#march of the maasai
hapalopus · 1 year
Why you should read Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan, aka the best vampire series of all time:
The freak show is like home. You will feel at home among the freaks. You will fall in love with the snake people and selkies and superhumans that live in the freak show and you will loathe the fact that you don't live with them
Surprisingly serious storyline considering its a book series for 10 year olds. Very efficient at killing off main characters, very good at handling death, very good at showcasing the grief of the survivors
The vampires live in a society modeled on warrior cultures, including, but not limited to, vikings, maasai, and samurais. They live to be strong warriors, and would rather die an honorable death than live in shame - which is cool, I guess, but the way the author portrays it is hilarious, because they literally just spend their eternal life sparring with each other and practicing the sexy sexy art of wrestling
Father/son found family that will tug at your heart strings
Well-handled plot twists all throughout the series. Twists that may completely surprise you at times, but make perfect sense on a reread
The author has a habit of suddenly introducing time travel at the end of his book series, but he never does it to actually solve any problems, or as a deus ex machina, he only does it because he seemingly has an obsession with time travel and wants to include it for no good reason. And it's used in very original ways and somehow it just works. And this series is no exception.
Did I mention all the stupid sexy vampires who fight shirtless for no reason other than "honor!!!1"
Autistic icon Vancha March
Nonbinary icon Harkat Mulds
Also this:
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slippinmickeys · 5 months
This is for @medicatedmaniac who asked for a Ficlet set in the Proof of Life Universe: “Proof of Life my beloved - maybe the leadup to the Pulitzer prize being awarded? Maybe the night of and their in their hotel room getting ready to go to the ceremony? Or they get a letter about being nominated in the mail and maybe have mixed feelings on the nomination?”
1. She gets caught as she stands on the threshold of the hotel room, déjà vu suddenly overlaying her vision like a slide into a projector. The window is in the same place. The desk. The carpet is the same, though cleaner. If she closed her eyes she would hear a spat of gunfire. She does not close her eyes.
“Scully?” says Mulder from behind her with a gentle hand on her upper back.
She has stayed in hotel rooms since being held hostage in Africa, but this one…this one has a layout so similar to the one in which she was held that her amygdala takes over her higher functions. For a moment. One moment. Then she swallows and forces herself to breathe again. Forces herself to calm.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Mulder whispers. He has come up more closely behind her, is looking over her shoulder into the room.
He is the only other person in the world who would get it, and does.
In a moment, the bags he was holding hit the floor and he brushes past her, marches into the room with purpose, directly to the desk, where he picks up the telephone receiver.
“I’m getting us a different room,” he says.
Scully swallows thickly and finally does close her eyes, breathing deeply through her nose. She does not hear gunfire. They are an ocean away from that place.
“Wait,” she says, then moves into the room herself. Stands in the center and takes a slow turn. Mulder, still standing at the desk, still holding the phone receiver in his hand, watches her.
She turns to him calmly, and, she thinks, with dignity.
“Before you call,” she says, “take my picture.”
“Take your-”
“Take my picture,” she says. “In front of the window.”
Mulder slowly lowers the phone. Glances at her. Glances at the window. She doesn’t have to explain what she means. He understands immediately.
“A journey of a thousand days,” he husks.
Scully nods. “The light,” she goes on, “is perfect.”
2. Africa again, but far east of the jungle mountains and lowlands besieged by war, they are now in the shadows of Kilimanjaro, the savannah stretching before them as paper unfurls from a scroll.
Scully is here for six months, the resident doctor in a rural hospital built and supplied by a Canadian charity. She treats diseases long dead in the First World west, urges the women to collect water from the new well six miles away rather than the river that is only two.
She has a local guide and contact who works for the charity, a lanky Maasai man who goes by the Christian name of James. He wears ropes of delicate and colorful beads and a lion's tooth on a cord around his neck. Under his red tunic he wears a white Hanes wifebeater and sandals made of old tires. He is missing a tooth on the side of his smile, which he is also always wearing.
“Good morning, Doctor,” he says in his friendly accent when she emerges from the clinic door to see if there is anyone waiting for treatment.
“Jambo!” Scully says at a volume and enthusiasm which makes her uncomfortable. She would rather a quiet hello and nod, but the culture she is living in necessitates jovial greetings at all times.
James is leaning against a post just beyond clinic porch and holding a spear which means he was likely out in the bush.
“Have you seen Mulder?” she asks.
“Yes,” he says. “He got a call. He asked me to come and get you.”
At this, Scully raises her eyes. Cell phone reception is spotty here at best. She hasn’t bothered to carry her phone with her in weeks. Mulder always has his out in the field, but the clinic is in a dead zone and there’s really no point.
James pulls his own cell phone out of a pouch that’s looped around his waist. He presses a button and hands it to her.
“Scully?” says a tinny voice punctuated by static. She puts the phone to her ear.
“Scully,” Mulder says. “Call Benjamin and Savato, tell them we have to leave early.” He explains his statement in a rush and Scully is dumbfounded when she silently hands the phone back to James.
He nods at her and steps back respectfully. When she’s halfway through the door of the clinic, she comes back to herself and spins around.
“James!” She calls out. “How does your phone work here?”
James smiles widely, showing the gap in his mouth.
“Magic,” he says.
3. The day is sullen; gray and without cheer. Outside the window, the rain comes down in a defenestrating assault.
In the bright doorway of the bathroom — they have a top floor suite — Mulder stands, struggling with the knot of a bow tie.
“Monkey suit,” he says, a little whiny.
Scully smiles and walks up to him, the silk sheath dress she’s wearing whispering as she moves. She’s not wearing heels yet and has to tilt her head back to look up at him.
“It’s only for an evening,” she says, reaching up and taking over the knotting. “And if the big mucks at Columbia hear you complaining, they might take back your award.”
Mulder lifts his chin to give her more room to work. After a moment she feels his warm hands settle on her waist.
“There,” she says, straightening his bow tie. His hands stay where they are.
“Does it feel weird?” He asks her quietly. “To be here? For this?”
She pulls a stray hair — hers — from his white sleeve.
“A little,” she says.
4. “…for fairly obvious reasons, the areas of arts of scholarly arenas live close to my heart and lived experience. Over these two decades, so much has changed in our world. And we all know those changes have had huge impacts on journalism, the arts and scholarship. But three things have remained true. One, is that we value these roles of journalism, the arts and scholarship, and that has remained central to a good life. Personally, socially and politically. The second is that good and talented people continue to join these professions. And the third is that the Pulitzer Prizes annually provide the world with the occasion like tonight, to honor and celebrate these critically important areas of human endeavor, and the people who perform at the highest levels in them…”
The speaker continues to drone on. Scully pushes the remainder of her short rib around on her plate. Mulder has barely touched his fish.
The picture of Scully standing in the window of room 1055 at the Hilton has been projected on a giant screen behind the podium for the last several minutes, and Scully can feel the eyes of the gathered assemblage flitting to her on a near constant basis.
They’re probably thinking of her trauma, of her experience, and they have most certainly read the stories that were breathlessly published about her and Mulder. Most of them have seen up close and personal the ravages of war and upheaval. There are several journalists she knows here, acquaintances she left behind when she resigned from CNN. Most of them approached before the ceremony and politely inquired about her, her health, what she was up to now. Many with a sad, pitying look on their faces.
She sets down her fork and turns the wedding ring around in circles on her finger. She doesn’t feel pity when she looks at that picture. The look on that woman’s face displays nothing but courage, and the eye behind the camera nothing but love.
When Mulder heads up to the stage a moment later to be handed the certificate he won, the applause that spreads through the room is thunderous. His eyes never once leave hers.
5. The lobby of the auditorium is thick with people and humidity, joyous voices rising up over the static of tires sloshing over rainy streets just beyond the front doors. They’ve been back in the States for a week, but Scully still isn’t used to the crowds. The noise.
From behind her, Mulder touches the bare skin of her shoulder. He’s just returned from the coat check and holds up the red wool coat she’d had to buy at Nordstrom two days before. She puts her arms through the silken sleeves.
All around them winners and colleagues and friends are making plans to go out and celebrate their accomplishments. One man in a charcoal suit has a bottle of Veuve in his hand that he swiped off of one of the tables. Several people have invited them to join them.
Mulder tips his head to whisper in her ear.
“We can slip out right now when no one’s looking,” he says.
She doesn’t even wait to answer, using her small stature to slip in between several people and out into the cold damp.
They’ve been provided a town car and driver for the evening, but it’s too hard to find him in the chaos outside the auditorium, so they hail a cab instead. Once they’re on their way back to their hotel, Mulder pulls the certificate out from under his coat where it was sheltered from the rain and looks at it.
“I’m starving,” he says to the piece of paper.
“You barely ate,” Scully points out.
“I was nervous,” he explains.
Scully takes the certificate gently from his hands and looks at it. The gold foil. The calligraphy.
“If we call in a room service order now, it should be to our room by the time we get out of the shower,” she says.
“God I love you,” Mulder says reverently.
They gorge themsevles on cheeseburgers and truffle fries, and, on a whim, a bottle of champagne (Mumm’s rather than Veuve, as, Mulder points out, he isn’t about to spend his prize money on booze) as they sit around in fluffy white robes with HBO on mute on the big TV in the corner.
On the desktop, under their room key, sits the Pulitzer certificate.
“That’s as much yours as it is mine,” Mulder finally says to her, nodding towards it.
“Yes,” she agrees, and sets a half full glass of bubbles on the bedside table. She reaches for the terry cloth tie of his robe.
Later, it’s all soft sighs on soft sheets and Mulder fills her with himself until they become each other.
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On this day, 9 June 2022 Indigenous Maasai people in Tanzania from the villages of Ololosokwan, Oloirien, Kirtalo and Arash gathered to protest against land enclosures by the Tanzanian government. On June 7, Tanzanian security forces and Ngorongoro Conservation Area officials seized 1500 km² of Maasai land and began evicting some of its 70,000 residents. The land enclosure was nominally in the name of "conservation" and in order to establish a luxury hunting reserve for wealthy tourists. On June 10, security forces used live ammunition and tear gas against Maasai protesters. 32 people were shot, and one 84-year-old protester named Orias Oleng’iyo was "disappeared". Maasai people fought back and one police officer was killed by an arrow. The government then used this death as an excuse to round up Maasai leaders, and eventually charged 24 people with murder and conspiracy. Meanwhile, over 2000 Maasai people fled to neighbouring Kenya, and protests continued with Maasai people marching on the Tanzanian high commission in Nairobi. Eventually, in November, lacking any evidence, prosecutors dropped the criminal charges. More information, sources and map: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/11105/maasai-people-protest-enclosures https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=640914004748485&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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A Guide to Enjoy Exciting East African Safaris
Do you love watching African wildlife on Discovery or National Geographic Channel? How about seeing the wild animals from close on East African safaris? East Africa has the best safari destinations, like Tanzania and Kenya are worth visiting and exploring. See the world’s iconic wildlife and natural wonders on an East African safari. East Africa is home to the world-famous Serengeti National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, the Maasai Mara Game Reserve, and the Ngorongoro.
Here is a guide that can help you make your African Safari a once-in-a-lifetime trip!
Which Destinations to Explore on an East Africa Safari?
East Africa has abundant wildlife and stunning wildernesses. Destinations like Tanzania and Kenya possess unique wonders.
The Great Migration Event in Tanzania and Kenya
Tanzania’s vast Serengeti and Kenya’s Mara ecosystems are vital for the annual wildebeest migration. Wildebeest Migration is the biggest show in the world, where millions of mammals migrate in a cycle in search of fresh grass and water.
Wildebeest migration helps you see the fight for survival for the animals in the wild.
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Visit Tanzania’s Serengeti or Kenya’s Masai Mara to see diverse wildlife and a varied ecosystem.
Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Crater
The Ngorongoro Crater plays host to incredible wildlife. The unique place is the largest unbroken caldera with fertile plains. You can see the African Big Five at the Ngorongoro Crater and many bird species.
When is the Time for an East African Safari?
When to go East Africa depends on what kind of safari experience you want! The northern circuit of Tanzania and Kenya has two rainy seasons. The best time to visit Tanzania or Kenya's north circuit is from July to October, November to December, and March to May. However, traveling during the off-season has some advantages. During the offseason, you can see fewer crowds and enjoy discounts.
Best time to See the Great Migration Event
River crossings are the main attraction of wildebeest migration. It is a sight to behold when thousands of animals cross the crocodile-infested rivers. Grumeti and Mara River Crossings of the wildebeest migration happen from July to October.
Best time to visit Kenya for Safaris
Kenya has many parks; the dry seasons are the best time to visit them. January-March and July- October are Kenya's dry seasons. The season is dry; game viewing is at its best. As the animals congregate in large numbers around the lakes, rivers, and water sources, it is convenient to locate them. You can see the animals from a safe distance because the vegetation is less dense.
Best time to visit Tanzania for Safari Expeditions
Tanzania's dry season runs from June to November. It is ideal for game viewing in Tanzania’s many national parks and reserves.
There are two distinct circuits in Tanzania with diverse weather patterns. The rainy season in the south circuit lasts from November to March. The dry season from June to November is the best time to visit. The animals tend to congregate around permanent water; the climate is not as hot and humid.
July to October, when the country is driest, is the best time to visit. Although this coincides with the migration river crossings, the grasses and bushes in all parks are at their least dense at this time, making it an excellent time to spot wildlife.
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What Makes Your East Africa Safaris Interesting?
The diverse wildlife:
East Africa is home to one-of-a-kind animals on land and in the water. The majestic lions of Kenya's Maasai Mara and Tanzania's Serengeti make for an authentic African wildlife safari. The countries of Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda in East Africa all have beautiful national parks where you can see many animals.
Islands and beaches
Between Kenya and Tanzania, the Indian Ocean has beautiful beaches and breathtaking views. The coastline is a hub for centuries-old trade routes connecting Asia and the Middle East and a gateway to an ancient world. Scuba dive among vibrant coral reefs, visit nearby cities or unwind on white-sand beaches.
Rich cultures
Tanzania has more than 119 tribes, Uganda has more than 55 tribes, and Kenya has more than 69 tribes. All of these tribes make east Africa a great place to go on a cultural safari in Africa. You can meet the East African people for unique cultural experiences.
During your safari tour of east African countries, you get an opportunity to observe some of the well-known tribes:
• The Maasai in Kenya and Tanzania
• The Hadzabe in Tanzania
• The Datoga in Tanzania
The Delicious Authentic Cuisines
East Africa has a unique global influence like Arabic, Indian, British, Chinese, Belgian, French, and German. It has an impact on the cuisine. Visit East African cafés and restaurants to explore the culinary choices.
Book the Best East African Safaris with EASTCO!
Consult to customize your East African safari with one of our knowledgeable staff to get the most out of your trip. EASTCO is a reputable African Safari Company; contact us at +255 687 723 488 to get well-planned East Africa safari Packages. Discuss your safari requirements to get one of the best East Africa Tour Packages!
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OVERVIEW OF THE SAFARI TARANGIRE NGORONGORO FOR TWO DAYS             This two-day safari will take you to Tarangire National Park and the incredible Ngorongoro Crater, where you'll have time to explore wildlife and interact with animals such as elephants, lions, giraffes, antelopes, and more. Visiting the crater will bring back memories because there are so many animals to see.
ABOUT TARANGIRE: The national park of Tarangire is well-known for having a large population of elephants and baobab trees. Visitors to the park can view sizable herds of zebras, wildebeest, and Cape buffalo during the dry season, which lasts from June to November. Other typical inhabitants include giraffes, dik diks, sea antelopes, Grant's antelopes, vervet monkeys, banded mongoose, and olive baboons. Predators in the Tarangire include lions, leopards, jaguars, caracals, badgers, and wild dogs. The oldest elephant to give birth to twins is in Tarangire. An excellent illustration of how the birth of two healthy, thriving twin elephants may overcome all obstacles is the recent birth of elephant twins in Tanzania's Tarangire National Park. 550 different species of birds live there. 2 days ngorongoro
A birder's paradise, the park. Another well-known feature of the area are the numerous termite mounds. Wildlife study mostly focuses on Masai giraffes and African woodland elephants. The protected area has been recognized as a Lion Conservation Unit since 2005.
June and October are the best months to visit Tarangire. Animals move from nearby locations into the park. When they are close to a river, wild animals are easier to see. nice and sunny conditions The risk of malaria is decreased and there are fewer mosquitoes. From June through August, warm clothing is necessary due to the chilly morning matches. OCTOBER AND MAY The vegetation is gorgeous and lush. Due of the low season, prices are low. Because migratory birds are here now, it's the greatest time to go bird watching. Since many animals leave the park during migration, the dry season is the best time to see wildlife. The height of the rainy season occurs from March through May. 2 days ngorongoro
NGORONGORO'S HISTORY One of the top locations in Africa to watch wildlife is the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Additionally, it is among the top tourist destinations in Tanzania. The primary activities in Ngorongoro Conservation Area include crater rim hikes to view wildlife (which can take up to 6 hours), visiting nearby Maasai settlements, and playing the game of driving around and in the crater. He is who he is. One can also go to the Hadzabe tribe and see Lake Magadi, Lerai Fever Forest, Olduvai Gorge, shifting sand, Mount Gol, Olmoti Crater, Empakaai Crater, Ol Karien Gorge, Nasera Rock, Salei Plain, Oldeani Mountain, Lake Natron, and Ol Doinyo Lengai. A shallow lake with alkaline water, Lake Magadi is well-liked by flamingos.
Other birds including flamingos appreciate the lake's seclusion, salt water, and profusion of algae. Hyenas and jackals are two other creatures that frequent the lake to add salt to their diet. One uncommon, slender, pale yellow acacia tree makes up the Lerai fever forest. These trees are loved by animals like rhinos, bush antelopes, elephants, elands, hyraxes, and birds. Ash from Mount Ol Dionyo is what causes quicksand.
Visitors to the area will enjoy the stunning sight of this ash slowly moving across the broad plains. In addition to Ngorongoro, other significant craters in the region include Olmoti and Empakaai. These two craters are great for taking nature hikes, seeing wildlife, and seeing Maasai herders take care of their animals. It proceeds along Thousands of zebras and wildebeest use this area as a main migration path as they go to and from the Serengeti grasslands. An old shelter was found by the Leakey family during one of their digs in the Ol Doinyo Lengai Mountains, which are close to the Kenyan border. Daring climbers flock to these isolated mountains, which are still active, to view the main crater filled with lava. travel to Maasai land Visit the villages of the Hadzabe tribe near Lake Eyasi for an amazing cultural trip in Tanzania. These bushmen still rely on hunting and gathering for their survival. Whistles and clicks make up the majority of their language. Near by Datoga and the Mbulu, who depend on farming and pastoralism for a living, dwell the Hadzabe. You might love our Serengeti and Ngorongoro Safari 3-Day Package if you're soon planning a vacation to the Ngorongoro Crater. We also provide a wonderful 6-day gorilla tour and a safari package that includes the Ngorongoro and Serengeti.
TIME TO VISIT NGORONGORO AT ITS BEST The greatest time to visit Ngorongoro Crater is in JANUARY since that is when the wildebeests are laying their eggs. The newborn animals struggling to stand up have fantastic photo chances because the herds are "mass spawning" on the lush plains just outside the crater. Between the two rainy seasons in the area, January and February might generate a dry season between "short rains" and "long rains.
February is one of the driest months at the crater before the rainy season begins in late March. It's a great time to view the wildlife, especially lion and hyena predators getting ready to hunt dense herds. In order to avoid crowds and enjoy a fair price, March is recognized as one of the finest months to visit Ngorongoro Crater. The crater is transformed into an emerald wonderland by the "long rains," which start in late March and last through April and May
The Ngorongoro Conservation Area is best visited in the month of June. There are fewer people on game drives now that the "long rains" have stopped. Peak season for the Ngorongoro Crater Expedition doesn't start until late June or early July. The colder weather this month makes it the perfect time to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, a well-liked addition. for the hunting expedition to Ngorongoro Crater
The months of JULY and AUGUST are the busiest for visitors to Ngorongoro Crater, and lodging in the area is typically very empty during these times. During the dry season, the visibility of wildlife along the arid plains and their frequent excursions to waterholes draw tourists from all over the world. Leopards, lions, rhinos, buffaloes, and other animals are frequently seen at this time of year.
Although SEPTEMBER is the beginning of spring, it still falls in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area's typical dry season. It can get chilly in Crater at this time of year. The crater's bottom has become a dusty bowl due to the recent dry weather, and the grasslands have gone yellow. October is a transitional month for the weather at Ngorongoro Crater, with the long dry season's peak occurring at the beginning of the month and the "brief rains" starting shortly before November.
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diwakasafaritours · 2 years
The process of planning a Kenya Safari depends on some factors. They include the number of days, types of accommodations, destinations, safari activities, etc. Yet, it’s still possible to plan a Kenya Budget Safari in this wonderful country.
Below, we’ll closely look at how you can plan a perfect Kenya Safari Tour on a reasonable budget.
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The low season in Kenya is from April to May. And, the shoulder season is in November, December, and March. During these months, international flights and accommodations will cost significantly less.
Traveling in the low (green) season has another advantage – the landscapes are vibrant and the game-viewing is great. Because animals move towards the watering holes that are now filled.
There are many campsites located outside the national parks of Kenya. Their costs start from $10 onwards (per person, per night). Below are a couple of budget campsites for visitors on a Kenya Safari:
Crocodile Camp – It’s located next to the town of Talek. And is the top-rated camp in the Maasai Mara and a great budget choice. The service is also exceptional and the camp is great in terms of comfort. Crocodile Camp provides great quality – at an affordable price!
Greenwood Safari Camp – This camp is also situated nearby Talek. Though already pitched tents are available, you can also set up your tent. You’ll get to enjoy the day relaxing in a hammock or swimming in the pool.
Our Insights – Most of the budget camps are booked quickly. So, make sure to book in advance. Furthermore, if you have your equipment for camping, you can pitch a tent as well.
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You can save money right from the moment you land in Kenya. Below is a rundown of budget choices along the way to your camp:
3.1. Choose A Bus To Narok
For a Budget Kenya Safari, you should pick local transportation. Matatus (minibuses) are popular in Kenya. For this, you’ll have to go to Narok. It’s a town situated 150 km from Nairobi. The usual cost for a matatu is $4.
The bus station is located in the Central Business District Area. The first bus departs at about 7-8 am. The coordinates are – 1.283412, 36.830169.
3.2. Book A Shared Taxi From Narok To The Campsite
There’s a public shared matatu that goes straight to the villages just outside the national parks. The time is till 1.30 pm. And the matatu is named C12. The costs are around $5 (per person).
3.3. Book A Safari After Arriving At The Camp
After arriving at the camp, go to the reception area and make arrangements for a safari the next day. For people on a budget, they can choose a Kenya Group Safari and share the cost between people.
Before you go on a Safari in Kenya, you should know about the entrance fees of the national parks. Don’t worry, because the fees are very reasonable and won’t affect the overall budget too much.
National Park
Costs for Adults (per person, approx.)
Costs for Children (under the age of 15)
Nairobi National Park
Maasai Mara National Reserve
Amboseli National Park
Lake Nakuru National Park
Tsavo East and West National Parks
Hell’s Gate National Park
Notes – The method of payment is by Visa, MasterCard, or MPesa. And cash is not accepted. Children under the age of 5 are not charged any entrance fee.
The cost of a Kenya Budget Safari starts from $200 and can go upwards of $2000. For your convenience, below are some itineraries that will help you figure out the costs in more detail
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bilbobagginshome · 2 years
A Deadbeat’s Journal 16
A Jotaro Kujo x blackfemreader fic
March 18 20XX,
The interview went great. Despite it being a done deal, I still felt compelled enough to show my capabilities to my other supervisors. Mutua displayed an encouraging smile whilst reading through my CV, and to be fair, the resume is nothing less than a spectacular display of a mentally unstable girl dependent on academic validation for her god complex so it definitely is one to be proud of. I was shown around the recently renovated hotel by a lovely woman named Catherine. Her warm toned skin complemented her yellow and orange lesso print maxi dress and maasai flip flops. She had her hair in black braids, an updo as the scorching heat made her sweat . I asked her where she got the dress, it seemed almost tailored for her  full figure and she mentioned an obscure boutique that I can’t seem to even remember the directions to. Which is sad as she explained it so joyfully yet diligently.
Looking around, I could help but notice how huge the place was. Even the swimming pool seemed to take up the size of our apartment complex compound. However the Swahili and Middle Eastern infused architecture aided in making the area seem less open . The geometrical patterns of varying shades that occupied any area, the use of bright colours in larger areas and cool toned shades of white and grey in more smaller areas was definitely a proper premeditated thought . I suddenly gained an appreciation for interior designers because their interest in making areas as alluring as possible should be classified as an art form in itself.
I was so ecstatic to the point of pleading with Kate (As she prefers to be called) to take me to the management offices. Practically syncing , she willingly elevated me to the management rooms and she showed me my room. It was stunning . I was shocked to see a sea blue absorbed within the entirety of the walls and a persian mat that kept the mahogany wooden desk and a comfy white office chair. The sliding windows, a  moucharaby inspired one , opened up to a freeing balcony where you could see the glistering swimming pool and breathe in the salty smelling ocean breeze. With a few personal touches, the place would be my dream office.
To celebrate my new employment, mom Holly and gramps wanted us to have dinner at Marina English Point and I called Jotaro up to meet us there. We had a fantastic dinner especially since the place was not as packed as it usually is. I’m genuinely so excited , I’ve been reading up on the minor land transferring issues that need to be solved as the company is not Kenyan based and if all goes well , by May we can begin opening up the gates. I encouraged grampa to lower the prices for domestic tourists and he was open to the idea. 
It is somehow disheartening that I may not be in a courtroom as I formerly aspired . I loved the adrenaline but hated the pressure. It is a known fact that lawyers take their court cases seriously, even the ones that are pro-bono. In that world, the amount of cases you win are equivalent to your value and superiority over your other colleagues. It’s tough competition and to be honest, I’d rather remain a consultant as much as possible despite the tuts my professors would have given me.Moreover, grampa is heavily compensating me despite being entry level and who would not take a six figure job with health insurance covered over eating Indomie and added depression?
Jojo was happy for my confirmed employment though there was a glimmer of something in his faraway eyes that I could not tell. He certainly kept up the happy facade well, I didn’t even notice it cracking up till we were at home and I was showing the pictures of the hotel. He gave me a tight lipped smile and after realising that he wasn’t as enthralled as I am , I went to my room with Samosa in tow.
I mean why could he be annoyed? He must think I’m still not ready to start working and he has mentioned so before but it's not like I’m doing these high intense jobs . I won’t start an argument though my mouth is practically itching too especially since he’s been a crappy friend as of late . I can literally feel my infatuation dimming as I begin to remove my rose tinted contacts. I mean he’s pretty, a wonderful housemate who doesn’t mind doing ‘womanly duties’ unlike most men in my patriarchal society but his flaws are not one that can be painted over. Ms Khadija has encouraged me to not pursue romantic relationships and I can see why now because I’m approaching Jotaro as an object and whatever flaw he makes tends to put a sour taste in my mouth. 
I’m aware that I shouldn’t do that but I can't help it.
Third Person Narration.
‘Will she leave me ?’
That was the question that infiltrated Jotaro’s mind and resisted him from showing any full appreciation for y/n getting her job . He liked taking care of her , he liked when she began depending on him for everything when they started living together. I mean he was the only one for her when even her mom couldn’t be. As he made breakfast , his heart pangs at the thought of her completely becoming self reliant ,as he strained the tea, his throat constricted at the possibility that she could find someone else in the office who can cherish her better than him . But even as he set the breakfast table he contemplated on who would be good enough for her ? He certainly is trying despite not being good enough but no man can recklessly give her their heart like he has. 
He loathed the thought that she may decide to move out after gaining financial stability. Should he discourage her from leaving? According to him ,she isn't mentally stable enough to take care of herself. Only Buddha knows that she needs him to keep her in place . 
“Hey, morning , Wow you made vitumbua from scratch?”She says thrillingly as she sits down. Her black dera and bonnet combo was seriously doing things to his mind.
“Yeah.Wanted you to have a warm breakfast.”He replied. He stared as she munched into one.After a gulp, she looked up , a smirk of confusion noticing how he wasn’t even attempting to sit alongside her.
“Are you not eating Jotaro? It’s almost time for work?” She questioned whilst pointing at the clock.
“Yeah .I’ll be out soon. When do you start your job?” He questioned as he took a seat , apron undone and neatly placed on the chair’s arch. 
“Next week, I’m psyched!”She gleefully said whilst drinking. Suddenly the fridge’s slight buzz stopped ringing. The usual murmurings of the electronics still and everything was eerily quiet. For a moment,it was far too silent.
Y/n goes up, an unamused frown set on her face, she attempts to switch on the light. The bulb doesn’t shine its usual artificial golden lustre and she slightly stumps. Soon the apartment doors are open, a knock . Jotaro opens the door, confused at the slight commotion overtaking the entire complex.
“Hey , are your lights gone?” He questions and Jotaro nods in approval, he shuts the door after mutual complaints about the state of Kenya Power as per custom whenever the electricity suddenly goes out.
“Yo, apparently the major cities in Kenya have an electricity problem. It's like a country wide blackout. This happens on the day I decided not to charge my phone at night.Really?” Y/n groans out as she slumps to her dining chair. 
“Well that means I can’t go to work till they fix the issue.” Jotaro gleefully says , already heading to his room to change to some loungewear.
“We can go fishing . You mentioned you wanted to do that!” Y/n jumps up already thinking of the overalls she is planning on wearing.
“No,let’s sleep off the breakfast.Please, I just want to rest for today.” Jotaro pleads, surprising y/n because he is usually demanding and two he said it as though they were sleeping together. They haven’t shared the same bed since he stopped being sick . She assumed that she must be jumping to conclusions, I mean he didn’t even mention that they’d sleep on the same bed. 
She nodded in agreement and alongside Jotaro, helped clean up the dishes. Afterwords, she stayed in the sitting room , Samosa on her lap as she read an Agatha Christie murder mystery. Deeply intrigued ,she didn’t notice the towering mass behind her sofa and was suddenly tossed on his shoulder.
“Hey! I’m not a sack of potatoes for you to just grab and go.” She admonishes as her chuckles echoed in the hallway.
“You started reading again , and I said we are going to bed .” Jotaro retaliates, tossing her onto the cotton bed sheets.Rather than bickering, she set up Samosa’s fluffy blue pillow bed which stayed on the left bed drawer and watched Samosa , who had followed them, lie there . Jotaro, after closing the doors and curtains, hugged y/n from the back , arms around her lower waist , face buried on his neck and after a deep gruff that set y/n’s insides tingling , began to slowly drift off to sleep. Y/n , who wasn’t tired at the time, decided on counting his heartbeat and too began falling into the netherworld.
After a while, Jotaro slowly blinked , despite seemingly tired, he felt the most refreshed he has been in weeks, the nap had an added rejuvenation and with a few more like that , he won't have to constantly rely on the under eye masks that were already useless to begin with. He checked up on Samosa.The lazy furball was still dead asleep despite her doing nothing but breathe.Y/n too was sleeping , the darkness of the room let him only see her face. She looked calm . He decided on cooking lunch and dinner , and as he got up after staring at her for an unfathomable amount of time, she clung on his shirt and he felt his heart strings pulled alongside them .
He let her cling to a pillow instead,saddened at the thought of not being able to cuddle with her anymore but duty calls and a nap as long as her’s is surely to end with a rumbling tummy .He decides on rice with chicken katsu and by the 40 minute mark ,he’s done.
As he sets the table , she comes out , bonnet slightly askew , rubbing her eyes.
“You already made food?I planned on making something already . Sorry.” She sleepily says as she sits next to him on the wide sofa. 
“I don't mind cooking.” especially for you 
“Awww , don’t coddle me too much .You will be setting unrealistic expectations for my future partners .”she jokes .Jotaro suddenly begins tickling her , aware that her feet are ironically her Achilles’ heel in the ticklish sector and her heaving almost breathless laughter fills the house as she attempts to scoot away from him.
“Say ‘I only need you Jotaro ‘ then I’ll let you go” he says as he grabs her ankle.
“No, that's cringe.”
“Say it!” He responds , now tickling her tummy 
“OKAY, okay , ‘I only need you Jotaro.”She heaves out and he lets go.
“Yeah, that was cringe.”He says as slightly scowls in mock second hand embarrassment . He helps her get up and they eat lunch midway through Samosa strolls in to have her own lunch
The day is filled with casual discussions ranging from Samosa's next check up to the social economics that are in Kenya based on what they have read . Jotaro casually mentions he wants to learn Swahili and y/n shrieks to the shock of her roommates. 
“Oh my Goodness , don’t play with me , I have a fragile heart, are you serious?” She excitedly questions.
“Yeah, I like the language and it's as phonetic as Japanese so I hope not  to struggle too much.”he says whilst looking away, the eagerness could literally be seen in y/n’s eyes and she said.
“I’ll tutor you.”Jotaro refutes saying that she’s a horrible tutor (which isn't wrong) but largely because the idea of y/n being so eager to teach him every lesson would make him distracted.
“But aren’t you like jam packed with work?” She worriedly questions unconsciously brushing her hand on his arm in comfort. He gently takes in her hands, and says.
‘Good thing I’m almost done with drafting the paper. Actually now that we are on the topic, I want you to read it for me.” He stands up and quick patters down the hall to the study room .He returns with his laptop, already powered on and opens the google docs app.
She scoots closer to him , peering over the open draft . Once it opens Jotaro passes the laptop to her and looks as she scrunches her face in variations of confusion , intrigue and amazement. Realising that it may take a while, she sits back as she scrolls through the work and Jotaro takes to his phone, snorting at some twitter jokes.As she reaches the end, the birds have gone to their nests  and the waters are eating up the shoreline. 
“It’s wonderful, It almost felt like a thesis but even for me it never felt snobby . I felt comfortable reading through it and it remained engaging.”she says. She then proceeds to hand him the laptop, encouraging changes in certain words and making the tone more constant. Jotaro eats up the responses given and by the time the night sky envelopes their side of the world, He is done with cleaning up his errs.
“Reading it now makes it even less uncomfortable.Thank you for helping.” He says as she shuts the laptop placing it on the side. She gives a small smile in response and heads to the kitchen for supper . Just then, Holly calls Jotaro.
“Hey….yeah we are good…….you did?....oh….that’s great I guess…..Do you think that's a good idea?....no I’m not being controlling ...fine I’ll ask her …bye …love you too.”
“AWWWWW you say I love you to your mommy ?”Y/n jesters in a sickeningly sweet tone and Jotaro sticks out his tongue in response.
“Anyways, what did mom Holly want from me?”She questions as she places the candle onto the table, slightly annoyed at how long the lights are taking to come.
“She wants you to see mom Faith.” He replies , looking over at y/n who chews over her food . 
“Okay, when?”
“I’ll go.”
She gradually finishes eating without Jotaro attempting to converse . He has so many questions. Why now? If she does, will she decide not to come back? As she goes to wash her dish, Jotaro follows her and sits on one of the kitchen island stools.
“Are you comfortable with going to her ? What if she hurts you again ?” He asks , taking in her hand to ensure she looks at him .
“She’s not that bad, These things happen .Parents are imperfect humans too.”She tightly holds onto him , discouraging negative thoughts.
“I won't be there to help you.”
“I know”
They stared at each other, he considered encouraging her to not go . He thought it was unfair, he worked hard to ensure y/n is changing , always encouraging her growth and Faith gets to bear the fruits? She can even convince y/n to go back home. 
“Just promise you’ll come back home. You should not rekindle the toxic codependency you two had.” His tone is deep yet meek . She looks down at him with a promise and he slowly inches closer to her face, she looks at him , unresponsive yet does not attempt to look away .
The white light illuminates the entirety of the kitchen.Shrieks of joy surround the complex.The power is back and they scoot away from each other.
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday!
Obesity is now a bigger killer than malnutrition.
Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life and a secret life.
Women tell an average of 11 lies a week. Men, 58.
A third of married Britons describe sex as a chore.
There are 19 languages on Earth with only one speaker left.
All swimmers leave traces of faecal matter in the water.
Magic mushrooms grow in the gardens of Buckingham Palace.
You should never use “beef stew” as a password. It’s not stroganoff.
No one born blind has ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia.
51 cars a year overshoot and drive into the canals of Amsterdam.
After the 9/11 attacks, the Maasai tribe of Kenya gave 14 of their most important cattle to America as aid.
If a man pees on a pregnancy test and it comes up positive, he may have testicular cancer.
Half of Americans believe that a British person saying something "with the greatest respect" is a compliment.
Counterfeiters in medieval Russia were punished by having their coins melted and the molten metal poured down their throats.
A smartphone contains more computing power than the whole of NASA had in 1969.
Asia has the greatest number of working children, totalling 45 million. Africa is second with 24 million.
Psychologists believe that when someone says "I need to talk to you" you automatically recall every bad thing you've done recently.
“A fit of the clevers” is 19th-century Scots for a sudden burst of activity when you realise how much work you have to do.
In 2019, there were still 17 US States where it was legal to fire someone for being gay.
At 12,000ft above sea level, there is barely enough oxygen in La Paz, Bolivia, to support combustion. The city is nearly fireproof.
The most popular song played at funerals in the UK is Monty Python's 'Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life'.
Looking at a photo of a person you love can reduce moderate pain by up to 40%, and severe pain by 15%.
In 2021, an invisible sculpture was sold for $18,030. Artist Salvatore Garau says his work should “activate the power of the imagination”.
According to the Roman writer Juvenal, one of the punishments for adultery was the insertion of a mullet in the offender’s anus.
In the reign of Queen Mary, anyone caught living idly for three days was branded with 'V' for vagrant.
When Usain Bolt ran the 100m at the 2012 Olympics, his feet only touched the ground for two seconds.
In March 2014, an Australian Python swallowed a chihuahua and found itself chained to a kennel.
The revolving door was invented by a man who hated holding doors open for women.
The colour we call ‘white’ is the frequency of light that stimulates all three sets of colour-sensitive cone cells in our retinas equally.
There is a Spanish man that is the singer in a Kajagoogoo tribute act. He's brilliant! So good in fact that, once you've seen Juan, you've seen Limahl.
Curvy women may be more intelligent than skinny women due to fatty acids in their hips that improve their mental abilities, a study found.
In the 1960s, Italian shops had a service called 'the smearing' in which they would spread Nutella on any slice of bread brought to them by a child.
The government’s flagship ‘40 New Hospitals’ policy could be scaled back, as soon as mathematicians work out how to scale something back from zero.
If a Google employee dies, their spouse gets paid half their salary for the next ten years and their children get $1000 a month until they're 19.
According to Huichol Indian tradition, men and women experienced the pain of childbirth together. Men sat in the rafters with a string attached to their testicles and women pulled the string during contractions.
In a 2008 study, researchers at Bath Spa University asked volunteers to rank the intelligence of people with various accents. A Yorkshire accent was rated highest. A Brummie accent was rated lower than staying silent.
When English author and artist Ernest Seton turned 21, his father handed him an itemised bill for everything spent on him up to that point. The total came to $537.50 and his father set the interest rate at 6%. Seton paid the debt but never spoke to his father again.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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Explore Kenya’s Untamed Beauty with African Traveller Ltd. Safari Tours
Kenya, the cradle of mankind and the heart of African safari adventures, is a destination that stirs the soul. With African Traveller Ltd., you can experience the magic of Kenya in ways that are as diverse as its landscapes. From the rolling savannahs of the Maasai Mara to the rugged beauty of Mount Kenya, our Kenya Safari Tours offer an unforgettable journey into the wild.
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Explore the Majestic Maasai Mara
It is understandable why Kenya's national parks consider the Maasai Mara to be their crown jewel. This vast reserve, with its golden plains and abundant wildlife, is where nature puts on a show like no other. Picture yourself in an open-top vehicle, camera ready, as a pride of lions lounges under an acacia tree, or as a herd of elephants marches across the horizon. The Great Migration, a spectacle that attracts visitors from all over the world, is a highlight you won't want to miss. Thousands of wildebeests, zebras, and gazelles embark on a perilous journey across the Mara River, where crocodiles lie in wait. It's nature at its rawest, and with African Traveller Ltd., you'll have a front-row seat.
Experience the Rich Culture of Kenya
Beyond the wildlife, Kenya's rich cultural tapestry adds depth to your safari experience. The Maasai people are as well-known as the animals that roam their lands because of their vivid red shukas and exquisite beadwork.  On our tours, you'll have the chance to visit a Maasai village, where you can learn about their traditions, hear their stories, and even join in a traditional dance. Reminding you of the close bond between the people and the land, it's a humble experience.
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Luxury Meets Adventure
At African Traveller Ltd., we believe that a safari should be an adventure, but that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice comfort. Our Kenya Safari Tours are designed to offer the best of both worlds. Whether you're staying in a luxury tented camp, where you can hear the calls of the wild as you drift off to sleep, or in a boutique lodge with breathtaking views of the savannah, you'll find that every detail has been carefully curated to ensure an unforgettable experience.
Why Choose African Traveller Ltd.?
With years of experience and a deep love for Kenya, African Traveller Ltd. is your trusted partner in safari adventures. Our knowledgeable guides, commitment to sustainable tourism, and passion for sharing the beauty of Kenya make us the perfect choice for your next journey. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or embarking on your first safari, we'll tailor your tour to your needs, ensuring that your Kenyan adventure is everything you've dreamed of and more.
Embark on a journey of a lifetime with African Traveller Ltd., where the wild heart of Africa awaits.
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mountkilimanjarotour · 2 months
Experience the Migration Safari: A Journey through Wilderness
Step into the wilderness and behold nature's grand spectacle: The Great Wildebeest Migration. This striking event covers large lands, yet certain areas shine as prime spots. These regions offer strategic vantage points and showcase unique migration patterns. Dive into the best places for a migration safari, armed with vital numbers and technical facts.
Serengeti National Park
Journey to Serengeti National Park, covering an impressive 14,750 square kilometers. It stands as the heart of the Great Migration. The park's vast plains afford clear views of the moving herds. Its woodlands harbor diverse animal species.
Maasai Mara National Reserve
At about 1,510 square kilometers, Maasai Mara National Reserve emerges as a top Wildebeest migration safari spot. The open savannahs set the stage for extraordinary wildlife moments and photo sessions. Watch the epic Mara River Crossings; here, in the Maasai Mara, witness the raw force of nature as the wildebeest cross the treacherous Mara River.
Ngorongoro Conservation Area
Next to the Serengeti, Ngorongoro spans 8,288 square kilometers. It's crucial for the migration's calving season from January to March. Its crater's grasslands serve as a sanctuary for new wildebeest mothers and their calves. Recognized by UNESCO, Ngorongoro Crater teems with animals. Even though it's off the main migration trail, it's the place to observe the beginnings of life in the wildebeest population during calving.
Angama Mara Safari Park
Resting on the Escarpment high over the Great Rift Valley, Angama Mara echoes "suspended in mid-air." Survey the expanse of the Maasai Mara below. Opt for game drives, trekking safaris, or soaring balloon trips to see the migration unfold.
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The Best Time to Visit Kenya for a Safari; A month-by-month Guide
The Best Time to Visit Kenya for a Safari: A Month-by-Month Guide
Kenya is a premier safari destination, offering diverse wildlife experiences year-round. However, the timing of your visit can significantly impact your safari experience. This month-by-month guide will help you decide the best time to visit Kenya for a safari.
January is one of the best months to visit Kenya. The weather is warm and dry, making it perfect for game viewing. Many animals congregate around water sources, making them easier to spot. Key destinations include the Maasai Mara National Reserve and Amboseli National Park, renowned for their abundant wildlife and stunning landscapes.
For more on what to expect in January, visit our Kenya destination page.
February continues the dry season with excellent conditions for a safari. The landscapes are lush from the short rains in November and December, but the weather remains dry. This is an ideal time for bird watching, as many migratory birds are present. Consider visiting Lake Nakuru National Park for a fantastic birding experience.
March marks the beginning of the long rains, which can affect game viewing. However, fewer tourists mean you can enjoy a more exclusive safari experience. The scenery becomes greener, and it's a great time to see newborn animals. Visit Tsavo East National Park for a more secluded safari.
Learn more about safari options in March here.
April is typically the wettest month in Kenya. Heavy rains can make some roads impassable and game viewing challenging. However, the landscapes are incredibly lush, and birdlife is plentiful. If you don't mind the rain, it's a peaceful time to visit with fewer crowds.
May sees the tail end of the long rains. The parks are green and beautiful, and wildlife is still abundant. This is an excellent time for photographers to capture the vibrant landscapes and dramatic skies. Consider a visit to the Samburu Game Reserve for unique wildlife experiences.
June marks the beginning of the dry season, making it an excellent time for a safari. The weather is cooler, and the grass is shorter, improving game viewing conditions. The wildebeest migration starts to move into the Maasai Mara, providing spectacular viewing opportunities.
July is one of the peak months for safaris in Kenya. The Great Migration reaches the Maasai Mara, creating a spectacular wildlife show. The weather is dry and cool, perfect for game drives and outdoor activities. Be sure to book accommodations well in advance.
Check out our Maasai Mara National Reserve page for more information.
August continues the peak safari season with excellent game viewing. The Great Migration is in full swing in the Maasai Mara, offering thrilling river crossings and predator-prey interactions. This is an ideal time for a classic safari experience.
September is another fantastic month for a safari in Kenya. The Great Migration is still in the Maasai Mara, and the weather remains dry and pleasant. Game viewing is superb, and the tourist crowds begin to thin out slightly towards the end of the month.
October is a shoulder month, offering a mix of benefits. The weather is still dry, and the Great Migration starts moving back to Tanzania. This is an excellent time to visit if you prefer fewer tourists and still want to experience great wildlife viewing.
November brings the short rains, which refresh the landscapes and bring a different beauty to the parks. Wildlife viewing is still good, although the animals may be more dispersed. It's a quieter time with fewer tourists, making for a peaceful safari experience.
December is a festive time to visit Kenya. The short rains usually end, and the parks are green and lush. Wildlife is abundant, and the weather is warm. December is also a great time for bird watchers, as migratory birds are present.
Plan your December safari with our detailed Kenya safari packages.
For more information and to book your safari, visit our website.
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wildvoyager1seo · 2 months
How Much Is a 2-Week Trip to Africa from the USA?
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Africa, a continent of stunning diversity, offers an unparalleled travel experience that captivates the hearts of adventurers, nature enthusiasts, and culture seekers alike. From the vast savannas teeming with wildlife to ancient historical sites and vibrant cultures, Africa presents a myriad of attractions that appeal to tourists from around the globe, including the USA. This comprehensive guide aims to provide a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with a two-week trip to Africa from the USA, with a particular focus on the keyword "Africa Tour Packages." Whether you're planning a luxurious safari adventure or a budget-friendly exploration, understanding the financial aspects is crucial for a well-prepared journey.
Geographical Information
Africa's geographical diversity spans across expansive deserts, lush rainforests, towering mountains, and idyllic coastlines. The continent is divided into several regions, each offering unique travel experiences:
East Africa: Known for its iconic wildlife and safari experiences, countries like Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda offer lush landscapes and renowned national parks.
Southern Africa: Home to South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe, this region boasts rich wildlife, desert landscapes, and the awe-inspiring Victoria Falls.
North Africa: Featuring historical wonders like the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and the cultural richness of Morocco and Tunisia.
West Africa: Known for its vibrant cultures and historical sites, including Ghana's Cape Coast Castle and Nigeria's bustling cities.
The best times to visit vary depending on the region and the type of experience sought. For instance, the dry season, from June to October, is ideal for wildlife viewing in East and Southern Africa. Conversely, North Africa's cooler months from November to March offer a pleasant climate for exploring historical sites.
Cultural Insights in Africa Tour Package
Africa's cultural tapestry is as diverse as its geography, with thousands of ethnic groups and languages. Each region boasts unique traditions, art, music, and culinary delights. Visitors can immerse themselves in local cultures by participating in traditional ceremonies, sampling regional cuisines, and interacting with locals.
Language: English, French, Arabic, and Portuguese are widely spoken, along with numerous indigenous languages.
Cuisine: African cuisine is a blend of flavors, from spicy Moroccan tagines to South African braais (barbecues). Food enthusiasts will find a wide range of tastes to explore.
Etiquette: Respect for local customs and traditions is important. For example, dress modestly in conservative areas and seek permission before taking photographs of people.
Must-Visit Attractions
Africa's allure lies in its diverse attractions. For wildlife enthusiasts, the continent offers some of the best safari experiences:
Serengeti National Park, Tanzania: Famous for the Great Migration, where millions of wildebeests and zebras traverse the plains.
Maasai Mara, Kenya: Known for its abundant wildlife, including the Big Five (lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhino).
Kruger National Park, South Africa: A premier safari destination offering excellent game viewing.
History buffs can explore ancient sites like the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Zimbabwe Ruins, while nature lovers will be mesmerized by the Victoria Falls and the Sahara Desert.
Activities and Experiences
Africa offers a wide range of activities to suit every traveler's taste:
Wildlife Safaris: Experience game drives, walking safaris, and boat safaris in various national parks and reserves.
Cultural Tours: Visit local villages, engage with indigenous communities, and learn about traditional lifestyles.
Adventure Activities: From hiking Mount Kilimanjaro to diving in the coral reefs of the Indian Ocean, the continent caters to adventure seekers.
Relaxation: Enjoy the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar, the Seychelles, or the Garden Route in South Africa.
Travel Tips
Planning a trip to Africa involves careful consideration of logistics:
Flights: Major airlines offer flights from the USA to various African destinations. It's advisable to book flights well in advance for better deals.
Accommodation: Options range from luxury lodges and resorts to budget-friendly guesthouses and campsites.
Transportation: Depending on the destination, travelers can choose from domestic flights, car rentals, or guided tours. Public transport options vary in reliability and safety.
Safety and Health Precautions
Safety and health are paramount when traveling to Africa:
Vaccinations: Some countries require vaccinations, such as Yellow Fever. It's also advisable to take antimalarial medication if traveling to malaria-endemic areas.
Travel Insurance: Comprehensive travel insurance is essential to cover medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost belongings.
Safety Tips: Stay informed about local safety conditions, avoid displaying valuables, and be cautious when interacting with wildlife.
Budget Planning
Understanding the cost components of a trip to Africa is crucial for effective budgeting:
Flights: Costs can vary widely based on the season and the city of departure. Expect to spend anywhere from $800 to $1,500 for a round-trip ticket.
Accommodation: Prices range from $50 per night for budget accommodations to over $500 for luxury lodges.
Food: Dining expenses can vary, with street food and local eateries being more affordable than upscale restaurants.
Activities: Safaris and excursions can be a significant part of the budget. Costs depend on the type and duration of activities.
Local Cuisine
African cuisine is a delightful journey through diverse flavors:
South African Braai: A traditional barbecue featuring a variety of meats.
Kenyan Nyama Choma: Grilled meat, often served with ugali (maize porridge).
Ethiopian Cuisine: Known for dishes like injera (sourdough flatbread) and doro wat (spicy chicken stew).
Africa is a continent of contrasts and unparalleled beauty, offering something for every traveler. From breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural experiences to thrilling wildlife encounters, a trip to Africa promises unforgettable memories. By understanding the costs and planning carefully, travelers can embark on a journey that fits their budget while experiencing the best the continent has to offer.
For more information and to explore various Africa Tour Packages, visit Wild Voyager.
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wildvoyager123 · 2 months
Affordable Masai Mara Tour Packages: Budget-Friendly Safari Adventures
The allure of the Masai Mara lies in its breathtaking landscapes, abundant wildlife, and rich cultural heritage. For many, embarking on a safari here is a dream come true. But did you know that this dream can be realized without breaking the bank? In this guide, we'll explore how you can experience the wonders of the Masai Mara through budget-friendly safari adventures.
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What Makes the Masai Mara Special?
The Masai Mara, located in southwestern Kenya, is renowned for its stunning savannahs and diverse ecosystems. It's home to an incredible variety of wildlife, including the famous Big Five: lions, leopards, elephants, buffalo, and rhinos. One of the most spectacular events in the animal kingdom, the Great Migration, occurs here annually. During this time, millions of wildebeests, zebras, and other herbivores traverse the plains, followed closely by predators—a spectacle that draws tourists from all over the world.
Beyond the wildlife, the Masai Mara offers rich cultural experiences with the indigenous Maasai people. Visitors can learn about their traditional way of life, from unique dress and dances to intricate beadwork and customs.
Why Consider Budget-Friendly Safari Adventures?
While the Masai Mara is often associated with luxury lodges and expensive safaris, there are numerous budget-friendly options available. Affordable travel not only makes this incredible experience accessible to a wider audience but also allows for longer stays and more immersive adventures. Contrary to popular belief, a budget safari doesn't mean compromising on quality; it simply means making smart choices.
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Key Features of Budget Masai Mara Tour Packages
Budget tour packages typically include basic yet comfortable accommodations, meals, and guided game drives. Depending on the package, transportation from Nairobi or nearby cities might also be included. While luxury extras such as private vehicles or gourmet meals may not be part of the deal, these packages still provide an authentic and enriching safari experience.
Types of Budget Accommodations in the Masai Mara
When it comes to budget accommodations, the Masai Mara offers several options:
Camping Options
For the truly adventurous, camping is a fantastic way to stay close to nature. Campsites are often located within the park or on its outskirts, offering a raw and immersive experience. They range from basic facilities to more equipped setups with tents and bedding.
Budget Lodges
These lodges provide a step up from camping, with more amenities such as hot showers and comfortable beds. They are often situated in prime wildlife viewing areas, offering a great balance of comfort and affordability.
Community Campsites
Run by local communities, these campsites offer a unique opportunity to support local development while enjoying your stay. They often feature traditional Maasai-style accommodations and allow guests to engage with the local culture.
Choosing the Right Time to Visit
Timing your visit to the Masai Mara can greatly impact both your experience and your budget:
High Season vs. Low Season
The high season, typically from July to October, coincides with the Great Migration and offers the best wildlife viewing. However, it's also the most expensive time to visit. The low season, from April to June, offers lower rates and fewer tourists, making it an excellent option for budget travelers.
Weather Considerations
The Masai Mara has two main rainy seasons: the long rains (March to May) and the short rains (November). While the rains can make some roads impassable, they also bring lush landscapes and fewer crowds.
Top Budget-Friendly Activities in the Masai Mara
Even on a budget, there's no shortage of exciting activities to enjoy:
Game Drives
Game drives are the cornerstone of any safari. Budget packages typically include shared game drives, where you'll join other guests in a vehicle. It's a fantastic way to see the park's wildlife up close.
Walking Safaris
For a more intimate experience with nature, consider a walking safari. Led by experienced guides, these walks offer insights into the smaller details of the ecosystem, like tracks and plants.
Balloon Safaris on a Budget
While hot air balloon safaris are often considered a luxury, some operators offer more affordable options during off-peak times. It's an unforgettable way to see the vastness of the Masai Mara from above.
Exploring the Local Culture
A visit to the Masai Mara isn't complete without experiencing the rich culture of the Maasai people:
Visiting Maasai Villages
Many tours include visits to local villages, where you can learn about Maasai traditions and daily life. It's a wonderful opportunity to purchase handmade crafts directly from the artisans.
Cultural Performances and Crafts
Enjoy traditional dances and songs performed by the Maasai. These cultural exchanges are not only entertaining but also educational.
Ethical Considerations
When engaging with local communities, it's important to be respectful and mindful of their traditions. Supporting ethical tourism practices ensures that your visit has a positive impact.
Tips for Saving Money on Your Safari
Saving money doesn't mean skimping on experience. Here are some tips to make the most of your budget:
Booking Strategies
Booking in advance can often secure better rates. Look for package deals that combine accommodation, meals, and activities.
Group Tours vs. Private Tours
Joining a group tour can significantly reduce costs compared to private tours. It's also a great way to meet fellow travelers.
Off-Peak Travel Advantages
Traveling during the shoulder or low seasons can result in significant savings. You'll also enjoy a more peaceful experience with fewer tourists.
Sample Itinerary for a Budget Masai Mara Safari
Here's a sample itinerary to give you an idea of what a budget safari might look like:
Day 1: Arrival and Transfer to Masai Mara
Early morning departure from Nairobi
Afternoon game drive upon arrival
Day 2: Full-Day Game Drive
Morning and afternoon game drives
Visit a Maasai village in the evening
Day 3: Optional Activities and Departure
Early morning walking safari
Return to Nairobi
Safety and Health Considerations
Ensuring your safety and well-being is crucial during any safari:
Staying Safe During the Safari
Always follow your guide's instructions, especially when close to wildlife. Keep a safe distance from animals and avoid sudden movements.
Health Precautions and Vaccinations
Before traveling, consult with a healthcare provider about necessary vaccinations. Malaria prevention measures, such as taking antimalarial medication and using insect repellent, are recommended.
Travel Insurance Tips
Comprehensive travel insurance is essential. Make sure it covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and any adventurous activities you plan to undertake.
What to Pack for a Budget Safari
Packing smartly can enhance your safari experience:
Essential Gear and Clothing
Lightweight, neutral-colored clothing is best for blending in with the surroundings. Don't forget a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen.
Photography Equipment
A good camera with a zoom lens is ideal for capturing wildlife. Binoculars are also useful for spotting distant animals.
Personal Items and Essentials
Bring necessary medications, a reusable water bottle, and a small first aid kit. Cash in small denominations can be handy for tips and purchases.
Sustainable Travel Practices
Being a responsible traveler is key to preserving the Masai Mara's beauty:
Supporting Local Communities
Choose tour operators and accommodations that support local communities. Buying local crafts and tipping guides fairly helps the local economy.
Eco-Friendly Travel Tips
Minimize waste by using reusable items and disposing of trash properly. Respect wildlife and natural habitats by staying on designated paths.
Minimizing Your Footprint
Use water sparingly and be mindful of energy consumption. Small actions can make a big difference in preserving the environment.
Frequently Asked Questions About Budget Masai Mara Tours
Q1: Are budget safaris safe? A1: Yes, budget safaris are safe when booked through reputable operators. Follow your guide's instructions and stay aware of your surroundings.
Q2: What is the best time for a budget safari in the Masai Mara? A2: The low season (April to June) offers lower rates and fewer tourists, making it a great time for budget travelers.
Q3: Can I still see the Big Five on a budget safari? A3: Absolutely! Budget safaris offer excellent wildlife viewing opportunities, including the chance to see the Big Five.
Q4: What should I bring on a budget safari? A4: Essential items include lightweight clothing, a hat, sunscreen, a good camera, and personal medications.
Q5: How can I support sustainable tourism in the Masai Mara? A5: Support local businesses, use eco-friendly products, and respect wildlife and local cultures.
Exploring the Masai Mara on a budget is not only possible but incredibly rewarding. From witnessing the Great Migration to engaging with Maasai culture, a budget-friendly safari offers a wealth of experiences without the hefty price tag. With careful planning and a sense of adventure, you can embark on an unforgettable journey through one of Africa's most iconic landscapes. So, pack your bags and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime—without breaking the bank!
For more information visit now :- https://www.wildvoyager.com/itinerary/masai-mara-tour-packages/
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sumbiextramilessafari · 2 months
Planning Your Dream Trip: The Best Time to Visit Tanzania for Every Experience
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Planning a Safari in Tanzania is an adventure of a lifetime, but timing your visit is crucial to ensure the best wildlife viewing experiences. The ideal time to explore on a Tanzanian safari is during the dry season, which spans from late June to October. This period offers optimal conditions for game viewing, as the weather is generally dry, and wildlife congregates around water sources, making them easier to spot.
The Serengeti National Park, famous for the Great Migration, is a highlight during these months. From June to July, you can witness the dramatic river crossings of wildebeest and zebras as they move from the Serengeti to the Maasai Mara in Kenya. By August to October, the herds return, providing another opportunity to observe this incredible natural spectacle.
The dry season also means fewer mosquitoes and lower risk of malaria, enhancing your overall safari experience. The clear skies and sunny days make for excellent photography, capturing the stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife in their full glory.
While the dry season is popular, the shoulder months of January and February are also a fantastic time to visit. This period coincides with the calving season in the southern Serengeti, where you can witness newborn wildebeests and predators in action.
Avoid the long rains from March to May, as heavy downpours can make some roads impassable and wildlife harder to spot. However, this period offers lush scenery and fewer tourists, providing a more secluded experience.
Ultimately, the best time for a Safari in Tanzania depends on your interests and what you wish to see. Whether it's the Great Migration, predator-prey interactions, or simply enjoying the vast savannah, planning your visit during the dry season ensures an unforgettable adventure.
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Best Places to Visit in The World for Each Month of the Year
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Have you ever packed your bags, buzzing with excitement, only to realize that your dream destination is currently experiencing its monsoon or hurricane season? Or worse, a season of tourist-packed streets where you can't even see the attraction you came for? Have you experienced something like that during past few years? Well, fear not, fellow wanderlusters! This guide is your passport to avoiding those travel mishaps, ensuring you know the best places in the world to visit at the perfect time. And let's not dwell on the obvious choices either! We all know Eiffel Tower, Grand Canyon and Banff National Park are great. You could also spend your holidays on private island, taking boat tours, but it's not also why we're here, right? Don't worry, you're at the right place! Buckle up (or should I say, fasten your seatbelts), and let's dive into the world of strategic travel planning where timing is everything. We're about to go through best places to travel by month! In this article, you'll learn what are the best - countries to visit in January - countries to visit in March - countries to visit in February - countries to visit in April - countries to visit in May - countries to visit in June - countries to visit in July - countries to visit in August - countries to visit in September - countries to visit in October - countries to visit in November - countries to visit in December FAQ: What is the best place to visit in January? The best places to visit in January are India & United Arab Emirates, specifically Dubai. Both India & Dubai can help escape the winter blues as both locations offer beautiful weather and pleasant temperatures. What is the best place to visit in February? The best place to visit in February is Japan, which offers an unforgettable winter experience. You can visit Sapporo Snow Festival, Hakuba, which is a paradise for sport enthusiasts, and Jigokudani Monkey Park featuring famous snow monkeys. What is the best place to visit in March? The best place to visit in March is Spain, which welcomes spring in its vibrant colors. You can visit, for example, Barcelona, Andalusia, and Valencia for Las Fallas to experience the celebration of this special festival commemorating Saint Joseph. What is the best place to visit in April? The best place to visit in April is the Netherlands, showing a riot of colors, with tulips and other spring flowers blooming across the rural areas. You can visit Keukenhof Gardens, the largest flower garden in the world, as well as taking a hike through Amsterdam. What is the best place to visit in May? The best place to visit in May is Italy. During that time, the country shakes off the last chill of winter and embraces the warmth and vitality of the approaching summer. What is the best place to visit in June? The best place to visit in June is Iceland. June's the time of almost endless sunlight, which creates a prolonged phenomenon called the Midnight Sun. What is the best place to visit in July? The best place to visit in July is Kenya. In this picturesque location, you can enjoy probably the best national parks in the world. Visit Maasai Mara, Amboseli, and Lake Nakuru National Parks and marvel at beautiful views and wildlife. What is the best place to visit in August? The best place to visit in August is Peru. This month offers perfect conditions for trekking through the Inca Trail as well as discovering the ancient city of Machu Picchu as the dry season provides clear skies and the best visibility. What is the best place to visit in September? The best place to visit in September is Greece. This month offers lesser crowds as well as a perfect mix of warm temperatures with the vibe of approaching off season. What is the best place to visit in October? The best place to visit in October is Thailand. As the rainy season is coming to an end, the temperatures are usually cooler. October also commences many cultural celebrations, offering travelers a deep dive into the heart and soul of Thailand. What is the best place to visit in November? The best place to visit in November is Australia. It's the beginning of spring there, so the temperatures are warm and the landscape is bursting with natural beauty. What is the best place to visit in December? The best place to visit in December is Egypt. This month, the temperatures are way cooler, so visiting Egypt's ancient wonders is way more pleasurable. January: India & United Arab Emirates India: A Festive Start to the Year Why is January the best time to visit India, you ask? Imagine escaping the winter blues to find yourself in a vibrant, colorful festival in the Rajasthan desert or basking in the pleasant sun on pristine beaches near Indian Ocean. India is considered one of the best places in the world to visit for a reason. After cold Winter months it's like a sip of coffee in the morning—absolutely perfect! It's not just one of the best places to visit in January; it's a kaleidoscope of experiences. From the majestic Republic Day Parade in Delhi to the serene backwaters of Kerala, India offers a stunning start to your year. Dubai: A Shopper's Paradise in the Desert Dubai is undoubtedly one of the best places in the world to visit. Especially in January, it is the epitome of opulence, minus the scorching heat. It's the season of the Dubai Shopping Festival, where you can shop till you drop and still want more. The city transforms into a live Pinterest board of futuristic architecture, luxurious shopping experiences, and cultural hotspots. It's a blend of the traditional and the modern, making it one of the best places to visit in the world in January. February: Embracing Japan's Winter Wonderland Japan is widely acclaimed as one of the best places to visit in the world. Whether you're drawn to the serene beauty of snow-laden landscapes or the warmth of traditional onsens, in February, Japan offers an unforgettable winter escape. Best Places to Visit in February in Japan: - Sapporo Snow Festival: One of the world's most renowned winter festivals, transforming the city into a wonderland of ice and snow sculptures. Witness the creativity and artistry that define this enchanting event. - Hakuba: A paradise for winter sports enthusiasts, Hakuba is one of Japan's premier ski destinations, offering world-class slopes and powdery snow. - Jigokudani Monkey Park: Watch the famous snow monkeys as they soak in natural hot springs, an iconic image of Japan's unique wildlife interactions. Additional Tips: - Embrace the Japanese tradition of enjoying an onsen, especially appealing during the cold months. Onsens are scattered throughout the country, offering a relaxing retreat. - It's no secret Japan's one of the best places to visit in the world for its cusine. Indulge in winter delicacies such as hot ramen, nabe (hot pot), and seasonal seafood, which are staples of Japanese cuisine to warm you up from the inside. March: A Burst of Spring in Spain Going through best places to travel by month, we can't omit Spain! March in Spain is a vibrant celebration of spring's arrival, marked by festivals, blooming landscapes, and the awakening of the country's spirited culture. Best Places to Visit in March in Spain: - Valencia for Las Fallas: Experience the spectacle of Las Fallas, where the city is alight with fireworks, parades, and the burning of ninots (large puppet figures) in a unique cultural festival. - Andalusia: Visit the south to witness the blooming orange groves, explore majestic Moorish architecture in Seville, Granada, and Córdoba, and enjoy the early hints of spring. - Barcelona: Explore the architectural wonders of Antoni Gaudí, including the Sagrada Familia and Central Park Güell, with milder weather and fewer crowds. Additional Tips: - Participate in traditional spring festivals, offering a glimpse into Spain's rich cultural tapestry. - Savor seasonal dishes such as calçots (grilled spring onions) in Catalonia, and enjoy the start of the outdoor dining season across the country. April: Tulips in Bloom at The Netherlands' Colorful Canvas April in the Netherlands is a riot of color, with tulips and other spring flowers blooming across the countryside. This small yet vibrant country comes alive with the promise of new beginnings, making it the ideal time to explore both its natural beauty and bustling cities. Best Places to Visit in April: - Keukenhof Gardens: Often referred to as the Garden of Europe, Keukenhof is one of the world's largest flower gardens, where millions of tulips display their dazzling colors. - Amsterdam: Take a canal tour to see the city from its iconic waterways, visit the Anne Frank House, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of Amsterdam as it embraces spring. - The Flower Strip (Bollenstreek): This region between Haarlem and Leiden is the heart of tulip country. Rent a bike and cycle through fields ablaze with color. Additional Tips: - Participate in the celebration of King's Day (Koningsdag) on April 27th, when the entire country dons orange attire, and streets fill with parties, flea markets, and joyous celebrations. - Taste the season with a traditional Dutch herring or indulge in a stroopwafel from a street vendor for a sweet treat. May: Italy's Prelude to Summer May is a magical time to visit Italy, as the country shakes off the last chill of winter and embraces the warmth and vitality of the approaching summer. With comfortable temperatures, blooming landscapes, and a calendar rich with cultural events, Italy in May is a traveler's delight. Best Places to Visit in May: - Florence: Explore the cradle of the Renaissance, with visits to, for instance, the Galleria dell'Accademia to see Michelangelo’s David. Enjoy the Tuscan countryside in full bloom on a day trip to the Chianti region. - Rome: Walk through history at the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Vatican City and enjoy art galleries. May's mild weather is perfect for exploring Rome's outdoor ruins and enjoying its many piazzas. - Cinque Terre: Enjoy scenic hiking trails connecting the five picturesque villages of Cinque Terre along the Ligurian coast, where the Mediterranean spring offers breathtaking views. These are one of the most famous nature trails in Europe! Additional Insights: - Engage with Italy's vibrant food culture by visiting local markets, such as Campo de' Fiori in Rome or Rialto in Venice, to sample fresh, seasonal produce. - Attend a traditional spring festival, like the Infiorata, where streets are carpeted with flowers in intricate designs, celebrated in various towns across Italy. June: Midnight Sun and Nature's Majesty of Iceland Our list of best places to travel by month wouldn't be complete without Iceland. And so it happens, June's a time of endless daylight, where the sun merely dips below the horizon before rising again, creating a prolonged twilight known as the Midnight Sun. This natural phenomenon allows for extended days of exploration, making it one of the best places to visit in the world for adventurers and nature lovers alike. Though note, it's not the best time to experience northern lights! Best Places to Visit in June in Iceland: - Golden Circle: A popular route that covers Þingvellir National Park, the geothermal area of Geysir, and the majestic Gullfoss waterfall. The extended daylight hours allow for a leisurely exploration of these natural wonders. - Reykjavík: Experience the vibrant culture of Iceland's capital under the Midnight Sun. Enjoy outdoor cafes, music festivals, and art exhibitions that take advantage of the endless days. - Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon: Venture to the southeast to witness the ethereal beauty of icebergs floating in the glacier lagoon, an unforgettable sight under the late-night sun. Extra Insights: - Participate in the Secret Solstice Festival, an outdoor music festival in Reykjavík that celebrates the Midnight Sun with world-class music acts and unique side events in glaciers and lava tunnels. - Try traditional Icelandic cuisine, such as freshly caught seafood, lamb dishes, and skyr, a type of Icelandic yogurt, to fully immerse yourself in the local culture. July: A Wildlife Spectacle in Kenya July marks the beginning of the Great Migration in Kenya, an awe-inspiring natural phenomenon where millions of wildebeest, zebra, and gazelle traverse the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem in search of fresh grazing grounds. It's a prime time for wildlife enthusiasts and photographers to enjoy the best National Parks in the world. Best Places to Visit in July in Kenya: - Maasai Mara National Reserve: The centerpiece of the Great Migration, the Maasai Mara offers unparalleled wildlife viewing opportunities, including the dramatic river crossings that are synonymous with this event. - Amboseli National Park: Famous for its large elephant herds and stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro, Amboseli provides a different but equally rewarding wildlife experience. - Lake Nakuru National Park: Known for its flamingo populations and rich biodiversity, Lake Nakuru is a great addition to a wildlife safari itinerary. Extra Tips: - Engage with the Maasai people, known for their distinctive customs and dress. Many safari tours offer cultural visits to Maasai villages, providing insights into their traditional way of life. - Try local Kenyan dishes such as nyama choma (grilled meat), ugali (maize porridge), and sukuma wiki (collard greens), which are the staples of the Kenyan diet. August: A Path Through Time in Peru August in Peru offers the perfect conditions for trekking the Inca Trail, leading adventurers to the ancient city of Machu Picchu. This time of year, the dry season provides clear skies and the best visibility, making it an ideal period for exploring Peru's stunning landscapes and archaeological treasures. Best Places to Visit in August: - Machu Picchu: The iconic Incan citadel set high in the Andes Mountains. Trekking the Inca Trail offers a rewarding journey through cloud forests and past ancient ruins before reaching this wonder of the world at sunrise. - Cusco: Once the capital of the Inca Empire, Cusco is now a hub for visitors heading to Machu Picchu. Its blend of Incan and colonial architecture, vibrant markets, and rich cultural heritage make it a must-visit. - Lake Titicaca: The highest navigable lake in the world and home to the unique Uros floating islands. Explore traditional communities and breathtaking landscapes. Extra Cultural Insights: - Participate in the Pachamama ceremony, an ancient Andean tradition in which locals offer thanks to Mother Earth. This ritual is particularly meaningful in August, considered the month of Pachamama. - Taste Peru's culinary delights, such as ceviche, lomo saltado, and cuy (guinea pig), a traditional Andean dish. Peru's rich culinary scene is a testament to its diverse cultures and ingredients. September: A September Sojourn in Greece September in Greece offers the perfect balance between the warmth of summer and the tranquility of the approaching off-season. The islands and mainland alike bask in pleasant temperatures, fewer crowds, and the golden hues of early autumn, making it an idyllic time for exploration and relaxation. Best Places to Visit in September: - Santorini: Known for its stunning sunsets and famous landmarks: white-washed buildings, and volcanic beaches. The island's beauty is more accessible in September, with more space to enjoy its charm. - Crete: Greece's largest island boasts a mix of beautiful beaches, ancient archaeological sites, and mountainous landscapes. Visit the Palace of Knossos and hike the Samaria Gorge. - Rhodes: Known for its rich history, Rhodes offers a journey through time with its well-preserved medieval town, ancient ruins, and the Acropolis of Lindos with its breathtaking views. Additonal Cultural Insights: - Enjoy the grape harvest and wine festivals that take place in various regions, celebrating Greece's rich winemaking tradition. - Sample seasonal Greek cuisine, including fresh figs, grapes, and the catch of the day, perfectly paired with local wines or ouzo. October: A Cultural Mosaic of Thailand October marks the end of the rainy season in Thailand, ushering in cooler temperatures and the beginning of the peak travel season. It's a time of cultural celebrations, natural beauty, and culinary delights, offering travelers a deep dive into the heart and soul of Thai culture. Best Places to Visit in October in Thailand: - Bangkok: The capital city is a bustling metropolis with a juxtaposition of modernity and tradition. Visit the Grand Palace, Wat Pho, and experience the vibrant street food scene. - Chiang Mai: Known for its beautiful temples, lush countryside, and the Yi Peng Lantern Festival, which typically occurs in November but preparations and smaller celebrations start in October. - Phuket: The Vegetarian Festival in Phuket is a unique cultural event featuring street processions, ceremonies, and vegetarian feasts, rooted in the island's Chinese heritage. Extra tips to make it one of the best places in the world to visit: - Participate in the Vegetarian Festival in Phuket, experiencing its spiritual ceremonies, which include rituals and acts of devotion by participants. - Indulge in Thailand's renowned street food, where October's cooler evenings make for a perfect outdoor dining experience. Try dishes like pad Thai, som tam (papaya salad), and mango sticky rice. Best countries to visit in November: Cuba November in Cuba is a window into the island's soul, where the warmth of its climate is matched only by the warmth of its people. This month offers a vibrant cultural tapestry, from music festivals to the beginning of the dry season, making it an ideal time for exploration and connection. Best Places to Visit in November in Cuba: - Havana: The heart of the Cuban culture, Havana in November is alive with the Havana Jazz Festival, where the city's rich musical heritage is on full display. Wander through Old Havana (Habana Vieja), a UNESCO World Heritage site, to see its colonial architecture and vintage cars. - Trinidad: A perfectly preserved Spanish colonial settlement where time seems to stand still. Explore its cobblestone streets, visit the Museo Romántico, or enjoy live music at Casa de la Musica. - Viñales Valley: Known for its stunning karst landscape and tobacco farms, Viñales offers a glimpse into rural Cuban life. Take a horseback ride or a cave tour to fully appreciate this area's natural beauty. Extra Insights for why it's one of the best places in the world to visit: - Experience the joy of Cuban music and dance, integral parts of daily life. Salsa is not just a dance here; it's a way of life, so consider taking a dance lesson or simply enjoy the rhythms in a local venue. - Taste traditional Cuban cuisine, which blends Spanish, African, and Caribbean flavors. Try dishes like ropa vieja (shredded beef), congrí (rice and black beans), and a mojito or Cuba Libre to toast your travels. Best countries to visit in December: Egypt Wondering what are the best places to visit in the world in December? This month, Egypt invites travelers to explore its ancient wonders without the intense heat of the summer months. The cooler temperatures provide the perfect backdrop for discovering the country's monumental history and vibrant contemporary culture. Best Places to Visit in December in Egypt: - Pyramids of Giza: Standing as the last surviving wonder of the ancient world, the Pyramids and the Sphinx are especially accessible in December's mild climate. - Luxor and the Valley of the Kings: Home to some of Egypt's most significant archaeological treasures, including the tomb of Tutankhamun and the temples of Karnak and Luxor. Read the full article
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A OVERVIEW OF THE SAFARI TARANGIRE NGORONGORO FOR 2 DAYS                This exciting two-day safari will take you to Tarangire National Park and the magnificent Ngorongoro Crater, where you'll have opportunity to explore wildlife and interact with animals including elephants, lions, giraffes, antelopes, and more. The crater will bring your memories to life because you can see so many different creatures there.
ABOUT TARANGIRE: Tarangire National Park is well-known for its large elephant population and baobab trees. Visitors to the park can see large herds of zebras, wildebeest, and Cape buffalo during the dry season, which runs from June to November. Water antelope, giraffe, dik dik, sea antelope, Grant's antelope, vervet monkey, banded mongoose, and olive baboons are also common residents. Predators in Tarangire include lions, leopards, jaguars, caracals, badgers, and wild dogs. Tarangire has the oldest elephant to give birth to twins. The recent birth of elephant twins in Tanzania's Tarangire National Park exemplifies how the birth of these two healthy and thriving twins can overcome all obstacles. It is home to over 550 bird species. 2 days tarangire
The park is a birder's haven. The termite mounds that dot the landscape are well-known as well. The focus of wildlife research is on African forest elephants and Masai giraffes. The protected area has been designated as a Lion Conservation Unit since 2005
JUNE AND OCTOBER ARE THE BEST MONTHS TO VISIT TARANGIRE. Animals from the surrounding areas migrate into the park. When wild animals are near a river, they are easier to spot. Weather is pleasant and sunny. There are fewer mosquitos and the risk of malaria is lower. Warm clothing is required from June to August because morning matches are extremely cold. MAY & NOVEMBER The vegetation is lush and beautiful. Because it is the off season, prices are low. This is the best time to go bird watching because migratory birds are present. Many animals leave the park, and wildlife viewing is not as good as it is during the dry season. The rainy season lasts from March to May. 2 days tarangire
NGORONGORO INFORMATION The Ngorongoro Conservation Area is one of Africa's best places to see wildlife. It is also a popular tourist destination in Tanzania. The main activities in Ngorongoro Conservation Area are hiking safaris to see wildlife from the crater rim (which can take up to 6 hours), crater rim, visiting local Maasai villages, and the game of driving around and in the crater. He is his own person. Other attractions include Lake Magadi, Lerai Fever Forest, Olduvai Gorge, shifting sand, Mount Gol, Olmoti Crater, Empakaai Crater, Ol Karien Gorge, Nasera Rock, Salei Plain, Oldeani Mountain, Lake Natron, Ol Doinyo Lengai, and a visit to the Hadzabe tribe. Lake Magadi is a shallow lake with alkaline water that attracts a lot of flamingos.
The lake's isolation, salt water, and abundance of algae attract flamingos and other birds. Other animals, such as hyenas and jackals, visit the lake to supplement their diet by licking salt. A single, rare, slender, pale yellow acacia tree dominates the Lerai fever forest. These trees are enjoyed by rhinos, bush antelopes, elephants, elands, hyraxes, and birds. The ash from Mount Ol Dionyo causes quicksand.
This ash slowly moves across the vast plains, providing tourists visiting the area with a spectacular sight. In addition to Ngorongoro, other large craters in the area include Olmoti and Empakaai. Both of these craters are ideal for taking nature walks, viewing wildlife, and watching Maasai herders tend to their livestock. It runs parallel to It is situated on a major migration route for thousands of zebras and wildebeest as they make their way to and from the Serengeti plains. Near the Kenyan border, the Ol Doinyo Lengai Mountains contain an ancient shelter discovered by the Leakey family during one of their excavations. These remote mountains are still active, attracting daring climbers who want to see the main crater filled with lava. Visit the Maasai people or For a fantastic cultural tour in Tanzania, visit Hadzabe tribe villages near Lake Eyasi. These bushmen's survival is still based on hunting and gathering. Their language consists mostly of whistles and clicks. The Hadzabe live near Datoga and the Mbulu, who survive through farming and pastoralism. If you're thinking about visiting Ngorongoro Crater soon, consider our Serengeti and Ngorongoro Safari 3-Day Package. We also offer a fantastic 6-day gorilla tour, as well as a safari package to Ngorongoro and Serengeti.
WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO VISIT NGORONGORO? Because it is wildebeest breeding season in the area, JANUARY is the best month to visit Ngorongoro Crater. The herds are'mass spawning' on the verdant plains just outside the crater, providing excellent photographic opportunities for the young who are struggling to get to their feet. January and February fall between the region's two rainy seasons, and these months can create a dry period between "short rains" and "long rains."
Before the rains arrive in late March at the crater, February is one of the driest months. This is an excellent time to observe game, particularly lion and hyena predators preparing to hunt crowded herds. March is regarded as one of the best months to visit Ngorongoro Crater in order to avoid crowds and enjoy a reasonable price. The "long rains" begin in late March and last through April and May, transforming the crater into an emerald paradise.
June is an excellent time to visit the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The "long rains" are over, and game drives are becoming less crowded. The peak season for the Ngorongoro Crater Expedition does not begin until late June or early July. The cooler weather this month makes it an ideal time to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, a popular addition. for the Ngorongoro Crater hunting expedition
The months of JULY and AUGUST are peak months for visiting Ngorongoro Crater, and accommodation around the crater is usually quite closed during these months. During the dry season, visitors from all over the world flock to see wildlife on the arid plains and their frequent visits to waterholes. At this time of year, it is common to see leopards, lions, rhinos, and buffaloes and elephants
in the same day.
SEPTEMBER marks the beginning of spring, but it still falls during the dry season, as is typical in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Crater can be quite cool this time of year. The crater's bottom has become a dusty bowl due to the recent dry weather, and the grasslands have turned yellow. October is a time of weather transition at Ngorongoro Crater, with the beginning of the month marking the peak of the long dry season and the "short rains" that begin just before November.
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