#maneskin x plussize reader
pjisskullourful · 2 years
𝑩𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍
👑Ethan × reader
NSFW🔥 birthday sex, its the best (nastiest, smuttastic, kinky) day of the year girl!
° Ethan Torchio & female reader insert
°  your boyfriend promises that your birthday will be a day of spoiling you rotten. & Ethan always follows through with his promises.
wordcount::: 8,961
° commissioned by my wonderful sister beth (@bethanysnow) 💋 thankyou for your patience, all of the inspirations, letting me share songs with you  [requests are open. but commissions are priority! there is currently 1 commission in cue]
[ITA]: micetta: kitten - amore: love
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“Did you buy her anything other than books? Her boyfriend is gonna think she’s a nerd.” Your little sister’s voice came through the speaker of your phone.
Your mother had a quick response to this. “No, her boyfriend thinks she’s a princess. We already talked about the tiara.”
The peridot-encrusted accessory sat atop your head, despite the fact that your hair was still a rumpled mess. You hadn’t yet brushed it since waking up, nor had you changed out of your nightgown. This morning had seen you staying in bed, with all needed things brought to you by your boyfriend because he had promised that your birthday would be a day of spoiling you rotten.
And Ethan always followed through with his promises.
You had woken up to your bedroom filled with balloons and a bouquet box of roses on your bedside table. Unlike past partners where sometimes you received a nice card, but that wasn’t a guarantee - Ethan had spent time preparing for this day. He had made sure his work schedule wouldn’t clash with this day, all so that he could be with you to ensure you felt inescapably special.
You had opened carefully wrapped packages to reveal things that bore designer labels. Then you had received breakfast in bed, waffles made from scratch.
While he was cleaning up from breakfast, you had moved over to the desk with your phone in hand. The small stack of gifts had been sitting on the tabletop for the past few days - delivered by your mum earlier in the week, specifically to be opened during this video call. You wouldn’t be seeing your family in person for this birthday.
“This book looks amazing, thank you Mum.” You said of the Freddie Mercury biography that you currently held. “And I’ve been dating him for a year and a half, Ethan already knows that I’m a nerd.”
“Oh, that’s one of mine.” Marcella said, she had recognised the wrapping paper on the package you had just picked up.
The parcel moved out of your family’s viewing frame when you placed it on the desk in front of you. You ripped the paper away, getting to a piece of cloth. You pulled this out, unfolding it and revealing the design printed on the dish towel.
It was your chocolate brown sausage dog, a fancy banner bore his name, Edward. You recognised the photo of him sitting with his head on a tilt, Marcella had taken it while staying one weekend with you and Ethan. Your sister had added her own drawings to the picture, giving your dachshund a cartoon crown and some love hearts surrounded him.
“My baby.” You said, your excitement bringing a little squeak into your voice. “I’m in love with this, oh my God. How did you do this?”
Your sister shrugged bashfully. “It was just some website I found that lets you put your prints on a bunch of stuff.”
“It’s so perfect, this is the only dish cloth we’re keeping in the kitchen from now on, I swear.” You said, before turning your head in the direction of the open door and you raised your voice. “Hun, come up here, you gotta see this.”
“‘Kay.” Your boyfriend called back from the lower floor of your apartment.
“He’s gonna love it.” You told them with full certainty.
Ethan’s approach was accompanied by the tapping of Edward’s nails on the floorboards, your dog was moving at a quick trot. He arrived into the bedroom, hair pulled back to keep out of his face as he cleaned up for you. He came over to where you continued to hold the small towel up.
“Oh wow. When did Eddie launch his home decor line?” He asked, taking the present from you for a closer look.
“Marcie made it for us.”
“It’s so cool. It’s a kitchen towel, right?” He asked and you nodded. “I love it, I can’t wait to hang it up. But I- it’s kinda too cute to use. I don’t wanna get it all grubby.”
“That very much defeats the purpose of giving you a dish towel.” Your mum pointed out.
“Oh, right.” He said sheepishly, he handed the cloth back to you, bending down to show your family a smile. “Shoot, I didn’t realise the bed was in view, it’s such a mess.”
“I promise we’re not judging you.” Your mum said as he moved into the space behind you, going over to the bed.
“Yeah, it’s not like she has an allowance that Mum is gonna dock ‘cause her bed isn’t made.” Marcella said.
But he had already started on the task. There were a few presents from him still lying on the disorganised sheets (these were to be opened later, he had instructed), he picked them up, along with your iPad, the TV remote and anything else he found that didn’t belong on your bed. He placed all of these on the desk, next to what gifts remained to be unwrapped from your family.
Your small dog had lots of energy to burn, running around Ethan’s feet as he straightened the top sheet out. You hadn’t paused to consider how your messy bed was in frame, you didn’t have the same eye for detail as him. He took pride in staying tidy, viewing it as a sign of respect to present the best version of yourself (and by association, your living space) to someone.
“So where are you going for your brunch?” Your mum asked.
You started to tell them about the café, which was your absolute favourite, after discovering it on your fifth date with Ethan. He had made reservations for the two of you to enjoy an indulgent high tea. Marcella didn’t understand what was involved in a high tea, so, with the consistent scrape and click of Edward’s quick steps in the background, you gave her an overview of what you knew.
Until Edward’s light brown body zipping about in your peripheral vision got to be too distracting. You swivelled the chair around in time to see him launching his little body into the air, his head raised as he aimed for the ties hanging from a cluster of helium balloons.
“Eddie, uh-uh.” You ordered. “That’s not a toy.”
Ethan moved over, scooping the dog up in one hand before this could escalate. “Okay bud, I’m gonna have to ask you to wait outside.” He crossed the floor, going to the open doorway.
“You’ve still got at least one of my gifts to open.” Marcella said.
You reached out in the general direction that you had been pulling from during this video call. Ethan shut the door, with Edward on the other side and you swivelled your chair around, facing the camera again.
“Where’d you get that fancy wrapping paper from?” Your mum asked Marcella as you brought this new gift forward.
Marcella had been looking down, only glancing up once the package was on the desk and out of view. “Huh?”
Behind you, Ethan was organising the pillows at the head of the bed while you pulled the paper back from this square box. You found a plain black cardboard box underneath.
You pulled the lid back, immediately greeted by the sight of something very fuzzy. You couldn’t tell what this round object was at first, but you went with it, this second surprise from Marcella.
You wrapped your hand around the baby pink item, finding that it had a noticeable weight as you pulled it free. This furry ball revealed a metal disc on one side - you assumed this was a stand that would allow you to display it.
But the metal disc came before a small bulb. Your eyes widened and you longed to sink down, disappearing into the floorboards because you recognised the taper of this bulb.
“Oh.” Your cheeks were aflame as you lowered the anal plug, holding it under the desk. You didn’t think they had seen the kinky tail, just as they hadn’t seen any of the other presents until you purposefully held them at camera-level. But you felt flustered all the same.
And you had to act like you weren’t.
“Oh, oh okay. Nope, ahem, that’s not a Marcie gift.” You said, resting the toy in your lap as you subtly reached for its box with one hand. “That’s from Ethan, and um…” He quickly turned around as you were shoving the toy back into its box. “That’s part of a bigger gift, which is, um, an inside joke…” He rushed over, kneeling down beside you and grabbing the box. Without a word, he kept it low to the ground and all that your family saw was you adjusting your glasses. “It’d take a while to explain it.”
He sat up a bit higher, some of his head moving into view for your family. But everything below the jawline was kept hidden, kept secret. “And honestly, it’s not even that funny. Whenever we’ve tried to explain it, we never get a laugh.”
“None whatsoever.” You added to his lie before moving things along by grabbing a new gift. You could tell that it was one from your family, the wrapping paper wasn’t as high-gloss as all of those that had come from Ethan. He grabbed and removed the second stack of items that he had created on the desk, which had included the plug.
You held the parcel up to the camera as you put a smile on your face. “I think this is a Marcie gift.”
“Yep, that’s my wrapping paper.” She said.
As Ethan carefully took himself out of frame, you started unwrapping the present. You found another cardboard box, but this one had a logo printed on it, along with some bullet points about selfie-improving features. You opened it, getting to the plastic donut inside.
“It’s a mini-ring light.” She said as you held it up. “You clip it onto your phone and it has, like, three different settings.”
“That’s cool.” Ethan commented from the ground.
“I figured you guys could get a lot of use out of it when you’re on the tours and stuff, ‘cause you’re always saying how inconsistent the lighting is from one hotel to the next.”
“Thanks heaps, Marcie.” You said. “I don’t mean to cut you guys off, and I know I’ve still got a couple more to open. But I am dying to use the bathroom and then we should start getting ready for brunch. All that makeup takes time.” Your laugh sounded nervous to your ears.
But your family didn’t pick up on anything strange. Instead of asking any questions, they let you say goodbye. He stood back up and waved to them as they wished you a happy birthday.
In the same second that the call ended, you were letting out a loud groan. You didn’t resist the cringe anymore, pushing your glasses aside to bury your face in your hands, fully feeling how hot your cheeks were now.
“I’m so sorry, micetta. I didn’t realise that got put there. I guess I wasn’t paying attention after I put Eddie out.” He said, stroking your back. “But there’s no way that they saw it, not with how you had your phone set up.”
“Thank God for that.” You murmured.
“I’m sure they’ve already totally forgotten about that weird little moment.”
You took a deep breath, fixing the position of your glasses. You somewhat composed yourself as you looked up at him. “You got me a tail?”
He started to smile, his excitement keeping it from looking anything like bashfulness. “Of course I did, my sweet bunny deserves a tail as adorable as her.” Now you were blushing for a very different reason. “Do you wanna see it again?”
You nodded eagerly, quickly leaving any sense of embarrassment behind. You wanted to see and know more about this sex toy at once. You got up, going over to the corner he had shifted everything over to. He grabbed the unwrapped box, placing it in your hands.
You allowed yourself a far more in-depth look, your mind wandering now. The plug was smooth and sturdy, not bigger than anything you had taken before. The tail was made of the softest fur, it glided beneath your fingers as you imagined how this would look poking out of your butt. What would it make your dominant boyfriend want to do to you?
“It’s really cute.” You said and looking up from it, you found that he was very carefully watching how you interacted with it, a pleased smile on his face.
“Yeah, you like it? Is it the right colour and everything?”
You moved in closer to him, placing your hand on his chest before putting your lips to his. He tasted of the sweet syrup that had covered the waffles. He placed his arm around your waist and you kissed a trail across his cheek, moving over to his ear.
“I love it, but I’m gonna love it more when you put it in me, sir.” You whispered, feeling how his arm tightened around you in response.
“But that’s for later.” He said gently. “I really didn’t mean for you to see it now.”
You grinned. “Oh, are you so worried that I won’t be able to concentrate on brunch now?”
“Maybe a bit.” He said. “But I had planned out for you to open that, and the couple of things that kinda go with it…” You looked at the stack of remaining presents, getting a rush to just think of what possibilities were currently hidden from sight. “...later. That’s all part of the later. ‘Cause in my mind, I’ve got this day in two parts, right now is when you get the sparkle- the tiara, the jewellery, the glittery makeup, all that. But then later, the only sparkles you’re gonna have are the stars you’ll be seeing when I fuck you into that headboard.”
You had started to hold your breath a little as you listened to him speak, clear images blooming into your mind. Your heart was beating harder. “That’s not- ahem, why would that distract me?”
He laughed, moving his hands down to grab a handful of ass with both hands. He gave your cheeks a playful squeeze, which made you smile wider. “Come on, you’ve gotta pick the dress you’re gonna wear to our brunch.”
“I’ve already picked.” You said as he let go of you. “I’m gonna wear the pink one.”
He had gifted you three garments, but there was something about the fuchsia dress that made it feel like the perfect thing to wear.
“Oh yeah, I think that’s the right choice.” He told you.
“Wearing a tea length dress to high tea, it just makes sense.” You said of the jacquard dress.
His eyes narrowed as he looked at you now. “Tea length, is that something you just made up?”
“No sweetheart, that’s what it’s called when the hem is a few inches below the knee.” You said.
He nodded, his face relaxing again. “Okay, well I didn’t know that. To me, this one is the right choice because it’s gonna show off all of this sexy area right here.” He applied his fingertips to your exposed shoulders, lightly drawing patterns across your skin.
You smiled, feeling even better about your choice now. You didn’t have many dresses in your closet that were off the shoulder. Certain trends didn’t make it into plus-size garments, creating some internal second-guessing when clothes shopping - should you be ashamed of your shoulders and untoned arms?
But these were some of Ethan’s favourite parts of your body. He loved to leave hickeys on your shoulders, routinely nipping at this area when you were having sex. He initiated hugs by picking your arms up, wrapping them around himself because he loved to be held by you. He disliked it whenever you covered yourself up, strongly opposed to the idea that you had something to hide.
“What should I wear?” He asked. “Do you want me to be matching you? ‘Cause I didn’t have anything specific in mind.”
You smirked. “You know that when you ask me what you should wear, I tell you that you just shouldn’t wear anything.”
He was walking over to your wardrobe. “And how well would I fit in at a high tea like that? Maybe if it were my birthday, I could try to get away with that. I could make a joke of wearing my birthday suit on my birthday. But that’s just not the case, so if you could please help me select some clothes.”
“Okay, I’ve got an idea.” You said, joining him in front of the opened doors. You didn’t have to hesitate, you knew exactly where the shirt you wanted would be hanging, because you had the superior eye for detail when it came to your clothing. You may not have noticed a dusty shelf that needed cleaning, but you always kept track of clothes.
You grabbed the navy blue button-up from amongst his other hanging items. “How about that? We don’t have to be matching to have the same vibe. So you can be there in your royal blue and my dress- well, royal pink isn’t actually a shade. But if it was, it would be that dress.” You held the shirt out to him. “Or is it too much royal stuff? Royal blue, royal-ish pink and my tiara. Unless you wanted me to leave that at home…”
He pecked you on the cheek as he took the shirt from you. “Absolutely not, I wouldn’t dream of telling you to take that off. I bought it for you ‘cause that’s the uniform of a princess, which is what you are to me. So you get to wear that whenever and wherever you like ‘cause you make the rules, especially today.”
There was a warm feeling swelling in your chest, totally undeterred by any dread, or other dark restrictions. Because as more time passed, it got clearer to you that this was the best birthday you had ever had. It was all making you feel very lucky and a little giddy.
Last year, Ethan had been away on tour. The birthdays before that had a moment or two worth remembering, but were ultimately disappointing memories to reflect back on. Your friends didn’t take on the responsibility of planning anything for you, sometimes forgetting the day altogether. You could remember getting only one thing from your childhood wishlists and if you did get a party (it was not a guarantee from one year to the next) it was never as big as what the kids at school hosted, due to the restrictions your single mum’s income placed on your whole life.
But today felt distinctively different. It was like you were finally getting a birthday right, after those missteps.
It was only mid-morning, but already you were certain this entire birthday would be worth remembering.
… … …
You waited for the waitress to finish clearing the empty plates from your table before you spoke - no one else could be in earshot for this. As she walked away, you looked across the table to Ethan, he was lifting his cup of tea to his lips.
“I can’t believe how close we got to my mum seeing my buttplug.”
You couldn’t keep it to yourself any longer. The two of you hadn’t properly spoken about that moment yet, going straight from the video call to getting ready for your date. Once you had arrived at the café all of the fresh pastries and gourmet sandwiches had distracted you further. You had been talking about other things. You had gotten preoccupied with an impromptu photo session, taking pictures of one another in your fancy outfits amongst the ornate, high-class décor - getting a handful of photos together thanks to a friendly patron.
But you found your mind drifting back to that fluffy pink ball of trouble once the sandwiches and scones were gone, filling your tummy nicely. He had remarked that while you waited for your pieces of cake was the perfect time for you to open more of your gifts. Instantly, you were thinking of the presents that he had left at home, they weren’t to be shown in public.
He froze with the cup suspended, held in the air below his chin. “You can’t believe it? From the shock and the stress of that, I think I can literally feel my first grey hairs coming in.”
You shook your head a little. “I’m sure that we’re years away from that yet. But I think that when those greys start to come in, they’re really gonna suit you.”
He decided against having a sip of his rooibos tea, setting the cup back onto its saucer. He was smiling as he folded his arms on the tabletop and leaned forward a bit. “Do you wanna know what I think is really gonna suit you, princess?” You nodded, licking your lips. “Your new tail.
“And what’s in here…” He had brought four parcels to the café, the presents resting on an empty chair, until he picked up one and put it in front of you.
You grinned, grabbing it up immediately. He was smiling as he watched you tearing at the paper.
You got to a box that bore the Dior logo and you drew in an excited gasp as you started to open it. Wrapped in decorated tissue paper was a small, clutch-style bag, complete with the ‘CD’ in gold on the side. You pulled the black bag out, already thinking of all the outfits it would improve.
“Do you like it?” He asked.
“Are you kidding?” You responded half-laughing. “It’s a classic. It’s…” You trailed off after opening the bag and finding there were already items inside. “Oh my God.”
“What? Is there something in there?” He asked, his tone immediately cheeky, he wasn’t expecting to be believed.
One-by-one, you pulled out the four tubes of lipstick, which were similarly branded Dior. You had never owned any designer brand makeup. It was something that you would often test when visiting Sephora, but you never seriously considered owning it, because you couldn’t justify the price point.
Now these were yours to play with. You looked them over, checking out the rich colours. You swatched them, creating a line of each colour on the back of your hand.
“I was kinda tempted to give that to you first, so that you could wear one for this.” He said. “But what you’re wearing is really pretty.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty. But it’s not designer fuh-... thank you so much.” You quickly switched your tone of voice, swallowing the rest of the swear, when the waitress returned. You smiled as she set down a generous slice of red velvet cake for each of you.
“Did you wanna open more gifts now?” He asked, but you already had the provided fork in hand. “Or is it cake time?”
“It’s time for me to try to recover from designer lipstick.” You said, before gesturing to the dessert. “Also, cake time.”
You weren’t used to the feeling that you were worthy of the finer things. It was something you had always craved, but it had never seemed like an inevitability for you.
You were the girl that made the best of what you had - keeping your fantasies in a box neatly separated from reality.
But Ethan treated you as if you were the prize, to be decorated and celebrated in extravagant ways. He viewed you in high regard and let you enjoy things that you had thought were beyond your grasp, because in his eyes you deserved it all. He saw you differently to how anyone had and you were getting better at leaving behind that habit of saying ‘you shouldn’t have’ in response to the wonderful things he lavished upon you.
The Dior bag and makeup weren’t the last of your designer gifts. Once the cake was gone, you had three more items to unwrap - Gucci perfume in a vintage-style green bottle, a silk Yves Saint Laurent scarf and a large pair of Prada sunglasses.
“These are amazing.” You said of the cat-eyed shaped sunglasses.
“Do you like them, like really?” He asked with a seemingly increased amount of interest. “‘Cause I won’t be offended if they aren’t actually to your tastes.”
“No, I genuinely love them.” You said, giving him a confused look.
“Okay good, ‘cause I already had your prescription put in them. That’d make them a bit different to exchange, or re-gift.” He said.
You were thrilled, his thoughtfulness allowing you to enjoy your new accessory straight away. You swiftly removed your glasses, replacing them with the shades. You didn’t have to try to squint your way to clarity, everything remained in focus - including the pleased smile growing on his face.
“Gorgeous.” He said.
“Yeah, I know you are.” You quickly responded.
“Is it time for more gifts, amore?” He asked.
You cocked your head to the side. “More, didn’t you just bring these four with us?”
“Yep.” He said and you started to grin, your thoughts guided back to the buttplug.
You seemed to be shifting to the part of the day that he had only referred to as later. There were only a few presents left to open and you were keen to find out what he thought needed to accompany the new toy.
You started to gather your things together, on your feet and ready to leave the café within the next ten minutes.
… … …
There were three presents from your boyfriend to be opened, with Ethan organising them into a specific order, which was currently a mystery to you.
You opened the package he had placed closest to you - a tube of lubricant, something that required absolutely no explanation. You started to laugh when you noticed the flavour of this lube - birthday cake.
He showed you a bemused smile. “What? Have you had too much cake already today?”
“No, it’s never a case of too much cake.” You said, unscrewing the plastic cap so you could sample the scent. “Whoa, this literally does smell like a piece of cake. Like a fun-fetti cake or something.”
He leaned in closer. “Wow, it really does.” He was still smiling as you screwed the lid back into place. “Oh boy, I sure hope that doesn’t get me feeling hungry.”
You were sitting opposite to him on your bed, legs crossed in an unladylike fashion that didn’t match with your new dress. But he wasn’t casting any judgements, just enjoying watching you get to the end of this spaced-out style of gift giving.
The next parcel was a thin box, opened to reveal a headband decorated with a pair of fuzzy rabbit ears. They were decorated with fur the exact same shade as your new tail. Picking them up, you discovered they were just as soft.
This time, just smiling at you wasn’t good enough for him - so he moved in, kissing you on the lips as soon as you looked up. “Happy birthday, sexy bunny.”
You initiated another kiss as you felt your heart beginning to flutter a little. It didn’t matter how many times he called you by this pet name, you never tired of hearing it. You never tired of being compared to something as adorable and small as a bunny rabbit.
But you didn’t rush to replace your tiara with the ears just yet. Instead you placed the headband aside and picked up your final gift. Tearing back the paper, you first saw a string of pearls, then you saw red lace.
You got the delicate items free, seeing that you had three pieces of a complete set. There was a bra, which definitely wouldn’t have offered any support for a person with a chest bigger than yours - there weren’t any cups to be seen, instead just a curved strip of red fabric to sit at the underbust. The floral lace design would cover your nipples and not much else. The flowers matched to what decorated either side of the g-string’s waistband. There was a string of pearls, which was designed to hang vertically down the front of your body, it was attached to a thin choker and a large elastic strap that would be wrapped around your middle.
“Oh, wow.” You breathed as you admired the lingerie.
He had moved in closer again, kissing you on the cheek as his hand travelled down your back. “Do you like it? ‘Cause I saw it and, straight away, I just couldn’t get out of my mind how gorgeous you would look in it, princess.”
“I love it.” You said, looking up and seeing a sparkle in his eyes. “It’s the sexiest underwear I’ve ever owned.”
“My original plan was for you to unwrap the tail last. ‘Cause then it’s a clear escalation, right? It was meant to be the big finish.” He said.
You ran your fingertips along his jaw. “What if the big finish is me putting all of this stuff on right now?”
He reached up, pulling the tiara off of the top of your head and picking up the fuzzy headband. “If you’re ready for that, if you’re ready to be my personal Playboy bunny.”
You smiled and put your new ears into place. “Yep, I am ready.” But you hesitated from kissing him. “Actually, could you kick Eddie out and make sure his bowl still has water in it?”
“But I- you’re about to get naked.”
You laughed, giving his shoulder a little shove. “I’m changing my underwear, and we both know that you being in here is gonna make it very difficult for me to put the new underwear on my body.”
He relented, getting to his feet with a sigh. He called to Edward, getting the dachshund to wake up, immediately moving out of his bed in the corner of your bedroom. “C’mon buddy, the lady needs her privacy.” He followed Ethan out of the room, tail wagging.
Ethan shut the door, leaving you alone as he went downstairs with your dog. You unzipped and removed your dress, smiling a little at the sight of it as you returned it to its clothing hanger. It was a beautiful garment, one that you thought could easily top the list as your absolute favourite. And it filled you with warmth to know that this dress had gotten a date as memorable, elegant and pretty as it was.
You took your underwear off, pulling on the new pair of panties first. There wasn’t anything covering your buttcheeks, but there was enough of the thin fabric to cover your vagina and the distinct curve that sat above your pubic bone.
There wasn’t any practicality in the bra, it was all purely for decoration because your boyfriend wanted to highlight parts of your body, parts that he wanted an excuse to stare at. You secured the clasp for the pearl attachment, completing this ensemble that you would never have the courage to buy for yourself. This set wasn’t anything you would have felt comfortable wearing before becoming Ethan’s girlfriend, but you happily pushed your bunny ears into place. You knew that he would make it worth your while to step out of your comfort zone - he always did.
You had just sprayed on some of your new perfume when the bedroom door opened and he stepped back in. He shut the door behind himself, eliminating any distractions from this grand finale of your day.
“Fuck…” He breathed and the way that he was looking at you made your heart race. “Bunny, you look absolutely incredible.”
You grinned, standing up straighter, letting your arms fall to your sides, no longer trying to conceal your stomach. “Is this what you were imagining when you bought this for me?”
“No, it’s even better.” He said as he walked over to you.
You held onto his biceps as he kissed you. “The contradiction right now between what each of us is wearing- it’s a whole lot of Sir-energy coming from you.”
His open palm struck your exposed ass. “And it’s a whole lot of dumb bunny-energy coming from you.” He put his hands on your hips, guiding you in the direction of your bed. He placed you on the mattress and moved his hands to the buckle of his belt. It was tempting to help with this task that was happening directly in front of your eyes. But you had been trained in this dynamic to wait for his instructions to follow.
“And once you’re naked, we can get to doing it like bunnies.” You said.
A thoughtful expression had come onto his face as he finally took off his dress slacks. “Actually, that’s kinda a myth about rabbits. It isn’t that they’re these super virile little animals, it’s just that their gestation period is short, literally one month.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that…” You said, watching as one at a time he removed the cufflinks that were decorated with pink stones, chosen to match your dress.
“Yeah and they can have more than ten babies per litter, so it’s a lot, but not because they’re supernatural breeding machines. The whole turn of phrase ‘fucking like rabbits’ didn’t come about until the 20th century, once Playboy and their bunnies become a pop culture staple. They came first.” He said.
“I thought it was the other way around.” You said. “Thank God I’ve got you to set me straight.”
He had undressed down to his hot pink briefs, his hands now free to be placed onto your face, cradling your round cheeks. His thumbs stroked across your skin as he leaned in closer. “What would my dumb bunny be without me?”
You had been anticipating kisses from him, licking your lips and wondering how he would taste. Instead you were repositioned, moved away slightly, his hands controlling you until you were laid down on the bed, your head resting upon the pillow.
He didn’t lie down with you, sitting next to your body as his eyes continued to eagerly take in the sight of you in your new lingerie. Your breathing was coming in shallower as his hands started to glide across your body, touching what was holding his focus.
“Being treated like a spoiled princess all day long really suits you.” He said, one hand moving across the curve of your belly, while the other laid on top of your breast.
You smiled as a few cheeky things to say came into your mind. But you kept them to yourself, content to just watch as he moved down lower. His fingers trailed along the stretch marks on the side of your belly.
“How are you feeling, nice and comfortable?” He asked and you nodded your head. “That’s good, ‘cause this pretty new lingerie isn’t coming off anytime soon. You see, with it looking even better than I imagined, I wanna enjoy it properly.
“I’ve gotta get my fill of how incredible you look.” He said as his fingers moved down, to the crease where your thighs met. “I’m just gonna push these sexy panties to the side…”
He picked up the fabric and pushed it to one side of your crotch, uncovering your cunt. Your smile widened and you let your knees fall apart.
He moved into this available space, sitting between your parted legs and beginning to lean down. His eyes left your face, now going to your exposed cunt. You reached your hands out, caressing the sides of his face as the anticipation built up inside of you, almost like a physical presence hanging in the air.
You saw him licking his lips, until he moved down so low that the curve of your belly covered most of his face. You could have repositioned if you wanted to watch him, sitting up would have allowed you an unobstructed view.
But there was no chance of you moving your body once he started to lick, immediately making you feel weak. It was a slow lick, beginning by your entrance before gliding up and coating that space between your labia majora with his saliva. Your hands slid up, into his hair, which was still secured into his pristine-looking bun. More long licks were lavished upon your cunt as you laid back, your legs spreading further.
He placed his fingers to your labia, gently parting them to provide greater access to your clit. He started to move his tongue a little faster, your heart racing as each lick left you feeling more sensitive. He avoided penetration, the tip of his tongue briefly close to your entrance before being swept up, gliding up to your clit. He finished each of these strokes with a flourish, wiggling his tongue against the hood of your clit.
You were out of breath when he eased back from this tight bundle of nerves, moving to place lingering kisses on your folds. You ran your hands over his smooth hair as his lips caressed your pussy with slow and sweet kisses. He switched from one side to the other, working to his own rhythm, which had lovely tingles steadily rising up inside of you.
The intensity suddenly increased, leaving you weaker than before as he pointed his tongue to apply to your clitoris. He moved quicker, dating his tongue in a consistent up-down motion, which reduced you to a whimpering mess. You tilted your pelvis as the scorching heat of your arousal rose from your gut, so powerful. Your body shuddered and you were certain that this pacing could ruin you.
He got quicker when he started to move his tongue in circles. Your excitement made it so that you could no longer hold your hips still, beginning to jolt, giving yourself more delicious pressure. Your fingers clenched, wrapping around some of the strands of his hair, beginning to pull them loose.
You were so lost in ecstasy, mouth hanging slack, that you didn’t notice what he was doing with his hands. You didn’t realise that he was picking up the tube of lube, you had forgotten about the present until you were smelling its sweet scent.
He lifted his mouth from your clit and, in the same second, he took one slicked finger, filling your pussy with it. You gave a little cry as he pushed his finger in deeper. He rested his head down, his nose pressing into the squishy area above your pussy, unbothered by the short hairs that brushed against his face. He nuzzled against your skin, as that finger started to curl inside of you.
“Is that good for my dumb bunny?” He asked.
“Uh-huh, so fucking good.” You strained to say, your body writhing.
With absolutely no warning, his finger was pulled out of you so that he could use both hands to flip your body, your chest now pressed to the mattress.
“Ass up.” He said, slapping his hands against your rear. “This ass needs to be up.”
Your glasses had slid down the bridge of your nose, but you didn’t waste your time fixing this as you repositioned yourself. You planted your knees, keeping them apart, onto the mattress and lifted your ass into the air. You arched your back, hoping to achieve the posture he desired.
As you were trying to find the most comfortable way to hold your arms, you heard some slurping sounds from behind you, with him cleaning his finger.
“That lube tastes just like a cake too.” He said. “I wonder how great it will taste when I eat it right out of your pussy.”
You could feel how extra slippery his fingers were when he returned them to your cunt. You felt the smooth lubricant being applied all over, the thick liquid coating your clitoral hood before he pushed his finger inside of you with a squelch that made you feel a little bashful. More wet sounds accompanied his finger pulling free.
Then his tongue glided in, making you cry out as he pushed it in so deep. You were soon hearing his happy moans as he started to move his tongue around, exploring the textured skin of your inner-walls. It seemed that he wanted to leave no part of your pussy untasted, his tongue working over every inch until you were sweating.
He pulled back. “God, that tastes amazing.”
“Is that good cake for you, sir?” You asked with a little waver in your voice.
He laid some kisses upon your clitoral hood. “Mn, fuck.” You were left shaking as he kissed all over your pussy. “So delicious, it tastes better than the cake we had at the café today. It’s so fucking sweet, it’s better than any cake I’ve ever eaten in my whole life.” You smiled as the needy throb in your cunt only grew more noticeable with each kiss he placed on your skin.
“I’m not done enjoying my second dessert of the day.” He said. “I’m gonna need so much more lube…”
He grabbed the thin strap of material that had been resting between your buttcheeks and moved it aside. He pulled it over to the side that the underwear was bunched at.
This time the lube hit your skin directly from the applicator, the thick dollop sliding down the crack of your butt. Your breathing fluttered as he returned his mouth to your cunt, licking in the opposite direction to his earlier movements, beginning at your clit, then dragging along, finishing at your asshole. Then he lifted his tongue to return to the sensitive starting point.
He repeated this motion a few times, with his fingers beginning to follow this path. The digit was just as wet as his tongue, rubbing you into a higher state of passion wherein your muscles were tensing, wanting to get to that release.
“Look at that adorable butthole glisten.” He said, running two of his fingertips along the crack of your butt, spreading the lube further.
“Fuck, oh…” You breathed when you felt the tip of his finger gradually sinking inside of your butt.
Your jaw fell slack as he started to lick at your entrance. His tongue worked in quick flits around this wet area, leaving you to curl your hands into fists around your pillow.
“My perfect bunny girl needs her perfect tail, doesn’t she?” He asked and you could only moan wordlessly in response. “I’m gonna get it nice and lubed up for you, okay? But I think that before I do that, I’m gonna need you to get your face right into that pillow. Put your whole head down…” He put his hand to the back of your head, pushing it down and shifting your body weight forward.
Your face was forced against the pillowcase, with you anticipating that marks from your makeup would be left behind. While he silently prepared the plug, you removed your glasses and placed them on the safety of the bedside table. You laid your cheek on the pillow, waiting.
“Get that ass up higher.” He ordered. “And I don’t wanna see these legs moving at all. In fact…” He reached an arm across the backs of your calves, pressing to keep your legs in this bent position. “That’s good. Now I’m gonna need you to spread that ass for me…”
You reached up, placing a hand on each cheek to separate them for him. He applied another pump of lubricant directly onto your skin, allowing it to slide along this crease.
His voice was more gentle when he spoke next. “I’m gonna go really, really slow. And if it starts to hurt, or you just don’t like how it feels, you say the safe word and we stop straight away, okay?”
You nodded your head. “Yes, honey.”
Using the tapered end of the plug, he started to work your hole open. You could feel the tension building up inside of you as you kept your hands on your ass. Gradually more of the slippery metal was sunk inside of you, prompting moans from you as you felt fuller-and-fuller. A sweat broke out on your forehead as you wondered if you were approaching the threshold of just how much you could take.
“Almost there, almost there.” He encouraged. “Yeah, this spoiled princess wants all of her presents, hm?”
“Mm-hmm.” You whimpered.
“Okay, there we go, there we go.” He said and you felt the pressure in your ass shift when he took his hand off of your temporary tail. “You did it.” You grinned, a triumphant feeling blooming in your chest, chasing away any of the earlier straining in your body. “You got it all in. And wow, it looks insanely sexy.” You giggled, wiggling your ass a little as you began to adjust to the plug. “So fucking sexy.”
You were giddy from all of the lust coursing through your veins. “Does it make you feel like you wanna breed me?” You took your hands off of your butt, prepared to use them to help brace yourself.
“Yeah, I could consider that.” He said and, despite your mostly blurry vision, you could distinguish the familiar motion of him removing his pink briefs. “But first, I would need for you to ask me properly. Or has my dumb bunny forgotten her manners?”
You put on the sweetest voice that you could manage. “Please breed me, please. I need it.” You felt the mattress shifting with his weight as he moved around behind you. “Please, don’t you want to?” You felt him gently lay his hands onto your hips. “Please, breed me. Oh please, please, please, please.”
He started to line his tip up with your cunt and you could feel so much heat spreading under your skin, beyond where your bodies made contact. Your patience was dwindling and you were willing to do far more begging.
But that wasn’t necessary. Instead, the next noise that you were making was a whimper as he buried his cock into your pussy.
“You better be comfortable like this, because I’m keeping you in this position. Because I’ve gotta be looking at my dumb bunny’s tail as I pound her.” He said.
Once he had sunk his entire length into you, he put his hands onto your hips, holding them with a secure grip. Then he rocked his body weight into you, allowing his tip to drive deeper between your clenching walls.
He wasn’t dedicating any of his time to warming you up - maybe he was feeling just as needy as you. He started to snap his hips into your butt, experimenting with his range of movements. It all felt so good, your sensitive body reacting in so many ways to how he was working you over.
“God, having that plug in your ass has made you…” He started to time his movements to his words. “...so goddamn…” Your laboured breaths filled the gaps between his words. “...tight…” You had to bite your lip, not wanting your louder noises to interrupt him. “...I can hardly…” He worked his hips into you, beginning to find a promising momentum. “...move…” Working your thigh muscles, you could keep up with him, building the friction together. “But I’m gonna…” Your ass slapped into his thighs again-and-again. “Not gonna stop…” His trimmed nails were starting to dig into your skin. “...’til you’re fuh-...” He groaned. “...fucking full.”
“Yes, fill me sir, please fill me.” You sobbed into the pillow as you matched his rhythm.
The only sound in your bedroom became the collision of skin slapping on skin at the end of every thrust. These were coming in faster, bringing bigger reactions from you. From the spasming of your inner-walls, to the sweat beading on your face - it was all beyond your control. Your body was possessed by pleasure, no longer your own as you were rocked by powerful stimulations coming at you from seemingly every angle.
You could only whimper when he started to pump faster. He took up an unrelenting speed, which left you daunted, feeling as if your nervous system was changed with electricity. His tip repeatedly rubbed against the roof of your vagina, massaging you into a state of ecstasy.
You drove yourself back into him, along his slicked shaft and you arched your back, crying out when you found that perfect angle. You had him at your g-spot, your hands curled into fists as you slipped deeper into that pleasure. He grabbed a handful of your loose hair, tugging on these strands.
“Yes.” You were breathless, your mind going blissfully blank as he continued to fuck into your g-spot. “Oh, Daddy, Daddy, Dad-dee.”
The bunny ears were dislodged from the top of your head as you were bounced forward by his frantic pacing. So much of your body had tensed: your throat, your hole around the plug, the muscles in your hands, your pussy, your chest. All of you was waiting to be set free, throbbing with need.
But then that throbbing became an explosion as the head of his cock hit into your g-spot and you started to disappear into your release. Your cunt excitedly spasmed around him as the rest of your body weakened.
Your sensitivities continued to radiate throughout your system as he persisted with his hungry pacing. You grinded back into him, moaning as his hot cum started to shoot between your tender walls.
“Take it, dumb bunny.” He grunted, his voice was low and strained as he got up to his own edge. “Oh bunny, bunny…” He convulsed forward, sinking deeper into you as he laid his chest down on your back. You felt his teeth bite into your skin as his cum began to flood into your already dripping cunt. “Fuck.” He gasped in a large breath. “Oh, fuck.”
Then there was silence and he remained on top of you, arms wrapping around you. He rested his cheek against your shoulder, both of you trying to catch your breath. You smiled, you didn’t have any words to share with him right now, just enjoying the gradual process of coming back from that dazzling height.
Even as he pulled out, it felt like your body was still aglow. He murmured praises to you as he removed the tail. He collapsed onto the bed alongside you, so much of his hair had come loose from the elastic, with a lot of it stuck to the sweat on his face. You gazed at him without a single care in the world, just taking in all of the details that you had the luxury of enjoying, for as long as you liked.
“Your ears fell off.” He pointed out.
You reached around your immediate surroundings, able to find the headband still on the bed. “‘Course they did, you weren’t exactly gentle.”
He smiled, on the verge of looking smug because he was clearly very satisfied with how everything had just unfolded. “Well you’re my bunny, sometimes you’re my baby bunny. But then there’s other times when you’re my Playboy bunny and I need to make sure you feel that and you know that, down to the core of your being.”
You pushed the headband back into place, then propped yourself up, leaning in closer to him. “I do know it.” You kissed him. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He said. “I need to clean this plug. And I should get you some juice. Did you want anything else from the kitchen?”
“Did we have any of those bagels left?” You asked, sitting up. “I’ll check, you can just concentrate on doing the clean-”
He was up and out of the bed in an instant. “You will do no such thing. I’m taking care of it all, that’s my job. And your job as birthday princess is to stay exactly where you are. I mean, obviously you’re allowed to use the bathroom and get changed, if you wanna. But I’m not done pampering you yet. I was thinking that we could cuddle and check if there’s new episodes of our podcast to listen to together.”
“Okay sweetheart, I’ll look into that.” You said.
He opened the door and Edward was bounding back into the room within seconds. You put your glasses back on before getting to your feet.
While Ethan was in the main bathroom, washing the buttplug, you used the ensuite. Your makeup had become smudged and smeared, giving you the appearance of someone who had experienced a long night out. As you washed your face, he progressed down the stairs and into the kitchen.
By the time he returned to the bedroom, you were relaxing on the bed, your sexy lingerie replaced with a set of soft pyjamas. Edward had settled down next to you, happy to lay with you as you looked through apps on your phone.
“How are you feeling?” Ethan asked, offering you a glass of juice and a heated bagel.
“I’m good, no pain.” You said, aware of the things he was purposefully not saying. “And there’s lots of episodes of Off Menu for us to catch up on. They’ve got one where Richard Ayoade is the guest.”
His interest in the British podcast was secured. “Oh, the guy with the glasses from The IT Crowd? I love that show.”
“Yeah, it should be a good one. Are you ready for me to start it?”
“Mm-hmm.” He said, joining you on the bed. As the opening tune played, he removed the bunny ears from your head. Before you could comment about this, he was settling the sparkling tiara upon your head, wearing a smile as he did so. “Happy birthday, micetta.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
If you like my writing, feel free to tip me. I am open to both commissions & requests, commissions get priority & the most input. join my taglist to keep up to date with all my debauchery
🍑  taglist: @bethanysnow -  @thegeminisgirl - @ha-la-ansia -  @icarodamiano - @paralianeyes​ - @itsmaneskinbitch   @gr8rainbowpunk -  @idyllicbutterfly -  @maneslut -   @slavicgoddess13 - @elvirabelle - @saschenkaaa - @maneskindiva  - @maneskintifoso -  @butkutee - @ursulalurks -  @crwnnjules -
229 notes · View notes
pjisskullourful · 1 year
Oʋҽɾ Mҽ???
🥨 Ethan × reader
part3 of 3, aka ETHAN'S ENDING [part 1, part 2]
NSFW 🔥 happily ever after but for adults only
° Ethan Torchio/female reader insert
wordcount::    2,376
° shwaaaaaa shwaaaa❣️ commissioned by the best sis beth (@bethanysnow ) 💋 thanks again for coming at me with an awesome concept
° [ITA]: bella: pretty - amore: love - eccellente: excellent
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Your heart was racing before you heard Ethan’s knock on the door. You were practically floating on air as you rushed for the door, your breath short and your body filled with a brand new energy.
At the sight of him standing there, butterflies swarmed into your belly. Instantly, he was worthy of your breathlessness - looking so handsome in a black tank top, with his long hair down. He smiled, appearing a little relieved as he took the time to refamiliarise himself with your face after you had spent almost an entire week apart.
You couldn’t hold yourself back, launching your body at his, with your arms open. He caught you, instantly wrapping his arms around your middle. You threw your arms around his neck and began to kiss him with reckless abandon. You didn’t care if any of your neighbours happened to be in the hallway to see all of this, you were too overwhelmed with happiness to spare a thought for anything else. You were consumed by greed as you savoured the taste of his lips.
Without breaking the kiss, he started to steadily walk you back into the apartment. You took these backwards steps and he swung the door shut with one hand. This hand then went to the back of your head, his fingers disappeared amongst your hair as he held you in place. He tilted his head as his tongue teased between your lips.
You put your hand to the centre of his solid chest, curling the material of his top into your fist. He moved his hands to your cheeks, cupping them with his thumbs tenderly rubbing the skin.
“Bella…” He murmured against your mouth and you were amazed by how two syllables could make you feel like you were floating.
“I’m so happy you’re here.” You said, thrilled to still be so close to him, with absolutely no reason to move away anytime soon.
“Me too.” He said before his lips surrounded your top lip, giving it a gentle suck. “‘Cause the way that I feel about you, I wasn’t ready to give all of that up…”
“The way that you feel about me, what does that entail?” You asked with a smile.
“If you’ll allow, I think it would be easier to just show you.”
You licked your lips. “Okay.”
He pulled your body in closer to his, your chest flush to his as he repositioned his hands. He put them to your thighs, grasping with his firm hands before he started to lift. You were amazed as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, holding on tightly.
He was literally sweeping you off of your feet, something you had only seen happen in movies. You bent your knees, holding your legs up and away from the ground.
Gazing at him, he appeared to be taking on this task with ease. He held you steady with one hand still holding your leg, while the other rested at the small of your back.
He began to walk you over to your bed. Your bodies were so close together that it would have been impossible to not notice the emergence of his erection, pushing against his jeans, until the protrusion could be felt on your thigh. It was enticing to wonder what he might be thinking about. What was he planning to do to you that already had him so excited?
You were placed down onto the mattress and he took a pause to remove his shoes. Then he was climbing on top of you, his body hovering over yours and you were soon feeling a needy ache between your thighs. Instead of kissing you immediately, he seemed to take his time to admire you - silent as his eyes slowly moved across your face. You lifted your hands up into his hair, your fingers combing through as you held it back from his smiling face.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that night. I’m obsessed with every fucking curve.” He said, making you squirm as he began to move his hands over your body. “Would you let me worship this body again?”
You put your hand at the nape of his neck and raised your head from the pillow, to return your lips to his. He sighed happily, his arms encircling you as his body melted into yours. He fit so perfectly with you and each of you pursued a deeper kiss, something that had you feeling a lovely warmth, radiating out from your chest.
He braced himself with his knees on the mattress. “Bella…” His hands moved down your sides, over your natural curves and dips, moving slowly so as to savour every inch that he came across. He reached the hem of your cashmere sweater and lifted it up. He pushed the soft material away from where it had been covering your tummy and you snagged your lower lip between your teeth.
He kept moving the fabric up, soon discovering your lack of bra. You saw the subtle way that his eyes grew wider in response to this. You raised your arms up, reaching for the headboard as he got the sweater higher, over your head.
You got your hands free and discarded the garment. He had moved lower, his lips warming the skin on your chest as he settled between your parted legs.
He started to kiss across your breasts while his hands were preoccupied by roaming over your body. You could feel the sensitivities in your body growing, as you responded to the touches that only he could give.
You could barely contain your little whine when he sucked one of your nipples into his mouth. His eyes flashed up to your face as he worked the stiff peak over with his tongue. You couldn't help but smile, feeling this stimulation so much deeper than the surface touch.
You had started to arch your back when he switched to the other nipple, wetting it with his greedy mouth. As he sucked, his loose hair cascaded down, the tips tickling against your exposed body. You writhed beneath him as all of this only added to the heat radiating out from your cunt, your deep desires growing.
You gathered his hair up into your hands, holding it back as he continued to lavish attention upon your nipples. The tension in your body had built to the point where it felt impossible to hold still, so you had started to move your hips a little. They were only small, controlled rocks, but the beginnings of friction that this allowed you to feel was wonderful. It was something you could see yourself handing your whole body over to.
As you pushed yourself up, you felt the hardness in his pants and started to rub against this. His reaction to this was to suck on your nipple harder.
But he couldn’t maintain this for long, pulling back with a gasp. His eyes were darker than before as he looked down at you. “Damn, amore, you really know how to make me insatiable with this breedable body, don’t you?” You just grinned at him, continuing to move your hips. He sat up, settling his body weight back on his knees. “You’ve been in these clothes for too long.”
“The same could be said for you.” You said.
“You’re right.” He said, getting distracted from undoing the zipper of your shorts.
He quickly shed his tank top, allowing you to admire that perfectly chiselled body as he got to work on the fly of his blue jeans. You wiggled free of your shorts, getting these out of the way before you went for the box of condoms in the nightstand. As you pulled one out, he removed your underwear from your body.
You licked your lips as you watched him affixing the condom over his dick. This moment was strictly about the two of you and you were obsessed with every contributing factor.
The way that he looked at you now was different to how he had before. It was indescribable, all you knew was that it made you quiver.
He leaned in, kissing you some more, as your bodies fit so well together. There was no one else that you would rather be underneath. You could feel yourself surrendering to this bliss.
He reached down, grabbing the underside of your knee. He pulled this up, bringing your thigh close to your chest. Your cunt was spread, with even more space made between your legs for him. You felt his hardened cock resting against your labia majora as he pressed his body into yours.
He raised your other leg, making you feel a bit like a pretzel. But you trusted in his plans. The determination that you saw on his face bested any of your lingering uncertainties. There was no questioning his authority in this situation, he had shifted so effortlessly into the role of dominant, which was equal parts intimidating and exciting. Your heart was racing as you looked up at him, feeling ready to agree to anything he might say.
He repositioned, sitting up on his knees. But you were kept in your place, with him holding each of your ankles. He tossed his hair off of one shoulder, watching you with an intense stare. “Is this okay for you?”
“Yeah, it’s good.” You said.
“Eccellente ‘cause it’s absolutely perfect for me.”
“Perfect?” You repeated.
He licked his lips instead of answering and his gaze moved lower. He briefly let go of one of your ankles, using this hand to guide his cock, soon stretching your cunt open. As he gradually entered you, he put his hand back onto your ankle, assuming total control. You didn’t oppose this because you were too preoccupied by the feeling of floating.
“Perfect.” You repeated it again, but now with certainty as you agreed with him. Your eyes fluttered shut as your head rocked back on the pillow. “Perfect.”
You gasped and squirmed beneath him, until he was the majority of the way buried inside of your cunt. The stretch and spasming of your walls left you breathless. “Perfect.”
When you opened your eyes and looked up again, it was to find him watching you. Up-and-down, his eyes studied you, not overlooking a single feature.
You smiled weakly at him. “Perfect.”
“That’s exactly what I’m seeing, my perfect, beautiful and breedable woman.” He said in a husky whisper.
Your heart was fluttering as you watched his muscular body rippling above you, clearly full of so much power. The awe that you felt in the face of this, went deeper when he began to move. His hips snapped forward, giving you a taste of the devastation, of how he could ruin you.
Setting into a rhythm, he worked his dick inside of you. Your body quaked beneath him and you couldn’t keep your noises to yourself for very long. Soon your loud noises were filling the air of your apartment.
Your swollen pussy spasmed all around him, so sensitive as he kept bucking into you. His speed was merciless, showing no signs of fatigue and you could see the flames of desire in his eyes.
“Yes.” You cried out when you felt him plunge in deeper - he had made connection with your sweet spot.
The intensity of your shaking grew, but he could maintain his consistency, uninterrupted. You were losing control, but he was the opposite, stroking into you with determination and energy.
“Please don’t stop.” You whimpered, throwing your head back. “Please. It feels so- oh, fuck, it’s…” Fire pumped through your veins as you flailed, your limbs shuddering. “It’s perfect, babe.”
He kept going at that ideal rhythm and you rested your ankles on his broad shoulders as you sank deeper into the pleasure. Each snap from his hips felt better than the last and you writhed through all of the powerful sensations that left you without a thought in your head.
From above you, he was groaning. But these sounds of effort were overpowered by your sobs as you were taken to the knee-buckling orgasm.
“Yes, yes, Ethan.” You triumphantly cried as you flinched and fell apart.
You were bathed in the glorious pleasure as you went limp. One of your legs fell down to the bed, but he kept the other raised. Not yet done with you, he continued to stutter his hips into you. He chased his own orgasm, his motions prompting devastating aftershocks through your system.
“Fuck, bella…” He said in a breathy moan as he throbbed inside of your sensitive pussy.
With a handful more pounds into you, he seized the climax and let the tempo slow. He was gentle and quiet, working himself to a gradual, well-earned, stop.
The two of you fought to get your breath back as he pulled out, moving away from your tender body. You repositioned, shutting your eyes as you rolled onto your side.
“Perfect.” He said, making you smile.
Slowly, you became aware of the pleasant tapping of drops of rain hitting your windows.
A moment later, he was getting out of bed. You opened your eyes to watch him very casually moving around your home, completely naked. He went to the kitchen and found a clean glass, filling this with water, which he brought back to you. You sat up a little and he stroked your hair as you had your first sips.
“Where do you keep your clean p.js?” He asked.
You smirked. “Why, do you wanna borrow one of my satin nighties to see if it suits you?”
“Maybe later. We need to get you into some nice, soft and warm clothes right now.”
You pointed to the draw and he pulled out a matching cotton set. He helped you into the clothes. “You’re very sweet.”
“I wanna treat you right.” He said as he did up the buttons of your shirt. “That’s all I’ve wanted to do, since our first date.”
Your heart fluttered as you smiled at him, reaching your hand out to touch your fingers underneath his chin. “All that I’ve wanted to do since our first date is this…” You guided him in closer until you could kiss him.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
join my taglist to keep up to date with all my debauchery
🍑  taglist: @bethanysnow​ - @thegeminisgirl - @ha-la-ansia -  @icarodamiano - @itsmaneskinbitch   @gr8rainbowpunk -  @idyllicbutterfly -  @maneslut -   @slavicgoddess13 - @elvirabelle - @saschenkaaa - @maneskindiva  - @maneskintifoso -  @butkutee - @ursulalurks -  @crwnnjules - @paralianeyes
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pjisskullourful · 2 years
❈•≫──ɴᴏ ɢᴀᴘ──≪•❈
🏳️‍🌈Victoria × reader
NSFW  🔥  sexy practices with scissors that some would find unsafe, swearing sapphics
° Victoria de Angelis & female reader insert
° “This has got to be the gayest chafe rash in the history of the world,” your girlfriend discovers that your thighs were scratched up by a pair of sequined shorts worn to a gay rights rally- she instantly sets about kissing this wound better
wordcount:::                3,481
° loosely inspired by true events
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"See- this is why I need a thigh gap…"
Victoria didn't turn away from the mirror, her back to you as she worked to wipe her face free of makeup. "That might be the dumbest thing you've ever said, and I know you're not dumb, so it's, like, extra baffling. Nobody needs a thigh gap, not a single person has ever died from a lack of thigh gap. It's not like oxygen, you won't die without it."
You looked around yourself on the bed, wishing for something you could throw at your girlfriend in retaliation. But all that you had was your phone. "First of all, you don't get an opinion if you aren't gonna look and see what I'm actually talking about. Second of all, if I had a thigh gap, then I wouldn't be having this issue."
You were looking at little bumps of irritation that had sprung up along the insides of your thighs. The sequin-covered shorts you had worn earlier had irritated your skin, even though you hadn't felt the plastic edges rubbing at your legs.
But you hadn't noticed, or even felt it, at the time, entirely distracted by everything that had been going on around you. The glitzy pants had been the obvious choice to wear to the gay rights rally, the thick stripes of bright colours were eye-catching, an obnoxious choice, which only made sense for participating in an event with the queer community.
Your girlfriend had been trying to remove the thick black liner from all around her eyes, she was done with makeup and being presentable now that the march was over. The two of you were planning for an early night, all of your energy given to the shouting during the protest. She would soon be joining you on the bed, ready to cuddle and relax.
She turned away from the mirror, coming over to where you were sprawled out on the bed. The little dots of irritation were so small that she had to stand directly alongside you, following to where you were pointing.
"Oh-no, the sequined shorts bit up your legs." She said, sitting down between your ankles, with her hand on your leg immediately. "This has got to be the gayest chafe rash in the history of the world." 
You giggled. "Battle wounds from serving the gay agenda. But you see what I mean now, right? This is only here 'cause my thighs rub together when I walk. Therefore, if I had a thigh gap, I wouldn't-"
She put one finger to your lips and you rolled your eyes, but let her cut you off all the same. "I don't want you to have a thigh gap, because now, I can kiss your gorgeous thighs better." Her hand had eased up, reaching to your knee. "Does it hurt? Do you need me to kiss it better?"
"No, and yes." You said, seeing that flare of excitement in her eyes and you licked your lips.
She lunged in quickly, putting a hand to your cheek to hold you in place so she could place a kiss on your lips. You tilted forward, parting your lips. 
But she pulled away, grinning mischievously in response to the pout on your face. She shuffled back, pushing your knees apart. You felt her fingers stroking across your skin, testing out the sensitivities. 
She placed herself between your ankles, leaning forward until her face was right at your thigh. She laid a single kiss upon your leg, then her eyes flashed up to your face, which was burning with the excited blush that only she could bring from you. She smiled at you and you gathered her hair up in your hand, not wanting your view of her impeded in any way as she got to work covering the inside of your thighs in kisses.
"I've gotta be honest…" She said, in the pause as she switched from one leg to the other. "I've been kind of waiting for an excuse to jump your bones all day long." You giggled - it didn't matter how many times you heard your girlfriend express her desires for you, it always made you giddy. "And it's not just because of the shorts…"
She sucked some of your skin into her mouth momentarily, prompting a gasp from you. "But they did really help. You were putting the hot in hot-pants. But I think you already knew that, you had so many people coming up to compliment you and, of course, I agree with all of them. But it was so satisfying to keep in the back of my mind, how much better you look out of them, and that I'm the only one who gets to see you this way."
You had started to squirm as she licked a long swipe up, bordering on touching the seam of your panties.
"But it's not just because of the shorts. It's because you looked so fuckin' powerful and passionate." She said and you felt your heart flutter. "Seeing you all dressed up and painted in these gay colours and screaming loud enough for the whole world to hear." There was more lingering between her kisses, her lips remaining close to your skin. "Your confidence is so fuckin' sexy, you have no idea. I love watching you lead and be so damn bold.
"You're so unapologetic and incredible that it…" She seemed to think over her next choice of word, a pensive look coming over her face as she hooked her fingers into the top of your panties. "It makes me proud to be gay."
She tugged at the black underwear and you lifted your ass, allowing her to pull them all the way off. She licked her lips as her eyes fell upon your cunt. “This makes me super proud to be gay. Wet, it also makes me really wet.”
You giggled, biting into your bottom lip as you watched her. She seemed to be sizing you up, as if you were a meal and she couldn’t decide where to start. Your breathing was shallow as you silently egged her on, unsure of your ability to make it through a sustained state of anticipation. You wiggled your hips from side-to-side a little, powerless to keep the building lust at bay.
When you felt her on your skin again, she was still dedicating her attention to your legs. She had moved up to the highest point on your thigh, leaving sloppy kisses at the natural crease here.
Her blue eyes flicked up to your face and you could sense that something was about to happen.
Your toes curled, the surprise making you gasp when she sucked one of your labia into her mouth. It took a moment for you to regain your bearings (it felt like your head was spinning a little). When you looked down again, you could see a smile forming on her mouth, which became all the more evident when she released the flap.
“I know that you did a lot of screaming today, I know, I know.” She said, licking her lips. “You were all-in on the chanting, by far louder than anyone else that we were around. But I’m just wondering, do you think that you’ve got any voice left? Could you give me some really good screams?”
"Yeah, my throat isn't sore or anything." You said.
She was still smiling as she sank herself down, into your crotch again. She placed her lips to your pussy, kissing the skin here before lolling her tongue out to scrape between your labia majora. She pushed the tip of her tongue into this space and rolled it up, colliding with the hood of your clitoris. Your hands clenched and you whimpered, the feeling of excited tingles beginning in your pussy.
She flicked her tongue up, waggling it up-and-down playfully a couple of times before bringing her lips forward, cupping your clitoris between them. Here, you were held, where she could play with you all the more, her tongue creating incredible patterns over the tight bundle of nerves. The relentless nature of this teasing soon had you rolling your hips.
You moved your hands into her long hair, stroking without grabbing. You began to moan, leaning into the headboard as you attempted to brace yourself against the strengthening waves of pleasure. You looked down again, but this time she wasn't staring at you, instead her eyes were shut as she got to work lavishing attention upon your pussy.
You started to find a way to match the tempo of her movements and you could sync your hips to her tongue, creating a greater impact each time. She swirled it around in circles and you could feel your wetness reaching to the highest level of the day. You whined as she covered your clitoral hood in her saliva, allowing it to slip against her tongue effortlessly.
Your body froze when she pulled away. Your mouth hung open in shock and you had absolutely no idea what to do, unable to come down yourself. You didn't understand what was going on as you watched her sit up.
"Are you sure that you've still got your voice?" She asked. "'Cause you're kinda acting a little shy over there."
"Well, I wasn't, like, trying to-"
Her hands went to the bottom of her cut-off singlet and she started to lift it away, providing you with a view of her breasts. "What if I got naked? That usually gets a big, vocal reaction from you."
"That's 'cause you're so hot." You said as she opened up the fly of her jeans. "And 'cause I'm so gay for you."
She shed her jeans and lacy underwear, your eyes eagerly taking in the sight of so much bare skin. It didn’t matter how many times you saw your girlfriend like this - her naked form always prompted deep, powerful lust inside of you.
Her hot hands landed on your body again, her fingers danced across your skin, stroking briefly in some places while other spots received a firm grasp. It was all impossible to predict as she lowered herself down again. "I'm really gay for you, too."
Her hands settled onto your thighs, but this area would receive no further attention from her mouth. Because that attention was reserved for your cunt.
She pushed her tongue between your warm flaps, locating your clit where it had been pulsing, eagerly awaiting more teasing. She flattened her tongue against it, slowly dragging it across in a way that made your hips rock forward.
There was no chance of you containing the whimper that came in response to her tongue swirling in a circle around your clit. You were feeling excited tremors through your whole body, which only grew more prominent as she set into a rhythm of circles. 
Your clitoris was becoming swollen as more blood rushed to this area, bringing with it such intense sensitivities. It was impossible to tell if her tongue was applying more pressure, or if you were simply feeling her movements more due to your entire body's fixation on her touch.
You whined as she gained an unbelievable speed, only to drop off seconds later. Then, as you thought you had a chance to catch your breath - she was racing through more cycles.
As you were reaching a fever pitch, she changed her focus and left your clitoral hood alone. That merciless tongue moved lower, tasting the drippings at your entrance.
The hands that held your thighs were rubbing, giving you the kind of pressure that you were longing to feel all over your body. Her fingers kneaded at the muscles, which were clenching more with each moment that her warm tongue rested at your slit. 
You only felt her tongue inside of you for one moan-filled moment. Before you could push yourself forward or invest your excitement in this feeling, she was taking it away from you.
It took you a few seconds to blink your eyes fully open again, looking down to find her piercing eyes were already watching you. She remained low, her mouth still so temptingly close to your needy pussy. You ran your fingers through her hair, pushing it away from her shining face as you struggled to read the expression on her features.
"Still not loud enough, baby." She said and you slumped back against the headboard. "I know you can give me more."
"Vic, I-"
"What if I put my pussy on yours?" She asked and when you next opened your eyes, it was to find her sitting up. "Would you get really loud for me then?"
"Yes, yes."
She put her hands to your face and drew you in for a cunt-flavoured kiss. She let you feel a bit more of her tongue, darting between your lips to spread that primal taste further. You tilted your head back as you allowed your jaw to grow slack.
"Get on your back." She instructed.
You removed your bra and started to lie down. She kissed you as she accompanied you in reclining. You laid your head upon the pillow, licking your lips as her eyes remained on yours.
She placed her hands on your legs, pushing your thighs apart. Her firm hands guided them to an unnatural position, putting you on display to her like never before.
She lifted one of her legs and placed it across where you were already spread so wide, using this to overlap one of your legs, effectively pinning it down.
She kept her balance, planting her knee onto the bed beneath your ass. Her strength and flexibility allowed her to maintain total control over her body, as it hovered over yours. With the tension held in her legs, she bent herself forward, placing one hand to the side of your face. You smiled as she leaned in closer, her mouth meeting yours in a kiss. Her merciless tongue swiped between your lips, prompting you to give her access so that she could share the taste of your lust even further.
Before the two of you could find a rhythm, your head was falling back and you marked the end of the kiss with a sob. She had brought her pussy down on top of yours, your soaked cunt was already so sensitive that this beginning of pressure was enough to get you tight-chested with anticipation of your release.
With your eyes shut, you let yourself become daunted by the rush of pleasure that this sent through your body. Muscles that you hadn’t been aware of less than ten minutes ago, were now clenched, tensed as she aimed to get you closer to that edge.
From above you, you heard her grunts of effort as she started to work her pussy against yours. She rolled her hips, dragging herself over your crotch. You heard the sounds of her wetness mixing with your own. She rocked her body weight back, allowing her to put more pressure against your pussy.
You were smiling as you lifted your head, enjoying the swell of arousal and all of the tingles that it brought. Your eyes met hers - they were alight with the excitement of unrestrained desire. As she twisted her fingers into your hair, she grinded down harder.
“Oh, Vic…” You whined before the rest of your sounds were swallowed up by her kissing you again.
Your hands moved across the smooth skin of her back, savouring this shrinking gap between the two of you. Her groans were delivered directly into your mouth as her rocking started to pick up speed. Even as her kisses suffered from inconsistency, her determination was clear.
She sacrificed any further kisses, sitting up and away from your horizontal position. This allowed her to press down harder into you, the warm tingles radiating further through you as you felt every inch of her cunt rolled against your crotch. You gaped up at her as she placed both hands on the headboard, her unbelievable body poised above yours.
Working this new angle, she had started to move quicker. She could truly find her groove here, moving her hips in purposeful circles of a thorough massage. You watched her as so many of your sensitivities were sparked to life, she had transfixed you, making you obsess over every moan as it fell from her lips.
“Baby…” Her raspy voice was even sexier when she was out of breath. She put her hand over yours and pushed it down, along the lower half of her back, until your palm met her ass. You grabbed at it,  rewarded with the sight of her parted lips curving into a smile. “Fuck yes. I’m so damn gay for you, babe.” You squeezed the pert cheek. “Do you feel that? Do you feel how wet and nasty you make me, ‘til all I can do is rub my pussy all over yours…”
“Yes, God yes.” There was no chance of keeping the whiny tone out of your voice as her powerful gyrations refused to let up.
Your legs had started to shake, your clitoris feeling swollen with so many sensitivities. With your pelvis tilted, you rocked your hips, doing your best to keep in time with her.
“Oh my God, Vic.” You whimpered, feeling your toes curl.
“I wanna hear you scream.” She said, her clit swirling against yours. “Are you gonna do that? Are you gonna scream for me when we come all over each other’s pussies?”
“Yes, yuh-yes, I will.” Your legs were now twitching, the muscles here dancing with spasms, matched to the desperate clenching of your inner walls.
The next sounds that you made were a string of completely incoherent vocalisations, because words were beyond you as this ecstasy rose up to an incredible height. You writhed against her, both hands reaching out for the sheets.
“Oh my- holy shh- ah.” You cried out to the ceiling as tremors began to seize your body.
Her gyrating continued, she was too set in on this rhythm to be thrown off by the flailing of your aching legs. Your back remained arched, keeping the right position, but you couldn’t maintain the tempo. Your hips stuttered against hers at an unpredictable, erratic rate.
“Oh God, ah my God…” You were screaming, mixing between words and unintelligible sounds. “Oh Vic, yes babe, yes.” Your hands curled into fists as your whole body tensed, poised for the crazy heights that only she could take you to. “Ah, oh, oh, yes. Oh my God.” Your eyes started to roll back as she maintained the pressure upon your cunt. “Oh, oh, fuck.”
You were overcome by the pleasure, greeting your orgasm with a strained sob. You jerked up into her, your vision filled with stars as your body was finally set free.
“Good girl, good fuckin’ girl.” She said as you shuddered your way through the aftershocks.
She hadn’t moved off of your cunt, proving there was still more after this peak. She had started to rock back-and-forth, pulling even more sensations from this area. But you were currently ruined, your body flinching as control remained beyond your grasp.
“This pussy.” She moaned over the sounds of your wetness continuing to coat her. “I love this perfect pussy so fuh-fucking muh-uch.” Her rocks were getting shorter, concentrating the efforts of where she rubbed into you. “I wanna ride it for- mm, fuck- wanna ride it forver.”
She sucked in a quick breath, at the same time as her tempo increased to a quicker, but less thorough rate. Your clitoris tingled in the breaks between contact when she started to bounce her hips. You were receiving her in short, inconsistent impacts.
As she frantically bumped against you, you were left to squirm through more Earth-shattering aftershocks, your cunt still alive with sensitivities. You whimpered, feeling a sensation similar to when she spanked your pussy.
“Oh, fuck yes.” She panted out.
You opened your eyes, lifting your head to take in the sight of her chasing her climax. You quivered, absolutely stunned by how her pleasure could take over so many of your senses.
It didn’t matter that these collisions were short, the intensity was fixed to where she needed it and you could watch her beginning to shatter. Her body jolted and jerked, contorting into unplanned positions as she cried out, consistently getting louder.
She shouted your name out in a moment of triumph before she crumpled, losing her strength and all of her control as she came.
Your wet bodies separated and she fell to the mattress next to you. You listened to her struggling for breath as you repositioned your limbs, moving your body to lie as felt natural to you.
Her hand reached out to grab your thigh. “I don’t wanna hear you talkin’ shit ‘bout my girlfriend’s gorgeous legs ever again.”
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──╮
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pjisskullourful · 3 years
꧁༒ yours   cruelly ༒꧂
happy halloween ⚰️ let me be your HalloQween
👗Victoria X reader
NSFW  🔥  sapphic smutty goodtimes public sexytimes with lots o swears
° Victoria de Angelis & female reader insert ||| cameo by Damiano David
° you are struggling to find the confidence in your choice of Halloween costume, but Victoria thinks you look amazing & wants to share her enthusiasm with you
wordcount:       3,118
° victorias addition to the halloween filth-fest-- inspired by the queen of halloween elvira coming out this year. for all my fellow spooky sapphics👭🏳️‍🌈
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"I'm sure you'll feel better about it once you get the wig on…"
You knew that your girlfriend was trying to help you feel better, trying to get you to move past your insecurities so that you could get into the spirit of costume shopping. But you couldn't help rolling your eyes - you had already told Victoria that you weren't about to try on a cheap-looking wig. That plastic hair would ruin your fantasy as opposed to completing it, in the way she was hoping for.
"I'll just have to use my imagination. As opposed to everyone who's gonna see me in this dress 'cause it leaves literally nothing to the imagination…" You shifted the black material.
She groaned from the other side of the changing room door. "I wanna see already, my imagination is exhausted."
"Okay, but just…" You put your hand to the lock but hesitated. "You have to come in, I'm not going out there and doing a twirl or whatever." 
"Private viewing." She said in an excited, singsong tone and you pictured her doing a little dance.
You put one arm across your chest, feeling shy, even though you only opened the door slightly. Her face was lit up with a smile as she shuffled in through the minimal space. "Don't get attached 'cause this is still a maybe, I feel like I could make something better."
You securely returned the door to its frame, isolating you and your girlfriend from the rest of the costume store. You fixed the lock in place and turned around to face Victoria in this narrow space. Her mouth had dropped open, her eyes wide as she looked you up-and-down, taking in every part of your appearance in the floor-length black gown.
“Cavalo.” She gasped.
You had put your back to the mirror, but not being able to see the dress didn’t put a stop to your fussing with it. You tugged at the faux-leather belt, trying to figure out where it should be sitting, how to make it look the most flattering. But then you found that the plunging neckline had pulled down even lower, exposing your entire bra cup. You pinched it together again.
“You look so fuckin’ incredible, you’re literally the perfect Elvira.” She said and grabbed some of your black hair, lifting it to create a temporary bump of volume. “I can totally picture it with the hair and the makeup- it’s gonna be so stunning.”
“But it doesn’t go with your costume at all.”
“Who cares?” You stopped looking at the dress when you noticed her blue eyes on your face, you were stuck in her loving gaze. “We’ve been a couple’s costume every other year. This is the perfect year to do Elvira and I don’t want anything to take the shine off of you. This costume is gonna work because of you and everyone is gonna be blown away by you and only you. And for one night you can step totally out of yourself and your head and get out of your own way, a little. 
“You just need to get into the fantasy some more.” She said, sliding her hands down your covered arms.
Your self-esteem issues - that's what she was talking about. She didn't need to say it, it was usually there, an elephant in the room, hovering in your relationship. Your body image had always been on shaky ground and it could ruin even the best of days, taking you out of the moment as you obsessed over perceived flaws. 
Victoria's confidence could only rub off on you so much. At the end of the day - you were uncomfortable in your body, too affected by the numbers on the tags of your clothes. You thought about food for too long. You avoided sending photos without filters.
But she never let this bother her, never lost her patience with you as you changed your outfit a million times. You wanted to go with her on this train of thought, and would love to take a break from all of these bitter feelings.
When her hands reached yours, you squeezed them tightly. You nodded and smiled. "The fantasy."
"Right and can I tell you what's killing the fantasy for me?"
"The hair, I know. But I don't wanna put that plastic shit on my-"
There was a mischievous smile tugging at her cheek as she placed a finger to your lips, silencing you. "No, I don't wanna add anything to this, not at all. Actually, I was hoping to remove."
You felt her arms snake around you, going to your spine. Your eyes flicked back to the door, it was still locked and, while it didn't reach the roof, it was too tall for anyone to look over.
You looked back at her and that twinkle in her eyes made you forget about everything else. You might already know what she was thinking and you licked your lips.
The clasp of your bra was released and then she helped you work the straps out of the way, until the lingerie could be removed. You felt the thin material of the dress barely covering your breasts, your nipples becoming firmer, seeking her attention.
Her warm hands cupped you, feeling the generous swell. "We'll get some fashion tape before the party, 'cause I'm the only one who needs to see the costume like this."
She started to play with the opening across your chest, her fingers running up-and-down the stitching. She dropped eye-contact and lowered her head down a little. She put her lips to your neck and you sighed, forgetting your modesty, forgetting that you were in a public store. You tilted your head back, presenting even more of your flesh to her. Her soft lips pressed gentle kisses to your neck, letting you enjoy the slow caresses without the threat of hickeys. 
She moved her lips gradually down, onto the top of your chest and you could feel her saliva leaving an invisible trail. As her mouth warmed one breast, her hand massaged the other.
You bit your lip, stifling any noises when her lips enclosed around one of your hardened nipples. Her eyes flashed up to your face and you felt weak. Your cheeks were aflame. She gently sucked the peak into her mouth, the pressure radiating out and touching deep into you. You could see how dark her eyes had become and you were certain that she was far from done.
Her hand glided down your front, directing your attention lower. She pushed her hand across your crotch, over the dress. Then she hooked her fingers through the waistband of your panties. She flicked her tongue over your nipple before releasing it.
“Do you know what is really destroying the Elvira fantasy? Visible panties…” She said as she started to ease the panties down, without any resistance from you. “I think you’re gonna be a gorgeous Elvira, but these are killing the vision I have in my head. I need to see it clearly, before I can be totally certain.”
You giggled a little as you felt your panties drop to around your ankles. The dress had a slit that reached up to your hip on one side and she immediately ran her palm along this exposed skin. She was grinning so wide as she eased her way down onto her knees.
"This is more like it. This is more of what I had in mind when I said you should be Vampira…" She shook her head and reached up for your tits again. "I mean, Boobarella…" She shook her head. "I mean, Elvira- when I said that you should dress as Elvira."
She gathered the skirt of the dress together and eased it out of her way. You laid one hand upon her golden hair as she moved her eyes to your cunt. She moved forward until her open mouth came into contact with your folds, making you whine quietly. She didn't set into you immediately, instead taking her time to kiss across your labia majora - feeling this most intimate heat against her lips. She tested at peeking her tongue in between your lips, the tip barely reaching your clit.
She leant back with a groan, hands caressing all over your stretch-mark covered thighs. "You're so sexy- do you know that?" You smiled, playing with her hair, pushing it away from her angelic face. "And I don't mean that you're sexy because you're in this costume… No, the costume looks sexy because you are sexy, you're sexy literally no matter what you wear or don't wear."
"You make me feel sexy…" You said, curling your finger in the air to beckon her back up to where she could be reached for kisses.
"Yeah, so you believe me when I compliment you?"
"I do." You said, wrapping one arm around her waist and putting your other hand to the front of her denim shorts. "I believe you." You kissed her, tasting the slight hint of saltiness from your pussy, on her lips. "And I feel it." You eased your hand into her underwear, extra access granted now that the fly of her pants was down. "Do you feel it? I want you to feel it."
Her eyes fluttered shut as she leant to the wall at her back, seeking the support. Her knees parted and you could hear how shallow her breathing had become. You pawed down lower, unable to think of anything other than touching her cunt. Your fingers brushed over the trimmed curls of hair and you were surprised by the wet heat that had been awaiting you.
You were surprised again - the desire that you felt was so strong, so all-encompassing. You were suddenly insatiable, needing her body.
She was breathless when your lips met hers, immediately allowing you to slide your tongue into her mouth. You sank into this intoxicating heat, while also seeking to draw more out. Your fingers pressed between her lips, finding her pulsing clit. You started to rub against it, in time with the explorations of your tongue.
You felt her shivering and you moved faster. You swallowed her building moans, feeling more blood pumping to your pussy. You couldn't think of anything else.
She slumped, mouth falling away from yours with a pant. Her chin tucked down. "Fuck, baby." She grabbed your wrist. "I was trying to make this about you… fuh-uck."
"I know, but what am I supposed to do when you're so fucking hot?" You whispered back, keeping up the rhythm within her panties.
You put your mouth down to her chest, her nipples already visible, pressing keenly against her shirt. You sucked it into your mouth, working your lips against the fabric. She bucked into you, clearly beginning to lose control. Her laboured breathing was growing louder and you grazed your teeth over her impossibly hard nipple.
She whimpered, holding your wrist tighter before lifting it away from her cunt. You looked up to where she was smiling through the shaky exhales. You removed your hand from her panties, planning to take a second to reassess your plan of action.
You had barely straightened up, when she grabbed you with both hands, pushing you until your back was against the wall. She looked at you, a dark determination in her eyes.
"This is about you and how good you look." She asserted, holding you in place. "It's not about me and how fucking uncomfortable you're making these shorts."
"Take them off." You said with a shrug. She started to shimmy out of the denim shorts, grinning. "Oh wow, I am so glad that Monster Mash is playing again. That really helps get me in the mood."
"Let's do our own version, Monster Smash…"
You giggled, shaking your head a little. "That's so lame."
She grabbed the slit of the skirt and hiked it up to your hips, fully exposing your pussy. "If it's so lame, how come you're so fucking wet?"
You put your arms around her shoulders, bringing her in closer. She placed one leg between both of yours and pressed her body against you, pinning you in place.
She kissed you, you could feel her moving with purpose, drawing moans from you. Your lips parted and you felt yourself depending upon the wall for support even more.
You couldn't help but grind your hips against hers, there was too much desire in your body that even the most heated make-out session couldn't relieve. It didn't take her long to pick up this slow rhythm, rolling her body with yours and making your heart pound faster.
In these moments, you forgot your insecurities. The parts of your body that you usually hated now fit so perfectly in her hands, given appreciative squeezes.
You lost all of your inhibitions, letting out a whine when her thigh collided with your pussy. Your hands turned into desperate claws on her back as you felt the tension coiling even tighter within you. You pushed down onto her bare thigh, snapping your hips forward with more ferocity.
"Yes." She whispered, driving into you to match this building urgency. "You feel sexy now, huh?" You clenched your eyes shut, feeling how slick her skin had become. "Do you wanna come?"
You bit into your bottom lip, placing your chin at her shoulder as the intensity threatened to undo you altogether. "Mm-hmm…" Involuntarily, you bucked forward, sliding further down her thigh.
"You have to come so quietly." She hissed, raising goosebumps on your skin. "There's a shop full of people out there and this is just for me, no one else is allowed to hear."
You kept your arms tightly wrapped around her. "Just for you."
"Come on, sexy girl." She coached, her hips continuing their rhythmic rolling and sending more shocks of friction through your body. "Come for me."
"Oh, God… Vic…" You moaned before your lips met hers in a series of breathless kisses. You could feel your chest expanding as your cunt quivered, ready to weep openly for her.
The chatter outside the changing room was entirely unimportant - just like the music in an elevator, you hardly noticed it. Fragments of sentences reached your ears, quickly forgotten as you concentrated on the sound of her shallow breathing. 
You felt your pussy walls fluttering, your throat clenching around more groans and you were falling apart. "Uh, uh- oh, ah."
"Vic? Vic?" A man's voice called from the other side of the door and both of you froze.
You felt the heat in your body fading away, instead you were feeling embarrassment. You put both hands over your face, replacing your foot to the ground and getting some distance from her sweaty body.
"If you're not in this one, I'm giving up. Victoria?" It was Damiano - at least an hour late for joining the two of you on your mission to buy costumes.
"He's so fucking annoying." She said quietly before raising her voice to respond, lest he keep shouting for her attention like a needy toddler. "You found us, just give us a sec' to put our dicks away."
"I got the headpiece for you." He was saying as she collected her pants from the ground. "It's literally perfect, you'll be ready to take over Hell in no time."
"Hang on…" You whispered and quickly bent down to open up your bag. You pulled out a pack of tissues and began to wipe her thigh dry, the smell tickling your nostrils.
"You were close." She grabbed your hands, squeezing them. "I'm sorry, maybe we could find a bathroom?"
You giggled. "Save some romance for our next anniversary."
"You know what I mean, we-"
"C'mon, Hell is gonna freeze over at this point. Then you'll never find a pole to dance on down to Lucifer, then who will you be? Not Lil Nas X, certainly. You won't even be Lil Vic X." Damiano said.
She rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna kill him."
"You head out, I'll re-robe myself and come back out." You said.
"Okay, but you should keep this on." She said. "With the lingerie on as well again, obviously. But I think you should do a little twirl and let Dam hype you up too."
You nodded, much more agreeable and willing to go along with her plans while you were still giddy from the titillation. "Okay." You grabbed her, kissing her quickly. "I love you."
"I love you too."
You were pulling your underwear up again, hiding yourself against the wall as she opened the door as little as possible. She sidled out, greeting Damiano without any enthusiasm.
You wiped your mouth, still feeling a tremor in your legs. You redressed, letting the dress fall back down over your body. You could hear the two friends talking, but you didn't rush out to join them. Instead you felt comfortable enough to look in the mirror. You could see the excited glow across your features and it was easier to ignore the areas you usually took issue with. You saw that your figure filled the dress out, the fabric not straining or holding too tight. The length of the dress made you look taller and you found your curves were balanced out. This was a silhouette that you usually avoided, so much attention drawn to your waist and your breast - but for one night, you thought it could be embraced.
You combed your fingers through your hair, wanting to push out the just-been-fucked look. You could smell your own arousal and sweat, making you wish that you had packed some perfume into your handbag.
You opened the door to where Victoria was now wearing a pair of tall, black, braided horns atop her head. She turned to you with a wide smile, flicking her blonde hair out and swaying her back. "What do you think? Are you ready to call me by your name?"
This was the final piece of her Lil Nas X costume - she had the red wig, the shiny black leather boots, the feathered wings and the monogrammed Calvin Klein underwear. She was ready to recreate the closing scene of the rapper's music video, following his usurping of Satan.
"I'll call you by anything you like-"
Damiano gasped dramatically, interrupting you. "Holy fuck, you look so glamorous. Let's go fuckin' rob some graves together, yeah?"
"I would have to check my schedule." You said. "This is Elvira's busiest time of year, after all."
"What do you think?" Victoria asked, standing beside you. "Do we look like mistresses of the dark?"
"Fuck that, you're more like queens of the underworld."
You grinned, turning to her and instantly finding yourself captured in another enthusiastic kiss.
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If you like my writing, feel free to tip me. I am open to both commissions & requests, commissions get priority & the most input
nobody asked but whatever--- the porno this was inspired by is lana rhoades & reily reid in a changeroom
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