#marietta brackner
fycourtera · 12 years
{libation: chapter one/3} marietta, garrett, eva
Marietta was, in every single aspect of her life, a predator. In the ministry she ran down her prey, tracked them down quick and agile, backing them into a corner before she went in for the kill. Ministry officials looked on flabberghasted as she revealed to them information they previously had thought was safe and buried, and used it against them where it hurt them most.  At court, she was a sly and coy creature, circling and lulling the others into a false sense of security, of trust. Sometimes she would allow the game to go on for ages, until it suited her best to reveal her disinterest, her judgement, their worth and value to her, and then leave them behind. In bed, Marietta played with her food. She chased them, snapped her teeth playfully over their ankles while she did. She wrestled, tugged at hair, tugged at strings and tugged at laces. Perfectly manicured nails raked down across skin, leaving angry red lines in their wake. Teeth dragged across sensitive buds, tongue tantalizing as it explored every inch of salty skin available. Her pray writhed underneath Marietta, sighing her name in pleasure, almost like a prayer. Etta reveled in the feeling as the rapid and shallow breaths caressed her ear, as she worked her fingers in and out, curling and twisting. Her mouth lavished the skin behind the younger girl’s ear, earning her delicious little gasps that Etta stored in memory for a rainy day. Marietta drew back, moving against her thigh, her eyes closing in the shock of pleasure the friction provided. They fluttered open again, determined to watch the younger girl, her prey, reach her peak. Her breath began to hitch, her hips lifted off the mattress and thrust with Marietta’s movements, seeking more of her hand. Her thumb rubbed circles against her pleasure, a hand twisting a pink bud on the ample chest, and Etta was treated to the beautiful face of her young lover living through ecstasy. Marietta smirked, and once the girl had stopped moving, removed her fingers and took them into her mouth, licking them clean. A coy grin spreading across her face as she heard a soft moan below her again, Etta leaned down to kiss her softly, tracing her tongue around the inside of her mouth. Marietta crawled forward and pulled back as her thighs slid to either side of the woman’s head. Wetting her lips in anticipation, Etta suddenly looked up as she heard a knock on the door, her eyes narrowing in displeasure. “M’lady?” the shy voice of her maid was heard. Voices and noises could be heard inside coming from the outside, but nothing that was inside of the room could be heard outside of it. At least, not until Marietta lifted the spell. “I thought I instructed not to be disturbed-” she gasped, her hips canting forward when a spark of pleasure seemed to shoot up her spine as the woman under her decidedly ignored the interruption. Biting on her lip, her eyes narrowed playfully before she sighed silently in pleasure again, and spoke louder. “Whatever it is, Julie, it can wait until tomorrow.” “I’m sorry, m’lady, it is your uncle and he is most impatient.” “Fuck,” she whispered under her breath as a hand not so pale as hers slid up her chest and took a pink nipple between its fingers. Damn her uncle to the farthest reaches of the earth. She huffed out frustrated and gripped the tan wrist, stopping it despite every fiber of her being wanting otherwise. “Did he say what he wanted?” “No, m’lady, only that he was most desperate to see you.” And I am most desperate myself, she thought before gasping again and seizing tight brown curls and tugging the girl’s head away from her sharply, her eyes narrowed in the promise of retribution. She got off the bed and picked up her nightgown before slipping it on.  “Tell him I shall be out shortly.” After that she waved the wards back in place and headed towards her mirror to assess her state. Well, at least he’d interrupted them at the beginning, though Etta was not the only one frustrated. As she brushed her hair, she saw a mass of brunette hair behind her standing up, pout already forming. “You could have sent him away.” “So much time dealing with Brackners and you’ve yet to figure out our fundamental trait?” Marietta raised eyebrows at the girl through her mirror, picking up a brush and taming her red locks. “We get what we want.” “And what I want does not matter?”  It was a tease, but Marietta simply shrugged before she answered simply, “It’s inconsequential to us, yes.” She dropped the brush again before standing and turning around. “Oh, go find a cock, Eva. I know you prefer them, anyways.” Eva smirked, shrugging her shoulders lazily as she began dressing. “Is that jealousy I hear, darling?” Marietta chuckled as she slipped on a robe above before her nightgown, tying the turquoise robe tight around her waist. It was nighttime after all, and she had been sleeping, so if it offended her uncle, he would just have to find a way to deal. “Not in the slightest,” she moved to help Eva with her corset, taking the laces from the girl’s hands into her own. Tugging hard and sharp, she pulled Eva closer to her with that single movement, the breath leaving her slight frame in one exhale, chest lifting suddenly. A long arm wrapped around Eva’s slender waist, another hand grabbing her jaw and neck firmly but with all the care in the word.  Grinning wide, she leaned her head in to whisper directly near her ear, “If I wanted you all to myself, sweetheart, I would have you.” The shiver that elicited out of Eva made Etta giggle wickedly, placing a tender kiss on her neck before laying her chin on her shoulder once more. “But who am I rob men of such a delicacy, especially when they must already suffer my absence?Marietta stepped away from Eva after another teasing kiss behind her ear, fishing the girl’s invisibility cloak from the floor and handed it to her with a smile. “Send your family my love.”
—- Marietta:  Uncle Garrett! *she beamed as she ran across the sitting room to embrace him in a tight hug, partly to give Eva the chance to slip undetected through her quarters even underneath that invisibility cloak of hers. She pulled back with a smile and then flicked his nose, frowning* You woke me. Garrett:  *he chuckled, shaking his head as he pulled back from the hug, smirking at his eldest niece* I highly doubt that. I was young once, you know. Perfectly aware of what ‘retired early’ and ‘not be disturbed’ actually means. *he raises his eyebrows* If your fiance is in your chambers- Marietta:  Then we’d only be committing a sin that you, my father, and aunt Flora have all committed. *smiling* Is that why you insisted on calling on me? To try and save my modesty? Garrett: *his eyes narrowed* Marietta. Marietta:  *she grinned, shaking her head slowly* Joseph is not in my bedroom, uncle. Garrett: Oh, Joseph, isn’t? Marietta: What exactly are you trying to insinuate about me, uncle? Garrett: Only that you’re a Brackner. Marietta: So are your daughters, my cousins. *grins* Well, by upbringing if not by birth- do you bother them this much as well? Garrett: More so.  Marietta: Poor souls. Garrett: You’re distracting me, Marietta. Marietta: *she giggles* Only a little. *she takes his arm and then guides him to the sofa so the pair of them could sit comfortably* What brings you here? Garrett: *Everything, he wanted to answer. He wanted to ask her about everything, if she knew about Leah, what she really thought about muggleborns, why on earth she was marrying Joseph Culpeper when she had been almost as adamant as Leah was about never marrying before? Instead he settled on one question.* I wanted to ask about Rick. Marietta: *Now that was certainly unexpected. Blinking repeatedly, she exhaled and then lifted her head slowly to meet his gaze* What do you mean? Garrett: How is he? *he shrugged* How’s he doing? I know perfectly well that you know, Etta. Marietta: You could know yourself. *she replied simply, not sharply, but not kindly either.* You could apparate there and actually let him know that you care about him and his well being. Garrett: *he groans* Not you too, Marietta. Marietta: Oh, but I see, that would mean that you would have to actually face Lucy, and acknowledge her existence as a human being. Garrett: Glad to know where you firmly stand on this Marietta. *he frowned, shaking his head.* Marietta: I firmly stand next to my brother. Whatever he chooses, whomever he chooses, uncle and I will not abandon him and my father and you have clearly done. Garrett: I haven’t abandoned him- I’m worried about him! It’s why I’m here, isn’t it? Marietta: Are you sure, you’re here for that? Are you sure that you just didn’t have any of your children left to turn to for support and were hoping that I- Garrett: I just wanted to talk, and have it just once, just once!, not turn into some blatant discussion about muggleborns and my beliefs, for God’s sake. *He stood suddenly, passing a hand over his face, leaning his arm on the banister over the fire.* Marietta: *She stilled hearing her uncle’s voice quiver in such despair, confusion, and suffering. Feeling a little guilty, she stood and walked towards him again, placing a hand on his shoulder.* Frederick’s happy. That’s more than I can say about you. Garrett: Who has the luxury of being happy in this court, honestly? *he smacked his lips in distaste* Marietta: *she smiles softly, sadly, before speaking* You used to love court. Garrett: Oh, every young bachelor loves court, of course. *he chuckles* But there’s no place I’d rather be than at my own home, with my family. Marietta: *she paused briefly before tilting her head and teasing him* Uncle, you cannot steal Kitty away from her betrothed, I hope you know. Garrett: *He laughed once, turning away from the fireplace to look at his niece.* If I could keep her with me forever, I would. Alas *he waved his hand dismissively before chuckling again.* Elijah will be good to her. Marietta: Has been for quite some time now. *she bounced closer to him on her toes and wrapped her arms around him* And she will be Lady West, a paragon of nobility and high standing. One of the most beloved ladies there ever was. Garrett: *He chuckled, nodding and hugging Etta for a moment as well before adding lightly* And you will be Lady Culpeper, wife to the Minister of Magic, and one of the most powerful women in the country. Marietta: *she beamed, undeniably quite pleased to hear him say so, but instead she teased* So he has your vote, then? Garrett: Well he’s a right fit better than Courtenay whose ‘kind invitation’ has only sped your wedding along. Marietta: Wife to the Minister candidate sounds much better than fiancee. The court at Devon won’t know what hit them. Garrett: And the days to your wedding count down faster than ever. *he exhales* I suppose I will have to ask your father afterwards how he dealt with giving you away. Marietta: Relieved, I’m sure. *she wiggled her eyebrows* He thought I was sure to become the next Lady Abira. Garrett: Nothing wrong with that. Marietta: He still dislikes her, you know. Garrett: Oh, without a doubt. *he smirks and then shrugs* But I’m not convinced ‘relieved’ would be the right word, darling. Marietta: *No, probably not, but it wasn’t as she would be the first child he would be ‘giving up’. She said nothing though, realizing her uncle needed a casual conversation.* So what are you getting me for a wedding gift? Garrett: *He sighed, asking lightly* Would the world suffice? Marietta: Oh, that’s already in the palm of my hand. *she waved her hand dismissively* What else?
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courtera · 12 years
Look at you! Meeting her and getting to know her made you re-think about all muggleborns in general, made you much more understanding. Letting her down filled you with so much dread you panicked, you’re miserable because you’re making her miserable and it’s the last thing you wanted. You stayed with her through the attack, saved her friend, held her hand because her safety was everything and your own reputation was nothing compared to it, nothing. Being away from her makes you miserable, God Rick, do you think a love like this happens all the time?
Marietta Brackner
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maybellinemagic · 9 years
Centuries ago, all of us, pureblood or not, were being hunted down and burned. We were united then, we could be united now, even absent common enemy.
Marietta Brackner, Court Era: Proclamation, Chapter 12
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter twenty-seven: 1} joseph&marietta
Joseph: *He knew that as a candidate for their countries highest office he had to appear both displeased with this unnecessary show of force, and supportive of it. Luckily, duplicity was easy for him. By now, to stand impassive, detached, with only the hint of a frown to indicate displeasure was second nature, for when he frowned entirely it meant a great deal worse for those he was angry with. It was his default position: a habit born of the necessity to lock away everything he was and is. He was good at it. He prided himself on that. Still he found an odd twist in the pit of his stomach as he walked towards the front of the ramparts, side by side with the woman who would become his wife. Not entirely sure of the reason for his discomfort - beyond the obvious - his gaze flicked through the nobles in the stone archways, lingering a moment on Caspian until the man met his gaze, and then moved on. Though not surprised to see him beside Angela, for the two had become fast friends, he wasn't sure why it bothered him. Oh, he knew Leah would whisper 'jealousy,' but he put that thought from his mind as well. Looking sideways to Etta, they disentangled their arms from the slow, proper walk and then he nodded at her.* Dear, *For they were in public, the show was there's to command,* are you cold? It was nearing summer, but as was typical for England a single glance at the sky predicted rain, and there was a chill in his bones he forced himself to attribute to the weather.* You could have my jacket, if so. *He smiled, a twinkle in his eyes-- it rather amused them both to play this game, he had to admit.* 
Marietta: *For all of her knowledge and intuition, she would have never assumed the situation would reach this point. This was atrocious, unjust, cruel, and Etta was not pleased, she was far from pleased. Her father was too, she knew, and what was his first act of defiance in such a long time (ever in her life maybe) he had refused to be present. He could not support, he said, could not support Damocles in this decision. Marietta had to admit, this was very unlike her almost-uncle. She was almost sure there was something behind this whole spectacle, but Etta had to admit that she wasn't sure whether that was her reasoning or her hope. Stilling in her steps as they reached their destination, her eyes immediately sought out the crowd below and sure enough there he was, her brother, melded with Lucy so perfectly that it was hard to remember they were two separate people instead of one entity. Etta wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed that her father wasn't here to look upon his son. Uncertainty was a characteristic not freely associated with her, and Etta disliked it. There was much distaste to be had today, but she would not flinch or waver. She was, after all, the future wife of the Minister of Magic. Oh, the voting was going to be nothing but a formality by the time Joseph and Edwyn met head to head on debates.* And have you in a state of undress in public, darling? I couldn't have that. *She turned to adjust and press down his collar, though it was already as perfect as it could be.* You are too kind to me. *She would have to thank Joseph later, for managing to bring her some light hearted amusement to this dark day, and how literal that adjective would become soon.*
Joseph: I beg to differ, milady. *The words fell from his lips with ease despite the glazed look in his eyes. Chuckling under his breath as she fixed the already perfect-collar, his gaze darts down to her hand and then catches it as she pulled back, the very picture of being unable to keep his hands off her. Which honestly, he could not say truthfully he was unpracticed at. * If I have startled you with such simple acts, than others have clearly never been kind enough. *He smirked, looking away even as he squeezed her hand. His eyes traced the crowd, seeking Leah. Startled to see she stood next to her father plain as day, his brow furrowed further. Surely she meant to intervene? If she was not planning something, then he did not know his friend at all. He redoubled his efforts on searching the crowd gathering below - for he was suddenly certain, Mitchell Stone must be in that crowd somewhere. Curious, he murmured under his breath so only Marietta could hear,* Dear, if you had been planning a spectacle such as this, wouldn't you expect more guards near the scaffold? *There was a curious absence of them.*
Marietta: *She chuckled, tilting her head in false reproach, but with an adoration in her eyes that she had to admit was as calculated and precise as everything about her, though not wholly insincere. Joseph was a wonderful friend, and she did adore him. So, naturally, that meant she would also maim and murder for him, and she could say that with the certainty that came with having done such a similar act for a friend before. But thinking of such things at that moment were all too real, and though she wasn't a sensitive or queasy woman at the slightest, the thought did bring a stress which she was happy to do without.* If you manage to startle me, Joseph, then I shall truly be even more certain I've made the right choice in husband. *Startled by a kindness was such a sad thing to behold, but it was one that was familiar to her; Aria expected the worse from everyone, and was surprised when she found humans more decent than what she had thought. Her friend was somewhere here, she knew, though more towards the back. Etta had the distinct feeling her friend had been avoiding her recently, but she couldn't fathom as to why that was. But Aria had her reasons, and Marietta's days were filled with wedding planning, so she supposed she couldn't blame Ariadne either. Eyebrows rising subtly at Joseph's question, she had no need to look around again to confirm his words, she had impeccable memory, and it was a scenery that she had only beheld barely one minute past.* No. *She replied easily, honestly.* I'd place them out of sight, among the crowd, on the roofs armed with bows, and around the perimeter. *She smiled, as if she were not speaking of such matters.* If I had planned this, it would be with all the intention of ambushing potential rescuers. *And if she knew one thing about Mitchell Stone, it was that he never left a man behind. Brave fool.*
Joseph: *He nods absently, in total agreement with her assessment and with a smirk on his lips. It was the only acceptable expression besides the implacable look of detachment, but he still only allowed himself it a few moments. Hardly the only one around him smirking, it was not his intent to appear amused or triumphant at these abominable events. Joseph responded low, always having had the gift of commanding attention even when he spoke but a whisper.* That was my thought, dear. *He cast his gaze around again to ascertain they were right, before remarking lightly,* Yet the roofs are clear, the usual spaces for hiding guards empty - *For of course he had checked* - and if they are only amongst the crowd and on the scaffold, the would-be rescuers have the same advantage of surprise with no obvious deterrent to halt them. *His eyebrow arched as he looked at her, knowing she understood as easily as he did. There were only three options. They not expect a rescue attempt, and that was foolish. Second that there was no need for one as Daniel was already otherwise saved, and he did not see the Sheriff letting him go: however he had convinced Damocles to go along was no less true now than it had been yesterday. Or finally, and he stiffened, that they not only anticipated it, the lack of an off-putting, discouraging sight...could only meant they were begging for Mitchell and his friends to attempt it.* 
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter seventeen: 3} frederick/marietta
Marietta: *Rick had been oddly quiet at dinner that night, even more so than usual. Naturally, their entire family was still dealing with the loss two weeks later as they would be for quite some time, but it was still unusual to have Rick completely ignore questions asked of him. Father was not pleased at Rick’s attitude, but Etta could see the worry behind their father’s eyes. It was not one that brightly shined. Thankfully their mother had been vocally worried, but Rick just shrugged her off, just as he shrugged everyone off. Lorraine had even gone as far to say that a muggleborn must have bewitched him. Marietta didn’t know whether to laugh or sigh at her sister. Etta had actually searched the entirety of the court, and Faye manor was extremely large, only to wind up back in their family quarters and find Rick sitting down on the floor of his bedchamber, leaning his head against the wall near his door. Etta searched around for his flask and sure enough it was there, lying nearly forgotten near his left hand. She pursed her lips and moved into his room, closing the door fully behind her* Just once I would like to find you sober. Frederick: I am sober. *his eyes remained closed, not needing to open them to see who he was talking to. Long before her voice broke over the previously undisturbed silence, her perfume of lilac and strawberries had already invaded his nostrils.* For the most part. *But the conversation at dinner had turned rather painful, and he was having a bad day. He had been doing quiet well with the liquor but alas, he was allowed a low day, yes?* Anything I can help you with, sweet sister? Marietta: *She pursed her lips tightly, watching him with narrowed eyes and then sighed under her breath, shaking her head* And here you were, doing so well. Frederick: *He laughs obnoxiously, nodding his head faster* Yes, brilliantly. After I killed a man, after these rules were put in place. I’m just thriving on all of this. Marietta: *She blinks, smelling the alcohol on his breath without even having to sit. She sighs, leaning down to take the flask away from him* You’ve had quite enough. Frederick: *he picks up the flask again, glaring at Etta, the one standing on the right that is* I’m an adult, sister, I choose when I’ve had enough. Marietta: *snaps* Choose that time as now, or be deprived of choice entirely. Frederick: *he glares, standing up suddenly, his head dizzy and his feet fumbling under him; he ends up having to catch himself on the door* You can’t tell me what to do! God, you’re always telling me what to do- Marietta: *with pursed lips, utterly ignoring him at this point, trying to snatch his flask away from him again* Rick, give me the flask. Frederick: There you are ordering me around again. *he pushes her shoulders* Leave, Etta. Nobody asked for you. Marietta: *just steps back up to him again*I’ll leave as soon as you give me the flask. Frederick: *he pushes her back again* No. *his eyebrows rise* Take it from me. Come on, *he brings his fists up, shaking his head to move a strand of hair away from his face* take it. Marietta: Rick, I’m not going to fight you- *she steps away easily enough for a punch that she was sure would have missed her head by inches even if she would have stayed completely still* Rick. Frederick: See? You can’t. *he swings again and ends up spinning, his head seeming to continue even as his feet stop and he falls back to the ground* Marietta: *Biting her lip, she shakes her head, rolling her eyes until she hears an odd strangled noise and she kneels down next to him, taking his face in her hands as she realizes startled* Rick, you’re crying. *Tears of her own begin to form just seeing him like this* What…? Frederick: Am I? *He sniffed and then suddenly wiped at his face for confirmation, and indeed he was. He cursed under his breath, wiping salty water on the rug under him as new droplets kept falling from his eyes* Fuck. I thought I was laughing. Marietta: *She licked her lips and then shook her head, closing in to hug him tight, sitting down next to him and putting an arm around his shoulders, holding him in silence for what seemed like a long time. The candle in the corner was about to burn out, the moon had risen past the window and she couldn’t even see it anymore. She didn’t say anything, didn’t even move except for her thumb to rub idle circles on his shoulder every once and while. Silence was not something that they had a problem with. After a while, she asked a question* More sober? Frederick: *He breathed in through his nose and then he breathed out, relieved to find the nausea mostly gone* Well, I don’t see two of you anymore. Marietta: That’s good. *she licked her lips, tilting her head to look at Rick better* Rick, God, you’ve been such a mess lately. Frederick: I’m surprised you noticed. Marietta: *she frowns* Of course I notice- Frederick: Oh yes, I forgot, you notice everything. You and that friend of yours. *he snorts, he goes for his flask but Etta takes it too quickly from his hand now* Unfair. Marietta: So she’s my friend now? Not a halfblooded bastard wench? Frederick: *he grimaces, pushing himself off that wall, trying to stand up again* Doesn’t matter what I call her, she is who she is. Marietta: It does matter, Rick. There’s only a certain amount of times you can keep insulting someone before they start to believe it. Frederick: Hmm, kinda like “ruthless, godless, misogynistic, bigoted pig”? *eyebrows arch* Marietta: *she licks her lips, standing up again as she sees him stumble and then tries to put one of his arms around her shoulders* If you don’t like it, stop acting like one. Frederick: *he pushes her away again, stumbling backwards onto a chair, chortling under his breath and then sighs* And what do I start acting like? Marietta: *she rubs her shoulder and then sits down in front of him on a table, shrugging* Yourself. Frederick: *he snorts* I don’t know who I am. Marietta: *she licks her lips, watching him intently. For someone who was supposed to know all about court, she found she knew very little about her brother came to be at this state* Rick…what happened? Frederick: *he shrugged and pointed to the flask she still had in her hand* I drank, a lot. Shake it, there’s not that much in there. Father’s not trusted me with the refilling one, big surprise. *rolls eyes* Though it’s probably for the best- Marietta: No *she shakes her head, keeping her gaze fixed on his* I mean what happened to get you in this state. *her lips purse, muttering in annoyance* I don’t like not knowing. Frederick: *snorts* Sorry to damage your ego- Marietta: And I’m worried about you- Frederick: Gee, what a shock- Marietta: Shock?! *she blinks, and now it is she who’s in shock* I’m your sister! Your family, of course I care and worry about you. Why on -Earth- could you think the opposite? Frederick: Because you hate me! *he snaps, his eyes narrowing and then he exhales, clenching his jaw tight* Who wouldn’t? Marietta: *She reached for him, taking his hand again even after he pulls it back and keeps a firm grip on it* I don’t hate you, Frederick. I could never. *she shakes her head, licking her lips and frowning* Please, tell me what’s wrong. Frederick: Why? *he scoffs* So you can hug me and tell me everything’s going to be alright? Forget it, Jane beat you to it. Marietta: *A little hurt, she takes her hand back, her voice quieter* You told Jane? Frederick: *he pauses, looking down for a moment and then nodding his head slowly* Marietta: *she purses her lips and then exhales sharply, nodding her head* Good, it’s good you told someone. Frederick: *he rubs his hands over his eyes, sighing under his breath* Etta. Marietta: You can’t live alone with your secrets, especially if this is the way you deal with them. Frederick: Etta. Marietta: I’ll go get her *she stands up, putting the flask in a hidden pocket* maybe she can talk some sense into you. Frederick: *he grabs her wrist as she goes to walk past him and holds her there, lifting his head and looking at her sideways before muttering* I’m…I’m in love with a muggleborn. Marietta: *If there was one thing in the world she wasn’t expecting to come out of Rick’s mouth, it was that. Her mouth dropped a bit as she slowly sat back down in front of him, her eyes searching his* …Rick… Frederick: *he nodded, licking his lips* I know. Marietta: *she nodded along with him, wanting the gesture to be somewhat supportive before she exhaled* Then the segregation- Frederick: *he snorts, shaking his head* Oh, Etta, if only it were that simple. If, only. *he licked his lips and saw that his sister kept waiting for an explanation and after a sigh he told her everything. Meeting her, wooing her, his moronic behavior throughout the whole thing, his -especially- moronic behavior when he had broken it off, and now, how he felt now.* She forgived me. Marietta: *she licked her lips, having remained silent throughout his lengthy explanation, knowing she probably wouldn’t have gotten such a detailed one if he weren’t almost out of his mind drunk. Biting her lip, she nodded* You’d be surprised how easily we forgive the people we love, Rick. Frederick: I want to go to her, Etta. *he bit his lip* I want to…hold her again, and make her smile, and just…be with her. *He grimaces, sighing and looks down* But father…the council…the entire court. Not only is it unpopular, right at this moment, it’s against the law. Marietta: Fuck father. *she frowns* Fuck the council, fuck the court, Rick. *she takes his hands, urging* Do you think feelings like these happen all the time? *she purses her lips* Look at you! Meeting her and getting to know her made you re-think about all muggleborns in general, made you much more understanding. Letting her down filled you with so much dread you panicked, you’re miserable because you’re making her miserable and it’s the last thing you wanted. You stayed with her through the attack, saved her friend, held her hand because her safety was everything and your own reputation was nothing compared to it, nothing. Being away from her makes you miserable, God Rick, *she licked at her lips, tasting salt at the corner of them and she shook her head* do you think love like this happens all the time? Frederick: *He kept quiet, listening to her explanation, his heart clenching in his chest and thumping wildly against his rib-cage in a desperate attempt to get out. That’s how it felt like, anyways.* But I feel so…torn. I can’t choose between my life here and her, Etta, damnit I..I can’t. Father…*He closed his eyes for a moment, he asked in a soft whisper* Is this how you felt about Carrie? Marietta: *She never would have expected to hear her name again, but especially not from her brother. Her breath caught in her throat, her spine rigid and her jaw tight for a few moments as she tried to remember how to breathe. She looked down at her hands and bit her bottom lip* I loved her more than anything…the risk of father’s fury never stopped me. Frederick: *A pang of guilt caught him as he watched his sister’s face and he swallowed before asking* If you’d have had a chance to go with her…would you have gone? Marietta: Yes. *She licked her lips and then nodded, hardly noticing the tears in her eyes* I would have. Frederick: *he purses his lips, wondering how she could be so sure.* But you…you would have left us. Your family, your entire life behind? Marietta: *she chuckles sadly, nodding* Yes…*she bites her lip* I’ve never been more happy than when I was with her. And it’s not that I don’t love you all, I do, but it is so different. You know this now, Rick. I would have…followed her to the ends of the world. Frederick: *he gritted his teeth and shook his head* She took the money, Etta. Marietta: She wasn’t stupid, Rick. *she pursed her lips* What would have father done if she had refused? Frederick: *he clenched his jaw, not willing to think about that, even while realizing Etta was right. He cleared his throat and then spoke quietly* So your engagement? Marietta: Joseph is a dear friend, and one of the few men I trust. *she smiles and shrugs* There are far worse things than marrying your best friend, Rick. Frederick: *he shrugs, supposing that’s right* And he knows that…? Marietta: I prefer cunt over cock? Frederick: I wasn’t going to be that explicit but yes. Marietta: *she smiles* He knows. Frederick: And father never doubted your intentions? Marietta: Father saw what he wanted to see and that was his eldest daughter making a decision to settle down and be taken care of. *she shrugs* He doesn’t want to know about anything else, so I don’t tell him. Frederick: *He sighs, pursing his lips and then shrugging* I’m afraid it’s not that simple for me. Marietta: Rick, at the end of the day, whatever you decide, make sure that the person you’re taking into consideration first and foremost is yourself. Frederick: *he sighs, keeping a scoff from leaving his lips and then he nods, rubbing at his face again* Like I said, it’s not that easy. Marietta: *she shakes her head slowly, her facial expression soft* No, it’s not. But one day you’re just going to pause and realize you know exactly what to do. Frederick: *at that he couldn’t help but to scoff, chuckling under his breath* Can it be soon? I’m tired of feeling this way. Marietta: Like? Frederick: Like I’m being pulled apart. Like several people have a hold on different limbs and they’re just…pulling. Marietta: Frederick Brackner. A secret people pleaser *she smiles softly* Who would have known? Frederick: *he snorts, nodding along with the irony* Marietta: *she waited a moment before asking quietly* So what drove you to the whiskey tonight if you’ve been sober for nearly two weeks? Frederick: *he smirks a bit, shaking his head* Father spoke of buying you a new horse for your engagement present. Marietta: …*her brows furrow* and? Frederick: And Lorraine said that with bad luck, horses bred by muggleborns would be- Marietta: *together with him* just as psychotic. *she pursed her lips and shrugged* Frederick: Lucy works at the stables. Marietta: I see…you used to say far worse, you know. Frederick: I know. *he nods* Marietta: You could ask her to stop those comments. Frederick: And let it get out that I’m a sympathizer? Do -you- make it public knowledge? Even to our family? Marietta: *she frowned and sighed, understanding and then leaned forward to give him another hug* Frederick: *Pausing for a moment, wondering how many times these women would insist on hugging him, he nevertheless hugged her back* Give me back my flask. Marietta: *she rolled her eyes and then stood up, taking the flask out of her pocket and holding it up in the air* Jump for it. Frederick: What are we, 8? Marietta: *she kissed his cheek and put it back in her pocket* Tomorrow, you will get it back. And it will be filled with pumpkin juice. *She squeezes his shoulder and then moves towards his door* Frederick: *Staying silent as he deliberated saying anything, he stood up, catching himself on the edge of his bed and then turned to his sister* Etta? Marietta: *She pauses with her hand on the doorknob and then turns her head* Frederick: *He licks his lips and then falters, exhaling instead* Thank you. Marietta: *she smiles sadly, nodding afterwards* Any time.
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter fourteen: 4} joseph & etta
Joseph: *He knew he was unusual. He prided himself on this. Surveying the guests with the same careless appreciation that many of his male compatriots were exhibiting as they entered, his gaze unusually did tend to skip right over the frilly dresses to settle on their escorts. He smirked along with them, amused at some of the eyes back he got (he knew perfectly well their female escorts aside, they did not actually deny themselves). He enjoyed dancing, did not try to sneak whiskey into the wine glass he had just summarily dispatched, and he did not loathe these evenings. On the contrary, he enjoyed them: they were unique opportunities to gain networking ground flattering or intimidating as necessary, and they offered a fair amount of enjoyable aftermaths that he had no trouble admitting were some of his most favorite memories. Yet at this moment, he admitted he was apparently usual in one way. He was nervous. He had been waiting until Marietta was not surrounded by fervent groups of male admirers (amusing himself as he caught her expression, smug to be 'in on the joke'). Now he decided that as that was clearly not going to happen, he preferred to wait until she was completely surrounded before approaching her. It had the dual purpose of showing bravery and informing the men at once that Etta was not to be bothered with them any longer (unless of course she wanted to be). Not bothering to wait for Matthew Weston to finish whatever he was saying, he cut in with a genial, calculated smile* Excuse me. *He nodded at them, before latching his gaze onto Marietta and gently offering his arm.* I'm terribly sorry to interrupt, but I'm afraid I must speak with Marietta alone. If that is all right with you of course, milady? *He still wasn't looking back at the other men; effortlessly he kept is gaze transfixed and affectionate as it rested on her. They both were remarkable actors, weren't they?* 
Marietta: *Her bright laugh seemed to entrance the vast number of men around her, but none was more amused than herself. If only they could realize how ridiculous each of them sounded. One had even promised her the moon; that he would accio it for her. That one clearly could not hold his alcohol at all. The entire night was not as boring as she thought it would be, particularly because risque cleavages were everywhere to be had. One cut even reached a girl's mid-drift, that was just tantalizing. She herself was also sporting a quite delectable and fine piece of work; it had gotten her all of these admirers. Some of them were even quite endearing, like baby sheep. But that's all they were, sheep. Sheeps were to be petted...or eaten, depending on whether she was behaving like a wolf or not. She would much rather be in the company of her friend Aria, she actually provided stimulating conversation. Currently, Matthew was raving on about some wonderful accomplishment that she could care less about, but her eyes showed calculated interest nonetheless. Though her countenance did brighten genuinely as she saw Joseph cut in, a smile on her lips. She had not forgotten that he would have his answer for her on this night, and she was quite anxious to hear it. Nodding once, she even bit her bottom lip as a clever addition* Of course, m'lord. You'll have to excuse me gentlemen *she took Joseph's arm and allowed him to walk him away from all the sheep. Once they were a distance away, she leaned in to speak softly* You have impeccable timing.
Joseph: *Grin flicking wider (he hadn't missed her biting her lip, and he was sure none of the other men had either), he tucked his arm with hers as they walked away from the dance floor. Chuckling at her comment, he nodded absently once, leaning to respond* One of many talents I believe you will find enjoyable, m'lady. *He cast his gaze around, wanting to be somewhere private to speak, and as he didn't trust either the hallways, or rooms nearby to be empty (it was far too late in the evening; many would have claimed those for...extracurricular activities) and certainly the terrace had people on it, he turned them to walk towards the steps outside. The garden, that would work, they could be private there; he had agreed with himself already. They were going to do this right. As they stepped off the tile, he made a show of staying entangled with her until they were well away from prying eyes. Smiling at her, he turned and freed their hands.* Marietta, I have thought over everything you said at great length. I then spoke with your father. *Oh what an enjoyable afternoon that had been. The man she proposed to be his father-in-law would contribute to his early grave if this pattern kept up, he was sure of it. And this was when he was getting what he wanted for his daughter? A wealthy, respected, pureblood they both hoped would become the leader of their country? Lord Almighty, let him never discover what a displeased Cyrus Brackner looked like. But he digressed, and she must be anxious. Looking down at the ground, he took her hand first, saying carefully with obvious deliberation.* And I find I...cannot accept your proposal. *He looks up at her, letting a heartbeat separate his thoughts while their gazes met.* For if we're going to do this, I would be ashamed to think you were denied that which no lady ought to be denied. *There really was no getting rid of the nerves, was there? Well, he supposed he had just insured he wasn't simply accepting her proposal, so really...oh, he digressed again, and now she really had to be anxious. His gaze stayed on hers, a small smile crossing his lips.* Marietta, you are an extraordinary woman. You're capable, intelligent, resourceful, even on occasion sweet. *He winked.* I have been honored to call you my friend over these years and never dreamed I would be so blessed so as to consider this. I want simply to do this right. So. *He paused--all right, he had a flair for the dramatics, and went down on one knee, reaching into his pocket to pull out the small velvet box* That is why I would like to ask you...*He popped the top of the red velvet, letting her see the size-able diamond that had been his grandmothers, before finishing* Would you do me the honor of consenting to be my bride, Marietta?
Marietta: *She almost wished somebody had overheard that. Etta could imagine the look on their faces, and she had to restrain a giggle from emitting from her mouth. Easily the most attractive people at court stepping away together and heading towards the gardens after a splendorous exit? In Marietta's mind, even in Joseph ended up passing on her offer, the rumors would still be circling come morning. But she didn't want to think on his rejection; she wanted to remain positive. Not only that, but she had presented a flawless case, that he would be most irresponsible to turn down. Yet the nerves clawed at her, especially when he mentioned speaking to her father. Her father, for being quite an honorable man, was also a very mean one. He was somewhere in that ballroom, hopefully distracted by her mother. Surprisingly enough, parties left him in a good mood, any kind of party. It was a shame Joseph hadn't thought to approach him now, but then again that wasn't polite either, and would certainly warrant disapproval from her father, and she had enough of that to last her a lifetime- she needed him to help her on this, not otherwise. Yet upon hearing Joseph say he could not accept, her positivity sunk. Well, that was always a possibility, and she had promised that she would understand if he chose not to, but she was still disappointed. She wasn't used to rejection after all, but she would not be a bad sport about it. All of these thoughts had ran through her her head in the second it took Joseph to speak again. For when he spoke again, all other feelings were clouded by her surprise. She was usually quick enough to follow along, but she found herself uncharacteristically lost for a few moments. And then the compliments started rolling in, and her smile returned in all it's glamour, an honest giggle leaving her lips at the mention of being 'occasionally sweet'. And now she bit down on her bottom lip for real as she caught on right before he kneeled. Marietta was a woman, woman liked diamonds, just because she preferred the company of other woman did not make that untrue. So when she saw the ring, she beamed, exhaling and then nodding immediately as he finished his question* Yes! *she laughed a bit under her breath, as apparently that was the way that her nerves were choosing to exit her body* Gladly. *she held out her hand for him to put the ring on and waited for him to stand again before hugging him tightly and kissing him on the cheek* Thank you. 
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter twelve: 2} joseph & marietta
Marietta: *Her work seemed neverending, but that's because it was. There was never a moment's peace, but that's how she thrived where most people would give up. Still, she could not deny she was tired. Rest could wait, even work could wait at that moment for this was something more personal. That did not mean she hadn't considered every detail and debated every option as if it was part of her work, for that was almost second nature to her. She walked along, smiling warmly as she happened upon a servant. Etta was not surprised that they warned her against disturbing their lord, but she was not without her wiles. And she moved past the servant with a warm smile on her face. People always remarked that she had the most sincere smile and anyone who knew her well enough laughed at that notion. Just an example of how appearances can be quite the deceiving little things. Reaching the door, she knocked twice but opened it anyways, oh he'd forgive her, and peeked her head around the door, smiling* Bad time? Joseph: *His head was bent over the book, reading until his eyes glazed over on the particulars of a current minor dispute that he had decided to pick up as it was simple he could fix, and simply at that. He thought it was a sign he was able to handle more distinguished responsibilities; start with experience with little things, prove you're trustworthy--and this one had the added bonus of benefiting more than the two parties in dispute, as it was a matter of trade goods. This would have been simple, were the case law not so minute and incredibly boring. It was made more bearable by a drink or two of the flask in his other hand, but wary of making the page blur and his task impossible, he had stopped well short of feeling any true relief in the flask. Now he looked up slowly, a hand sliding off his forehead and head tilting in surprise as he took in Marietta Brackner. She was smiling that smile she had to put others at ease that unconsciously made him instantly wary at the same time; he could only suppose feminine wiles worked better on men who were physically interested in them, but nonetheless--it was a very pleasant smile. Shaking his head cordially, he gestured she come in, waving off the transfixed servant and standing* Not at all, Marietta...it is late though. Is something the matter? Marietta: *Her smile widened quiet genuinely, as this was a matter she had been contemplating on quietly for quite some time, but it was always in the back of her mind; she had never actually expected for there to be an opportunity. It was only an opportunity, of course, and she knew very well it could fade as easily as it appeared. Nevertheless, the prospect was one that thrilled her. She walked in, moving closer only after the servant had gone and closed the door* Pish posh, the night has only begun. *her lips twitched before she added after a moment* And there are certain conversations that should only take place under the cover of night. *Not that she meant to sound ominous, that wasn't her intention, but she realized that it could seem that way to someone and so she smiled again* I heard that you were thinking of running for Minister. Joseph: *Unbothered as she closed the door, he couldn't help his brows furrowing and lips twitching in amusement as she continued. Certainly there was a sort of chill associated with the idea of something needing to take place at night, but Joseph himself had always preferred late nights to early mornings. He chuckled, joking easily* Marietta, you aren't here to try and seduce me, are you..? *He gestured to the door shutting, saying presently* At least let me offer you a drink first. *That was doubly amusing to him of course, but he merely turned to get them both drinks regardless of whatever her true motives were. He would look at that law again in the morning. Stilling at the bar while she spoke, he blinked and said with incredulous, exasperated amusement as he turned around, thump still thumping against her glass.* I'd love to know where you heard that. Your information has an uncanny way of being accurate. *So he nods; it doesn't matter if it was leaked, in fact the truth was, that he had not been laughed off was a good sign for his chances. He turned back to making drinks, his voice higher naturally as he carried it over the sound of ice dropping with chipping into the glass* Indeed, I am considering it. Marietta: *she laughed, biting her lip and then shaking her head as she mouthed a quick 'no'. No, not at all. Stranger to seduction, she was not, but this was not the case. In fact, it was precisely because she couldn't and wouldn't, that she was here. Yet she had to reveal everything leisurely for she did not want to scare him away* But I will take that drink. *Brackners had liquor cellars in the basement that were replenished monthly. They were all fond of the drink. She grinned, pleased to know she was right, but then again she had never doubted it.* Oh, that's my job. *Most people were adept at court gossip, others in Ministry gossip. She was good at both. Casting a glance at the book on his desk out of curiosity, he turned to face him, or rather his back as he continued to prepare the drinks, before she spoke* Then I would add further points for your consideration. It is not as droll as it sounds, though you will have to bear with me as it does have the possibility of being quite...*she deliberated which word to use* affront. Joseph: *Grinning at her light laugh, he shrugged a shoulder, looking at her with a genial, light-hearted smile of his own. She was there for apparently an important discussion, weighted in it's delicacy and need for careful expression. No stranger to serious, delicate matters, he still found them always easier with a smile on your lips. Taking a few steps towards her at the dismissive wave, he said courteously* Then you deserve a promotion, m'lady. *Then he took his own drink and his own sip, nodding absently and then letting his eyebrows go up with her last remark. Cupping the glass as he lowered it, he used it to gesture at a more comfortable lounge chair for her, moving to sit in his own across from her as he said lightly* Ah, in that case, perhaps it's best we sit down. *He tilts his head curiously at her, saying honestly and cordially* Though Marietta, I assure you, I do not take...affront easily. Marietta: *she took her drink, and raised her pinky as she opened her mouth in a silent 'ah!'* I will remind you you've said that if you're ever in a position to facilitate that. *She took a sip of the drink and oh, was it excellent. Rich, bold, and then a subtle mint at the very end, almost like an afterthought. Fine tastes. She sat down at the chair he gestured to, crossing her ankles under skirts as it had become custom for her to do. Not without some reprimands from her mother, however. Reprimands she shared with her Aunt Flora.* No, most do not and I did not expect otherwise though I merely warn because believe me, it is not my intention. *When Marietta wanted to insult someone, she did and that is not what she wanted to happen here.* Joseph: *Taking his own sip, it was  slow and restrained, knowing he would need his wits. Marietta was a fine woman--no, a fine Lady, and with it came his certainty of her brilliance, her resourcefulness, and her willingness to duplicitous. Nodding at her assurance, he found himself smiling in simple enjoyment of her.* Marietta, if I can assure you I will strive not to be offended, will you tell me what you came her to tell me? Though I admit to a certain delight already at this conversation, delicate matters tend to be the sort with numerous facets to explain and I am eager to hear your proposal. *He took a sip, gasping only briefly, lips twitching* It is a proposal, isn't it? As I am certainly not one you report to--and have not won anything yet...*he tilts his head* So either you have advice, though unsolicited, or a proposal. Marietta: *He continued to prove to her exactly why she knew she was making the right choice. Joseph was cunning, smart, and not without wiles of his own . It came with being a politician, no doubt, but there are certain skills even the most practiced of Ministry officials lacked. She smiled over her glass and instead of taking another sip, she brought the glass to rest on her lap* You are correct, indeed I do. *she nodded and began* I believe you'd be a reputable candidate, Joseph. You've an impressive position in the Ministry already, you come from a respectable and wealthy family, and if I might be so bold, you're simply brilliant. *she tilted her head* But, the Lord of Devon is also a man of grand standing, however questionable certain practices of his are. *Questionable was too kind a word, but that was not her point.* More importantly, he'll immediately have one thing you'll have some difficulty in acquiring, which is the support of his entire court. You need allies, Joseph. The support of a Lord of indisputable honor, one that has not lost standing or respect, due to the proclamation, and one that, with his influence, would facilitate and bring you the support of other lords. *simply* My father is that Lord. Joseph: *He tilted his head, listening closely to everything she said, an understated smile permanently fixed on his lips, though admittedly unusually it was genuine. It didn't move despite his natural distaste towards hearing of Lord Edwin, and he decidedly set his glass against the plush arm of his chair* So...it is both. Advice and a proposal, with a bonus of an impressive amount of subtle, careful flattery. *He folds the tips of his fingers together, bending forward, delighted more and more by her, waiting and then lifting his neck* Very well, you have my attention and interest  Marietta. *His hands gesture away from him with his amused smile and the general mocking air of a child awaiting the end to their favorite bedtime story*  How should I secure your father's assistance? Marietta: *she grinned* Oh, now you flatter -me-, m'lord. *But she was pleased to hear him say so. Who didn't enjoy having their abilities spoken of in such esteem? She took another small sip of her drink as he deliberated for a few moments, delighted to have his attention* By securing the future of his eldest daughter, and at the same time take care of another of your disadvantages. *raises her chin slightly, her heartbeat accelerating as she neared the true reason she was here* A respectable candidate needs a respectable wife, particularly a candidate who might, appear untrustworthy due to his supposed inability to commit, or worse, appear disrespectful of tradition to those of more conservative inclinations. Joseph: Did I? *For the benign way he posed his offhand question, it was completely calculated. She knew that, and he knew she did...oh, this certainly had potential. Fingers brushing against his lips as he listened; the moment she started, he had come to the same conclusion she did, though he carefully weighed her continuing reasons.* Marriage? *His brow popped up. The amusement in his tone made it clear he instantly began considering it; she was correct on many accounts. As she finished, he chuckled under his breath, amused in how she handled his preferences, and gratified a tad she was already aware. He nodded slowly, then dropped his hands to rest on his knee* You make fine points, Marietta. Though...*he looked back up at her, considering her for a moment* I do have a few reservations. For one thing, as I'm sure you know...there are marriage duties we could not neglect. *he bit his bottom lip, trying to speak as lightly as she, though serious now* Our families would expect a child. And then perhaps more immediately of import: I would need to trust you will support my policies, which far as I'm aware, I have not disclosed, nor have I heard you disclose yours. If you imagine I seek this position to reassert supreme pureblood power...*he shakes his head* Then you're mistaken, however much I will respect our history and rights. Thirdly, Marietta, and I am most curious on this point--how precisely does this benefit you? *he arches a brow slowly, still smiling* You are a beautiful woman with incredible wit, wealth, position in your own right...and a powerful name and father. If you must marry, you feasibly could have anyone--why should you desire me, when you clearly already know certain delicate truths about me? Marietta: *He had not dismissed the notion immediately and that was more than enough for her to continue with her proposal. She listened to his reservations as he called them. All viable but none she hadn't considered.* I am aware an heir would be expected, and I had a fair guess as to what your policies would be. I do not oppose them, and you'll find we share similar beliefs. *she nodded- that had taken a bit more digging to verify but she had to thank her cousin for that. Leah was very partial with those she called friends, and they all had one aspect in common. As the conversation turned to what she had to gain from this union, she smiled, pleased to hear his compliments stated as facts -for that was what it was- and then nodded before she spoke* I never wished to marry, in fact, for a time I was quite adamant that I would not. I have done very well for myself without it so far, but most people are immediately distrustful of a beautiful unmarried woman, especially given my age. Pride must be set aside, and that is quite a difficult task of a Brackner, I assure you. It is most beneficial for me and my work to cease appearing as a threat. But much more personally, Joseph, you won't find me wanting on certain delicate truths of my own. *she paused, and then took a drink to steel herself. It took trust to receive trust, and she knew that she must be the one to give it first in this situation for she was intruding on his personal and professional affairs. She looked up at him once more* Have you ever been in love, Joseph? Marietta: And I have no intention of being used. *smiles again* So you see, this can work quite nicely. *It was true, she did not want a husband nor friend she could use, but one that she could help and in turn help her. A husband that she didn't have to deceive with her...preferences. Preferences he seemed to catch on to quickly, but she never doubted he would. She nodded to confirm it to him and then waited for him to answer her question, smiling at the end* I've had the pleasure and horror, yes. *she chuckled to herself* Love is a wild and entrancing thing. And I was 18. It's been 8 years and can you believe I remember it like it was yesterday? *she smiled as the memories seemed to dance past her mind, flickering on and off repeatedly* Her name was Carrie. She was a maid in my home. She was beautiful, truly. Even my brothers with their feelings of superiority could not deny it. She was as smart as a whip, quick to laugh and joke, easy to talk to, just this great...person to be around. *she smiled again before she forced herself to continue on* It was a wonderful summer, despite the suitors that had been approaching me. *she waved her hand dismissively* But to get to my point, one night, my brother Frederick caught us kissing. I begged him not to tell father but...he was a boy of 16, he thought Carrie was the one at fault. "Its wrong, Etta" he told me. "She's put you up to this, hasn't she?" I was crying, I made him promise not to tell, that I would stop, I wouldnt do it again. I had no intention of keeping my promise and neither did he. I woke up the next morning and she was already gone. I am told that she did not think twice about taking the money. She took it, and left, and did not ask of me. My father even secured her passage to America, because London just wasn't far enough. *she had been clinking her nails against the glass; she had not noticed until now. Stopping herself, she looked back to Joseph* I thought my parents would not even want to speak to me. But mother was understanding, she did not force me to wed as my father wished. Though I was angry with all of them, and angry with Rick especially. It took me a long time to forgive him, and things have never been the same. *she licked her lips as she felt them drying* So you see, if I am to marry, you are my best choice. For I would not be deceiving you, you would not be deceiving me and there is no chance for disappointment or misunderstanding. I could not trust this to any other man. Joseph: *He went very still as she spoke, finding himself stirred in an odd way he couldn't bring name to fully. It crossed his mind for only a moment that the story could be untrue, for her honesty was clear in the emotion and beyond him accepting her proposal, she had no cause to lie. Sympathy clouded his gaze prematurely, already guessing the end--relieved that this Carrie at least was alive, for he knew the more extreme reactions possible. His voice was weighted in stark contrast to her deceptively light tone.* I am sorry for your trouble and loss, Marietta. Family...does unfortunately often lack the understanding of friends. *He was not surprised to hear it was Frederick--Joseph was consistently disgusted by his and his friends explosive, provocative rhetoric. Swallowing to unstick his throat, he cleared his gullet with a quick gulp and gasp.* I also am gratified by your trust. If I had a story to offer in return...*he presses his lips together* I would. Instead I can only say I understand entirely the pressure felt to deny an essential part of  yourself. I took years to admit to myself what I desired and the rumors spread may seem playful..but they are not. They are maliciously set by disappointed lovers who falsely believe I could change. *he exhales, nodding* If we proceed..I can promise I would not deny you whatever pleasure you seek elsewhere, though obviously we both should need to be discreet. You would not have to hide. *he swallows, getting it now, why she would choose to approach him, but finding no words to express the innate understanding. Instead, he says lighter* I would want to proceed properly however, thus I need first to speak to your father. *...Joy. Cyrus Brackner was definitely high on his list of easy-going, lighthearted approachable men. Ha.* You say I would find we align in politics? What do you think of the proclamation and it's implications Marietta? Marietta: *she nodded softly, accepting his sympathies. It had been a long time ago but speaking of it again was much more difficult than she had thought it would be. But, she wanted to demonstrate trust. Even if he did not accept her proposal then she could at least trust that he would not reveal her secret to anyone else. It was true what he had said, friends were truly understanding. Ariadne had been her rock during that time as much as Etta had been to her friend during her own horror. Yet it could be worse; she escaped rumors. Her father was incredibly apt at keeping secrets. And more than that, it was not as if she hadn't engaged with men. It served her quite well often, in fact.* The same way I would not deny you, of course. *She smiled sincerely, his acceptance and understanding bringing her a relief she had not previously known she'd been hoping for. Lips twitching, she nodded* I do not envy you that. No man does, I'm sure. *But she knew her father would be agreeable; he was getting what he wanted for her. A pureblood marriage, absent apparent scandal. As the subject turn to politics, her mood lightened. That she could talk about consistently, though now she had the rare opportunity of being truthful* I think it a bold move, but one that was long past due. We need to continue to grow forward and we could not have done that by keeping to such archaic methods. Everything's in shambles right now because of it, of course but a look at any revolution throughout history would show the exact same. Our numbers are dwindling, our families already so complexly tied to another that it's only a matter of time and generations before we find we're all related to one another. By accepting muggleborns as one of us, then our group grows significantly. Centuries ago, all of us, pureblood or not, were being hunted down and burned. We were united then, we could be united now, even absent common enemy. So I suppose you could say instead of being pro-pureblood or pro-muggleborn, I'm simply pro-magic. Joseph: *He let the conversation move forward without another hesitation, believing she would not wish to dwell on her past and he did not wish to discuss her father until he had time to...plan. ...Significantly. Besides, he enjoyed debating politics honestly--what politician didn't?--and found his smile only growing as she continued.* Well said. *It was perhaps condescending praise, reminiscent of a father patting their daughter on their head, but Joseph did offer it that way. He was merely impressed with both her morality and simultaneous clear ability to navigate the intricacies of this political land mine that was Lord Damocles proclamation. He spoke candidly.* I agree it is a necessary step, though it did make Faye the literal battleground for this war of civil rights. Around the country, the law was approached in a more restrained manner, or outright ignored until the proclamation here--no doubt the reason for Lord Faye's unilateral action. Other counties were forced to go along or face the previous Minister's legal authority...*While musing, his fingers traced the mouth of his glass.* And I was proud of him that day for it. Yet it is a dangerous game we all play now...*his eyes lifted to Marietta, saying softer, but just as firmly* I would be grateful for an ally. Marietta: *she nodded in agreement, knowing very well that court had become altogether too dangerous and that was very literal. She thought of the murders and the robberies and almost frowned. Alas, it was a necessary part of it, as she had already said.* If he had handled it any other way, the repercussions would not have been strong enough to bring about a change. *she nodded again and smiled as he turned to her. She lifted her glass towards him* Lord Culpeper, the eyes and ears of the ministry are yours. *her lips twitched before she added more sincerely* And you have my full support, whether you choose to marry me or not. Joseph: *She was right; the sad truth about revolution was the dicey ground, the opposition to change that so easily could turn to violence, as it already had. He took another drink. Then he set the glass down, lips flicking up at her promises, nodding courteously for show.* Lady Marietta, of House Brackner, I humbly accept and appreciate both. *his lips flick* And you will have an answer soon. *brow arching a little higher as he adds* I do hope regardless of my decision as well, we will remain friends. I will keep your confidence regardless, Marietta. Marietta: *There was no denying the man was suave, and Etta liked that. He was truly a delight* I shall await patiently then. *she set her own glass, half finished out of her habit for keeping up appearances. She smiles again and nods* Of course. And thank you, Joseph. I did not believe you would, nevertheless, it eases the mind to hear you say so. With that said, I'm afraid I can no longer keep you from your law books. *she gestured to the book on his desk with a lazy wave, grinning teasingly as she stood* Joseph: *he chuckled as she stood and nodded with a teasing, good-natured groan* I was afraid you would say that. *He stands as well, as was polite, setting his own glass down to follow her to the door cordially, saying as polite and charming as ever* Have a good evening, milady. It has been a most interesting, and hopefully fruitful, delightful evening. Marietta: And you as well. *she grins and then curtsied for added effect* M'lord. *she waves her fingers afterwards too, before opening the door and walking through, closing it after her. Pausing for a brief moment, she inhales through her nose and allows the breath to leave her mouth slowly, the better to relieve the small bruise she felt had just formed over her heart. Raising her head again, she proceeded to walk back to her chambers, all but dreaming of her bed now*
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter six: 4} frederick, marietta, & ariadne.
Frederick: *walking down the hallways of court, he’s on his way to speak with Joffrey when he finds himself in front of his sister instead, wondering briefly how it was that she always managed to appear out of nowhere* Sister, now’s not the time. Marietta: *smiles* Nonsense. There’s always time for family *she takes his arm and then motions to a sitting room* Come, there’s a couple of things I wish to speak to you about. Frederick: *rolls his eyes as he’s basically pulled along by his sister to the room, turning to look at her as she closes the door and then awaits her with raised eyebrows* Well? Marietta: *takes a piece of parchment out of her dress and then unrolls it before passing it to him, her expression dire* Read it. Frederick: *taking the parchment, he passes a hand over his mouth, frowning, his eyes narrowed* Marietta: *breathless* Tell me you didn’t know about this. Frederick: *snaps* Of course not! *huffs and shakes his head, taking a step closer to her* Where did you find this? Marietta: Never mind that, I have my ways. Frederick: *snorts* Okay. *purses his lips together* …have you shown father? Marietta: He would never believe it. Least of all from me *tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, clearing her throat afterwards* If this is true- Frederick: If. That’s a very big ‘if’ Marietta. *warningly* Marietta: Nevertheless, this is alarming. Ariadne and I are already doing as much as we can in our positions- Frederick: *snaps* You trust that halfblood with this?! Marietta: *snaps right back* I trusted her before you! You’d do well to remember that. And if you ever say anything against her again- Frederick: *waves her off* That’s not the point! This is a delicate matter, the less people that know, the better. Marietta: Well, we need your help. *eyes still narrowed* Frederick: *rolls up the parchment and hands it back to her* I’ll see what I can do. Marietta: *hides it again and then nods* I’m not quite finished. Frederick: You have even more news? *exhales* Marietta: No, not exactly. Just a question- where were you last night? Frederick: *simply* Speaking with Lord Dominic regarding some matters…*eyebrows raised* Why? Marietta: Because, when the fire started…and Damocles, the knights and some lords were leaving, it looked like a few lords were coming in. Frederick: *shrugs* Hardly cause to worry. Marietta: Unless the murders from yesterday aren’t Mitchell’s fault at all. Frederick: *rolls his eyes and grits his teeth* Really Etta? Really? I know you’ve always been fond of the man but he’s a murderer! Marietta: Innocent until proven guilty, Frederick. I know you as well as some lords would rather that be the opposite, but the law of this land- Frederick: I piss on any law that gives a muggleborn murderer even the slightest chance of walking away free for his heinous crimes. Marietta: So you piss on justice then? Bravo, Frederick. Really. You might as well just pull out your cock right now and start aiming at everybody. Frederick: Eloquent as always, sister- Marietta: You’ve always hated Mitchell, you’re blinded, but I’ve had seven years of dealing with hard cold facts, dealing with ministry officials, with lies and deceit- and I don’t believe Mitchell is responsible. Frederick: So who is? *eyebrow rises*…what are you implying? Marietta: That a handful of Lords arrived at court minutes before Damocles and the knights left, that a few of the same are ill today and won’t come out of their chambers, that it’s a bit too convenient to have found letters- Frederick: *eyebrows rise* You think this was all part of some elaborate scheme? Marietta: I don’t discount anything. That’s why I’m good at my job. Frederick: *snorts and then crosses his arms in front of his chest* Etta, still your tongue. You’re going to get yourself in a world full of trouble if you start accusing lords on a mere whim. Marietta: I’m not accusing anyone. I merely asked where you were last night. Frederick: …*eyes narrow* Do you believe me capable of all that you just listed above? Marietta: I believe that I would do anything to further my cause, and that’s exactly what I’m doing right now. I believe you would do the same *eyebrows rise* Except your cause happens to be the exact opposite. Frederick: That’s rich, Etta. Thank you for your vote of confidence. Marietta: Ariadne- Frederick: Yes, please, give me more of her unfailing wisdom. Ariadne: *walks in with her eyebrows raised, lips quirked slightly before closing the door behind her as well, locking it* Keep your voices down, you’re lucky I was keeping watch. Frederick: *wryly* I should have expected you’d be close behind. Ariadne: Mmh, but you didn’t. *smirks slightly and then shrugs her shoulders, turning to Etta* You deviated. Marietta: *sniffs, pursing her lips and glaring at her brother* I was only concerned for my little brother. Frederick: *coldly* Thank you for your concern, sister, but I assure you, I’m quite alright. Ariadne: We’re expected elsewhere, Marietta. Frederick: *turns to look at Ariadne* You don’t order her anywhere, Hardy. Marietta: *snaps* Frederick- Ariadne: No, I don’t presume to order anyone about. *tilts her head* Isn’t that your duty? Frederick: *corrects* M’lord. Ariadne: *lips flick in annoyance before she repeats distastefully* M’lord. I was merely offering reminder. Frederick: Which is not in your place to offer in the first place, nor speak when your superiors are in the middle of a conversation- Marietta: Frederick Chaucer Brackner, so help me- Ariadne: *lips flick into a pleasant smile* Permission to speak, m’lord? Frederick: *eyebrows rise* Granted. Ariadne: Were you meeting with Lord Dominic before, or after I was finished conversing with him? *challenging* Frederick: *purses his lips together, eyes narrowed* I do not know, when were you speaking with him? Ariadne: *grins* Oh, I would say right until the fire, then he had to leave. Frederick: *simply* Before, then. Marietta: *bites on her bottom lip for a moment* So where were you? Frederick: Business which doesn’t concern you, any *gaze flicks to Ariadne* of you. Ariadne: Hmm, I see. Well, I’m saddened that you would so quickly assume a man’s guilty. Frederick: *mocking* Saddened, are you? Ariadne: Oh, devastated. *eyebrows rise* Frederick: I wasn’t aware you were so acquainted with the man, as well. Ariadne: *lips twitch* I don’t believe I’ve said anything to insinuate I am. Frederick: Yet you are, nonetheless? Ariadne: Yes. Frederick: *grits his teeth together* And the other two men now believed to have helped him? Ariadne: Briefly. Frederick: *snorts* Any other muggleborns you know of we should worry about? Ariadne: I wouldn’t know, m’lord. *eyes narrow* What would you define as worrying? *tilts her head* The mere fact that they’re all muggleborn- Frederick: I would- Marietta: *huffing* Stop. Frederick: *ignoring his sister* So I should assume you also believe his innocence? Ariadne: *pretends to be flattered* M’lord wants my opinion? My, this is a nice change. Marietta: I said enough, both of you! *glares at them both* Ariadne: *simply* Yes. Mitchell is capable of many things; willful murder of his friends, never. *shrugs before she says idly* Willful murder of his enemies, however? *lips twitch* That’s an entirely different issue. Frederick: *eyes narrowed* Something we have in common, then. Ariadne: Something everybody in this room has in common…m’lord. *eyebrows rise and then she turns to the door again* I’ll be waiting by the foyer, Marietta. Marietta: *nods, watching her leave and then turning back to Frederick with a glare on her face* Frederick- Frederick: Don’t start sister. That was me behaving. The next time she speaks to me like that, she might not be so lucky. *moves past her, going to the door himself* Marietta: *repeats* Where were you, Frederick? Frederick: *scoffs* I was off plotting the doom and destruction of all muggleborns in the world. *turns to look back at her* Is that what you wanted to hear? *eyebrows rise before he simply opens the door and walks out, slamming it shut behind him*
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter two: 1} marietta (& miah)
november 1903
Perfect pink lips pressed softly against the young man’s willing mouth, a cascade of vibrant red hair falling over Marietta’s shoulder and tickled the man’s bare chest, causing him to chuckle softly against her lips. Marietta pulled away with a small smirk on her face, which upon second inspection quickly turned into a perfectly demure smile. Leaning up on his elbows, the blond haired young man passed his fingers down Marietta’s bare shoulder blades, taking his time looking over her soft skin; how easily it turned from a light pink, to white, before returning back to her natural hue as he sunk his fingertips in.
“Are you sure you have to go?” he breathed out in a murmur that Marietta almost didn’t catch. She chuckled, looking down at the silk sheets of the bed before lifting her gaze up again, catching the brown-eyed stare of her companion.
Marietta sighed and then pressed her lips against his once more, letting him take her bottom lip into his mouth, eyes fluttering as he sucked on it, before pulling away again, placing a hand on his chest. “Depends, are you willing to deal with my father if he should find out?” The subject of her father, of any of her male family members, was enough to still the young man into defeat. Laying back down on the bed, he groaned and buried his head in the pillow causing Marietta to chuckle once more. “Etta,” he began, ready to complain but she simply pressed a finger to his lips to quiet him. “Don’t. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she leaned over again, pressing a small kiss to his ear before whispering, “bright and early,” she traced his tongue with her ear and then nibbled on it, “at the Ministry.” Finally, she turned his head to capture his lips in a final, deep kiss. Her lips moved against his, mouth parted as she accepted his tongue, yet not too shortly after, the young man’s actions slowed until they stilled completely and his head fell back on the pillow, asleep. Marietta pulled back, sighing and then fixing her specially altered lipstick with her finger, using the same finger to poke the man, ensuring he was fast asleep. Satisfied that he was, Marietta stood up, and dressed leisurely before putting on her cloak. Walking towards a wooden desk, she tapped her wand against the tabletop in rhythm, causing a drawer to pop open for her. Humming a cheerful tune under her breath, her slender fingers sorted through the papers casually, letting a small ‘ah’ pass from her lips as she found the particular document she was looking for. Laying it out, she took out another blank piece of parchment and laid it next to it. Bringing her wand up again, she muttered a spell as she waved it over the document, and then once more over the blank parchment, smiling in satisfaction as the words were copied.
Rolling up the official document once more, she placed it in the drawer, closing it shut once more as she hid the parchment within her person. Putting the hood over her cloak, she ventured towards the bed again, tilting her head as she looked upon the sleeping man, almost feeling sorry for him. The poor soul wouldn’t remember a thing, but at least he would wake completely satisfied. Smacking her lips, a small tribute and applause for her creative work in potions and magic, she waved her fingers at him before turning around and walking out of the door.
Leah: *walking up to the fence at the field, she arches an eyebrow with a sudden grin as she sees him and wraps an arm around the post and she watches for a moment before saying happily, teasingly* You're doing it wrong.
 Mitchell: *drawing his bow straight back, both eyes firmly focused on the target as years of practice had him capable of aiming without needing to close one eye, as he releases the practice error, not wanting to waste any of his real ones and watches it pierce the target straight at the bullseye. As he hears a familiar voice he turns around grinning* Am I? Enlighten me of my mistake then. *eyebrow wiggling as he picks up another arrow from his quiver, nocking it on his bow* Am I just simply doing it too perfectly that it's considered wrong? Be honest, now. Don't spare my feelings. Leah: *laughs under her breath and shakes her head at him with an eyebrow arch* ...well no. If you were doing it too-perfectly you could hit the arrow you just shot. *she gestures and turns around--half swinging around the post and hopping up on the fence, sitting on the edge* Go on. Impress me. *brow wiggles* Mitchell: *eyebrows rise as he grins* A challenge! I accept! *he turns back to the target, drawing the bowstring again as he aims carefully, keeping the wind speed and direction in mind before he releases, following through and grinning widely as the arrow goes straight through the first one, splitting it in two as it hits the bullseye* You owe me an arrow, love. *he walks over to the target quickly, taking out the arrow and picking up the pieces of the arrow he had just pierced, jogging over to where she was sitting on the fence and then shows it to her* Ta da! Consider it a token. *grinning* Leah: *shakes her head, honestly impressed--though not wholly surprised--and she just exhales, swinging her legs as she sits there and then grins as he comes to her, and just takes the arrow* ...you know it's not fair that you can do that. *Arches an eyebrow at him amused* I don't suppose you could teach me how? *grin flicks, her hand sliding down the arrow and she exhales again* And did you have a prize in mind? Mitchell: why not? there are a lot of things you can do that I consider unfair. I'm just trying to keep us balanced darling, don't upset the balance of nature further than it already is. *lips twitch* It's for that reason I cannot teach you. *teasing* You know perfectly well I can't teach you that, it's instinct, you got to have it. *wiggles his eyebrows* No prize that I could mention in public without being flogged senseless, no. *grinning* Leah: *she exhales in amusement/frustration, brow arching at him higher* Oh really? Name a few? *lips twitch in delight as she suddenly laughs* The balance of nature? Mm, sweetheart I think your ego is in serious need of deflating...*looks around them, biting her bottom lip & then gestures with her head to the nearby woods* ...duel? *brow wiggles & then she laughs, genuinely delighted at that* ...of course, you should keep that to your self then. I wouldn't want you to be flogged on my account. *brow wiggle* And for the sake of decency, and all. Mitchell: Like your ability to resist my charming ways, that's rather unfair. *teasing as he puts the unbroken arrow back in his quiver and then laughs once, shaking his head immediately* Another unfairness! You can beat me at swordfighting. Though, granted I never had proper training but still...very unfair. *lips twitch* Any chance to bruise me, huh? I wished you could consider an alternative *brow wiggles teasingly* Right, because I am the very paragon of decency. Leah: *grinning* What can I say.. I like it when a man means what he says. Sincerity isn't a vice to be put aside for the sake of charm. *lips twitch* And..damn I haven't had a decent match in ageees. Everyone acts like they have to go easy on me because they're scared to hurt me. *eye rolls* And that's what they say when I win, too. *scowls* I need to find a way they won't know who I am...*hmms deliberating and then brightens at the last remark* Naturally. You wouldn't want me to think you had anything but the best intentions of course? Mitchell: I am deeply, deeply, insulted- nothing but the truth leaves this lips *points to them, grinning afterwards* Your mission in life is just to wound the male ego, isn't it? *teasing before he laughs once* Wear a helmet then, m'lady. And armor that covers your...feminine, assets. *lips twitch, before he grins* My intentions are the best in the most dishonorable way, naturally. Leah: *laughs* I'm sure. *head shakes disbelieving* Shall I make it up to you then? *brow wiggles and then she grins wickedly at the comment* Yes, exactly. I get rather sick of the male ego on a daily basis, whichever direction it comes from. *winks at him and purses her lips amused* ...my, feminine assets? *lips twitch* Why Mitchell Stone, I didn't know you could be coy. Mitchell: Oh *taking a step closer to her, resting his arms on the fence on either side of her* Please do. *eyebrow pops and then he chuckles, shaking his head at her* A wonder you still enjoy our company...well, I'll rephrase, my. company. *grins widely* What? Are you going to give me a hard time for not being rude? If you want me to refer to them in a vulgar manner, I can, just for you. *smirks briefly, before he shrugs, tilting his head as he hmms* Yeah, it's a new feature, do you like it? Leah: *grins in delight as he moves in, and she straightens up purposefully, eyes still locked on his, hmming lightly* Not in public, love. *wiggles her eyebrow and then snorts, rolling her eyes once* I have plenty of male friends beyond yourself, charming as you are. *lips flick* I must just be a masochist. *grin flicks and then she laughs honestly* No, I was just surprised...as you shouldn't honestly be referring to them at all, of course. *trails off tilting her head and then hmms in delight* I do actually. Subtlety is also not a vice. Mitchell: *tsks before he sighs sufferingly* I'll behave if I must. *lips twitching before he grins at her as she snorts, rolling his eyes briefly at the small mention of her having 'plenty' of guy friends* Fine, but I'm the best and don't you dare deny it. *grins* You are, but then again I've always liked that about you. Possibly because I'm a masochist myself. *his grin widens* You're right, of course, because that would insinuate that I was looking at them. *licks his lips as he tilts his head, deliberating staring at her eyes for a few seconds, afterwards his gaze flicks down for a moment before returning to look at her as he grins and wiggles his eyebrows, laughing once* It isn't?...Then why am I partaking in it? *blinking in 'confusion'* Leah: *mms along with him sufferingly* I have a feeling you'll live you know. *lips purse in amusement as he rolls his eyes, her brow wiggling teasingly* The best? Are you? Hm. I don't know, I quite enjoy spending time with Joseph you know. *tilts her head and then her grin flicks at his remark and as his eyes drop for a moment, and she hmms, nudging him with her knee muttering* Naughty boy. *head shakes and then she says lightly* Because...you were looking to improve your image for a moment? Mitchell: No, *shakes his head* I'll survive, but I won't live. *grins before he nods* The very best. Not even dear Joseph *keeping himself from rolling his eyes* could hope to compete. Unless it was a hair-combing competition, then he'd probably take the prize. *eyebrow wiggling in delight as she nudges him with her knee* Oh but, you like me just the way I am, why would I want to change? *lips twitch* Leah: *she laughs and shakes her head* Well, then you'll just have to wait to live. Or at least we have to relocate to somewhere my father, or anyone who reports to him, couldn't potentially walk in. *tilts her head and then her lips purse in amusement as she admits drily* ...while I fail to see why personal hygiene is a vice either--that's...true. *she reaches up and brushes a strand of his hair back, arching an eyebrow* You could brush your hair more often too...*she pauses, hand still lingering a second before dropping and saying with a softer grin* ..but you are right. Mitchell: *eyebrows arch momentarily and then chuckles, shaking his head briefly as he comments, lips twitching briefly* We're going to have to relocate to another country then, love. *grins* Keeping hair clean and combing it excessively is not the same thing. *grin widens as she brushes a strand of his hair away and then shrugs* Why? Are you telling me you don't want to run your fingers straight through it? *lips flick in a softer grin as well* Of course I am right. I like being right. Say that again for me? Leah: *she sighs and shakes her head amused* Well there are worse things. Where should we go? *teasingly and then she shakes her head, bemused, hand fixing her own hair now as she contemplates for a moment and says decidedly* Not even a little bit sweetheart, so sorry to disappoint. *groans in frustration, tipping her head back and looking skywards before looking back down and shaking her head, saying lightly* About that one thing. Nothing else. I wouldn't celebrate being right once every twenty years, it just looks sad. Mitchell: Anywhere, everywhere, as long as it's out of this damn island. *lips twitch* And somewhere warm would be nice, with more stable weather. *chuckles and then he licks his lips, tilting his head slightly* At all? Well, I suppose there's no reason for me to have hair, guess I'll just shave it off later. *shrugs before he wiggles his eyebrows, chuckling at her* Nothing at all? You wound me yet again. Remind me again why I enjoy your company? *teasing* Leah: *lips twitching and she nods in agreement* Oh...now that I could get on board with. I wonder...do you want to see America at all? *exhales, smiling, and then laughs in surprise* ...don't, your poor head will get cold. *lips twitch as he continues and then she hmmmms, straightening, looking around to insure there is no one else around on the field, eyes trailing over the grounds for a moment and then she looks back down, locking eyes with his for a second, before she leans in and kisses him just once, shortly, pulling back teasingly* Good enough reminder? Mitchell: America? *contemplates this, tilting his head to the side* Yes...I'd like to see it. In any case, I hear they are much more vulgar. *lips twitch and he shrugs* It certainly is far away enough anyways. *grinning wider* Well, alright, if you insist. I'll keep my hair, though now I will pry your fingers away from it if they ever stray there, fair warning. *lips twitch before he grins briefly, kissing her back for that brief second* Well, that's certainly one of the reasons but *eyebrow wiggles before he chuckles and then sighs* You tease. Leah: *grinning* I have always, wanted to see it. Though I have it on good authority the streets aren't actually paved with gold. *shrugs a shoulder* *happily* It just seems like there...it doesn't matter who you are, they accept you. *lips twitch and then groans* Oh of course that's why you'd want to go. *nudges him again and then shakes her head, jaw dropping open a bit as her hand lifts again, teasingly inching towards his hair* ...why, exactly? *exhales in delight at the remark and she nods* Says the man who proudly proclaims he teases about everything. Mitchell: where on earth did you hear rubbish like that? *laughs once, shaking his head before he nods* Yeah...though if the stories of Salem are true...*shrugs* Well. It's been a while anyways. *lips twitch, grinning in delight as she nudges him again and then he tilts his head away from her hand, chuckling* Becausee you belittled it not two minutes ago, who do you think you are? *wiggling his eyebrows teasingly before he grins softer* Not about snogging, not usually anyways. Besides, I do the teasing, not vice versa. Leah: *she chuckles* An old friend. *lips twitch and she nods reluctantly* Oh but wasn't that..something like two hundred years ago? *lips twitch* Besides even if it was still true, there I'd be just as in danger as you...*she leans a little closer* Much more so actually, I'm the witch. *tilts her head, lips pursing as he tilts his head away from her and she purposefully, rather quickly runs her hand through his hair before dropping it, brow wiggling and then exhales frustrated* I'm not allowed to tease you now? Oh, that won't last longer than five minutes. Mitchell: Something like that yes *nodding before he chuckles softly, tilting his head in agreement* I suppose. Though, despite it all, I much rather be over there. Then again *lips twitch briefly* I suppose anywhere but here...*chuckles before he protests half-heartedly as she runs her hand through his hair* Oi! Hey- see, I told you, you couldn't resist it, little liar. *eyebrow wiggles before he grins* Hmm, I suppose you're right. Of course, it would last longer if I just plainly walked back and kept practicing my bow. *lips twitch* Leah: *happily shaking her head* You've been saying that for as long as I can remember. *exhales* But you wouldn't leave without me, would you? America's such a big place to be there without someone you know. *chuckles lightly, teasingly and grins, dropping her hand and shaking her hair* I wasn't lying. I'm merely proving a point. *exhales and says lightly* ...if you really want to pull away from me... *lips twitch* Mitchell: I don't have horse. *lips twitch, amused with himself privately as it was the second time that day that he'd use the excuse and then chuckles* And well, I suppose I also don't have the money to buy passage on a ship. *grins softly and then he shakes his head* I wouldn't, not without saying goodbye at least...but I despise goodbyes so that's probably why I'll never leave. *lips twitch* You're always proving a point and it almost always is to prove me wrong. Not much fun for me. *exhales, blowing a strand of hair out of his face* The last thing I'd want, love, but seeing as how we're behaving, it might be in our best interests. *lips flick in a small amusement* Leah: *she laughs and shakes her head* I can get you a horse you know. And passage for a ship. *exhales* If you weren't too stubborn to accept it. *she pauses as his grin softens and her smile flicks slightly and she shakes her head stubbornly* ...no. We...won't ever have to say goodbye. *swallows tightly* Ever. *she pauses as he continues and then laughs lighter, more genuinely* Great fun for me though! *brow wiggles and then she shakes her head with a sigh, pointedly heavy, so as to..accentuate her form so near to him* ...ah, well, when you put it like that... Mitchell: You could get me a goblet made of diamonds and rubies love, doesn't mean you should. And I wouldn't accept them because I was stubborn *sniffs, and shrugs, adding lightly* Just proud. *lips flick again before he purses them, refraining from commenting for a moment before he just says teasingly* Guess you're just stuck with me then. *lips twitch again before he chuckles* As long as you're having fun, I suppose. *wiggles his eyebrows before he looks around briefly, turning to her as he licks his lips* Then again...we could go further into the woods for ah...dueling. *wiggles his eyebrows again* Leah: *lips twitch, shaking her head* That seems to me like it'd be an excellent waste of diamonds and rubies. Which, while being fairly useless on their own, diamonds also happen to be quite useful as a hard surface, so...*lips twitch* I'm sure I can think of something else more useful. *she exhales and then nods in reluctant agreement with his statement about being proud and then suddenly grins a bit and mirrors* Guess so. *she pauses as he continues, her gaze casting to the woods and she chuckles under her breath* Oh sure. *hops off the fence, careful to only juuust brush up against him and cocks an eyebrow at him* Now you want to go. Mitchell: *laughs* Please don't tell me you're considering having a sword made out of pure diamond because I have to say, that would be too much for both your father and Lord Stuart combined. *lips twitch, shaking his head before he grins as she hops off, eyebrows wiggling as she brushes up against him and then turns sideways to gesture to the woods* What can I say, I'm having a whimsical day. Oh well, after you, m'lady. *smirks once* Leah: *lips twitch and she laughs just once* Well, no steel has always been perfectly good enough for me...but oh, that would be rather interesting. *her gaze follows his hand and she blinks once, an annoyed look crossing her lips as she starts walking that way, still looking over her shoulder to insure they aren't being watched or followed and then shakes her head muttering under her breath, rather pointedly* You get too much enjoyment out of calling me that, Stone. *turning to him as they enter the woods, her arms still folding on her chest* You really do. Mitchell: Rather interesting? *scoffs once, shaking his head* For someone who so refuses the female stereotype, you sure do love your pretty and shiny things, darling. *wiggling his eyebrows as he follows her into the woods, grinning* Only partial enjoyment, believe me. *walking closer to him* And Stone? Well, well, have I done something wrong here? *eyebrow popping* Leah: *lips twitch, mimicking his words* Guess I'm just whimsical, sweetheart. *she chuckles just once and then tilts her head* And I think swords are pretty. Pretty is just...personal preference, isn't it? *teasingly* They're also shiny..*she grins as she turns her head to look at him, mming, saying teasingly* ..Yes. You have. How do you intend on making it up to me? Mitchell: There's a fine line between being whimsical and fickle, love, I'd make sure you weren't crossing it. *brow wiggles in amusement as he teases* Uh huh, says the person with a jeweled dagger. *grins before he wraps his arm around her waist to pull them together* I have an idea. *lips twitch once before he leans down to cover her mouth in a deep kiss, moving his lips against hers* Leah: *lips twitch* I'm never fickle, that I can promise. *she exhales in delight as he pulls her into him suddenly, her grin widens as she looks first at his lips and then up at his eyes as he speaks, and she just nods once, one arm wrapping around his neck, the other sliding up his neck into his hair as she does so and then leans into kiss him back, her mouth opening under his eagerly, hand slipping into his hair and brushing it gently, teasingly, provoking as she presses herself against him*She was equally satisfied, but for a completely different reason.
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