#maratonci trce pocasni krug
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mosertone · 2 months
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LECH MAJEWSKI (1953) // Poster for the film "Maratonci trce pocasni krug" directed by SLOBODAN SIJAN // 1983
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madebyabvh · 2 years
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manitat · 2 years
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Maratonci trče počasni krug je srpski film snimljen 1982. godine u režiji Slobodana Šijana, a scenario je napisao Dušan Kovačević na osnovu svoje pozorišne predstave koja je nastala desetak godina ranije... Malo je poznato da su Maratonci zapravo kritika tadašnjeg autoritarnog sistema. Autora je tadašnja vlast podsećala na pogrebno preduzeće, a svi su na vlasti bili doživotno i nije bilo naznake kad će otići... Iako u to vreme zvanično nije bilo cenzure, postojala su određena tela koja su odlučivala šta sme pred publiku a šta ne sme. Tako su razne komisije nekoliko puta odlagale početak snimanja filma, a na prvu verziju scenarija stavljena je zabrana... Iz filma je izbačena scena koja bi gledaocima dala pravu sliku o ulozi služavke Olje (Melita Bihali) u porodici Topalović. Naime, ona Topalovićima nije služila samo za održavanje domaćinstva nego bukvalno za sve, pa čak i za seks. U pomenutoj sceni Laki (Bata Stojković) ulazi u sobu i zatiče svog dedu Aksentija (Mija Aleksić) u krevetu sa služavkom Oljom i povikne: Šta to radiš, večeras je moj red! Ova scena je obrisana zbog nesuglasica Melite Bihali i snimatelja Bože Nikolića... Prema originalnom scenariju za predstavu Maratonci trče počasni krug, starost članova porodice Topalović je sledeća: Pantelija - 150 godina, Maksimilijan - 126, Aksentije - 102, Milutin - 79, Laki - 44, Mirko - 24... Kuća porodice Topalović nalazi se na Kosančićevom vencu, na uglu Zadarske i Srebreničke ulice, i danas je u očajnom stanju... Inspiracija za lik Đenke (Bora Todorović) najverovatnije je bio predratni snimatelj Kosta Novaković koji je bio stručnjak za erotski film. Njegov studio se nalazio u Kursulinoj ulici i najčešće su ga posećivale devojke iz bogatih porodica koje bi želele da postanu popularne, a on ih je fotografisao gole. Njegovo najpoznatije ostvarenje je Grešnica bez greha iz 1930. godine, koje, iako obiluje slobodnijim scenama, nije klasifikovano kao erotski film... Čovek koji iz bunara vadi mrtvo prase isti je glumac koji je u filmu Ko to tamo peva vikao: Buši, ha, ha, ha! Reč je o glumcu amateru Stanojlu Milinkoviću iz sela Grabovac kod Svilajnca... Pored kuće na Kosančićevom vencu, film je sniman na različitim lokacijama u Beogradu, ali i u Pančevu. Kuća Bilija Pitona nalazi se na Topčideru, a scena gde je Laki pregazio gospodina Rajkovića snimana je u Pionirskoj ulici na Košutnjaku. U Pančevu je snimana čuvena scena obračuna između Topalovića i Bilija Pitona, kao i scena gde Đenka viče da ponovo radi bioskop, koja je snimana na Gimnazijskom trgu u ovom gradu...
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filmcentury · 7 years
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Maratonci Trce Pocasni Krug aka The Marathon Family (1982), dir. Slobodan Sijan.
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alreadyadored · 7 years
I was tagged by @exarcadiaelux​  to talk about 6 films i can watch any time. Thanks Jana! Xx (congrats again on moving to London)
This is going to be super difficult and I feel like I will forget some films. Oh well, let’s start, shall we...
In no particular order:
1. Trainspotting (1996)
The first time I ever saw this film, I was in awe. I loved every single second of it, but when I wanted to tell my friends about it, I couldn’t really explain the plot. This gave me a reason to watch the film even more often and so and every time I would fall in love with the main characters (especially Spud and Sick Boy). Also, having read the book by Irvine Welsh, showed me, how well adapted the film was (in comparison to other films based on literature).
2. Submarine (2010)
The initial reason why I wanted to watch this film was, obviously, Alex Turner’s contribution to this film by writing and performing the soundtrack. After having watched the film, I strangely related to Oliver Tate (and a teeny tiny bit with Jordana), and that made me love the film so much. Having seen the film, I wanted to read the book and I was not disappointed even though the book is very different to the film.
3, Pulp Fiction (1994)
Ah yes a classic! I mean, there isn’t much to say, is it? I always wanted to see it, but I have been warned by multiple people that it “super violent” and “not for me”. I eventually decided to watch it and I was in awe. I loved every single second of it! It was violent, but by the time I watched it, I’ve seen films and video games way worse regarding violence, so the films didn’t shock me as much as everyone pre-warned me.
4. Maratonci trce pocasni krug (1982; Engl.:  The Marathon Family, lit. Marathon Runners Do a Lap of Honour)
My favourite film when I was a child. Other kids loved Disney films but then there was me who loved this black-comedy film about a family of undertakers. Honestly speaking, it is a classic. Former Yugoslavia had fantastic films. I am not sure what I should say about this film, because the plot is a tad complicated. If you are interested, there is a great synopsis on Wikipedia.
5. This is England
This film (and following series) is, no doubt, fantastic, as it deals with interesting and important topics like Subculture and national identity in the 80s. This film was also a major part of this semester’s lecture and it literally opened my eye to a British perspective to the film, especially seeing my professor cry.
6. Grease
Again, a classic! This is one of the few films which I don’t mind that it’s some type of musical. This film made me love the 50s and especially greaser boys aka John Travolta. The plot is interesting, the characters are fantastic and the songs are super catchy.
Honorable mentions: Mrtav Ladan, Before Sunrise, Parada, Few best men, Death at a Funeral, 21 and over, and Kill Bill.
I tag: @balaclava-grrrl @likeafisttothejaw @punk-rat @the-carlitto-death-grip (if you want to do it)
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filmovinanetu-blog · 7 years
Gledajte legendarni Yugoslovenski film.
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jedimolivolicom · 7 years
OVAKO je nastala poznata scena u kadi iz filma "Maratonci trče počasni krug". http://ift.tt/eA8V8J
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ultraludilo · 10 years
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Unknown movies worth checking out part 67
Maratonci trce pocasni krug (The Marathon Family) dir. Slobodan Sijan
The Topalovic family has been in the burial business for generations. When the old (150 yrs old) Pantelija dies, five generations of his heirs start to fight for the inheritance.
My rating 10/10
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manitat · 3 years
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Topalovići: New York Dolls
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akimbofrenchfries · 11 years
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Maratonci trce pocasni krug (1982)
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cycomu · 11 years
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best movie ever!
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meninijelako · 11 years
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manitat · 3 years
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The Topalovic family has been in the burial business for generations. When the old (150 yrs old) Pantelija dies, five generations of his heirs start to fight for the inheritance...
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