#many grownups here so i feel a lil silly but thats just me
the lovely mootie of mine @astral-nautical make an awesome post here on Hades 2 and I wanted to add on but felt I had too many unrelated thoughts so would make a separate post while making them connected!!
spoilers for Hades 2 ahead ^^; + opinions
Orca mentions in his post why he doesn't feel Hecate can be trusted, and I agree! The nature of Hades 2 is vastly different from the first in specific terms of its story/plot devices (the gameplay does not apply in this post) While Hecate has raised Melionë, she hasn’t raised her in the way Zagreus was you know? I say this because I’ve noticed a massive shit in tone and feel for the two games. While the first one has themes of “mending” a toxic family, of reconnection, love, and growth from a place of warmth (House of Hades) The crossroads feel different. And I know it’s because the circumstances have drastically shifted but again comparing Zag and Mel their starts are different! Zag never knew his mum but was still raised as a “normal” kid (albeit not the greatest, that’s another post) but he seeks to reconnect or at least know why she left. Mel has been raised from birth since her family was taken from birth to “find the Titan, slay the Titan.” She doesn’t know anything else! She has an objective and that’s what she has been raised to do. The crossroads don’t feel like home. They feel like a military base, that’s no place for a child. No one there cares for her in a parental way, they all care about her, but it’s her mission they care for. I say this also as we see with the,,, hot spring,, scenes. Everyone as far as we know, has known Mel since she was a kid and those feel off. I think it would be weird if I went to a hot spring, naked, with the people I considered family. (I’m also aware of Greek practices but that’s not the point). Mel mentions that she doesn't care for anything a mortal may feel for doing such a thing but I am mortal minor, so I have feelings T^T, I think it’s all for the end goal (slaying Chronos, saving the family) but what of after? Mel also feels like an autistic person (<- projecting as an autistic person), in the way she acts/behaves, and goes about social situations, so when she achieves the thing, she’s been set to do, what after? Will she know how to be a teen? Young adult at best. What about the rest of the family? Will the Olympians set out for the house for any grievances from the war from Zags waking the Titan’s blood? So many questions. I own the game and it’s been very overwhelming in a positive way, but I just have so many questions! I’ve hardly covered all my thoughts in just this post! Supergiant Games and their titles are my special interest so genuinely excited for what's to come with this game.
If anyone has any thoughts, I'd love love love to hear them!!! dms/replies are always open ^^
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