youngpettyqueen · 5 months
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back at it again with more characters for my Star Trek story! this time I bring one of the main villains, as well as a handful of members of the Athena's crew
the first two characters were designs I came up with myself, but the remaining four were done with help from some friends. I got each of them to give me a Trek species and tell me if they were a civilian or Starfleet, and if they were Starfleet, to give me what track theyre in. im really pleased with the results! it was a great way to get down some designs
more info on these guys under the cut-
from left to right-
Chaos - Q - He/Him: one of the main villains of the story, a very old Q who went mad long ago. insane with power and absolutely obsessed with Mamotha, he causes a lot of problems for the Athena and her crew
Beek - Ferengi - He/Him: one of the servers at the Moondrop. he also has a side business of being a tailor, a career he was inspired to start after living on Deep Space Nine for several years. prides himself on quality work
Lieutenant Tavon - Vulcan - They/Them: an engineer, and a good friend of Larro's. wants to be a Chief Engineer themself one day
Desra Rhiohn - Trill (unjoined) - She/Her: a civilian author who requested to join the Athena so that she could write about the journey and the mission. she thinks her account will make her into one of the great writers of her time
Lieutenant Margost - Klingon - She/Her: a tactical officer with a brilliant mind for battle. she joined Starfleet during the Dominion War and quickly gained a couple ranks. always ready for the next battle
Ensign Chase Potter - Human (cybernetic ally augmented) - He/Him: a medical officer who was inspired to pursue a career in medicine after a serious accident in his youth nearly killed him. his life and senses were saved with cybernetic augmentations, and he aims to specialize in working with cybernetics in medicine
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carboxamide-acid · 7 years
Facebook ile giriş yapmadığından. Spotify adın senin gördüğünden başka. Kod şeklinde. Birinin takipçisi olduğunda görürsün...ya da tarayıcıdan girdiğinde
https://open.spotify.com/user/margostic/playlist/2t2ZYxFUIL6VmiqgzzD5Ve bu bir listem, oradan bulabilirsin belki beni.
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