#markethive wallet
confidant · 2 years
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tipco613 · 8 months
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New Post has been published on http://cryptonewsuniverse.com/2023-entrepreneur-one-bonus-fulfilled-2024-e1-bonus-opportunity-closing-soon-dont-miss-out-the-markethive-quest-will-make-history-will-you-join-us/
2023 Entrepreneur One Bonus Fulfilled 2024 E1 Bonus Opportunity Closing Soon Don't Miss Out The Markethive Quest Will Make History Will You Join Us?
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2023 Entrepreneur One Bonus Fulfilled. 2024 E1 Bonus Opportunity Closing Soon. Don’t Miss Out!  The Markethive Quest Will Make History. Will You Join Us? 
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Markethive is unyielding in its pursuit of innovation, striving for excellence in creating a groundbreaking platform that surpasses conventional social media and marketing tools. By prioritizing user experience, Markethive integrates advanced technologies that enable efficient broadcasting, expanding your reach and influence. Markethive's newly introduced Wallet, which serves as a comprehensive financial and accounting center, draws comparisons to a bank due to its capabilities, assets within it, and high level of security. 
By embracing the cottage industry concept, Markethive creates opportunities for individuals to achieve financial independence within a sovereign and merit-based environment. This unique concept is entrepreneurial at its finest and is exclusive to Markethive, but its impact extends beyond the platform to the broader online community and cryptocurrency domain.
Markethive Has Delivered
Markethive, as promised, has delivered a highly complex, unique financial system unfathomable to most. This system is robust, impenetrable, and represents the future of serving entrepreneurs worldwide. Our progress has been made possible by the unwavering support and contributions of the Entrepreneur One community and ILP holders.   These individuals recognize the tumultuous state of the world and believe that Markethive's vision holds the key to freedom of speech and financial independence for those who embrace its framework. By leveraging Markethive's tools and systems, businesses can flourish, and individuals can secure a brighter future for themselves and their communities.
The Entrepreneur One members (E1) also gain advantages from Markethive's generosity through the Initial Loan Procurement or Incentivized Loan Program (ILP), positioning themselves for long-lasting financial prosperity through the income generated by Markethive's retail products. Markethive's various sources of revenue will supply the funds required to make interest payments to E1s and ILP participants.
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Entrepreneur One Loyalty Bonuses
Accordingly, Markethive rewards the loyalty of Entrepreneur One members by granting them annual bonuses in the form of ILPs. Note that the 2023 bonus of one whole ILP to each E1 associate who has maintained their subscription for the past 12 months has been credited to your wallet. 
The 2024 bonus, which consists of one full ILP and 1000 Hivecoins, was recently announced. This reward will be given in January 2025 after a 12-month period. Only Entrepreneur Ones are eligible for this initiative, but for a short time, free members can upgrade to an E1 membership for $100 per month. To qualify for the bonus, members must maintain an active subscription for 12 consecutive months, and they will receive one complete ILP and 1000 HVC in January 2025.
You have until January 31st, 2024, to take advantage of this offer and secure an Entrepreneur One subscription, making you eligible for the bonus. Time is of the essence, as less than two weeks remain before this opportunity expires.
It’s important to note that Markethive does not engage with prominent venture capitalists to secure funding. Instead, we depend on our community, as we prefer to contribute back to the community. The ILP can be likened to shares in the company. The only difference is that it functions as a loan from you to Markethive, considered an assumable note. Since it is a debt instrument, it is not subject to taxation.
Despite the significant advancements we have achieved in the advancement of our system, there are still crucial elements that require completion before we can proceed into the retail products phase. These products will yield substantial profits for Markethive and its entrepreneurial contributors. Thus, your assistance is still vital to help us reach this goal. 
Entrepreneurship Threatened
Entrepreneurship is being threatened throughout the world by a collectivistic ideology of the 1%. The global elites are infiltrating governments globally with the imperative to assist them in their quest to fix the issues in the world, such as poverty (among other matters), with the notion of equality, diversity, and inclusiveness. 
However, they are killing the free market and pure capitalism. Not cronyism, which, unfortunately, many believe is capitalism, but true capitalism in which entrepreneurs thrive. An entrepreneurial world fosters growth of all kinds: personal, industrial, financial, and creative. It also encourages critical thinking, freedom of expression, sovereignty, and liberty for all. This attempt at oppression in Western countries, where freedom is sacrosanct, has been in execution for decades, with an awakened minority daring to stand up to them and their corruption.      One Historic Speech That Says It All
Several speeches and quotes throughout history have deeply moved global society and invoked a sense of wisdom in an attempt to change the world. However, these speeches have been brushed aside by the evil globalists, who are virtue signaling well-being for humanity while actively devising the complete opposite.  
President John F Kennedy had a profound impact on citizens across the world as he stood against tyranny and fascism. He was a true leader and humanitarian who cared for society but couldn’t do it alone. He asked his fellow Americans, “We the people,” to join him in a stoic effort to defend Freedom so that civilization could enjoy the blessings of a fruitful life. The following is an excerpt from President Kennedy’s heartfelt speech in the Inaugural Address in 1961. 
"…Now, the trumpet summons us again. Not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need. Not as a call to battle, though in battle we are, but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle year in and year out, rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, a struggle against the common enemies of man ― tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself. Can we forge against these enemies, a grand and global alliance?  North and South, East and West that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind. Will you join in that historic effort? 
In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility; I welcome it. 
I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion, which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. 
And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you but what together we can do for the freedom of man. 
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standard of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience, our only sure reward with history, the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on Earth, God's work must truly be our own."
– J F Kennedy. Inaugural Address, – January 20th 1961
The essence of the passage above correlates with Markethive and its Divinely inspired vision to provide a haven for freedom of speech, personal and financial sovereignty, and a God-given right to prosperity, abundance, and well-being.  We are the generation chosen to fight for and deliver this vision in these dark times. 
In the spirit of what President Kennedy said to his congregation, the energy, faith, and devotion we bring to Markethive’s endeavor will light our ecosystem and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. Additionally, ask of us here at Markethive the same high standard of strength and sacrifice that we ask of you. 
Thomas Prendergast, founder and CEO, has dedicated his life and every last penny to the Markethive vision, a truly selfless undertaking to lift entrepreneurs and restore the spirit being stripped away by oppressive measures. We boldly declare our determination to remain unyielding against oppressive rulers in the international arena. We refuse to be deterred by the ideologies of communist regimes or the ambitions of the global elite seeking to establish a new global order. So we ask of you, will you join us in this historic effort? 
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So, Will You Join Us In This Historic Effort? 
Every one of us is engaged in this shared vision of a global entrepreneurial sanctuary that champions individual freedom. Many of you have been indispensable in shaping our journey thus far. We've made tremendous strides in building this system and are now on the cusp of sharing it with the world. However, we require additional support to realize our vision fully.
We need more of you who possess the power to drive us forward by obtaining an Entrepreneur Account or reinstating your existing Entrepreneur One account. Alternatively, you can also purchase an extra Entrepreneur One account. Together, we can reach new heights and make a lasting impact on the world.   
Remember, by subscribing to Entrepreneur One, you are lending funds to Markethive and supporting its mission to create a cutting-edge platform that will revolutionize the way we network and do business. As a subscriber, you'll play a crucial role in shaping the future of entrepreneurship and reap substantial financial rewards for your commitment and perseverance.
We look forward to sharing the prosperity of this groundbreaking giant in the tech, social media, marketing, and crypto industries with all of you at Markethive. Providing financial support is to be a voice that persistently advocates for freedom, autonomy, critical thinking, and expression. Rather than surrendering to obscurity, we are constructing a realm that illuminates the path and unites entrepreneurs and fellow visionaries to establish a more ethical and transparent business environment. ― An ecosystem that contributes to your livelihood and empowers you with financial freedom.
May God grant us all with wisdom, faith, and serenity.  
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    Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.
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deb-markethive · 8 months
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(via 2023 Entrepreneur One Bonus Fulfilled. 2024 E1 Bonus Opportunity Closing Soon. Don't Miss Out! The Markethive Quest Will Make History. Will You Join Us? )
Markethive relentlessly pushes the boundaries of innovation to deliver a trailblazing platform that outperforms traditional social media and marketing tools. Markethive has followed through on its commitment to provide a secure wallet. This cutting-edge system is robust and secure and represents the future of serving entrepreneurs worldwide.  As a token of appreciation for their loyalty and backing, Markethive has also awarded Entrepreneur One members with the promised 2023 bonus of one whole ILP.
We've made tremendous strides in building this system and are now on the cusp of sharing it with the world. However, we require additional support to realize our vision fully. This article explains the 2024 E1 bonus, reinforces the Markethive vision, and the importance of nurturing and solidifying entrepreneurialism in a world plagued with tyranny and corruption. Read the full article…
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markethiver · 2 years
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randykopplin · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://randykopplin.com/strategies-used-to-increase-crypto-market-value-and-then-theres-the-markethive-way/
Strategies Used To Increase Crypto Market Value - And Then There's The Markethive Way
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Strategies Used To Increase Crypto Market Value –  And Then There’s The Markethive Way 
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Well-known Cryptocurrencies use a method to keep their market value high. It is also an attempt to offset inflation. This is called Coin Burning. That means when a sizable quantity of a coin’s supply is extracted, that coin encounters a heightened demand resulting in the price of the coin rising. 
There are a few different coin burn strategies being used and since most coins are experiencing similar price changes, it’s difficult to determine which strategy is receiving better results. The different approaches being used are explained below.
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Burning The Circulating Supply
Numerous cryptocurrencies burn coins that are in circulation. This means they remove coins that are being traded or held by investors. In this case, the company that issues the cryptocurrency buys it back from the coin holders and exchanges.  
Binance does this a few times a year. It’s 7th coin burn eliminated 830,000 BNB or $16 Million this way. VeChain and Tron use a model resembling Binance also. One distinct advantage of the strategy is that the size of the burn is mostly determined by market forces and price action.
Burning The Non-Circulating Supply
Occasionally the practice is to remove coins that are not in supply, meaning coins that are allocated to team members, early investors, even the project itself. For example, EOS burned an account containing 34 million EOS which equates to $150 million following a community vote. 
In all probability, it’s easy to burn large amounts of funds like this, as the funds in question are usually located in just a few large accounts. But since these coins are not in general circulation, this type of burn doesn’t have an effect on the market or price. 
  Burning During Each Transaction
Burning coins during every transaction is another model some cryptocurrencies use. VeChain burns 70% of its VTHO tokens which are used to pay for transaction fees. Notably, VTHO tokens are not VeChain’s primary VET coin. That gets burned via buybacks.
Ripple follows a similar strategy. It burns about 0.5 XRP per minute, which adds up to more than 250,000 XRP per year (this is subject to change). This strategy has a few things in its favor. It’s very easy to coordinate, and it shouldn’t have any unexpected results since it plays out slowly.
By spreading small burns across many transactions, this strategy should prevent any short-term market cap drops. It should also reduce confusion and misunderstanding among investors, thereby preventing secondary effects such as “panic selling” and other irregular activity.
Unofficial Burns, Dead Addresses, Lost Coins
Bitcoin and Ethereum are not issued by a central organization or project. These coins are mined by a community, so there is no group capable of planning an official coin burn. Instead, rules and algorithms prevent too many tokens from being created in the first place.
With that said, wealthy groups can take it upon themselves to carry out a burn. Antpool, a popular mining pool, began to burn Bitcoin Cash transaction fees in 2018. There was some controversy though, and plenty of disagreement over whether this was a legitimate way to boost Bitcoin Cash’s value.
Coins can also be destroyed inadvertently. This occurs whenever individuals lose access to their wallet addresses. There are estimates that suggest that up to 3.8 million BTC has been permanently lost. Even if this is accidental, it is effectively the same as burning 20% of Bitcoin’s supply.
  Price-Targeting Burning 
Tether and other stablecoins have fine-tuned their burning strategy so as to achieve a specific price. These types of cryptocurrencies continually burn and also create tokens resulting in the price of the stablecoin is always around the $1.00 mark. 
This model isn’t generally applicable to other sovereign cryptocurrencies. Tether relies on the U.S Dollar as collateral. This allows it to achieve stability. The full process is quite complex, however, Tether’s coin burns fundamentally reflect the fact that U.S. Dollars are moving out of its reserves. 
What this means is that the coin burns do not dictate, but reflect Tether’s stability. This being the case, most cryptocurrencies cannot target prices as accurately as stablecoins do. But even stablecoins experience minor price fluctuations as their burns cannot always contend with market activity.  
  Are the Coin Burning Strategies Working? 
I believe it’s safe to conclude coin burns are not harming crypto prices. I think the organizations relying on coin burns would cease the practice if it had any negative results. But so far they have stuck with their strategy since the beginning.  So there you have it. There are a number of different ways in which certain cryptos are attempting to keep their currency deflationary and increasing the value. Markethive has another unique system that will stimulate great results for its holders of MHV (Markethive Coin) 
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  The Markethive Way
Markethive has a Consumer Coin. (MHV) There is great Purpose and a complete Ecosystem of products and services built around this coin. The Markethive Coin is being utilized within the Markethive Exchange via Infinity Airdrops, faucet systems, and bounty programs that reward the user for any and all activity on the platform. Furthermore, MHV can be used to buy products and services within the Markethive environment from individual sellers and the company itself. So the coin is used within the commerce of the system creating an eternal economic velocity. 
The Markethive Coin is not dependent upon speculative value as is the case with many other cryptocurrencies and platforms and is a fundamental difference to the other systems out there. The Markethive system has been developed to produce revenue in the traditional sense with the added benefits of the blockchain taking it to the next level. The revenue is a vehicle that is used to buy the Markethive Coin back in the free market so it can be redistributed into the economic vortex of the system. 
  What Else Is Coming? 
Another portal that will be implemented in due course is designed to burn the coin. This is a good thing and will be extremely valuable to all associates in Markethive. To burn the Markethive Coin means pulling it out of the marketplace, so there’s less supply. The less supply, the greater the demand, which in turn increases the price of the coin. Piqued your interest? 
More information about this will be delivered as and when it comes to hand. To keep up to date with the progress of Markethive and the ingenious implementations that will benefit all of us, join us at the weekly meetings held on Sunday Mornings at 10 am MST. These meetings are hosted by the CEO, Thomas Prendergast, and CTO, Douglas Yates. The link to the Markethive Zoom Room can be found in the menu at the top of your markethive home page under Calendar.
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Attendance at the live meetings (which, by the way, are not recorded) is constantly improving, however, as Thomas stated in last week's meeting if we can get 100 people to this week's meeting (Sept. 8th 2019) he will reward every single person that attends 100 MHV. Now that's a great incentive! See you there! 
  As passionately reiterated by Thomas Prendergast,
“Everyone in Markethive is going to prosper and become wealthy because of what we are doing. Early adopters will obviously have a really big head start, but this is going to continue on for every single person, even if they join up in 10 years from now. Markethive will always be built on the premise that nobody gets left behind.” 
The future is bright for us as Markethive takes all the steps to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Markethive Ecosystem. The MHV Coin will inevitably increase in value, securing your success and prosperity within the realms of Markethive and beyond.
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      Deb Williams Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 
Website: https://markethive.com  Token Site: http://markethive.io/  Telegram: https://t.me/markethive_support  Twitter: https://twitter.com/markethive/  Github: https://github.com/markethive /   Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/markethive/   Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/markethive Medium: https://www.medium.com/@markethive Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/ Telegram News: t.me/Markethive LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/Markethive Facebook: https://facebook.com/MarketHive Youtube: https://youtube.com/Markethive
    Randy Kopplin
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dorothydelgadillo · 5 years
The "Not-so-fine" Art of Juggling it All [MarketHer]
It's been almost two years since we launched MarketHer.
In that time, I have changed roles at IMPACT, learned a great deal about who I am (even at 41, I'm still learning who I am), and have learned a few tricks along the way on balancing work life with family life.  For those who have followed the show, you know I have three kids and this school year, was by FAR, the craziest for me.
My 12-year-old son has been playing hockey since he was three, but this year was the first he played club and middle school.
Two teams, two crazy schedules and the chaos was just beginning.
While his hockey season was starting, my two girls (10 & 7) decided they wanted to try everything. Gymnastics and dance have always been the primary, but we threw in horseback riding, after school sports, tutoring, etc. I'm usually pretty level-headed with too much is just too much, but this year I had a hard time saying no. 
And this is just the family part. 
At IMPACT, we were also in the thick of a bad structure change! My head was spinning!
Fortunately, we are now through the tough part. Things are settling in nicely with the changes we immediately put in place, and the school year is coming to a close.
Despite feel like my head was spinning and most days I didn't know what day of the week it was, we made through another year.  
Here's how I "barely" managed to do it and my advice to others: 
Keep Calm
In my 20s and early 30s, I had a very hard time keeping calm.
If I got a flat tire, washer or dryer broke, I lost my wallet... pretty much any little thing that happened seemed like the biggest nightmare ever.
I thought the world was ending.
Living paycheck to paycheck back then just made matters even that more dramatic.  TalentSmart conducted research with more than a million people, and found that 90% of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress in order to remain calm and in control. 
Whether at work or in your personal life, the difference between calm and chaos, truly, can make your break your relationships or your career. 
Go to the Gym!
Most of the time, being calm, cool, and collected is easier said than done.
Hands down one of the very best things I have done for myself to handle tough situations calmly is simply starting my day at the gym.
I'm not consistent with it, but I do try and go every week.
Sometimes it's five days a week, sometimes it's one day.
The weeks that I start my Monday at the gym are the most productive and level-headed weeks I have.
I know this is what doctors tell you and 99% of most article say it when you search "how to reduce stress and remain calm," but seriously, it works! 
Learn How To Communicate Better
For those who've known me for a really long time, know that I can be a hot head (back to my previous thoughts around how I was in my 20s and early 30s). 
Over the last eight months, however, IMPACT has invested a lot of time training the entire company on World Class Communication with Marcus Sheridan and Chris Duprey leading the way. 
I cannot begin to express how much this training has changed the way I work and communicate!
Words matter and how you express yourself, your frustration, your happiness, and gratitude can drastically affect the outcome of a conversation -- and that can make the world of difference during hectic times.
Think before you speak, and sometimes, just take a few days before reacting to anything unpleasant or uncomfortable.
It's OK to disagree or be frustrated with someone, but the words you chose to use in these situations have effects.
EVERYONE has trigger words.
Get to know someone on a deeper level and you are able to figure out what those trigger words are and chose a different way of communicating with someone. 
If you want more guidance on bettering your communication methods, two of Chris Duprey's favorite books on communication are:
Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well 
Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication
Get Support!
My husband is one of my biggest supporters in my life. There is no way I'd be able to do what I'm doing without him.
I have an amazing brother and Dad near me who also help, but my husband's support means the world to me. However, it wasn't always like this.
That goes back to communication, trust, honesty and being vulnerable. 
My husband is in sports radio.
About a year ago, his on-air shift changed to the 10-2 hour (middays) from the afternoon drive, which is 2-6pm.
Had this change not taken place, I'm fairly certain I would have lost my mind, but it took some time to get him to pitch in more.
When my kids were babies, I had my own business so I could stay at home with them.
Jason (hubs) got very accustomed to this and it took years to get to a place where I didn't have to ask for help at every corner.
It doesn't happen over night, but after lots of tears, talks, fights, and learning how to communicate more effectively, I can happily say that we are in the best spot we have ever been in the 19 years we have been together.  
If you are a working mother, you NEED a support system.
To get that, you must be very clear on what you will accept and what you will not.
Be direct about what you need help with and what you'd like to continue doing on your own (like me, I have to control the finances or I'd be a hot mess).
Discuss it when you're in a good mood and not in the heat of the moment. 
Now, in case you are waiting to see an episode of MarketHer this week, we have sad news for you!
We had to reschedule one of our awesome interviews with a new guest, so we were unable to get a new episode out in time!
But, this topic of juggling everything is exactly what we would love to talk about.
Whether that be in our Facebook Group, here in the comments OR joining us as a guest on an upcoming show, we'd love to hear your thoughts! 
What are your tips in managing it all? 
Join us in our Facebook MarketHer Group to continue talking about opportunity!  
Have a HOT TOPIC?? We want to hear about it! Submit your topic for your chance to be one of our guests in an upcoming show! Trust me, people WANT to hear your story!! 
PS - we need a new tag line! Have any ideas? Post them to our group page! 
As always, if you have some tips, email us at [email protected]. We will share it on our Facebook page!! 
Listen to the Episode on iTunes
Stay Connected, Get Engaged! 
First, subscribe to MarketHer on iTunes.
Second, have a question or an idea for a future episode of the podcast? Let us know by commenting below, subscribe to our playlist on YouTube, connect with us directly on our channels below, or send us an email.
Angela: LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram Kate: LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram
[NEW] MarketHer Official: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (also Snapchat IMPACTMarketHer)
Or, you can leave us a comment below! Until next week...
We Listened, You Heard, Now, Go MarketHER!
from Web Developers World https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/juggling-it-all-working-moms
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jr11550jr · 6 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/RonKish4
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freedomfaucet-blog · 6 years
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The Proposed Markethive Wallet APP Markethive’s wallet app is multi-purpose. It acts as a wallet, set up to receive Markethive coin, works as a messaging system integrated with the Markethive dashboard for both the news feed and messaging, acts as the 2FA for login and holds the KYC...
Markethive proposed airdrop messaging KYC and 2FA wallet
The Proposed Markethive Wallet APP
Markethive’s wallet app is multi-purpose. It acts as a wallet, set up to receive Markethive coin, works as a messaging system integrated with the Markethive dashboard for both the news feed and messaging, acts as the 2FA for login and holds the KYC keys for membership verification. Operates on PC and Apple PCs, Droid and Apple phones and Tablets.
1. Hive Wallet Balances
The Markethive wallet is a software program that stores private and public keys and interacts with various blockchains to enable users to send and receive digital currency and monitor their balance, with the additional options to send payments through the messaging system. The wallet also receives Markethive auto revenue payments 
2.Hive Authenticator
The initial subscription into Markethive requires a mature social network and a cell number is the second level of verification. But further verification is required to conduct business.  This is where the 2FA process requires  documents that when approved, they are encrypted and the Wallet becomes the only point giving the subscriber the only access to their own privacy
3. Hive Verification
Security blockchain end to end, private key for verification access to the Markethive platform. KYC documentation is stored in the blockchain and only accessed via your wallet with the wallets 2FA. Upon logging into Markethive, the wallet delivers several layers of protection.
4. Hive Messenger
Decentralized messenger, p2p, the blockchain, voice, text, 3+ call ways, groups and channels, built-in whiteboard and desktop share webinar. Encrypted, private, crypto coin transfers, shapeshifter, runs from the wallet. Pays to use it. Reads and publishes to the Markethive Newsfeed.
Find out more about the proposed, developing, and operating leading edge tech we bring to you, to support your environment to build your dreams in our machine. All p[art of delivering Universal Income for the entrepreneur.
Thomas Prendergast Founder Markethive.com
    Susan Bennett
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joanbeaulieu · 7 years
New Post has been published on Inbound Marketing System For Entrepreneurs
New Post has been published on http://altagold.com/trezor-founder-how-a-multi-million-dollar-bitcoin-startup-was-formed-with-45/
Trezor Founder: How a Multi-Million Dollar Bitcoin Startup was formed with $45
  Trezor Founder: How a Multi-Million Dollar Bitcoin Startup was formed with $45
Marek "Slush" Palatinus, the lead architect and CEO of Trezor and its parent company Satoshi Labs, revealed that he started Slush Pool, the oldest mining pool within the bitcoin mining industry, with a $45/month virtual machine. Today, Slush Pool along with Satoshi Labs and Trezor have transformed into multi-million dollar businesses, generating stable streams of revenue and high profit margins.
"I started Slush Pool on $45/Mo virtual machine few years ago and built a multi-million startup on top of it. Not possible today," said Slush.
Over the past few years, billions of dollars were invested in bitcoin and block chain startups by venture capital firms, angel investors, technology conglomerates and financial institutions. Some companies such as Coin base, Gemini, Bitfinex and Block chain have become massively successful businesses, with Coin base becoming the first unicorn startup within the bitcoin industry with its latest $100 million funding round that increased the company’s valuation to $1.6 billion.
However, many innovative and unique companies, applications and platforms such as Change Tip and Lawnmower failed to secure active user bases, stable revenue streams and record profits for their investors. Startups like Change Tip were ultimately acqui-hired by multi-billion dollar technology companies including AirBnb and Lawnmower, which once allowed users to save cash change in bitcoin, rebranded to more applicable platforms.
Lawnmower for instance, is now a block chain assets portfolio management tool, targeting professional traders and portfolio managers looking to expose themselves to a new asset class and invest in bitcoin and Ethereum. Hence, despite the exponential growth rate of bitcoin and the entire cryptocurrency market and alluring opportunities, it was difficult for companies like Trezor, Slush Pool and Satoshi Labs to make it through the bitcoin industry’s early stages. But, companies that were successful in securing their brand and presence in the industry have now become successful companies. Trezor for instance, has experienced an abrupt surge in demand throughout the past two years that in some months, the company was not able to address the growing demand from its clients.
In February of this year, the Trezor team announced:
"With much regret, Satoshi Labs would like to inform you that due to the exceedingly high and unanticipated demand associated with the increase in bitcoin value, our stock at TREZOR Shop has been depleted. We would like to sincerely apologize for this inadequate foresight related to the development of bitcoin value. Production plans have been fixed and this situation should not occur in the future again."
An important takeaway from Satoshi Labs and Slush’s journey since 2013 future entrepreneurs and potential investors must acknowledge that it has become virtually impossible to create or establish companies within the bitcoin and cryptocurrency industries with limited resources. Companies like Coin base and Block chain are aggressively expanding globally with hundreds of millions of dollars in capital and startups like Trezor and Ledger have already established strong presence in the bitcoin hardware wallet market.
For the majority of investors and entrepreneurs, the abovementioned issue can be considered as an advantage as it means that the bitcoin and cryptocurrency markets have significantly matured within a span of years.
Posted by Joseph Young in Bitcoin Analysis, Bitcoin Companies, News
Now I want to introduce you to the BitClub
Most people have heard of Bitcoin but don't really understand what it is.
The most important thing to understand is that there are people making millions of dollars every month mining Bitcoin .
There is now a new company called Bit Club Network that let's anyone get involved in Bitcoin mining.
You don't have to be a programmer, you don't have to buy millions in equipment and you don't have to set up anything.
You buy a share of one of the mining pools and you get paid every day. It's that simple.
Everybody wants a business that pays them everyday residually.
Not only do we have it here, but we also get paid to share it with everyone we know.
Check out the videos etc. and get in touch with me as soon as possible.
Millions of people will be joining from around the world, you're hearing about it first.
Don't miss out, click HERE to get more information.
Ida Mae Boyd HoneyBeeHive 609-641-6594 SKYPE: imboyd681
Joan Beaulieu Markethive Alpha Founder https://markethive.com/joanbeaulieu
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tipco613 · 9 months
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New Post has been published on http://cryptonewsuniverse.com/ilp-awards-for-all-entrepreneur-ones-2023-and-the-future/
ILP awards for all Entrepreneur Ones 2023 and the future
As we move into 2024
1. We have assigned all qualified Entrepreneur Ones the ONE ILP as we promised to each E1 account.
2. We are kicking up the same offer incentive plus 1000 Hivecoins for 2024.
3. We are now building an army of engineers, this depends on your E1 subscrptions. 
4. As our E1s increase the faster we get into revenue and officially get Markethive launched!
Bring your Hivecoin wallet address to our Sunday meeting and recieve a Hivecoin air drop and watch the power of our new wallet.
See you there 10 AM (Denver time) January 14, 2024
Thomas Prendergast
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tipco613 · 9 months
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New Post has been published on http://cryptonewsuniverse.com/great-news-for-entrepreneur-one-members-and-a-look-into-the-future-of-hivecoin/
Great News for Entrepreneur One Members and a Look into the Future Of Hivecoin
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Great News for Entrepreneur One Members and a Look into the Future Of Hivecoin 
Markethive is relentlessly pushing boundaries, driven by the pursuit of excellence in creating a cutting-edge platform that leaves traditional social media and marketing tools in the dust. With a focus on streamlining user experience, Markethive is incorporating innovative technologies that enable effortless broadcasting, significantly expanding your reach and influence.
With the recently launched wallet that is your comprehensive accounting and financial hub, Markethive is likened to a bank. Hence, the level of security is second to none. The cottage industry concept within the Markethive ecosystem will provide avenues to secure your financial freedom in a sovereign and meritocratic environment in a ‘market-verse’ unique to Markethive but extending its influence beyond the confines of the platform and into the broader online community and cryptocurrency realm.
We have made such significant progress because of the unwavering support and contributions of the Entrepreneur One community and ILP holders. The team behind the scenes is deeply grateful for the backing of these visionary individuals who share our commitment to advancing liberty for all people.
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Markethive’s End Of Year Bonuses For E1 Upgrades
It’s Christmas time, and as promised, the 2023 bonus of one whole ILP to each of the Entrepreneur One (E1) associates who have maintained their subscription for the past 12 months will be credited to your wallet in January 2024.
To express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the unwavering support of our esteemed E1 associates who share our vision, Markethive's founders, Thomas and Annette, are thrilled to announce a new promotion set to begin in January 2024. This exclusive offer is a token of our appreciation for your steadfast belief in our mission and your continued dedication to our community.
The incentive for next year is 1000 Hivecoins (HVC), and thanks to Annette, it will include another full ILP! This offering will be delivered at the end of the 12 months in January 2025. The initiative is for Entrepreneur Ones only and any other member who would like to upgrade to an E1 membership of $100 per month. To qualify for the bonus, members must maintain an active subscription for a consecutive 12-month period, and they will receive one whole ILP and 1000 HVC in January 2025.
There's no restriction on the number of Entrepreneur One subscriptions you can own, so you can benefit from multiple memberships. If you have numerous E1 subscriptions, you'll receive the corresponding number of bonuses, such as the ILP and HVC, for each membership you hold. For instance, owning two E1 memberships means you'll receive two whole ILPs and 2000 HVC in January 2025. The more memberships you have, the more rewards you'll achieve.
Alternatively, you can save $200 by upgrading to the E1 with a yearly subscription of $1000, which covers you for 12 months. Note that if you choose the annual option and pay for it a little later in the year, it will be backdated to January, and you will still be eligible for the ILP/Hivecoin 2024 promotion. Please keep in mind that your bonus will be paid to you at the end of the promotion in January 2025. 
Remember, the E1 Upgrade is only available from the company Markethive for a limited time. As we move closer to the official release of Hivecoin, E1 Exchange, and associated implementations within the Markethive system, the Entrepreneur One will only be available to bid and purchase primarily from E1 associates who hold multiple E1 subscriptions, should they choose to sell one via the E1 Exchange (E1X). 
It’s worth noting that 1000 Hivecoin is equivalent to 200,000 Markethive tokens (MHV) currently used within the Markethive ecosystem for micropayments. As Markethive is presently on the Solana blockchain, the Hivecoin is classed as a Token. Once Markethive establishes its own blockchain, which will drive the crypto coin exchange, Hivecoin will be the native token of its blockchain and be regarded as a Coin. 
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What Type Of Crypto Is Hivecoin? 
In a previous article, we looked at the different types of cryptocurrencies and their respective categories. Many of the cryptos mentioned were utility tokens, even though they fall under other categories. For example, Binance and Chainlink are utility tokens, but they are classed as exchange and oracle tokens, respectively.   
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  Markethive's Hivecoin (HVC) is a versatile utility token that extends beyond its primary function to encompass aspects of exchange, payment, smart contracts, and commerce tokens. Its utility is further amplified by its use in various Markethive services, including sponsored articles, press releases, broadcasts, banner advertising, video advertising, and digital advertising on cryptocurrency faucet sites, news sites, the Bounce, and the upcoming Push. Additionally, Hivecoin will play a crucial role in Markethive's gamification strategy, contributing to the overall growth and development of the Markethive ecosystem driven by Hivecoin.
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    The components mentioned above, along with the Premium Upgrade (PUP), are the tipping point for the Incentivized Loan Program (ILP), as they will be extremely valuable in bringing in revenue for ILP holders. The ILP token is a smart contract, as any member who acquires ILPs through the E1 subscription or purchased the ILP outright is essentially loaning the funds to Markethive for its development. 
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    The Markethive Credit (MVC) falls into the category of a stablecoin that serves as the backbone of the Markethive ecosystem's staking mechanism. The more MVC you possess in your Markethive wallet, the greater the daily interest you'll accumulate. The interest rates are influenced by other various factors, as depicted in the image below. On the first day of each month, you'll receive your earned interest in Markethive Tokens (MHV), which will be reflected in your coin clip and detailed in your wallet's Accounting section. 
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    The Markethive Token (MHV) is currently used internally for micropayments. As we make the transition to Hivecoin and listed on the coin exchanges, the MHV will likely be replaced with the Bee Token. It takes 1 million Bees to make one Hivecoin. The Markethive Token is equated at 200 MHV to 1 Hivecoin. 
  What Will The Hivecoin Be Worth? 
A realistic way of determining Hivecoin’s worth in the near future is taking into consideration the circulating supply of cryptos with a similar supply to HVC. If you research Coinmarketcap and click on circulating supply, the cryptos with coin supplies in the billions are priced extremely low. Most are less than a cent, with little hope of gaining real value. 
The cryptos with a circulating supply of millions fare much better—many cryptos of around 70 million range from $7 to $50. Markethive is somewhat modeled after Elrond’s MultiversX (EGLD), which has a circulating supply of just over 26 million with a maximum supply of 31.5 million and is currently priced at $61.56 when writing this article. 
The Hivecoin has a capped supply of 48 million. With this low supply and the genuine use cases  Markethive offers, we can expect HVC to go to $10 – $50 within the first year once we are on the exchanges. Going by empirical evidence, the fact we have a strong community and a real need for Hivecoin, we can justify that. 
So what would 1000 Hivecoin be worth if it was MultiversX? It would be worth $61,560. That's pretty cool, and Markethive is giving that to you for being an Entrepreneur One! Another example is Arweave (AR), with a circulating supply of 65.4 million and a maximum supply of 66 million currently sitting at $11.04, which is $11,040, which is nothing to sneeze at. 
One of the strategies that Markethive will use is to buy back or repurchase some of the HVC tokens using its cash resources from holders at market price. This approach is not novel, as businesses have long utilized self-investment as a means of stabilizing prices (or inflation) in the traditional financial market. 
Hivecoin can profit from the successful and popular buyback approach used in the cryptocurrency market. Binance and Nexo are two examples of successful crypto projects that have employed this strategy to draw investors and deliver tangible advantages. Through a buyback, Hivecoin can offer a compelling and valuable proposition that works well within the system, ultimately resulting in a substantial increase in asset value. This tactic has shown to be effective and profitable, making it a wise decision for Hivecoin's future.
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Empower Markethive's Mission
Markethive is not a drop in the ocean but an entire ocean in a drop. Rather than the ‘seeing to believe’ notion we’ve been brainwashed with, we must practice ‘believing to see.’ By embracing the power of belief, we can unlock our potential and create a brighter future. As a shining beacon, Markethive stands among the best, offering a haven for those seeking sovereignty, prosperity, and growth. To further our mission, we invite you to join us in empowering the people and creating a better world for all. Together, we can make a difference.
Upgrading to Entrepreneur One now is extremely advantageous, as you would receive a sizable bonus consisting of 1 ILP and 1000 Hivecoin. By doing so, you'll benefit from the many products and services exclusive to the E1 upgrade and be recognized as a pioneer in the Divinely inspired groundbreaking initiative, the Lord's Vision, aimed at liberating humanity in a world filled with turmoil.
Merry Christmas and blessings to all! 
This article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as legal, business, investment, or tax advice. Furthermore, however plausible, the contents of this article may include speculative opinions. Of course, there is nothing wrong with speculation as long as its premises are made clear. Speculation is the customary way to begin the exploration of uncharted territory as it stimulates a search for evidence that will support or refute it.
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    Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.
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tipco613 · 10 months
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New Post has been published on https://cryptonewsuniverse.com/the-incentivized-loan-program-ilp-is-a-powerful-way-to-spread-wealth/
THE INCENTIVIZED LOAN PROGRAM ILP is a powerful way to spread wealth
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THE INCENTIVIZED LOAN PROGRAM (ILP) is a powerful way to spread wealth. (Updated)
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Given the ever-increasing Markethive membership, I’ve updated and republished this article from three years ago for all our newer members. Markethive’s Incentivized Loan Program (ILP), also known as an Initial Loan Procurement, is a valuable tool for distributing wealth. The ILP is essentially a loan that adheres to regulatory standards and complies with the UCC Code. This ensures it can be used in various countries without worrying about fraud or money laundering issues. It's similar to a convertible note, a type of short-term debt financing used for early-stage capital raises. In simple terms, it's like a promissory note or an IOU.
Markethive has developed a revolutionary approach to financing projects through the blockchain, offering an alternative to traditional crowdfunding methods. By leveraging the power of decentralized networks, Markethive's Incentivized Loan Program enables the raising of funds securely and transparently, making it a game-changer for entrepreneurs and innovators. As a pioneer in this space, Markethive is leading the way in decentralized debt crowdfunding, providing a new avenue for businesses to access the capital they need to thrive.
ILP holders have a share in the company's success and receive a portion of the profits in the form of interest, which is 20% of the net revenue paid out monthly, and a final balloon payment at the end of the 20-year note period.
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Here is a bullet point breakdown
• The Incentivized Loan Program generates a formally binding and lawful loan arrangement that adheres to the USA UCC code for debt instruments. Since it's a debt instrument, it's exempt from taxation.
• The opportunity is accessible to people globally since lending practices are prevalent in most regions.
• The company can focus on developing tokens with genuine utility and value rather than issuing speculative tokens without practical application.
• Markethive utilizes the debt structure to bring in operational capital, and as a result, ILP holders receive a secure, transferable blockchain token. The total number of ILPs available is capped at 1000, although we are targeted to distribute fewer than that. Each share is equivalent to a single full ILP. 
• Markethive's diverse revenue streams will provide the necessary funds for interest payments, distributed through the ILP utilizing blockchain technology and paid out in Hivecoin (HVC) via the recently integrated comprehensive financial hub called the Markethive Wallet. This cryptocurrency can then be exchanged for other cryptos or fiat currencies through various coin exchanges and, ultimately, through Markethive's crypto exchange platform.
• For as long as the principal remains outstanding, 20% of the net revenue is distributed to all ILP token holders in proportion to their share as interest payments. Following this, a lump sum payment is made after 20 years and can be further extended upon agreement between parties.
• The interest payments will be paid using the ILP Blockchain, which ensures their security, efficiency, and accuracy. The blockchain technology behind it makes tampering impossible.
• Holders of ILP tokens will be able to sell their tokens through Markethive's decentralized, peer-to-peer auction-style exchange, allowing them to dictate the terms of their own exit strategy.
• ILPs can be divided into smaller parts, known as fractions, with a minimum denomination of 1/1000th of an ILP. A specialized internal exchange, the ILP Markethive Exchange, is being developed where members can purchase and sell their ILPs or fractions of their ILPs peer-to-peer. This allows members to monetize their ILPs, turning them into cash cows.
• The ILP token is not based on speculation. It’s based on performance. 
Imminent Growth – Lucrative Outcome
Due to consistent growth indicators from both internal and external sources, ongoing enhancements, and the implementation of integrations that enhance user experience and strengthen our systems' security, we are optimistic about the rapid expansion of our community. Currently, members who upgrade to Entrepreneur One (E1) for $100 monthly are supporting Markethive's efforts to design, build, and implement innovative systems and integrations, and they will be rewarded a thousandfold.
The revenue generated by diverse sources, including the Premium Upgrade (PUP), retail products and services, and the pioneering E1 upgrade, will fund the monthly ILP interest payments. To simplify the calculation and for the sake of this article, let's assume a modest estimate of 5 million members. This allows us to project the following growth…
If 10% of Markethive's 5 million members upgrade to a Loyalty Program at $100 per month, the monthly income would be $5 million. With a 20% net revenue, that's approximately $10 million monthly. When divided by the maximum number of 1000 ILP shares, it translates to a monthly income of $10,000 for each share.  For the holders of 1/10th of an ILP, that represents a cool $1000 per month for a subscription payment of $100 per month. 
As the company grows, the revenue will reflect that growth for a projected duration of 20 years before the loan becomes due, which is regarded as a balloon payment. Currently, one full ILP is worth $10,000, but as the ILP purchases increase or are allocated through the Entrepreneur One Upgrade, the value of the ILP will continue to grow along with the monthly interest payments. 
LinkedIn Statistics 
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Source: Kinsta.com
LinkedIn is considered one of the closest, most targeted, and most socially networked competitors to Markethive, even though it falls short in services compared with Markethive. LinkedIn’s most recent figures suggest it has more than 900 million members with over 58 million registered companies. According to Kinsta.com, in September 2023, LinkedIn’s annual revenue was $13.8 billion, reporting that 39% of LinkedIn users had upgraded to their Premium service. LinkedIn’s yearly revenue surpassed $15 billion in Q4 2023, reflecting 1 billion members, according to LinkedIn statistics. 
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Source: Kinsta.com
Based on LinkedIn’s figures and annual revenue of $15 billion, 20% is $3 billion, and the monthly figure would equate to $250 million. At Markethive, that 20% would go to the ILP holders. Based on the maximum total of 1000 ILPs, that correlates to a monthly income of $250,000 per ILP. 
LinkedIn’s 4-tier Premium plans offer nothing more than greater and deeper access to the data of other members, visitors, searches, and 3+ levels of deep messaging. Their services and, subsequently, annual revenue pale in comparison to what Markethive offers now, not to mention the retail products, services, and integrations in development and imminent release; you can just imagine a potential revenue of 10X that amount, and that is arguably a very conservation projection.  
Markethive is determined to distribute its profits to the Markethive community instead of exclusive stakeholders and Microsoft, who acquired LinkedIn for $26 billion in 2016. In response to the changing global economic conditions, Markethive is actively working towards implementing a business model that prioritizes the community. This model allows individuals without significant financial resources to pursue entrepreneurship and access wealth-building opportunities typically available only to prominent venture capitalists.
There’s Always Ways To Earn in Markethive
At Markethive, we are dedicated to ensuring that our rank-and-file members have seamless access to ILPs, as we firmly believe in making Markethive a company for all. To further enhance the benefits of being a part of our community, we have the Markethive Token (MHV) paid to members for daily activities via micropayments recorded in the Coin Clip. These features provide our members with long-term wealth and revenue opportunities and create a thriving ecosystem where our coin can be utilized to its full potential.
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Creating a “Universal Income” for entrepreneurs. Using our state-of-the-art integrated inbound marketing platform, social network, hybrid AI, business services, e-wallet, coin exchange, mining data center, incubator, and blockchain income platforms for success in the crypto-preneurial and entrepreneurial markets.
View the white paper to clearly understand the Markethive vision and mission and the statistics and milestones achieved. White Paper https://markethive.net/Markethive.Whitepaper.V4.pdf
So, how do you get your hands on your share of an ILP? You can choose from the following two ways…
You can purchase fractions of an ILP with the Markethive Token (MHV), starting with 20,000 MHV for 0.01 ILP, through to one full ILP for one million MHV.   
You can wait for the ILP exchange to be completed and then buy ILPs or shares from other exchange members.
You can purchase an ILP or partial shares from us (Markethive) directly. We sell whole shares and fractions as small as 1/10th for $1000.
In conclusion, Markethive's ascension, community participation, and status as a dynamic social network with increasing daily engagement and interaction on the platform indicate a promising future. As a comprehensive social media platform, Markethive offers indispensable inbound marketing tools for business growth and a thriving cryptocurrency ecosystem, ensuring a steady income for its members. With a successful system and the Hivecoin launch on the horizon, Markethive is set for long-term expansion and revolutionizing how we interact and conduct business online.
Markethive is in the final stages of BETA, offering a unique opportunity for individuals to establish themselves as early adopters. This cutting-edge platform is the future of social market broadcasting, providing a comprehensive system for long-term success, financial independence, and a sense of community. By leveraging the power of Web 3.0 technology, Markethive is revolutionizing how we approach social media, inbound marketing, and eCommerce. Take advantage of the chance to secure your place in this innovative ecosystem designed specifically for entrepreneurs.
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    Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.
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tipco613 · 1 year
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New Post has been published on http://cryptonewsuniverse.com/about-the-markethive-wallet-what-you-need-to-know/
About The Markethive Wallet - What You Need To Know
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About The Markethive Wallet – What You Need To Know
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Great news, Markethivers! The wallet is now installed on the Markethive platform. Markethive has kept its promise and delivered a complete working wallet. This mighty, robust, and secure wallet encompasses all aspects of facilitating your business and securing all your financials within Markethive, like earnings and payments, dividends paid from your ILPs, retail products, etc. 
This is a significant step in the right direction for monetizing Markethive’s ecosystem as it endeavors to ensure and restore sovereignty and financial freedom increasingly being stripped from us by a global authoritarian regime. This article will illustrate what you need to know and do to access the now-operational wallet. 
Understand that access and functions of the wallet are only for Entrepreneur One (E1) members at this stage. E1 members can now retrieve their Hivecoin (HVC) from their cold storage to their hot wallet. (You can do this in preparation for the forthcoming coin exchanges and your 3rd party self-custody wallet.) You can also transfer HVC to other members within Markethive via the wallet. 
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Access The Markethive Wallet
To access your wallet, tap on the wallet icon on your Markethive dashboard (portrayed in the image above). A popup of the wallet will appear on your screen. If you haven’t completed your KYC, you will see a stop sign (pictured below) and a prompt for you to initiate the KYC protocol. You must complete the KYC process and 2FA for access to the Wallets section of the Markethive Wallet. (Note: The 2FA protocol will be installed into the Security section of the wallet in due course.) Meanwhile, you will have confirmed your 2FA when logging in to Markethive. 
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The non-E1 KYC-approved members will see the banner announcement (pictured below) until its full release. The image in the wallet has a link should you wish to upgrade to Entrepreneur One to gain early access and take advantage of all the benefits offered, including becoming a shareholder by securing the ILP (Incentivized Loan Program), which will pay a monthly dividend on the net profit of Markethive’s revenue. The E1 membership will no longer be available from the company once the wallet has fully launched. 
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About KYC And 2FA
In Markethive’s case, KYC is for the community’s benefit of knowing who they are engaging with and not for governmental regulations, unlike exchanges and others.  It assures Markethive members that you are a real person, dedicated to honest and transparent relationships in business and socially. The purpose is to have an active, dynamic, and secure “hive of people.” Note that once KYC is approved, the documents uploaded to attain approval are all deleted; Markethive does not keep these documents. 
The short selfie video required in the Markethive KYC protocol is kept on file so you can retrieve access to your account if you lose it. The admin can verify you with that video if you lose your device and the 2FA app needed to utilize your Markethive account and wallet. You just make a short video requesting access to your account and how you lost access. The video prerequisite is another layer of security to prevent your account from getting hacked. It also prevents members who have signed up but are not verified from hacking or spoofing.   
This article comprehensively explains the 2FA installation and protocol for various devices. Since Markethive introduced 2FA at login, most members have successfully activated it; however, some still need clarification or have issues with it. The most common problem people have with the Google Authenticator app is an incorrect code. If your code is incorrect, it usually means you entered it after it expired. The code changes every 30 seconds. 
If you input your code within the allotted time and it’s still incorrect, it means the time on your Android device is not synced with your local time zone. To remedy this, open the Google Authenticator app on your Android device. In the top right, select More ⋮ > Time correction for codes > Sync now. On the next screen, the app confirms the time is synced.
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Markethive Wallet Security
More and more platforms are utilizing this protocol for security reasons. Markethive has taken it further with its unique, never-been-done-before system to provide the most extreme security that virtually makes it impenetrable. Unlike other platforms, we have a comprehensive financial accounting hub that can be likened to a bank. Your assets in your wallet are precious and, in most cases, can be considered a livelihood.  
You must set up the Markethive security protocol as it is needed to transfer HVC to any other 3rd party wallet once HVC has been officially named and can be listed on various self-custody wallets. More about Hivecoin in a forthcoming article. This security consists of the following: 
Your Security word. 
Your security image and word.
Confirm your 2FA.
Retrieve the code sent to your email on record with Markethive.
The security of such a system needs to be severe and is very necessary in today’s world of massive corruption.
How To Retrieve Your HVC From Cold Storage
The above Markethive security protocol is unnecessary for internal transfers. However, as Markethive is currently on the Solana blockchain, you must have a small amount of Solana coin (SOL) in your Markethive wallet to facilitate the transfers, whether within your Markethive wallet or externally. As shown in the image below, only a minuscule amount of SOL (0.002) is needed to retrieve your HVC from cold storage to your hot wallet balance.  
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First, to deposit SOL into your Markethive wallet, go to your Markethive Wallets section > Go to Solana Wallet > In the drop-down menu, tap ‘Receive Solana’ > Copy your Solana address. Then, go to the wallet where you hold the Solana coin and complete the transaction. Your chosen amount of SOL will be in your Markethive wallet instantly. 
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You can then retrieve your Hivecoin from cold storage into your hot wallet to access your HVC for transactions. Once in the hot wallet, you can transfer to anyone within Markethive, or any wallet you or anyone else has where the HVC is listed.  
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HVC Retrieval Guidelines
Another great reason to have Entrepreneur One status is that E1s have no limit on retrieving Hivecoin from the cold storage to the hot wallet. This drastically reduces the risks of bottlenecks that can occur when restrictions are in place. These guidelines are as follows: 
E1s have limitless retrieval of Hivecoin from cold storage to the hot wallet.
Premium upgrades can retrieve 10 HVC per day. 
Free members can retrieve 0.01 HVC per day. 
Become an E1 Now. Time Is Running Out!
Markethive has built a system that works for the average entrepreneur and will continue to expand and reach new heights with its unique concepts and products. The wallet is now complete and functional for the Entrepreneur One members. You will want to become an E1 when you understand what Markethive is doing with the Entrepreneur One Upgrade. 
It’s Markethive’s vision and mission to spread the wealth with as many who are willing to be part of this. You bless Markethive by upgrading to Entrepreneur One now and be prepared to be blessed a thousandfold. This is your company, your online business, and your home. These memberships will be sought after, demanding huge prices on the upcoming E1 Exchange, and sold by E1 members who understand and believe in the vision with the foresight to acquire multiple E1 accounts. 
Entrepreneur One Upgrade. A Reciprocal Blessing. It Works Both Ways!
Secure your share of Markethive and experience exponential growth of your income and legacy. You are welcome to purchase multiple Entrepreneur One subscriptions, which multiplies your income accordingly. Time is running out as the E1’s availability from the company will soon come to a close when the Markethive Wallet is released to the community. This is your chance to secure an E1 membership from Markethive for free, help pioneer, and own part of the world’s first blockchain-driven social market broadcasting network of the future, where we stand for freedom and hold dear your sovereignty. 
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    Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.
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tipco613 · 1 year
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New Post has been published on http://cryptonewsuniverse.com/update-phase-three-of-the-markethive-wallet-completed-version-now-installed-on-markethive-whats-next/
UPDATE: Phase Three of the Markethive Wallet Completed Version Now Installed On Markethive What's Next?
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UPDATE: Phase Three of the Markethive Wallet. Completed Version Now Installed On Markethive. What’s Next?
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Since Phase Two of the wallet has been integrated and working successfully since November, it’s time to introduce Phase Three. The completed wallet has been installed on the Markethive site. Phase Three is the final stage of the wallet that is now operational for Entrepreneur One (E1) members in a type of Beta version, if you like, before it officially opens to the Markethive community. 
This is a culmination of 5 years of intense early work to reach this point, and we are on that cusp. E1s can currently view the new look of the wallet, particularly the Hivecoin Report. Markethive’s engineers are now systematizing the other fundamental components needed for a synchronous and successful wallet launch. These are the Entrepreneur One Exchange, Markethive Premium Upgrade, and the PROMOCODE system, housed in the new capture page for MARKETHIVE.NET and is for E1s only. 
The non-E1 KYC-approved members will see the banner announcement pictured below until its full release. They also have the opportunity to upgrade to Entrepreneur One to gain early access and take advantage of all the benefits offered, including becoming a shareholder by securing the ILP (Incentivized Loan Program), which will pay a monthly dividend on the net profit of Markethive’s revenue. 
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Google Authentication – 2FA Is Moving
One specific adjustment that Markethive will apply is the 2FA. Instead of it being required to log in to Markethive, the 2FA will be moved to the wallet. KYC Application has also been relocated to the Security section of the wallet. Soon, you will find 2FA with the KYC Application and Wallet Security housed under the Security Tab listed in the wallet. 
Until you activate 2FA Google Authenticator, access to the different wallet functions will be restricted. Many exchanges operate similarly. However, Markethive is more than an exchange, so Markethive’s commitment to getting the KYC, ILP, and the complete back-end security totally polished is of the highest priority. 
Along with this change, new signups will be able to utilize the Markethive tools for a short time (30 days). In other words, give it a test drive. However, they won’t get the airdrop or qualify for the micropayments until they are KYC’d. They will be prompted to complete the KYC/2FA process immediately upon joining Markethive to activate these incentives and gain access to the Hivecoin wallet. Failing to do so will result in the termination of their account after 30 days. This process will eliminate abandoned accounts. 
On a related topic, another change is that old accounts that have not been logged into for an extended period will not be terminated. 
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Markethive is delivering a bank, not an exchange per se. We are an ecosystem with Markethive Credits, ILPs, Markethive Tokens, or MHVs, used internally for micropayments and the Hivecoin (HVC) with a total supply of 45 million. All these components have value and are the DNA of Markethive, so its security is paramount. Markethive is also working on eliminating all 3rd parties that could disrupt the operations of Markethive. We have already relocated to our sovereign cloud systems and servers. 
Ultimately when the new dashboard is integrated, very little of Markethive’s systems will operate until you complete KYC and 2FA. It will be mandatory to carry out the KYC process and be approved to access the wallet. In the near future, only KYC-approved members will have access to all the services in Markethive, including free members. Until KYC is approved, free members can only observe and comment on the main news feed. 
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It’s important to remember that in Markethive’s case, KYC is for the community’s benefit of knowing who they are engaging with and not for governmental regulations, unlike exchanges and others.  It assures Markethive members that you are a real person, dedicated to honest and transparent relationships in business and socially. The purpose is to have an active, dynamic, and secure “hive of people.” Note that once KYC is approved, the documents uploaded to attain approval are all deleted; Markethive does not keep these documents. 
The short selfie video required in the Markethive KYC protocol is kept for the purpose of retrieving access to your account. In the event that you lose your device and the 2FA app required to utilize your Markethive wallet or any other service that requires KYC, the admin will be able to verify you with the video they have. All you’ll need to do is make a video requesting access to your account with the reason why you lost access. 
The video prerequisite is another layer of security to prevent your account from getting hacked. It also prevents members who have signed up but are not verified from hacking or spoofing.   
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Coin Storage and Reports
The wallet has two coin storage balances: the Hot Wallet Balance and the Cold Storage Balance. The cold storage part of the wallet is a very secure one-way system. It requires a tremendous amount of authentication to retrieve coins from the cold storage balance and transfer them to your hot storage balance.  
Members who are KYC-approved but have yet to upgrade to either the Premium Upgrade (coming soon) or the Entrepreneur One (currently available) will have a limited withdrawal amount of 0.01 HVC from their cold storage per day. There will be no limit to sending HVC from your Hot Wallet to your chosen self-custody wallet. (Exodus, Phantom, Atomic, etc.) 
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The amount of HVC that can be transferred from cold storage to the hot wallet will be unlimited for the E1s. Markethive recommends that once you’ve moved your coins from cold storage to your hot wallet, you move them into your personal 3rd party wallet. E.g., Exodus, Phantom, Atomic, et al., or whatever you determine what wallet is best for you. 
Hivecoin (HVC) is a Solana token but has not officially had the name assigned yet. E1s with early access who want to give the system a test run will need to acquire a specific type of wallet, set up the Hivecoin Meta address, and give it the name HIVECOIN to list it in that wallet. 
HIVECOIN's META address is: APRXuct2fy7yXeSPcS5r4pTdh6P34xhqj1Pio1dyc1j6
There is a Beta group of E1s currently testing it. However, there has been some difficulty in achieving this for some, at this time, including myself; however, you can try it. The Phantom wallet is recommended for Beta until we reach the threshold of having HVC officially named and available to list on various self-custody wallets.  To learn more about self-custody wallets, go here. 
Please be aware that this takes time, but once it’s done, it’s set in stone if you like, so it has to be incredibly secure and compliant. It needs to be streamlined before the floodgates open. 
Projects In The Works
Several projects are now in the works and will be timed to release at the end of the 30-day Wallet launch announcement. 
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Markethive.net Website and Promocode
One of the components and fundamentals required before the wallet’s final release is the Markethive.net Promocode website. The comprehensive website includes navigational links to white papers on many aspects of Markethive and is exclusive to the Entrepreneur One Status.  
The white papers listed include the Role of Community, Markethive Broadcasting, Business Liability, Inbound Marketing, The ILP,  and the Traffic Report. The E1 members will be given promocodes for an incentive with an offer of the Markethive products, such as The Boost or Wheel of Fortune, impressions, and tokens.
The countdown ticker on the website homepage will align with the official launch of the wallet and be the focus of a marketing campaign prior to the release. 
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The Premium Upgrade
The Premium Upgrade is another component on the table to be released at the end of the 30-day countdown to the final launch of the wallet. It is aimed at free members who want to take advantage of the many features and benefits that will accelerate their earnings and results. The upgrade has five price levels starting at $9.95 per month. You can find out more about the Premium Upgrade here. 
Notably, the revenue generated from the Premium Upgrade initiative is primarily income, meaning the ILP holders can look forward to the dividends of their ILP shares.
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The Entrepreneur One Exchange 
Another project in the works is the E1 Exchange. (E1X) Upon the final launch of the wallet, the Entrepreneur One Upgrade will not be available for any new or free members from the Markethive administration. However, they can be acquired through our E1X. Here are the preliminary specifications for sellers and buyers. 
Seller Specifications
The seller must have an active Entrepreneur One or more than one to sell.
The seller can only list E1 accounts singularly. Cannot sell E1s in batches of 2 or more.
The seller sets a reserve price. If the reserve price is met by bid or offer, the E1 sells.
When an E1 account sells, it automatically transfers to the buyer.
When an E1 transfers, it does not include the already earned ILPs or coins.
When an E1 sells, it does carry the earned months toward the ILP yearly award.
The seller decides what currency is accepted.
The currency the seller can set is Markethive Credits, Hivecoin, Bitcoin, and Solana.
Listed E1s for sale reveal the earned months towards the ILP yearly reward.
The seller decides to run an auction, buy it now, or both.
The seller decides to set a "reserve" or “Buy It Now” price or no reserve open offer.
Auction bids run for seven days.
Buy it now runs for ten days.
Buyer Specifications
The buyer must be KYC approved.
The buyer can bid against others bidding in an auction.
The buyer can make an offer if the auction has no previous bids.
If the offer meets the reserve or exceeds, the sale occurs.
All sales are final.
Site Specifics
New sale offers list at the top. Most recent first, oldest last.
Listing can be sorted with the lowest price
Listing can be sorted with the highest price
As the Markethive community, we must understand that Markethive’s services, vault loads, accounting, security, and privacy, are all found in the wallet. So Thomas has made a draft video for the new up-to-date wallet. 
What’s Next?
The "new" News Feed
Our own Web Conference Rooms
The "new" PageMaker
The "new" Dash Board
Markethive’s Proactive Innovation (AI)
On another crucial topic, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become more prominent and prolific recently, with many unwittingly enamored by the concept. However, the reality is, it’s a double-edged sword for humanity that could bring about significant positives and disastrous consequences. The risk of bad actors using it to create chaos, increase the spread of propaganda and untruth, and even seize all computing and weapons systems is very real and extremely dangerous. The threat of AI taking on a life of itself is staggering.  
CEO of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast, expressed that you will not see artificial intelligence at Markethive! In a very heartfelt message, he explained that it is ungodly, threatens your well-being, and seriously violates your privacy and security!
What will you find?
Proactive Innovation.
“Think of it as advanced robotic systems, very complex and sophisticated capabilities controlled by you. Or a limited (AI secured) within the confines of our programming and only developed to produce the results of a well-oiled social network of entrepreneurs who gain and affect the entire Hive. (like our coming NEW newsfeed). 
You will be able to configure and control your algorithm. Your search criteria and activity will never be captured nor sold by us at Markethive. Because you alone control it, and it is yours alone, secured and protected here at the Hive.
This is the message I received in the last few months from prayer, the innovative intuition that has been and will always be the engine at Markethive. Our artificial intelligence is Jesus Christ. Our artificial intelligence environment is the members of Markethive as a community embracing the spiritual solution to the false god of artificial intelligence.  
Hive technology uses the Hive community to shape our technologies to embrace our environment, chart our course and perceptions, and solve our problems with the singular goal of serving the Lord.”
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In closing
There will be notifications and floating banners (above) to provide ample awareness of when the 30-day countdown for the official launch of the wallet will commence. That will be your last chance to secure lifetime residual returns with the Entrepreneur One Upgrade with ILP shares. 
All updates and orchestrations are discussed at the Markethive meetings every Sunday at 10 am Mountain Time. (MST)  You can keep yourself up to date with the latest news and developments of Markethive as they happen. To access the meeting room, go to the Markethive Calendar and click on the link provided.
We are so blessed to be part of Markethive as it stands tall and robust, providing a sanctuary for all entrepreneurs in such a dark world. Light will prevail, and Markethive will thrive and prosper to uplift and free every living soul into a life of whole-hearted humanity and abundance on every level. Exciting times are just around the corner. Praise the Lord, our Divine Architect. The fruits of the harvest with the best of humane technology will be at Markethive. You wouldn’t want to be anywhere else! 
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    Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.
        Also published @ BeforeIt’sNews.com; Steemit.com; Substack.com
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tipco613 · 2 years
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New Post has been published on http://cryptonewsuniverse.com/update-markethive-on-the-cusp-of-internal-wallet-launch/
UPDATE: Markethive On The Cusp Of Internal Wallet Launch
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UPDATE: Markethive On The Cusp Of Internal Wallet Launch
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Great things are taking place behind the scenes at Markethive. It’s time for another important update, as we are on the cusp of releasing what has been an extraordinary task of building and integrating an extremely complex wallet and accounts system into Markethive. This has never been done before in the social media, marketing, and broadcasting spectrum. Hence, we’ve needed to take every precaution to make it impenetrable in terms of security and achieve scalability for the influx of users once the floodgates open. 
  The way forward for any business is to be online, given the current state of the world, not to mention the virtual technology that has become part of our daily lives. Considering the many entrepreneurs, businesses, and startups that use Markethive for various reasons, it embodies a cottage industry, allowing members to monetize their various initiatives within Markethive. Individual merchant accounts for eCommerce payments from your storefronts are just one aspect that will be available. Find out more about that here.  
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Image source: ILP. A Powerful Way To Spread The Wealth 
Bonus ILPs Just Got Bigger
As all Entrepreneur One holders will know, the 0.5 ILP bonus for the last year’s loyalty to Markethive will be added to your wallet under the ILP summary by the end of February 2023. But wait, there’s more…
  The CEO and founder of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast, has announced there will be another bonus of 1 ILP for all Entrepreneur One Upgrades who stay current with their subscription from February 2023 until February 2024. That means, as well as the 0.1 ILP you accumulate yearly, you will receive one whole ILP as a bonus for being consistent with your E1 subscriptions for that 12 months. 
  Also, if you have any number of accounts, for example, ten E1 accounts, you will receive a bonus of 1 ILP for each account. It is a highly generous gesture and one that will be upheld. It is a gift for your loyalty, so the acquisition of your regular portions of ILPs is not negated; it is not capped.    
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Entrepreneur One Promo Code Pending
Apart from the many other benefits of being an E1, the Promo Code gives a substantial advantage in your marketing efforts. Attach the Promo code to your Markethive capture page or storefront group for prospective sign-ups or members participating in your offer. 
  You can use any of the Markethive products, such as The Boost or Wheel of Fortune, impressions and tokens, pay with Hivecoin, and offer these giveaways as an incentive. So, not only do they get the Markethive airdrop of tokens upon joining, but they also receive extra rewards to help them in their marketing efforts. The great news is that the Promo Code is on the threshold of being released to Entrepreneur One members. 
  The Entrepreneur One Exchange  
Once the release of the wallet is announced, the Entrepreneur One Upgrade will not be available for any new or free members from the Markethive administration. However, there will be an E1 Exchange where existing E1 associates can sell their E1 accounts to any member who desires the subscription. Some members have more than one or even ten E1 accounts, so they may choose to sell one. 
  This means the person buying the E1 assumes the monthly subscription and, if the account is kept current, will receive a 0.1 ILP at the end of 12 months of consecutive payments. This will accumulate for 20 years, whereby a balloon payment is paid out, or you have the option to continue and roll it over.  
  It’s important to note the E1 associates that sell their accounts will keep the ILPs they’ve accumulated. They will not be given to the new subscriber. The new subscriber will earn their own ILP portions when they take over the account. 
  It’s also important to note that if you decide to opt out of the E1 subscription, the ILPs or part thereof you have garnered to date remain active, and you will be compensated when the revenue payments commence.  The Entrepreneur One Upgrade is fundamentally a way to reward loyal associates of an ILP worth $10,000 for only $1,200 or $1000 if you pay the subscription yearly.
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Wallet Security Ready – Wallet Launch On The Cusp
Phase Two of the wallet, which includes the extra layer of security, the 2FA, is complete and activated. It’s crunch time for Phase Three and on the verge of launching the wallet. The technology built for our cold and hot wallet security is now ready for the interfaces to be installed and will be in the BETA phase for approximately two weeks. The announcement of the wallet release will take place soon after, along with the Promo Code advantage for Entrepreneur Ones only. 
  Immediately following the wallet launch, the Premium Upgrade will be activated for members who want to take advantage of the many features and benefits that will accelerate their earnings and results. The upgrade has five price levels starting at $9.95 per month. You can find out more about the Premium Upgrade here. 
  The revenue generated from the Premium Upgrade initiative is primarily income which means the ILP holders can look forward to the dividends of their ILP shares. Also, once the wallet is ‘all systems go,’ the new dashboard development and integration is the priority. This is an exciting time for Markethive and its community; all is coming to fruition, and all in the Lord’s timing.  
Bitcoin Talk Engagement
With all the security in place, it’s time to introduce Markethive and our coin to the world of crypto exchanges. Also, prepare for coin transactions in our four coin wallets, Hivecoin, Bitcoin, Solana, and Elrond, in the Markethive internal wallet. 
  As part of Phase Three, the final stage before launching the wallet, we, as a community, are obliged to help get the word out and increase the posting activity at the Bitcoin Talk Forum. This prominent crypto meeting place is the #1 place to create activity, and crypto exchanges use it for their due diligence on prospective coins that have applied to be listed. They also look at how old, and active the thread is, so the more active, the better. 
  As discussed at the last Markethive meeting, the members participating in the Bitcoin Talk campaign will be rewarded. All you need to do is post in the forum, copy your post link, and paste it into the Markethive group created for this engagement. 
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Image source: Entrepreneur One Explained 
  If you are considering upgrading to Entrepreneur One before the opportunity ends (and remember that you get a bonus of 1 whole ILP this year for the full 12 months), there’s still time. Just click on the round E1 icon in the tray at the top of the home page. There will also be a countdown badge of 30 days placed on the Markethive home page in full view, giving you ample notification of its cessation to members.
Come to our Sunday meetings at 10 am MST as we approach massive significant upgrades and the wallet launch. See and hear explanations, ask questions, and witness the ever-evolving technology and concepts of Markethive. The link to the meeting room is located in the Markethive Calendar.
P.S. When we close the ability for members to acquire an Entrepreneur One from the company, it will also signify closing access to purchasing anymore ILPS from the company. There will also be an exchange for members to buy and sell their ILPS. But I want to make something very clear.
"For those early members who purchased ILPs with Bank wires and Bitcoins, we will distribute all remaining ILPs left over to you. Think about that. We appreciate what you have done."
In 2020 LinkedIn revenue reported 8.05 billion. Markethive will eventually eclipse this but when Markethive reaches 1% of LinkedIn subscribers, with revenue reaching 85 million, the ILPs will receive 20% of that revenue shared with the 1000ILPs, making each ILP worth $17,000 that year. And ILPs pay this revenue year after year. Think about that.
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    About: Thomas Prendergast. (United States) I am the CEO and Founder of Markethive. Having received the vision from our Lord in 1996 to build an end time platform for entrepreneurs to be the shelter in the storm. It is called Markethive. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | my Facebook Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.
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tipco613 · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://cryptonewsuniverse.com/the-markethive-wallet-phase-two-complete/
The Markethive Wallet Phase Two Complete
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The Markethive Wallet Phase Two Complete
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Phase Two of the Markethive internal wallet is complete, a considerable milestone for the company and the Markethive community. The impending release of the wallet is a pivot point for Markethive to secure its future as a completely decentralized social media broadcasting and marketing platform the world so desperately needs for these significant times: The End Times.
About The Wallet – Phase Two
The Markethive wallet is not just an ordinary wallet: It’s a transactional interface that services and keeps track of all your accounting and transactions, including your loans to Markethive and interest paid by Markethive to you via the ILP. 
With Phase Two now in operation, you can access and set up your personal requirements and view your status in The Vault, Hive Rank, Staking, KYC Application, ILP Report, payments, and Markethive Credit threshold and balance. Plus, you can now transfer Markethive Credits to other members within Markethive. 
Note that full access to all of the Markethive systems requires complete KYC documentation and an Entrepreneur One membership. The Markethive platform, with its general newsfeed, is free to use; however, the marketing systems and aspects thereof within Markethive will be limited, including Hivecoin transactional activity and micropayments of MHV. 
Once the Markethive wallet is fully operational and launched, the Premium Upgrade will be introduced, which offers additional features and benefits to achieve a significant presence online for your marketing efforts and business growth, especially with the upcoming unique dashboard interface. It will be beyond anything else out there today. 
KYC Application (Know Your Customer)
KYC Application is now functional in your wallet. It is required for you to have access to the Hivecoin Wallet and use inbound marketing tools. You will need to be KYC verified to receive Markethive Tokens (MHV) via registration, tips, and bonuses and to activate the first-level micropayment earnings.  
The reason for this is for the community’s benefit by knowing who they are engaging with and not for governmental regulations. It assures Markethive members that you are a real person, dedicated to honest and transparent relationships in business and socially. The purpose is to have an active, very dynamic, and secure “hive of people,” unlike Twitter, which has been plagued with bots. Also note: Once KYC is approved, the documents uploaded to attain approval are all deleted. We do not keep these documents. 
Once you’re KYC verified, the documents you upload are transferred and kept in your wallet, not on the Markethive system. This ensures third parties or government authorities do not gather your information. There will be a small charge for the KYC process for the purpose of credit card information and verification. 
The Vault, Markethive Credits, And Staking
The vault is now operational in your wallet. This means you can buy Markethive Credits to set up or manually fund your subscriptions, transfer to other members, and activate your threshold and auto fund. Once you purchase Markethive Credits, they can be used to purchase services from Markethive and trade goods and services with other members. 
Markethive Credits are not cryptocurrency coins and cannot be used to purchase other cryptos from Markethive, including Hivecoin. MH Credits also cannot be transferred to a crypto wallet or exchange. Markethive Credits facilitate commerce for any business and can be built into a storefront for your marketing co-op campaigns. 
The vault funding threshold is the mechanism you use to maintain a viable Markethive Credit balance. Keeping a balance in the vault is like a bank account; you can accumulate interest on that balance. The higher the ratio, the more interest you earn, which is paid in credits. 
The terminology used for this is called Staking. Staking your MH Credits balance allows you to earn additional credits based on your number of credits and your level of activities within Markethive. These activities are reflected in your Hive Rank, also located in your Markethive wallet. Note that joining a Markethive loyalty program and even just logging in every day adds to your staking interest.
ILP Reports 
Thomas has updated the tracking of the ILPs acquired through Entrepreneur One by adding up all monies spent between January 1st, 2019 to December 1st, 2021. All ILPs acquired through the Entrepreneur One Program are now reflecting the true result of all monies spent. 
In December 2022, all E1s that have been active with their subscriptions for 12 consecutive months will receive the promised bonus of 0.5 ILP. Also, a little birdie told me that something big is planned for members who upgrade to E1 upon the announcement of the 30-day cut-off. Stay tuned.
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  Now that Phase Two is operational check it out and navigate around the wallet. It’s intuitive, comprehensively explained, and very easy to manage. It’s important to know that the mechanisms behind all the applications in the wallet are fully functional on Markethive’s development site, including a Solana wallet assets interface.
Our Markethive wallet also displays the wallets of four crypto coins, Hivecoin, Solana, Bitcoin, and Elrond. The coin price comparison reports powered by Coingecko are now active in the wallet (except Hivecoin), so we are close to Phase Three, the final stage before launching. The dynamic free market value will be operative when Hivecoin is listed on coin exchanges.  
When we announce that the full wallet release will be in 30 days, we will also have built an Entrepreneur One exchange for current active owners so that they can sell their E1s and others can buy them in an auction platform within Markethive. So to summarize, we are now preparing the four wallets (Hivecoin, Bitcoin, Solana, and Elrond) to be active with 2FA verification and required to send any of the coins from your wallet and the E1 exchange. When these are ready with 2FA in place, then the 30-day final launch of the wallet will be announced.
Once the 30-day period is over, anyone desiring an E1 subscription will only be able to acquire one through other E1 associates via the E1 Exchange. It is fundamentally an open market, and the seller will determine the acquisition price of the E1 subscription. Once purchased, it is required and in your interest to continue with the monthly payments. E1 upgrades will no longer be available through Markethive, the company. 
The E1 Advantage. The Incentivized Loan Program (ILP)
Apart from all the other benefits you receive as an E1 associate, you are essentially a shareholder as you acquire 1/10th of an ILP per year, providing you are current with your monthly subscription of US$100/month. 
The ILPs are essentially a loan to Markethive for a 20-year promissory note which you can recoup with a principal balloon payment at the end of 20 years. You also have the option to roll it over or reactivate it. This window of opportunity is precious as the ILP represents 20% of the net revenue of Markethive, so let’s crunch some numbers. 
The projection of a member base of 500 million will yield a monthly income of $5.6 billion. 20% equals $1.2 billion allocated for the ILPs, divided by the maximum of 1000 ILPs or shares, and returns a $1.2 million payment per ILP. 1/10th of that ILP, earned via the E1 upgrade per year, produces a monthly income of $120,000. 
Markethive is a grassroots project owned by the community, not wealthy venture capitalists. When committing to an Entrepreneur One membership or purchasing an ILP outright, you are effectively a virtual owner of Markethive; it's your company where you receive valuable tools and considerable returns from the ILP. 
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The great news is that you can now purchase ILPs with the Markethive Token (MHV) in anticipation of the wallet's launch. Click on the rocket icon in the tray at the top of the home page and follow the prompts. If you have MHVs, now is an excellent time to invest in the next-generation social market network, as Markethive is now coming into its own. 
Once the wallet is complete, the next important step is to build a Markethive coin exchange. Unlike various exchanges currently operating, the Markethive exchange will have a community, enhancing the ability to become successful and profitable. 
Crypto projects and exchanges that have utilized their crypto coin, along with robust communities, tend to weather the storm, the bear markets, and the like. We see many prominent exchanges failing, particularly centralized ones, due to being affiliated with nefarious actors and agendas. 
Markethive’s mission is complete decentralization and distribution worldwide and the perfect armor to circumvent the chaos of these dark times. Markethive’s vision is to provide a sanctuary for the people and those hurt by the events, the evil and tyrannical pressure by the elites of big tech, NGOs, and governments. 
Markethive is building a system outside of the traditional elite economy. We are building an ecosystem that works regardless of what’s happening worldwide. Although Markethive will accept fiat payments with credit cards, the whole nature of how our system will work is based on Hivecoin and Markethive credits. As Markethive grows, it allows us to develop an even more powerful ecosystem. 
Be sure to attend the meetings on Sundays at 10 am Mountain Time. (MST). All updates and orchestrations are discussed at the Markethive meetings, with the latest news and developments of Markethive as they happen. To access the meeting room, go to the Calendar and click on the link provided. 
I will keep you updated with further articles on Markethive’s progress in its monumental project to deliver financial sovereignty, freedom, and liberty. The world needs what we are building. 
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    Editor and Chief Markethive: Deb Williams. (Australia) I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people to accept and move forward with enthusiasm. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.
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