bornadreamer · 4 years
My watch dogs 2 headcanons
 Aro/Ace (not just because she wears the flag colors lol)
Dedsec is a big queerplatonic relationship for her. She loves all the guys so much and would kill for them, but as soon as someone mentions her fucking one she kinda just *vomit emoji*
Hyper protective of kids. After the mission with her niece she dedicates at least 10 hours a week to developing software to protect kids on the internet/root out pedos
Hardcore listens to nature noises while she paints/sketches
Fantastic at calling people out on their bullshit. She does NOT let the guys get away with anything demeaning/sexist, even by accident. To their credit, they always apologize and try to do better
Loves weird/facey tea flavors. One time she brought back a bbq boba tea and everyone else gagged. 
Knows everyone’s triggers and actively purges them from Dedsec feeds before the others can see
Crazy wine aunt vibes. Will care for you when sick, but will roast you for how you acted like a baby after.
When she gets panic attacks, she needs weighted blankets. Like, enough to break a few ribs. Wrench sat on her once. It actually helped. 
Loves She-ra. Hacked the studio to watch the eps being made and yelled at the screen like a banshee the whole time. The boys were very afraid.
Actual only straight person in the group. The butt of so, so many jokes.
He, like Marcus, LOVES fashion. While he can’t wear what he wants all the time due to his undercover persona, he buys fashion mags like nobody’s business. Can name his ten favorite designers off the top of his head. 
A little bit very OCD, though you can’t tell by looking at him. Ratio is very anal about what goes where. Everyone knows not to go near his station in the hackerspace. 
One time Wrench knocked over his desk (nearly destroying his rig) and Ratio’s stuff went flying. Wrench almost had a guilt meltdown. Luckily, Sitara had a picture and they managed to put everything back almost exactly. Almost.
Stress cleans. When his undercover stuff is really getting to him, he’ll kick everyone out of the hackerspace and just. Clean. For hours. When they’re allowed back in you could eat off the floor.
Since he can’t be around all the time, he gets little gifts for everyone and leaves them at their stations to show that he’s thinking about them.
We been knew that the boy is suicidal, but he’s manic-depressive bipolar as well (also not shocking)
Self medicated with every kind of drug out there.
Marcus and Josh eventually beat him down enough to take Meds That Are Actually Helpful. Sitara mediates. It was A Process. 
All of his fingers are broken from one thing or another, it made him really self conscious when he Marcus and Josh started dating. He didn’t like holding hands because he felt his were ugly. 
Texts solely through emojis like fucking hieroglyphs. Half the time nobody knows what he’s saying. He has no intention to stop. It drives everyone nuts.
Likes to be the middle spoon, with Marcus as the big and Josh as the little
DO NOT let him consume more than three cups of coffee. He will not sleep for days. 
The first few weeks of sleeping with Josh and Marcus he doesn’t take his mask off. He’s terrified. Finally, they manage to get im comfortable enough to do so and his boyfriends have a great time kissing every inch of his face. He laugh-cried from relief. 
He and Marcus have terrible hacker movie night. They watch cheesy hacker moves and laugh at how bad everything is.
Squishy toys help relax him when he’s having a bad manic episode or an anxiety attack.
Also hardcore ADHD
Somewhere on the autism spectrum as well. 
Marcus’s first gift to him as his boyfriend was a chewy necklace, since he needs his hands to hack. It actually helped more than he thought it would.
Most of the time he totally forgets he has it, though
Unironically enjoys black and white television. He’ll have I Love Lucy running for audio while he’s working. Sometimes he even turns on the blind narration.
Horatio and Marcus switch off on making him blind narration eps. They have a ball with it.
Lists. Lists. Lists. This boy has a timed checklist for almost every day. His phone will ping and won’t stop until he Does The Thing. When he’s really in the zone and doesn’t hear it everyone at Dedsec kind of wants to kill him.
Sometimes Marcus and Wrench need to tag team who coaxes him into the shower and who does his laundry while he’s distracted because this boy is a fucking disaster. They both fucking hate his green hoodie. 
Must Hack. There is nothing else But The Hack.
Will crack if you say enough bad puns. It’s really the only humor he can get behind
When he does his happy stim (flappy hands) everyone at Dedsec just does from cuteness overload
Loves slow, lazy kissing in the morning or right before bed. It’s the only time his brain slows down enough to really enjoy it before he goes into work mode
He and Ratio have the deepest discussions about fashion. They both lose their minds at John Boyega and Orville Peck
Marcus loves to shop! He drags Wrench and Josh with him for opinions, though neither of them really care they love how happy it makes him. Sitara is his real shopping companion, she Knows what looks good on him.
He’s the only neurotypical person in Dedsec. Boy was THAT and adjustment. Marus spent months after he joined reading up on everyone’s conditions and how to best help. He feels like a pro now, but is eager to learn. He stayed updated on all medical research. 
Marcus works with Sitara to prepare little emergency ‘fit-kits’ as they call them, for everyone. He can pull them out when someone’s having an episode and help them through it.
It can be a struggle to make sure both his boyfriends are on their meds and keeping themselves healthy, but he’s happy to do it. Marcus can take almost anything life throws at him
Organizes hack offs within the group just to show off, basically. The only one who has beaten him so far is Josh.
Josh isn’t into clubbing, so Marcus and Wrench party hard. When they come home they binge one of Josh’s old shows until all three fall asleep on the couch. 
Tasers pedos and rapists on sight, unless he’s on mission.
He goes back for them after
Terrified of motorcycles but loves weird cars.
He’s jewish and keeps a menorah at the hackerspace. Everyone loves to help him celebrate. 
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