#uss athena
rippleberries · 8 days
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“Jeffrey Combs stopped by the USS Athena recruitment table at Creation Trek to Nashville!”
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youngpettyqueen · 3 months
🖼️ share an inspo picture
🏠 tell me about a place in one of your wips
(also 💜💜💜)
funny enough I dont really do inspo pics BUT a WIP of mine that im keeping very hush hush spends a lot of time in this lab/sickbay type. thing. so ive been looking a lot at Her (DS9 infirmary)
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and ive been looking at Her because I cant find any references at all for what a Klingon lab/sickbay would look like
as for a place in a WIP to go to a completely different (but still Star Trek) WIP- have I gushed about the USS Athena lately because im love her
the Athena is a Galaxy-class starship with a crew compliment of 5k (working number), as well as a decently-sized civilian compliment. she's meant for very long deep space voyages, and was specifically commissioned to fly into the Gamma Quadrant on a 5 year mission of exploration. she's fully equipped for both research and extended living, having fully functioning school programs and teachers, recreation decks that have small shops, and top-of-the-line long-range comms tech to keep in touch back home
the Athena is noted to be a bit larger than the average Galaxy-class ship. she has all the bells and whistles of the average Galaxy-class, but her recreation facilities are larger, and her schooling programs cover a lot more. she was designed this way because wormholes, even stable ones, are unpredictable, so if anything should've happened to the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant, the Athena would've been able to be pretty comfortable during a long journey back
she's also got very advanced combat capabilities. even though theres peace between the Federation and what once was the Dominion, any ships meant to travel the Gamma Quadrant were outfitted to be ready for space combat. the Athena will get plenty of use out of those combat reasons, but perhaps not for the reasons that Starfleet originally thought she would ;)
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the-starship-athena · 8 months
Character profile #1: Elaine D’Aureville
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Name: Elaine D’Aureville
Age: 27
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
Division: Command - Navigator
Elaine has been on the Athena for two years, this is her second deep space mission
She graduated second in her class with her focus on astrophysics, stellar cartography, and starfleet regulation and law.
Elaine is from the colony of New Paris
She likes to spar with the security officers for fun
“I’m a navigator. I chart courses to places you’ll never get to go. I see the stars and you see nothing.” - Episode 3 Season 1, Starbase 11
Star Trek : Athena releasing on April 10th
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kultofathena · 2 years
USS British Indian Artillery Saber
An iconic sword of the British military during WW1 and the conflict at the North West Frontier in India, this saber was issued to the British Mountain Artillery and the British Indian Army’s Mountain Artillery regiments. Introduced in 1896, the #patternsaber saw service throughout WW1. The sweeping blade shows some influence from the wide, hatchet-point 1796 light cavalry saber – a form that ensures that the sword bites deep and widens a wound considerably as it passes through a target.
The blade of this replica is crafted from tempered 1055 high carbon steel which is stoutly mounted into a finely cast brass hilt. The #militarysword is paired with a leather scabbard which is adorned with a brass chape and locket to complete the sword.
Overall Length: 36" Blade Length: 30 1/2" Weight: 2 lbs 13 oz Blade Edge: Unsharpened
Order this blade HERE.
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stormandsparks · 5 months
Star Trek OC :0
Uhhh so I drew this? Super proud aaaa
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Meet T’Vel!
Basic info: Species - half-Klingon, half-Vulcan Sexuality - grayromantic pansexual Job/rank/ship - Chief medical officer (lieutenant) aboard the USS Athena (non-canon ship from a rp I’m in irl)
General notes: I have a LOT of lore for her if you’re interested :D Yes, she’s wearing the voyager uniform. It’s my favourite ok- Not a very happy person T-T Haven’t decided her age yet bc I need to google Vulcan ageing. remind me to lol
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butterflyslinky · 4 days
Okay so @station18908 said "Deep Space 911" and I was intrigued but don't have time, so I'm going to toss my thoughts out there and see if someone else will bite.
-The crew of the USS Los Angeles is docked at Deep Space 9 for a while because Dominion War.
-Their captain is, of course, Bobby Nash, traumatized widower. He puts up with Kirk-level shenanigans, so Star Fleet Command figures he can handle being on the station. He bonds with Benjamin Sisko over cooking.
-His wife is Athena Grant, who is also his Chief of Security. She is Very Tired. She and Odo become good friends without ever speaking to each other except about business. She is extremely suspicious of Garak the tailor but can't do anything about him.
-Ensign Buckley is their navigator. He is still Buck. He becomes very fast friends-with-benefits with Julian Bashir, bonding over shitty parents and bisexual disasterhood. He hits on Dax regularly, and it occasionally works, but they end up info-dumping to each other more than actually doing anything. He tries it on with Kira exactly once and gets his ass kicked.
-First Officer Howard Han doesn't know what to do on the station, but ends up bonding with Chief O'Brien over how the universe hates them. He's also the best person to take into the Gamma Quadrant because he handles a crisis very well.
-Chief Medical Officer Henrietta Wilson enjoys her time on the station, even though she finds Bashir absolutely insufferable. Her beautiful wife Karen is the Chief Engineer. She and O'Brien are work friends, but otherwise avoid talking to each other. They both end up hanging out with Kira more often than not.
-Lieutenant Eddie Diaz is the Chief Pilot. He finds Sisko to be a good mentor as both a Starfleet officer and a dad. He also enjoys hanging out with Worf and beating the shit out of each other. (Dax invites him to join her and Worf outside the holosuites sometimes--he maybe takes her up on it)
-Josh and Maddie are both Communications Officers. Josh spends his time on DS9 sleeping around with literally anyone. Maddie spends her time in the holosuites with Dax and a reluctant Kira, learning more self-defense and fighting moves.
-All the kids join Jake and Nog's little pack. Jake and May go on two dates and decide they're better off as friends. Christopher feels right at home with other boys raised by single fathers. Jee-Yun, Mara and Molly quickly learn they are the cutest things on the station and can wander through the station and everyone will give them treats.
-Ravi has no idea what's happening. He parks himself at Quark's and goes with the flow. He almost gets left behind when the Los Angeles deploys again.
That's all I've got so far. As said it's open to anyone to add on/take over!
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scknight05 · 5 months
I wanna take a moment to try and verbalize something that has been in the back of my mind for a while, but also something else that just clicked with me not too long ago. But first I wanna apologize for a couple things.
First, sorry that is isn’t/wont be written as eloquently as a lot of other comparison/parallels posts between media.. let’s be honest, I struggle to find the right words when I’m writing “simple” fanfic so something of this caliber is a step in a different direction.
Second, if anyone else has already made this connection and discussed it and I haven’t seen that, I deeply apologize for my not so original idea. Now, on to the main event.
Way back in episode 7x03, a small line of dialogue caught my ear. It could be a random coincidence OR it could have been someone throwing a fun little after egg in the show. But I was immediately smiling when the helicopter’s ID number was “1701”. The Trekkie in me LOVED that so yeah. Again not sure if that was done intentionally or not but I stuck out to me.
EARLIER, I was rewatching one of my all time favorite scenes from the original Star Trek movies. It’s the scene from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock when the crew steal the Enterprise from SpaceDock. Now I’ve ALWAYS loved this scene despite what it leads up to (the first heartbreak I ever experienced lol) simply because of how well it’s done AND the score is just absolutely AMAZING!!
Anyway, as I was watching the clip earlier, I made the connection between 9-1-1 and ST:3… it actually makes sense as to WHY that number for the chopper could have been chosen.
The crew (118) end up stealing the Enterprise(chopper) to go rescue Spock (Bobby/Athena) against the wishes of a Starfleet admiral (the fire chief).
THANKFULLY there was no ship destruction (other than the cruise ship so I guess maybe that could be compared to the USS Grissom that was destroyed by the bird of prey earlier in the movie but that’s kinda not important right now) and all ended well with everyone safe.
Now I’m sure someone else who could go a lot deeper than I can could do a better job with this post but these are just my thoughts about the similarities between the two, all because of the number “1701”.
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Hello hi longtime lurker first-time asker, I am very sorry that your inbox is being filled with people being not nice about the whole...everything going on right now :-/
I know essentially nothing about boats and sea related stuff and I am always in the mood to hear about someone else's special interests, so do you have a favourite interesting or positive (inasmuch as facts about shipwrecks can be positive) fact related to that topic?
I love that story about the people on the Carpathia (because it's kinda heartwarming and bittersweet in the middle of a tragedy) but that's literally all I know about any kind of big boats tbh (also as well I would love to know what got you interested if that's okay to ask??)
aw thank you anon <333
its probably a bit cliche but my favourite ocean liner ever is the ms stockholm.
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unfortunately, there arent too many good quality photos of it back when it was first launched in 1948 since you know, it was 1948. but its this beautiful, sleek ocean liner. she was the smallest passenger liner on the north atlantic run in the 50s, and idk, i just love how she looks. theres a lot of ocean liners that looked gorgeous like the ss france or ss united states, but they were both still a bit too bulky for me. compared to the stockholm which was just perfectly balanced for her small size.
you might also notice the very angular bow (front bit) and she had that bit because she sailed near the arctic sea so she needed a strong bow that could break ice.
unfortunately, it also broke a ship. im not gonna get into all the details of the collision between stockholm and the ss andrea doria, but off the coast of nantucket in july 1956, the stockholm collided at an almost 90° with the andrea doria.
this happened due to three reasons: fog making it harder to see, the stockholm sailing in the wrong lane (ships have ocean lanes like cars have roads) and the andrea doria attempting a starboard-to-starboard passing to avoid the collision despite the accepted passing being port-to-port.
(imagine youre about to walk into someone. if you both take a step to your respective lefts, that would be port-to-port. its starboard-to-starboard if you went right. but say you went right and they went left, youd collide)
the collision caused the andrea doria to begin to list to port and eventually shed capsize. the list made half the lifeboats unusable, but the crew of the stockholm were already rowing over in their lifeboats.
and the cherry on top was the arrival of the ss île de france, who took on the bulk of remaining passengers and was labelled the hero ship.
out of the 1705 people aboard, 1655 people survived. a much higher survival rate to titanic.
like the titanic wreck, the wreck of the andrea doria is the gravesite for the 51 who didnt make it. their bodies were never recovered.
unfortunately, the wreck is a popular diving spot and looters have taken everthing worth anything from the wreck over time. and even more unfortunately, at least 22 divers have died on the wreck.
once again, these wrecks should be protected by law like the fitz is or like the uss johnston is.
also, the collision completely crushed stockholms bow:
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but away from the tragedy of the collision, the stockholm went on to have a very successful career. shes had 12 different owners and 12 different names:
fridtjof nansen
italia i
italia prima
valtur prima
and astoria
she was also sometimes labelled "the ship of death" due to the collision with andrea doria.
in 1989, 41 years after her launch, she was sold to star lauro lines and was converted into a cruise ship. and considering shes currently still up for sale today, she must have been a very reliable and very good cruise ship.
when she was known as athena, she was attacked by pirates in 2003. the crew prevented the pirates from boarding by firing high pressure wate Mr canons at them, but at one point twenty-nine pirate boats surrounded her. and then she was just fine and carried on with her voyage to australia m
in 2009, she got detained in france because the company had unpaid bills, and it just makes me cry laugh when they detain a whole ass ship. i just imagine some officer trying to handcuff a ship.
after the quick dip into the criminal world, she continued to sail until 2021 when she was bought by a company planning to convert her into a hotelship.
afaik, the plans were scrapped and shes back on the market, so if you somehow have the money to buy a boat, the stockholm/astoria is up for sale.
and it is fucking wild to remember that the ship that sank the andrea doria in 1956 is currently on the market and might be fixed up and ready to continue sailing.
the carpathia is a story that almost always makes me cry because its such a good example of the good that humans do. the carpathia sailed through an icefield at night at top speed, despite being much less safe than the titanic, to get there. its both heart-breaking and heart-warming.
i had a phase as a kid where i really liked big boats as well as whales and sharks, but im an afab trans guy and many family members did not think it appropriate for me.
i got back into during lockdown actually. im pretty sure i was lonely because me and my flatmate were trapped at least two hours away from our families and i hadnt seen my mom in so long. back in my first year of uni, i called her everyday.
and so there i am, feeling lonely and also being insomniac at like 3-4am maybe, and i dont know what made me think of it but suddenly i was thinking about the titanic and how lonely it must be down there all alone. im the poster kid for object empathy. and then i was just as lonely like i was reflecting that loneliness onto myself and i was near tears and just couldnt sleep.
so i gave up on sleep and realised i needed to distract myself to feel better so i just started looking up shipwrecks and ghost ships and all manner of these things. and then suddenly im watching every documentary i can find, every video on youtube and im reading someones very long essay explaining why the titanic olympic switch theory is wrong.
and here i am. it started as a hyperfixation and developed into a SpIn, and then when i could finally visit my mom and brother, i made them watch disasters at sea on the tv.
if you ever wanna learn about this sort of thing, disasters at sea is a good show to watch (its all on youtube) and oceanliner designs and big old boats on youtube are very good channels for beginners.
thank you for this ask anon <333 i really enjoyed infodumping about my favourite ship.
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bever7y · 2 years
just a quick timeline i wanted to get down cause I've been thinking about it (I made some slight changes to the official timeline)
Beverly was born on 2322, she got into starfleet academy at the age of 17, graduated at 25 on 2347 having completed both her officer training and medical school. during those years she divided her time between san francisco, the uss athena and starbase 1 which is where she met jack crusher who was there on shore leave on 2344 they spent one full month together and fell madly in love, as shown in her relationship with Odan, Beverly is quick to love and falls hard. She was 26 on 2345 when he proposed with a gag gift and they got married a few months later. they were married for two years before welcoming wesley on 2348. jack died five years later on 2353, beverly was 31. during those years, she served on the stargazer, where she was promoted to lieutenant by captain jean luc picard. a few months before jack died, beverly was offered a better position on another ship, and it was hinted that jack might be next in line for captain on that ship, so she took the position with the expectation that he would join her soon.
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katjohnadams · 3 years
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yueqqi · 8 years
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Naomi Wildman
In which several years after Voyager, Naomi graduates from Starfleet and becomes assigned to the USS Athena. The most BAMF crew member on the Athena . Became Chief Security Officer within the first two weeks of her ship assignment due to extenuating circumstances.
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youngpettyqueen · 8 months
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sketch pages!
I have been drawing. a whole hell of a lot lately, and ive been doing pages like this in an effort to practice being less precious with my art. I have a bad habit of trying to make everything I draw be a big thing, so ive been using these pages to whip out ideas/concepts quicker, fill space and practice, and to get a feel for the characters themselves
some explanations/context under the cut if anybody wants to know what's going on here-
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this page was slapping together some random ideas, and some practice for how I draw Cardassians. we have-
two different headshots of Doctor Ellok
a reference of Ellok's eye
a reference of Keyara's eyes
Larro with a different hairstyle- im toying with the idea of her chopping her hair at some point and wanted to get down the idea in my head on paper
the hands holding pinkies are Ellok and Keyara's hands
Mamotha, bandages over her eyes, kissing Quincey. this is a very specific scene that I was thinking about a lot at the time of doing this page
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this page was to get down a vague episode concept in my head that revolves around Wilos. we have-
the bust of Wilos, mainly done to fill space and practice his face
Wilos in some sort of fight- fun fact this was the strongest visual in my head and was the reason I did this page
Ruven hugging Wilos, because I started thinking about their dynamic while I was doing this page and it made for good practice with drawing bodies interacting
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the-starship-athena · 8 months
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Here are the voyages of the USS Athena, the strangest ship in the ‘fleet.
Join her on her three year mission with her crew
Uncover mysteries, go on adventures, and discover the universe one star date at a time.
First episode releasing on August 10th
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kultofathena · 2 years
USS Austro Hungarian Hussar Field Marshall Saber
This Officers Saber of the Austro-Hungarian Hussars is made with a tempered high-carbon steel blade that has been etched with a sun, moon, saber and slogan. The blade, engraved in the fuller with latin reads: Andreas comes Hadik Generalis Campi Marschallus Excelsi Consily Aulae Bellici Supremus Praeses It identifies itself as the sword of Hadik, a General of warfare. The hilt is in brass with a ribbed leather grip embellished with stars of brass. The wood-core scabbard is covered in leather and ornamented in brass with two brass rings. The sword was made by Universal Swords of India.
Napoleon may have been won many battles with the cold calculation of artillery, but a general who won his victories with daring horse-and-sword Hussar cavalry was Andreas Graf Hadik of Austria. At the epitome of his career in 1757 he deftly plucked Berlin from Prussia with a hoof-pounding raid around Prussian armies to take Berlin. Hadiks Hussars smashed the Berlin garrison regiments asunder with a daring charge through their center ranks. Deemed an impossible feat, Hadiks gutsy move was a moment of great embarressment to Frederick the Great. In a world of weighted shot and calculated cannon this was a harkening to the chivalric panache of earlier warriors. This Austro-Hungarian saber is akin to the sword Hadik would have wielded.
The Hussars were a style of light cavalry inspired by the medieval cavalry of Hungary. Their bold, swift successes inspired later Enlightenment and Napoleonic armies to field regiments of cavalrymen who relied on speed, surprise and saber to rout their foes. They went so far as to copy not only the Hungarian sabers, but even the dress of Hungarian Hussars and their characteristic fearlessness and dash. Hadik, originally a Hussar himself, clearly inherited this ethos for surprise attacks and carried it all the way up to a generalship, giving him the opportunity to use the Hussar tactics for an entire army, not just a regiment.
Order this Saber HERE.
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wackybuddiemewbs · 3 years
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Buddie Moodboard - Star Trek AU
I apologize in advance for the weirdass manips. I just wanted Buck and Eddie and some of the team in Starfleet uniform, okay??? My need was mighty, the skillz not as much! Also, I will blame my endless number of rewatches of Next Generation and Voyager for the sheer need to buddiefy this. So yeah, buckle up, ladies, this will be a wild ride through space! Brrrrrrr!
Captain Nash actually never wanted to return to active duty after he lost his family on the spaceship under his command. Yet, he answered the call of duty, only to find a crew close to family (despite his initial resistance) and his now wife Athena onboard the USS Enterprise.
Lieutenant Evan "Buck" Buckley is none too pleased when a new crewman joins him in the ranks. The guy is just fresh off the Academy and is supposed to work side-by-side with him. Buck had to work his way up, and he feels like this Lieutenant Eddie Diaz is just full of himself, wanting to take his spot in his home, among his found family.
Well, turns out he may be a bit wrong about that. Buck sometimes jumps to conclusions, fine, but on a mission, him listening to his gut may have saved his team and him a good number of times. After the initial animosities, Buck and Eddie don't just develop an astounding synchrony on the job but an even more outstanding friendship.
Eddie struggles with his decision to be on a Starfleet ship after his wife left him and Christopher. His parents were very much against the idea, deeming it too dangerous for his son. But Eddie is determined that he can both pursue his dream and help people while also being there for his son. Nonetheless, he feels like failing more often than not.
Though Buck proves to be a saving grace by introducing Eddie to Carla, who also works at the 118 Forward to serve not just drinks but words of wisdom. Alongside the capable staff Eddie dares to rely on more than he did in the beginning, he can work a lot more easily. And Christopher seems to be thriving.
Yet, that is of course only part of their daily jobs as Starfleet officers. While on their missions, they discover strange yet fascinating new life forms and gain insights into species they may only know from a very limited perspective, all the while struggling to survive in the endlessness of space.
One particular mission takes a twist for worse. Someone from Bobby's past comes back, determined to make him pay for what happened to him in the past. In the end, it leaves them with a ship on the verge of destruction and Buck critically injured. While he thankfully recovers from the leg injury under Hen's ministration as fast as possible, there are complications preventing him from returning to active duty.
Buck, who has since defined himself as a Starfleet officer, is struggling with his place on the ship. If he can't be an officer anymore, what is he supposed to do on the Enterprise? Who is he supposed to be if not the daring Lieutenant Evan "Buck" Buckley?
Eddie won't leave his best friend hanging, though. Instead of letting Buck wallow in his insecurities and pity, he makes him take care of Christopher. After all, he hopes that this will show Buck that he has so much more than his job. And Eddie hopes just as much that this will be enough for Buck to get out of that dark place he currently finds himself in.
Or rather, he hopes that he is enough. He wasn't enough when it came to Shannon, after all...
Crisis strikes only a short while later, though, when a hive of Borg cubes strikes an attack. While they manage to fend off the aggressors without them taking over the ship. The planet they are currently orbiting for means of negotiation and restocking their supplies didn't get as lucky, though.
The crew heads out to offer help after the attack. Eddie is in for the shock of his life when a woman rushes up to him with his son in her arms. After all, he and Buck were supposed to have fun on the holodeck. Christopher is inconsolable. He talked Buck into taking him to the planet to have a look around, only for the Borg to nearly take him, had Buck not saved him, which resulted in him being taken instead of Christopher.
Determined to get their crewman back, they rush after the Borg cubes that retreated from the planet, no matter the costs. Onboard one of the Borg cubes, Buck is being transformed into a drone of the hive. Despite his struggles, he finds himself succumbing to this feeling of never being alone.
The rescue mission ultimately proves to be successful, despite the high stakes and risks, but that is only the beginning. While they manage to get Buck out of the cube and disconnect him from the hive, Buck still thinks like Borg, is Borg, as he will insist.
Even seeing Christopher doesn't bring him back. Instead, Buck seems to have been pushed far away in his mind, leaving a drone perceiving itself as only "Second of Three" instead of Evan "Buck" Buckley.
Everyone is determined to get him back, despite the dangers it entails. While Hen and Chim rush to remove the implants and nanoprobes, the rest do their best to revive Buck's memories and bring him back home. Physically as well as mentally.
Buck, driven to reconnect with the hive, nearly manages to highjack the ship, but is stopped at the very last minute by a very brave boy who won't give up on his Buck. Despite the Borg instincts telling him to attack Christopher, Buck manages to resist the impulse and regain some amount of control - if only to knock himself out to prevent further damage.
Eventually, the programming can be reversed and Buck is Buck again. Even though he doesn't feel like it. If he struggled due to the injury, he is in straight-up dread after he was part of the Borg Collective. The nanoprobes healed him, thus enabling him to be an officer of the Starfleet again, but the knowledge how far he went as part of the Collective and how much a part of him wanted to never be alone again as part of the hive, make him doubt he can ever be an officer again.
Eddie is nothing but supportive, not just out of a sense of duty for saving his son and companionship, but actually something that's been burgeoning between the two for longer than they'd ever care to admit. While Buck staying at their quarters to make him feel less alone at night helps some, Eddie understands that doesn't solve all problems.
Their Captain views it the same way and recommends that Buck should take his time to figure out what he wants to be next, and discover (again) who he is. While Buck is less than enthusiastic, he knows things can't stay the way they are. Thus, he stays at the next deep space station instead of joining the crew on the new mission they were assigned.
Working together with Dr. Copeland, Buck gains a clearer picture not just on who he is but also who he wants to be and where he wants to be. And truthfully, there is just one place he could ever call home. When news reach him that the Enterprise is under attack, Buck highjacks the next-best space shuttle and rushes to return to his family.
But will the crew make it out of this mission alive, or have they been testing the powers of the universe one time too many already?
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hmslusitania · 3 years
Okay, so I've thought about this (too much if you ask me) and I'm not happy with some of them but there's time for changes. Let's go:
Kirk - Buck (ladies man, passionate, good at problem solving, parent issues)
Bones - Eddie (doctor, has practice in the field before star fleet, has a kid and wife)
Spock - Karen (the idea won't leave me now that it's been planted)
Sulu - Chim (because next in command when the OX and Captain are gone is Sulu and Chim's got it in him)
Pavel - Hen (not only because that was where she was in the movie, she's also Chim's best friend and I can see them working well together there at the nav station)
Uhura - Maddie (because now I can't unsee it, and it makes so much sense)
Scotty - Albert (not too happy with this one, but he's got that chaotic energy)
Chapel - Carla (because it fits to have her working closely with Eddie?)
Carol - Taylor (because she actually has a think with Kirk in the original timeline)
Pike - Bobby (bar scene (AOS) meet roof top scene (911))
Joanna (Bones's daughter) - Christopher (because it's already set up)
Jocelyn (Bones's wife, I think that's her name) - Shannon (only fitting if you ask me)
And then I went on to the USS Bradbury which has Lena, Cooper, Michael and David so far. As well as Josh.
Oh and I'm torn on making Athena one of the other admirals or putting her 'in place' of Number One.
But that's as far as I've gotten. There are other minor characters here and there that I have to sort out but I've got so many other AUs and WIPs waiting that I'm (hopefully) gonna leave it here for now.😬
this is so fun!! Our casting doesn't entirely line up but this is definitely equally good!
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