#mania has decided to focus less on turtles and more on belting out country music so lol let's try
weregreatatcrime · 1 year
Speaking of April’s father, how is April herself taking all of this?
I haven't thought too much on how the humans react to the changeling drama yet tbh. I know she's pretty cautious of Karai in general, while Casey is totally into this hot badass biker ninja chick. But then again I'm pretty sure Casey Jones is into just about anyone who can kick his ass and mood bcz that is. also my type lol
I think it would be funny if they all found out the changeling stuff in like. One Day and then just come back with a baby and a beat up Karai with no time to explain. That's so far lining up with my plans for writing the reveal, they get a lot of buildup clues but only get the final reveal right about when Karai brings Miwa back. So it's all VERY sudden and they have to explain that this stone monster is Karai and this baby is their sister Miwa and no, apparently Karai and Miwa AREN'T actually the same person but technically they are??
Depending on whether or not they know about April's own heritage though, Karai will reveal it in a heartbeat because she's NOT letting a Kraang infiltrate them. Except no, April's telling the truth, she smells like Kraang but she doesn't know Anything and ugh everything just gets more and more complicated
April and Casey are generally disregarded by Karai at first. She doesn't go out of her way to insult them or anything but she doesn't give humans much credit. She's also unsure about interacting with them. She didn't get much time in her changeling form before because she was you know, surrounded by ninja all the time and caution was very important. What interactions she had with humans while being a changeling was mostly very violent. And she is a lot stronger and tougher than humans. The turtles are tougher than them too and she still leaves Raph with bruises when they wrestle. She is Very Very Very careful with baby Miwa but also, she Feels things from Miwa, so she knows exactly how gentle she needs to be. She's just. Genuinely unsure how to interact with humans without being lethal.
She does end up respecting Casey a ridiculous amount because this idiot has so much sheer fucking balls it's admirable. Boy runs around fighting ninjas and mutants with no hesitation and zero formal training and actually manages to stand his ground. Sheer grit and survival against the odds is a good way to get a changeling's respect. At first Casey might be against her randomly attacking him for "practice" but she IS surprisingly good at helping hone the fact that he is a complete wildcard who is impossible to predict. He also thinks being a rock monster somehow made her hotter but is aware she is so far out of his league it's hysterical
April and Miwa end up kinda at odds? Karai doesn't trust the part Kraang thing and April is insulted by this. Like, come on, you're a changeling, you're literally made to infiltrate humanity and have done so. April didn't even KNOW what she was for most of her life. Karai is just like "yeah? and?? you SHOULDN'T trust me!" like. April has probably tried to reach out and be friendly for the turtles' sakes but Karai is not on board with that because why are you being nice what do you want from me
Once more of Karai's past comes to light April isn't magically "oh everything's okay now" but she puts the pieces together herself and is less offended by Karai's general distrust of everyone. They might bond later over being created by jerks who don't care about them
Also obsessed with the idea of Casey, being a big brother himself, teaching everyone how to have a baby sister when Splinter isn't there to teach them baby stuff. Here's how you hold her, don't worry babies do that, here's how you burp them, babies scratch themselves even without claws don't worry they make baby mittens for this very reason, etc
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