#manslayer izo
mamangasick · 2 years
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Fate/type Redline
TYPE-MOON Ryouji Hirano
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okadaizoirl · 4 months
okay no more social awareness stuff time for my autism
copy-pasting from my notebook some highlights:
Okada Izo has always known his life was meant to be given for the liberation of the downtrodden like himself. Like his family. Like his best friend since childhood. He knew he would join, bleed, and possibly die for the cause of ending tyranny. The lords were corrupt and evil. And it was because... Because... ... Izo had hoped he would live to see his village prosper. He had heard it did. He'd seen pictures online of what that tiny little community had grown into after Ryoma's efforts-- Ryoma's efforts, after leaving the Tosa Kinnoto. Betraying them. But he won, and they didn't. And that was because... Because... ... Okada Izo does not know much, for he was not told much.
The bottle may be full of poison, but Izo was convinced it was the only way to numb the deep sting in his heart. Filling his lungs with smoke, pumping his brain with stimulant and depressant alike, and even the matters of the carnal were used as escapes. As medicine for a wound that festered for nearly 300 years.
This house is only so nice because it's closer to the capital. The shogun were corrupt. Takechi-sensei said so. They were corrupt, they needed punishment, Takechi-sensei said he sees it in the young Izo. There's a lot of responsibilities Izo has now, though. They're kind of scary. He doesn't know why he has to handle so much-- All he did to get Takechi-sensei's attention was kill that guy. And killing that guy was just... ... It just... Scratched an itch. When that rage boils over within the Manslayer-to-be, when the white-hot anger scalds his sensibilities, it just feels... Satisfying. It's not killing he has any problem with. It's just everything else.
"Assassin," she whispers. "Do not call me that." "Your class is just something simple to refer to you as. Why? Are you still mad?" He drinks, answering his Master at the time with silence at first. When the bottle is emptied... "If I'd kept goin' back there..." "I WOULD'VE FUCKIN' WON!!" His leg raises in a kick, one meant to leave the woman in a crumpled heap. Instead, she appears right by his face. "You were ordered to kill Saber's Master, nothing else. Please focus on carrying out your orders." The Manslayer snarls, teeth gritting, eyes wide and aflame as Major Reiter leans forward. "If you're so upset, why don't you cut my head off with that sword of yours? As long as you don't mind going down as some useless fool who couldn't do his job, that is." He wants to kill her. He wants to take her head off. But instead, he's left powerless. Shaking. Staring her down until she walks right past him. "You can have the alcohol. Get some rest and await your next orders." He doesn't move as she shuts the door. Not at first. But... "WELL, WHAT TH' FUCK'S YER WORD EVEN MEAN?" "KILL SABER, KILL 'ER MASTER, WHAT'S IT MATTER? IF SABER'S OUT, WE'RE STILL AHEAD." "WOULD IT FUCKIN' KILL YA TO TELL ME ONE GOOD REASON I CAN'T SKIN HER ALIVE?" "AND WHO GAVE YA TH' RIGHT T'TALK DOWN TO A FUCKIN' MANSLAYER, GODDAM' IT?!"
What he clings to is so close, yet feels so distant. He doesn't understand a lot; he's simple, is that a crime? He was born without weakness, he thought. Whatever he didn't like, he could just slice away. It worked for so long, be it with his body, with every human connection, with every time his eyes locked with another's. What happened? What went wrong? Why did other people get to cut him away, too? Why could he only feel wounded and gutted if he's without weakness? He's a tool, he shouldn't even feel. But he does, he does. He feels so strongly, so intensely, it overflows in a boiling cascade that scalds all it touches. He feels, he wants, he needs. Did he fail Takechi? He isn't sure. He knows Takechi failed him. And Ryoma... Izo's not sure he could ever love someone so strongly ever again, now that he knows how it feels to have that love denied. Drunk and crying in bed, Okada Izo laments being unable to slice someone's throat ear to ear to forget how much he wants someone to cradle his face and dry his tears. If he can't control his heart, his life's direction, or anything for himself, let him control the fate of another.
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talesofedo · 1 year
Hitokiri Izo, or: more myth than fact?
When you hear "manslayers (hitokiri) of the Bakumatsu", what comes to mind? Maybe the fictional Himura Kenshin: someone who has mastered the sword and ruthlessly kills scores of people. Or perhaps some image based on jidaigeki where our cool assassin-hero draws his sword and cuts down half a dozen (or more) well-armed samurai in the blink of an eye.
Hitokiri Izo's career as an assassin is not like that.
Researchers seem to generally agree that Izo was said to have been involved in 9 assassination incidents because surviving records, such as letters and personal diaries, mention his name.
Of those 9, we know with a high degree of certainty that he couldn't have been involved in the assassination of Tada Tatewaki because Tada was killed in Kyoto while Izo was in Edo. It tends to be fairly impossible to kill someone who lives two weeks' travel away and still show up for work the next morning.
Of the remaining 8, one was not an assassination: although a group of assassins, including Izo, were sent after two merchants-become-samurai, Hiranoya Jusaburo and Senbeiya Hanbei, they did not kill them, partly because of their original status as townsmen and partly because of the pleas of their families. Hiranoya and Senbeiya were staked alive and naked by the riverside for public display, instead of being killed. Humiliated but alive. Of the remaining 7, Izo's involvement in three is questionable.
The first is the assassination of Kagawa Hajime, who was beheaded inside his home. The general consensus seems to be that this was done by Tanaka Shinbei of Satsuma or Hagiwara Toraroku of Himeiji, and that Izo may or may not have been present but didn't do the killing.
The second is the assassination of Ikeuchi Daigaku, who was attacked on his way home from a banquet in Osaka. That one is questionable because there's so little information: somehow Izo's name has become attached, but the names and identities of others who would have been there seem to not have been written down.
The third is the four yoriki incident, in which some thirty men from Tosa, Satsuma, Choshu, and Kurume stormed the station at Ishibe-juku and killed four men who were being transferred from Edo to Kyoto, Watanabe Kinzaburo, Mori Magoroku, Ogawara Juzo, and Ueda Sukenojo. Takechi Hanpeita's diary lists 12 men from Tosa who took part but Izo's name is not included.
That leaves us with 4 incidents where we're actually sure Izo was involved. Notice I said involved. You see, contrary to that image of Himura Kenshin, lone assassin, most assassinations carried out during this period involved groups of people and it can be fairly difficult to figure out who did the actual killing. Quite a lot of these incidents also did not involve any swords at all.
Like I said, Hitokiri Izo may be more myth than fact.
In Izo's case, the 4 incidents he was actually part of are:
Inoue Saichiro: a group of four invited Saichiro to a restaurant, got him drunk, then strangled him with a tenugui on the way home and threw his body into the river.
Honma Seiichiro: a group of eight waited for Seiichiro to leave a restaurant drunk and tried to overwhelm him. A fight ensued, Seiichiro was stabbed in the side and then beheaded, and his body was thrown in the river.
Bunkichi the maekashi: a group of three took him to the river, strangled him with a cord, and staked his dead body out for everyone to see. This, perhaps, was their most popular assassination. Bunkichi had worked for a money-lender and people really, really hated him. To the tune of impaling the dead body with a bamboo pole and throwing rocks at it.
Ugo Shigekuni: a group of four attacked Shigekuni while he was asleep in the home of the Kujo family, where he was hiding. When he attempted to escape (because the two assassins inside the room apparently did a poor job killing a sleeping person), he was cut down by Izo who was waiting outside. This may have been the only assassination where Izo is actually using his sword to kill someone.
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koorinohebi · 2 years
Anyway, I’d like to talk about Kiomi calling Izo by his personal name, Yoshifuru.
I wanted to write this because names tend to have a specific importance to Kiomi. On most occasions, this is a sign of trust and closeness which is why you’ll also see her calling Mitsuhide by Jubei, and Mitsuhide allowing her to call him by that name due to their crippling toxic bond. (So, somewhere in this blog, I have a thing explaining Mitsuhide’s bond attitude as it rises. Let’s just say, it’s not a very healthy thing.)
Going back.
So like I was telling Gore earlier, Kiomi’s at the point where she no longer sees Izo as just a servant, or as a manslayer. She acknowledges him more as a person-- seeing beyond what history paints him as. And I think this is something very important because all his life, Izo was a person recognized for his natural genius with the sword… only to be, because of that, used in a series of killings that let to his eventual downfall.
In this line, “I've slain everyone who mocked me. You'd better be careful, too. It wouldn't be funny if the dog you took in bit your hand off.” even Izo refers to himself as a dog while boasting himself a killer. And yet, this line, “If you tell me to kill them. I'll do it! That's something that I can do… No, that's about all I can do… Sorry, Master. As a man-slayer, the only thing I can really do for you is kill people.” Doesn’t really sound like he’s very proud anymore, right? You can call me reading too much into it, and by all means I don’t mind as we are entitled to our own opinions, but the fact he apologizes for being able to do just that tells me that if he could, he’d want to do more. If he knew another way, he’d want to do that instead of just killing. But he has settled for the fact that his worth is only in being a man-slayer, and that that’s all that he could ever be, hard as he tries to be something else.
And mind you, he won't try to be anything else, because what's the point? If everyone treats him the same as they've always had way anyway, If nothing changes for him, why bother? Here is a line from his Bond CE, which leads me to believe so. "Eventually I was wandering around the capital all alone. I had no money and I was hungry. Even though my sky was still clear, I didn't want to do anything. I didn't care anymore."
In his bond 10 line, "So you've stayed with a man-killer like me all the way to now, Master. I've always been used like it was an honor, and I've always been thrown away like a puppy. But, you alone didn't betray me. Yeah, just leave it to me. I'll always be your sword. The enemies of the one who gave the man-killer Izou a home will taste my blade, no matter who it is!" he tells us how he’s been treated all his life. But that his master is different because they’ve never betrayed him even once. Stuck it out with him. Gave him a place to call home… because let’s face it… during his time alive, he had to go into hiding because he was left behind. But things are different now. So he may call himself a manslayer here, but he has more pride as an actual swordsman who is fighting for a cause. For the sake of the master who believed in him.
So why does Kiomi call Izo Yoshifuru?
It isn’t just a matter of closeness. It’s a reminder to Izo that on top of the loyalty that she has for him as a master, a woman, and everything else in between that, his master sees him as someone deserving of everything that had been denied of him-- or anything that he may have thought that he himself didn’t deserve. A reminder that he’s not just some dog or some tool that’s discarded when serving the purpose was over. It’s her paying respects to his beginnings; but most importantly it’s a reminder that despite the infamy of the name Hitokiri Izo-- a person exists underneath all that. Not a murderer, not a monster, but someone who just wanted to belong to a place where he could be accepted for who and what he is.
Yoshifuru is a reminder to Izo that he can be who he wants to be, and that no matter what road he'll take, he’ll always have a home to return to.
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animegirlsakurablr · 7 months
Shenanigans in the Grand Order, part 605
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That was a test?!
The audacity this man has!
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Ohhhhhhhh... So this is why Izo hasn't been happy around Ryouma...
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Because you wouldn't let him go? Maybe?
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Once a Mori, always a Mori.
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Wrong manslayer! Did you already forget what Izo looks like? 😭
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That box has Nobu's head, doesn't it?
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And the two Ryouma's finally meet.
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Ohhhhh, that's not good!
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This really isn't good!
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We need to have her meet Asterios.
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cantillat-moved · 3 years
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She is eyeing a certain Assassin...
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originlist · 3 years
@manslayer-izo​ replied:
Izou has 0 stickers
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“Maybe one day! I believe in you, Izou. You’re doing your best.” Well, uh, maybe his best. He sure is doing something!
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ichibantai · 4 years
@manslayer-izo replied to your post: “If anybody wants to know about Hijikata-san’s...
“Im listening…”
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Why would Daoka need this information?
“Hijikata-san is just ok.” 
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radioactivewire2 · 5 years
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why everytime that Oda draw him he makes killer look more e more awnful?
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berserkingpowers · 5 years
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The Berserker almost could not stop staring at the manslayer, something about him drove an ire in the beastly knight. It was almost like being watched by an empty suit of armor, except this one had a person inside, a rather ruthless and barbaric one with the way they swung their sword about. “Hello Assassin...” spoke the knight, somewhat coldly, “do you need something?”
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mamangasick · 2 years
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Fate/type Redline
TYPE-MOON Ryouji Hirano
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talesofedo · 7 months
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This is completely random, but I recently started (re-) watching the Golden Kamuy anime on Anix. I've previously watched the first two seasons (which I have on DVD) but I hadn't seen seasons 3 and 4 yet; I guess I kind of forgot about them existing.
Anyway, in season 3, Hijikata Toshizo's group travels to a small fishing village where they encounter an old man with dementia, Doi Shinzo (土井新蔵), who turns out to have been "Yoichiro the Manslayer" in his youth.
Noda Satoru, the mangaka of Golden Kamuy, said that he based Yoichiro's character on Okada Izo, but I guess I never put two-and-two together while reading the manga. (I'll also admit it's been a pretty long time since I read that chapter and it was definitely before Izo started living in my head rent free.)
Noda named the character Doi Shinzo when the real Okada Izo used Doi Tetsuzo (土井鉄蔵) as his alias while he was in hiding. In the anime, he's even using the sword with the dragon tsuba Izo was supposed to have carried. But Yoichiro's character kills more people in the 3 minutes we see him in Golden Kamuy than Izo killed the entire time he carried out assassinations for Takechi Hanpeita (who also has a brief cameo in Yoichiro's arc in Golden Kamuy).
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koorinohebi · 2 years
Revamped Tags
So I remade my long-ass list of tags. They are under the cut because long. Anyway, I'm also going to remake my current shipping tags because I think they need to be revamped as well. So if you want a ship tag with Kiomi or any of the muses of this blog, feel free to like this post. Only requirement is that our muses have interacted.
=== Mun Tags ===
Beyond the Bounded Field || OOC Craft Essence || Commissioned Piece Limelight || Commission Drawing Board || My Art
=== General Purpose Tags ===
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=== Muse Tags ===
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⩤ To each their own devices : Kiomi ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Kamo Serizawa ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Mitsuhide Akechi ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Takechi Zuizan ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Tanaka Shinbei ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Chen Gong ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Okuni ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Lanlan Fang ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Major Magatsu ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Major Reiter ⩥ ⩤ Echoes : Guest Muse ⩥
=== Verse Tags ===
⩤ Singularities : Main ⩥ ⩤ Remnants : AU ⩥ ⩤ Event Horizon : Crossovers ⩥
=== Friend Tags (Ever growing) ===
Arai-chan ⩤ Sarutobi Arai : Sister-in-Arms ⩥
Assortedsnacks ⩤ Touken Danshi : Kikkou Sadamune ⩥
Aurivore ⩤ Gilgamesh : Majesty Defined ⩥ ⩤ Kogil : Decadent Exuberance ⩥
Caemthe ⩤ Demon King of the Sixth Heaven : Oda Nobunaga ⩥
Gemsofchaldea ⩤ Jack : A Child Beloved ⩥ ⩤ Da Vinci-Chan : The Universal Beauty ⩥
Getsuruito ⩤ Momochi Tanba : The Great Ninja Master ⩥ ⩤ Pang Tong : The Fledgling Phoenix ⩥
Historias-Multorum ⩤ Hinata Hyuuga : Delicate Breeze ⩥ ⩤ Tsunade : Densetsu no Hime ⩥ ⩤ Izuna ⩥ ⩤ Shizune ⩥
Homeport ⩤ Sakamoto Ryouma : The Miracle Worker ⩥ ⩤ The Evil Mastermind : Takasugi Shinsaku ⩥ ⩤ Hizen Tadahiro : The Sharpest Edge ⩥
Kiicho ⩤ Kicho : Enchanting Pearl of Mino ⩥ ⩤ Nohime : Ties Severed ⩥ (Mitsuhide)
Lovedloyalty ⩤ A Saber Among Shadows : Okada Izo ⩥ ⩤ Alter Ego : Okada Izo ⩥ ⩤ Mori Nagayoshi : Blood Soaked Loyalty ⩥ ⩤ Beowulf : The Grendel Buster ⩥ ⩤ Leonidas : The King of Sparta ⩥ ⩤ Phantom : Angel of Music ⩥ ⩤ Shuichi : Spiral Bound ⩥ ⩤ Mephistopheles : Deals with the Devil ⩥
⩤ Hitokiri Izo : Hound of the Kinnoto ⩥ (Tosa) ⩤ Okada Izo : The Ghost of Tosa ⩥ (Redline) ⩤ Mori Nagayoshi : Demon of the Battlefield ⩥ (Blog Servants, Redline) ⩤ Old Man Li : Old and Strong ⩥ (Blog Servants, Redline)
Moonlightmagus ⩤ Yuuki : Friends Forever ⩥ ⩤ Na'amah : A Demon Dancing through Emotions ⩥
Mysticallities ⩤ Tristan : A vicious fairy knight ⩥ ⩤ Strange Amalgamation : Rintsuka ⩥ ⩤ Liber : The Ancient Arbitrator ⩥
Nobuverse ⩤ Chacha : A Radiance of Warmth ⩥ ⩤ Nobunaga Oda : The Avenging Fool of Owari ⩥ ⩤ Summer Nobunaga : Blazing Rockstar! ⩥ ⩤ Nagao Kagetora : The Dragon of Echigo ⩥ ⩤ Lancer Class : Mei Fan ⩥
⩤ Nobunaga Oda : Enemy at Honnouji ⩥ (Mitsuhide)
Nulltune ⩤ Hakuno : Shards of Moonlight ⩥
Madamhatter ⩤ Sophie : A Dutiful Heart ⩥
Soulsbetrayed ⩤ Avenger Class : Izou the Manslayer ⩥ ⩤ Touken Danshi : Tensho Koshirae ⩥ ⩤ Hosokawa Gracia : Beloved ⩥
Spookums ⩤ Witching Hour : Gabriella ⩥
Summoned-Anima ⩤ Ashiya Douman : The Humble Priest? ⩥
Super-Kame-Love ⩤ Aina Kichida : The Turtle Sage ⩥
Tenkoseiensei ⩤ Assassin Class : Yan Qing the Wingman ⩥
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hcreath-archive · 5 years
💗 send if you’re open to the possibility of a romantic ship eventually happening between our muses.   (if there is chemistry)  
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I may or may not be weak for ships where the girl is taller so...I’m down if there’s chemistry
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aglassabyss · 4 years
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thank you fate redline I owe you my life
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dawnroyalty · 4 years
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@manslayer-izo​ requested:
ff+ Izou for Artoria Alter
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The tyrant does not simply blink at the contents of this book. There was no need to lose her cool, & go after the assassin. It could be a prank, & she wouldn’t know. Artoria takes in a deep breathe, before toying with the edges of the paper,
“You know, I would still top him. I would never be a below someone like an assassin.”
Send me “ff+” and a character name and my character will react to finding and reading a graphic and sex-filled fanfiction of themselves and that character.
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