#mariko krei
kathrynalicemc · 2 months
Update: The Return of Mariko, Again..
So I’ve got like one and a half weeks of school left and then I’m back!! I recently got back into the hpma game and I’m in such a hpma mood. Yesterday I decided I’m going to bring Mariko back but I’m going to change her again. She will be Chinese instead of Japanese because of a fc change. A post about her will come soon 👀
Also I went to check her old profile and her birthday was April 2nd 😂😂 the coincidence. It’s fate and she summoned me ig
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kathrynalicemc · 2 months
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Introducing (again): Mariko Krei! + unnamed bro
She’s pretty much the same as my last remake of her but she’s now half Chinese instead of Japanese and has a new fc. She’s also in HPMA now. I think she will still have the story of her memory being obliviated but I don’t know why or how. And yes RDJ is still her dad. Haven’t decided on the mom yet. He’s from San Fran, she’s from China. Somehow they end up moving to England lol. They are both up for friends and ships although I’m debating Ivy for Mariko.
Yes I stole them both from ATLA live action 👀
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kathrynalicemc · 3 years
Harry Potter Golden Era MC Profile
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Name: Mariko Krei
Gender: Female
Age: 16 (year 6)
Birth Date: April 2nd, 1980
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half Blood
Sexuality: Lesbian
Ethnicity: Japanese/Caucasian mix
Nationality: Japanese, American, British
Residence: Cambridge, England
The Mage
Wand: Beech wood, Phoenix feather core
“The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond his or her years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. Such wizards and witches, having obtained a beech wand without having been suitably matched (yet coveting this most desirable, richly hued and highly prized wand wood), have often presented themselves at the homes of learned wandmakers such as myself, demanding to know the reason for their handsome wand’s lack of power. When properly matched, the beech wand is capable of a subtlety and artistry rarely seen in any other wood, hence its lustrous reputation.”
Animagus: None
Misc Magical Abilities: Talented in wandless magic
Boggart Form: Being all alone without a family
Riddikulus Form: All her family and friends suddenly jumping out from hiding places and yelling surprise
Amortentia: Tea, parchment, rain, cherry blossoms, a perfume that seems familiar that she can’t place
Patronus: Red Crowned Crane
Patronus Memory: Walking down a street in Japan as a child with her father as cherry blossom petals fall all around her, with vague blurry shapes of two other people nearby
Mirror of Erised: A hazy silhouette of what looks like a woman and a teenage boy who she doesn’t recognize
Specialized/Favourite Spells: She loves practicing wandless magic in combination with her martial arts skills. Specifically using wingardium leviosa to make leaves and flowers float in the air. She does it as a sort of meditation
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Faceclaim: Sakura Heffron
Game Appearance: N/A
Height: 5’9”
Physique: Tall, athletic, graceful
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Modifications: She has freckles mainly on her nose and a few on her cheeks.
Scarring: N/A
Inventory: Some Japanese ink brushes she uses instead of quills, her wand, keys to her 1966 Arcadian Blue Mustang (when old enough), a tiny cherry blossom branch encased in resin she can’t remember when she got, biker jacket
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Mahoutokoro House (if she went): Shunrai
Dumbledore’s Army
Professions: unsure yet
Hogwarts Information
Quidditch: Keeper
Extra Curricular: Chess club, Frog choir, Martial Arts
Favourite Professors: Flitwick, Mcgonagall
Least Favourite Professors: Snape obv
Father: Dorian Aloysius Krei
Fc: Robert Downey Junior
-Half Blood wizard
-Works as a Chemistry professor at various Muggle Universities
-Has taught in Japan, San Francisco, England
-A huge nerd
-Kind and goofy
-Supportive of his daughter
Mother: Ume Nakai
Fc: -
-House: Seiran
-Works as a Samurai/Hit Witch for the Japan Ministry
-Uses magic and martial arts to track down and handle dangerous dark arts users
-Upholds the Japan Ministries Codes: Don’t use dark arts, don’t break the statute of secrecy
-Very skilled in martial arts
-Protective of her family
Brother: Jomei Nakai
Fc: -
-House: Yosamu
-Older than Mariko by 10 years
-Decides to join his mother as a Samurai/Hit Wizard when he graduates Mahoutokoro
-Gentle and intelligent
-Good at reading others emotions
-Looks after his mother because he knows she misses her husband and daughter
-Good magic dueler
Love Interest: Luna Lovegood
Dormmates: Padma Patil, Sue Li, Cho Chang
Pets: A bowtruckle she found in a tree by the lake. She named it Kijin meaning tree spirit
Closest Canon Friends: Luna, Ginny, Hermione, Neville, Fred & George
Closest MC Friends: Lara Fairbourne, Mal Ridley, Aimee Alice
Dorian Krei got a job as a Chemistry professor at Tohoku University after graduating from Ilvermorny. He was interested in alchemy but wanted more knowledge so he decided to get a Muggle job and education. Living in Japan he eventually met Ume Nakai and after a few years they got married and had Jomei. Ume was the Japanese equivalent of a Hit Witch. Her job was dangerous and their family was usually at risk from vengeful dark wizards. They decided it was best to not have any more kids. However, 10 years later they accidentally had Mariko.
Disaster struck when Mariko was 6. In the middle of the night a Dark Wizard that Ume had arrested broke out of prison and into their house. He tried to kill the family but Ume and Jomei fought him off, being forced to kill him in front of Mariko and Dorian. Afraid it would happen again, Ume tells Dorian to take Mariko and move away to protect them as Dorian isn’t a fighter and Mariko is too young. Jomei refuses to leave his mom all alone and decides to become a Hit Wizard as he had just graduated from Mahoutokoro and was a very good fighter.
Mariko was too young to understand and was very upset when told she had to leave with her dad so Ume obliviated her memories of herself and her brother. Dorian was against this and tried to argue but Ume said it would help protect her. Dorian moved back to his hometown San Francisco and transferred to the University there. He raised his daughter as if her mom had died when she was a baby. He despised lying to her but knew she was happy and healthy. Before Mariko turned 11, Dorian got a job offer at Cambridge and they moved to England. Mariko started school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1991, the same year as Harry Potter.
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-She’s very kind and warm to people
-Curious of the world around her
-Intelligent and seeks to learn new things but doesn’t like to show her intelligence off
-Helps others
-Will fight for her freedom to choose and have control of her own life
-Admires her father but doesn’t want to take over his business
-Won’t be told how to be or what to like
-Loves excitement and adventure which can get her in trouble
-Feels like she needs to keep her dad happy because he’s sometimes quiet and sad
-Active and trains her body as well as her mind
-Mariko means “truth”
-Mariko names her bowtruckle Kijin. Ki means “tree” and Jin means “spirit”
-She’s born in April when cherry blossoms bloom
-She was brought up bilingual and knows both English and Japanese
-Mariko can see thestrals and it scares and intrigues her because it means she has seen death she doesn’t remember
-She doesn’t know that Dorian and Ume keep in contact with letters
-She will eventually run into her mom and brother during the Battle of Hogwarts and have her memory restored
-Dorian and Mariko use Dorians last name while Ume and Jomei use Umes last name
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