forgeoflust · 4 months
‘👅’ for fem from a fellow femboy twi'lek roy :v
Oh, Fem just gets into it with this new cutie, getting handsy, pulling him close, even reaching up to give his lekku a little teasing stroke.
It takes a good five minutes of gentle lip-smacking, light tongue-sucking, and even a few good nibbles before the smuggler pulls back long enough to ask:
"So... What's your name?"
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jackswonderfulmishaps · 5 months
Roy didn't know why he thought this was a good idea. Letting Jack's house spirit take his body for a vacation, and leaving roy in his short, plush body. Regardless roy sulked and pouted on Jack's couch, laying in a very 'exposed' manner.
Jack finally came home from work, unlocking the door and setting his things down on the table by the entrance, shutting the door behind him before making his way to the living room.
"Hooh boy Spirit, you got no idea how much of a stressful day I had, I really need a pick-me-up. Got anything in mind?~" Jack asked the spirit, not knowing that Roy, his friend, was in that body. Jack sat down beside the spirit, spreading his legs open to show off his pitched tent to Roy.
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padthedemon · 5 months
 ‘Hotel Room Sharing’ from piggy!roy :v
“You really didn’t think this out did you?”
Pad asked as himself and Roy was sharing a room near a airport as they were about to get onto a flight for a holiday and had made it to the airport…when the pants she wore ripped….and then so did all the others she tried. Even any skirts they packed couldn’t hide her ass and both of them were asked to leave until Roy was dressed appropriately.
“Can your big brain think of what to do now?”
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happyhourhijinks · 4 months
Closed with @manturneddemon
Things were always hectic during hours, especially on the days of big sporting events like this. All the screaming, all the cheering, all the spilled drinks, cracked and chipped mugs, and crushed cans, thank lady Celebi it was all finally finished. And with the floors mopped, leftover stock taken and reorganized, and the rest of the staff checked out, all that remained were Gold himself and a certain barmaid doing the final tasks before lockup.
He passed by Roy fairly often, needing several trips back to the kitchen for fresh water with the sheer volume of booze and food crumbs coating the tables, and while he tried his best not to show it, he was just as exhausted after all that as everyone else had been.
"I know you needed a job and I said I'd hook you up with one," sighs the simian as he took a seat for a moment to rest his feet at the bar and looked with pity at the Simipour on the other side, "but I feel like today shouldn't have been your first day."
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bodiceburstingqueen · 4 months
💖 on a first date
♛ Something Short and Spunky.
♛ Strappy Sandals.
♛ Otherwise it Depends on Where we Go.
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goldensimisage · 5 months
"No, you're not dying. Stop being dramatic." To gold from a samipour!Roy :v
"Can't I be just a little dramatic? It helps break up the monotony." It also lets him pretend he's not old when he hurts himself lifting a keg wrong at work.
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thesmallatlarge · 7 months
“T-That can’t be real!” to beepers from a femwukong! roy
"Oh it's real, cutie," Beepers said with a smile, swinging his hips from side to side, massive cock slinging strands of pre all over her. Roy's body, wukong to the core, would already be heating up at the display. "And I know that body can take every last inch, cuz this is just how wukong do!"
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lily-after-dark · 1 year
Lily wakes up, confused as she sees her body in front of her. "Wh- Wha- What happened!?"
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benotafwaid · 1 year
Greetings! I Am On Vacation!
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raunchyremnant · 2 years
Continued from Here
Nora panted as the beast pulled out, cumming all over her. She had NOT expected to get fucked by a beowolf of all things, but damn, did it feel way better than she thought! “Fuck... That was...”
Nora paused, and blinked. “Hang on, did you just talk? Shit, I must’ve gotten fucked way harder than I thought...”
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jackswonderfulmishaps · 2 months
" OH nooooooo, I'm stuck as a little audino again! Whatever shall I do~" queue a very obvious wink to jack.
"Oh dear heavens! My best friend once again turned to an Audino, what ever shall we do?!" Jack says over exaggerated like his own friend was pretending to be. He picks up his friend bridal style and begins walking. "Unfortunately, the lab will be closed for another week, so we can not cure you until then, such a tragedy!" Jack continues the charade, then kicks open his bedroom door and walks in, closing the door behind him.
"If only there was some way to pass the time while you are stuck like this..." Jack then basically drops his friend onto his bed before taking off his clothing. His cock springs out, already at full mast and raring to go. "If only~"
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padthedemon · 7 months
Room mate of a thousand face’s
Pas had managed to gain access to a new apartment online after finding an ad online as he desperately needed to move now! Unfortunately it would be late at night when he moved in and he wouldn’t know when he would meet his new room mate Roy.
On the night in question it was late and he finally arrived and entered the apartment. Unfortunately he hadn’t received his key in time for his arrival and so knocked on the door. Either Roy was awake and would answer or this would stir them awake and what a great first impression that would make. Pad did hear movement and heard the door unlock and was ready to introduce himself…..but who answered the door was not who he was expecting.
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fastestfingersinhell · 4 months
🩱 to the beach
I'm a board shorts kinda guy.
Not that there's a decent beach in Pride, but I'll travel if it means a good time!
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thesmallatlarge · 7 months
'hypnotized blowjob' to beeperd from wukibg!roy :v
Beepers wasn't really paying attention, some random Tech having caught his eye as it escaped him, when suddenly Roy was halfway down his cock before he'd even realized she'd fished it out of his pants.
"Woah pal!" he said, first thoughts going to basic consent, before he noticed the glassy look in the little monkey's eyes as his beastly shaft only grew down her throat. "Oh uh... Not all there huh? I guess- Oooo~ I guess we can about consent later..."
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the-cutest-boys · 1 year
Walkies! To link from a gerudo!roy
Link crawled along awkwardly, blushing as he went. Having been caught crossdressing as a means of sneaking into Gerudo City, this was now his punishment. He could hear the snickers of those he passed. A knight of Hyrule, reduced to a warrior woman's bitch...
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tinyhotelofhorror · 7 months
"Thwack!" To fox from imp!Roy. She can't get enough of her :v
“AH-“ Fox squeaked in pleasant surprise at the sudden sharp sting to her ass. She dropped the books in her grasp, leaving them to clutter and crash to the floor of the library before she swung herself around and saw Roy. Of course it was Roy.
“Argh, I am so sick of you! Come here—“ Fox quickly reached out, grabbing the imp by the tail before she could escape and pulled her in before gripping the back of Roy’s head and smooshing it into her cleavage. “I am going to smother the life out of you, you little pain in the ass.”
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