#maria’s newmann blogging
hermannsthumb · 2 months
just wanted to say thank you for all of the incredible pacrim fics you've put out over the years like every time without fail that I get a hankering for our gayass scientists I KNOW I can meander on down to your ao3 and eat sososo good so THANK YOU for writing
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THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭😭😭 trying to get some more fic out soon....
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hermannsthumb · 8 months
spooooky newt/hermann zine 🎃🎃🎃👨‍🔬🖤👨‍🔬🎃🎃🎃
HI!! to get in the halloween spirit I compiled some of my favorite halloween/spooky/autumn-y Newt/Hermann ficlets i've written over the years into a special mini PDF zine!
the Newt/Hermann Hallo-zine is 103 pages, and contains 18 edited ficlets, pluz 2 new bonus spooky fics I haven't posted anywhere else yet. it's available for pay-whatever on ko-fi 🎃 happy Halloween!
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hermannsthumb · 9 months
Are you going to do a newmann secret santa 2023?
absolutely, assuming there's interest!!! :)
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hermannsthumb · 8 months
2023 newt/hermann exchange (interest check + brief poll)
hi Newt/Hermann nation!! it's November at last, so as per the annual tradition i'm gearing up to run the newmann secret santa/winter gift exchange once again! I got an ask about it earlier this fall and it seems like there's enough interest that I can go ahead and start sign-ups soon. (as a reminder on what the gift exchanges are, here's the info post from last year--stay tuned for another one this year, lol)
i DID want to run a brief poll to get opinions on the length of the exchange. more on this below the cut!
in the previous years i've run the secret santa exchange I typically have the matches ready and out by late november/early december, with the 'due date' being around new year's in january (barring extensions, last minute pinch hitters, and belated gifts of course!). in a newmann discord chat recently I had a few people suggest expanding the loose deadline to be around valentine's day in feburary instead so it can be a nice long winter holidays exchange. this would give people at least two months to work on gifts rather than just December! and this way the deadline won't be in the middle of in a very busy season (ie, holidays, parties, family obligations, final exams if you're in school, and so on). of course you would still be welcome to gift by new year's if you would like :)
i'll keep the poll up for a week but will most likely open exchange sign-ups earlier than that if one option is winning by a landslide. full disclosure, I'm leaning towards the extended deadline, but I wanted to make sure other people don't have large newmann/pacrim fandom events planned for jan/feb that I would be overlapping with!
whether you vote or not, I would also greatly appreciate if you could drop a reply or a like on this post if you are planning on signing up so I can get a rough idea of how many people might be participating this year! it helps me budget time for doing the matches/contacting everyone
thank you for being a very fun fandom and making it a pleasure to run these kind of things!!!
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hermannsthumb · 11 months
are physical copies of the zine available? where can I order it?
Hi!! If you mean the Newt/Hermann anniversary zine @k-sci-janitor and I pulled together, it's a digital release only! We do however have some very cute physical merch up on the shop too that's available for pre-order right now. You can find both of those on the shop link right here. (We didn't really have the time for managing a printed zine, plus this way we didn't have to worry about page limits--aka why it's over 500 pages, haha.) 💕👨‍🔬💕👨‍🔬💕
BUT there's also the 10 year PR anniversary Edge of Hope zine, which does have physical copies available for pre-order right now!!! I was a guest writer for that and have a little piece in it :) that shop is right here
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hermannsthumb · 1 year
So little confused on timeline for the Zine. So the application closed yesterday and now you’ll be reaching out to people? Or you will have contacted everyone by yesterday?
Hi!! We closed up the application around a week or so ago (March 22) and @k-sci-janitor and I are just running a little behind on going through everything, since we got over 100 apps!!! We’re going to reach out to everyone over this week. Sorry about the delay!
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hermannsthumb · 11 months
do you still take fanfiction requests?
sure!! i actually have around 90 (LMAO) over the past 5 years in my askbox i've never gotten around to, but i always enjoy seeing new ones and writing a little something for them if i get the chance!
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hermannsthumb · 11 months
Okay so I was never sure which fic I should say this on, there are so many (positive), so I figured instead I should send it straight to the source, but I really love how absolutely INTO each other you write Newt and Hermann in established relationship fics. It's like Gomez and Morticia Addams if their love language was shouting and being huge dorks instead of French. A+, thank you for sharing
AHHH thank you so much!! as much as i love writing about them getting their nonsense together i have a lot of fun playing around with established relationship fics <3
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hermannsthumb · 2 years
newt/hermann secret santa 2022 exchange ❄️❄️❄️❄️👨‍🔬❤️👨‍🔬❄️❄️❄️❄️
hi all!! i posted about this on twitter yesterday, but i'm hoping to organize another newt/hermann fic&fanart secret santa swap for the the 2022 holiday season since last year was really fun, so this post is a heads up to keep an eye out in the next few days or so for a sign-up form like last year! i'm starting it a bit earlier this year to give participants plenty of time to work on their gifts (and to make the organizing part go a little smoother on my end). i'll likely keep the form up for 1-2 weeks and have a similar early january deadline for fic/art gifting
feel free to give this post a like or reply or something so I can make sure there's enough interest :) ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
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hermannsthumb · 1 year
THAT'S ME!!!! thank you so much...you draw so very good too this is such an honor
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hermannsthumb · 1 year
hiii it’s never seen pacrim anon again! i also hope i see the movie one day, because this is getting extra! the con went well, i went to a kaiju panel and had conversations about newt, which was hilarious, and now i’ve published a newmann fic on ao3. I’m having the time of my life over here! (:
this is so magical... but also THE MOVIE IS GREAT I PROMISE
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hermannsthumb · 1 year
i downloaded your newmann prompt fills on ao3 to read on the plane 🙏 got me thru at least 4 of the 15 hours bless u
omg i'm so happy to hear that I was able to be of some entertainment!!! (and I hope your flight wasn't too bad, I simply could not do 15 hours)
looking at the PDF of all my prompt fills rn and realizing that like. i have written a truly comedic amount of them
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hermannsthumb · 1 year
Asgegahgdhssfjs that wedding fic you wrote was so good. Shoving shrimp in his pocket is so utterly Newt.
AH thank you!! that's this one right? I forgot all about this fic, but I really loved writing it!!
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hermannsthumb · 2 years
Reminder - Newt/Hermann Secret Santa Fic&Art Exchange 2022!👨‍🔬❤️👨‍🔬
Hi!!!!! Since we're a few days off from the November 21 sign-up deadline, I wanted to remind you all about the Secret Santa fic/fanart/etc. exchange I posted about the other day--find the information post (which has the sign-up form as well) right here!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
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hermannsthumb · 2 years
chapters 4 and 5 of vampire AU up 💕🧛‍♂️
Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb Additional Tags: Vampire Hermann Gottlieb, Reincarnation, Temporary Character Death, Alternate Universe - Historical, Human/Vampire Relationship, Immortality, Time Skips, Vampire Bites, Mild S/xual Content, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, pining longing yearning etc, Unresolved S/xual Tension, Passionate and Fascinating Exchange of Letters, Canon Compliant, Gothic Romance, some horror elements, Pastiche, (first chapter), POV Alternating, warnings for usual vampire adjacent content (aka blood drinking), Happy Halloween!!!!, Complete
Chapter 4 Hermann meets his new lab partner.
Chapter 5 Newt makes an unsettling discovery.
posted 2 chapters for yesterday's update because chapter 4 is pretty short....hope you all enjoy.....and happy halloween 🎃
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hermannsthumb · 11 months
hellohello i just read a fic of yours (sorry i cant remember which one specifically ive been bingeing newmann fics) but i can tell you i recognized ur name from the end notes and i really liked it!! :DD
AHH thank you so much!!! i hope you've been having fun reading newt/hermann, they really are one of The ships of all time
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