meet them,” Aaron promises, running a hand suggestively along her body, and she covers it with hers.
“No way. I’m tapped out, buddy. Unless I get sleep or pizza, no more sex from me tonight.” Aaron feigns hurt, pulls away, flops onto his back with an exaggerated sigh, and she crawls past Spencer to straddle his waist. “So dramatic,” she teases, leans down for a kiss, then climbs off the bed altogether. “I’m good with pizza—I don’t want to go to sleep just yet, not when I’ve got two pretty boys in my bed.”
“I second pizza,” Spencer murmurs, his face pressed against Aaron’s bicep. Sophie pauses in the doorway, a thoughtful look on her face.
“Do you think they’ll do a third veggie, and a third pepperoni, and a third Hawaiian? Or am I gonna have to order two pizzas?” She comes back over to the bed, kisses them both soft, affectionate, and smiles. “Always complicating things, Spencer Reid.”
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moonbaby26 · 3 years
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(gif from Jason Passaro’s youtube edit here)
Title: One Shitty Friday Night (Part 2) *contains some smut*
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Set after the events of Deadpool 2, this is the conclusion from the previous part here. After your semi-disastrous double date night, you, Peter, Kitty, and Colossus head home with Deadpool and Russell in tow to face Logan, Charles, and Erik back at the mansion. You also get some well earned alone time with Peter at last, only to go back to chaos the following morning with Peter confronting Gambit, and Deadpool popping back in.
Warnings: It’s still a bit of Deadpool and all that entails, but only at the beginning and end. *In this part there actually is some Peter x Reader sex.* But you’re welcome to skip over that if uncomfortable with it. I clearly mark in red before and after any smut within the story so readers can choose what to read and still enjoy just the fluff and character interactions before and after if wanted. ❤️
Peter Maximoff x Reader Masterlist
The ride home was surprisingly quiet actually. Colossus driving, with Kitty sitting shotgun in the front with him. Russell was in the second row seat behind Kitty, but the seat that normally would have been behind the driver had been taken out specifically with Colossus in mind to let his seat sit further back with his large height.
That just left the third row of three seats. With Peter still not in the best mood, you’d chosen to sit between him and Wade. But they’d mostly just been snacking on the cannolis the whole way home rather than saying or doing much of anything else.
You’d only eaten two in all, hungry but not wanting a stomach ache from the sweetness. You’d felt your own phone buzzing in your pocket most the way home too, but you refused to look at it yet. You could only imagine which friends were trying to call or text you about whatever was being said on TV and the internet now.
Kitty only told you that she’d messaged Xavier to tell him you were all on your way home. But you weren’t sure if she’d warned him about Deadpool and Russell coming with you. Or if she’d kept her phone out at all either afterward, afraid of what the Professor might say in response.
It could have been worse was what you kept thinking. It had been worse actually. Deadpool had once killed an Essex House staff member on live TV, while wearing an X-Men shirt, and with Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead also in camera view. But, given that that trouble had already come from him once, would the Professor be harder on you all this second time around? Would he still think you handled the situation as well as you could have or not?
By the time you felt the familiar turns up the long drive to the mansion, you realized that the period for anxiety was over. Whatever would be would now be.
Colossus had decided to park right in front the main entry doors instead of pulling down into the garage. Mostly just in case Wade’s welcome wasn’t a warm one. He could step right back outside if needed instead of already being in the depths of the compound.
Russell was actually the first one to speak though as you all climbed out the vehicle in front of the well manicured landscaping and dim accent lights.
“Holy shit, he is a rich son of a bitch.” The boy spoke, gaping a little at the sheer size of the mansion and the number of floors still above you.
“The cursing, Russell, please.” Colossus reminded. “There are younger children who live here.”
“Though they should be in bed,” Kitty responded, albeit sounding doubtful herself as she started up the entryway stairs.
They might normally be yes, but probably not if the rumor mill of tonight’s excitement was already burning through the place.
“Well I’ve actually never seen more than three people anytime I’ve been here. So there’s that,” Deadpool quipped.
“Yeah well, we were probably busy.” Peter retorted.
“Oh? Well yeah, maybe you were.” Wade replied, eyeing Peter. “Here’s a thought though, Peters. Maybe next time Ryan Murphy calls, just say N-O. No means no, right?”
“What-” Peter started to ask, but then thought better of it. It really wasn’t worth trying to piece together anything else Deadpool said into something more sensical right now.
As Kitty pushed open the doors and you all strode into the large foyer in front the main staircases, you weren’t sure what would be awaiting you. But the immediate, utterly ecstatic squeal that erupted from Deadpool next had all of you jumping before a gruff voice responded from up on the second floor landing.
“You have to be goddamn shitting me. You actually let that idiot follow you home?” Logan responded, the odd mix of disgust and annoyance so clear on his unshaven face.
“I thought you said no cursing here,” Russell complained.
“Logan is sometimes another matter...” Colossus attempted to answer with some neutrality, even as Deadpool was now bounding up the stairs towards the older man.
“Finally! Finally! I don’t even care if it’s just Tumblr and like two people and their FBI agents will see this! Beggars can’t be choosers! I missed you so much, papa bear!”
You stood there staring in complete disbelief, Deadpool looking as if he was actually going to try and hug the Wolverine.
You were likely all of the same mindset about the only way this could possibly play out, but Colossus was the only one to speak, pleading really. “Please, Logan! No blood on the inside of the house! You know how badly it would stain the floors!”
But Wolverine only growled, claws already aimed as Wade stopped just millimeters short, the metal tips now grazing the mercenary’s throat. “You heard him, Wade. Don’t give me a reason and you won’t be having to regrow limbs tonight.” Logan replied.
“You salty old bastard. We haven’t even seen each other in ages, you won’t return my calls, and this is the welcome I get?” Deadpool pouted.
“You’re bad luck walking, Wade. These kids don’t need you hanging around here for long.”
“Oh, and you’re such a tasteful role model. Grandpappy Wolverine teaching a class on cigar chain smoking, and stabbing your problems away this semester?”
“The fuck are you on about? How many people have you killed this month alone, Wade?”
“Twenty four and a half, thank you. And ask me how many of those never killed or raped someone themselves. How many the police never would have touched. What do you think I’ll say there?”
“Reason it all you want, bub. You’re just a wack job vigilante.”
“This could go on all night.” Kitty sighed. “Logan! Where is everyone else? We brought Russell with us, we need to take him to the Professor.”
Wolverine only softened slightly at Kitty’s voice, answering her. “Charles put in a curfew tonight, all students back to their rooms. Wade’s not allowed past the entrance, but the Professor is waiting for you in his study.”
“Discrimination.” Wade huffed, yet then posed in a mock seductive look. “But if you wanted me alone tough guy, all you’d have to do is ask.”
“Please do not make a mess, Logan. We will be back to collect him as soon as we can.” Colossus said with some concern, you all just starting towards the hallway that lead to Xavier’s office.
“No promises.” Logan called back before continuing, louder then so you could hear him even as you walked away. “And hey, Peter-”
“Yeah?” He answered back from your side, glancing over his shoulder at Logan.
“Your dad’s here, kid.”
Peter paused in his tracks, staring for a moment. You could see the emotions process through him before he took a deep breath. There was nothing more that any of you could do though. He just lifted a hand up in a wave of acknowledgement, finally starting to walk again. “Thanks for the warning,”
Even in all that had happened through the years though, going to see Xavier like this still brought back an odd sense of childhood. And that little feeling of dread to be honest. Not because you really thought he would be angry, but because you worried that you may have disappointed him. Which would have always been the worse of the two options in your own mind.
Colossus was the one to slide the ornate pocket doors open, you all trailing in behind him as you entered the study.
It was warm inside, the fireplace crackling and dancing. That fire was the only light besides a couple small table lamps and a TV now on mute, but still running the late night news.
You were but weren’t surprised to see Erik sitting there as well, a short glass of what looked like scotch in one hand. There was a chessboard as well, positioned between himself and Charles on a little table, the pieces clearly still in play.
As the TV flickered again though, you glanced back to it reflexively. You saw an exterior shot of the restaurant you’d been at only a short time earlier, now with police tape all around. It cut to a video of Colossus walking up to police cars with Giovanni in hand, but then just as quickly the flashing red and blue lights changed to the white flashes of cameras and yourself and Peter talking before the sudden kiss. You only looked to the floor in renewed embarrassment then, choosing not to read the ticker captions currently scrolling beneath the now looping video.
“Hey, Dad...” Peter said somewhat unsure, but still the first to speak. He’d shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket now, as he often did when nervous. “Didn’t know you were in town.”
“Peter.” Erik answered plainly though, taking a sip of his drink before setting it back down. “I only arrived this afternoon. I had been hoping for a quiet evening.” He looked briefly towards the television, but then coolly back to Peter. “But here we are aren’t we?”
“Erik,” Xavier warned lightly though, no doubt sensing Peter tense further at the tone.
“They aren’t children anymore, Charles.” Erik responded sharply. “And it never should have been allowed to get to this point. I told you from the beginning that they should have worn masks, they should have been discreet. Trying to craft this foolhardy public image of the new X-Men as some celebrity clean up crew for humans’ mistakes, it’s making a mockery of us all.”
The exasperated breath that came out of the Professor next told you that this was far from the first time that this subject had come up as a point of contention between the two. But the rest of you were quite helpless whenever Erik and Charles would start to argue in front of you.
Xavier countered, “As I have also said before, Erik, we all knew there would be some negatives from moving more into the public eye with our team. But how can mutant kind ever be accepted for who we really are if we only kept slinking in the shadows for the rest of our lives? It’s no different than Raven showing herself on camera all those years ago. You know what an impact that made on the youth in our community then.”
“But the humans are fickle. The magazines and the talk shows only jest at you now. What happens when they turn on you? When my son’s face is only on a wanted list in a database, Charles? What then?”
The anger and protectiveness flaring up in Erik’s tone only made the room even more uncomfortable, yet you didn’t find yourself surprised. Peter’s relationship with his father would never be an easy one, but you knew in the end that Erik did feel a sense of responsibility towards his progeny. And hell have mercy on anyone who did ever truly harm Wanda, Peter, or Lorna and word of it get back to their father.
Charles remained patient though, likely understanding those paternal emotions all too well himself. The Professor treated you all as well as his own after all. “The ones that wish to harm us already knew who we were, Erik. They don’t need to pick up that gossip drivel to find us. We protect ourselves by staying together, as we always have. They want us, then they’ll have to face us all. And Lord knows even gods have tried.”
Erik frowned, and for a moment you wondered if Xavier was saying something more to him telepathically. Something to make him finally quiet or at least agree to postpone the argument’s continuation for later in private.
Regardless of whether your instincts were correct or not on that, their conversation did end abruptly then. Charles switched to a warmer, but still slightly tired tone as he looked back to the rest of you. “Well, I know you’re all ready for tonight to be over. I won’t keep you much longer. Kitty, if you could make sure that weapon you confiscated ends up locked in Hank’s lab tonight, we’ll see about it later. Given that those men would not need something so extravagant just to dispose of other humans, I’m certain it was developed or at least purchased with our kind in mind. We will learn what we can.”
She nodded in agreement before he then turned his attention to the, to this point, uncharacteristically silent Russell with a kind look. “And Russell, I appreciate you deciding to give us a second chance. You’re welcome to stay of course. Did you still wish to speak to me? I know it’s late. Don’t feel obligated to stay and talk if this is all a bit much right now. We can always go over more about the school in the morning.”
“Um...” The boy blinked, not quite ready it seemed for any of the focus to be back on him so soon. And it was only then that you realized it was Erik that Russell kept staring at as he tried to formulate a real response. Actually Erik and briefly back to Peter, that tell tale look on the boy’s face that you’d seen so many times before when people realized who Peter really was, who his father was. Russell was maybe even regretting picking on Peter earlier now.
Charles certainly hadn’t missed that though. Surely sensing all the boy’s thoughts and feelings now as he continued. “It’s alright, Russell. Yes, Magneto does stop in here from time to time. We’re old friends. Yet I hardly think you should be so concerned with him when you’ve already gotten on quite well with my stepbrother haven’t you?” Xavier was actually smiling then. “To get on the Juggernaut’s good side, if even briefly, is quite impressive I must say.”
That did seem to finally break the ice a little then as Russell looked back to Charles. “Yeah, I... I needed a prison friend. A big one.”
“He is that, certainly,” The Professor responded. “Yet to answer the other questions still running through your mind -and forgive me to read you- but of course you can absolutely train with us to better learn to control your fire powers if you’d like. And yes, you may also have a television in your room. I think that’s a reasonable request after living in less than desirable conditions with Wade for this long.”
“Yeah, there were rats and the old blind lady sells cocaine.” Russell answered so matter of factly that the rest of you, minus Charles who was evidently now fully aware of Russell’s recent memories, all just stared.
“Despite his, ah, unique flaws, I can say that Wade would never willingly let anything happen to you.” Xavier just continued. “But yes, it would likely be best to give you a bit more sanitary and less illegal living conditions. And of course this would all be voluntary, if you find you don’t like it here after all, you’re always free to go as well.”
“Cool. Yeah.” Russell agreed. Though not really sure what else to say.
“Wonderful,” Charles just looked back to Colossus and Kitty then. “Can you two please see Russell to one of the empty rooms so he may pick one out to sleep tonight? And please let Wade know of his decision to stay for now.”
Colossus spoke up though before they all walked out together, “And am I sending Wade home as well? I do not think he and Logan can be peaceable for a whole night in the same building.”
“Agreed. Like oil and water there. I would prefer not to have to repair cerebro again either, as we’d had to from his last stay with us.” Xavier looked apologetic though to Colossus. “Is it too much to ask that you offer him a ride back home tonight?”
But Russell just cut in before Colossus could respond. “Nah, Wade already called a cab to meet him back here before we left town. You can just dump him outside now. Let him be their problem.” But even Russell knew to elaborate a little. “And it’s not some random person he might scare off. It’s his friend Dopinder. But you might want to give him some money first. He never pays the guy. Wade doesn’t carry a wallet. Tightwad.”
Kitty sighed. “I’ll cover it. I have cash. Never got to eat or pay for our dinner after all.” She glanced to you and Peter briefly. “Maybe next weekend?”
“We can try,” You offered quietly.
She smiled, understanding that sentiment that you all might want to lay low for awhile after this fiasco of an evening. “I guess we’ll see how we feel. Night, guys.”
“Night.” You and Peter responded to her in unison.
When Kitty, Colossus, and Russell had left the room, you happened to glance back at the TV, though you were at least a little relieved to see the news had finally gone off and by the captions it was just some talk show host joking about whatever a bigger idiot politician had done now.
But Peter’s voice brought your attention back to him.
“Are we free to go too?” He asked cautiously, maybe even more uneasy now that it was just the four of you as he looked to his father and Charles.
The two older men exchanged a glance of their own as silence hung for a moment.
Erik sighed eventually though to break it. His voice serious, but lacking it’s usual coldness. “You can’t keep diving into everything headfirst, Peter. You’re going to get yourself killed.” He seemed to be studying his son’s face a moment. “And what are those bruises even from?”
“I, uh...fell down a flight of stairs.” Peter answered, taking a breath as if to steel himself for further scolding, obviously that admission only adding to his father’s point.
Yet you interjected before Erik could respond. Before you could help yourself, as it wasn’t fair for Peter to be singled out here. “I’m the one that told him to go to the basement.” Normally Scott was mission leader, or maybe Ororo. This wasn’t a role you were used to, but you’d take responsibility where it was due tonight. “I thought it would be safest for him to go first, to disarm them all, but-”
“But you sent him straight into an ambush.” Erik countered. And when his gaze shifted to you with those words, it was clear that even after this long, it still had an effect. An intimidation factor that you could only hope didn’t show through in your expression.
But it was Charles that came to your defense. “That’s a gross over simplification, Erik. Peter had already examined the area on his own accord moments before to no harm. There would have been no reason for them to think he couldn’t return to it.”
For Xavier to already know that level of detail, meant he’d already searched you and Peter’s minds tonight as well, just as he had Kitty about the gun. Which honestly was okay with you as it meant you wouldn’t have to really explain everything that had happened and risk making things sound even worse.
But Erik was still staring at you both, looking displeased.
Peter shifted, uncomfortable with the quiet. “Look, if you’re going to yell at me for what I did on TV, then just get it over with. It wasn’t (Y/N)’s fault. I was the one that made us stay as long as we did, and I was the one that got pissed off at what those guys were saying. It’s always like no one can believe we’re still together. Like I have to keep proving it.”
That admission actually did catch you off guard. Especially to be said here in front his father, and well in all honesty sort of stepfather that Charles was for all intents and purposes. You immediately felt you should say something, but were even further stunned when Erik beat you to it.
“Peter, for God’s sake. You may have problems, but I assure you that (Y/N) is not one of them. Quit being so dense, boy.”
You blinked, unsure if you’d actually just received a rare semi-compliment from Erik.
But Peter just rolled his eyes. “Thanks for the pep talk, Dad. Yes, I know that. I’m saying how do I make everyone else know that? Some fatherly wisdom would be great right now.”
Erik frowned, looking annoyed at Peter’s reaction. “I’ve told you before, I can’t teach you self-confidence, no one can. Though I’ve always been willing to fight for what I wanted. That’s a start.”
“Erik, no.” Charles interrupted. “Peter, we all question ourselves from time to time. But when it comes to relationships, nothing going on on the outside will matter as long as you focus on keeping things strong between the two of you. Weakness there is the only way those outside troubles can get in to break things down.”
“Oh typical, Charles. So it’s still turn the other cheek to everything else then? Pacifism is not how love is won.” Erik replied, now staring back at Xavier.
“Love is not a thing to be fought over, Erik, and neither is (Y/N). People are not trophies to be claimed.” The Professor responded, meeting Erik’s gaze easily.
“Okayyyy,” Peter said, glancing to you and the no doubt really uncomfortable expression on your face now. “I think we’re just going to go to bed now.” His voice was getting a little quicker as he touched your arm as if to usher you out with him. “We’ll be more careful next time, we learned our lesson, so sincerely sorry and humbled, good nigh-”
“Peter.” Erik called back though before you could both reach the doorway.
Peter looked back reluctantly, only to see Erik now holding up a phone.
“Do at least message your sisters tonight to tell them you’re alright. As refreshing as it is to be receiving so many calls from them this evening, it’s only you they wish to speak to.”
“Uh, sure,” Peter offered, a little surprised. “I haven’t even looked at my phone. I will. Night!”
“Good night.” You also managed, speaking back at least politely to the two men just before Peter hurried you out into the hallway.
You’d both chosen to take one of the other halls afterward, as to avoid the front foyer and any drama that may still be occurring there if Wade and Logan were still facing off. There was another set of stairs at the back of the house, and it’d been a real relief not to run into anyone else on the way as you took them up to your floor.
By the time you finally got to your bedroom, you didn’t bother to turn on the ceiling light, just switching on the lamp at your bedside end table as you sat down on the bed. You pulled off your shoes, and heard Peter’s jacket already hitting the floor before his own weight hit the bed, making you bounce slightly.
“Ugh,” He said, already barefoot and stretched out behind you laying on his back. “That was awkward right?”
“What part of the night specifically?” You questioned, throwing off your own coat into a then indiscernible pile in the darkness outside of the lamp light. Normally you were the one picking up after Peter, but you weren’t in the mood to hang up or fold anything tonight.
“Good point,” He conceded. “But I was mainly thinking of Dad and Charles. Sorry to drag you into that.”
Yeah, that had been pretty weird. “Well, Xavier was just trying to help. And I think your Dad was too...in his own way. I guess.” There wasn’t a whole lot you could add to that. Peter’s insecurities could flare up from time to time still, but he’d actually gotten a little better over the years. At some point he had finally realized you really were going to stick around. It wasn’t just pretty words and passing teenage hormones.
After you’d actually started rooming together officially, you knew there had even been some joking from your friends about Magneto one day becoming your father-in-law. But you tried not to humor any of that. You were in no hurry, and felt further commitment to that level would have to be Peter’s decision. It wouldn’t be fair to put him under that kind of pressure.
You knew he had reservations on the subject when none of his father’s marriages had ever worked out. He wouldn’t say it outright, but you were sure Peter felt there was still some sort of family curse there that he didn’t want to tempt fate with. As if making you his spouse would be the final straw and something would come to take all his happiness away.
You felt him moving a little then as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Alright, before I forget, group message to Wanda and Lorna...” But he paused, looking up at you with just a blank white screen on the phone. “What do you think I should tell them?”
“Peter, they’re your sisters.” You smiled, not sure why this would be a question to you. “Just say you’re fine, you’re back at the mansion, and you’re going to bed. You can always call them tomorrow.”
He made a face at that though, “What if I don’t want to call them tomorrow? They’re just going to lecture me. Oh, I know!” He smirked as if he’d thought of something clever, adding to whatever he was already typing. “Dad already fussed at me. So don’t worry about it. Wanda, tell mom the same thing. ❤️👍”
He turned the screen to show you. “Think that will work?”
“Genius.” You replied.
“Smart ass.” He grinned, but sent the message before quickly turning his phone back on silent and setting it on the other end table.
You took your own phone out your pocket, intentionally not reading the number of notifications left on the home screen as you also set it to the side before standing up to take your pants off.
You’d just slid them down, trying to step out of them when a sudden pinch to your backside almost had you stumble forward, one foot still stuck in a pants leg.
“Speaking of ass...” Peter teased, pulling his hand back before you could smack it.
“So the cannolis gave you a second wind, huh?” You turned, not surprised to see that devilish grin starting as he now looked you over while you next removed your shirt. You’d think he’d be used to this view by now.
“I was feeling hopeful, yeah,” he replied, though remaining where he was in the bed as your shirt joined your pants on the floor. “Of course I am still pretty tired,” He added, “Maybe you could help me out here?”
You raised one eyebrow as he motioned to the zipper of his jeans. Oh, so this was how it was going to be? He seemed so pleased with his idea though, you couldn’t help but be amused.
***smut starts here, scroll on to skip*** “So pitiful, my poor speedster.” You said, albeit smiling as you climbed into the bed. You straddled him gently, seeing that needful look already beginning to cloud his eyes as he still laid on his back beneath you.
You were tired yourself, and hungry still, but you’d survive until morning. This effort for some physical intimacy seemed worth it to at least end this bizarre night on a good note for the both of you.
And you knew you both wanted it. He might be making a play that he was going to make you do all the work right now, but you highly doubted he’d have the self control to not jump in once things actually got going.
You pushed his shirt up, running both your hands up the sides of his torso. Like anyone would expect for someone as fast as him, he was built lean, though there was sinew there. Just that bit of muscle, storing all that energy, ready to take off at a moment’s notice.
The room was cool. It was still winter and the high ceilings didn’t do much to keep heat near the floor. You knew your hands would be a little cold as well. So you willed just the slightest bit of your energy field from your palms, warming them as you stroked his chest. You could see the bit of bruising here and there from his earlier fall, but luckily nothing extreme.
He relaxed his head into the pillows behind him, clearly enjoying the feel even as you heard his breathing increase slightly. He liked to be petted, but you knew it would be too much of a tease for him if you focused above his waist for too much longer.
You left his shirt pushed up to bare his abdomen to you, even as your hands ran carefully back down, stopping at his belt. Never quite the typical guy when it came to fashion, it wasn’t a normal peg and hole type, but actually an old seatbelt buckle. You undid it with a click, pulling it out through the belt loops of his pants as he arched a little to take his weight off the back and fully free it.
Once that was out of the way, you unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans with little fanfare. His normally loose boxers were already a little tighter though you noticed.
He made a noise, shifting into the touch as you cupped him with your hand. You massaged the area through the fabric, feeling him gradually stiffen as you got a little more forceful.
By the time he was fully erect, it was all too simple to slip him through the now stretched open flap in the boxers.
You had been intending to stroke him now, but on a whim you decided to go another route. Something a little less predictable you hoped, but what you knew he would still like. You doubted you were all that good at it really, but he’d never complained before.
And you could tell he was surprised, you heard him take in a quick breath as you lowered your mouth down on him, sucking him as he spread open his legs for you. You couldn’t take him in too deep without gagging yourself, but you tried to make up for it by moving up and down gingerly as you used your tongue as well.
It must have been stimulating enough for him though as you felt his hand on the back of your head shortly after, and felt his hips starting to rock rhythmically against your mouth.
He gave a quiet moan, he was so very hard now, but you didn’t let up. You knew sometimes, especially if it’d been a while since you’d last had a chance to be intimate together, he may actually cum fairly quickly. But if he did, then he did. You weren’t worried about whether you got anything in return tonight. Truthfully, your heart was already pounding, the heat in you building, just because you knew he was so aroused.
It was always give and take, and there was no rule of whose turn it was at any given time.
His whole body stiffened a little and for a moment you thought that would be it. But his hand moved to your shoulder suddenly instead, pushing you back as you released him in response.
You pursed your lips as you looked back up at him, that little bit of irritation still felt on them of where they’d dragged against him.
He was already sitting up though, pulling his shirt off completely before he tossed it off the bed. “Come on, babe, clothes off please.” He breathed, his silver hair falling into his dark eyes as you moved off of him and he laid back again just long enough that he could pull off his jeans and work his erection free from his boxers before they ended up cast out into the darkness as well.
While you’d been watching him, you’d also been unhooking your bra as requested, tossing that away. Which left only your underwear before you’d slid it down your legs, flicking it off too once it’d only been left swinging from one foot. He closed the small distance between you so fast then, you were sure he’d actually just used his powers before you felt his lips against yours. Desperate almost, as his tongue pressed through immediately afterward.
You shivered, not expecting the feel of his fingers against your entrance almost simultaneously. Just two of them, moving methodically against you. The room felt far from cold now. But you were just kissing him equally as hard now as he started to push his fingers in further, testing your readiness.
By the time you trembled again from his probing, you knew you were fully wet enough. It was a mutual realization evidently as he broke the kiss, urging you to turn so your back was facing him as he moved behind you on the bed.
You understood what he wanted as he kneeled behind you. You let yourself lean down onto your elbows in the pillows, but also on your knees in the back as you felt him grab your hips from behind. You arched your back, curving your back downward to help angle yourself into him as you felt his tip pressing into you.
As wet as you were now, he only had to try a couple times before he was able to slide fully in. To the hilt so to speak as you felt his torso now pressed flush against you. Already that slight sheen of sweat was starting where your skin touched together as he began to thrust.
The bed was creaking, and you bit back a moan of your own, never quite sure how thick the walls really were in this house. It was kind of an unspoken thing that as long as precautions were taken, and the others in the house didn’t have to hear or see anything you did in the privacy of your own room, then no one would care if people coupled up. For the two of you, precautions only meant a birth control pill, not worrying about condoms any longer after several years of monogamy.
His thrusts were getting even more uneven though, which told you he was close to orgasm. But you couldn’t help but push back against him yourself, panting a little as you felt him grab and squeeze one of your breasts. He was supporting himself with his other arm as he leaned forward suddenly, still inside you as he nipped you lightly on one shoulder, then kissing the same spot before he breathed in your ear.
“How do you always feel so good?” He murmured.
As he let go of your breast, you felt his hand go back between your legs. Even though he was still buried fully in you, his fingers went back to teasing the outside. The over stimulation left you shuddering, and you knew he was trying to get you to orgasm first.
His fingers just kept moving as he started to thrust again. You loved that feeling of fullness, when he was all the way inside, but it was the added teasing of his fingers where you were most sensitive that finally sent you over the edge. Your muscles inside spasming around him then as that unmistakable burst of euphoria went through you, leaving every piece of you trembling.
He clearly felt your orgasm, only moving both hands back to your hips then. Pulling you back against him as he thrust roughly several more times, enough to get his own release as you felt his erection pulse in its own right, knowing he had then let go inside you as you felt that warmth already dribbling back out onto the bedsheets.
Even though you’d started the foreplay, he’d done most the work for the finish. Yet you still felt spent now, only rolling onto your back after he pulled out, trying not to let too much of his seed run back out of you and onto the bed.
He was still breathing a little unevenly as he left the bed only long enough to go grab a clean hand towel from the bathroom. One of those pluses of having had the mansion rebuilt back then was that so many more of the rooms now had their own bathrooms. And after he’d wiped the residue off of himself, he handed you the towel. You dabbed up the small spot on the bed, before wiping off the remainder from your skin as well, then tossing the towel unceremoniously onto the floor with everything else.
Peter turned off the end table lamp before climbing back into the bed beside you in the darkness. The only light then coming from the moon and starlight through the thin curtains at the windows.
You were both still naked, and a little bit hot as you only pulled the covers as high as your waists, knowing the room’s cool air would chill you quickly enough now that no more physical exertion was taking place.
Hot or not though, his arms went around you as he then pulled you into a spooning position in the darkness. You actually felt that he was still about half hard too as it touched against your backside again, you now both laying on your sides with your back to his chest.
***sex over, you’re safe to start reading again*** “That almost made up for this entire night,” He joked quietly, kissing the back of your neck a couple times before you felt him smile against your skin. He moved one of his hands to trail it lightly over your hip, the sensation tickling you slightly as he spoke again. His voice was soft, a true contentment in his tone. “Love you.”
That wasn’t a phrase he said often. But the both of you seemed to save the word as to never water it down. When it was said, it made it really mean something more.
You reached down for his hand that’d been playing with your hip, grasping it warmly and weaving your fingers between his. “I love you.” You said simply, no need to elaborate on what was just a fact.
He squeezed your hand a little harder, but said nothing more, you both just enjoying the touch and comfort of each other’s presence.
You moved your head a little more into the pillows, getting just right as you closed your eyes.
Your dreams faded in and out, nothing you could remember in detail though as the sunlight on your face now had you squinting. You thought of just pulling the blanket back over your head, but your brain started to register the smell of food as well. Bacon specifically as you lifted your head a little, trying to focus.
“It lives!” Peter joked from beside you, sitting cross legged on top the blankets and just in his boxers again. Two plates of food sat in front of him, the source of the smell you realized as you sat up a little, pulling the sheet up enough to cover your bare chest in the cool room.
Very rarely did he ever wake before you, and your still half asleep stare of confusion only made him smirk a little.
“I had to pee.” He said through a mouthful of food, a sausage biscuit with a large bite already taken out of it in one hand, and a video game controller pressed down into the bed with the other. His hand with the controller was blurring slightly as he moved it just fast enough to work the joy stick and buttons simultaneously. “Then I remembered they released that new DLC last night. Had to try it out. I turned the volume down though. Considerate right?”
And it was indeed silent, not the usual grunts and blasts and screams from that gory fighting game he loved so much. His character was currently comboing another into oblivion on the small TV across from the end of your bed.
Your lack of any real dinner the night before had you focusing back to the food in front of you though.
“Go on,” Peter encouraged. “I knew you’d be hungry. It’s not all for me.”
Normally you were against eating in bed, just from the crumbs and general mess it could make. You’d had the misfortune to find the sticky remnants of Twinkies and the like from Peter’s late and early snacking many times.
Yet even as you picked up one of the amazing looking sausage and egg biscuits for yourself, you wondered if anyone else was now going without. Was it stolen goods? “Where...did this come from?” You asked, voice still a little hoarse from just waking, even as you bit down hungrily.
But the implication of your question didn’t even faze him. “Oh there was plenty. Raven told Hank he didn’t know how to cook, so guess who wins? Us when he made three damn trays of these things.”
“Sounds like she had a plan.” You responded, also grabbing a couple pieces of bacon now.
“Totally.” He agreed. “And orange juice is on the end table, babe.”
You glanced to your side, indeed just noticing the glass beside you then. “Well, you’ve been busy.” But your attention eventually drifted back to him only sitting there in his boxers after you’d taken a few sips of juice. “Did anyone even see you?”
“Nah. Maybe they felt an errant breeze or two.” But he was grinning in a way that still gave you pause.
You watched him a little while longer, only feeling more and more sure before you finally offered out the accusation. “No. You did something. Something else...”
He’d already emptied his plate now, both hands on the video game controller then as he seemed to put his focus solely back to the TV screen. Intentionally of course before he grabbed the nearby remote to start turning the volume back up.
“Peter.” You spoke anyway, knowing full well he could still hear you. “Did we not just scrape by last night without any big consequences? You’re going to put that goodwill to the test already this morning?”
“It’ll be fine.” He answered. “It’s nothing.”
Your eyebrows raised a little. His ‘fine’ and yours could sometimes be completely different things. You sighed, going back to eating the food in front of you as Peter’s character liberated the head off another in a ridiculous fountain of CGI blood.
If you could just finish your breakfast before the next possible calamity-
The bedroom door absolutely rattled in its frame with the pounding on it that almost had you spilling the juice in the bed. By the time your annoyed look moved to the spot Peter had just been, the video game was already paused. Only yourself now alone with whoever was on the other side of that door.
“Just say I’m not here!”
You couldn’t even tell where the whisper came from. Peter either hiding in the closet or maybe the bathroom, they were too near each other to tell.
“I’m not even dressed!” You retorted just to him, quite literally naked as you tried to disentangle yourself from the blankets without dumping your food plate, while simultaneously setting the glass of juice back onto the end table.
Peter said nothing more, so you could only call out that you were coming as you anxiously tried to find some of your clothes from the night before. You were able to find your underwear, and the um, incriminating towel, but that was about it. Sure it’d been dark, but how on Earth anything else could have gotten much farther or under something so quickly was beyond you. You kicked the towel under the bed, and you just had to settle for Peter’s t-shirt crumpled in your path as you grabbed it up and yanked it over your head, hurrying for the door.
You still tried to tug the shirt down as far as you could though, at least covering your panties and butt you hoped before you finally pulled the door open. Pantsless, barefoot, and probably with bedhair as you stared up into the glowing red eyes of a very irritated looking, and entirely shirtless Remy LeBeau.
His expression softened just slightly at the sight of you, his lips curling into a handsome smile. But one that didn’t quite reach those crimson eyes. “Mornin’, cher...so sorry to intrude, but I need to have a few words with that boy toy of yours.”
Yet you were staring still, taking time to process the sight before you. There was black...large black streaks all across his face. It circled his eyes in a cartoon like representation of glasses. Though he already had some stubble on his face, the streaks condensed around his mouth as well, like the upturned mustache and goatee of an old timey villain. As if he should be going to tie up some poor girl to train tracks somewhere.
“Oh my God,” you breathed. Permanent marker, seriously? How old were all of you again? “Remy, I’m sorry.” You thought about saying something about how Peter had let those paparazzi get under his skin last night. But it wouldn’t matter. Not if none of these boys were in the mood to be reasonable right now.
“You know you’re not going to catch him.” Is what you finally said. “Please don’t blow up my bedroom trying.”
“And he ain’t worth my chasin’, petite. I just want to talk,” Remy insisted though, voice as smooth as you’d ever heard it as he leaned against your doorframe in only a pair of pajama pants.
But the few playing cards now flitting between his fingers told you otherwise on his supposed peaceful intentions. Yet when he saw you look down at them, another one appeared seemingly from nowhere in his other hand.
He offered it to you, “But if he isn’t man enough to show himself, at least I get the pleasure of your company, non?”
The card was the king of hearts of course as he palmed it into your hand before you could think to stop him. But you knew it wouldn’t be charged if he was handing it to you like that. You trusted him at least that much.
Yet you were quite sure he was still only trying to lure Peter out by audibly flirting with you now. And sadly, it would probably work. “Remy, can you two just save it for the danger room?” You tried again. “It’s too early, really. I was just trying to eat breakfast.”
“Well, seeing as how you’ve been ditched, I don’t see why someone like you should have to eat all alone.” He answered effortlessly, just strolling past you further into the bedroom as if there was no awkwardness in this at all.
In a moment of panic you wondered if it’d be best to just call for backup. Your cell phone wasn’t very far. Was everyone awake already? What if you just called Rogue? That’d be the most straight forward right? Oh, but you could imagine that conversation. Hey girl, come get your man out of my bedroom please? Yet she totally would. He’d be as helpless as a toddler if she decided she was dragging him out.
“You know,” Remy said, considering a little as he palmed one of the uneaten biscuits right off the tray like it was a bauble to steal. “I did think we looked good together in those pictures they printed from the beach. It’s only natural you know. When two people have chemistry, everybody can see it.”
And that was it, the final straw. You didn’t even know why you still jumped when the bathroom door flung all the way open. The window opened too, a couple cards Remy had already thrown then exploding out there harmlessly like little fireworks as Peter had redirected them outside.
Your bedsheet seemed to have a mind of its own as it ripped off the bed and tied around Gambit as well, pinning his arms to his sides as he was forced to then kneel in front of you.
Peter reappeared at your side, looking down at his handiwork as he scowled at the other man. It was a rare expression on Peter’s face, but a little more jarring for that reason.
“Apologize to (Y/N).” Peter demanded. “Or you’re going out the window next.”
But you knew Remy’s wounded pride meant there would be no such possibility of deescalation now. They were going to have to be physically separated and given a cool off period no matter what. As you considered whether to actually put a shield around one or both of them to essentially begin preparations for mutant time out, Remy was already countering back at Peter, a mocking tone rolling off his tongue.
“Alright. I’m sorry, (Y/N). I’m sorry that you got saddled with a jealous little boy who goes after rivals in their sleep rather than face them like a man. And then just hides behind that same woman he thinks they’re going to take from him, yeah?”
Oh for God’s sake! You dropped the card Remy had given you, that you’d for some reason still been holding. You powered up, trying to catch both of the guys in two of your force fields, Peter had already been in movement though. In actuality you’d only ended up shielding Remy just before Peter had kicked the field, looking as if the hit had been intended for the Cajun’s chest.
“Don’t protect him!” Peter looked to you in surprise.
“I’m protecting both of you!” You responded, then glowing white and hovering now several feet off the floor in your annoyance.
“Kinky.” A new voice spoke, followed by a sing song voice that unfortunately you did now recognize as Deadpool continued. “I see London, I see France, I see (Y/N)’s underpants!”
With your energy humming around you, Peter’s shirt you were wearing was now billowing up a little you realized. Indeed giving a full view to all those below you. You dropped back to the floor immediately, but didn’t power down, keeping the field around Remy as you turned to look at the several people now standing in your doorway.
“You know, this is exactly how those rumors start,” Ellie said in her usual dry tone, taking in the truly bizarre scene of the three of you. “Putting on some clothes might be a good first step. Or you know, at least closing the door.”
The girl otherwise known as Negasonic Teenage Warhead was never one to mince words, even to you all, her sort of superiors. Her girlfriend Yukio only stood beside her, smiling a bit sheepishly.
“Yeah, don’t mind us you little OT3, I just came back to bring Russel his stuff.” He motioned to the boy, who was now also staring at you all. “And your boss Charlie X said I had to have an escort, so I got my old buddies here Nega-angst and Yukio-chan. Oh and-”
Deadpool suddenly grabbed another man who had been standing behind them, bringing him to the front. “This is my all time best buddy Dopinder, he wanted a tour of mutant Hogwarts as well.”
“Hello.” The young man waved a bit shyly. “It is an honor to meet more of DP’s superhero allies.”
“Hey.” Peter said oddly to them after a moment, then looking back to you again. The randomness seemed to have snapped him out of his fixation on getting even with Remy at least for the moment. It now looked like he was waiting for guidance from you on what to do next.
You heard an audible sigh from Remy then as he spoke up. “I rather not destroy your sheets, cher. Truce for today?”
You glanced back to Peter first though before letting down the shield. Making sure he’d agree to untie him. Peter looked reluctant still, but eventually nodded.
And with that you powered down, your field around Remy disappearing as all the energy faded back inside you. In another instant he was completely untied, the sheet semi neatly back on your bed then. You knew some of the food had to have gone flying wherever when Peter had ripped off the bedsheet earlier in their scuffle. But you didn’t really care right now.
“Woah, woah. Is that the new MK game?” Wade just questioned suddenly, then seemingly oblivious to all else as he strode into your room as well.
Why no one had any boundaries today, you had no idea.
“Wait, we get video games too?” Russell also sounded impressed, just following.
“Some of us,” Ellie replied though, giving Peter a skeptical look. “That one might have had a five finger discount.”
Peter huffed at her, non committal on the truth of that statement though, “It’s the new one, yeah. The new DLC just added more characters too.”
You didn’t even care anymore honestly as Wade pulled off his mask and hopped immediately onto your and Peter’s bed, grabbing a controller. “Dibs on Johnny Cage, mother fuckers. Let daddy show you how it’s done.”
“Hey, I want to be Scorpion!” Russell replied, actually sounding like the fourteen year old he really was for once.
And you saw Peter was already digging out another controller from his gaming pile as he scoffed at them both. “Man, you can try. I’ll wipe the floor with you and buzzcut you down to bloody stumps with Kung Lao.”
“Dopinder, google Johnny Cage combos, stat!” Deadpool requested as his friend hurried in, dutifully sitting on the floor and pulling out a cell phone to do just that.
Remy was actually the only male in the room to not be sucked in as he gave you a little look while walking back out. “Later, petite. Sorry for real about the fuss. You know he just irks me.” He leaned in a little closer just to you though. “And I know you’re faithful. He just needs to leave me out of it. Quit readin’ dem damn gossip magazines, yeah?”
“Yes.” You agreed with a smile. A little optimism returning that maybe the two of them could be reasoned with after all. “See ya, Remy.”
He nodded, winking at both Ellie and Yukio as well before he slipped past them and out down the hall. Yukio giggled, but Ellie only rolled her eyes.
“Well, if you put some pants on, maybe there’s still some breakfast left down there. Want to go?” Ellie asked you, crossing her arms. She smirked then though, the guys now commentating and mocking one another like there was some big sporting match going on just a few feet from you. “Let Wade be Peter’s problem for a while, I think you’ve earned it.”
“Sounds like a plan.” You agreed without much hesitation. If Peter needed you, it’s not like it’d even take him two seconds to find you, even with the size of this house.
You did see him glance back ever so briefly as you dug some sweatpants out your dresser drawer and pulled them on though. You made an eating gesture and he nodded, understanding where you were going.
He also made a motion like drinking and you knew that meant he wanted you to bring him back some soda. The more sugar the better for him.
As you walked back downstairs with Ellie and Yukio, Ellie chuckled to herself a little. “You know Wade’s going to think Peter is his bff now. Better buckle up for that ride. Colossus can probably give you some pointers.”
You sighed, looking at the younger two girls. “We’ve survived everything that’s been thrown at us to this point. Could always be worse.”
“Oh yeah, it’ll get worse.” Ellie answered.
Yukio nodded, yet still smiling. “Wade is very special. And deadly.”
“Like a contagion,” Ellie added.
It still didn’t matter though. New, strange friends, or old sometimes combative friends. Gossip and rumors, or anything else. In the end you had to agree with Xavier as you so often usually did. As long as you and Peter kept strong together, none of that outside noise could ever tear you down. You had each other and that was all you needed.
End. Thanks for reading! Art by NACCHAN96.
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teddy06writes · 4 years
Pirate/Mermaid AU
requested by this anon: “Alright. Hear me out. Pirate Sapnap x Mermaid(fem) Reader. Finna Sapnap and the bois end up in a shipwreck and then reader tosses them all on shore and nurses them back to health type beat. Idrc, I just need that pirate AU. Please and thank you!”
{*Pulls out notebook of mermaid lore, with folk lore from everywhere around the world including tumblr, fresh vs salt water mermaids, shallow vs abyssal mermaids, mermaid sizes based on sightings, and legends, and lets it drop onto table* Boy oh boy have I been waiting for this}
{Like seriously tho} 
Pirate!Sapnap x fem!mermaid!reader
trigger warnings: swearing  mentions of drowning
premise: pirate sapnap and his crew wined up in a shipwreck, and naturally, since your passing by, you figure you might as well save them. As you help them recover, you can’t help but revel in the stories Sapnap tells of traveling around the high seas, well you’ve never been able to leave your cove. Eventually, when the time comes, there is a choice to make
Days since you washed over the Reef 323:
You floated lazily alongside what was left of the wrecked ship as Sapnap moved about, trying to find more worth scavenging. 
“I thought you got everything out of there.” You said, twisting to lean your fore arms on the now sideways knee wall of the ship. 
“Well, we’ll need all of it if we want to make anything that can make it proper back to the smp.” He explained, dropping some of the less water logged planks onto the raft.
You nodded, still looking up at him quizzically, “Where will you go? After the smp of course.” 
Sapnap paused, sitting down on the edge of the boat, “Mm, probably back further south, it’s nice down there.” 
“Where's your favorite place out there?” You implored. 
“There's lots of cool places,” He chuckled, running a hand through his scraggly hair, “I suppose the land Karl rules over, he calls it party island. Its quite a good time.” 
“Sounds interesting.” You smiled, letting your chin rest on your arms.
“It’s one of the only places that doesn’t have a constant warrant out for our arrest, so that's good enough, even if the locals are- strange.” 
“Stranger than you?” You smirk. 
A grin crossed his face as he reached down to flick water your direction, “Stranger than merfolk.” 
“Hey!” You protested, raising your tail to splash water back at him. 
He laughed, “You wouldn’t dare!” 
“You underestimate me!” You brought your tail down on the surface of the water, splashing him.
Still laughing Sapnap went back to gathering what he could find out on what was left of the main deck, dropping it back down onto the raft before climbing on, “Lets go get Ranboo then.” 
You nodded, grabbing hold of part of the raft and beginning to swim across to the other half of the wreck, where the other boy had been doing scavenging of his own. 
“Ahoy there!” The younger mans voice rang out from the back side of the wreck, “I’ve found a way into the hold!” 
“Where?” Sapnap asked, eagerly climbing off the raft and onto the rocky reef the ship had been sunk on. 
“Round over here!” Ranboo finally appeared from the side of the wreck, “You have to swim a little, but there's a hole in the ship, I made it big enough to get through!” 
“How water logged is everything?” 
“Ehh, not too bad, we can probably get a decent amount of it.” Ranboo itched at the back of his head. 
Sapnap grinned, immediately scrambling across the rocks towards the other side of the ship, “Lets go then!” 
 You sighed as they both disappeared, pulling yourself up to sit on the raft,  long tail still half dipped in the water, glumly calling, “Good luck.” 
“Don’t sound so upset! I bet if you really wanted to you could get over here!” Sapnap’s voice came muffled from somewhere within the hold. 
You scoffed, “Yeah, and get myself so busted up on those rocks that I can’t keep you fools out of trouble.”
Ranboo’s head appeared again, as he heaved a chest up and onto the reef, “We don’t need to be kept out of trouble.” 
You cocked an eyebrow, “You two were the ones who got in a shipwreck.”
“Your the one who got stuck in this cove,” Sapnap pointed out, coming back into view with a chest of his own, “Fish in a bowl.” 
“Well at least I had an excuse for getting thrown over this damn wall.” You snapped. 
After that it was quiet as you climbed off the raft, carful not to knock anything to the water as they loaded up the chests, quickly going back for another round and stacking them on the raft. 
You sighed, holding the raft steady as they tried to find a way to get everything to balance, “At least one of you is going to have to swim. This isn’t gonna work.” 
Ranboo and Sapnap looked at each other for a moment before Sapnap nodded at the raft, and Ranboo climbed on, almost reluctantly, “You know if I swam too we could get more stuff on here.” 
“Too late,” You said, letting go of the raft and letting yourself sink back down into the water for a moment, quickly reemerging as Sapnap went to jump from the reef, “Be careful. I’m not dragging your dumb ass back to shore again.” 
He rolled his eyes, “You worry too much.” 
“No one said I was worried.” You scoffed. 
Off to the side Ranboo faked gaged, grabbing one of the planks to use as a makeshift oar and began to paddle away, “You guys are the worst!” 
You chuckled, quickly moving out of the way as Sapnap jumped down into the water yelling, “Race you to shore!” 
Rolling your eyes you began to swim, “There's literally no way for you to beat me!”
Sure enough you quickly pulled ahead, grabbing a hold of the raft to pull it with you, chuckling as Ranboo began to yell joking insults back toward Sapnap, then as you drew closer to the shore, Karl joining in, despite having no clue what was going on. 
As the water grew shallow Ranboo jumped off the raft, pulling it up to shore, Sapnap hurrying to help him upon reaching the same depth. 
Karl waved at you before grabbing the first of the chests, pulling it up onto the shore before beginning to rummage through its contents. 
Smiling you slowly began to drift back out away from the shore, pulling yourself up onto one of the few smooth rocks that littered the cove, sudenly tired from the trips back and forth, content for now to just relax in the sun. 
Days since you washed over the reef: 325
Your dreams of the terrible storm that had landed you trapped within the cove were interrupted by a soft call of your name. 
“Hmm?” You rubbed at your eyes, sitting up to see that the sun had mostly set, and to see Sapnap standing at the end of the rickety pier that they had built during there first week stranded. 
“Hey.” He smiled. 
“Hey yourself.” You slipped off your rock, quickly swimming over to him. 
He sat down at the edge of the dock, offering a large piece of watermelon to you, “This is the last of the watermelons, Karl’s already started planting the seeds but hopefully we won’t be stuck here that long.” 
You frowned, “How you gonna get out of here?” 
“We’re gonna try to make a ship that’ll hold together long enough to get to Boomerville. We should be able to figure things out from there.” He explained, looking out to the open ocean. 
“Your gonna make a ship?” You looked up at him, confused, “How? There’s only four of you.”
Sapnap shrugged, “We can salvage parts of the ship, and we can cut the trees from the island. Bad thinks we could swing it.” 
You sighed, hauling yourself up onto the pier, Sapnap scooting to the side to make room, “You really think you can get out of here?” 
“Yeah,” The dock was quiet for a moment, the only sounds coming from the waves lapping at the shore before he offered, “You could come with us, if you wanted.”
You looked over at him, “How? I don’t even see how you could get a boat out of here, let alone me.” 
“Well, you know how yesterday everyone was gone?” He rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly. 
Your brow furrowed, confused, “Yeah?” 
“We were kind of exploring the other side of the island. There's a gap in the reef, we should be able to get through.” 
You looked at him for a moment longer before looking down the coast of the island, you’d been trapped here for nearly a year and had never been able to find a way to the other side, “How am I meant to get to the other side of the island?” 
 “I’m sure we could figure out something,” Sapnap shrugged, almost chuckling, “I mean unless your lying and you’ve lived in this cove your whole life.” 
“Why would I lie about that?” You demanded. 
He held up his hands in defense, “Woah woah woah! I just figured the reef extends out away from the island, surely you’d gone around far enough to find the gap!”
You half wrapped your arms around your torso, “The reef isn’t in a perfect ring, it ellipses up to the shore, you should’ve seen that. Plus, There’s a wall where the rocks extend out to the coast south from here, none of the gaps are big enough for me to fit though.
“I may not be an abyssal mermaid but I’m not the same size as whoever made those. Fucking shallow water mermaids. Never take anyone else into consideration.” You huffed. 
“What?” He laughed. 
You couldn’t help but glare at him, “They’re inconsiderate! Just because they have less space to swim in doesn’t mean that the rest of us have the same sized tail!” 
Sapnap just kept laughing, so you moved to climbed back off the pier and into the water, starting to swim away, laughing even as you called, “You’re an asshole!” 
Days since you washed over the sea wall: 334
Since the castaways had gotten the idea to make a ship they had only spent there days felling trees and working them into planks, as well as trying to salvage more boards from the wrecks.
You watched as they toiled, offering help where you could, though you still doubted there plans. 
Now you were perched back on the pier, quietly wrapping a bandage around Karl’s arm, “I told you all that those rocks are dangerous.” 
He shrugged, “We didn’t think they were that bad. Besides we’ve climbed over them like that before.” 
“If you could climb those easily without getting cut I’d be long gone from here.” You muttered bitterly. 
“We’ll find a way to get you out of here,” Karl smiled sympathetically, chuckling, “I doubt Sapnap would let us leave without you.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked, looking up at him. 
He giggled, glancing back up toward the wood where the shelter had been made weeks before, “Nothin.”
“mhhhm.” You hummed warily, tying off the bandage and  setting down your supplies before slipping back into the water, “Try not to get that wet.” 
He nodded absently, looking at the material before looking back at you, “I guess it was lucky that trunk was sealed. Hey, what did you do before we found those- to keep the cuts clean that is.” 
“Oh uh- kelp works, just about the same. That’s what I used on you guys after you landed here, and when I ended up here.” You explained. 
“You put sea weed on us instead of bandages??!” Bad yelled from up the shore, “That's not sanitary!” 
“It was kelp! Dude its like basic first aid! That’s all we had!” You retorted. 
“Ewww sea vegetables!” Ranboo yelled dramatically. 
“Dude shut up kelp is literally the most versatile thing! As long as you have kelp your set for life!” You argued, barley holding back giggles.
“But its weird!” Ranboo argued. 
You chuckled to yourself, turning and diving into the water, reemerging to swim closer to the beach, tossing a long piece of kelp to hit him in the face, “Kelp!” 
Everyone began to laugh as you retreated back into deeper water, swimming back and forth as Ranboo pealed the kelp from his face, “That was just plain rude!” 
Sometime later, after everyone had gone back to the shelter you found yourself slowly swimming back to the underwater cave that had been serving as your home since you’d ended up here.
You laid back on one of the rocks, stretching your tail and flexing your fins as you shuffled down to get comfortable, tugging a random drifting piece of hair out of your face you stared up at the ceiling.
Following the pattern of the rocks you sighed, what would happen when the ship was built, if ever? would they find a way for you to go with them? Or would they just leave you alone again?
Your thoughts slowly spiraled, going over the limited possibilities of what could happen, thinking of being alone again, when something knocked against the mouth of the cave. 
Slowly you rose, swimming the small distance to look out and see the bottom of the raft. 
A moment later you were swimming up and hauling yourself up onto the raft next to Sapnap, wringing water from your hair, “What’s up?”
“Stars are out.” He mumbled, gesturing up to the sky.
You nodded, leaning back to prop yourself back on your elbows, “Used to watch them, every night. From where ever I was staying that night. Now I don’t really see reason too.” 
“Why wouldn’t there be reason to?” He asked. 
“There always the same stars here. I used to be able to travel far enough to see different stars every night, but now there always the same.” You searched the heavens as you spoke.
He  glanced over at you, “We’ll see new stars once the ship is built.” 
You really think that building a ship will work?” 
“Maybe,” He murmured, “We’re trying to find a way to get you over there.”
“I don’t want to be alone again.” You mumbled, turning to look at him. 
Sapnap looked you in the eyes, “You won’t be, if I can help it.” 
“And if you can’t?” 
He opened his mouth, but made no reply, instead staying focused on the sky. 
You sighed, moving to slide back off the raft, “At least some stars remain.” 
Days Since You Washed Over The Sea Wall: 378
You swam back and fourth anxiously, today was it- today was the day that they made the attempt to sail from the cove. 
As far as you knew, the ship, which was apparently little more than a shoddy row boat, had been completed through much work, and today was the day they ventured out. 
Despite many weeks passing, no one had been able to come up with any plan to get you across the island, so now you were left in wait, hoping to see the boat come around the island, to try to find a new way to get you over the wall. 
Time seemed to pass slowly as you stared out over the sea wall, wondering if they had abandoned you completely. 
The sun had fully risen in the sky and yet they still weren’t appearing, your thoughts spiraling, coming to the conclusion that they truly had just left you. 
Taking a shaky breath you swam up to the sea wall, moving along it to what you made was where it held the least width, searching the wall almost desperately. 
A wave, almost larger than one you’d seen in a while rolled over the wall, pushing you back before re exosing the top of the wall, and with another deep breath you grabbed a section of the wall, ignoring the way it cut into your hand, and beginning the slow process of hauling yourself up. 
Just getting to perch on the wall found cuts on the palms of yours hands, and a scrape across your side, as well as a dull ache in your tail from where it slapped across the rocks. 
Still the shipwrecked pirates were no where to be seen. 
You continued to struggle across the rocks, slowly making your way to the ocean, dropping off the wall and into the water to feel a large pain across your back, still you ignored it, desperately starting to swim forward. 
The ocean was rougher than you excepted it to be, after all it had been over a year since you’d left the protection of your cage. 
You dived down, the stinging of pain from your cuts overtaking the feeling of freedom as you slowly resurfaced, only to be met with yet another huge wave. 
By the time the ‘ship’ had finally made it around the island, fighting against the rougher sea, you were no where in sight. 
“(y/n)!” Sapnap yelled, looking over the cove. 
“(y/n)!” Ranboo echoed. 
Bad struggled against the rudder, “Hurry up!” 
“(y/n)! Where are you? We’ve gotta go!” 
There yells were all in vain, not one of them reaching your ears, deep under the water, mostly unconscious in the cave that you’d barley managed to drag yourself into. 
~~ Days Since You Washed Over Sea Wall: 421
You sighed, carefully pulling yourself up onto the rickety old pier, rubbing gently at the scar that now crossed your torso, before laying back and staring up at the sky, trying to remember the way it had been to not be alone. 
The physicals wounds had healed, sure, but still the mind numbing loneliness was beginning to get to you yet again.
You stared up at the sky, wishing that at least the stars were there, but you were met only with the sun. 
You shot straight up as the familiar call echoed in your ear, “What the fuck?” 
“(y/n)!” The yell came again. 
“You mother fucker!” You shouted, dropping off of the pier and swimming as fast as you could out into the water. 
(y/n)!” Was repeated yet again as you all but crashed into Sapnaps arms.
“You fucking asshole!” You repeated, looking from the pirate to the ship that had laid anchor outside the reef, already starting to pull him toward the shore, “I thought you weren’t coming back! I went out there after you! Busted myself up!” 
He glanced over your various scars, both the older and the newer before hugging you again, not worrying as you continued to tread water, “I didn’t mean too.” 
“What the hell though? I Thought you left me.” You repeated.
“I told you not if I could help it.” 
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jujutsubabe · 3 years
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Megumi x reader
Word count: 937
A/n: two people one bed trope. Also repost cause Tumblr was messing with the last post🙄
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Maybe he should have lied, he should have said he had an extra blanket and a place to sleep when you asked. He should have said he loved sleeping on the couch, oh how comfortable each dip of the cushion was! How the arm rest fit so perfectly with his neck, and how he loved how cold it got in the mornings.
He had hundreds of lies up his sleeve yet they all dwindled the second you protested against him. He tried to argue with you, he really did, but each reason he had died in his throat when you looked at him. All it took was a tender touch to his arm, and a soft spoken “relax” for him to sit down and nod like a puppet.
He waited at the corner of the bed, leg bouncing up and down up and down as your shower rang on. It was as if you put a spell on him, he didn’t move, didn’t try to collect his pride and run away. He sat through your forty minute shower, dreading what was to come, he would rather a ghost come through the window than you from the shower. His heart couldn’t take the ladder.
Somehow he lives, as the doorknob squeaks open and the steam follows behind, you emerge radiating brighter than he had seen before. He feels his blood flush from his cheeks to the top of his head, and he wonders if you intend to kill him this way.
He’s on fire inside out, his hands are as hot as a heating pad and he doesn’t know where to place them, he doesn’t know how to function in general as you get closer to him.
“Megumi relax.” You reach for his cheek, “Think of it as a sleepover with a friend.”
He wants to lay into your hand and do as you say, but instead he frowns. “I cant see you as a friend.”
You smile, a sneaky smile filled with ideas and a sense of humor he couldn’t entertain. “Follow what I do and you’ll be fine.”
You pull your hand away, pulling the little string of the lamp, then guiding him under the covers. He wants to reject your invitation, to grab some spare covers and sleep on the floor at this point.
But he’s too tired to put up a fight. So he lays under the covers beside you, not because you told him to, but because he’s tired. He loves you, but he insists he’s not at the point where he does anything you say. No no, he’s only complying because he’s tired. That’s the only reason. Were it any other day, he would sleep on the couch.
He turns his back to you and you copy. The both of you staring at an object in the room. He’s trying very hard to focus on a dot on the wall. Otherwise he will freak out if he thinks about the fact you are in the same bed as him. That you are comfortable around him, and that you are in his covers.
Though it’s quiet, neither of you are asleep. Fushiguro is still trying to stare at that dot when you turn to him.
“Can...would you mind holding me?”
The dot on the wall disappears and Megumi worries that it may have been a bug. He turns to you and his heart folds in on itself, seeing you there, your face so soft and expectant, it makes him want to reassure you, tell you he will be here forever. This feeling makes him all wiggly inside. Maybe the bug is in his belly.
He wraps his arm around you, not because you said so, but because it was starting to get cold. Yes, he didn’t want you to get sick. That was all.
He sighs, “It’s three a.m. you better sleep.”
You only hum, pulling him to your chest and he feels comfortable to the point he cant help but snuggle closer to you. Your hold on him is gentle, so gentle everything feels simple, like he’s a child once again. Small and comfortable.
He’s read about these stories before, about people like you, where he’s a pirate lost at sea and you’re a siren pulling him in with every word. Pull pull pull.
In this dream you sing on of how you will love him and it hypnotizes him. He changes his ships initial direction to the rocks you rest on, it’s too late to change as he’s fully captured by you, unable to look away.
The beating of your heart drums to a beat he cant stop listening to. It only pulls him in further but he doesn’t mind. You’re something he can’t take his mind off of anyways.
Your hand combs through the wisps of his hair, fingers pulling at strands with sleepy kisses pressed to his hairline and he can’t help but love this moment. He shivers as your hand goes up and down his back, as if he just jumped into the freezing water.
You’ve got him hooked onto you, he wouldn’t admit it but he would do anything for you. It drove him crazy that someone could make him so obedient to their every word. What powers did you have to do that? What love did you open his eyes to?
His hold on you tightened, he followed your call and finally got you. Maybe you were a siren in the past. That’s why he waits for you while you shower for forty minutes, that’s why he shared his bed with you, that’s why he holds you a little tighter. What other explanation was there?
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Soo, here is the oneshot for the angst anon! 
No happy end, which really broke my heart and I may or may not have been crying, while writing most of it :) 
I kind of set it after Seven’s route and the SE’s
This was actually the first time for me to write angsty angst, so I really hope it turned out alright and you guys like it!
(also, I don't know why Tumblr won't let me add proper paragraphs the way I want, but... I guess it is what it is now 🙃)
TW: Injuries, blood, death
“You wont die... Not on my watch!”
Seven x MC
It surely felt like the universe seemed to finally be on Saeyoung's side, seeing how things had progressed in the past couple of months. Him and Vanderwood got out of the agency, and his former supervisor still showed up from time to time. He always claimed it was to make sure that the three troublemakers were still alive, but it was no real secret, that he had grown quite fond of all of them. No one ever said it out loud, though.
Then there was his twin, who was doing way better at that point. Saeran wasn't a big fan of crowds or outings with the rest of the RFA, but he opened up a lot more to his brother and you. It always warmed the redheads heart whenever he saw the two most important people in his life interact and even laugh together.
And you... There were no words to describe just how happy he was about having you at his side. No matter what he'd went through, and also put you through at the same time, you were always there, never letting him face things alone and you always seemed to know exactly when he needed you the most. Saeyoung was convinced that you were actually an angel. Sometimes it still felt like a dream to him that you two were engaged and already planning your wedding. 
Although one thing still had to be dealt with and that was his father. No one knew what the prime minister could and would do, if he got his hands on the twins. But it had been kind of quiet for a while and that's why he wasn't too worried for the moment. He'd definitely deal with it later, though.
For now he wanted to enjoy a nice night out with his closest friends and the love of his life. Everyone had gathered at a nice restaurant and later on went to a somewhat hole in the wall bar afterwards. After all it had been quite some time since they all managed to find a date where everyone was free to meet up. The only one that didn't join was Saeran, who wasn't yet up for those kinds of shenanigans, which they all understood and respected
It was already rather late at night, when it was decided that it was probably time to head home and you and Saeyoung were the first ones to leave the bar, telling the others you'd wait for them outside, because you were getting kind of hot due to the alcohol you've had and wanted to get some fresh air. So of course your fiancé accompanied you. You were in an amazing mood after spending the night with the people closest to you and were giggling when Saeyoung decided to grab your left hand and press a kiss to your engagement ring, before he spun you around, his eyes gleaming with pure adoration when he saw the glee on your face and your wide smile. He'd never get enough of it.
  He was so lost in his thoughts, that he noticed too late how your expression changed, as you glanced behind him. From confusion, to shock and then panic when you saw a man in a suit suddenly pointing a gun at him. Just when he turned around to see what caused you to panic, you were already standing in front of him, back facing him. A loud shot rang in his ears, eyes going wide in sheer horror. Your body slumped into his and he quickly wrapped his arms around your waist to steady you, though you two still sank to the ground.
The man was cursing quietly about missing his target and that they'd come back for the bastard, before he disappeared into a dark alley. Just as the rest of their group came rushing out, to see what the loud noise had been. But everyone stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the scene before them.
Saeyoung carefully laid you down on the ground, hands trembling as his gaze glided over your form and he saw the blood seeping out of your abdomen, dying your shirt crimson. "No, no, no...", he muttered and quickly applied pressure, forcing himself not to pull back, even when you whimpered at the added pain the pressure caused. He just needed to to stop the bleeding! "Call an ambulance, damnit!" Jumin was the first one to snap out of his state of shock and quickly grabbed his phone to do as he told.
"I-I'm gonna die, right?", you managed to press out, voice already weak and tears were rolling down your cheeks.
"You won't die... Not on my watch. You just gotta hold on a bit longer, okay? Y-you're gonna be fine."
Having worked for the agency meant he knew exactly how critical the entire situation was, especially if the bullet hit some of your organs, and with just how much blood you were losing, he was praying that the ambulance would show up quickly.
Once he noticed how your eyes constantly closed, no matter how much effort you put into trying to keep them open, he felt raw panic bubble up inside of himself and he shook you lightly. "Hey, no! Babe, look at me... You need to stay awake, you hear me? W-we still n-need to get married... And we w-wanted to take Saeran on a vacation, remember? Please... Please hold on."
Your body felt weak and all you really noticed was how tired you were, not even really registering the pain anymore. It took you a lot of effort to raise your hand and brush your fingertips against his cheek, at the same time you forced a small smile to your lips. "I love you...", you whispered, your hand already falling back down, too drained to keep it up any longer.
"I love you, too. I love you more than anything and that's why you have to stay with me, okay? You have to-", Saeyoung got cut off by a choked sob.
His entire body was trembling as he saw how your eyes became dull, all color seemingly left your skin and your eyelids slowly fell shut.
"Y/N! Don't leave me... please wake up. You have to!", he cried and pressed you close to his chest. He was pleading over and over again for you to open your eyes praying that you'd be fine, but deep down he knew that it was too late. All he could do at that point was cling to your lifeless body, face buried in your hair, as tears streamed down his face.
He didn't notice anything around him. Not how Yoosung was crying behind you two, how Jaehee was still frozen in shock and unable to believe what was happening, or how Zen had put a hand on his shoulder and talked to him. Nor did he hear the sirens of the ambulance or saw the flashing lights of it.
Only when they had to basically pry him off of you, did the redhead somewhat snap out of it, and all of a sudden it felt like all strength left his body and he could only watch how the medics took your pulse, though there was nothing they could do for you anymore. He watched as they put your unmoving form into the vehicle, his sight blurred by the tears that were still falling.
The person that meant most to him was dead. And it was his fault. Because he had been too sure of himself and his abilities. He should've been more careful, should've payed more attention to everything... Then you would've surely still been alive. Now he'd never get to hear your laugh again, see your bright smile, feel your gentle touch, hear your soothing voice, wake up and fall asleep with you in his arms...
You were gone and it was all his fault.
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granolabird · 3 years
I realized I never posted my Peter x Reader fic on here so I thought I might as well do it even though everyone and their grandma has probably already read it on Ao3 oops.
(Also idk how to do all this fanfic fancy tumblr formatting stuff I apologize I'm an old woman)
Late Nights With Peter
Notes: I wrote this at 1AM during a mental breakdown a few weeks back :) University is a bitch.
It’s late, and I’m half asleep. The tv drones on, displaying some horror movie I can’t recognise past sleep-bleary eyes. Beside me sits Peter, my head resting lightly on his side as I slowly pass out. He doesn’t notice, or if he does, he doesn’t seem to care, only focused on watching the movie and seeing how many marshmallows he can fit in his mouth at once. From what I can tell, it’s at least ten. I adjust myself slightly, snuggling closer to him, and he looks over eyes wide. “Hey, are you still awake?” He speed-chews the marshmallows before he asks, giving me a small nudge. “Barely.” I huff and he gives a small chuckle. “You need me to run you upstairs?” He offers and I shake my head as well as I can from the position I’m in, curled up on the couch. “I’m too comfy. You make a good pillow.” He smiles and presses a soft kiss to the top of my head. “As much as I appreciate the compliment, I think it’s time we get you to bed. I don’t know how long I could stay still, even as your honorary pillow.” He reaches over and presses a button on the converter to turn the tv off, before scooping me up, bridal-style. “Fiiine.” I lament knowing it’s too late to try and stay on the couch, seeing as I’m already in his arms. He grins, before running us up to the bedroom and placing me swiftly under the covers, then following suit.
He snuggles close to me, laying one arm over my side as I press into his warm chest. “How did I get so lucky to find someone like you?” I ask, my words muffled in his baggy sleep-shirt. “I could say the same about you.” He sighs, running a hand through my hair. We’re quiet for a moment, but he doesn’t stop moving his hand through my hair slowly. “Hey, I know it’s late but can… can I ask you something?” His words are uncharacteristically quiet and I look up from his chest, searching his face to figure out what he’s thinking. Peter is notorious for late-night pondering of the worst kind. After everything he’s been through, I can’t blame him. “Anything.” I offer in response, but he doesn’t smile this time, he just keeps petting my head lightly. “This is kind of weird, but do you think the guys back at the school care about me?” He questions, and I lift my head to meet his eyes. “What?” I shake my head, a little confused and still sleepy, and he takes a moment to ponder. “It’s just that, I go on all these missions, I do all this work to help them, and they just… keep going. They don’t thank me, they don’t pay me any mind, and then they go off for drinks after the mission and half the time they don’t even ask me to join them. I’m just a comic relief to them, I think. What if they leave me? My dad left me, Logan left all of us, I’ve never had anyone stay as long as you have really, so who’s to say you won’t leave too? Shit, I don’t know, maybe I just need to go to sleep.” His anxiety seems to grow with every word he says, and his eyes are staring off into somewhere far away. His hand has stopped moving across my hair now and it falls softly onto the bed.
“Peter.” I say, lifting a hand to his cheek to snap him out of his daze. “I do think you need to go to sleep, your mind goes much too fast.” I huff out, before continuing. “But they care about you, I can promise you that. Scott told me the other day that you’re one of his best friends. Did you know that?” I offer, and Peter tips his head slightly, leaning into my hand. “He did?” “Yeah, he did. And you know why they don’t invite you to drink with them. You can’t-” “Get drunk.” He finishes my sentence for me, a gleam shining in his eyes. “But it was pretty funny when I got the video of Kurt drunk off his ass, wailing ABBA on karaoke night.” His sense of humor is returning, and I grin up at him. “He’s never going to forgive you for that one.” I chuckle, moving my hand from his cheek so that it can grip his free hand. He chuckles too, and I feel warmth light up my chest. “And Peter, you know I’d never leave you.” “I know.” He responds almost immediately, pressing his face into the top of my head. “I know, I just get worried sometimes. I’ve lost so many people. Been through so much shit that it just...” He trails off, his words muffled against my hair. “The others on the team care about you Peter, everyone does. You’re basically a son to Charles, and your dad? Who gives two shits about him, the dickhead is a mass murderer. He doesn’t deserve you.” I tell him, and he lifts his face to look at me again.
“Hey! That's my father you’re talking about!” He exclaims quietly, but the light in his eyes tells me he’s joking. “He may be your father, but he’s still an asshole. The only good thing he’s ever done is bring you into this world.” I say sternly. “I don’t know, that time he killed the president was pretty awesome.” He offers, and I force myself to put on the most fed-up face my exhausted brain can create. He laughs fully now, and I feel his chest rumbling as he goes. “Why are you laughing.” I huff, trying my best to sound annoyed despite the smile pressing at my lips. “Because you look so damn cute when you try to look mad at me.” He whispers, and I sigh letting my smile come through and shaking my head. “You’re such a ladies man.” I say mockingly, and he grins at me. “I know, right?” Peter lets another chuckle escape him, before he leans himself down to kiss me. It’s not intense but rather light, soft and subtle, as he uses the one arm he has thrown around me to somehow pull me even closer. I lean into him, and we rest against each other's lips for a long while, just enjoying the presence of one another.
I feel him smiling against my mouth, before he pulls back and looks over me, eyes tracing my face. “I love you.” He says, and I laugh and bury my head in his shirt again. It smells like marshmallows and faint cologne that reminds me of an autumn breeze. It reminds me of home. Peter, my love, my sweet, my everything. You are my home. I don’t voice any of this though, and instead opt for “You smell like marshmallows.” He responds by half-heartedly kicking me under the blanket. “Wow, thanks. I feel so loved right now.” He grumbles, and I look back up to him. “I love you too you big goof. I’d probably love you a lot more if you just let me sleep.” I tell him, and he sighs, letting his head flop on his pillow. “Right sorry, I forgot you’re little miss sleeping beauty. Remind me to wake you up in the morning with a kiss?” He jokes, and I press my face back against his chest. “I know you won’t need the reminder.” I tell him as I settle myself into a comfortable position to sleep in. “You’re right.” He mumbles, and I can tell he’s getting tired too. He adjusts himself, his one arm still flung around me and trying, to no avail, to bring me even closer. Then, Peter settles my head in the crook of his neck, and sighs, clearly feeling comfortable. “Goodnight.” He says, and I smile into his chest. “Goodnight Peter, I’ll see you in the morning.” I tell him, before fading into the lull of sleep. I’m not sure what I dream about, but somewhere running through my dreams I know there is a handsome silver-haired man, who owns my heart, and I know I am loved.
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dcbutinamrev · 3 years
Sorry this is so late bestie, it took me all day to write this cause tumblr keeps distracting me-
But anyways-
But have some Hamdre for your soul.
(Some of the lines are from D&I when Hamilton met Andre-
(This is a long one- )
Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton sighs to himself as he sits at the long, rectangular table in the parlor, reading a letter from Laurens--no doubt upset again about Hamilton betraying him because of his marriage. Hamilton shakes his head, a slight scowl to his face as he grips the letter tighter, his leg bouncing up and down anxiously underneath the table, desperately wanting it to knock against a particular person's. He rests his chin in his palm, his fingers tapping against his freckled cheek. In his peripheral, he sees the aides eye him worriedly. They have been doing so since Laurens left for the South, but no one ever bothered to ask. But Hamilton knows his quietness and always forlorn expression, hurts his dear friend Richard Kidder Meade more than the Marquis.
"Oh, Jack..." Hamilton sighs, slamming the letter down flat, face down onto the table. He groans frustratingly, running his hands through his russet curls that are constantly always being out of place, as though every second of the day were he had just woken up. "Why can't you understand...? I love you both, you and her...why...why can't you see this...? I would never betray you...I would never lie to you--unlike you...The reason I...I didn't tell you of my Betsey sooner was because...because I didn't know how...Just like you feared of loosing me when you debated on telling me about your wife you left in England...along with..." Hamilton scoffs out a laugh. "God, a daughter..." He swallows the lump down his throat, blinking his eyes fast as he tries to control his breathing. "I...I was afraid to loose you too..." Another pause. He swallows again, licking his chapped lips, chapped and dry from the lack of kisses from Laurens. His hands shake. "But...I...I guess...I already have..."
Silence fills the room. Hamilton shivers involuntarily, shaking his head as he sits back from the table, running a hand through his dark red hair again before letting it slide down his face exhaustedly, letting his skin drag along with it.
"Do you always talk to yourself?" says a very fine familiar French accented voice Hamilton knows all too well.
He feels his burdens and worries lifted from his chest almost in an instant, his eyes slowly cracking open and he sniffs, rubbing the edge of his watery indigo eyes--the very same deep violet eyes Laurens had always find entrancing--with the heel of his palm before sniffling.
Hamilton scoffs out a laugh and shrugs as the Marquis pulls out a chair from the table and sits himself down beside Hamilton. He tilts his head to one shoulder, furrowing his brows.
"Are you alright, mon ami?" Lafayette asks, breaking the silence.
Hamilton sighs heavily through his nose, staring down at Laurens's elegant, beautiful handwriting. He swallows again and presses his lips together.
"I just..." Hamilton shakes his head. "I just...I'm terrified, Marquis..."
Lafayette presses his lips together tightly, keeping his expression calm and collected. Instinctively, he rests his hand upon Hamilton's slightly smaller one, squeezing it comfortingly. Hamilton tips his head up and smiles gently.
"I know," Lafayette tries.
Hamilton knows Lafayette is just trying to offer him some comfort, but Hamilton couldn't help but snap, "You don't know..."
Lafayette sighs. "Alexandre...Laurens is my friend as well. I care for for him as much as you. But--"
Hamilton yanks his hand away, clutching it towards his chest and letting out a shaky breath, glancing away from the Marquis. "You don't...You don't know..."
A pause.
"Have you heard anything on what the General has said on the condition for Major Andre?" Hamilton suddenly says, his voice tight as he turns back towards the Marquis over his shoulder.
Lafayette presses his lips together again and respectfully takes his hand back, resting it in his lap. He ducks his chin a little towards his chest. "He requests to see one of the General's staff." A pause. Hamilton raises an eyebrow, expecting for more. "He requested you specifically."
Hamilton eyes Lafayette for a moment before nodding once, standing up from his chair and pushing it in. He folds the letter into neat squares before tucking it into his waistcoat pocket. He begins to turn about, but Lafayette catches Hamilton's wrist, flashing him a pleading yet concerned look.
"Alex," he whispers.
Hamilton stares at him before yanking his wrist free and marching out the parlor, swinging the door shut and letting it slam shut behind him.
Hamilton stands in front of the closed door, his jaw clenched as he closes his eyes. He breathes in deeply, holding his breath for a few seconds before reopening his eyes and letting out a shaky breath.
"Oh, my Jack," is all he says, his voice cracking, before clearing his throat and marching towards Andre.
"Major Andre?" Hamilton says as the guard closes the door behind him. Hamilton scans the room, searching for a familiar coat of red, a mysterious braid, dark brown eyes--the color of coffee--searching for skin, pale as a peach.
"Colonel Hamilton." Andre stands from his seat at a circular table in the far back of the room, inclining his head respectfully towards Hamilton.
Hamilton stands a few feet away from Andre, his breath hitched in his throat and his deep blue eyes--almost indigo--widen slightly at the sight of the doomed Major in front of him.
He is quite handsome, Hamilton thinks, quirking an eyebrow. Up so close, at least.
Andre tilts his head slightly to one shoulder, his brows furrowing together as he smiles slightly down at Hamilton, whose freckled cheeks suddenly turn a deep shade of red--almost red as his coat. Andre raises an eyebrow as Hamilton dips his head slightly, pressing his lips together tightly. Hamilton meets Andre's eyes and he swallows, his head still dipped low.
He is...beautiful, Andre thinks, curling his fingers to resist the urge to tuck back a loose strand of dark red hair out of his half-opened eye. Extraordinarily...breathtaking...with eyes like his...violet...
Brown...Hamilton thinks as his eyes up towards Andre once more. They're brown...and that braid...his accent...
The two stare at each other for rather a very unusually long time, perhaps roughly around fifteen minutes or so, the room filled with nothing but silence and their own breathing.
Andre clears his throat, blinking out of his daze. He bends, bowing respectfully which catches Hamilton way off guard. He watches Andre with wide eyes and flushed cheeks as he brings his smaller hand up towards his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to Hamilton's knuckles as if he were greeting a woman.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Major," Hamilton says politely as Andre guides Hamilton towards the small table.
Andre nods, a warm smile to his lips. "You as well, Colonel Hamilton."
"Alexander!" Hamilton bursts out instantly. Andre raises an eyebrow. Hamilton clears his throat. "Please...Call me Alexander, Major."
"Then you may call me John," Andre says.
Hamilton straights himself up taller in his seat, trying to keep himself calm at the name John.
"I was told you wished to speak to someone from the General's staff," Hamilton says. "I am here."
"Thank you," Andre says quietly as he shifts some papers around smoothly, graceful--almost like a dancer--before handing Hamilton a sealed letter. "I have a letter for His Excellency."
Hamilton takes the letter, eyeing it suspiciously as he chews on the inside of his cheek. "Might I ask to its contents?"
Andre smiles grimly. "It regards my execution."
Hamilton stills, his shoulders tensing as he stares at the General's full title, swallowing hard. His fingers shake. "I shall deliver the letter directly into his hands..."
Andre nods curtly. "Thank you."
Hamilton shifts in the chair but he does not stand. It appears Andre has nothing more to say, nor anymore specific reason for calling him. Yet Hamilton would rather not remove himself just yet. He finds the mysterious man quite...fascinating. Charming, polite, handsome...accomplished, from what the rumors have said. Hamilton wonders what they could talk about if Andre were allowed more time?
Andre must have been reading Hamilton's mind because he says, "You have such singular eyes, Lieutenant Colonel..." This catches Hamilton's attention as he tips his head back up from the letter. Andre grins, tilting his head to one shoulder as he furrows his brows. "They are such a startling blue...almost...violet...I would imagine they could make for an impressive portrait..."
Hamilton purses his lips together in an effort to control the smile which threatens his face. He clears his throat.
"You are...kind to say so..." A pause. Hamilton glances back up and his eyes catch a rough outline of a woman's hair, wavy and curly at the same time, sees the rough lines marking her thin shoulder, the fluff of her dress. He smiles slightly as he turns to Andre, his eyebrows high with curiosity. "Are you an artist yourself?"
Andre whips his head suddenly to Hamilton, blinking out of his daze. Hamilton leans forward slightly, his hands clutching onto the letter underneath the table. He raises an eyebrow curiously.
Andre smiles thinly. He nods. "Though I may confess...I have not painted in some years." He turns to Hamilton. "I blame your Revolution for that."
Hamilton sighs rather dramatically. "A loss indeed."
"A man need not only be a soldier."
Hamilton chuckles, a faint sound causing the corners of Andre's lips to quirk up slightly. Hamilton's eyes travel to the portrait of the strange yet beautiful woman before him on the paper. He frowns instantly, remembering the way Laurens would always sneak in a drawing or two whenever Hamilton isn't looking, remembers how delicate the lines were when he shaped out his hands and eyes and the curled strokes to indicate his curled hair, the dots on his cheeks to indicate his freckles.
"Are you well, sir?" Andre says, breaking the silence in the room.
Hamilton blinks out of his daze and tips his head back up to Andre's. Hamilton clears his throat, shifting around in his seat.
"Um...yes...my apologies...it's just..." He lets out a shaky breath, seeing Laurens in his head, running through the field to dodge cannon fire and bullets, slicing his sword against a Redcoat's chest, a Redcoat jabbing his sword directly--
Hamilton shakes his head, forcing a tight smile onto his face.
"It's just...he...my friend...he's currently in the South...but your style reminds me very much of his." A pause. "He is an artist too, you know."
Andre smiles politely, resting his hand on top of Hamilton's for comfort most likely. Hamilton stares at Andre's slightly larger one, his strong fingers curled around between his index finger and thumb.
"I think I would have liked to meet your friend," Andre says.
Hamilton nods in agreement. Andre furrows his brows, realizing Hamilton looks rather distant.
"You are scared?" Andre admits for him. Hamilton turns to him sharply. "For your friend?"
He swallows. "Yes..." He turns back to their hands on top of each other. "He was... he is...known to be...quite reckless. He would often come back injured after a battle. He was shot in the shoulder three times once, if I recall." Hamilton sighs heavily. "Sometimes I wonder if he only lives to frighten me. If so..." he scoffs. "He's doing a damn good job of it."
Andre couldn't help but chuckle a little. He glances up at Hamilton, who smiles softly. He clears his throat.
"What is his name?" Andre wonders. "Your friend?"
Hamilton sighs once more. "Laurens...John Laurens..."
Andre nods. "Of course." A pause. "But have faith and hope, Colonel Hamilton, that your friend will return to you alive and well and unharmed. He's a right thing, you know? For himself, for his country, for you."
"Why are you telling me this, Major Andre?" Hamilton asks.
"I'm telling you the truth," Andre says, lifting Hamilton's chin up to meet his eyes.
Hamilton's heart skips a beat and he breathes in sharply through his nose. He can see Andre's jaw clenched and lips pressed tight, clearly fighting off temptation for something. But his eyes shine with a look Hamilton knows well enough.
"Hamilton...Alexander...I know I only have known for the briefest moment...but I must confess, you are truly indeed beautiful. I have never seen someone with such exquisit eyes as yours, a shade of auburn as your hair--" Andre grins when he sees Hamilton's freckled cheeks flush with color. He continues. "--But...since it maybe my last day here..." He clears his throat. "I'd very much like to kiss you..."
Hamilton's eyes fly wide.
"If you'll allow me, of course."
Hamilton swallows and without thinking he nods shakily. "Better make it quick, Major."
Andre smiles wide, leaning down to press his lips against Hamilton's, gripping Hamilton's elbow tightly. Hamilton grunts with some surprise as both of his hands fly up to cup both of Andre's jaw. Hamilton squeezes his eyes as Andre's lips presses harder against his, groaning occasionally, shifting himself closer so his chest is flushed against Hamilton's. Hamilton argues back, fighting for dominance but he knows Andre will win at this game.
After a few minutes, Hamilton pulls back slowly, a lopsided grin on his face. Andre huffs as he tries to catch his breath, pressing his forehead against Hamilton's.
"Thank you," Andre whispers.
Hamilton nods, his eyes closed. "Of course, Andre."
Andre pulls back and stands, squaring his shoulder. He grabs hold of his braid in his left hand and with his right, uses it to grasp hold a small pocket knife and slices a small piece of his braid off with a grunt.
Hamilton stares wide eyed as Andre places it gently in his palm. Andre nods.
"Keep it," he says. "For I'll have no means for it."
Hamilton never lets it go.
The following day becomes Major John Andre's execution, the sky a dark gray, clouds rolling in followed by a soft warm breeze, the leaves shifting from the dark evergreen color to more oranges and browns.
Hamilton stands among between General Washington and the Marquis among the crowd surrounding a tree. Hamilton closes his eyes softly, breathing in a couple of times, before slowly reopening them. Just as he does so, Major Andre's carriage arrives. Hamilton swallows the lump down his throat when he sees Major Tallmadge hop out first, swinging the door open and roughly pulling out a well, formal dressed British officer: red coat smoothed and ironed, almost looking new, dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, the Major's typical mysterious braid shorter than before.
Hamilton breathes in again, clutching onto the braid beneath the cloak he wears to keep himself warm.
He sees Tallmadge guide Andre up to the wagon, flipping his coat around as he shifts to the opposite side. He pulls out a white handkerchief and hands it to him. Andre snatches it from Tallmadge's hands, his eyes scanning the crowd until they land on Hamilton's.
Andre smiles softly yet reassuringly when he sees the Colonel's eyes beginning to water.
"Will be but a momentary pang," he whispers into the chilled air to both himself and Hamilton.
Hamilton seemed to have heard for he nods his response.
Andre breathes in shakily, staring up at the sky for a moment before wrapping the white handkerchief around his eyes.
"If you wish to speak, now will be the time," Tallmadge says.
Andre breathes in, keeping his fixed on Hamilton's.
"Bare me witness...that I may bare my fate like a brave man."
Hamilton whimpers, flinches when he hears a shuddering snap, almost like a branch snapping against a person's knee. Hamilton whips his head over his shoulder, feeling a few drops of tears roll down his cheek. He clutches onto the braid in his palm as he feels the Marquis wrap his arm around him comfortingly, shushing him.
Hamilton's chest aches and squeezes. He stands among the crowd, letting the sight before him sink in.
He wishes Laurens were beside him so he may grip his hand tight.
And never let go.
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holidaywishes · 3 years
what’s next?
part eleven: what’s next
Tumblr media
  Requested: 🙅‍♀️
  Summary: You and Brendan get married
  Warning: Finale Time! Wedding, fluff, some angst
  Author’s Note: I found the GIF on Google because it didn’t come up on Tumblr’s GIF search but I think the credit goes to @nhl-imagines-posts​ but if I’m wrong please let me know so I can give proper credit. I’m so grateful for those of you that have read this little series and I’m happy that those of you who enjoyed it have done so :D I decided to end this series at 11 because it’s Gally’s number, even though I truly hate uneven numbers, but also because I couldn’t see it really going anywhere other than this. I’m always happy to take your requests for Gally or anyone but be patient with me; sometimes, I forget I have anything saved and it’s like a month before I start a request. I hope you enjoy this finale! Stay Golden, loves! <3
  the other masterlist
   It took longer than you ever thought it would, to finally be getting ready to walk down the aisle to the man you had loved and lost and loved again. You put your dress on and looked in the mirror, taking in a sharp breath when you saw yourself for the first time
  “Whoa” you whispered
  “You look beautiful” Breanne said
  “Like a princess” Erin cooed and you laughed at the two girls who would soon be your sister-in-law’s
  “Thank you” you blushed before taking another breath
  “You’re getting married” Rebecca sang as she came up behind you, squeezing your shoulders
  “Did you ever think you’d get here?” you heard Della ask from the doorway, presumably having just come from seeing Brendan
  “No,” you scoffed, “but yes. He was always the one for me. I know we’ve given everyone here whiplash for... like ever but he’s always just been this, lighthouse to me. Something that tells me I’m safe and I’m home, you know?” You noticed your mom smile from where she sat on the couch before turning back to the mirror, “I wish we didn’t have to go through what we went through to get here but I’m so happy that we’re here and that I get to marry this wonderful man who I love so much.”
  “You found each other,” Della said after a pause before walking over to where you stood, “you love each other and the road to this day was meant to be. Sure, it was rocky but it was meant to be.” You smiled at her words, taking a deep breath before your mom came over to squeeze your shoulders
  “You are so beautiful,” she said, tearing up as she spoke, “inside and out. I am so proud of you, baby girl, and everything you are and the strong woman you’ve become”
  “We should probably get going,” Rebecca interrupted with a smile, “someone’s waiting for you downstairs.”
Brendan’s P.O.V
  You were starting to panic. You stood in front of your family and friends as you waited for (Y/N) to walk down the aisle but, after almost 45 minutes, she still hadn’t shown up
  “Where is she?” you mumbled under your breath
  “Don’t worry,” Nolan replied and you realized, if he heard you, the rest of your groomsmen probably did as well, “she’s not gonna bail. She’s probably just too busy staring at herself”
  “Maybe you’re right” you smirked before taking another deep breath and trained your eyes back to the door. The soft music continued to play and you felt your palms getting sweaty as another 10 minutes passed, “maybe I should go check on her...” you said to Nolan before preparing to walk down the steps
  “Hold on,” he scoffed as he watched you get ready to dart, “just another minute or two and then you can freak out.” You sneered at his smirk when, suddenly, the door opened and the music started again; finally. Her bridesmaids walked in first, wide grins on their faces as they made their way to the altar to parallel your boys. The flower girl was next. Her white princess dress bouncing as she danced down the aisle, sprinkling daisies happily before finally reaching her parents in the pews. Then you finally saw her, noticing how the flower girl's dress nearly matched hers perfectly and you smirked to yourself. With every step she took, your heart began to beat more and more out of your chest, imagining the moment you'd finally be able to hold her hands in yours to become husband and wife. You watched as her father kissed her forehead and tearily gave her away
  “You look stunning” you whispered when she stepped in front of you, smiling before squeezing your hands
  “I'm sorry I'm late” she whispered back as the Priest began to address the vows
  “Is everything okay?” you asked quickly
  “Yeah,” she smiled, “we were just gushing about you”
  “Oh well then,” you smiled back, “you could've spent as much time as you wanted.” You both caught the stern glare from the Priest and stopped talking so he could continue. When it finally came time to say your vows, you held back tears but (Y/N) let them fall freely, laughing as you wiped them away as she spoke.
  “I now pronounce you,” the priest smiled, “husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” She squealed before placing her hands on your face and pulling you in so the two of you could share your first kiss as a married couple. You took her hand and raised it in a sort of victory pose before the two of you walked down the steps and out the big wooden doors at the end of the aisle.
  “We did it!” (Y/N) giggled when you cleared the room, “we’re married!”
  “We’re married” you sighed happily before kissing the backs of her hands.
  You convinced Brendan to go to the closest fast food place because you were starving
  “There's gonna be food at the reception...” he questioned
  “You actually think we're gonna be able to eat?” you laughed and he shrugged in return
  “Okay, where do you want to go?” he asked
  “We have like half an hour, so let's go wherever is closest so we can just eat everything,” you chuckled, “then go to the reception and chat up all the guests and take pictures with everyone”
  “Alright,” he agreed, “let's go then.” You rushed out to the car, carrying the pile of fabric that was your dress close to your chest and watched Brendan tail close behind. You ordered a chicken wrap to start and some fries to share while Brendan ordered a double cheeseburger, practically engulfing it. “Soooo good!” He mumbled with his mouth still full of food
  “Ew, B,” you scoffed, turning your attention to your food, “that’s so gross. Don’t talk with your mouth full” he looked at you and you could already see the thought forming in his head
  “Oh I’m sorry,” he teased, moving closer and closer to you with his mouth practically bursting with food before he took another bite, “is this bothering you?”
  “Stop!” You squealed, pushing his chest from you, “oh my god! Stop!” he stopped, laughing once the food had cleared his mouth
  “You want anything more? You haven’t had much” he asked
  “Just a drink” you smiled and he was quick to jump up to grab you something. When you showed up at the reception, you were rushed to take pictures in almost every space you could and you could hear the guests begin to arrive. The rest of the night was filled with lights and laughter and singing and dancing until you couldn’t feel your feet anymore
  “How are you feeling?” Rebecca smirked when she saw you slump into a chair
  “My feet hurt” you whined
  “You’re married!” she cooed as she helped you stand back up, wrapping her arm around your waist so you didn’t fall
  “I know!” you exclaimed silently
  “Let’s get some champagne to celebrate!” You had a few more drinks than you intended and Brendan came up behind you
  “Someone ready to sneak out?” he whispered and you turned around quickly, falling into his chest
  “Yes!” you whispered back, “how should we do it?” he pointed to the back exit and cocked his eyebrow before tilting his head in the direction
  “Let’s get out of here” he smirked. You tried to be as quiet as possible, catching only a glance from your aunt at the bar who just raised her glass to you as you walked out the door.
Brendan’s P.O.V
  You had told (Y/N) that it was probably a better idea to get a room at the hotel so you wouldn’t have to go far to ‘celebrate,’ and she agreed, but when you finally got up there, carrying her dress through the hallways, both of you just passed out.
  “How are you, wife?” you smirked
  “I’m sleepy,” she replied, “how are you, husband?”
  “I know, baby” you laughed
  “Help me get out of this dress” she said as she stood up and you happily obliged. When the dress fell to the ground, she quickly jumped under the covers and you followed suit.
  “So…” you started
  “We’re married” you continued, a smile creeping across your face as she opened her eyes
  “Yes, we are”
  “So what’s next?”
  “What do you mean?”
  “I mean... do we want 2 kids or more?”
  “Baby, I’m tired. We can’t do that tonight…” she laughed and you kissed her forehead
  “You do want kids though?” you asked almost insecurely which she took notice of
  “Of course I do,” she replied, her hand resting on your cheek as she continued to speak, “especially if they’re yours”
  “Alright,” you smiled once more before your question, “2 or more?”
  “Brendan!” she giggled, turning away from you
  “I mean I would have a whole hockey team with you,” you joked, “but I don’t even know where we’d put them all…”
  “2,” she said firmly, “no more, no less. Just two kids”
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willgrahymn · 4 years
Crushing Fear
wow can you believe I’m posting one of my fics on tumblr? me neither.
Tags: prinxiety, love confessions, some point close after FWSA, flower language, some swearing, and light angst but mostly fluff (oh and I throw shade at Janus).
Summary: Virgil didn't even remember how long he had spent repressing his dumb crush, but with Thomas falling in love, it felt harder to ignore the feelings welling up in his chest. All he knew was that he couldn't admit it out loud. Luckily for him, Roman was a romantic who couldn't stand to let a chance at love go uninvited, even if he didn't always feel deserving of it. 
Word count: 3334
I’ll reblog with ao3 link since I know tumblr is dumb about it :)
There were a lot of things Virgil loved about Roman. He loved the way Roman would push back his hair whenever he caught a glimpse of himself or felt nervous and he loved the way it always fell in his face again. He loved the way his eyes lit up when Virgil asked about a show or a musical he knew the prince liked. To be honest, it was hard to think of something he didn't love. Even things he once thought were annoying had become endearing to him.
It didn’t matter. He had a reputation to at least try to maintain, he’d already gone so damn soft around the others since the light sides and Thomas came to get him back and Roman made that sweet little speech in the darkness of his room.
“You make us better.” It was like a song he played on repeat. At the time, Roman was the last person he expected to convince him that this could be his home – his family – but somehow he did. He may have been a jerk early on, but maybe, Virgil thought, he really was a knight in shining armor. Roman was more like him than he once thought; using fake confidence to cover up insecurities was nothing new.
And now, years later, here he was lying in bed like a yearning gay fool with music that wasn’t loud enough to block out his thoughts. He figured his little crush would be something that he could just hide away until it wasn’t even there. That plan was failing horribly though, especially when Roman could steal his breath by just looking at him. He didn't know how to handle feelings that felt bigger than himself.
Would it be smart to try something now? Probably not. What would he even do? Roman always talked of big, grand gestures that could literally and figuratively sweep one off their feet. Virgil didn’t consider himself good at plenty of things, and wooing someone like he was in a movie happened to be on the list. The farthest he'd gotten with confrontation was making Thomas talk to Nico, all because he couldn't stand to see Roman so heartbroken. He could feel the darkness below his eyes lighten to that embarrassingly glittery purple at the memory of how proud Roman was.
But Roman was Creativity and had his own little kingdom in the imagination. Virgil was sure that if he wanted a boyfriend he could just make the man of his dreams who would do anything and everything for him without the slightest hesitation. It seemed existence wasn’t fair like that.
He could just barely hear a knock sounding at the door, Virgil's eyes immediately darting over to where the sound had come. He debated whether or not he should respond. It wasn’t as if he didn’t like his friends, but his same old avoidant tendencies from before never went away.
“Virgil?” Roman asked. His voice making Virgil freeze and want to melt away at the same time. “Are you awake?”
Fuck, shit, some other words Patton would disapprove of. What time was it? 1:30? He couldn’t blame Roman for assuming he was still out, especially since it was the truth not too long ago. He almost felt sorry for his sleep schedule, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. No matter how hard Logan tried to help he always found himself digging through the kitchen at 5 in the morning, and not because he was an early riser. He paused his music, hanging his headphones on his headboard. Listening to Sally’s Song for the 17th time could wait for later.
He heard Roman laugh, and it felt like roses.
“That’s alright. If anyone here knows anything about beauty sleep, it’s me. The glasses gays are insisting that I awaken the beast though, so you better at least have something on before I barge in.”
Virgil wasn’t sure if Roman was talking to himself or knew he was being heard. He just burrowed deeper under his covers. He didn't want Roman to find him awake and think he was ignoring him, even if it was kind of the truth.
The door creaked. It sounded like something from a shitty horror movie. The heavy footsteps didn’t make it any more calming either. Roman was never this quiet. He refused to open his eyes, even as his blanket was pulled away from his face. He couldn’t stop the sharp intake of breath as he felt cool air shock his skin.
“Awh, c’mon! I’m the actor here. Your eyes were closed too tight, for one thing,”
Virgil sighed, opening his eyes and squinting at the light. “I thought you were here to wake me up, not give me acting lessons.”
“Good morning to you too, Mourning Glory. It’s not my fault if you want to hide away all day, I’m just giving tips on being more realistic.”
Virgil rolled his eyes, biting the inside of his lip to resist smiling. Wanting to stay calm as if he knew what he was doing.
“You’ve teased me about being a vampire before. Can’t I play the part?”
“Oh, trust me, you’re perfect for the role. Sadly for you, there are two very insistent Sides saying you have to be a real functioning part of the mind, so unless you want me to carry you out there and make a whole scene, you better come down on your own.”
Virgil sighed, rolling onto his back as his eyes adjusted to the light. The two stared at each other. Testing each other. Not getting out of bed never sounded more tempting.
He gave in, rambling. “Sure, okay, whatever.” He sighed, reaching out and taking hold of Roman’s hand, letting the prince pull him upright. Whether it was he or Roman who ended up bringing them so close was something he could stay up late thinking about later. Now wasn’t the time to focus on rough palms or scarred skin that he once bandaged up while cursing out the ever-so-reckless Roman for sneaking out on quests, leaving Virgil to hunt him down with nothing but adrenaline and a certain level of knowingness in his dread.
He tried to bite back a yawn. His eyes widening at the warm feeling of a hand pressed to his face, of a thumb brushing lightly over his cheekbone. It wasn’t unwelcome, to be honest, he could probably fall back asleep just like this. He’d be okay waking up every morning if they were like this. If the romantic side offered it. If Virgil would allow himself to accept and experience it.
“How long have you been up?”
“Anywhere between 20 minutes to 2 hours. I don’t really know.”
Roman smiled, betraying the worried look in his eyes. It was probably just the effect of his room, that’s what Virgil hoped it was anyway. He tried not to show any disappointment when Roman’s hand fell to the bed.
“I’ll be down in a few,” Virgil continued, “just let me take care of my makeup first.”
Roman’s eyes trailed him as he got up and moved over towards his desk in the corner of the room, flicking on the light as he went by. Why is he fucking staring?
“While I’m here, I was wondering if you’d care to join me for a quest this evening? Or maybe we could throw a ball for the mind palace? I know it’s not your thing, but I thought it might be fun? Or y’know, something else more low-key.”
“Uh, yeah you know I’m not big on big things,” Virgil replied, looking over to the prince picking at a loose thread on the cuffs of his sleeves. “You know if you want to hang out you can just ask, you don't need some extravagant event going on to get me alone with you.”
Roman nodded, not seeming any calmer than before. Virgil's brows furrowed, worries flowed through him as if it were his blood. He didn't want to make Roman talk if he didn't want to, but god was it nerve-racking.
At the very least, it seemed like he wouldn't be putting on any more black eyeshadow to try and hide its changes.
Roman, on the other hand, decided not to question why the Side no longer seemed interested in putting his makeup on, and being grateful for the fact Virgil took advantage of the fact they could conjure themselves into different outfits rather than changing right then and there.
The two stayed there, an awkward silence taking over the room before a crash sounded from the living room.
“We should probably go.”
Virgil simply nodded, pulling his jacket tighter around as he followed Roman out of the room.
Luckily, the crash had only come from Patton knocking over a stack of DVDs, CDs, and a few other things. Another lost-glasses incident. It was a miracle nothing got broken.
The day itself would have felt completely normal if not for the fact Roman kept looking at him. Starting off as unsure as they did in his room, and slowly brightening like he had finally figured out a plothole in one of his stories. It was even more unsettling when he realized Roman was no longer there, vanished off to do god knows what.
So Virgil spent the next couple of hours trying to ignore the feeling of his fears eating him from the inside out like a moth to a sweater. He wouldn’t mind the holes if they didn’t leave him so uncomfortable. But then again, maybe that was fitting for his aesthetic. Torn-up shirts and jeans to pair with his torn-up emotions. At least he found solace in the darkness of his outfits.
It didn’t take long to get bored of the mundane mind palace.
Maybe I should take Roman up on that quest idea. He thought, his foot bounced, hanging over the side of the couch. Even if it wasn’t in his list of Shit Virgil Can Do Without Fucking Up, it was better than sitting around and waiting for nothing.
Virgil got up silently, giving a quick two-finger salute to Logan who had started reading some new detective novel before he sunk out. Appearing again before Roman’s door. Maybe he was just self-conscious, but it looked bigger than it was. Like behind it would be some hidden treasure that he finally reached.
It wasn’t entirely wrong. Roman was certainly someone to be treasured, even if he made mistakes. He just wished the other Sides would help him understand it.
He held his breath as he knocked, jolting back when it swung open almost instantly.
“You’re here!” Roman exclaimed, bouncing on his heels.
“Uh, yeah. I thought I’d take you up on your offer from earlier… if it’s still up, anyway.”
“Oh! Yeah, totally!” The prince tugged at his collar, not making eye contact. Virgil couldn’t help but smile slightly at the prince's giddiness. “I was just working on something if you’d care to see it?”
“You know I wanna see whatever you come up with, even if it’s some rewrite of Frozen.”
Roman bounced again, holding his hands out, palms up. He looked at Virgil with an emotion he couldn’t name, but it made him feel anxious in a good kind of way. Not anything like the dread he was used to. He placed his hands on Roman’s, and it wasn’t till they were sinking out and into the imagination that he realized it was the same kind of feeling from when Nico first texted Thomas about meeting up again. He held Roman’s hands a little tighter.
When he opened his eyes, they were surrounded by flowers.
“Do you like it? I had to sneak into Logan’s room and borrow a few of his books.”
“I– yeah. It’s beautiful. And don’t worry, I won’t snitch.” He stepped away, wandering the circular little garden. He could only recognize so many. “Didn’t know you had a thing for landscaping.”
“I try my best. Honestly, I’m just happy neither of us has allergies.”
“Gosh, you’re such a dork.” Virgil laughed, petting the petals of a rose. Not paying attention to the way Roman watched him and shifted his weight every so often nor how warm his cheeks had become. “Do you know what any of them mean?”
“I do, but I think if I tell you, you’ll realize how predictable I am.”
“Go for it.”
“Well, roses are pretty well known. The red ones are anyway. Love, passion, romance, and courage. Things like that.” Roman said, walking closer. His boots clicking against the walkway’s pavement.
He stood close by yet just far enough for Virgil not to feel like he was being dissected under his gaze. It was an unreasonable thing to think after all the time they had spent becoming friends, he knew that. Yet part of him continued to scream that one day Roman would look at him and find out how horrible he thought himself to be and never want to be around him again. Maybe that was why he refused to confess just how much he liked Roman. It was a weight that crushed his chest every day yet made him feel dizzyingly light.
It was all too complicated.
“What about the purple ones?”
“It kind of varies by shade, but most of the time it’s about love at first sight or enchantment. A lot of the flowers here have to do with that sort of thing.”
“Yeah, should’ve been able to figure that one out myself.”
Roman shrugged. “It’s no matter, I just want to make sure you understand what they mean.” He looked to Virgil, again with that unnamed emotion. “You do get what I’m trying to say, right?”
For a moment, he hoped he did.
“Uh, yeah? Princey, I get it, you’re a hopeless romantic. You don’t have to spell it out for me.” He bit the inside of his lip, then asked. “What are they for?”
Roman looked at him with what he could only see as sympathy.
“I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I really do think you need it spelled out.”
Virgil scoffed, going to argue before he was cut off.
“First,” Roman began, reaching for Virgil’s hand, “You take him by the hand. That’s as far as you got before we both started screaming, anyway. So I suppose I’ll just have to wing it from here. I know I haven’t always been the best to you. I know I still make mistakes, and I really don’t want this to be one of them.”
“I’m not finished. Virgil, out of all the other’s, you’re always the one who notices when I’m upset. You’re always the one who lets me bitch about Deceit without saying I was wrong for trusting him and then wrong for not. Really, you’re the only one I can bitch about the dark sides to, period. Logan is so reserved about it, and Patton is, well, he’s Patton. He tries to see the good in everyone.”
Roman paused, catching his breath. Virgil thought it best not to speak. He didn’t think he’d even be able to if he wanted.
“What I’m getting is that I trust you. I trust you because you’re my best friend and you listen to what I say even if it’s dumb. Because when I don’t feel like talking you're always down to just watch classic Disney movies and fill in coloring books. I know you don't realize it, but you do a hell of a lot more good than you believe, and I love you for that. You don’t have to say it back or even feel the same, I know you’re pretty reluctant about it. I just need you to know.”
Virgil stared at him, frozen like a deer caught in the headlights of love. Roman had said ‘I love you’ before, but not like this. What the fuck do you even do when your crush confesses they like you, more so, that you aren’t obligated to like them back? Complicated, and now surreal.
“You really mean it? All of it??”
“Of course I do, my Columbine Cutie! I could never lie to someone about love, I hope you know that.” Roman replied. Waving his hand as he conjured a mix of red and purple columbines, tucking them gently behind Virgil’s ear. Both knowing it was the truth, that Roman wouldn’t subject someone to such a thing because he knew how it felt.
But he still trusted Virgil with his love all the same. Trusted that it wouldn’t be taken advantage of or used against him.
“How long have you known?”
“You know, I think I fell for you far before I knew it.”
Virgil huffed a laugh. “Yeah, I uh… I think it was the same for me. Falling for you, that is.” God, it felt so weird to say it. Good, too. “I’m sorry I don’t know what to say. I never thought I’d end up here. I care about you too. I love you, I mean.”
And Roman… Roman just started to beam, shining like the sun as Virgil tripped over his words. He bounced, hands waving as he did. Despite his lingering fear, Virgil couldn’t stop the excitement Roman radiated and the wonder of it all from seeping in under his skin, a feeling like vibrations that he could only try to shake out. And there were hands cupping his face and there were words he didn’t hear. He still knew what they asked. “Fucking yes.” was all he could bring himself to give as a response before Roman’s lips were on his.
Strawberry chapstick and the faint scent of cherry blossom perfume were all that went through his head, it was the only thing that really could. He held onto Roman’s uniform like if he let go it would all disappear. Another dream reminding him of what he thought he couldn’t have.
When Roman pulled away and Virgil opened his eyes, he was still there.
He was real. Everything that had happened was real. He couldn’t help but giggle at how fantastical it was.
Roman brushed his bangs away, just enough to fully show his eyes. “Your eyeshadow changed again,” he announced, bouncing on his heels once again. Virgil groaned, turning away. “It’s a good look for you. Especially with how much you blush, my Lavender Love.”
“It’s embarrassing.”
“It’s adorable.”
Virgil knew from the grin on Roman’s face that it had only intensified.
“Whatever. I just– for what it’s worth– I appreciate it. All of this. I’d probably die never telling you shit about how I felt if you didn’t do it first.”
Roman softened, “Maybe, or maybe you’d end up pushing yourself like you did to Thomas. Either way, I’m happy with it if you are.”
Virgil nodded, the two going silent. Roman rocked back and forth still quietly bouncing, probably thinking of what to say next.
Slowly, Virgil opened his arms, smiling nervously to his crush– lover– whatever they were. He wasn’t all that open to touch, but Roman was so far off from everything else it didn’t matter. The prince smiled, pulling Virgil close to him and pressing a kiss to his magenta-colored hair.
“I’m happy to be your knight as long as you want me to be. Whatever it is that gets thrown our way, I’ll fight for you as you have for me. You deserve to shine every day like you are now.”
“Jesus, Princey. You already made your dramatic love declaration, but... thank you. I want you to be happy too.”
The two held each other, and for the moment, everything was okay. No dark sides, no fear, no challenging life debates. It was unescapable, of course, but it didn’t matter. They could survive and fight this hell of a world. They could make the other realize how lovable they were. Because they had each other.
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capcarolsdanver · 4 years
Why Her? (Part 2)
Summary: This fic is based off a request from an anon after some speculations that have been made on my blog. Brie enlists the help of the reader to get a date with a girl that reader knows from class, only for unexpected feelings to be caught. Drama/angst/fluff to come! Pairing: Brie x Reader
A/N: Second instalment of Why Her? is here! Much longer than part 1! As always, I look forward to hearing your feedback, so please let me know what you think about anything. Particularly for this one, this is one of the first times I’ve written text messaging into a story and the way I formatted it didn’t translate well to tumblr. Do you think the story still read smoothly during this part? Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
Please do not repost my writing anywhere without my permission.
PART 1 | PART 3 | PART 4
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You stare up at the ceiling from your spot on your bed. Thankfully, after the somewhat eventful morning you had, the rest of your day had been pretty low-key, and a calm day combined with the aspirins Brie had given you had you feeling much more like yourself by the time your last class had been dismissed.
You still feel that deep feeling of exhaustion from a late night of drinking and dealing with the consequential hangover, but at least your brain is back to it’s regular working order, giving you a chance to finally replay the unexpected chat you’d had with a total stranger that morning.
It was a ridiculous request she had asked of you. Absolutely ludicrous, in fact. You still can’t for the life of you figure out why Brie had sought you of all people out to help her, but you also can’t help but feel intrigued about the situation. On top of that, there’s something else you can’t quite comprehend that’s making you feel kind of compelled to help the girl.
You sigh heavily and reach into your jeans pocket, pulling out the small slip of paper you had torn out of your notebook earlier. You only look at it for another second longer before you grab your phone and add the number into your contacts. You type out a new text and hit send before you can even think about it.
"What’s in it for me?”
You drop your phone on the bed next to you, though you might as well have held on to it because it’s only a matter of seconds before your phone pings, signalling a new text. You pick up the phone again and glance at the screen.
"I don’t know, I suppose it depends on who this is and what you’re talking about…”
You mentally facepalm at your mistake, quickly tapping out another text.
“Sorry! It’s Y/N. You talked to me at the library this morning?”
This time you keep hold of your phone, expecting another quick reply.
“Oh, right! I should have known it was you. I don’t have a habit of handing my phone number out to people who I just meet, I swear!”
You smile, tapping out another response.
“Well that is why you need my help, right?”
“Ha ha. Very funny.”
You chuckle slightly, probably the first time all day you’ve even come close to laughing, and before you can reply again the bubbles indicating that Brie is typing another message pop up on your screen.
“So how’s the hangover treating you now?”
“Hangover is all but gone now. Thanks for the aspirin by the way”
“No problem. Let’s count that as just one thing”
Your brow furrows in confusion as you read her text, clearly missing something.
“One thing?”
“One thing that’s in it for you if you help me”
You roll your eyes, but can’t stop yourself from chuckling at her message. You’re startled when barely a second later your phone starts ringing, and you’re quick to sit up from your reclined position on your bed and tap the answer button, pressing your phone to your ear.
“I figured this would be easier,” Brie says in lieu of a greeting. “Are you busy tomorrow?”
“Um. Why?” You say dumbly. You’re usually much more articulate when you speak to people, but so far you’re yet to show that to Brie.
“Can I buy you breakfast?” You’re silent, considering her offer, and she jumps in quickly again when she must misinterpret your pause as something else. “You know, so we can strategise.”
“Strategise?” you ask with a lilt to your voice. “What is this, some covert mission?”
“Come on, just humour me,” Brie replies. “I’ve never done anything like this before. I figured some planning can’t hurt, right?”
“I guess not…” you say unconvincingly, still entirely too unsure about the whole situation.
“Breakfast will be my treat. Count that as another thing to add to the “what’s in it for you” list.” Brie’s voice takes on a pleading tone and you sigh, running your fingers through your hair.
Despite your better judgement, you’re only silent another beat before you’re accepting her breakfast proposal. “Fine. Breakfast it is.”
You stand outside the entrance of the small diner where you and Brie had agreed to meet for breakfast that morning. You’ve never been her before, though Brie had convinced you to give the place a go, singing her praises for the small diner that she apparently frequented often.
You glance in through the windows to see if you can spot Brie but the glare against the windows from the sun makes it impossible. You let out a quiet sigh and push the door open, stepping into the building.
Surveying the interior of the diner, you’re met with the overwhelming and inviting scent of coffee, something you desperately crave in the mornings. You notice a waitress behind the counter towards the back of the diner, and she smiles and nods towards you in greeting before turning to talk to one of her co-workers near the open doorway to the kitchen.
“Y/N, over here!” you hear and your head snaps to the direction of the voice. Brie is seated at a booth near the corner of the diner and she eagerly waves you over. She grins at you as you approach the table and sit down opposite her.
“Well, someone seems awfully chipper this morning,” you say in greeting. You do try for a light tone, though your words come out as more of a grumble. Mornings were never really your thing. No matter how many morning classes you attend, you never seem to get used to being expected to function so early in the day.
Brie watches you, clearly stifling a laugh, though she doesn’t hide her amusement when you squint your eyes at her in a glare.
“Something funny?”
“No, of course not,” she says, but does little to hide how much she is apparently enjoying your suffering. Not that you’re being dramatic or anything. She looks off in the direction of the counter and captures the attention of the waitress who you had seen when you walked in.
“We better get you some coffee before you do something crazy, like murder me or something.” When your face scrunches up in question at her words she shrugs, her eyes cautiously scanning you. “You kind of have this look that tells me you hate my guts for making you wake up too early to come have breakfast with me.”
“Sorry,” you say, trying to relax your facial features and drop the scowl that is apparently a permanent fixture on your face every day before your first cup of coffee. “I’m not really a morning person.”
Brie breathes out a laugh. “Yeah, I kind of figured that one out on my own. I’ve known you barely 24 hours and both times we’ve spoken face to face I’ve worried you would bite my head off for talking to you so early in the day.”
“Hey, that’s not fair! I was hungover yesterday. Nothing I said or did should go towards your opinion of me as a person.” You notice too late that the waitress, whose name tag says “Dani”, is now standing by your table. Her eyes are filled with just as much amusement as Brie’s and you smile sheepishly at her, realising that she’d caught your small outburst.
“Morning, Brie,” she says, though her eyes remain on you. “I see you’ve got a friend with you today.” You feel your cheeks heat up with embarrassment and you have to consciously stop yourself from shrinking down into the booth.
“I do. Dani, meet Y/N. She desperately needs coffee.” Dani laughs and you shoot a glare at Brie, though she isn’t wrong.
“Coffee coming right up. Any food?”
You realise that in your non-morning person brood, you haven’t taken even a glance at the menu yet, but your empty stomach tells you that you don’t want to dismiss Dani without placing your breakfast order first.
Brie watches your silent dilemma and catches your eye. “The pancakes here are amazing. Especially their blueberry pancakes. They may be my favourite food.”
Your stomach loudly grumbles and your face flushes in embarrassment again. “Well apparently my stomach thinks pancakes sound good,” you mumble when the other two women laugh, though not unkindly, at your stomach’s interruption.
“Okay, so two stacks of blueberry pancakes and two coffees?” Dani asks and Brie nods in confirmation.
“Thanks, Dani,” she says and the waitress smiles and spins around, making her way back to the counter. You don’t even realise your eyes are following her as she saunters away until the sound of a throat being cleared brings your attention back to Brie.
“See something you like?” she teases.
You drop your eyes to the table, annoyed at the amount of embarrassment you’ve already experienced today.
“Hey,” Brie says. You see her hand reach across the table, though it stops short of meeting your own hand and she rests it on the table between the two of you. You look up and you’re surprised by how serious she looks. “I’m just teasing, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you say, acknowledging how sincere her apology seems to be. You drop you gaze again, her eye contact too intense to maintain in the moment. You can practically feel her eyes all over you, carefully looking you over.
“I didn’t know you were into girls,” you hear her say, though it’s so quiet that you have to glance up again to make sure you hadn’t just been hearing things.
“Why would you? We literally only just met.” You shrug with as much nonchalance as you can muster. You don’t generally care when people learn about your sexuality. It’s not something you hide, though it’s also not something you confidently broadcast either. You were always cautious of people’s reactions, and unfortunately during your time in college you have dealt with some bad apples who have given you hell for it. At least the majority seemed to accept it perfectly fine, though.
“I know, but my gaydar is usually pretty on point. I can’t believe I didn’t see it. I mean, look at how you’re dressed.” She gestures at your clothes and you glance down at the patterned button up shirt you had lazily thrown over the top of a white singlet that morning, which is paired with your favourite pair of jeans.
You know the way you dress isn’t typically “feminine”. You’ve had comments from friends, and even strangers, about your not-so-straight fashion sense. In fact, you’re pretty surprised that just yesterday, she was so confident that Sarah is attracted to women that she had approached you to help her get a date with her, despite not even knowing Sarah. Yet she apparently hadn’t even considered that you could also be into women.
Though, to have her scrutinising your outfit of the day while she sits directly in front of you makes you a little uncomfortable and you squirm under the heavy gaze of her eyes on you.
“So, you wanted to make a plan?” you ask, pulling her attention away from you for the moment.
“Here you go.”
You look up from your spot on the uncomfortable couch you find yourself sitting on. Brie holds out the drink she had promised you and you gratefully take it from her.
“Thanks,” you say. Brie drops onto the couch next to you and her disruption threatens to spill your newly acquired drink, but you manage to balance it enough to keep the contents of your cup from spilling over the edges.
You take a sip and Brie watches as your eyes widen and you almost wince when you swallow the liquid. “Wow,” you cough out.
Brie laughs. “I thought you’d probably appreciate a strong drink seeing as I dragged you to a party you didn’t want to come to tonight.”
“Well, you thought right,” you laugh, and feeling brave, you go for another sip of the drink. You can’t help the wince this time. Brie grins widely at you in response and takes a sip of her own drink.
“Any sign of her yet?” Brie asks.
“Not yet.” You shake your head and turn your eyes back to the open doorway that you have been diligently watching since basically the moment you took your spot on the couch.
You had only arrived at the party minutes earlier, and it’s still only early, but the crowd have already significantly grown in size since Brie left you alone to get the two of you your drinks.
You and Brie had planned to come here together after she had somehow found out that Sarah was planning on attending. You had begrudgingly agreed. The last party you attended was a good few days ago now, and this one thankfully won’t be followed by another school day. But you still feel like you have sleep to catch up on, and you certainly aren’t going to be able to do that when you’re being dragged along to more of these parties by Brie.
You turn your head away from the door to look at Brie. You actually take her in for the first time that night. She’s dressed in a pale blue a-line dress that suits her really well and her hair is up in a bun, a few strands loose around her face. She effortlessly looks beautiful.
You personally had opted for a more casual look, knowing that you weren’t coming here to impress anyone tonight. You’re wearing your favourite pair of jeans and a grey shirt. Simple enough to pass as a reasonably acceptable outfit for a college party.
Brie seems more anxious than you’ve ever seen her, although you can tell she’s trying to cover that up with all kinds of fake confidence. She still can’t seem to control the bounce of her knees though, and her eyes scan practically every person that walks passed you.
“How you doing over there?” You ask.
“Hm?” Brie turns to you. She’s nervously biting her lip and you can’t help it when your eyes drop to the action on their own accord. You catch yourself after a second and quickly meet Brie’s eyes again.
You internally scold yourself. Now wasn’t the time to let your mind get any ideas about Brie, especially while you’re at a party with the sole purpose of helping her get with some other girl.
“You seem nervous,” you tell her.
“I do? Shit,” she frowns. “I was going for confident.”
“Wow, you really weren’t lying when you said you struggled with talking to women you were interested in, huh?” You barely stifle a laugh, though you do feel a little guilty when she defensively shoots you a glare.
“Don’t be a dick,” she pouts. “I told you that’s why I need your help.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” you say, hoping she can pick up on the sincerity of your words. “I’ve just never seen you this nervous. I thought you were exaggerating.”
“I wasn’t exaggerating,” she says unnecessarily and huffs out a breath. You can feel her anxiety climbing by the second and her eyes still continue darting around at all the partygoers as they walk by. You realise it’s up to you to try to calm her down.
“Brie, hey,” you say, surprising even yourself with the gentle tone your voice drops to. When she doesn’t look at you, you drop your hand to her bouncing knee, settling it. Her eyes land on the contact before she looks up at you. “Why don’t you have a drink to calm your nerves a bit?”
“Right,” she says when you gesture to the drink in her hands that she’d apparently forgotten about. She lifts the cup to her lips and gulps down almost all of it at once. She winces a little, so you assume she’s made her drink just as strong as yours as well.
“Better?” You ask. She shrugs a little in response.
“I guess we’ll see.” She breathes in deeply, slowly releasing the air from her lungs in an effort to further calm herself down. You can feel her knee begin to bounce again underneath your hand, and you’re immediately reminded that you had never removed it from her leg.
Going against your initial impulse to yank your hand away from her skin, you choose instead to squeeze her knee. It promptly stops moving again and you purposefully avoid making eye contact when you feel her eyes land on you again.
“Let’s just keep talking to keep your mind busy, okay?” You say, and when you see her nod in your peripheral you continue. “So, we’ve talked a few times now but I still have no idea what you do,” you state, though you trail off and pose it almost like a question, prompting her to fill in the gaps.
“I’m an actor,” she says, and you almost give yourself whiplash from how quickly you turn to her in surprise. Her eyes widen at your sudden movement.
“Wait, you’re an actor? Shouldn’t you be able to, like, act confident when you’re talking to someone you’re interested in or something?”
“It doesn’t quite work like that,” she grumbles, finishing what remains of her drink in one more gulp and dropping her cup onto the coffee table in front of you. “Put me in front of a camera and I can pretend to be an entirely different person, but it doesn’t work the same way for me in my own life.”
“I can totally start following you around with a camera if that’ll help,” you joke lightly in an effort to lighten Brie’s mood. You instead receive a glare from her, though you do think you see a hint of a smile on her lips before she faces away from you. That hint of a smile, however, is quickly wiped from her face as you see her eyes lock onto something ahead of her.
“Oh shit,” Brie blurts out. “She’s here.”
Your eyes follow Brie’s line of sight and spot Sarah across the room. She already has a drink in her hand and she’s laughing amidst a group of her friends that you vaguely recognise. You wonder how long she’s been at the party for, and how both you and Brie managed to miss her entrance.
“Are you gonna go talk to her?”
“What?!” Brie asking incredulously, looking at you like you’re crazy for a moment before she looks back at Sarah. “No, we talked about this, remember? You’re supposed to introduce us.”
“Oh, right. Your super vague plan,” you titter, taking a sip of your drink and watching in amusement as Brie expectantly shoots you yet another glare.
“It’s not a super vague plan. It’s a step-by-step,” she stubbornly explains in defence, which makes you laugh more fully.
“A step-by-step? First step; I introduce the two of you,” you bring your hand up to your chin and look up as if deep in thought. “Remind me what the next steps are, again?”
“Shut up,” she sulks, weakly nudging you. “I’ve never done this before. I figured we’d just take it one step at a time.”
“Well that’s definitely the best way to describe whatever this plan is,” you chuckle. “One step at a time.” You finally reach the bottom of your drink and discard the empty cup next to Brie’s.
You take another glance in Sarah’s direction and notice that she’s slightly separated herself from the large group of people she was standing amongst before, talking to a smaller number of them. It leaves a perfect opportunity for you and Brie to approach her. You turn to Brie to tell her, surprised to find her eyes already trained on you.
“What?” you say self consciously, a feeling you’re not typically used to.
She clears her throat slightly and looks down at her hands. “Nothing,” she says, shaking her head a little. Her eyes lift to meet yours again and you struggle to maintain the strange intensity of her gaze. “I just wanted to thank you for doing all of this for me.”
“It’s no problem,” you say dismissively. You feel your cheeks flush for no reason in particular and you squirm a little under her gaze. “Should we go talk to her then?” You nod your head in Sarah’s direction and you feel the heaviness of Brie’s stare leave you.
“Okay,” she nods and you stand from the couch, taking the lead as you start walking towards Sarah. Brie follows closely behind. You’re unsure if it’s because her nerves are returning or because she doesn’t want to risk losing you in the ridiculously thick crowd you now have to manoeuvre through, but she maintains the tight distance between you.
When you finally reach the other side of the room you see Sarah leaning against the wall, drink in hand as she absentmindedly listens to whatever one of her friends is rambling about.
“Hey, Sarah,” you say, although it’s more like a shout over the music. Sarah curiously looks in your direction and spots you, her face lighting up with a grin.
“Y/N! Hi!” She quickly says something to her friends and steps away to join you, greeting you with a friendly hug. The interaction only catches you off guard a little. “I didn’t know you’d be here,” she says when she pulls away from you.
“Yeah, I decided to come last minute,” you explain. “I actually brought a friend with me.” You expectantly turn to Brie, silently urging her to step forward from where she was awkwardly lingering behind you. “This is Brie. Brie, this is Sarah.”
Sarah’s bright smile remains on her face when she regards Brie. “It’s nice to meet you, Brie!” She doesn’t go so far as to hug Brie as she did with you, but she does offer her hand to Brie. Much like you when Brie had offered her hand to you in the library the other day, Brie seems to be a step behind as she looks down at Sarah’s hand for a long moment. Her brain eventually catches up and she rushes to grab Sarah’s hand with her own.
The handshake is awkward at best, but Sarah easily lets the moment pass. “So how do you ladies know each other?”
You and Brie share a quick look and both begin stumbling over your words, but you’re luckily saved from any further embarrassment when a guy from Sarah’s friend group calls her name, pulling her attention away for a second. He gestures for her to join the group again and she nods at him, turning back to you and Brie.
“Well, I hate to cut this short, but I’m being beckoned,” she says with a playful roll of her eyes. “I’ll catch up with you guys later on?” She asks.
“Yeah, for sure,” you say. “See you later.”
“It was nice meeting you,” Brie blurts out. It takes more energy than you’re willing to admit to keep from laughing at her. To Sarah’s credit, she smiles back at Brie kindly.
“You too,” she says, and then she’s turning on her heels to join her friends again.
“Oh my god,” Brie says, facepalming. “I literally only talked to her for less than a minute and I managed to make a fool of myself.”
“It wasn’t that bad,” you try to reason.
“Are you kidding? That was a disaster.”
“It’s okay. One step at a time, right?” Brie reluctantly lowers her hands from her face to look at you. “We just have to figure out the next step now,” you shrug.
“I guess.” She groans, and with one last fleeting look towards Sarah, she faces you again. “Are you ready to go?”
“You don’t want to stay a little longer? Sarah said she would find us later on.” Honestly, you’ve been more than ready to leave the party since you arrived, but you also feel bad for Brie. It’s obvious that she’s internally berating herself and you don’t want her to leave the party early if she wants to try redeeming herself tonight.
“Nah, I think I’ve done enough damage tonight,” she laughs self-deprecatingly. “Come on, I know you don’t want to be here either.”
She walks towards the open door and you have no choice but to follow her, catching up with her once she’s already outside. You walk silently along the empty road together, both deep in thought. The silence of the night is more pronounced now that you aren’t surrounding by blaring music and loud shouting.
Your mind runs wild, going from topic to topic. You vaguely wonder if you’re heading in the direction of your dorm building, and then you’re wondering what time it is. And then finally, your mind lands on something that seems to come out of nowhere.
“Why her?” You suddenly ask, not entirely sure where the question comes from. Though now that the words are out of your mouth, you realise that you are eager to hear her response.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean… why her?” You repeat. “I get it, I do. But you barely know her. You only talked to her for the first time tonight.”
The words seemingly slip out of your mouth without your permission, and in the back of your mind you wonder if the drink Brie had made you was even stronger than you first thought. Brie opens her mouth and closes it a few times, her pace slowing slightly before she eventually looks at you again.
“I don’t know,” she shrugs. “I’ve seen her at a couple of these parties now and she just always seems to catch my eye.” She seems to search for more words and she comes to a halt on the side of the road, causing you to stop too.
“Why not her?” She eventually says.
You end up contemplating her question for the rest of the night.
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snaill-dragon · 3 years
Say Hello to Tomorrow
aha! I rewrote this piece like I talked about! thats two writings in one day(here's the other if you haven't seen it)! for those who don't remember Bleedingheart, she's a silk/hive hybrid I made some pride art for during pride month, here's the link if you wanna check it out. Im actually super proud of this new one, and the old one, but still! also im posting this to Tumblr from my computer, so the formatting may not go funky this time!! Content warning for: Foul language from Hearts bad mouth, and uh, its not too obvious here, but general implications for Heart not having a great life(Dont worry this is generally a sweet piece, and things get better for her.). Also not a content warning really, but keep in mind Heart can be a little grouchy/mean at times.
It was late evening, when Bleedingheart found herself sitting alone on one of her hive’s balconies, staring out at the ocean quietly. She always came out to watch the sunset when she could, but she came a little early today, after all this would be her last one here. Behind her she could hear the hive busy away, but out here it was almost bearable, even if it was always annoying. Was a bit of quiet too much for her to ask for? She sighed and focused her gaze out to the horizon.
The ocean was usually dark and cloudy, shades of indigo otherwise seen in the night sky, but when it got closer to sunset it had a softer glow, as the sun's reflection shone. It glowed light blues and white, as the water pulled and crashed. It was nice, peaceful…
Eventually her thoughts drifted back to the dragons she had met today, her chance to escape. She wasn’t used to seeing dragons from the pyrrhian tribes, these ones were skywings, with odd reds and oranges that she wasn’t used to seeing on anything but silkwings, and the more occasional hivewing. They hadn’t been sure about her at first, but Heart had convinced the odd dragons she could be useful, and they had been willing to help her.
She was jared from her thoughts by the sound of approaching footsteps, she looked over, a hivewing was walking towards her. He was almost entirely black, with a few gold scales on his face and wings.
“Hey Honeycomb, do you need something?” she asked, and the taller hivewing sat next to her, wrapping his tail around his feet.
“I wanted to say goodbye.” He smiled at her, a bit nervously, Heart narrowed her eyes at him.
“Who told you I was leaving?” she asked,
“I’m… not going to tell you that, you still have enough time here to swear someone out, and you would definitely find a way to fit it into your schedule.” He provided, and she gave him a flat glare, though with a more playful feeling behind it.
“You're too nice for your own good, Comb. It's gonna get you fucked over one day.”
“Well, until that day comes, I’ll just hope everyone is nice back.”
“I find it annoying,” Heart dismissed, turning her tail around to lightly flick at his legs, as if to prove her point.
“Well, I know you wouldn’t do that to me, and you're a bit… different from the other dragons I know here.” He chuckled lightly, pushing her tail away a bit.
“Because I want to leave?” Heart asked, playing innocent.
“Because you can be a bit…” he paused, seeming a bit unsure of his wording, “uh, childish at times.”
“Oh, no need to mince words. I’m a self proclaimed immature bitch,” Heart jokingly sprawled her talons across her chest in mock pride, laughing loudly.
“H-heart, don’t be so loud, one of the dragonets could hear you.” He stuttered, Heart frowned.
“It's not like they’ll be seeing me again.” she says simply, and for a second there's silence, before Honeycomb asks
“Why are you leaving?”
“It's not obvious? I’m unhappy here. More than just unhappy I hate it here” Heart’s voice raised at the end, perhaps a bit too much, and she glanced around, they were still alone on the balcony.
“You always said that,” Honeycomb admitted, “but… I guess it never occurred to me that you'd want to leave.”
“Yeah, well, this is just something I’ve always known, if that makes any sense?” Heart looked back to the ocean, away from Honeycomb.
“Hey look,” she interrupts without care, “it’s finally sunset… it’s really beautiful.” Honeycomb followed her gaze, and found himself smiling a bit.
“Your last one, from here at least.” He whisper, Heart laughs a little again,
“I had the same thought earlier.”
“Hah” He lets out a small chuckle, before being a bit more serious again, “I can’t believe I may never see you again.”
“After tomorrow? Yeah, it's pretty unlikely we’ll see each other again.” Heart was looking out at the ocean still, but she could feel the tone shifting.
“I think it's brave of you, to go somewhere you want to be, to leave something you know behind.”
“You always see the best in things, its actually kind of annoying, especially when it isn’t true… but for real, thank you.”
“I think it’s less of me being an optimist, and you being a pessimist” Honeycomb tried to lighten things up again, and Heart made an amused scoff.
“Oh please, don’t act all knowing, we know its both” she joked, smiling.
“Always the kidder, Heart.” He tried to laugh too, but Honeycomb didn’t sound as happy. Heart finally turned to look at him, he was staring at his feet.
“...don’t worry, I’ll stop being a cause for such conflicting emotions tomorrow.” She muttered, a bit more aggressive than she wanted it to come out. He looked surprised,
“What? Oh, no you’re not a bad thing.”
“Honeycomb you are literally the only person in this hive who doesn't hate me, and that's only because you're an idiot.” Heart nudged him a little, and he looked at her again.
“Is that why you want to leave?” he asked, and her face fell even further.
“Not really. I just… I feel if I stay here I wont get anywhere… as fucking stupid and cheesy at it is, tomorrow brings me hope. The first bit of hope to go somewhere I want in life in a long long time.” Heart looked away from him again, she didn’t like feeling this open. But it was the last time she’d see Honeycomb, she owed him a little honesty.
“I don’t think it’s that stupid, it makes sense, you want a happy life. Thats a good thing Heart.” The hybrid scoffed, no amusement in it this time, Honeycomb reached out a talon to comfort her, but Heart stood up and moved away.
“Right… I’m gonna go get some sleep, tomorrows a big day.” She starts to walk away, slowly in case he had anything else to say.
“Sleep well Heart… I wish you luck in finding what you're looking for one day.”
“Hah, I can only hope...” She walked back into the hive, Honeycomb a few steps behind her, for the very last time.
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