ardn632-aidenkerr · 1 year
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Project One Outcome
Look into the future of development. This image shows to impact New Zealand is facing on its agricultural land. Opposed to building farms for growing crops a lot of the land is being turned into development all under our noses and before you know it there is a new town in the farm down the road.
This image shows the Impact that we could experience in the future inside the frame, pasted onto a farmland landscape photographed near Mangatarata.
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umedhah · 4 years
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Warm Sunrise 🌅 in Mangatarata Waikato Region - New Zealand. #aotearoa #newzealand #nz #mangatarata #sunrise #instatravel #instagram (Mangatarata, New Zealandහි) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGt1I37BowK/?igshid=13ud1dnl6hlmd
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tinytourist · 3 years
Crosbies Hut
One of the classic NZ experiences is to do a tramp and stay in a hut overnight. Somehow, prior to last weekend, I hadn’t managed to do it throughout the whole year and a half I’d been here. Luckily, Scott booked out a 10-person hut for a bunch of the Holmies in the Coromandel Forest.
Aidan grew up in Mangatarata which is on the way to the start of the track in Thames. Greg, Aidan, and I decided to go to the family farm after work on Friday to have a cozy night with Aidan’s family. We stopped at Bombay for some quality curries. When we got to the house, we lit a fire, watched rugby, had some yarns, and tried Papa Summers’ home brew.
The wind shook us awake on Saturday morning. We hesitated to check the weather report - rain & just below gale force winds. It was too late to back out. We were committed, and I had just bought rain pants for the occasion that I was eager to test out.
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We met up with the rest of the crew in Thames and began our wet walk together. Soon, the group split off into the speedy and the leisurely (aka the kind souls who kept me company). It was a pretty gruelling hike, navigating our way around puddles and trying not to get stuck in the quicksand. A mislabeled “1.5 hours to hut” sign was a huge let-down.
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Christa, Sam, Jordan, and Brandon got to the hut first with Aidan and Jools trailing behind. Once me, Greg, and Scott arrived, the fire was going and the snacks were out. Changing to dry clothes and refueling began to bring me back to life but rolling out on a tennis ball is what made me feel normal again.
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We spent the night chatting, drinking, and eating. The 9 L of wine and 3 bottles of cider that Scott carried up the mountain for us went to good use. We awoke to a beautiful view of the mountains surrounding us and something we hadn’t seen in over 24 hours, sunshine!
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With clearer skies and a less dangerous track, the hike down was more enjoyable. We got to the end minutes before a torrential downpour and hail storm. Feeling lucky, we stopped at a pub in Kopu to get burgers before heading home.
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New zealand: Hobbit-Pub opens for people
Hold the "One Ring" in your hands
Follow this road to Mangatarata, where you will take State Highway 27, which will take you directly to Matamata. From Auckland it takes about two hours by car or camper van to Matamata. The underground hobbits contain natural fibre curtains and some woods - these also reflect the natural smell of their origin. First you can head for Harcourt Park northeast of the capital. It served as a backdrop for the gardens of Isengart, through which Gandalf and Saruman walked in the first part. Tours start from Shire's Rest Cafe south of Matamata or from the i-SITE Visitor Information Center right in the city. Hairy backs of the feet are apparently part of the ideal of beauty since the Hobbits in Middle-earth set the trend. At least in New Zealand - and all because of a few mythical creatures. Here, at the end of the world, there are attractions of a very special kind for fans of the Tolkien trilogy and for tourists. The area is then still the continent Middle-earth of the friendly Hobbits. In "The Return of the King" the epic battle of the people of Rohan and Gondor against Sauron's dark army took place here at the gates of Minas Tirith. During the filming, up to 250 horses rocked the area here.
North of Glenorchy, near Lake Wakatipu, lies Earnslaw Burn.
Discover a huge selection of high quality collector's items made by artists who worked on the films.is therefore the option of booking a helicopter flight (at extra cost) to the top of Mount Olympus.
Besides Hobbiton and Tongariro National Park, there are of course other places that are perfect for the locations of the Hobbit Trilogy.you want to visit the locations of the film, we recommend an individual rental car tour through New Zealand to visit the remote locations of the Hobbit Trilogy. Read more about campervan hire New Zealand here. From here you drive on the State Highways 76 and 1. Mount Sunday is almost in the middle of nowhere, in the centre of the South Island and two to three hours drive west of Christchurch.
Slip into another role
More than 1000 positive evaluations speak for themselves. Of the German tour operators, Explorer Fernreisen, FTI and Dertour offer trips to the original locations. To continue the success, Tourism New Zealand has now developed special Middle-Earth Tours to mark the 15th anniversary of the first film.
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Hobbingen: Das Hobbiton-Filmset in Neuseeland
Der Pfad ist recht schmal und führt dich durch ein kleines Stückchen Wald direkt in das Dorf. Hier werden immer noch echte Gemüsesorten angebaut und täglich von dem Personal gepflegt und gehegt. Mitten im Gemüsegarten hängt eine Vogelscheuche und kleine Gartenzwerge lassen den Garten richtig gemütlich und einladend wirken. Die einzige Behausung, die ein vollständiges Innenleben aufweist, ist der Green Dragon. Wer Hobbiton besuchen möchte, muss eine Führung buchen. Aber die lohnt sich, denn sie beginnt mit einer Fahrt über das riesige Gelände.
Wo ist das Hobbitdorf in Neuseeland?
Hobbiton - Zuhause bei den Hobbits Wie auch schon „Der Herr der Ringe” fanden die Dreharbeiten für die „Hobbit”-Filme in Neuseeland statt. Sämtliche Auenland-Kulissen wie die Hobbithöhlen, die Steinbrücke, das Gasthaus „Zum Grünen Drachen“ und die Alte Mühle wurden dafür wiederhergerichtet.
Read more about campervan hire New Zealand here.
Was ist das Auge in Herr der Ringe?
Matamata. Das üppig grüne Farmland rund um die Stadt Matamata in der Region Waikato diente als Kulisse für das malerische Auenland, in dem auch das Dörfchen Hobbiton (Hobbingen) zu finden ist. Für die Verfilmung der „Hobbit“-Trilogie wurde es erneut aufgebaut und wird heute dauerhaft als Touristenattraktion genutzt.
Wir hatten Glück, in der Nebensaison dort zu sein.
Das faszinierende Panorama Bruchtals und des Nebelgebirges ist keine Kulisse, sondern absolut echt.
Nach wenigen Kilometern nehmen Sie die Abzweigung nach links auf die Kakapo Road.
Neben vielen anderen Drehorten (auch auf der Südinsel Neuseelands) fand er auch das spätere Hobbiton (The Shire) im Auenland.
Je nachdem, wann Sie im Hobbit-Land ankommen, bleibt noch Zeit für einen Besuch in Waitomo, das für seine Glühwürmchenhöhlen berühmt ist. Alternativ können Sie einfach den Ausblick über die grünen Hügel der Waikato Region genießen. Die ausgedehnten Wiesen erstrecken sich bis an den Fuß der Berge und sehen genau so aus, wie in Der Herr der Ringe beschrieben. Dies ist das Hobbithaus von Sam und ganz am Schluss des dritten Der Herr der Ringe Teils zu sehen. Zudem erkennt man an den Vorgärten, was die Hobbits arbeiten.
Mediterranean Film Studios Malta
Diesem folgen Sie bis Mangatarata, wo Sie auf den State Highway 27 fahren, der Sie direkt nach Matamata bringt. Von Auckland aus sind es mit dem Auto oder Wohnmobil knapp zwei Stunden bis Matamata. Auf der Nordinsel sehen manche Briefkästen aus wie von Hobbits gebaut. „Welt“-Reporter Michael Behrendt hat sich in der Heimat der Hobbits umgeschaut und ließ sich vor dem Höhlenhaus von Bilbo Beutlin ablichten. Das ist eine Filmkulisse für den "Hobbit" in Neuseeland. Planen Sie je nach Startpunkt für die Tour zwei bis drei Stunden ein. Auch wenn natürlich in vielen Szenen digital nachgeholfen wurde, sind die meisten Landschaftsaufnahmen aber an ganz realen Orten entstanden, die in der Regel für jeden zugänglich sind. Gedreht wurde das Meisterwerk von Peter Jackson am anderen Ende der Welt, in Neuseeland. Mini-Stromschnellen sorgen bei Kanufahrern für einen beschleunigten Herzschlag.
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erickreilly-blog · 5 years
Entdeckt die Drehorte der Hobbit Trilogie
Die Kamine rauchen, es wächst Gemüse in den Gärten, die Wäsche der Hobbits trocknet an der Leine und das Brennholz ist vor den Hütten aufgeschichtet. Der Tongariro-Nationalpark im Zentrum der Nordinsel war bereits in der „Der Herr der Ringe”-Trilogie ein bedeutender Drehort. Auch bei der Hobbit -Trilogie wurde dieser beeindruckende Nationalpark mit seinen drei Vulkanen erneut genutzt.
Wo steht der einsame Berg?
Der Einsame Berg liegt nordöstlich des Düsterwaldes und 20 Meilen nördlich des Langen Sees und der Stadt Esgaroth. Am Fuße des Berges liegt die Stadt Thal.
Read more about campervan hire New Zealand here.
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Ein besonderer Tipp vieler Besucher ist die Evening Diner Tour, die euch nach einem ausgiebigen Mahl durch das nächtliche Auenland führt.
Service und der Community-Gedanke werden bei Urlaubsguru.de großgeschrieben.
Sie werden das Gefühl haben, als befänden Sie sich in Gollums Höhle.
Diesem folgen Sie bis Mangatarata, wo Sie auf den State Highway 27 fahren, der Sie direkt nach Matamata bringt.
Die Paparoa Klippen wurden in der Szene verwendet, in der die Zwerge dem Elbenkönig Thranduil in Fässern entflohen.
Wir haben zwar gelesen, dass der Ort in einem geothermalen Zentrum liegt und es hier schwefelig ist, aber dass es so stark danach stinkt, mit dem haben wir wirklich nicht gerechnet. Wir sind übrigens nicht die einzigen, die Reißaus nehmen. Unsere Führerin hat im Laufe der Tour so ihre Mühe unsere Gruppe zusammenzuhalten. Tatsächlich sind wir nicht Tour Nummer 1543, sondern erst Nummer 2! Ihre Motivationslosigkeit ist in Wirklichkeit Unsicherheit. Solltet ihr noch mehr Zeit zur Verfügung haben, dann lasst euch den höchsten Wasserfall auf Neuseelands Nordinsel (Wairere Falls) nicht entgehen. Er befindet sich nur etwa 15 Minuten Fahrt von Matamata, die Wanderung nach oben zum Beginn des Wasserfalls dauert ca. Von dem Shire’s Rest erreicht ihr Hobbiton mit dem grünen Hobbit Bus. Die klimatisierte Unterkunft befindet sich 2,3 km vom Movie Set Hobbiton entfernt. dauert etwa zwei Stunden und wird ausschließlich in Englisch geführt. Man erfährt viel über die eigentlichen Filmarbeiten und die Reiseführer erzählen von etlichen Tricks, die während der Dreharbeiten angewandt wurden, dem Publikum aber verborgen bleiben. Bei einem Besuch von Hobbiton hat man den Eindruck, das Dorf ist noch immer bewohnt. Seither wächst die Popularität das Schauplatzes immer weiter an. Die Glühwürmchen Höhlen gleichen Tolkiens Beschreibung der „Glittering Caves of Aglarond“. Diese können Sie per Bootsfahrt erkunden (optional). Abenteuerlustige sollten die „Lost World Abseil Tour“ ausprobieren (optional).
Nach einer kurzen Busfahrt tauchen hinter einer Biegung bereits die ersten charakteristischen Hügel auf. Die Hobbit-Trilogie wurde vollständig in Neuseeland gefilmt. Sowohl auf der Nord- als auch auf der Südinsel können zahllose Drehorte besucht werden.
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jammingwithnatalie · 6 years
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#statehighway27 #newzealand #mangatarata (at New Zealand)
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Week 4
Extended Research & Questionnaire.
The Ultimate Rush Munro’s Experience
Interview 1: Brett
Emotive: Journey
1. Horse and carriage, a white horse, fancy carriage, dusk.
2. By himself on the carriage, during transport saw cobblestones, felt quite old and traditional
3. The destination was “like a market” taste testing. The average age of 30.
4. An older person wearing a white suit approached. Activity was trying multiple flavours to see which was the most popular, competitive aspect.  
Interview 2: Renee
Emotive: Journey
1. Waiting at home
2. Picked up in a Corvette V8, dark blue (left-hand drive) and he’s driving. The other person who came was the initial driver, it was day time.
3. Drove to the port road (Seaview), then did a quarter mile race, and after that went to the marina where he would go onto cat (boat) going toward an island.
4. Got onto ward island and walked up to the highest point where there were a table and umbrella set up just for him, with a cold drink and multiple Rush Munro’s Ice Cream waiting. Individual experience, feeling special.
5. Lady approached, mid 20’s good looking, with a nice smile and said “ The helicopters on its way, as is going to take you to a lodge in Wairarapa for a week, no expense, and all the Rush Munro’s you can eat”
Interview 3: Jack
Emotive: Journey
1. Waiting at Waterloo train station, during the day.
2. Picked up by a black limo, with a chauffeur, seemed authentic and legitimate, the only person on the limo, exclusive feeling.
3. The journey was silent.
4. Pulls up to an open Rush Munro’s carpark outside the factory with no other cars, gets out, sees trees and trollies, no people as of yet.
5. Goes into the building by himself and then saw heaps of people taste testing Rush Munro’s, feeling excited.
6. A man with black hair, wearing a shirt a tie approached him and said “There is an exclusive new Ice cream that you can taste” and off he went.
Rational Questions:
1. What occasion would you purchase Rush Munro’s? How old were you? Where were you?
2. Why do you buy Rush Munro’s?
3. Would you eat it alone? Did/do you share?
4. Where would you eat Rush Munro’s?
5. Where would you buy Rush Munro’s? Where is it situated?
6. What does Rush Munro’s mean to you?
7. Do you resonate with the locally sourced organic ingredients?
8. Is it important to you that these ingredients be organic?
Person #1 Isabella
1. Did not buy for herself, parents paid for it, she was about 7 years old, at a winery in Napier 
2. She bought it because it was really hot, yummy, cooled her down, sweet.
3. She ate it with her sisters but didn’t share, they each had one.
4. She was at a winery and it was really hot.
5. She got it from a freezer, a pick and choose one. Napier, winery.
6. Just an Ice Cream as a child, yummy, sweet, tasty
7. Not as a child, it was just yummy ice cream
8. Not as a child, she didn’t care, but now she thinks it is cool that it's organic but not that important to her.
Peron #2 Elise
1. At home with family, a nice dinner, so they would get nice ice cream, buy from Rush Munro’s Ice Cream shop since they lived in Hawkes Bay.
2. Home town everywhere, good quality and delicious.
3. Always shared and eaten with others, never at the ice cream by herself, always shared.
4. At home or at the Rush Munro’s shop.
5. No, she would go to the source because it was cheaper and she felt like she was showing more support and love towards the ice cream.
6. Nostalgic, she grew up with Rush Munro’s as the local favourite ice cream, reminds her of Hawkes Bay summers, really good.
7. “Fuck yeah, I love my organic food, anything to fix and support organic farms is good.”
8. Yeah, definitely.
Person #3 Sarah
Rush Munro’s is over the top, very expensive, I think Tiptop is way better.
1. Probably wouldn’t actually purchase Rush Munro’s because it’s so expensive, but if I did it would be in the summer when it’s hot. I got it for free from my work.
2. Dunno, the spirit of the moment or if it’s really hot, to cool me down.
3. I wouldn't share it, it’s ice cream, but then it depends on the situation, maybe share it.
4. I eat Rush Munro’s at work.
5. I would get it from work in Mangatarata Cornerstone Cafe.
6. Doesn’t mean anything to me, it was free ice cream.
7. I mean it tastes all right, so I guess so.
8. It’s pretty cool, I guess so, it’s nice to know I’m eating something organic, make me feel healthy.
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Summary for Rush Munro’s Ultimate experience:
Where were you waiting?
Rush Munro’s experience made the people think about being picked up during the day in a central location where other people could also be waiting.
Rush Munro's is for people who like to make the most out of their day and like to spend time outside, they mostly live in small towns or by the beach.
Transport approaching?
The forms of transport that approached each of the people were nice classy rides that made the person feel more important and luxurious.
Rush Munro’s ice cream is for people who think of themselves as classy unique and a little luxurious. They also care a lot about their appearance and what they eat.
On your way.
The ride to the location was uneventful, relaxing maybe even peaceful?
Rush Munro’s is an ice cream brand that allows you to relax and feel comfortable and feel healthier.
Tastings of Rush Munro’s ice creams, in warm environments.
Rush Munro’s ice cream is meant to be eaten at the beach or enjoyed by people who are hot and need to cool down. With a large variety of flavours, people are able to find the exact flavour to quench their taste buds.
Person approaching?
A more mature person who looked nicely dress appeared
People who buy and eat Rush Munro’s ice cream are people who dress classy and unique, they also may give off a rustic organic vibe as well.
Overall Summary for Rush Munro’s Ultimate Experience:
Rush Munro’s ice cream is for the people who like to make the most out of their day, the people buying Rush Munro’s care about where the product comes from and the impact it will have on the world and their health. They choose Rush Munro’s because it is a healthier ice cream to pick, they are willing to pay that little bit extra for the specific taste and look. Rush Munro’s also appears as a more luxurious brand that you can eat whilst relaxing by yourself or sharing with others.
 Summary of Kapiti’s Ultimate experience:
Where were you waiting?
Central locations inside the city were where the people were picked up.
Kapiti ice cream is for the average person who lives in the city and wants to eat something exotic but affordable.
Transport approaching? 
The vehicles picking the people up were capable of holding more than two people, none of the vehicles was flash and brand new.
Kapiti ice cream is for people who have families and who buy it to share with others and enjoy it as a reasonably priced good quality ice cream.
On your way. 
The rides to the destination were calm and comfortable with more than one person in the car with them.
Kapiti ice cream is ideal for a relaxing and by yourself or sharing to bring people together and to form bonds over good high-quality ice cream.
They all arrived in locations that were beachy and laid back, relaxing chill.
Kapiti is best for relaxing and cooling down, usually eaten at a hot beach or just at home. You can share or you can keep it to yourself.
Person approaching? 
A person who was of higher importance dressed nicely approached them.
Kapiti is for people who like to feel and look like they are of greater importance, they dress nicely and they like to feel good about themselves.
Overall Summary for Kapiti’s Ultimate Experience: 
Kapiti ice cream is for the average person who lives in the city, it is enjoyed both by yourself and also shared with others. Kapiti ice cream is enjoyed best on hot days and at the beach, it is an ice cream that brings people together and forms bonds over delicious exotic flavours. Kapiti ice cream is for people who like to dress nicely and feel good about themselves.
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awabrand · 5 years
Week 5 Questionnaire: The Ultimate Rush Munro’s Experience
- Between my partner and I, we decided that I would complete the emotive (journey) interviews and she would complete the rational interviews. - We have now attained another group member, Charles.
Emotive Interviews: Awa Randall
Interview 1: Brett (Classmate)
Emotive: Journey
Horse and carriage, a white horse, fancy carriage, dusk.
By himself on the carriage, during transport saw cobblestones, felt quite old and traditional.
The destination was “like a market” taste testing. The average age of 30.
An older person wearing a white suit approached. Activity was trying multiple flavours to see which was the most popular, competitive aspect.  
Interview 2: Renee (Father)
Emotive: Journey
Waiting at home.
Picked up in a Corvette V8, dark blue (left-hand drive) and he’s driving. The other person who came was the initial driver, it was day time.
Drove to port road (Seaview), then did a quarter mile race, and after that went to the marina where he would go onto cat (boat) going to ward island.
Got onto ward island and walked up to the highest point where there was a table and umbrella set up just for him, with a cold drink and multiple Rush Munro’s Ice Cream waiting. Individual experience, feeling special.
Lady approached, mid 20’s good looking, with a nice smile and said “ The helicopters on its way, as is going to take you to a lodge in Wairarapa for a week, no expense, and all the Rush Munro’s you can eat”
Interview 3: Jack (Brother)
Emotive: Journey
Waiting at Waterloo train station, during the day.
Picked up by a black limo, with a chauffeur, seemed authentic and legitimate, the only person on the limo, exclusive feeling.
The journey was silent.
Pulls up to an open Rush Munro’s carpark outside the factory with no other cars, gets out, sees trees and trollies, no people as of yet.
Goes into the building by himself and then saw heaps of people taste testing Rush Munro’s, feeling excited.
A man with black hair, wearing a shirt a tie approached him and said “There is an exclusive new Ice cream that you can taste” and off he went
Rational Interviews: Ruby Crawshaw
Person #1 Isabella:
1. Did not buy for herself, parents paid for it, she was about 7 years old, at a winery in Napier
2. She bought it because it was really hot, yummy, cooled her down, sweet.
3. She ate it with her sisters but didn’t share, they each had one.
4. She was at a winery and it was really hot.
5. She got it from a freezer, a pick and choose one. Napier, winery.
6. Just an Ice Cream as a child, yummy, sweet, tasty
7. Not as a child, it was just yummy ice cream
8. Not as a child, she didn’t care, but now she thinks it is cool that it’s organic but not that important to her.
Person #2 Elise:
1. At home with family, a nice dinner, so they would get nice ice cream, buy from Rush Munro’s Ice Cream shop since they lived in Hawkes Bay.
2. Home town everywhere, good quality and delicious.
3. Always shared and eaten with others, never at the ice cream by herself, always shared.
4. At home or at the Rush Munro’s shop.
5. No, she would go to the source because it was cheaper and she felt like she was showing more support and love towards the ice cream.
6. Nostalgic, she grew up with Rush Munro’s as the local favourite ice cream, reminds her of Hawkes Bay summers, really good.
7. “Fuck yeah, I love my organic food, anything to fix and support organic farms is good.”
8. Yeah, definitely.
Person #3 Sarah:
Rush Munro’s is over the top, very expensive, I think Tiptop is way better.
1. Probably wouldn’t actually purchase Rush Munro’s because it’s so expensive, but if I did it would be in the summer when it’s hot. I got it for free from my work.
2. Dunno, the spirit of the moment or if it’s really hot, to cool me down.
3. I wouldn't share it, it’s ice cream, but then it depends on the situation, maybe share it.
4. I eat Rush Munro’s at work.
5. I would get it from work in Mangatarata Cornerstone Cafe.
6. Doesn’t mean anything to me, it was free ice cream.
7. I mean it tastes all right, so I guess so.
8. It’s pretty cool, I guess so, it’s nice to know I’m eating something organic, make me feel healthy.
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luigicappel · 6 years
You can’t beat that for value, I almost doubled the order! @ Mangatarata, New Zealand https://t.co/4URXwha0uj
You can’t beat that for value, I almost doubled the order! @ Mangatarata, New Zealand https://t.co/4URXwha0uj
— Luigi Cappel (@BluesBro) March 31, 2018
via Twitter https://twitter.com/BluesBro March 31, 2018 at 02:09PM
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pluse00 · 7 years
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No offer for you. #mangatarata (at Mangatarata, New Zealand)
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umedhah · 4 years
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Mangatarata - New Zealand #instagram #mangatarata #aotearoa #newzealand #nz #landscapephotography #landscapes (Mangatarata, New Zealandහි) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGs5_plhfoS/?igshid=1hnanqf0ynaja
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