#manwha scan
jjoyboii · 2 months
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Solo Leveling / 나 혼자만 레벨업
By: Chugong
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flightyquinn · 11 months
An Open Letter to Fan Translators
Dear Scanlators and Fansubbers,
When translating a character's name, pick a spelling and stick to it.
It doesn't matter if it's accurate. It doesn't matter if the spelling is weird. It doesn't matter if it's different from the official translation. It doesn't even matter if it's correct, or you just pick a new name for the character out of a hat. What matters is that what the characters are called is consistent. When names keep changing, it makes it harder to follow the story.
You're trying to give the most accurate translation you can, I get it. Unlike in the 80's and 90's, when official localization saw characters get reassigned more "Western" names, people try to be more faithful to the source material these days. The thing is, those old "Usagi is Serena in America" translations understood something important that you're forgetting. The audience needs to be able to recognize names, and associate them with characters. The name itself doesn't matter, just that the reader/viewer knows who that is. Which you make harder for them by changing the names from one release to the next.
Sure, sometimes the translator changes. Send them a reference sheet along with the material to translate. Just a simple list that says which translations are already established, and can't be changed for the sake of audience comprehension. It's a lot more jarring when the names change than it is if they're "bad".
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7minchan · 2 years
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more saving you in my heart conceptualization scans
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Igris memories: Cut moment from the manwha
[IGRIS!!! You were supposed to be one of the twin wings of the Shadow Army, yet you follow the orders of a Sovereign who is a measly human?! Are you not ashamed of yourself??] Not even possessing enough energy to maintain its Dragonic form anymore, the bastard had reverted back to a humanoid appearance, panting laboriously as it clutched the sword sticking out its chest. I ended up staring at the dying creature with dazed eyes for a long time after hearing its final words.
Indeed, I had forgotten it.
The moments spent with my new master had been so glorious that I had completely forgotten about the previous liege.
Since when did this happen?
Such feelings of doubt caused the inside of my mind to blank out.
But then, this happened.
I heard a loud yell coming from somewhere that woke me up real fast. “Igrit!!” It was the voice of my liege.
I urgently raised my head to look. In the direction my gaze landed in next, I was greeted by a ray of blinding light.
‘Breath of Destruction!!’ The Dragon Emperor had spent most of its energy after battling my liege and reverted back to its humanoid figure as well. But, for some reason, it was firing a Breath in my direction. No, wait. That b*stard wasn’t aiming at me. It just so happened that I was standing in the path of the Breath, that was all.
I realised that it was too late to do anything after seeing the ray of blinding light about to swallow me up. I couldn’t even do anything and just stood there, frozen. I resigned myself to my fate. While facing the light enveloping my entire vision, I began thinking to myself. Maybe this was… a punishment for completely forgetting about my pledge of allegiance to the previous liege? ‘If so, then I shall gladly accept it.’
After all, I was a sinner, wasn’t I?
And so, as I quietly waited for my final moments approaching me at the speed of light… In that blink of a moment, someone stood before me and extended his hand out to block the ‘Breath of Destruction’.
His left hand was burning away from the horrifying attack of the Dragon Emperor, but he showed no signs of pulling away.
I watched him defending against the flames capable of burning away everything in the universe for my sake and even before I had realised it, I was calling out in desperation. [My liege!!] Once the Breath of Destruction came to its end, my liege turned to look at me with rebuking eyes.
‘….!!’ Just like back when he loudly yelled out my name, I woke up again with a start just now. My liege scanned my condition for a moment or two, before dashing towards the Dragon Emperor again. I too, raised up my sword in order to cut down the Dragonewts trying to surround me. ‘That’s right.’
I had never forgotten about my previous liege. My loyalty to that person simply had been extended to my current liege, that was all.
How could me staying loyal with all my being to the inheritor the previous liege had personally chosen, be seen as a bad thing, a sin?
‘I am a knight.’ I was a sword of my liege. I was one of the twin wings that led the Shadow Army. If a one in ten thousand chance occurred… if I were to face the moment where I had to part ways with the current liege, then I’d add the words of farewell I didn’t get to say to the previous liege as well.
Every day I fought under my liege had been honour and privilege to me.
*The context as to why Jin-Woo's hand was burned*
*Really wish they had shown that panel*
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@psychcdelica​ asked:  🌟 Whomstever you're interested in
Send 🌟 and I’ll tell you some verses/AUs I want to write with your muse(s)! - Accepting! Please send me some stuff so we can plot some new threads!
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Bubblez, I can pretty much say with confidence that anyone you throw at me, we can probably build a verse, or at least a thread, together! But with that in mind, I’m going to point out the muses I’m at least somewhat familiar with:
Chisa, Ibuki, and Natsumi - The obvious, of course. Pretty much any DR verse is fair game though I don’t really enjoy writing a lot of Despair-verse unless there’s more to the storyline besides Despair. What could be fun is a post-high school/school reunion thread to see what our muses have gotten up to? I at least hope Chisa is happy and Ibuki is selling out concerts and is a big star. Maybe Sonia can help her navigate her new fame?
Sae and Mitsuru - I’m lumping them both together because Persona, but admittedly, I’ve only seen the P5 anime. Once. So a crossover may be best. But Mitsuru seems like another heiress type of muse? Her path and Sonia’s might cross as they may have similar social circles.
Lotus, Clover, and Junpei - I’m not sure how Sonia would fit in the Zero Escape universe but I have played all three of these games, so I’m familiar with the characters. 
Jubellian - Perhaps the most wild card on this list! I do read and keep up with the manwha she’s from, so we could do some sort of vaguely-historical inspired AU with both Jubellian and Sonia. The same goes for any other royal/aristocratic muses you have (I love taking royal manga/manhwa recs! I have a few I like and a lot I just tend to scan through, but I enjoy reading them). 
Yor Forger - Like many others, I read/watch/love Spy x Family (wait until October -eyes- I have some PLANS. Not RP plans...but my other hobby)! We could always do a bodyguard thread for teenage or adult Sonia. No one should let either woman cook, though. And Sonia may be the least disturbed/concerned by Yor’s assassin skills: she’ll want to try handling the needles while showing Yor some of the Novoselic military weapons. 
That’s pretty much everyone I can say for sure that I’m at least somewhat familiar with the material, but I think you have a Somnium Files muse that you’ve thrown at Scoob who loves princesses? That could be an interesting friction between her and Sonia if you’re open to a crossover (sorry, I don’t really know much about Somnium Files so it would have to be more of a modern AU crossover!), especially as Sonia has a disdain for fairy tale/happily ever after princesses: unless she’s working and needs to brighten up someone’s day, she’ll be candid with her friends and insist most princesses and their duties are nothing like fairy tales/Disney/etc. portray.
And then get a little grumpy/disappointed when she has to admit that yes, her family has a wide selection of crown jewels and yes, she does wear them when appropriate. Same goes for ball gowns. 
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ruben-lyrics98 · 3 years
Solo Leveling
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ivyines · 3 years
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Seokwoo Yoo ~ ✨ mood board / aesthetic ✨
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nntheblog · 3 years
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ohthehorror32 · 4 years
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natey-night · 5 years
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I’m in a bunch of scanlator groups and honestly they act like the most entitled pieces of shit at times. These people, while they are providing a free service, are also chasing down anyone who posts any pictures of the scanlation to harass them into taking down because by all accounts they can get hit with a C&D. It gets to the point where some of them will use their announcements to publically shame Instagram users and sic their discord members on them. While most of them don’t do that, there is a sizable amount who do and they tend to be groups who translate manhua with a focus on the female audience. Also if you criticize them in any shape or form, they will ban you from their discord, essentially holding their projects hostage.  
I’m at this point where I don’t care because I saw one group harass a bunch of middle schoolers who were translating a project that group was already doing and then got angry when the middle schoolers refused to drop the project, to the point they linked discord where the middle schoolers where in order for their own members to harass them.
so fuck you NASS for pulling that shit and fuck the other accounts that pull shit like them including SLC and SS and on occasion LLS.
Also password locking your shit is fucking shitty and if you really wanted to not get C&D you’d use dummy accounts for uploading and not have a credits page that links back to every single one of ur discord accounts.
The entire point of making a scanlation group is to share your scans for others to enjoy, not to create an echo chamber where you no longer listen to criticism and the fact these groups mainly do this is ridiculous 
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yaoi-sekai · 3 years
Survey results
Thanks to everyone who answered our survey. We’ve got 161 responses, which gave us a good idea of your interests and likes. We’ll be sure to take those in count for the future. 
Summary under the cut.
Favorite Yaoi Sekai’s project
It’s no surprise that Sakura Rico’s beastmen series are the big favorites between readers. Both Thoroughbred wa Nabikanai (44%) & Ookami-kun wa kowakunai (35%) positioned themselves above all other projects. Other manga with a good number of votes were Hinako’s Fuck Buddy & Blue Lust, as well as Tokishiba’s Yagi to Ookami no Hatsujou Jijou & Alpha ga Alpha wo Daku Houhou. Also several respondants mentioned it was hard to choose only three favorite manga. I'm happy you enjoy our projects.
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Favorite BL sub-genres & tropes
All of the options we offered were selected by a good percentage of the respondants, however there’s a clear preference for omegaverse and work settings. A couple of respondants also added in “others” tropes like yazuka, family/children, wholesome/fluff and angst/tragedy.
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Indispensable elements to enjoy BL
Most respondants found all elements to be at least important. However the majority found romance to be indispensable to enjoy BL manga.  
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Comments & suggestions
We received a lot of congratulations and positive messages. Thanks so much for your encouraging words! There were also a couple of suggestions I’d like to reply to.
Would you work on manhua/manwha? 
It’s not on our plans. Our staff has japanese translators, and we feel comfortable working on japanese manga. I don’t think we could keep up a good pace for webtoons. Sorry about that.
make the manga(s) in pdf form too🙃
Sorry, I don’t plan to do this because it would imply extra work for me. However you’re free to download our zip files and use any online converter to make pdf files. For personal use only. Please don’t distribute pdfs/epubs with our scans.
More beaffy ukes
Sure, I’ll be on the lookout for manga with muscular bottoms.
I've only read the Ookami-kun and Thoroughbred ones so far, and they're great, but the grammar in the English translation could have been better. Maybe these were old and it's already improved since then, though!
We've been taking special attention lately to readability. So now our projects go through peer review before release. I hope you find our latest releases have improved in this aspect, we're always trying to get better.
Suggest picking up half finished scanlated works?
Actually, Yaoi Sekai began as a project to complete dropped manga, so I think we can go back to our roots and revive that project. We already have one title planned for this. We also received a couple of suggestions on the survey, so we’ll consider all of them and choose the ones we’re able to do.
And that’s it for our survey. We’ll be sure to bring more updates and announcements soon. 
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frukinmat · 7 years
supahfuj0shi on Instagram is posting right now chapter 27
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
I'm so grateful for the people in the CR fandom who take the time to buy and scan the manwha. Otherwise the rest of us would be completely ignorant to gems like this panel
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Showing Pizza doing exactly what I wished someone would do to those little fuckers throughout the entirety of their event.
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knf-yd-fusion · 3 years
31/05/2021 Actua Mayo 2021
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Muuuy buenas mis prexioxuras~_(┐「ε:)_📷 Hoy abemus actua~ Pensé que iba a haber poca cosa pero al final veo que está bastante bien. Mi preocupación principal es que actualmente tenemos pocos proyectos activos y la mayoría están a un cap de finalizar (calculo que para Julio acabamos 3 sino antes) sin contar que hoy finalizamos nuestro querido manga de hosts Kabukicho stray flamingo y que estrenamos uno que transcurre en México, Thank you my god. ¡¡¡Esperamos que os gusten!!! Obviamente vamos a empezar a meter mano a los futuros (hemos eliminado 2) para no quedarnos inactivas pero va a ir lento porque tenemos que comprar los scans de varios de ellos y no estoy millonaria (hay que comprar un tomo entero solamente para un maldito cap y adfly no da ni para un café...) (-‸ლ) Me han comentado de poner un botón de donación Paypal para comprar los ebooks como está haciendo todo el mundo pero creo que si lo hago se va a morir de asco en la web y no va a servir de nada hahahah ¿Si pongo uno serviría de algo? Otra cosa mariposa.... Necesitamos Staff... Ocurre que no somos muchos y necesitaría 1 cleaner (que limpie bien y sepa tamponear y redibujar cosas correctamente) , 1 editor y 1 traductor de inglés (nivel alto) y otro de francés (nivel alto) para yaoi. También si alguien quiere darnos una mano con Otome Youkai Zakuro como cleaner o traductor nos iría bien, así puedo centrarme en otras cosillas (๑•̆૩•̆) Por cierto, Otome ya no será subido a TMO (se subía por el joint solamente ya que ellas sí que lo hacían y a veces les hacíamos de soporte). Dejé un aviso en el cap anterior pero por si no se leyó lo digo de nuevo... Para seguir leyendo las aventuras de esta pandilla tendréis que ir a nuestra web o lector. No sé qué está ocurriendo en el mundo de los fansubs que casi todos andan mancos de staff. La mayoría están cerrando y otros se han pasado a los manwhas. La gente ya no quiere ayudar en los grupos y cuando se unen duran menos que una piruleta en una fiesta de puros niños... ( ̄ー ̄) En fin... Que si alguien quiere darnos una manos que me contacte. Feliz semanita~ P.D: Pronto traeremos el tomo 7 de Same difference!!! (Docchi mo docchi)
F E C H A S D E S U B I D A◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ Descarga directa en la web: Disponible Disponible en el Lector Wix a partir del: 13 Junio '21
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scansolo · 3 years
hiii, so this is more like a request... my favorite manhwa's raws were being translated untill recently but i think they stopped :( its called "Pond Snail Robber" and so far its been translated up to chapter 53
It's special to me bc unlike other bl it manages to create a great story w likeable and relatable characters without evolving around sex. It became one of my ways to cope with quarantine and also one of the few actual good lgbt media representation. As a teen who is still closeted, I can't buy the official translation (which btw is veeeeeeery behind), so it would be very sad to have to stop reading such a great story.
I really appreciate your work so it would make me the happiest person alive if your team could pick it up. If you really can't make it happen then its ok I'd just like to thank you for translating green apple paradise bc its also one of my favorite manwhas <3
Hey! I apologize for taking so long to answer this.
Pond Snail Robber is one of my favorites! I love it for all the same reasons you do and am especially obsessed with all the clever ways design plays into the storytelling.
I think about the flashback turned film roll Ji Ho literally cuts short at the beginning of chapter 21 all the time.
I don’t intend on working on any project that’s already been licensed but I really tried to brainstorm ways I could help you out with this one.
This is an aptly named scan team but, unfortunately, that also means we’re a bit understaffed. I thought maybe I could team up with another translator like the other projects but the hurdle of setting up a private server to share updates has already proven too big of a challenge. (For awhile there though, it was quite funny to see people join the scansolo Discord, find it awkwardly empty, and immediately leave.)
If you weren’t already aware, you can receive free bonus coins every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on Lezhin US. They expire after a week but it’s enough to unlock one chapter every week. It might be awhile but hopefully that way you will still be able read the story when the official translation catches up.
I’m really sorry I can’t help you with this one. I would immediately pick up this project if it weren’t already licensed.
Thanks for reaching out anyway!
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ruben-lyrics98 · 3 years
Sweet Home
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