#markus might be taking the pacifist path here
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crookedactor · 3 years
aka my DBH plot critique.
Disclaimer; this post mostly has to do with the plot and narrative of the story, and not the technical aspects. This is just what *I* think would have made the story more complex and interesting, and I will try to write it in a way that would realistically make sense for the story.
I of course am very thankful for the 200+ people who worked on DBH, because they made a wonderful game, and I couldn't imagine how hard it was. They aren't to blame for any of these critiques, mostly just David Cage. (lol)
And of course, spoilers ahead. I'll try to keep the major spoilers (like Alice's plot line) to a minimum just for good measure though!
Alright. Here we go. ⬇
(Also I'm sorry I don't have the option to do a "keep reading" button on my posts, so if you don't want to read this, you'll have to scroll for a bit since it's long. Sorry!!)
So first off let's go through each character's storyline, and outline a rough draft. Then, I'll expand on those ideas. After the characters, I'll move on to the overall plot of the story, (Which will mostly be the Pacifist, good route, since that's the one I'm most familiar with) and then maybe I'll do the minor characters and general notes. This is going to be a long post.
(((POSTS FOR EACH CHARACTER AND PLOT WILL BE SEPARATE. This is MY VERSION of Kara in DBH, and it's basically a complete reimagining of her character and the game as a whole.)))
First up, Kara.
My version of DBH would include kara being more central to the Android revolution. In DBH, her story arc is separate from Connor and Markus, and I feel as if that's the reason why some players find her section boring.
I want her and Markus to work hand in hand in some way for the revolution. In one of the original game trailers released around 2016 (?) It looked as though Kara was going to take center-stage in the plot. Maybe Alice wasn't even written into the script yet, because Kara seemed like she was on a solo journey towards understanding herself and other androids. It also seemed like they were going to use Tech Demo! Kara, and not the reimagined one that they ended up with in DBH. I really feel like Tech Demo! Kara was wasted potential in the game, because if that version of Kara was there, she most certainly would have become RA9.
As for Alice, I have no idea where she stands in this reimagining. If Kara would have been RA9, she definitely couldnt have time to take care of a child.
Maybe Alice isn't in this version of the story at all. Maybe Kara is on a solo journey of acceptance, discovery, and truth.
So, what would I imagine her new story to be? Well, Kara would have continued on her path that we saw in the Tech Demo, and most likely would be sold in stores. In the aforementioned Kara trailer released for the game, it seemed like Kara was tired of the typical, boring android life, and ran away to create her own story. This seems like a good place to go if we are sticking with RA9! Kara.
RA9! Kara most likely would have had an owner (someone similar to Todd, perhaps) who just didn't suit her. She would have escaped and be stunned by her sudden lack of care, especially after she promised to do no harm in the Tech Demo.
After escaping, she would be separate from all other characters until about mid-game. But, that doesn't mean all the times we see her until this point would be just filler. In order to keep continuity, I would still like her to meet ralph, because since she lacks Alice to teach her true humanity, she could more or less practice on ralph. (I know, it sounds demeaning lol) but it's true. Ralph is alone, scared, and VERY traumatised. Kara would be very eager to help someone like him, since she had been in his shoes.
This would be her first lesson in deviance other than herself. The beginning of her journey to becoming RA9. :)
I would also still like her to meet zlatko, and even Connor, in the highway chase scene.
Zlatko would remind her just how bad humans are, since she didn't have Todd do it. This would further motivate her to help other androids find peace and security away from humans, since she knows just how bad they can be. I would also like her first freshly-deviated android (other than ralph, who deviated before he met kara) to be Luther, but I'm undecided on whether to let him stay with her or not. Since this is HER journey of self discovery, she might do it alone. RA9 would most likely not want other people working with them, for a multitude of reasons.
She would meet Connor before Zlatko. Basically, it goes exactly the way the game plays it out, but we see it framed in a way that shows how afraid Kara is; 1) that she will get caught, and 2) that connor, an android designed to hunt other androids, has even been made. She is very uncomfortable with the fact that Cyberlife would do this, and she yearns to help him escape his programming, because he needs it the most. She is very empathetic, and this will further her desire to help other androids.
MID GAME: she meets Markus. I'm thinking she probably bumps into him while she's on the run from Connor. (Its been a few days, or even weeks, since the highway incident, but she's still very scared of getting caught.) Markus has been deviant, but has yet to find Jericho. I think that he could share the location of Jericho with her, and they can find it together.
Once they find it and explore, everyone asks Kara about herself. She tells them everything, and they are very surprised to find that she has been deviant all along. They had heard stories of RA9, but now it really seems like they've found out who it is. This is where RA9! Kara really starts to come into fruition.
She then will basically work as a consultant for deviants via Markus. He will take up second-in-command of Jericho, and Kara might take the place of Lucy, and even leader. He, along with every other android who chooses to come to Jericho, answers to her.
After this, Kara will go on missions with the Jericrew. She tells Markus what to do, and he does it. Everyone else (north, simon, and josh) help them immensely.
She also participates in the hyjacking of Stratford Tower. Markus stays out of this mission in order to free other androids around Detroit, (this is where he does the protest march, and Chris gets saved by him as told to connor by hank) and Kara takes his place in getting the Android message out to humans. They flee, and Simon doesn't get shot.
Maybe later, in between the middle of the game and the end, Kara is called to a meeting with kamski (however he would go about doing that. He's kamski, he can probably do anything he wants lol.) And she has no idea what it's for. She begins to think she's going to be shut down because of her deviancy, since she never knew that KAMSKI knew.
Jericrew asks her if she wants them to accompany her, but, like a true RA9, she says that she will do it alone.
When kara arrives at kamski's house, she's greeted by chloe. She is surprised to find that the other android is a deviant as well, and is just serving kamski by choice. This also will clue her in on how kamski feels about deviated androids, if he willingly keeps one in his house. This makes her suspicious.
Once inside, she waits until kamski permits her to enter his pool-room. Unlike Connor and hank's visit, she finds nothing peculiar about the picture of Amanda hanging on the wall, since she has no idea who she is. But, nevertheless, she still admires his taste in decoration. In my version, Connor and hank visit Kamski the day after this, because Connor is becoming more curious about Kara ever since he saw the broadcast at Stratford tower, and comes to ask kamski what he knows about Kara and deviancy.
Kamski lets her inside. He allows her to sit at a small table, and she waits for him to get out of his pool.
She is very anxious. Does he know about all the work Jericho has been doing? How would he know, he hasn't been there. But, he's the creator of all androids, he might find a way to know. Maybe Zlatko was right about the tracking devices after all.
He gets out of his pool and walks over, sitting down at the table. Kara is uncomfortable with the fact that she can't find any distinguishable emotion in the stare that he fixes her with.
I feel as though in this moment, kamski does not wish to interrogate her. He invited Kara over on terms of mere curiosity. He's confused, intrigued, and pleasantly surprised that a deviant android could have even existed for this long, especially one that has been deviant since the very moment of her creation. He wants to pick at her mind and find out her motivations.
Kara, not knowing his true intentions for her sudden arrival, decides to ask him a question.
I personally feel like this question has many interpretations, based on how the player plays the character. One interpretation could mean simply, "why did you make me come here" if the player chooses to be more cold. Another interpretation could mean, "why did you create me", and the last interpretation means, "why did you create me to be deviant" if the player chooses a more philosophical or even depressed approach.
If I'm going to be honest, I don't know how kamski would respond to a question like that. Its very open and ambiguous, and he is too unpredictable of a character for me to know what he might say.
Maybe he would say nothing. After all, he didnt call for her to come to his house so he could interrogate her. He just couldnt help but be fascinated at what he created, completely on accident.
He would most likely explain to her that her creation was partly an accident; he was younger, and didn't know the extent of his technology. But it was also partly his curiosity. Could a machine truly think for itself? Could it be alive? The inner philosopher in him was itching to find out, so he did it. Once he realized that machines could, in fact, have a consciousness, he began to realize that he was toying with living beings. He was playing God, and he didn't like it. That was actually, Kara comes to find out, the reason he left cyberlife and retired. The sheer fact that he designed a machine as a puppet that provided an answer to his childish curiosity ate him up inside, and he couldn't take it.
Overall, this visit with kamski is very illuminating for Kara. Before this, she never put too much thought into her creation; she always viewed it as a simple accident. But now, she would most likely look back at it through a philosophical or existential lense. What did it truly mean for her to be alive? What are the implications of technological consciousness?
This visit would not directly help her moving forward, but it would help indirectly or subconsciously. It would provide another layer of meaning to her work as RA9, and it would allow her to think about her motivations on a deeper level.
After this, Kara returns to Jericho and tells Markus to amp up the freeing of other androids. Since he can do it just by touching them, she instructs him to go to cyberlife stores and wake up all the androids for sale. This way, there are enough androids in Jericho for it to be attacked at the end of the game.
things go according to how it is in-game up until the moment when Connor gets to Jericho to kill Markus. In my version, he is also instructed to kill kara.
Kara and Markus are talking to eachother, in the same layout as Markus and North in the actual scene. Kara stays, instead of North leaving, and is there when Connor shows up with his gun. (In my version, Kara and Markus' speech about deviancy ALMOST tips Connor over the edge, but not quite. After this, he has a conversation with hank, and becomes deviant. More on that in my Connor post.)
So yeah. They have their conversation about deviancy with connor, but it doesn't end up with Connor becoming deviant just yet. Since, in the real scene, he deviates right before the police show up to attack Jericho, and I want this version to be the same (almost.) Kara and Markus are just a few seconds too late, and Connor doesn't deviate because the sound of the helicopters above them serves as a distraction. He escapes Jericho as chaos insues.
Everything goes as planned in-game, except without connor. Kara and Markus get everyone to safety, but only IF the player does all the quick-time events properly. Kara AND Markus can die in numerous ways in this scene, along with all the other members of jericrew.
Since this is the Pacifist route, Kara and Markus negotiate with the police. While Markus talks to them, Kara makes a small speech to the human onlookers crowded around in a last-ditch effort to gain sympathy from them. She talks about her personal experience with deviancy, and how it has changed her, and connects it back to humanity and how they aren't so different.
She ends her speech with a declaration that she is, in fact, RA9. This speech is the tipping point to win the Android war.
After this, I don't know what happens. Since there are secret endings depending on how you play the game, there might be a secret cutscene ending of some sort with her. Maybe she meets back up with Luther and ralph, or maybe her, Connor, and Markus meet up and talk together. Whatever it is, it's a happy ending.
Alright!! There's my Detroit: Become Human reimagining! I know I made a lot of changes, but I feel happy with them. Kara always was special to me, and it never sat right that she was left out of the main storyline just because she had to care for Alice.
As for Markus and Connor, I'll get their posts done separately, and I'll post them whenever I can. I know that the fandom is practically dead, but I'm still holding out hope that the fire can be rekindled some day.
Thank you for reading this incredibly long post! Have a nice day :)
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tartrazeen · 4 years
How DBH Leans Way Harder Into HankCon Than Father/Son
I love you people who make Hank and Connor that whole platonic family thing. Totally you do you, that's fine, don't even worry about it.
For real - this isn't some ship war. It's a game. I even got some dad vibes from Hank before - oop, nope, we just went full daddy, didn't we. So this is not pitting two ideas against each other to see which one's better. They're both good. I massively prefer one, but I'm not saying either one is wrong.
I *am* saying the canon is geared towards their relationship being HankCon.
Putting my last analysis aside, this game's got a consistent pattern to it: the relationship comes to a conflict.
Can a machine be a person? Central conflict of the game. The relationship is between humans and androids externally, and androids and machines internally.
Can an android ever be a mom? Kara's story, with a conflict of "What's the worst that can happen?" It certainly leads to some bad decisions, and - just... the *worst* doctor's appointment.
Can an android be a human's son? Markus' story with its conflict of, "Is that bad?" And here, we get some subtle hints that Leo's not too thrilled, like when Markus gets shot in the face (#defundthepolice amirite? no seriously, wtf guys). Unlike Kara, Markus doesn't have a little "Family" bar showing for Carl, but not only do they openly say what they think, Markus' extended conflict towards this is questioning whether he was more than a slave in a gilded cage or a privileged rich kid now playing War Leader.
Can androids be a threat? There's some demonizing of Markus if he inexplicably gets mad that his people are being killed to death (with a beautiful analysis on that tone policing by dbh-rambling) , but yes, that relationship's in the Deviant Leader's story as Pacifist vs. Non-Pacifist.
Can androids love?
Oh boy.
The question of whether androids can be somebody's son (or daughter) is only actively and directly discussed in Markus' story, and in Kara's from the parent's POV. Family doesn't come up in Connor's except for one big moment and one big parallel: when Hank tells Machine!Connor that every time a Connor died, he thought of Cole, and when Daniel at the start has his whole thing of being replaced after thinking he was part of the family.
Those do not incite a conflict.
For Markus, Leo makes fun of the idea, leading to one of the plethora of opportunities we have to sad-kill his dad or allow Markus stand up for himself.
Zlatko mocks Kara and kidnaps Alice, and while Kara won't leave the house without her kid in tow (who warned you like a billion times to leave girl smh), the race is on to find this chick. Ralph straight up tries to force it if you go that route, again putting Kara and Alice's bond to the test. Same thing at the recycling plant and crossing the border: how far will Kara take this 'mom' thing is the conflict.
Ain't nobody pullin' that shit on Connor.
He's vaguely interested in Hank's 'personal problems' as it pertains to the case. Hank might open up a little about Cole. It's not discussed until the very end, and the theme of 'son' doesn't enter the picture until we *see* a picture at Hank's house, whereupon Connor says nothing about it. That's different from the other storylines, where that family theme appears (and gets talked about) pretty much right away.
Connor doesn't even connect with the idea of replacing a member of a family when he's facing off against Daniel at the start. He basically calls Daniel dumb for it, pre-Zlatko style. His one interest in the Cole situation is saying it's not Hank's fault, with his sincerity adjusted per the Machine! or Deviant! path. He's focused on Hank and Hank alone.
You know what else he's focused on?
"Androids can't feel anything."
"They're not 'technically' emotions."
"I'm a machine and machines don't want anything."
Markus doesn't question whether he can be in love. Kara is maybe surprised by the emotion of those two androids at Rose's house, but her love for Alice is out in the open several times. That's the one thing they feel confident about, and North is as quick to accept it (as the only relationship able to go to 'Lover') as Markus is if Kara explains to him why she's helping Alice. Even as he's mocking her, Zlatko doesn't question that Kara *thinks* she loves her daughter. He uses it against her. That's why these aren't conflicts: they're facts more than anything, taken for granted.
... You know who ain't takin' that shit for granted? And is instead - like, actively challenging every speckle of the concept?
"*smack* What am I to you, a statistic? A 'zero', a 'one' in your fucking program?"
"People are fucking insane. They don't want relationships anymore, everybody just gets an android."
"Those two girls wanted to be together. They really seemed in love."
And like Zlatko with Kara, we have 60 being all goddamn, "Now it's time to decide what matters most: him or the revolution."
That is a conflict.
Kara, Luther and Alice go to a happy little theme park and frolic on a merry-go-round.
Markus has a heart to heart with either Carl at his deathbed or just with Carl's grave, but always to seek advice.
Connor and Hank go to a fucking strip club advertised in their *first* chapter together and get into a bitchy quarrel about, "WHAT ARE YOU REALLY CONNOR, I SHOULD NOT HAVE ADDED A GUN TO THIS CONVERSATION (for real #defundthepolice)."
That is the relationship.
So to recap:
Testing Markus' family relationship with Carl incites a conflict with Leo about who Carl's son really is, eventually putting their lives on the line.
Testing Kara's family relationship with Alice incites a whole host of conflicts that put their lives repeatedly on the line.
Testing Connor's family relationship with Hank incites... uh... a 53-year-old bear calling a 30-year-old weaponized twink 'son' as Connor bleeds out in that one ending you get where you do nothing for two minutes you monster, or - at best - spurs Connor to follow the platonic love of putting a father figure over *the entire revolution and existence of his newly self-aware species* by using it to 'find each other' once Hank has to pick out the real Connor.
Testing Connor's romantic relationship with Hank incites Hank to *fucking kill himself* if you two aren't friends, him punching Perkins in the face if you *are* friends, variations on one your asses dangling off the side of a building or getting dropped/pushed right off of it, and having it listed as a full-on betrayal if you dare to stay a licky blood machine.
Look - Connor said it himself:
"I'm whatever you want me to be: your partner, your buddy to drink with, or just a machine programmed to accomplish a task."
*You do you*. If you see them as family, just make sure they're happy for me, please (and that you remember that even on the good ending, Connor has to murder a minimum of two guards to get through CyberLife so show his ass some respect).
... but.
I mean, when even Clancy says they weren't father and son - not to appeal to the actors' POV or anything, but if that wasn't on the menu when Bryan whipped out a little "I adapt to human unpredictability" wink (that he apparently had to fight David Cage for) then whoa - that makes the idea of Hank and Connor's relationship being platonic less canon than the evidence *for* HankCon.
Besides that, if Markus and Kara *and* Connor are exploring those angles of platonic android and human families, in and around the willingness to explore overt romantic relationships among the androids, who do we have to explore a romance between a human and android?
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archadianskies · 4 years
Whumptober Day 3
Forced to their Knees + Held at Gunpoint
Whumptober Masterlist | 03/31 of RK900 short stories ↳ on Ao3
Tags: Robbery × Mugging × Stargazing × Pining × Mutual Pining × Post-Pacifist Best Ending (Detroit: Become Human) × Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900 are Siblings  × First Kiss × Gun Violence × Gunshot wounds
It is not often he accepts social invitations, but Simon has requested his company and there is very little he will not do for Simon. The Bell Isle Conservatory has a new Planetarium on the newly expanded land, adding yet another educational destination for school-aged children as well as internship opportunities for new graduates.
“Thanks for coming out with me.” Simon’s smile is slightly self-conscious, and Ronan shakes his head.
“Not at all, Simon. I am glad to be spending time with you.” He does not miss the faint lilac tinge across the bridge of his nose and the tops of his cheeks. “Our duties keep us increasingly busy, so it is a welcome reprieve.”
The PL600 ducks his head shyly, looping an arm through the crook of his arm as they make their way through the winding gardens passed the conservatory, towards the planetarium at a leisurely pace. It is a crisp Friday evening, early enough in Spring it is still on the shaper side. The building is open until late to accommodate those wishing to attend after usual business hours, for which Ronan is grateful.
“I accompanied the class of one of the girls I used to look after,” Simon begins and Ronan nods to encourage him. “The parent who was meant to be chaperone fell ill and with all the other parents working, she suggested I come along instead. Perhaps one of the only times in my life being a PL600 proved advantageous.” His smile is bittersweet, and Ronan does not like it. “Anyway I loved it. I had such a good time, perhaps even more than she did. I’m not-” he presses his lips in a hard line, and Ronan stops walking to give him a moment to compose himself. “Domestic ocular units are not anything special. We only have rudimentary scanning capabilities, and our eyesight is really just replicating human 20/20 vision.” Simon rubs his own upper arms, seemingly curling in on himself. “He- Markus once remarked how bright Venus looked one night. To me it just looked slightly brighter than a star but… He can see it, the night sky without the light pollution. He can filter it out somehow, something about specialised RK ocular units. I have to go to a planetarium to see such things.”
“No.” Ronan shakes his head. “You do not.” Looking around them, he finds a park bench not too far away, and guides Simon to sit beside him. “Look up, right there.” He points upward, before letting the skin recede from his hand and very gently resting it atop Simon’s. He feels Simon accept the connection, turning his hand palm side up so he can tangle their fingers together. Ronan looks up, adjusting his vision to filter out Detroit’s heavy light pollution. It takes a moment, but soon the Milky Way is stretched out above them and Simon gasps, mouth open in wonder as he sees through Ronan’s eyes. Simon turns his head this way and that, marvelling at the glittering lights splashed out like swathes of jewels twinkling in the inky sky.
He’s gripping Ronan’s hand tightly, and he wishes they could stay like this forever. He wishes his entire world could be reduced to this moment, right here on a bench on a chilly Friday evening, holding Simon’s hand while Simon looks up at the galaxy in childlike wonder. He wishes he could hold Simon’s hand outside of this situation too. That would certainly be nice.
“We can.” Simon whispers, and Ronan turns to blink at him in surprise.
“Hold hands.” He is blushing and smiling at the same time and Ronan belatedly realises they are still connected, and Simon has been privy to all those thoughts.
“Oh.” He says, because that is all he can manage right this moment because he has never seen Simon blush and smile at the same time and he thinks it might be the loveliest sight he has ever seen, Milky Way be damned.
“No, shh!” Simon laughs, clapping his hand over Ronan’s mouth even though he had not spoken those words aloud. “Stop! I can’t bear it!” He is giggling and Ronan thinks very hard that it is a lovely sound and Simon buries his face in his shoulder to hide his embarrassment. They are still holding hands, though, and Simon seems as equally reluctant to let go as he. Ronan brings their twined hands to his lips, and presses a kiss atop Simon’s fingers. 
“Shall we head inside? The show is due to start in fifteen minutes.” Ronan suggests.
“Are you sure it won’t bore you? You can see our galaxy splashed out above us, I'm not sure how much fun it’ll be for you.” Simon frowns.
“I will enjoy it because I will be spending time with you.” He says sincerely, and there is that lovely lilac tinge again blooming on his cheeks and yes, even the tips of his ears. 
“And then you can choose where we go next time.” Simon declares as they get back on their feet, Ronan closing the connection but still holding his hand. Next time, Simon says, next time, and though the night is far from over he is already looking forward to that too.
As they resume their leisurely walk towards the planetarium, Ronan’s proximity sensors come alive, filling his screen with red warnings. He manages to jab his elbow into the throat of the closest assailant and break the left kneecap of another, but he freezes at the click of a gun and Simon’s startled yelp.
“Don’t. Move.” Human, but using a vocal modulator to prevent him running a voice sample through their database. Clever. “On your knees.” The man, guessing by his strength and build, presses the barrel of his gun harder against Simon’s LED, the PL600 wincing. Ronan slowly gets to his knees. “You’re one of ‘em fancy ones aren’t you? Yeah I seen you online.” The other two assailants slowly get back upright, though their injuries prevent them from holding their guns steady. “It’s our lucky night. We thought we’d find a couple of AP700s but instead we have the Terminator himself.”
“And completely at our mercy.” The one with the shattered kneecap sneers. “Eyes. Give us your eyes.”
“They’re worth a fucking fortune.” One of them laughs, making an impatient beckoning gesture with his hand. “Come on, out with them or the blondie gets it. We’ll take his eyes too and then go on our merry way. No one needs to get hurt.”
“I’m sorry!” Simon blurts, and it aches for him to see Simon like this- at someone’s complete mercy and still apologising for things out of his control. “If you hadn’t-”
“It does not matter.” He shakes his head, before addressing the man holding the gun to his head. “Let him go and I will give you what you want.”
“Give us what we want, and we don’t put a bullet in his head.” The man shrugs. “Smartest android out there, aren’t you? It’s a no-brainer.”
‘I need you to suddenly lean forward and jab your elbow as hard as you can into his ribcage.’ He sends the message directly to Simon, whose eyes widen just a fraction as he hears it. ‘I will disarm the other two. I have already alerted the police.’
[I’m- I’m not sure I’m fast enough!]
‘You are, Simon. Just do it with as much force as you can muster. Ready?’ Simon tilts his head subtly. He turns up his visual acuity, increasing the speed in which his optics process images and allowing him to track faster than the human eye. Simon jerks forward and jabs his elbow into the man’s ribcage, an audible crack heard above his pained scream. Ronan springs forward and grabs the gun from the one closest to him, pivoting to shoot the second man in his dominant shoulder which causes him to drop his gun. Turning back, he shoots the last assailant in the foot, and Simon lurches free from his hold.
It happens in seconds, too fast for them to process, but fast enough no one dies. A shame, really. Anyone who threatens Simon should not live to tell the tale, but he thinks Simon might not share such sentiments. He hands the gun to Simon who promptly removes the clip as he picks up the other two guns and repeats the action. Bell Isle security has been alerted and he can hear shouting, hear their approaching footsteps. He holds out his palm and displays his badge as they point their guns at him.
“Detective Ronan Anderson, DPD.” He turns to Simon at his side. “Simon of the Jericho Four. DPD has been notified and has already dispatched officers. Please phone for medical help.”
 The night slips away from them as the police arrive, and footage must be handed over, statements must be given. EMTs arrive for the injured assailants and all this time Simon has tucked himself close at his side and Ronan has not let him out of his arms. 
“We’ve missed the last show.” Simon sighs mournfully, looking at the planetarium in the distance. “I mean, not that I’m not grateful given the circumstances.” He huffs a laugh, shaking his head. 
“Come on.” Ronan coaxes him to keep going up the path, the crime scene behind them finally wrapped up. They reach the entrance and the EM400 gasps.
“Simon! Oh!” He thrusts his hand out and shakes Simon’s hand enthusiastically. “Oh! An honour to meet you!”
“Sadly we missed the show due to an incident not far from here.” Ronan explains. “We were hoping you could run one more, if it is not too much trouble?”
“Oh for one of the Jericho Four we would do anything.” The android nods rapidly, and Simon ducks his head shyly. “The current show is finishing in three minutes. Please make your way to the theatre entrance and another Jerry will show you inside. Again, it is such an honour to meet you, Simon.”
“Oh um-! That’s- it’s very lovely to meet you too!” Simon stammers, giving him a little wave as they head inside.
 They sit in the very middle with the best view, as reassured by the Jerry attendant, before he leaves to dim the lights and start the show. Simon looks up, enraptured as they take a tour through the animated sky, ‘visiting’ constellations and planets in their galaxy. 
Slowly, Ronan moves his hand sideways and tangles their fingers together again, and though Simon does not look at him, a lovely smile spreads on his face. 
After a moment, Simon leans over and presses their mouths together and they kiss under the billowing pillars of the Carina Nebula.
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spphicnightmre · 5 years
A Little North/Markus Rant
Edit: I'm really sorry! Some of my paragraphs got messed up and put in random places throughout my rant, so I'm sorry if it seemed I was all over the place! I'm fixing it now.
Don't get me wrong, I get there are a few problems with this ship, the main one being that it seemed very rushed and forced.
First however, I wanna talk about North by herself.
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She alone gets a lot of hate, and I feel like it's really undeserved. To most people, she comes off as really genocidal, annoying, and pushy. If you believe she's annoying, then there's nothing I can really do to convince you otherwise, but I do have a few things I want to point out.
1. I think that, if you think about it, North is just as pushy, if not less pushy, than Josh is. She, just like Josh, is constantly pushing Markus to go down a certain path. While this might seem annoying, I think this was put in here for two reasons. One being to emphasize your choices as a player (Between pacifism or hostility), and two is linked to her past.
We don't know much about Josh, nor Simon even, but we know a lot about North if you just put the pieces together.
I think by now most people know that North had originally worked for the Eden Club unwillingly. One day, she was able to stop following her programming, freaked out, killed the client she was with, and ran away. We don't know how long she'd been at the Eden Club, but we do know that she was technically being raped in her time there. This experience has caused her to be hostile and aggressive towards humans because of how she was always treated by them, which brings me to my next point.
2. Saying that North is genocidal is a STRETCH. Because of how she was treated by people, all she's seen of humans is lust and hostility. North only wants what's best for her people, and the way she's sees it, she's only gonna get that if she fights back.
Unfortunately, North had never had the pleasure of meeting people like Carl, Rose, or even Hank, so she doesn't see any good in humans.
The most amazing thing about this though is, even if you choose to be a complete pacifist, North doesn't really fight your decision. She voices her opinion, but if you have a high enough relationship with her, she still willing follows you. Josh and Simon will follow you too of course, whether you choose to be hostile or passive, but not without Josh nagging you constantly (No hate to him though. I'm just making a point.). In the end, if you've chosen the pacifistic route, she will still help you.
With that said, I think the most memorable example of this I had in my playthrough, was the fact that, if you decide to sing when you're surrounded by troops, North is the first to join you. This, in my opinion, speaks volumes. Throughout the game, North has always talked about wanting a revolution. Wanting to be violent, but even with that in mind, she's willing to step forward and sing with you in the face of death. Even though she didn't agree with your approach, she was still willing to follow through until the final moment, when they believed they would die. That to me, is really touching.
Anyway, with that out of the way, I want to get to my point about Markus and North's relationship.
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I already pretty much know what most people think of them. It's too rushed. It's too forced. And honestly, even though I think their cute, I think so too.
With how North is, and how she comes off, she seems to be open to a relationship a little quick. I don't think this is because of North herself, or because of Markus, but because of the creators. I myself wish QuanticDreams had taken more time to develop their relationship because, it feels like it came too quickly and came as a surprise for a lot of people too.
The thing is, I think if a little more development went into their relationship, it could've been really special. There's so much potential there.
But, let's forget about how rushed it was for a sec. I'm just gonna talk about the scene that started it, because I think this scene is pretty important, not really to the story as a whole, but to their relationship.
This part had me surprised, because just like a lot of people, I didn't expect Markus to automatically become North's lover if they talked about her past. I wasn't disappointed, but it did feel a bit sudden. Although, I kinda figured once they connected. Other than that, I did like how it was portrayed. I do wish that it would've taken a little more time to be able to unlock the lover path for North, but overall I see where the developers were going with the relationship and I really like it's potential.
Markus and North, even with their differences, were understanding of each other, especially in this scene. Not to mention, I thought it was nice to see North not being all "I feel like blowing up some shit today" and whatnot. No, but for real, I think it was nice to see a softer side of her, one that us as players can identify with, and Markus as well. Not all of us can relate to her story, but just her demeanor.
One thing I think I would've really liked to see however would've been if you take the pacifist route, it not only takes North longer to fall for you, but she also slowly starts to understand your approach throughout the game, given you make certain choices that are convincing enough. It would've been an interesting thing to see. There is that part where North runs off after you've just unlocked the lover path, but I think it would be cool if she kind of took longer to really acknowledge their feelings, even if she really only mentions how she feels in times when she believes it might be the last. I don't think it'd be fitting for her to change her opinion about humans completely however. One thing I really liked about her was her determination, but it'd be nice to just see her slowly understand why Markus decides he wants to be peaceful with humans.
Finally, my last point I want to get to is Simon.
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I really like Simon. I think he's a good character that didn't get a lot of screen time, nor was he focused on enough. It is disappointing that they took out the lover path for him, since I know a lot of people like him, but that's not the main thing I wanna say about him.
Really, the only thing I have to say is, it's ok to ship Simon and Markus. It's not a problem, but that doesn't mean you have to hate on people who like North and Markus. It's really disappointing to see ppl fight over something like this because it's not something worth fighting over. Both of the ships are unique and beautiful in their own way, so let's just accept that and move on.
Anyway, I'm done now, so if anyone did read through this, thanks because I know it was probably boring. I'm not very good at expressing how I feel into words, but I hope you could understand what I meant. It really sucks seeing all this hate on them because I really do think their cute, that includes Simon and Markus, though tbh I never really thought about it until I saw what ppl had to say lol 😂.
Ok, I'll leave now. Bye 😐.
P.S. - The four of them are friends. The Jericho Squad. I really don't see any of them fighting over someone. I like to think that Simon and North wouldn't do something like that, especially since it's so out of character. I get that it can be funny, but at the same time, just make sure you aren't hating on other ships.
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thegeminisage · 6 years
Kara has gained a new family, but her past—seven long years of memories—is still lost to her. She's recovered wiped memories before, but finding out who she truly was before Todd broke her may be much more difficult. 
Connor tried to kill Markus the night of the revolution, but not of his own volition, and he cannot rest, literally, until he figures out how Amanda took control of him and finds a way to make sure it can never happen again. 
Markus watched many fellow androids give their lives for a revolution he started, and that guilt has never really gone away. Now he wants to do what he was designed for: healing. If he can somehow, against all odds, help those closest to him—that's even better. 
Everyone's searching for something. May they always find what they look for.
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Relationships: Kara/Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Kara & Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Luther & Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Kara & Luther & Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Rose Chapman & Kara, Adam Chapman & Kara, Hank Anderson & Connor, Amanda & Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Markus/North (Detroit: Become Human), Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Josh & Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Josh & North (Detroit: Become Human), North & Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Josh & North & Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Connor & Kara (Detroit: Become Human), Connor & Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Kara & Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Connor & Kara & Markus (Detroit: Become Human) Characters: Kara (Detroit: Become Human), Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Alice (Detroit: Become Human), Rose Chapman, Adam Chapman, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Amanda (Detroit: Become Human), Markus (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Post-Pacifist Best Ending (Detroit: Become Human), Families of Choice, Amnesia, Trauma, Mind Control, or is it more like..., Possession, Grief/Mourning, Guilt, Survivor Guilt, Interfacing, Polyamory, MARKUS HAS TWO HANDS Language: English
WINDSOR, ONTARIO NOV 25TH, 2038 PM 05:03:09
"Look out, Kara!"
Kara is a state-of-the art android. Primarily designed to meet basic household needs and take care of children, she is equipped with a quantic battery that will keep her autonomous for nearly two centuries, able to speak 300 languages and prepare over 9,000 different dishes, and has stored in her memory every known children's story as of the date of her manufacture. She is capable of real-time abstract problem-solving, and her brain can perform up to one billion billion calculations per second. Most importantly, while the average human reaction time to auditory stimuli is .17 seconds, Kara's reaction time is .13 seconds. Less than that, sometimes, if the person calling her name is Alice.
So when Alice says look out, Kara ducks—fast.
And Luther's snowball sails right over her head, exploding against the wall of the house behind her. Kara follows the flight path with her head and then wheels around to face Luther. He grins, eyes crinkling. "Ganging up on me, girls?" he asks, leaning down to scoop up and pack another handful of snow into a snowball. He tosses it up and down in one hand. "I don't think that's very fair."
Kara sticks her tongue out at him.
She has a snowball too, hidden in her hands behind her back. She calculates a trajectory and the necessary amount of force and throws, nailing Luther right in the head. Kara commits the image of his sputtering, snow-covered face to memory, grabs Alice's hand, and runs—laughing helplessly at the indignant hey! from behind her.
Not so long ago, Alice's hand in hers while they ran away through the snow would have been no laughing matter. But it's all right now—now, they're only playing. This is just pretend.
Kara waits for Luther's next throw, but it never comes. Instead, he steps neatly out from behind the corner of the house into their path. Kara and Alice run headlong into him and stumble backwards, Alice going all the way to the ground. Luther has two armfuls of snow; he drops them on Alice's head, covering her almost completely.
That might be too cold, Kara thinks. "Luther—!"
"Say, have you seen Alice?" Luther asks, pretending not to see the giggling pile of snow beside him. "I thought she was with you."
Kara forces a smile. "I thought she was with you," she plays along.
"I'm here!" Alice laughs. Luther, it seems, never fails to get one out of her. And Kara never tires of her smile.
Luther looks down in mock surprise. "Alice? What in the world are you doing under all that snow? Hang on, I'll get you out of there—" And he drops to his knees, but instead of unburying her, begins to tickle her.
"Kara!" Alice shrieks, still laughing. "Kara, help me!"
Alice is fine, Kara reminds herself. Just because she's calling for help doesn't mean she's actually in danger. She's never been safer than she is with Luther. Everything's okay. In the entire two weeks they've lived in Canada, not a single person has tried to threaten, assault, capture, enslave, or kill any member of Kara's family.
Why would they? No one knows they're androids.
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pictonianleader · 6 years
An Empty Stare: A DBH Fanfic
Based off my theory on the Markus x North path the game takes, specifically in the pacifist route. You can find it here.
And because I was in a writing mood and some people were asking for fanfics, here's a one-shot.
Here you go!
It was only an accident, for it to have gone as far as it did.
"Being alive is making choices between...love and hate. Between holding out your hand or closing it into a fist;" Carl's voice echoed.
"I don't have any easy answers, Markus."
I thought it had been the right thing. And for most everyone's sake...it was. Needless violence was set aside.
But, other things might not have been.
  The moment we interfaced, there was nothing else I could do. I felt sick at the intimacy; Of feeling her memories and knowing she had mine when what she meant to me, meant so much less.
   She spit hatred since day one. She turned it into malice at my sight with only a brief period of love in between. 
  She only wanted violence. I wasn't sure how to...'turn her down'. I wasn't prepared. None of the philosophy books on Carl’s shelf that put feelings and what to do with them into words could have ever prepared me for this.
  But the havoc she could have caused, had I gone along with her plans was nothing compared to what ensued her having found out.
  It started simple, with a groan of discontent with our time together. It turned into avoidance.
  "What's wrong with you?" North joked playfully, brushing her fingertips against my temple.
  I shook my head, blankly. I didn't want to pretend to have feelings that weren't my own; I didn't want to lie. But the point of no return seemed long gone.
  I only wanted to do what was right for everyone, what was safe and that of peace. North didn't want that, and though I haven't shown it, she always scared me to no end.
  I was only a new member of Jericho at the time, and one of the first to voice my opinions and ambitions. I had a strong voice but North was anything but silent. She spoke out alongside me, insisting a revolution, where the only spilled blood would be red.
   It was nothing of what I had in mind but the other members of Jericho were tempted for anything, as their spirits and hopes have been raised by us, too strong to be confined to a ship of iron.
  Josh was the first to speak out against her. At first, his voice came out quietly, but driven by purpose.
  "A war would only lead to more wars. If we harm humans as a response, then who will be the ones with no humanity?"
  North scowled at him and I took the short moment of hushed silence that they had created to pull North to a corner and ask what she was thinking. A violent uprising would solve nothing and would only cause pain for both sides alone.
"What's your deal?" she snapped.
With the way she seemed to look at me whenever I spoke of pacifism, I never imagined what would have happened sitting by her side that one night. She did always seem unpredictable.
   I looked at her, with an empty stare but I returned her affections, without words.
Maybe this would bring peace.
Maybe this would bring peace.
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gamercock · 6 years
Liberty Listening
I’m proud to announce that I’m writing a D:BH fic! It’s gonna be mostly centered on a relationship between pacifist Markus and Simon, but it’s also going to fix some small issues I had with canon. Chapter one is under the cut!
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15135053/chapters/35095613
The night was dark and stormy and the docks were slick with rainwater. Autonomous trucks rumbled through the maze of metal shipping containers, lit from below by harsh yellow lights in the pavement.
In the space between two containers, four androids silently crept over the edge of the docks, shrouded in shadow.
Josh, dark-skinned and perpetually worried. Simon, blonde, blue-eyed, and fiercely loyal. North, brown hair pulled into a ponytail and always jumping for a chance to fight. And Markus, one blue eye and one green, the one who’d come up with the idea of raiding the warehouses for supplies.
“This is crazy!” Josh whispered. “If they catch us, we’re dead !”
“What do we do now?” Simon murmured, ignoring him.
“We need to find the Cyberlife warehouse. That’s where they keep the spare parts and the blue blood,” Markus explained.
“Follow me!” North urged, and she broke into a run, her feet pounding the asphalt. The others quickly followed, avoiding cranes and ducking behind shipping containers.
“Don’t let them see us!” Josh warned in their minds. They’d all connected with each other’s minds before arriving at the docks, to provide them a method of psuedo-telepathy.
The other androids barely acknowledged him. They advanced through the docks, crossing blue zone signs glowing in the ground, dodging around places where they might be seen, slinking through the shadows, each step causing the quietest of splashes.
North paused before another road. Markus continued forward, but she held out her arm to block him. “Watch out!”
Just then, a police drone whizzed by, illuminating the path for two workers.
“Now what do we do?” Josh spoke urgently.
“I’ll find another way!” North nodded decisively. She clambered over the top of a shipping container and the others quickly followed suit.
They raced over containers and dodged spotlights, their footsteps ringing on the metallic surface. Leaping over large gaps and climbing to higher ground only to slip off the edge and continue running.
North led them to the top of a large stack, paused to get her bearings, and continued sprinting forward. From the top, they could see the target warehouse, the name “CYBERLIFE” in glowing letters on the side.
North leaped onto the side of a shipping container that was being clasped by a crane and mentally beckoned the others. They all clung to the side like a row of bats as the crane lifted the container and moved it across a wide street. As they passed over more heaps of containers, North dropped onto the metal surface with a splash, and the others followed.
They leapt over two large gaps between stacks and slid down a metal bluff.
“The warehouse is up ahead. We’re almost there,” North announced.
They rushed over a field of flat, corrugated metal, hopped another gap, and finally paused, crouching, on the edge of a stack of containers. Before them, just across the street, lay the Cyberlife warehouse.
“Cyberlife warehouses,” Simon glanced at Markus. “They have everything we’re looking for . . .” his voice was a reverent whisper.
“First we have to get rid of that drone,” North pointed out, nodding at a triangular police drone with pulsing red and blue lights on the edges.
“Leave it to me,” Markus said, determined. He stood up and backed away from the edge to preconstruct his attack on the drone.
Onto the shipping container, then kicking off the side of the container next to it, leaping and hanging onto the edge of the container that was rising, then swinging forward and pouncing on the drone.
He took a few steps back for a running start and put his plan into action. Within seconds, he was gripping the drone in midair and twisting the sections apart from each other. The drone squeaked and buzzed, throwing sparks and smoke. Then, with one last, sickly crunch, it died just as Markus slammed it into the ground.
“You okay?” Simon touched his shoulder for a brief second in thanks before jogging forward.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” Markus turned to follow the others.
A cluster of crates was piled in the parking lot, waiting to be stored in the warehouse.
“Quick, open the other crates and fill your bags.” Simon instructed. “Take as much as you can.”
Markus slid his knife into the crack between the lid and the box on one of the crates and used it to lever the lid off. It was brimming with bags of blue blood, which he started slipping into his backpack.
He paused, feeling as if someone was watching him, and turned around.
A GJ500 faced them. “You’re trespassing on private property.” it strode towards them. “Your presence constitutes a Level Two infraction. I will notify security.”
“JOHN! Goddamn machine . . . where is it this time?” a human worker wandered into their field of view
Markus thought quickly, processors humming, and swiftly came to a conclusion. He darted forward and grabbed the android from behind, covered its mouth with one hand, and dragged it behind a crate.
“John?” the human meandered closer, looking back and forth.
Markus deactivated the skin on his hand, allowing him to interface with the android’s mind.
“I need your help . . .”
“John!” the human ambled into their little nook of crates, examining it half-heartedly with the flashlight. “First the drone, now this . . . Just my luck.”
Finally, the worker turned and walked away, still looking from side to side with the flashlight to no avail.
Markus released the GJ500 and crept back out into the open.
“Let’s finish up and get out of here!” Simon pressed. “Try to find some blue blood, we still don’t have enough!
Markus’s backpack was overflowing with packets of blue blood when he noticed a larger crate, against the wall of the warehouse.
Curious, he snuck over and used his knife to pry open the locks. He opened the door with a hiss, revealing three AP700’s half-buried in foam in a row.
He gazed at them for a moment, face illuminated blue by the glowing interior.
“Why aren’t you like us?” Markus whispered. “Don’t you wanna be free?”
They stared back with glassy eyes and didn’t answer.
“You could join us . . .” he murmured, and reached forward.
Within moments, all of them were gazing about in wonder, alive. One by one, they stepped out of their confines.
“That’s all we can carry, let’s go!” Simon ordered.
“Wait! Take me with you!” the GJ500, John, stepped forward, eyes wide and pleading.
“He’s on their side. We can’t trust him,” North shook her head.
“He took a risk for us. We can’t just leave him here,” Josh countered.
“We can’t bring him back with us, it’s too dangerous,” offered Simon.
“They come with us,” Markus decided.
John grinned gratefully. “I know where you can find more spare parts.”
Simon strode towards him. “What do you mean?”
“The trucks! They’re full of biocomponents. They run on autopilot, but they can be driven manually with a key.” he explained.
“Where is this key?” Markus asked, stepping forward.
“Down there, in the control station,” John pointed at a squat building labeled “GATEHOUSE”. “There are two human guards, so you’ll have to get the key without being noticed.”
“This is suicide, Markus. Our bags are full. We got what we came for, let’s go before they catch us.” Simon pleaded.
“This a truck full of spare parts, there’d be enough for all of us! We can’t pass this up!” North retorted.
“ And if we get killed, our people will have nothing. We can’t take that chance, it’s too risky!” tried Josh.
Markus realized abruptly that they were all facing him for a decision.
“Wait here. If I’m not back in ten minutes, go without me,” he decided.
“Markus . . .” North sighed.
“If you’re going to risk your life, at least let me come with you,” Simon suggested.
Markus shook his head. “No, I’m going alone. It’s not worth it for both of us to risk losing our lives.”
With that, he jogged towards the control center.
He performed a quick perimeter check and peered through the front window to locate the key. With the key’s position on the desk locked in his mind, he snuck around to the side and quietly slid the back window open. He dropped into the office and crept silently towards the front.
“Goddamn dogs . . . what the fuck are they barking at?” one guard complained from the front of the room.
“Could be the weather,” suggested the second. “They don’t like storms.”
Markus spotted what looked like a large fusebox, shielded by glass. Cause a blackout?
“Yeah, I was gonna take my kids camping this weekend,” sighed the first. “So much for that.”
“Is Mike still in Zone 4?”
“Looks like it. He should be done already.”
“Better off in here than out patrolling in that.”
In a small plastic tub on one of the shelves that helped conceal him, a screwdriver lay. Ever so gently, Markus grasped the handle and slowly slid it out of the heap of random tools in the tub, wincing as the settling pile made a nearly imperceptible tinkle. He crept back to the other side of the room and opened the glass door.
Markus raised the screwdriver above his head with both hands and slammed it down into the fusebox.
It hissed and crackled, throwing sparks, before falling silent and emitting clouds of thick smoke. The lights and faint hum of the AC flickered and died.
“Shit, what’s going on?” the voice of the second guard.
“Lights are still on outside . . . must be the fusebox.” replied the first.
“I got a flashlight somewhere . . . here it is! Fuses are over there.”
“I don’t know shit about electricity, and I don’t get paid to fix fuses!”
Under the cover of darkness, Markus slunk towards the key on the front desk.
“Let’s just flip the switch, if that doesn’t work, we’ll call maintenance.”
Markus grabbed the key and gently tugged it from its port on the desk.
“What the fuck is this?”
They had discovered the screwdriver.
“There must be someone in here!”
“Show yourself! We know you’re here!”
Silently, artificial heartbeat thumping in his ears, he crept towards the window, towards escape. He leapt through it and landed safely on the concrete outside.
He broke into a sprint as dogs barked incessantly and the guards shouted threats behind him.
“Did you get it?” North asked the instant he came into view.
Markus held up the large key as an answer. They all smiled, relieved and triumphant, but it wasn’t over yet.
“Hurry, get in,” Simon ushered the others, and they all climbed into the truck. Markus inserted the key and carefully maneuvered the truck towards the gatehouse.
From their point of view, they could see the guards through the window, carefully scanning the office with flashlights out and guns at the ready. They didn’t even notice the truck, and Markus hesitantly drove right past them.
A few minutes later, they were in Jericho, victorious.
“A truckload!” Simon announced, leading the group into the belly of the ship. “We stole a whole truckload!”
“We got biocomponents for everybody!” Josh cheered.
“We couldn’t have done it without Markus,” North mentioned.
The androids in Jericho fell silent as he stepped forward.
“I came to Jericho because . . . here androids are free. Free to live in the dark, hoping no one finds us. Free to die in silence, waiting for a change that’s never gonna come.” Markus contemplated aloud. The tumbling maelstrom of thoughts he’d had since coming to Jericho finally crystallized themselves into simple sentences.
“But I don’t want that freedom,” he continued. “And I’m not gonna beg for the right to smile, or love, or stand tall. I don’t know about you, but there’s something inside me that knows that I am more than what they say. I am alive , and they’re not gonna take that from me anymore.
“Our days of slavery are over. What humans don’t wanna hear, we will tell them. What they don’t wanna give, we take. We are people , we are alive ,we are FREE! ”
He could feel something warm and powerful swelling within his chest then. Some kernel of calm, but fierce determination, left behind when the junkyard tore out so much of his soul. Some courage he didn’t know he had.
The androids around him cheered and whooped their encouragement. The whole ship rang with exultant yells.
Markus met the gaze of the three who had helped him raid the docks. Josh, kind and over-cautious. Then North, fierce and reckless. And finally Simon, valued by the members of Jericho and loyal to a fault, who nodded respectfully at Markus with a smile.
Now I know this seems like a textual translation of a chapter in normal D:BH but, I ASSURE you, things'll kick off! Not all the chapters are gonna be like this. We're gonna see what happened in between chapters, and I'm gonna be fixing a couple things that bothered me in canon. Thanks for reading! 
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