militantinremission · 2 years
The Woman King: The latest example of 'Tricknology' at work
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History is written by the Victor. We have to be mindful of this, whenever We see historical accounts of Our People. Slave Reparations have become a global conversation, & the descendants of European Colonizers, as well as those that benefited from Slave Labor are working feverishly to shift the narrative to Afrikan Tribes. Ultimately, They should be the ones to pay. There's some truth there, but Afrikan Chiefs & Kings received 'trinkets' (Rifles, Rum, Dashikis, ect...), while The Colonial Powers attained a Work Force that enabled them to control Global Affairs. Afrika is essentially Asset Rich but Cash Poor. Europe & America benefited from Slavery far more than Afrikan Kingdoms, & are therefore required to pay the lion's share of what is owed.
There are several problems w/ 'The Woman King'. To begin w/, it is historically inaccurate. Several Black Media Outlets have pointed out that Dahomey was a notorious Slave Trading State. They use Smithsonian documents, & historical accounts from 'The History Channel' & other sources to show how Dahomey not only traded Slaves to Europeans, they enslaved tens of thousands of their tribal rivals to fuel their domestic production. This notion of the Dahomian 'Woman King' being a Slave liberator, is Disney Magic. This may explain why it is failing @ The Box Office; during a time when it literally had No Competition. Antonio Moore of 'Toneralks' pointed out 'The Woman King's' average of $1,300/ Screen, compared to Black Panther's average of $18,000/ Screen.
My biggest issue w/ this movie, are the people behind it. This feat of 'tricknology', was the brainchild of Maria Bello. According to her, she was writing about 'Women's History'. She wanted to tell a 'Brave Heart' story set in Afrika. What We got, was a fantastical mix of Harriet, Black Panther & Braveheart- all rolled into one. It was written by Dana Stevens, & Directed by Gina Prince- Blythewood (of 'Love & Basketball' fame). Jason Black, of 'The Black Authority' did a dumpster dive into the background of these Women. Both of the Writers are White Women, & the Director is a Bi- Racial Black Woman raised in a non- Black household. The question arises: How can 3 Women w/ NO TIES 2 the Afrikan or Black American Experience actually write & direct such a narrative?
The obvious answer, is w/ Great Casting. 'The Woman King' is a $50M Production. The Cast includes: John Boyega as King Ghezo, Lashana Lynch, Sheila Atim, Thuso Mbedu, along w/ Viola Davis, as General Nanisca. NO ONE seems to be critical of the performances; the issue, is Maria Bello's 'narrative' itself. The only acting critique that i've seen, is in regard to Viola playing a teenaged Nanisca. Unlike David Kaluuya's portrayal of Fred Hampton, Viola is credible as an 'Amazon Warrior'. Most of the positive comments that I have read about this movie, are in regard to the performances. Even in the Social Media debates, supporters lean heavily on the Actors. This group has argued that 'The Woman King', is just a Story, why are We getting so worked up over a Movie? It's just entertainment.
Some have made claims that any critique of this movie, is part of a misogynistic agenda to undermine Women in general, & dark skinned Black Women specifically. Again, The Cast has been largely celebrated for their performance. This rhetoric plays into the 'tricknology' behind Maria Bello's Storyline. Ironically, Black Women have been the biggest critics of 'The Woman King'; Black Men are standing w/ their Women, but Black Women are making the most noise. When looking @ this movie through panoramic lenses, a few things come to light:
The blatant attempt to tug @ Black Women's heart strings w/ the story of an Afrikan Woman strong enough to stand up to the 'Dominant Men' of her universe- King Ghezo & the European Slave Traders. Black Women were expected to embrace this 'Historical Tale of Black Girl Magic' the way We embraced 'Black Panther'.
The inaccuracy of this 'narrative'. In it, The Oyo are solely blamed for trading Slaves to The Europeans. The truth is, Dahomey paid tribute to Oyo for the use of Porto Novo, before eventually defeating them. They controlled Porto Novo when the British Navy blockaded the Port to end Slave Trading in the Region.
Dana Bello presents Nanisca in the image of Harriet Tubman. She tries to convince King Ghezo to shift from trading Slaves, to trading Palm Oil; & later fights to liberate Slaves. There is no substantiation of this, but even if this is true, the narrative ignores the fact that Dahomey kept a large Slave population for their Palm Oil production & other industries. They were a Slave Economy.
Why this character? There is this emphasis on a 'Woman King', but isn't that essentially a 'Queen'? Elizabeth 1 & 2, Catherine 'The Great', & Victoria were ALL strong Women on the throne of Power. None were referred to as a 'Woman King'. Instead of focusing on a controversial figure like General Nanisca, why didn't Maria Bello & Dana Stevens look @ other Strong Women in Afrikan History? Hetshepsut was actually a Pharaoh (Shekem)- The ONLY female Pharaoh On Record. Queen Nzinga stymied The Portuguese. Queen Amina led her troops into battle. I understand the feminism behind a story about Amazons, but Nanisca is a flawed character. The Writers had to warp her story in order to tell it.
The ongoing effort by Hollywood to virilize 'Strong' Black Female characters. Wonder Woman, & now Nubia are how Amazons are classically depicted. General Nanisca doesn't fit this model. She falls into the societal perception of Serena Williams. No matter how feminine Serena presents herself, Society sees her like a female Mike Tyson- a Pit Bull in a dress. Maybe it's a Western view, but Black Women can be Strong, Powerful, Nurturing, AND [Very] Feminine. The Writer that puts those traits into a Black character will achieve that coveted 'Black Panther' reaction.
The pushback over 'The Woman King' has legitimacy. Black Filmmakers should be the ones telling Our Story. If Non Black/ Afrikan people desire telling ANY PART of Our History, a (collectively respected) Black Historian should be required to critique their screenplay. The pushback shouldn't stop w/ the Writer(s), Producers, or Director. The Cast Members should also be held to some account. Lupita Nyong'o was approached to do this Movie back in 2018, but backed out of the Project, after doing a documentary on The Agojie Warriors for The Smithsonian Channel. It's rumored that Lupita cried when she learned what Agojie Warriors did to The Yoruba. Viola Davis et al could've done their research.
As a Community, We have begun to question those who speak for Us. That should also be expanded to include those who represent Us in Sports & Entertainment. The current debate surrounding HipHop Music & Culture has some people saying that We need a vetting process. Entertainers that don't represent Us w/ respect & dignity shouldn't be supported. In the case of 'The Woman King', it shows a trend regarding the roles that Viola Davis chooses. I personally think that she is a powerful Character Actress. Viola Davis brings an intensity that few can match. She is the Cecily Tyson of Generation X. I put her on the same level as Cate Blanchett & Meryl Streep. That said, I must admit that I have struggled w/ some of Viola's roles.
I muddled through 'The Help', but 'How to get away with Murder' & 'Ma Rainey's Black Bottom' confused me. What were these characters trying to get across? How are these roles helping to frame a positive Black perspective in Society? I find myself asking the same question in regard to General Nanisca. How does THIS depiction help the global perception of Black/ Afrikan Women? I don't mean to dump on Viola Davis, but she's The Star of this lie. John Boyega has shown that like David Kaluuya, he's an 'Actor who just happens to be Black'. Viola acts like Sistah Gurl when she does interviews, so I think that she has some explaining to do.
Why would she play a role that would move Black Americans, West Indians, & Afro Latinos to cheer for the people that enslaved & delivered Us to European Slave Traders? THIS is the essence of 'Tricknology'. Meanwhile, Agojie Warrior Holloween Costumes are already being advertised to Our children.
-Black Girl Magic indeed.
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readyforevolution · 2 years
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The fact that two White Women wrote the movie “Woman King” explains why they utilized an all-female military unit (Agojie) that guarded the West African Kingdom of Dahomey from the 17th to the 19th centuries which derived their wealth from selling slaves to Europeans.
“Let’s be honest folk. It’s (a) movie about an African tribe famous for selling slaves to Europeans that was made into a female empowerment story by two White women writers. You don’t have to be very ‘woke’ to see the problem here.”
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This film is billed on the basis of a “true story” tag line.
It’s funny, even in this article originally published in People, they completely skirt the issue and stay as shallow as possible leaving it at “involvement in slavery”.
No one thought to follow up and ask viola why they had to fictionalize most of the story.
If you’re not aware by now the Dahomey tribe were slavers responsible for the tribal ancestry of most of the slaves in North America.
The historical period depicted in the movie actually took place when Western Europe had outlawed the trans Atlantic slave trade, but the Dahomey refused to stop slaving and their domination and persecution of neighboring tribes.
The “evil white colonizers”, the French, were literally fighting the Dahomey and the so-called Woman King to end slavery.
The story they’re selling as true is a work of intersectional fiction that vandalizes history for current year political effect.
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archangelcleo · 2 years
Watch "Woman King Film got No Oscar Award Nominations and that was the goal of #Boycottwomanking" on YouTube
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boycottwomanking was trending on twitter regarding the woman king and is there a reason why its trending?
Tbh I just got home and like I'm not on Twitter. But I'm buying my tickets now for Monday night. I suggest that instead of looking for the cause of the hash tag instead you make plans to see it. With friends.
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mod ali
Like I welcome accurate accounts of the drama but we already know why they're boycotting. It's misogynoir.
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breyeschow · 2 years
Read the replies, so yep, definitely seeing it this weekend. Not gonna #BoycottWomanKing https://bit.ly/3Btjh4R
— Bruce Reyes-Chow ☮️ 🐝 🐑 (@breyeschow) Sep 18, 2022
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greport2018 · 2 years
Why is #BoycottWomanKing trending on Twitter?
Why is #BoycottWomanKing trending on Twitter?
Viola Davis’s much awaited film, The Women King to about to hit theatres, but the reception to the few look isn’t as excepted. The twitter gang has taken the makers of the film on social media, and are asking on tough questions. Someone please explain why Hollywood is suddenly glorifying an African kingdom, Dahomey, that prospered as brutal slave-traders from the 1700s until the 1840s, when…
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archangelcleo · 2 years
Watch "Woman King Film got No Oscar Award Nominations and that was the goal of #Boycottwomanking" on YouTube
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People using the #boycottthewomanking hashtag are doing so dishonestly and spreading misinformation about the movie on purpose. The movie doesn’t gloss over the Dahomey’s slave trading and erase it. The people who are claiming they did haven’t actually seen the movie. From the people who have, they acknowledge it’s touched upon and not ignored. If you actually look at the posts within the hashtag it’s a lot of “this is woke garbage” and “they’re trying to make white people look bad”. I’m not saying they’re aren’t historical inaccuracies, but the way people are reacting and critiquing the movie is so obvious because of the predominantly Black and female cast. The main issue they supposedly have with the movie is an inauthentic one.
I hope you don't mind nonny but I'm gonna put another ask in here that demonstrates how easily ppl can be misled
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So basically what I’m getting from my anons is see the movie but use the movie to talk about how dahomey participated in the slave trade and do further research.
mod ali
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re boycott woman king. its some people with legitimate criticisms about using the dahomey tribe who sold other people from the continent into the transatlantic slave trade. then other people trying to use that to get people to stop watching. imo the best way is to go into the movie being critical and aware and then researching the setting after to learn more but still go and watch it!
Ahh I like your approach alot!!! Like I love Viola davis but ignoring that the dahomey tribe was like that is not the answer.
mod ali
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According to the research I did, people are claiming that it's because the film depicts the Dahomey kingdom and they're supposedly upset that the trailers didn't make it clearer that they participated in the slave trade
I think these are valid concerns let's reserve the supposedly for the yt ppl who are using this boycott for racist purposes. There's a responsibility on all of us who post about the movie to add disclaimers to our posts that we realize that dahomey is much like the israelis of the modern era who oppress and are committing genocide of the palestinians for the past sixty years.
mod ali
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archangelcleo · 2 years
Watch "Time to Boycott the Woman King movie. The film is about the Dahomey & Benin. #BOYCOTTWOMANKING" on YouTube
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