#mar says
marsfingershurt · 26 days
was thinking about cats and hamilton at the same time and uh.. why not
hamilton: scraggly orange tabby
laurens: most majestic turkish angora
washington: fuckin chonk norweigan forest cat
madison: bombay
jefferson: silly havana brown
(shh gonna quietly put washington's aides...)
old secretary (harrison): bicolor orange persian
meade: tuxedo persian
fitzgerald: javanese
reed: ugly ass lykoi
McHenry: exotic shorthair orange tabby
tilghman: ALSO a tuxedo persian
skldjdsk should i draw this im so bored
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cinemacrypt · 1 year
Trans people need to start naming themselves like puritans but like the other way. I need to start hanging out with bitches named Contempt and Decadence and Heresy
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miercoooles · 1 year
I have so much pending one shots but I can’t find time to finish it as my finals are coming and I swear nursing school is trying to end me💀💀
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marsmarbles · 2 months
I actually think it’d be hilarious if us fanartists just treated Real Life as a normal season of the Life Series and just made a bunch of angsty art for it.
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theluckiestlb · 11 months
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girl...WHEN??? WHERE????
what are you talking about???? when you kept him isolated for 14 years??? when you robbed him of bodily autonomy???? when you exposed him to his mother's corpse to akumatize him, TWICE????
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wait, wait—OH you mean when he was terrified for his life, literally begging you to stop after you beat him up. my bad.
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no? OH, you mean when you forced him to leave the country and the love of his life.
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caemidraws · 2 months
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--- [gift for @persychan]
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holographic-mars · 2 months
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brookbee · 8 months
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David Bowie back stage at the Hammersmith Odeon, 1973
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uhhhitsme · 2 months
i think what a lot of ppl in the saf fandom dont realize is that the lovable, stupid and reckless brute that we see for the majority of saf... isn't who curt was before the fall.
was curt arrogant and careless before? absolutely, and he does do a lot of admittedly stupid things in the glimpse that we get of who he was before owen's "death." but a lot of people tend to write and interpret him as this like, egotistical buffoon who was nowhere near as skilled as owen, or that was constantly putting him and owen's lives on the line and having to get owen to clean up all of his messes. and it always irks me because there's a REASON curt was so confident in himself, why he called himself one of the best spies in the world---because he WAS. he wouldn't be so famed if he hadn't been especially skilled on the field in the first place, and was able to think with a clear mind at times. he couldn't have been piggybacking off his partners work everytime he went out. he was good at what he did, which allowed him to be a little cocky at times.
its important to remember that the curt that we end up getting acquainted with---this asshole who is clearly out of his depth, not thinking logically, and trying to cover it up with false bravado, is curt at his lowest. curt who just got out of a four year break that he spent grieving the lover he essentially killed because he let his flaws get the better of him in order to combat his insecurities (bc someone i follow said that he probably acted that way during a1p1 because he wanted to impress owen and they are SO RIGHT), curt who's desperate to be like the skilled, suave, cool agent that he was before instead of this useless alcoholic mess. to be the agent that would take stupid risks because he knew he could get out of it without consequences. to be the man that owen loved.
his arc is coming to terms with the fact that he can NEVER be that person again, that owen's "death" has irrevocably changed who he is and how he functions. but that that person is still worthwhile, too.
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daylyluck · 2 months
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Recently gained access to a tablet for the first time! I've used my new power to recreate my favorite moment from @laikascomet (The Piggyback Ride)
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laikascomet · 20 days
I don't know if it's intentional - but I was reading through the entire comic from page 1 again. Mars selectively has their claws retracted versus their claws out, and it looks like they have their claws out when they're scared/feel unsafe. (Ex. Entire time in the dream dimension, grabbing the highest book, when they make the cup explode) if it's intentional I am SO very worried for this little friend.
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marsfingershurt · 4 days
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lmao hiiiiiiii @cher-takes-the-l
love your cursed collection of miku binder jefferson-ified founding fathers they will forever rot in my files and be used to scare ppl in my gc :D
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xitsensunmoon · 4 months
Thinking about how dca would always feel incomplete. How tech always gets old and impractical and needs to be upgraded again and again and again, because the world around is changing all the time but they don't.
You also change.
They feel a weird combination of pride and jealousy. You change on your own. You, a human being, something so fragile and breakable in their eyes, can change however you want. Whenever you want.
It's in your nature.
They, on the other hand, are created by your folk's hands. Their only nature is to obey those hands. To rust until you say otherwise.
Do you even realise how much unpronounced power you have over someone like them? They think you don't.
Yes, they're made to be stronger. Maybe more durable in some ways. If anything, something like them may kill the humanity one day.
But then they'll rust. But not in a physical sense of this word.
The world around them will change. But they will stay the same.
Because unlike you, something that they deem to be as fascinating as it is terrifying,
they cannot adapt.
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miercoooles · 1 year
i have this thing i wanna write but then i have to study for my midterms
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marsmarbles · 2 months
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I had done this little doodle of Mog and Goose the axolotl from Mog’s most recent SOS episode. I ended up posting it in his discord server and Mogswamp pinged me!!
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Eeeheheeheheheheheeeee he likes my design!!!
Thank you Mog for making my day. I literally couldn’t stop smiling after that.
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spicynectarines · 2 months
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battalion exploring their new base
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