#maria bello : acting
According to the director of the Mummy movies, Rachel Weisz refused to play a woman who had a 21 year old son. Unless she actually said a different thing on the matter, that sounds a bit ageist and sexist. Maybe misogynistic too, Idk.
Doing a time jump from an 8 year old Alex to a 21 year old and Brendan Frasier wasn't aged, neither was the woman they replaces Rachel with. It was very unbelievable that they were Alex's parents, in fact they looked exactly the same age. Unless they were trying some OUAT shit, that was not going to work.
And no one else believed it so the acting was bloody awful as well. Third movie didn't need to happen.
Just gonna keep going you can skip if you want
Brendan Frasier had absolutely no chemistry with Maria Bello, really the only thing that was the same about the third compared to the first and second was Jonathon being a clumsy failure with money.
The movie made it sound like Rick and Evelyn turned into spies for England during the war? I get Rick making Evie settle down a little because she literally died for ten minutes and it crushed him not to mention Alex losing his mother. And okay the spy thing sounds a little like something Rick would like. Evie reads everything in the world and relays the information to him while he's kicking nazi ass. Evie making Rick settle down though?
Them being crazy rich because of the chihuahua size diamond in the Scorpion King's temple makes sense. Time period, costumes, cars, all that. Alex being 21 years old doesn't. The most he could be is like, 16, 17? He could escape boarding school and go on adventures digging up temples and things that were Evie's forte btw, not Rick's.
They made it sound like this was the first time they'd dealt with a mummy with super powers. What? What part of Imohtep draining a person's life force, controlling sand, making people his slaves, super strength and invincibility was powerless to you? Not to mention in the second one he suddenly got kinesis, ability to climb anything and the power to use water. The Dragon Emperor had near god-like power yeah, but Imohtep was pretty damn super powered as well.
Really they just should've made a movie about the Dragon Emperor, that bit was much more compelling.
The movie was trying way too hard to be funny and mysterious, and I wish we'd seen more of Lin, Zu Yhan and that whole triangle.
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Maria Bello and Summer Bishil in a scene from Towelhead (2007). Summer was born in Pasadena and has 22 acting credits from a 2005 episode of Days of Our Lives to a 2022 episode of a podcast series. None of her other credits are notable.
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Favourite Shows Tag Game
Rules: List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
No one really tagged me but I took @isqueedmyself up on their open invitation, so thanks for that 😊
I’m gonna tag my only irl friend with a fandom focussed blog @the-kiwi-lady-pendragon but if anyone else wants to do it then go ahead!
1. Doctor Who
2. Doom Patrol
3. Once Upon A Time
5. The Flight Attendant
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Laura easily. She’s such a sweetheart with a pure heart. Of course she’s not perfect but I understand what it’s like to basically lose parts of yourself and act against your values in the name of self-preservation and I empathise with that.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Rose. I know that’s a super unpopular opinion but 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just find her whiny, selfish, and annoying. Don’t get me wrong I know she’s supposed to be 19 and that definitely plays a role but I just can’t look past it. Also maybe Simm!Master buttttt that’s just me being a bitter ass bitch about things.
3. What’s your favourite episode of 4?
17x03 (Going Mobile), 15x04 (Skeleton Crew), and 16x04 (Third Wheel). There’s so many to choose from but I’ve narrowed it down to three. These are all ones with lots of content around Jack (my fave character) without torturing her.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
Season 1 by far. I actually really didn’t like season 2.
5. What’s your favourite relationship in 3?
Y’know I actually don’t have many ships in Once Upon A Time and none of the ones I do have are really serious. I think maybe Regina x Rumple (but I also lowkey ship Zelena with Rumple so idk).
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
Oop here’s another super unpopular opinion but I can���t stand MadamFarr. 😅 I love Laura as we’ve already figured out and I really can’t stand Rita or the way Rita treats Laura. I just think Laura deserves better. However, I’ll support it a tiny bit if it becomes canon as I’ll do anything to have Laura’s queerness confirmed on the show.
7. How long have you watched 1?
11 or 12 years.
8. How did you become interested in 3?
I saw an ad for it on tv! But I didn’t wait until it aired here in New Zealand I just watched it online.
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Maria Bello ❤️
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
Two (Doom Patrol). But one (Doctor Who) is a close second.
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
I would think it’s Doctor Who even if you don’t count the classic episodes. There’s just a lot more of it. I’ve seen every episode of both shows.
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
I’m most like Ellie and I ship her with Jack so I think it would be her.
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
Lmao I would not. Somehow she’s still alive, at this point it seems to me Miranda Croft is unkillable. If she was to be killed off it wouldn’t be a fair fight - maybe one of her many enemies sent multiple assassins (at the same time) to kill her.
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Definitely not. That’s not to say that that there isn’t a place for supernatural/fantastical content in procedural shows (I’m pretty sure I recall Castle having a zombie episode and a time travel episode). However, I think that the NCIS characters would not know what to make of the Once Upon A Time characters and the situations they’d be in and the more they learned the worse it would get. They would find out about these ridiculously complicated families etc and just start calling everyone out. Which would piss off the Once Upon A Time characters and it would all go to hell basically.
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
I think Captain Jack and Donna would work well together. The hard part would be getting Donna to give it a chance.
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
Uhhhh … neither of these shows are particularly known for their cast as far as I’m aware, although both casts do excellently at delivering the material. In Once Upon A Time there’s two actors I like and in The Flight Attendant there’s only one. So based on that I’d have to go Once Upon A Time. However, I only watched The Flight Attendant for Michelle Gomez but I watched Once Upon A Time because I was actually interested in the premise of the show. So based on that I’d have to go The Flight Attendant. Meh, I guess it’s a tie 🤷🏼‍♀️
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militantinremission · 2 years
The Woman King: The latest example of 'Tricknology' at work
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History is written by the Victor. We have to be mindful of this, whenever We see historical accounts of Our People. Slave Reparations have become a global conversation, & the descendants of European Colonizers, as well as those that benefited from Slave Labor are working feverishly to shift the narrative to Afrikan Tribes. Ultimately, They should be the ones to pay. There's some truth there, but Afrikan Chiefs & Kings received 'trinkets' (Rifles, Rum, Dashikis, ect...), while The Colonial Powers attained a Work Force that enabled them to control Global Affairs. Afrika is essentially Asset Rich but Cash Poor. Europe & America benefited from Slavery far more than Afrikan Kingdoms, & are therefore required to pay the lion's share of what is owed.
There are several problems w/ 'The Woman King'. To begin w/, it is historically inaccurate. Several Black Media Outlets have pointed out that Dahomey was a notorious Slave Trading State. They use Smithsonian documents, & historical accounts from 'The History Channel' & other sources to show how Dahomey not only traded Slaves to Europeans, they enslaved tens of thousands of their tribal rivals to fuel their domestic production. This notion of the Dahomian 'Woman King' being a Slave liberator, is Disney Magic. This may explain why it is failing @ The Box Office; during a time when it literally had No Competition. Antonio Moore of 'Toneralks' pointed out 'The Woman King's' average of $1,300/ Screen, compared to Black Panther's average of $18,000/ Screen.
My biggest issue w/ this movie, are the people behind it. This feat of 'tricknology', was the brainchild of Maria Bello. According to her, she was writing about 'Women's History'. She wanted to tell a 'Brave Heart' story set in Afrika. What We got, was a fantastical mix of Harriet, Black Panther & Braveheart- all rolled into one. It was written by Dana Stevens, & Directed by Gina Prince- Blythewood (of 'Love & Basketball' fame). Jason Black, of 'The Black Authority' did a dumpster dive into the background of these Women. Both of the Writers are White Women, & the Director is a Bi- Racial Black Woman raised in a non- Black household. The question arises: How can 3 Women w/ NO TIES 2 the Afrikan or Black American Experience actually write & direct such a narrative?
The obvious answer, is w/ Great Casting. 'The Woman King' is a $50M Production. The Cast includes: John Boyega as King Ghezo, Lashana Lynch, Sheila Atim, Thuso Mbedu, along w/ Viola Davis, as General Nanisca. NO ONE seems to be critical of the performances; the issue, is Maria Bello's 'narrative' itself. The only acting critique that i've seen, is in regard to Viola playing a teenaged Nanisca. Unlike David Kaluuya's portrayal of Fred Hampton, Viola is credible as an 'Amazon Warrior'. Most of the positive comments that I have read about this movie, are in regard to the performances. Even in the Social Media debates, supporters lean heavily on the Actors. This group has argued that 'The Woman King', is just a Story, why are We getting so worked up over a Movie? It's just entertainment.
Some have made claims that any critique of this movie, is part of a misogynistic agenda to undermine Women in general, & dark skinned Black Women specifically. Again, The Cast has been largely celebrated for their performance. This rhetoric plays into the 'tricknology' behind Maria Bello's Storyline. Ironically, Black Women have been the biggest critics of 'The Woman King'; Black Men are standing w/ their Women, but Black Women are making the most noise. When looking @ this movie through panoramic lenses, a few things come to light:
The blatant attempt to tug @ Black Women's heart strings w/ the story of an Afrikan Woman strong enough to stand up to the 'Dominant Men' of her universe- King Ghezo & the European Slave Traders. Black Women were expected to embrace this 'Historical Tale of Black Girl Magic' the way We embraced 'Black Panther'.
The inaccuracy of this 'narrative'. In it, The Oyo are solely blamed for trading Slaves to The Europeans. The truth is, Dahomey paid tribute to Oyo for the use of Porto Novo, before eventually defeating them. They controlled Porto Novo when the British Navy blockaded the Port to end Slave Trading in the Region.
Dana Bello presents Nanisca in the image of Harriet Tubman. She tries to convince King Ghezo to shift from trading Slaves, to trading Palm Oil; & later fights to liberate Slaves. There is no substantiation of this, but even if this is true, the narrative ignores the fact that Dahomey kept a large Slave population for their Palm Oil production & other industries. They were a Slave Economy.
Why this character? There is this emphasis on a 'Woman King', but isn't that essentially a 'Queen'? Elizabeth 1 & 2, Catherine 'The Great', & Victoria were ALL strong Women on the throne of Power. None were referred to as a 'Woman King'. Instead of focusing on a controversial figure like General Nanisca, why didn't Maria Bello & Dana Stevens look @ other Strong Women in Afrikan History? Hetshepsut was actually a Pharaoh (Shekem)- The ONLY female Pharaoh On Record. Queen Nzinga stymied The Portuguese. Queen Amina led her troops into battle. I understand the feminism behind a story about Amazons, but Nanisca is a flawed character. The Writers had to warp her story in order to tell it.
The ongoing effort by Hollywood to virilize 'Strong' Black Female characters. Wonder Woman, & now Nubia are how Amazons are classically depicted. General Nanisca doesn't fit this model. She falls into the societal perception of Serena Williams. No matter how feminine Serena presents herself, Society sees her like a female Mike Tyson- a Pit Bull in a dress. Maybe it's a Western view, but Black Women can be Strong, Powerful, Nurturing, AND [Very] Feminine. The Writer that puts those traits into a Black character will achieve that coveted 'Black Panther' reaction.
The pushback over 'The Woman King' has legitimacy. Black Filmmakers should be the ones telling Our Story. If Non Black/ Afrikan people desire telling ANY PART of Our History, a (collectively respected) Black Historian should be required to critique their screenplay. The pushback shouldn't stop w/ the Writer(s), Producers, or Director. The Cast Members should also be held to some account. Lupita Nyong'o was approached to do this Movie back in 2018, but backed out of the Project, after doing a documentary on The Agojie Warriors for The Smithsonian Channel. It's rumored that Lupita cried when she learned what Agojie Warriors did to The Yoruba. Viola Davis et al could've done their research.
As a Community, We have begun to question those who speak for Us. That should also be expanded to include those who represent Us in Sports & Entertainment. The current debate surrounding HipHop Music & Culture has some people saying that We need a vetting process. Entertainers that don't represent Us w/ respect & dignity shouldn't be supported. In the case of 'The Woman King', it shows a trend regarding the roles that Viola Davis chooses. I personally think that she is a powerful Character Actress. Viola Davis brings an intensity that few can match. She is the Cecily Tyson of Generation X. I put her on the same level as Cate Blanchett & Meryl Streep. That said, I must admit that I have struggled w/ some of Viola's roles.
I muddled through 'The Help', but 'How to get away with Murder' & 'Ma Rainey's Black Bottom' confused me. What were these characters trying to get across? How are these roles helping to frame a positive Black perspective in Society? I find myself asking the same question in regard to General Nanisca. How does THIS depiction help the global perception of Black/ Afrikan Women? I don't mean to dump on Viola Davis, but she's The Star of this lie. John Boyega has shown that like David Kaluuya, he's an 'Actor who just happens to be Black'. Viola acts like Sistah Gurl when she does interviews, so I think that she has some explaining to do.
Why would she play a role that would move Black Americans, West Indians, & Afro Latinos to cheer for the people that enslaved & delivered Us to European Slave Traders? THIS is the essence of 'Tricknology'. Meanwhile, Agojie Warrior Holloween Costumes are already being advertised to Our children.
-Black Girl Magic indeed.
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themmatennant · 7 months
i watched beautiful boy (2011), a movie with michael sheen and maria bello, and it was great. the acting was good the characters were fleshed out and the dialogue was good. 7/10
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flicksnfilms · 7 months
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The Woman King (2022)
The Woman King is the remarkable story of the Agojie, the all-female unit of warriors who protected the African Kingdom of Dahomey in the 1800s with skills and a fierceness unlike anything the world has ever seen. Inspired by true events, The Woman King follows the emotionally epic journey of General Nanisca as she inspires the King to take on the enemies determined to violate their honor and destroy their way of life. Some things are worth fighting for…
TL;DR: Do I recommend it? > Yes.
The long of it:
Studio: TriStar Pictures Director: Gina Prince-Bythewood Writer: Dana Stevens, Maria Bello Editing: Terilyn A. Shropshire  Cast: Viola Davis, Thuso Mbedu, Lashana Lynch, Shiela Atim Runtime: 135 minutes IMDB | RottenTomatoes | Official Site
Watched: on Netflix, July 1st
Reaction: ± What an amazing telling of this story. It's an action packed flick full of nuance and pride in dealing with oppressors with a undercurrent of trauma and inner conflict. The story is fantastic as is the acting. It's wonderfully shot and even better lit for its setting and its cast.
Memorable aspect of the movie: + Coloration, lighting, cinematography. + Acting. Fight choreography. Story.
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back-and-totheleft · 7 months
Oliver Stone's magnificent 'WTC' is a reminder that even the most horrifying events bring out the good in our society
World Trade Center is likely the one summer release you least want to see. It is, after all, a brutal reminder of the horrifying events of September 11, 2001 — a cataclysmic tragedy that scorched our souls, burned our hearts, and permanently stoked our deepest fears. Why rekindle the awful memory of that day when you can escape into mindless summer fare? But the fact is, World Trade Center is the one film you don’t want to miss. By no means is it easy to sit through, and even though it trades on the notion of hope and heroes, it still manages to depress the hell out of you, recalling a day that left our country — and much of the world — shellshocked beyond comprehension.
There are some critics who say it’s too soon for cinematic dramatizations of the 9/11 events; the collective emotional wounds are too fresh. Even I have still not mustered the courage to sit through United 93, Paul Greengrass’s dramatic supposition of how events played out on the one plane that, due to the courageous efforts of its passengers, didn’t strike its intended target. Despite the fact that I make my living watching movies, I just can’t emotionally confront that movie.
I wasn’t sure I was ready for World Trade Center either, but one can’t run from fears forever. Within the first five minutes — a serene, expertly paced montage depicting a city, Manhattan, starting its daily routine — director Oliver Stone had my attention. By the midway point, he had my admiration, for this is the first time in years that Stone, a sporadically great filmmaker, has made a movie this genuinely absorbing and compelling. With the exception of an appearance by Jesus — an hallucination observed by one of two Port Authority police officers trapped beneath the rubble of the Twin Towers — Stone forgoes his usual cinematic tricks and instead applies a sturdy bricks-and-mortar style of direction, one that places a huge emphasis on drama. He lets the situation, as well as our familiarity with it, carry the film.
The worst thing any filmmaker could have done was to turn the destruction of the towers into a disaster epic (although I’m sure one day some aspiring Irwin Allen will try). The magnitude is there, but it’s the small, human events within that day that hold the most potency. Stone, working from a screenplay by Andrea Berloff, knows this, and he concentrates on the story of those two trapped Port Authority officers, John McLoughlin (Nicholas Cage) and Will Jimeno (Michael Pena). Even though we know the outcome — they were two of only 20 survivors rescued from Ground Zero — their story, in Stone’s hands, is as gripping and suspenseful as they come, fraught with angst and anxiety, fear and uncertainty. Stone adds weight by cross cutting from the trapped men to the reactions of their wives, who have no idea whether or not their husbands have survived.
Maria Bello is brilliant as Donna McLoughlin, portraying her with a steady, unbreakable resolve, while Maggie Gyllenhaal imbues pregnant Allison Jimeno with an increasingly edgy panic. Through their reactions, Stone is able to draw out of World Trade Center a stirring, intimate, deeply identifiable reality.
World Trade Center has many astonishing, memorable moments, but is at its strongest during its first act, as the attack occurs. Stone captures the confusion and the inexplicableness of the morning’s events with a master filmmaker’s touch. Once John and Will are trapped, the men have little to do but try and stay awake in hope of rescue, yet you can see it in their eyes: They don’t expect to leave this underground hell alive. Cage is especially compelling — his performance hitting extremes of quiet resignation and primal terror. Pena is less unbridled than Cage, but his fear is no less palpable. The supporting cast includes Stephen Dorff, Frank Whaley, Danny Nucci and Jay Hernandez, who, as a fellow trapped officer, provides the movie’s most heartbreaking moment. Frankly, there is not a single performance in the whole of World Trade Center that rings false. It is a perfectly acted film.
You would expect Stone to create a film that delves into the conspiracy theories of that day — God knows, there are enough of them swirling out there, take your pick — but he puts his ideologies aside, and, for once, simply delivers the goods. Remarkably, he seems to have no political agenda, and he allows himself to be constrained by the facts. Stone’s more interested in celebrating the efforts of the heroes — the hundreds upon hundreds of first responders who lost their lives trying to evacuate the airplane-damaged buildings prior to the collapse — and the heroes who later ventured into the impossibly thick billow of dust and smoke, onto a landscape of twisted steel and broken stone, to find anyone — anyone — who might have survived.
Once McLoughlin and Jimeno are found, there’s the problem of getting them out at great personal risk. But these men — Marines, firefighters, paramedics, police officers — are fearless, fueled by an internal, instant camaraderie, and a instinctive need to do what they do best: good.
”Sept. 11 showed us what human beings are capable of,” says Cage in a voice-over at the movie’s end. ”The evil, sure. But it also showed us the goodness.” It is that goodness Stone — a filmmaker who has been turning over rocks for much of his career examining the unsavory, squiggly things beneath — wants to commemorate most. And it’s a goodness largely forgotten as we’ve gotten past that day.
World Trade Center serves as a reminder that we should never forget the goodness. Because good is what defines the heart, the soul, the essence of America. Let’s pray it won’t take another 9/11 to let that goodness shine bright again.
-Randy Schulman, "Hero Worship," Metro Weekly, Aug 16 2006
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simplylove101 · 8 months
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2023 Horror Challenge: [59/?]
↳“It was the house...” Demonic (2015) dir. Will Canon
Plot: A police officer and a psychologist investigate the deaths of five people who were killed while trying to summon ghosts.
Starring: Frank Grillo, Maria Bello, Dustin Milligan, Cody Horn, Scott Mechlowicz, Megan Park & Aaron Yoo
I watched this last night and ended up going to bed afterwards instead of writing a review. Possibly because it was recced to me by bestie Lauren and I wanted to make sure my thoughts on it were clear considering I was getting a little tired towards the end of watching it. I think I wanted to like it more than I actually did tbh but it might just be that it felt as though it was a little more on the average side imo. I know it wasn't directed by James Wan but it is still a production of his so my expectations were a little higher than they probably should have been. That and possibly some horror watching fatigue maybe cuz the ending didn't wow me really, despite there being a twist. But then I had just finished Mother, May I? and that ending got me a little shook so I don't know actually. Overall, it wasn't the most unique storyline since a group investigating a haunted house and trying to catch evidence has been time and time again. It's the detectives plot that adds a different element to it a bit and then like I said, the ending is a little twisty, concluding on an open-ended note. I will say it was interesting how they chose to film this though because they didn't seem to wanna commit to a found footage format, which I can definitely respect enough since it's a time and place thing, but I think by doing that it sometimes would take me out of the story a little bit when they would switch from their videos to seeing the flashbacks normally to the detectives trying to figure it out in the present. I don't know how else to explain it but that threw me a bit. There's a few faces I know, of course the most obvious one is Maria Bello. I always like her and she did good with what she had. Acting-wise, her and Frank Grillo were what gelled for me, though Dustin Milligan got a little more interesting towards the end. Some creepy moments in there but I think considering I'm getting more desensitized to stuff like that it didn't really have much of an effect on me. Nothing too groundbreaking. So, ultimately, it was more of a mid watch for me tbh but I had always kinda been curious about it when I would see it on streaming services as something to watch so it was worth giving a chance at least. Sadly, no new fave but it was watchable I guess. Just don't go in expecting that it's trying to reinvent the wheel or anything like that and it might be just enough of what you need for a watch.
(P.S. Sorry, I didn't like it more, Lauren! I always feel bad when it seems like I'm trashing your reccs for me. Sometimes I think it's really just our tastes, at least when it comes to horror, don't always vibe the same I guess. I do always appreciate when you give me something to watch for the challenge tho. Keeps it interesting)
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picsinhead-blog · 1 year
Tim’s Favorite Movie Project: Assault on Precinct 13
Assault on Precinct 13 (2005)
Directed by Jean-Francois Richet
Starring Ethan Hawke, Laurence Fishburne, John Leguizamo, Maria Bello, Brian Dennehy, Gabriel Byrne
Released January 19, 2005
Plot: On a snowy New Year’s Eve, the staff of Detroit’s soon-to-be shuttered Precinct 13 is enjoying their last few hours before beginning their resolutions. When the snowstorm forces a bus carrying dangerous prisoners to stop at the building, the revelers find themselves under attack by well armed assailants hell-bent on reaching one of the prisoners. In the ensuing violence, loyalties are tested, unlikely truces made, and the audience will have no choice but to decide how many squib hits are real and how many are digital.
One of my favorites because: This film is part of the wave of mid 2000s remakes of ‘70s/early ‘80s genre classics, along with Dawn of the Dead (2004), The Fog (2005), The Hills Have Eyes (2006), and Halloween (2007), among others. Assault on Precinct 13 is among the best of them, a surprisingly smart, slick, and well-made reimagining of John Carpenter’s 1976 film. I like it for the same reasons I like the best remakes – it’s recognizable if you’ve seen the original, but it’s not a retread. It stands on its own, working well for new viewers and full of surprises for fans who know the original film by heart. I really dig that this is a hard R-rated action film released in an era dominated by watered down PG-13 nonsense. But more than that, I dig that it’s a story of characters making choices – who to trust, whether to lead or follow, and who to follow – and then having to live or die based on those choices. It’s very intentionally set on New Year’s Eve, because whoever survives the night will be faced with a new beginning based on their decisions – their resolutions, if you will.
My relationship to this movie: We saw this movie shortly after it opened in January of 2005. I was excited because I loved the remake trend.*  At that time, we used to see just about every movie that came out because one of my friends worked at Regal. For some reason, we were late to Assault on Precinct 13 and came in just as the opening titles were starting. I loved the movie – it’s action packed fun. It wasn’t until I bought the DVD months later that I realized there’s a brilliant, violent opening scene that introduces Ethan Hawke’s character and showcases his acting ability in a way that the rest of the film never really does. This movie made me an Ethan Hawke fan – nothing I had seen him in had really stuck with me, and I wouldn’t see Before Sunrise until that summer. Since then, it’s been one of my New Year’s Eve go-tos.
*I’ll debate the validity of remakes anytime, but regardless of anything else, they’re instructive for up-and-coming filmmakers – what the remake keeps the same, what it changes, how it changes it, why, and whether it succeeds provide direct case studies in inspiration and influence.
My favorite _________: This is my favorite New Year’s Eve movie, although I suppose technically most of it takes place on New Year’s Day.
List Position at Debut: Assault on Precinct 13 is the sixth entry in this project and starts out at number six. 
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popularjust · 2 years
Maria bello nude
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Maria bello nude movie#
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Maria bello nude tv#
We saw the best and the worst of what humanity was during that time. I will never forget the days, weeks and months after, as a ragtag group of us travelled back and forth to the beautiful, broken island. Meeting this glorious woman was the biggest blessing for me to come out of that tragedy. Nine years ago this week, a tragic earthquake in Haiti killed more than 230,000 people. She often shares a picture with her close friend, Lorraine Silvera and people started speculating whether they are dating or not. In November 2013, she announced her sexual orientation in an essay titled "Coming Out as a Modern Family," in The New York Times. She owns a 2018 BMW 3-series which costs more than $60k+ and an Audi costing $36k. In 2013, Bello sold her two-story 1915 Craftsman Venice mansion for $2 million which she bought in 2005 at a price of $1.895 million. Starring= Viggo Mortensen, William Hurt, Ashton Holmes, Ed Harris Macy, Alec Baldwin, Shawn Hatosy, Ron Livingston 4. Starring= Piper Perabo, Adam Garcia, Melanie Lynskey, John Goodman 3. Starring= Mel Gibson, Gregg Henry, David Paymer 2. Similarly, she made $500k+ from movies.īello starred in a number of box-offices hit movies and some of them are enlisted below 1.
Maria bello nude tv#
She earns more than $125K+ per episode from her appearances in the TV series. Maria Bello's estimated net worth is $8 million. She received six awards for A History of Violence including two "Central Ohio Film Critics Association Award", "Kansas City Film Critics Circle Awar", "New York Film Critics Circle Award" and "Online Film Critics Society Award".īello was honored with RiverRun International Film Festival's Jury Prize for The Sisters in 2006 and National Board of Review Award for Prisoners in 2013. Mario Bello won Screen Actors Guild Award in 1997 for her performance in ER. She also became a founding board member of the CQ Matrix Company in 2010. In 2008, Bello started developing a drama for HBO. Some of her popular screen credit includes The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, The Yellow Handkerchief, Prime Suspect, Demonic and others. The actress made her film debut in 2000 in Coyote Ugly and nominated twice for the Golden Globe award for her role as Lil Lovell. Later, she approached for the third season of ER as pediatrician Dr.
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Smith, though the series was canceled after eight weeks on the air. Then she appeared in a number of series including Due South (1994), Nowhere Man (1995), and Misery Loves Company (1995).īello got her big break in 1996 after she was chosen for the role of Mrs.
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Maria Bello debuted in the 1991 movie The Commish in a small role. Then she majored in political science at Villanova University.įollowing her graduation, Bello enrolled in a number of New York theater productions to enhance her acting skills. to Kathy Bello, a school nurse, and teacher, and Joe Bello, a contractor.īello grew up in a Roman-Catholic family along with her two brothers, Joseph Bello and Christopher Bello, and one sister, Lisa Bello.īello graduated from Archbishop John Carroll High School in Radnor, Pennsylvania where she was a varsity cheerleader. Maria Bello was born on April 18, 1967, in Norristown, Pennsylvania, the U.S.
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A History of Violence
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A neo-noir with a score (by Howard Shore) that echoes Aaron Copland’s American style, David Cronenberg’s A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE (2005) is a film of ironies and surprises. For all its action elements, Viggo Mortensen gives a very internalized, lived-in performance as a small-town man whose thwarting of a robbery in the diner he owns makes him a national hero and threatens to reveal his hidden past. Cronenberg takes his time at first, setting up the relationships so that when violence erupts, it’s grounded. The violent scenes pack a punch, but the film then considers the effects that violence has on the characters. Cronenberg still loves his closeups of damaged body parts, but that’s all part of his career-long obsession with the nature of corporeality. Josh Olson’s script has some very smart writing. After we meet the thugs whose presence will trigger the plot and see them commit some irredeemable acts of violence, we move to Mortensen’s young daughter’s waking from a nightmare about monsters in her closet. “There are no monsters,” he tells her. If that were only true. Maria Bello gets to do some wonderful work as Mortensen’s wife, but, though I would appear to be in the minority, I thought William Hurt was all wrong as an Irish-American mobster. His WASP repression just seemed out of place. There’s also a father-son confrontation that feels more like a device to trigger a showdown with the mobsters on Mortensen’s trail than a logical outgrowth of character and situation.
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melodyofheart · 3 years
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Maria Bello for Giant Little One at TIFF 2018
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Gibbs Playing Kick the Can
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fangirlspammer · 5 years
Absolutely no one: .....
my brain: what CBS show is your favorite?
me: Patricia Heaton, Annie Potts, and Maria Bello are on the same network, and you expect me to choose??
my brain: did I just start a fight with myself?
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scoopzahoy · 6 years
agt comes back next month and, firstly, I just realized this is the first time I’ll be liveblogging it here rather than on bigbrothermusical bc I abandoned that blog, and there’s not a secondly but honestly I already know I won’t be able to cope when my faves ultimately get eliminated (I’m still coping from Merrick’s elimination and the judge’s ROBBERY of Jeki last season and I don’t think I’ll ever be content over ThroWings, Steven, Julia, and Malevo’s eliminations, to name a few, nor will I ever be content over The Clairvoyants getting 2nd place in season 11)
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inthisroomofsilence · 4 years
Another round of Pauley Perrette’s bullshit
All tweets from July 21st 2020!
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So, Pauley read an article about the abuse by a show runner on a different CBS show. Pauley mentions that she knew of this guy’s abuse for a long time but did nothing even though some of her closest friends works on that show. Pauley remained silent about it UNTIL someone else fought the guy. And then she has the gall to expect rewards for knowing of this show runner’s behavior and doing nothing. 
She remained silent over actual abuse but screams and shouts over alleged abuse in form of physical and psychological abuse. 
2018: in secret DMs to fans she called Harmon a psychopath, bully & narcisst 
2019: she openly accuses Harmon of physical assaults, punching & shoving her around, bodychecking her
2020: Add to that she also now claims Harmon is a misogynist, homophobe and racist
So far, she could NOT prove her allegations. Not a single one. So, the question is what more could she accuse Harmon off next year? There’s a pattern. With every year she adds more accusations towards him.
Despite: Knowing that Harmon is friends with people of color and gay couples in real life. Despite having shown support towards a former make-up artist from NCIS when she was fighting breast cancer. He collected donations, doubled it and brought it to her in person. Someone else made that public, not Harmon.
Let’s move on: She is seeking symphathy by bringing her dead mother into this. Her mother died when Pauley was a child, not an adult trying to make a career in Hollywood.
Also, she claimed that she hadn’t paid attention to the abuse happening since day one. So, she really isn’t the humanitarian she wants the world to believe she is when she willingly and happily ignores bullying and so on as long she gets lots of money and publicity.
And another thing: This is the woman who cheered her now ex-boyfriend Thomas Arklie on when he called a straight man a “faggot”. So much for supporting the LGBTQ campaign.
Now, several fans with accounts on Twitter, Tumblr and even Instagram have made it public that a great bunch of crew members has reached out to them with proof of Pauley’s wrong doings and bad behavior on set. She was caught on camera verbally and from what I understand, also physically attacking members of the crew and cast. Does that sound like the cast and crew are supporting her? Secretly or not? Personally, I haven’t seen videos or photos but I’ve been chatting with one member of the crew who’s very happy to be rid of the “entitled, selfish liar”. It speaks volumes about how people that spend working with her for over 10 years view her behavior. I have heard stories of how she refused to work with certain guest stars, how she threw tantrums when she didn’t get her wishes. I could go on. I don’t need to see any videos. I’ve seen enough of her lies, accusations and the damage those caused to the individuals she has targeted in the past.
Let’s not forget: Harmon and Cote de Pablo were both being trashed by her in public. The private DMs about her thoughts of Cote had been released. Part of me hopes that someone soon will leak the other DMs she wrote to fans talking badly of Sasha Alexander, Lauren Holly, Jennifer Esposito, Maria Bello, Emily Wickersham and Diona Reasonover. Or the ones of her rather digusting thoughts of David McCallum, Michael Weatherly, Sean Murray, Brian Dietzen, Rocky Carroll, Duane Henry and Wilmer Valderrama and even Donald Bellisario.
You see, she has trashed all of them, in private or in public. Pauley Perrette thinks everyone should believe her. Everyone questioning her, seriously very contradicting, accusations is called a “troll” or “hater”. 
But why should we believe her words and not doubt them? Because she is white? Because she is a woman? Because she is a white woman? That’s right. We are not to demand any sort of proof for her allegations, past, present and future. She won’t stop now. Or at some point. For as long as she has those brainless and mindless fans believing every single one of her sob or hero stories, she won’t stop. More is to come.
And the absolute nerve of her to state that she had to use her own money to pay for lawyers is astonishing. It really is. All over the world people fear losing their jobs because of the pandemic, people are struggling to survive in every aspect of their daily lives: monetary and healthwise. For someone with millions of $$$ in her account, she comes across as a whiny and uncaring bitch.
And it doesn’t matter if her entitlement and need to make everything about herself take away the spotlight and attention from REAL abuse and tragedies as long as it brings her the attention she craves.
Last but not least, she is once again throwing shade at the entire cast and crew of NCIS whilst claiming she wants to protect them. Weird, isn’t it? And then she has to drag people into this that weren’t around, that only know one side of the story. Attention seeking behavior right in front of our eyes.
And never ever forget that she was/is close friends with Les Moonves and has Harvey Weinstein’s fixers on her payroll. Remember that she had no problem to throw Eliza Dushku under the bus because Pauley, at least for the public pretends to, like the guy.
And in a different recent tweet of hers she claimed herself to have been a model since the age of 2... well, didn’t she always say that she never intended to become famous? That she kind of accidently stumbled into acting? Which one is it? Like, she hates all food and that humans need it to live and in the next week food is yummy and she only hates some foods, not all.
So, I will say it loudy: I stand with every single man she has accused in the past. I stand with every single woman she has accused in the past. I stand with the cast and crew of NCIS who had to deal with her bad behavior for 15 years because she had the ear of Moonves.
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