#Ask rp
hyprmemes · 2 years
aggressive sentence starters - tw negativity, insults, verbal abuse edit as you see fit
get down on the fucking floor or i’ll fucking shoot
don’t move, don’t you fucking move
oh little sunshine wants to play hero, sit the fuck down
i hate you i hate it every time you fucking speak shut up
what do you take me for, a fucking idiot? am i an idiot to you?
i need you to shut the fuck up before i start thinking of ways to make you
okay, how about it, let’s put it this way, you quit it or i’ll kill you
are you begging? is that it? are you begging for mercy?
you’re pathetic, you’re fucking pathetic
the worst part is that it makes me sad just thinking about you
look at you, you’re so small and so ridiculous, what did you expect?
i can’t stand the sight of you, you know you make me sick, right?
what did you think was gonna happen, i’ll bow down and let you take it?
every day i wake up and wish i knew how to kill you in easy ways
you make me angry, you make me angry to the point i scare myself
i fantasise, you know, i imagine what it would be like to take you down
i’m starting to look forward to the day i’ll snap
do you even know what you’re capable of? a whole great deal of nothing
stop talking by god stop fucking talking
none of your ideas have worked so far, so shut the fuck up
have you ever stopped and wondered if maybe you’re just too stupid?
give me a reason, i’m begging you, give me a reason to hurt you
i’m starting to run out of ways to keep me down
no, we’re not friends, we’re not even acquaintances, if you die now, i’ll live happily
i want you in a pool of your own blood, do you hear me?
you’re not even worth my fucking time
you have five seconds to stop crying before i give you reason to
what’s that got to do with anything, are you fucking mental?
the very air you breath smells like a rotting corpse
oh no you’re more than that, babe, you’re fucking disgusting
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thalyagame2006 · 6 months
Role Play:
Lost in the forest
[Part 2]
>> Part 1
*Spewart turning back*
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Topper has a lot of hair all over his body lol
((The quality of the drawings is not very good because I did it in a hurry and with the desire to draw going away))
Role Play happening with @love-is-in-the-multiverse
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wider-than-most · 1 year
How big have you gotten since i last checked in?~
Nevermind her frantically tugging and pressing down on her skintight outfit, trying to hide the curves of a gut--
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edhellfire · 1 year
padding into the living room, the pregnant girl hummed out his name to get his attention. “eddie?” hair wet from the shower she had taken to relieve the ache in her back. she’s showing now, round belly and dressed in one of his t shirts. what use to be loose is now tighter on her frame. she stops in front of him, taking one of his hands and placing it on her stomach. “just wait…” she instructs before a little kick could be felt. sure that he could at least feel it a bit, given the felling inside her and how she had just watched the little movement in the mirror moments ago.
Their one bedroom trailer was looking more like a home now. The had a couch and a two-person table so they could sit down and eat their meals. Now that she was showing presents for their unborn child were rolling in as well. Uncle Wayne splurged and bought them a car seat and a crib. The crib was currently half put together in the living room. Eddie got frustrated mid-putting it together and said he'd finish it later. He was now having a beer and watching music videos.
The beer was set down on the floor by the couch, concern on his face as Elie approached him. Eddie always assumed the worst. When it came to this pregnancy his default was panic. "Is everything okay?" He let her guide his hand to her tummy and he felt nothing at first. "Hospital?" He asked, because he was thinking something was wrong until - "Holy shit! It's like an alien! We can name her Ripley!"
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ka-go-me · 2 months
𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑒 𝒜𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔: . After-Action Patch-Up starters
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loneinuyasha asked: "I can't believe you jumped into that fray without thinking! What are you trying to prove?!"
. 『 @loneinuyasha 』
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「巫女」::The miko looked up at the boy with a kind of an-empty confused appearing look. Like she didn't know what he was talking about. Although of course--she did. And really, he was the one who usually did that, it worked for him. She'd figured why not her too?
. Well, she hadn't actually thought that at the time she did it...But it was just proof that his influence was strong.
. She bit her lower lip a bit, and dragged her eyes diagonally away.::
. "Well--that's just it, I--wasn't thinking? I was just--reacting. Something you do all the time... I don't know that I was trying to prove anything. I mean I don't--need to, right? Jumping in without a thought was just kind of instinctual. Helping people is just--part of what I do..."
. ::Even though in hindsight it was stupid, she knew, but--they did say hindsight was 20/20 for a reason.::
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Made this account of Aziraphale, but I don’t think he knows how to use this ‘platform’ (As he calls it) properly.
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sarasaland-slob · 2 months
//May or may not have made a new blog 👀
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bedheadnoodle · 11 months
Leona... can I pretty please touch your tail? I'll do your homework for a week.
At the mention of his tail, it flicks behind him in acknowledgement. "Eh? My tail? What're you babbling about, herbivore? Tch, no. You should know better than to walk into a lion's den and ask something like that anyways."
"Though...I guess since I'm so kind, I'll allow ya to touch my ears." Leona sighed out as he crossed his arms.
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Send a 💘 and my muse will say which they would swipe on your muse’s profile and why!
for multimuse blogs please specify!
SWIPE RIGHT - accept ✔️
SWIPE LEFT - decline ❌
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jackswonderfulmishaps · 5 months
Roy didn't know why he thought this was a good idea. Letting Jack's house spirit take his body for a vacation, and leaving roy in his short, plush body. Regardless roy sulked and pouted on Jack's couch, laying in a very 'exposed' manner.
Jack finally came home from work, unlocking the door and setting his things down on the table by the entrance, shutting the door behind him before making his way to the living room.
"Hooh boy Spirit, you got no idea how much of a stressful day I had, I really need a pick-me-up. Got anything in mind?~" Jack asked the spirit, not knowing that Roy, his friend, was in that body. Jack sat down beside the spirit, spreading his legs open to show off his pitched tent to Roy.
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hyprmemes · 2 years
memories/the past starters edit as you see fit!
please don't remind me
i can't stop thinking about it, that moment is on replay in my head every moment of my life
do you think we can ever go back to that time?
i don't like thinking about the past
could you help me remember?
i've never forgotten and i don't think i'll ever be able to
can't you just... start moving on?
my nightmares are never made up, they're just reruns of things i'd rather forget
visiting this place again after so much time is giving me whiplash
i don't remember you being like this the last time we met
i thought i'd never see this place again
please, please try to remember, you don't know how much actually depends on it
no, not like that, that's now how that sounded like
is this what you've been doing, reliving the past over and over and over again?
i remember when we were younger and the first moments we started losing all hope
nostalgia weighs heavy on the soul
you can't even pretend to remember, can you
no, i'm blocking it out and you can't make me go back
i thank you not to bring that up again
can't you help me reminisce instead of highlighting all the bad
which version of us do you prefer, the then or the now
always remembering can be as dangerous as always forgetting
i don't want to hold the past against you
but what if you could turn back time
what if some things are meant to be memories and nothing else
god, i can't even trust my own memories anymore
i can't tell the difference between what i recall and what i made up
you were so much taller in my memories, so much scarier
i spend so much time just thinking about what could have been
yes, i do, okay? i regret that moment like i regret a thousand others, are you happy now?
no, that's not how that happened, don't start twisting things again
you and i remember two very different things
is that what they've been telling you happened?
that's not how i remember things, i think someone's lied to you
are we even remembering the same moment?
you repressed it, you repressed it all
how is you being the only one burdened with remembering in any way fair?
yeah, that's what it was! that's insane, are you sure we weren't there together?
no i can't let it go, it feels important but i can't fucking remember it
you can’t focus only on the good, don’t you remember all the shit we went through?
is that all that’s left in your mind of our time together?
things were so much better back then
i wish i could just live in my best memories
if i can’t think about the years gone by, it’s because of you
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ask-replaced-kris · 6 months
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Yeah he's pretending like he didn't get beaten the first 3 times by you.
"I um... don't really understand the context of this? Are you by chance my rival, but is named differently instead of being called Silver?"
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round-rival · 2 months
nimona you ever sat on anyone by accident?
“Oh yeah, this one time I sat on Penny by accident. She was *not* happy, as you can imagine! You don’t realize how big and heavy you are until you accidentally sit on your friend and they’re gasping for air once you finally get up! I also, uh…may or may not have ripped a really nasty fart right in her face as I was trying to get up, haha…”
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ur-babe-mayday · 3 months
Which is your favorite ring in Hell to visit?
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Well that should be obvious… it’s Lust, baby~ you could say I was made for Lust~ 💕
I’d rather be drinking in Sloth though…
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ka-go-me · 8 months
. 『 @thetrappedmiko 』 . Continued from here
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「巫女」:: the girl made a slightly more embarrassed face if that was possible then that the elder miko---had not actually seen what she'd done.::
. "Wait--you didn't see what happened, did you...? Haaaa. NEVER mind then..."
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