#many thanks to bicyclepainting for betaing this long-ass fic for me and encouraging me to not abandon it!!
k9rage · 2 years
settle down (with you)
Geordi/Cutie, Teen, 6k
Tags: Gender-neutral listener, Deaf listener character, ASL usage, Ambulatory wheelchair user Geordi, Fluff, Domestic fluff, Consensual telepathy
Hi, Cutie.
It makes their smile grow and a flush curl on their cheeks embarrassingly easily. Geordi's always been able to make them feel incredibly warm inside, and today isn't an exception, regardless of how he's feeling.
Ao3 link
Geordi is sweet, soft hearted, and all together a ball of nerves that deserves all the care they can provide for him. Dating him has been good- he's kind, conscious about trying to understand the empowered world, and has been a grounding force while they're navigating the reveal of their powers as a telepath in the relationship. 
He's also astonishingly trusting, especially considering everything he's been through, and they wish desperately they could take away those fears of being too much.
It's surprising, to hear the front door click open but to not hear a greeting from him after he hangs up his coat. Usually, he greets them at the door, and invites them to listen in on his thoughts if they want to, but he's concerningly quiet tonight.
They slip off the couch to greet him in the hallway with a kiss, leaning down a little to hold him close for the duration of it. It's nice to feel him melt into them, gripping their shirt to hold them close to him. 
"Hey, Cutie," Geordi breathes.
"You okay? I didn't hear you call out when you got home," they sign out, eyebrows pulled down to infuse concern into the sign and resisting the urge to peek into his head without asking. 
He sighs a little bit, shrugging. "It wasn't...bad? Just a rough day, I guess." There's a short pause, then he perks up "you can, um. Join me, if you want. In my head, I mean."
They smile a little, poking into his head and 
Hi, Cutie.
It makes their smile grow and a flush curl on their cheeks embarrassingly easily. Geordi's always been able to make them feel incredibly warm inside, and today isn't an exception, regardless of how he's feeling. 
You are here, right? Today sucked. I missed you.
Work was long; too long.
Glad to be home. Glad to be with you.
Their heart feels mushy, and they pull him up into another, longer kiss that makes him lean out of his wheelchair the slightest bit. It's sweet and soft, more chaste than usual, and it's unbelievably nice to hear his thoughts, full of affection, while they're kissing him. They’re unable to stop the little smile on their face listening to his thoughts, so obviously full of love for them. 
Love your smile, it's so cute.
I'm here, they confirm, eyes still shut.
Glad you're home, Geordi. I missed you. I'm sorry work sucked.
He shakes his head a little, squeezing their hand when the two of them part.
Still don't feel great. I need a shower.
Don't wanna.
"It's okay, it wasn't even anything big. Just...I dunno. Didn't feel great."
Love you; stay with me?
The telepath squeezes his hand, then releases it to sign out "I'll stay. Want to get takeout or watch movies on the couch tonight? I'll stroke your hair."
Takeout from my favorite place…
But I'm not hungry.
Ooo, cuddles on the couch!
It's a bit of a bribe, but it works, so they don't feel too guilty.
Love cuddling you. 
So soft, so cozy.
"I still need a shower," he admits aloud, regretful.
I'm tired.
Don't wanna shower- want to cuddle. Showering sucks. Until you're in the water, I guess. Then it's nice.
Until you have to get out again.
They hum, signing out, "together?" 
Ooo showers together.
I could wash their hair- or they could wash my hair.
I've never had someone wash my hair for me.
Their hands always feel so good. Soft hands; bet it'd feel good.
His thoughts feel a tad wistful, though still with his patent brand of excited happiness, and they smile a little at how easy it is to get him to think in tangents. The fact his previous partner didn't ever wash his hair for him isn't especially surprising considering what they know, but it's still something that makes them ache to remedy that as quickly as possible. 
"Yeah, Cutie," he smiles, dimples showing on his cheeks "I'd really like that, if you don't mind."
Shit, do they mind?
No, they wouldn't offer if they didn't want to.
I don't think- would they?
They squeeze his hand quietly, and press their thoughts back against his.
I don't mind, Geordi. You deserve to be taken care of.
He nods, but his smile is a little more wobbly. It's something he struggles with, but is working on, and they're happy to see him accept that he deserves care either way. It's progress, even if there's a way to go. 
"Start the water, I'll be in in a minute?" They sign, twisting their pointer finger emphatically for start, making him perk up. "Start without me, I'll pull up a show to watch when we finish showering."
Geordi gives a big smile, pulling them into a kiss before wheeling away to start the shower with a little wiggle in his seat, the Tetris theme bouncing around in his head.
It makes them smile, endlessly endeared with him. 
They quietly pull up a movie that both of them have been wanting to watch- something about humans and robots in space, they don't fully remember the plot.
It'll be a nice break for both of them after the inversion. He’s been their shoulder to lean on, even knowing next to nothing about the empowered world, and the stress has been wearing on both of them. A night on the couch together eating junk food is so blissfully normal in a way they haven’t had in a while, and honestly they’ve missed things like that in the wake of everything.
The telepath pads across the wooden flooring of their apartment and into the tiled bathroom, little stray thoughts bubbling up from their partner while he messes with the water.
Too hot. Shit, now it’s too cold! There. Maybe that’s better? They like it hotter than I do, maybe I should turn it up…
They slide their hearing aids off and set them on the little stool just outside of their bathroom before sliding their arms around him from behind, feeling his spine stiffen in surprise where he’s hunched over to check the water temperature of their shower.
I can adjust the water too, Geordi.
He straightens up and leans back against them, muscles going from bunched up under his shirt to soft and relaxed the longer he leans into them like this.
Feels good. Love your hands on me, always feels good. Warm. Like home.
That makes the telepath smile, pressing their lips to his shoulder through his shirt with a hum that vibrates their vocal chords but is muffled to their own ears without the hearing aids. Honestly, they prefer it that way at home though. It feels less overwhelming after a day of listening to every little noise at the Department alongside with listening in on other people’s stray thoughts. 
They retract their arms from around him with one last little squeeze to his midsection, tapping his shoulderblade to get him to turn around. 
Taptap. Oh, I should turn around. You probably want to say something. 
Stupid. I should’ve realized.
He turns around, and the telepath frowns, signing out “Not stupid, Geordi,”  and jutting their hand forwards for not with a little more force than they usually sign with for emphasis. 
So sweet to me. So kind. Always so sweet. 
I love you.
“I know,” he signs back, kissing their forehead “c’mon, that show is calling our name.”
What was it called?
Space Sweepers? No. That’s a movie. Strange New Worlds maybe?
His signing is a little bit more clumsy and slower than their own, but he’s very careful to sign correctly after accidentally signing make-out instead of work to a stranger. The memory makes them laugh a little, unable to stop themself from doing it.
Remember when you signed make-out to that guy at the coffee shop? They think, pressing the thought against his own stream of thought. It makes him grumble, but he’s laughing.
One time! It was one time, Cutie!
So mean to me.
Cute, though. Always cute.
They grin, sneaking a hand up his shirt and kissing him for several long seconds before pulling back and spreading their left hand out to sign “off,” with a gesture to his shirt. 
Shirt off. They want my shirt off.
Of course they want your shirt off, Geordi, you’re showering together.
Cutie slides their own shirt off, and there’s a flurry of thoughts too quick to parse through from their partner going from shit to they’re hot to I love their body. It always warms them down to the toes, listening in to how unabashedly he likes how they look.
Their shirt gets thrown on the ground while they shuck off their pants, and Geordi finally starts pulling off his shirt after a few seconds of staring appreciatively. 
Once the two are completely bare, he pulls them together to kiss again, bare skin pressed against theirs. He’s warm, and feels undeniably good against their front while he leans up to press his lips into theirs. Even after pulling away, he lingers there for a few seconds longer to breathe them in, eyes shut so his lashes cast shadows on his skin.
Smells good.
We’re using up the water. Don’t care.
The telepath gently pushes him away, pointing both of their pointer fingers to sign out “go,” in reminder while a smile plays on their face.
He goes.
Shit! Water is too hot again. I must’ve turned it up too high. 
They slip into the shower with him and press a kiss to his shoulder with a soft hum while the water turns a touch colder. Less scalding and more warm this time.
Better, I think.
Hi, Cutie. You’re warm.
He turns around when they tap him in the shoulder so they can sign out “you too,” with a quick back and forth gesture.
Everything is much quieter without their hearing aids, and the lack of noise is a blessing after such a busy day. The loud water from their shower has softened to a low murmur, barely discernible, and even Geordi’s voice is muffled enough now that they can’t make out anything other than a low rumble.
Cute. Love you. Love seeing you.
The telepath leans down to kiss their partner with an arm around his neck and he melts into it, eyes shutting.
Kiss. Love kisses.
So warm. 
Using all our water.
He presses his body against theirs and they nip at his lip.
So worth it, who cares about the water.
Cutie can’t help the little smile that causes as they pull away, registering a flurry of half-hearted complaints that fly through his head. 
“Sit?” they sign out, pressing two fingers down with a quizzical expression “I know your legs hurt when you’re standing too much. That’s why we got the shower chair, Geordi,” the telepath reminds.
He pauses, then nods slightly and sits down on the plastic stool-like chair they’d gotten a few weeks ago, leaning into them while they adjust the showerhead so it won’t be in his eyes the entire time.
Thanks, Cutie.
Cutie hums -a vibration of vocal chords that goes mostly unheard to their own ears- and presses a kiss to his wet hair. 
“Can I wash your hair?” they sign, pressing two closed fists together to sign wash after pointing to him.
He lights up, that bright smile already taking over his face and bringing out the dimple he only gets when he smiles really big like this. It makes their heart ache, and the flurry of affectionate, pleased thoughts are almost too quick to parse through.
Wash me? Wait, no, I missed a sign. 
Wash my…hair? That’s what that means, right? The little plucking by your hair?
Yes, please.
I want that.
You’re so sweet. I love you.
The telepath grabs his shampoo, overhearing a little yesyesyes yes, they’re gonna wash my hair rush through his thoughts.
Yeah, Geordi, the plucking sign means hair, they affirm through thoughts of their own in his head. A pleased expression crosses his freckled face at that. He hadn’t been good with sign when he started learning, so now every time he gets some of it right unexpectedly he seems excited.
Cutie gently nudges him to tilt his head back while they get his hair wet, then pops open the shampoo bottle. They know it makes a satisfying little click, even if they can’t hear it right now, and they lather their hands with it before working it into his thick hair. 
His eyes slide shut and his mind goes still and quiet for several long seconds, seemingly drinking the feeling of it in. Their nails gently scratch at his scalp and his mouth opens- to say something or to sigh they’re not sure. 
Feels good. So good.
Your hands always feel so good, Cutie.
Fondness curls through them while they work shampoo into his hair even after it’s thoroughly been lathered up and they could wash it out. He seems so content, and it’s just…so nice to see him like that. He deserves to feel like that, and knowing they can give him those feelings feels special somehow.
Their hand gently cups the back of his skull and tilts his head back, tapping his forehead with their free hand in warning to close his eyes. His entire body is loose and relaxed, slumped over in the shower chair and resting his head in their hand without a second though. Only a flitter of thoughts.
Back? Head back?
Eyes closed. 
Holding me.
Feels safe. Always safe with you.
The water sprays through his hair and washes out the foamy suds from his curls. 
Warm. So warm.
Feels good, Cutie. Your hands in my hair, the water.
What show are we watching again?
That makes them laugh, the little tangent he goes off on with the theme to some video game running just beneath all his thoughts during the small sections of quiet.
What? Don’t laugh at me! I don’t remember!
So mean, laughing at me.
Guess you can’t hear it if you laugh without your hearing aids, though. I mean, kind of, right? 
You always tell me you can feel when I speak because my chest rumbles.
The telepath gently combs through his wet hair and guides his head back up, pressing a kiss to the wet skin of his temple while he opens his eyes again. 
“Thank you, Cutie,” he says. They think.
Lip-reading isn’t foolproof, but they have a lot of practice, and being able to hear his thoughts is undeniably helpful.
Frowning, why?
Did I say something wrong?
Too much. I’m being too much again, just like-
They pull out of his mind abruptly, shaking their head emphatically. “Never too much,” the telepath reminds him with a soft kiss when they finish signing.
He softens with a little smile and leans up to cup their cheeks to hold them close. It’s half bent down, but made worth it by the way his body softens again, not unsure of himself anymore. They slip back into his thoughts, hesitant, and press an I love you into his thoughts.
“Lip-reading’s hard,” they sign. “Was guessing what you said.”
My fault. Should’ve signed. 
Sorry, Cutie.
Cutie shakes their head lightly in dismissal, kissing him again.
Kiss. Kissing me. 
Love kissing you.
They pull back after several long moments, lingering there to trade little chaste kisses with their partner. Geordi’s a good kisser- he takes his time, drinks them in like this, and the way he always seems to melt into them is a hefty bonus.
On a different night, it would work them up, but tonight it just makes them fond as they grab his conditioner bottle and tap their chest then point toward him in silent request.
Predictably, he grins until the dimple on the left side shows again, and nods several times as if he needs to enthuse them properly so they know just how much he likes the idea.
They pop the cap and pour some into their palm, one hand cupping the back of his head to guide him a bit while they rub conditioner into his hair. Honestly, it’s criminal that he’s never had his hair washed by a partner before because it’s so soft.
Feels good. So good, always good if it’s you.
Did I lock my car? Shit.
Who cares. Check later.  
Their hands massage conditioner into his hair and his head falls back a little like putty beneath their hands. His shoulders gradually melt, and that pinched up furrow in his brow that’s been there since he got home slowly softens into nothing the longer they spend like this.
Finally- and not without regret- they wash his hair out again and gently tap his shoulder so he’ll open his eyes.
“Wash you?” they ask, rubbing their hands together with a quizzical expression.
Wash me?
Oh- oh.
Wash my body?
His bright eyes look up at them and he nods, pulling them in by the waist to kiss them beneath the water.
We’re gonna run out of hot water if we keep getting distracted, Geordi, they think, but make no move to stop kissing him.
This time he's the one to pull back, amused fondness on every inch of his face.
I like you distracted, Cutie.
Touching me, kissing me.
No- don’t think about that now. Later. Maybe.
The telepath laughs, soaping up a rag with the body wash he loves so much while he tries very hard to redirect his line of thought. Both of them are too exhausted tonight for anything like that, though, and it simmers out after a few long moments of rubbing the washcloth over his tense shoulders.
Feels so good. So warm.
They linger longer than they need to, working out the little knots up his spine with soaped up hands and feeling his body slump the longer they spend like this. They’d like to spend longer, but unfortunately it’s a shower and not a bath, so they can’t linger too long. 
Love when you wash my back.
Can never reach that one spot right in the middle. Always end up hurting my arm.
Geordi leans back against their abdomen while they drag a washcloth over his arms, a flurry of sweet, happy thoughts from him barely blips on the radar. Somehow, this seems especially intimate, rubbing soap into his bicep and down his forearm to give his hand a little squeeze before switching sides.
Hand squeezing mine. Feels good. 
Gotta squeeze back, Geordi.
Love you.
The stress from earlier in the day has nearly dissipated, sliding down the drain alongside the water and soap suds while they wash him off. Knowing they can take away his stress like that is cathartic- and incredibly reassuring after all the nights he’s comforted them after the inversion.
I gotta email my coworker back. Later, not now.
Can we get pizza? 
Ooo…pizza! I don’t wanna call it in, though. Hate talking on the phone.
Cutie hums while they wash the last of the suds off his arms and presses the thought I’ll call it in if you pick the pizza to feel the way he perks up excitedly.
So sweet to me.
Pizza for dinner, yum.
Cuddling on the couch. Miss cuddling you, Cutie.
They kiss his wet hair and quickly soap down, already aching to be in his arms on the couch without any more obligations for the night. A night in, watching a show and eating pizza will be nice. 
The telepath gently taps his shoulder, signing out “ready to get out of the shower, Geordi?”
Water’s warm. 
Don’t wanna get out, ugh, I never wanna get out once I’m actually in the shower.
It’ll be worth it though. 
Cuddling on the couch, kissing you, holding you.
Geordi nods, standing to meet them in a kiss while the water beats at his back. It feels good, steam warm around them and his body pressed against their front. The two of them linger, thoughts blending together for several long moments in a swirl of love you, feels good, lips are soft before the water starts going lukewarm against his back.
Cold cold cold, ugh.
I hate when it gets cold, that's the worst.
He shuts off the water toweling off before stepping out into the bathroom, drawing a little smiley face on the fogged up mirror. He hands them their towel with a small smile, waiting until they towel off to lean in and kiss them with a hand at the nape of their neck.
Mmm, you smell so good. Your lips are so soft.
Did you use my shampoo again? 
Smells like me.
They did use his shampoo again, but they don't admit it. Instead, they nip at his bottom lip and press close, feeling his chest shift with a sigh into their mouth.
Fuck, you feel good.
Getting distracted.
Geordi winds his arms around their neck, pressing his chest against theirs. Without their hearing aids, they miss the little noises he always makes, but he never ceases to be reactive enough that it doesn't especially matter.
Finally, after they sneak a hand down to squeeze his ass, they pull back with a little grin and sign "go put on some pajamas, we have a show to watch."
He pouts.
So mean. Working me up and leaving me like this, you're a menace!
Cute, though. Always cute.
Geordi heaves a melodramatic sigh so big that they can see his shoulders move with it, and they laugh, pecking his cheek and giving him a small shove. 
“Drama queen,” they fingerspell at him then give a little shooing motion while toweling off their hair. 
He reappears a few moments later once they’ve toweled off completely, now wearing the Tetris boxers and the avocado socks he loves so much he’s worn a hole in them. It’s endearing as hell, and also incredibly reassuring that he’s comfortable enough to show his personality more shamelessly. When they first got together he was more reserved, always shying away with thoughts of too much, I’m embarrassing them, they’re annoyed running through his head.
None of those thoughts whisper through his brain now, and that makes them happier than anything. His unabashed willingness to share the little nerdy, vulnerable parts of himself with them feels like a gift and they’d be hard pressed to reject it, in spite of the fact some of his dorky outfits do make them laugh.
He hands over a pair of their PJs, which they take gratefully and slip into, the fabric soft on warm skin. The bathroom is still a little bit foggy when the two of them step out, grabbing their hearing aids on the way to the living room but not bothering to put them in. They might want them later, but for now they’re more than happy to go without.
Shit, what kind of pizza do I want?
Should I get something with onions since they like it even if I don’t really like it?
That’s considerate; I don’t really want to though…I really don’t like onions.
No- they told me to make the choice. I get to choose tonight, they said that.
That makes them smile a little, knocking their head against his shoulder fondly before slipping away to check that captions are on for the show in preparation. 
Cheese pizza, maybe. Should we get breadsticks?
Ooo breadsticks. Yum.
The telepath settles on the couch beside Geordi and leans in to kiss him, lazy and slow with the residual warmth from the shower still on their skin. It feels good, to breathe him in like this and feel the tension in his shoulders melt in real time. 
He deserves that- they both do.
"Do you wanna get breadsticks too?" He signs out, fingers a bit clumsy despite his best efforts. Sign language isn't his native language, so even with all the practice he gets, he still lacks some of the natural flow. 
They mull it over, weighing the options and finally nodding in agreement.
Geordi grins, happily pressing himself close against Cutie's side. They feel good against him, warm and incredibly comforting. 
No, pizza first. Gotta call in the pizza, then watch it.
Did we put captions on?
Hate that they keep disappearing automatically. So annoying.
It's sweet to hear him thinking about captions for their sake, though he seems to like them too. His effort to ensure they're able to understand things without a lot of extra effort is really nice, and instills a lot of trust in him. 
"Pick what you want for pizza?" They ask, already having a shit eating grin. They know he hasn't, not yet. 
Perks of telepathy.
Oh fuck. 
What did I want?
Cheese? Pepperoni? I forgot to think about this.
He grimaces and they laugh knowingly, pulling him in by the back of the neck for a lazy kiss.
Don't laugh!
You're always so mean to me.
Ooo kisses. Warm; feels good. Always feels so good. Love kissing you. 
His mouth melds with theirs for several long moments, thoughts fizzling and scattering out in his head until they're difficult to pick out individually apart from feels good and love you and perfect.
Eventually they draw away with one last little peck to let him actually gather his thoughts about pizza. 
You like cheese right? And we're buying breadsticks. 
He frowns thoughtfully, nodding at their thoughts mingling in his head. 
Cheese pizza sounds good. Really good.
Breadsticks too.
After a bit more thought the two agree on what they want from the pizza place and Cutie types in the number to place it on speaker while using their captioning app so they can actually tell what the other person is saying. 
 Thankfully the telephone static must not be too bad because the captions come through quickly while Geordi leans against their side, thoughts bouncing around excitedly while they talk on the phone. 
Thanks for calling it in, Cutie. You know I hate doing it.
They do know, and it's endlessly amusing and endearing in equal measure. 
The call is over quickly, thankfully, and as soon as they set their phone to the side he's pulling them in close with arms around them. Not too tight, but just right, with the right pressure and his arms around them in the best spot.
Feels good, they think, and feel his smile against the skin of their neck. 
You too.
Always feel good. So warm, so soft.
The telepath sighs happily, leaning against his chest while their partner squeezes their midsection. It'll be a while until pizza arrives, so they're content to lounge around in his arms. He's much more relaxed than he was at the start of tonight, and that makes them feel happy. He deserves that. 
How long till pizza?
Forgot. Always forgetting things; sorry, Cutie.
They gently slap his arm in a soft reprimand, and he presses a kiss to their hair.
Got you to remind me, though. 
So good to me. Always so perfect.
Love it- love you.
That makes them smile a little, twisting back to kiss him with a soft hum of enjoyment. 
Kisses. Love kisses.
Love kissing you.
His tongue presses against theirs, and the two of them spend a while kissing like that until twisting their neck to do it becomes a bit too uncomfortable and they pull away with a small squeeze to his hand. A reassurance they started doing when they were first dating to soothe his anxious thoughts, then fell into the habit of doing. 
Neck hurts?
Of course it hurts, they were craning their neck for so long.
Sorry, Cutie.
Turn around? Wanna keep kissing you.
They nod a little, making the sign for "okay," with one hand while they shift to turn around on the couch. The theme song to Tetris is bouncing around Geordi's head, a little do do do do do do do do doooo do do do do do do dooo that they've grown used to in the months of dating him. 
Cutie settles against him again, meeting Geordi in another kiss that seems to make the Tetris theme in his brain scatter. It's longer this time, an arm around his shoulders and his arms wrapped around their waist. His tongue presses against their bottom lip and they make a happy noise, resting a hand on the nape of his neck. It's easy to get lost in it, in Geordi's arms around them and his happy, content thoughts mixing with their own. 
They're not exactly sure how much time passes like that, only that when the two pull back, he's got a dusting of red over his freckled cheeks. 
They spend a while curled up together on the couch, his arms around them and their cheek resting on his shoulder while they breathe him in.
Did I finish that thing at work? Shit.
Ugh, no, don't think about work. Who cares about work right now?
Think about something else- like cuddles on the couch. Like this.
The telepath strokes over his side absently, the fabric of his shirt soft under their fingertips and his chest shifts with what they're guessing is a sigh, by how it heaves out of him. 
Touching me. Feels really good.
Feels relaxing.
Could sleep like this. Ooo sleeping. No work tomorrow. 
Sleeping in, waking up together. 
I'll make breakfast if you do the dishes?
That makes them smile a little- it's a bribe, but they'll still take it if it means they're not the one leaving the comfort of a warm bed first. 
"Bribing me out of your least favorite chore again?" they sign after pulling their hand away from his side, eyes twinkling with amusement at the indignant thoughts echoing through his mind. "I'll do dishes tomorrow, Geordi. I don't mind."
Are they just saying that? Do they actually mind, is this some kind of test?
No, they're not like that. 
You'd tell me if it was, right? 
The telepath nods slightly, pressing close to him in an effort to reassure him. He's gotten better at asking for reassurance, and they’ve gotten better at offering it too since they first met. 
I don't mind, Geordi, they think, peppering him in little kisses that make his shoulders shake him that bubbly laughter they're so fond of. Without hearing aids they can't hear it really, but they know he's laughing, and that's all that really matters. 
I'd tell you if I didn't want to do dishes tomorrow, I promise. 
His laughter subsides into a lopsided smile and he squeezes them close to him in a hug.
Of course they'd tell you. They're not like that, not like-
Only happy thoughts now.
They press an I love you into his thoughts in response and Geordi cups the back of their neck while he kisses them.
Loves me, yeah. Of course they love me.
Love you too, Cutie. So sweet.
Always so sweet. 
He jerks in surprise about something, and they pull back, already laughing at how startled his thoughts sound.
Shit! Doorbell. Ringing, doorbell is ringing.
God your doorbell is so loud.
Don't laugh! It is loud.
The telepath pecks his cheek, signing "I'm deaf, Geordi. It has to be loud." 
Sorry, Cutie. Wasn't trying to be mean.
Was that mean? 
Cutie shakes their head a little, gathering up their wallet and hearing aids so they can answer the door. The world abruptly is filled with sounds again the second their hearing aids are turned back on, and they wince at the shrill tone of their doorbell. 
"See? Told you it was loud!" Geordi exclaims, and they snort softly in amusement. It is loud, but honestly it's for the best. 
Thanks for answering the door.
Ugh, Hate answering the door, even to sign for packages.
Ooo packages. Did my package come in yet? Doubt it.
He's off thinking on another tangent while they pay the delivery person, and by the time they return to their shared living room with pizza in tow he's thinking a bizzare mash-up of a song from Undertale and one from Mario. It's almost spectacularly terrible, but they've definitely heard people think of worse combinations for music.
Pizza; smells good.
Oh shit, gotta get plates. Oops.
Going going going, gonna go get plates.
They watch him wheel into the kitchen to get plates and silverware for the two of them. He signs a brief, apologetic “sorry, Cutie,” but his mind isn’t especially upset about it, so they let it go with a little smile. 
The telepath listens in on him humming some song in his head and slides their hearing aids off while they sit down on the couch. Their lover returns with plates in tow and settles down beside them again to cuddle into their side.
Missed you, missed this.
Been too long since we've had a date night in.
They hum in agreement and wrap an arm around him so he can snuggle in close with his cheek against their shoulder. 
Kiss me?
Cutie smiles and cups his cheek with one hand to lift his face until his mismatched colored eyes are staring at them while he grins.
Love it when you do that.
Feels so sweet.
His lips press against theirs and his eyes flutter shut, thoughts going too fast to pinpoint. They seem happy though, so they just slide their hand back to cup the nape of his neck and hold him close for several, long moments until he pulls back with a giddy looking laugh. 
He says something that they can't hear, lips moving around words that are lost on them. 
The telepath pulls back and taps their ear in reminder, laughing at the swift way his expression turns vastly apologetic.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Forgot again. So easy to forget when you're in my head like this, it's like talking.
They hush him with another brief kiss.
You're just kissing me so I'm not saying sorry anymore. 
Worth it, I love when you kiss me.
This time they pull away laughing, unable to stop the smile that tugs at the edges of their lips. "It's okay, Geordi," they sign, eyes still twinkling with amusement. 
The two of them eat pizza on the couch together while curled up close to each other, but Geordi already starts nodding off after just one episode of the show they've been watching. His head lulls against their shoulder, eyelids drifting shut and his racing thoughts gradually slowing like molasses. 
Cutie strokes a hand through his hair, quietly turning the show's volume off. He looks exhausted, and they can't hear it so there's very little point to it if Geordi isn't awake.
Geordi nuzzles his cheek against their shoulder and his arm curls over their waist with a little sigh. Cute. 
They haven't been perfect by any means, especially not recently, and he's exhausted. He deserves some rest.
The telepath quietly pulls him close and lets him sleep on their shoulder while they respond to emails for nearly an hour before he wakes again.
Warm, he thinks, and they smile. 
Feels good, warm. Relaxing. 
How long did I sleep for?
Cutie signs, "one hour," and he yawns before squeezing them by the waist. 
Should go to bed.
Is it late? Feels late. Maybe because I was napping.
He kisses them again, slow and still a tad hazy from sleep, then pulling away with a slight smile. "Cuddle in bed with me?" He signs, sloppier than usual. 
Pleaaaaase, please, Cutie?
Pleasepleasepleaseplease, c'monnnnnn.
They laugh brightly and nod after some consideration. The two of them deserve a night in together finally. 
"Fine, fine. But you're making breakfast."
He does not make breakfast, but they can't bring themself to mind.
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