#marmalised frowner
theinoculator · 11 months
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You can call me inno, inocc, or Inoculator! This isn't my actual name, but I would rather have privacy and not have others, or me, get confused with the actual Inoculator leg on the marmaliser, or any oc's based of it either
Welcome to my blog, where I post art, and other stuff! Now, as I usually struggle to know what I have to give a content warning or not, I advise that if you either have epilepsy, a phobia of any colour, or just anything like that (sorry if i have not specified certain ones), i would not recommend going through my blog any further (don't worry, I will do know if there is NSFW content, but it is very unlikely I will post any of that unless it is a accident).
Now, please be patient with me on making art or comics, as I have a glitchy stylus, and have personal things to attend to some of the time. Please don't send a ask of anything too personal.
As of what is in my description, I in fact have a tiny bit of social anxiety disorder (was recently discharged, but it might come back), OCD, and autism symptoms, which have all been professionally diagnosed, so another reason I might take some time to do stuff, is due to that (OCD might not affect it, but idk, I was never told which type I had).
I might not post on the 13th of January for personal reasons (and no, it's not my birthday that day).
I'm still working on attempting to make my art better, so please excuse me if it is a bit crappy
(And yes, I admit it, I am a tiny bit goth)
My oc's are also taking asks
Also if you want to draw fanart, go ahead! The only rules are that it's not nsfw Content, isn't mocking anything, and that's it! Kill them if you want, I don't care, just don't do it brutally if you kill them, but alive but brutally injured is better than brutal death
Also message me personally on Tumblr (or discord if you know my account on there) if there is a problem with any content I have reblogged, posted, or anything on here that may be a problem to you or others, or if you just want to chat, since I am open to being friends with anyone or if anyone needs support!
(P.s I am also a therian but I won't be posting any therian content, as I like to keep it in my private life unless I actually want to share it)
Have Fun! :3
Non-towers oc's under
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42 notes · View notes
theinoculator · 7 months
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I've been pretty busy since Saturday, but I have managed to do some doodles
And yes, even if smiler has enemies, the enemy rank will get removed as soon as they are corrected
(Also, the right picture is not a ship, it's just a friendship bond between the two)
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