publicfacing · 1 year
Moving image & sound made with material from a contemporary dance/composition class "Mapping Movement" for artists in Seoul with little to no background in dance. For six weeks participants left marks on a piece of composition paper designed for Korean school children, who use grids to practice writing in Hangeul. Yun and Yooleh gathered and spliced grids from 40 different pieces of paper containing marks left by participants. Sound comes from a recording of accompaniment during the last class: luma (brightness) of each grid determines the place in the track that would be played.
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#Process #MappingMovement #P3
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mappingmovement · 9 years
What’s this all about?
Trans-Nationality (n): of or belonging to more than one country International Connectivity (n): a reality that migrants have helped create
Mapping Movement is a senior thesis project presented at the Spring 2015 Senior Show in the Galleries at Moore, Philadelphia, PA. The city of Philadelphia is a common place to start audience/participant to consider the ties we all share to more than one place. Lets make a map!   Senior Show opens April 22nd through May 16th, 2015 http://moore.edu/the-galleries-at-moore/visit
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publicfacing · 1 year
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publicfacing · 1 year
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publicfacing · 1 year
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publicfacing · 1 year
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publicfacing · 1 year
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publicfacing · 1 year
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publicfacing · 1 year
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publicfacing · 1 year
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publicfacing · 1 year
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publicfacing · 1 year
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publicfacing · 1 year
5 Different Maps from
6/3/2023 Mapping Movement with S (producer), C (filmmaker), YN (musician), YK (graphic designer), Y (host)
Mapping Exercise (10 minutes)
1. Choose: Time, Space or Time, Sound
2. Level 1 is movement on the ground Level 2 in a sitting position Level 3 while standing. We practiced how to go from Level 1 to 2, 2 to 1, 2 to 3, 3 to 2, and from 1 to 3 and 3 to 1. Have this in mind when you're mapping movement.
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publicfacing · 1 year
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5/27/2023 Mapping Movement with S (dj/producer), C (filmmaker), M (activist), N (director), D (actor), Y (host)
S: “I saw the grids as blocks in digital interfaces I use to make music…the “mapping” starts from the second line.
D: “I recognize the notations on the second line as “(leg) swings” we performed (while dancing earlier).
S: “Yeah…and the these notations (underneath) indicate movement we did afterwards.”
Y: “…the arrows must be directions.”
S: “Yeah.”
C: “the black square in the middle is Y because I kept following her movement with my eyes. And then I started seeing S moving next to me, so this square here (in the bottom) is S. The ripples (circles) mark the boundaries of my movement in space. Today, I didn’t really move much, although Y gave directions to go to unfamiliar places in space. So I remain here (where circles are) mostly.“
M: “…and the page indicates the space in this dance studio?”
C: “Yes.”
M: “I like how Y works with these manuscript papers (in grids) so I wanted to participate. These yellows (triangles) are us in space. And then I used more paper to mark the movement we did, thinking the grids indicate the flowing of time. I was using too much paper so after marking in 4 pages I flipped the pages to make marks in 4 more pages.
N: “I am a senior in a college of Design and work with video mostly. But I don’t feel so comfortable using graphic language. So for the mapping/notating I chose to write down my thoughts on movement. I attend contemporary dance class regularly, but I never really sat down to jot down my thoughts on how I was moving until now."
D: “I started to see patterns on the floor and thought they were interesting. I drew the horizontal lines that were on the dance floor. When I was rolling, I found that if I follow this line with my limbs I could roll in a straight line. I made marks using a pencil and this tool (paper pencil) to make soft marks across the floor.”
Y: “I plotted dots in the center of the page thinking that it’s a central axis when we’re moving, or a spine. The lines I connected to the side are both symmetrical and asymmetrical like how we move or how we’re built, how our muscles are attached. I found it interesting that in contemporary dance we work with both symmetry and asymmetry…to know that I’m right handed and that I feel comfortable performing a certain movement pattern is helpful while trying to break from it.”
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publicfacing · 1 year
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5/20/2023 Mapping Movement with Artists at Geometric Dance Studio: Beginning Floorwork joined by D (actor), J (composer), YJ (designer), K (trainer), Y (musician)
D felt sharp tip of her bone against the floor for the first time. It's been long since she felt the floor on her cheeks.
J was thrown into movement and imagined rolling forever in one line until fading out.
YJ remembered the sound "Woong Woong" and picked up some helpful keywords.
K experienced movement patterns new to him.
Y watched silently and assembled a skeleton called Frank.
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