#marina dolmek
Hi!! How are you fellow ace person? I came across your blog recently and um in love! Could I request some fluffy headcanons for Marina from Fear and Hunger with a male S/O? Preferably in a scenario after the ending where everyone survives the Termina festival? Thank you <33
Ps. Love your writing style! have a nice day/night :]
Hello fellow Ace Person! I am doing well! And you most certainly can request some! Also, thanks for the compliment! I do try and hold myself to a particular standard of quality.
(I wish there were more high quality Marina .Png's)
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Marina Dolmek sat on the living room sofa with her arms crossed and a scowl carved onto her face as she glared at the coffee table.
Oh how she despised those nightmares of hers.
Still… it’s to be expected after… everything that happened in Prehevil.
The things she saw in that place were going to stick with her for the rest of her life.
Everyone in her little family of mutually adopted crazies would say the same.
Even now, as she looked out the window, she could see the lights in their homes flicker.
Marina was happy.
It had been five years since Prehevil by this point.
Their group had rode the rails for days, until the train ran out of coal to keep itself fueled.
Then they got out, and walked.
And walked.
And walked.
Eventually, they came to this place.
It was small, and out of the way but still had modern amenities with it being semi close to a port city.
After learning that, it was decided.
Everyone called for what living family they had.
Getting Marcoh’s sister was perhaps the most… complicated of the retrievals…
However, it wasn’t anything they couldn’t handle.
Especially with Levi having an actual marksman rifle as opposed to some beat up, barely functioning pistol.
But, despite how much her and Marcoh’s sister hit it off talking about girly things, that was not what she enjoyed most about getting her out here.
That honor goes to her meeting you when their group got back.
She admits she doesn’t remember much about what happened.
As it turns out, using the magic of a new god called “The Tormented One” a bit too much can cause some… backlash.
Nothing too bad…
Just her feeling like her skin is being flayed off, her blood boiling, and her skull is being cracked open by massive fists.
Still, Marina was a tough girl, and she only screamed a little…
Okay, a lot.
Nonetheless, after she felt normal again, she woke up to see the person who took care of her the entire time she was… indisposed.
That person was you.
From there, she took an interest in you.
She didn’t know why.
Mayhaps the dredges of the long dead Sylvian brought the two of you together?
If so, she would have to thank her in some way.
And maybe do the same for the Tormented One, if a bit spitefully.
“Can’t sleep?” your groggy voice shook Marina out of her thoughts.
“Not really, sorry if I woke you.” Marina responded.
“Hmmh.” you grunted in response as you sat next to her, placing your head on her shoulder.
“Marina?” You muttered.
“Yes?” Marina responded.
“I love you.” You told her drowsily.
“Awww! I love you too!” Marina cooed, happy you were probably too asleep to notice the blush on her face.
You were not.
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