#ministry of sadness
theinoculator · 11 months
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You can call me inno, inocc, or Inoculator! This isn't my actual name, but I would rather have privacy and not have others, or me, get confused with the actual Inoculator leg on the marmaliser, or any oc's based of it either
Welcome to my blog, where I post art, and other stuff! Now, as I usually struggle to know what I have to give a content warning or not, I advise that if you either have epilepsy, a phobia of any colour, or just anything like that (sorry if i have not specified certain ones), i would not recommend going through my blog any further (don't worry, I will do know if there is NSFW content, but it is very unlikely I will post any of that unless it is a accident).
Now, please be patient with me on making art or comics, as I have a glitchy stylus, and have personal things to attend to some of the time. Please don't send a ask of anything too personal.
As of what is in my description, I in fact have a tiny bit of social anxiety disorder (was recently discharged, but it might come back), OCD, and autism symptoms, which have all been professionally diagnosed, so another reason I might take some time to do stuff, is due to that (OCD might not affect it, but idk, I was never told which type I had).
I might not post on the 13th of January for personal reasons (and no, it's not my birthday that day).
I'm still working on attempting to make my art better, so please excuse me if it is a bit crappy
(And yes, I admit it, I am a tiny bit goth)
My oc's are also taking asks
Also if you want to draw fanart, go ahead! The only rules are that it's not nsfw Content, isn't mocking anything, and that's it! Kill them if you want, I don't care, just don't do it brutally if you kill them, but alive but brutally injured is better than brutal death
Also message me personally on Tumblr (or discord if you know my account on there) if there is a problem with any content I have reblogged, posted, or anything on here that may be a problem to you or others, or if you just want to chat, since I am open to being friends with anyone or if anyone needs support!
(P.s I am also a therian but I won't be posting any therian content, as I like to keep it in my private life unless I actually want to share it)
Have Fun! :3
Non-towers oc's under
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countess-of-edessa · 10 months
scrolling through novena after novena choosing which saints i think would be most receptive to my frivolous little interpersonal problems
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jesslovesboats · 1 month
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Sad Boat Girlie Barack Obama was not on my 2024 Bingo card, but I'm absolutely delighted 🥰
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svampira · 1 year
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post frenzy mess @pagangstalker
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herbofgraceandpeace · 1 month
not sure my boss knows how to handle that I am. anxious. at all times? So. There’s that
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smilercats2 · 7 months
To me AI is close to me because I was bullied all my life and things keep getting stolen and I be blackmailed by people I’ve be bullied by people I’ve be laired to by people be calling my mental health silly or People just think I’m not there don’t have any friends suggesting with my mental health and had friends who just stole or be bullying me nobody likes me and the voices love it that I have no friends
I found it hard to social with people
I’m always sad
But I’m still drawing the smiler Alton towers and doing a fan story based of the smiler
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greenerteacups · 1 year
Ok. First of all, I am obsessed with Lionheart. You are amazing and I could sing your praises for hours. However, I have a question regarding Wolfstar. Your fic was actually the first time I came across that ship. (I know now it's really popular). However, I would love to hear more about your thoughts on Remus and Sirius. Whether it's canon or your interpretation of them. I always found Tonks and Remus to be a strange couple in the HP books. Was that your impression as well? How do you think a romantic relationship between the two characters changes them, if it does at all? Thanks!
Totally! Thanks for the ask!
I think Remus and Tonks getting together suffers from the same thing that a lot of canon relationships do, i.e., that JKR doesn't really know how to write romantic chemistry. There are very few times in the books where it feels like there's genuine sexual or romantic tension happening on the page. So that's layer 1.
Layer two is that Remus and Tonks aren't themselves on the page for most of Books 5-7, so their "love story," as such, is 90% exposition. The only scenes we get of them as a couple are Tonks scolding Remus for not dating her and Remus guiltily shooting her down. It also seems out of character for Remus, who is defined in many ways by his attachment to the past and who has been living out of Sirius's pockets for two years, to show little or no apparent grief at the death of his best friend of twenty years, not to mention one of the last people alive who loved James Potter. Harry grieves Sirius more than Lupin seems to, and Harry knew Sirius for about five minutes compared to Lupin. That's not to say that grief always looks the same — it's different, and I'm sure Lupin compartmentalized it for the war effort — but it should, in theory, stop you from jumping into a high-intensity relationship with your dead best friend's niece. (If you look at the timeline on Tonks and Lupin's relationship vis-a-vis Sirius's death, it is absolutely wild.)
The Wolfstar in Lionheart is subtle, but as overt as I thought was realistic for two men who hadn't seen each other in years and are also, by necessity, only seen by the reader in the presence of their thirteen-year-old godson. I wanted to capture the energy of "closeted on-again off-again lovers in the 70s and 80s before having a VERY messy breakup" (which, believe it or not, is a broader demographic than you'd think), both because I think it's a fun way to write them (the vibes! the possessiveness! the old-married-couple meets shy-first-relationship of it all!) and because it explains why Lupin is totally alone before Prisoner of Azkaban — in particular, why he never made an effort to contact Harry. It's hard enough to be a closeted man in Britain in the 1980s; throw in a case of lycanthropy and an insane amount of personal trauma, and what you've got on your hands is the kind of guy who'd go totally radio silent on everyone he knows for 13 straight years.
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counterpunches · 11 months
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vampryn · 8 months
ministry, front line assembly and gary numan show is coming up kinda soon!! its a weird universe where this is a thing thats happening..
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biblebloodhound · 1 year
From Infertility to Laughter (Genesis 21:1-7)
I am heartened that Abraham kept bringing up Sarah’s infertility issue to God. And the Lord was never silent about it, but remained adamant that the divine promise would come from the two of them together.
The Lord was attentive to Sarah just as he had said, and the Lord carried out just what he had promised her. She became pregnant and gave birth to a son for Abraham when he was old, at the very time God had told him. Abraham named his son—the one Sarah bore him—Isaac. Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old just as God had commanded him. Abraham was 100 years old when his son…
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theinoculator · 5 months
as soon as I get home, I'm drawing all my Alton towers oc's, including the new ones I have not made a final design on, but I'm thinking of it, for example: Rita, Wicker man, and 4 new oc's in the smiler resistance, which I am going to call 'The ministry of sadness', as to not get it confused or included with anyone else's oc's on a resistance against the ministry of joy
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blue-hi · 11 months
i love the phrase "to grow on someone" to mean that they are fond of you. i grow on people like a fungus because i don't know how to like people and things half-assedly so i'll just stick around till they tell me to scram but they won't because they like me and sometimes even ask me to stick around and then all of a sudden it's years later and i'm still fucking there. doing who knows what.
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nocturnal-birb · 2 years
Really be wishing and longing for Copia to be real so he can hug me right about now. That would fix me
Copia if you’re out there, my room is open-
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amerasdreams · 2 years
Now I just learned about someone mom knew who was a missionary and then she was raped by one of the people she was ministering to and she got pregnant and gave away the baby. She was engaged to a rich guy, of some big corporation, but he broke it off because of this
For something that wasn't her fault. Just when she needed support the most.
How much more of this horrible stuff happens and ppl tell no one! Or they do and they're not believed!! Not helped!! Making the trauma worse!! This has to stop!!!!!!
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I visited my old church over the weekend, and it must be something about coming back with fresh eyes that made me realise—my current church is absolutely lovely and definitely not perfect but it’s certainly alive, and I can see now how this group of burnt out people (who are each lovely in their own part, most of them, just together they seem so desperate and hungry for connection and love and seem so unable to give it) feel a lot like Charn (I read the magician’s nephew recently and now it’s the only thing I use for metaphors). Like I remember how everything I had to give fit like a puzzle piece if it was an ecosystem and I remember the wide-eyed optimism for what we could create and I remember ignoring my unmet needs for years on end for the sake of the vision, a vision that’s only expanded since then: a vision of people fully experiencing liberation and connection because to me that’s what the religion we have in common is about at its core.
I remember being disappointed by the people around me who went from the friend group of my late teens and young adult years to colleagues I tried to be understanding of the limitations of, I remember trying to be there as the people I love fell apart trying to be there covering all the need we saw in people around us, trying to live that life we’re supposedly called to where we care. Never questioning why there was so much need—who does in their altruistic optimism? Who wants to end up like the people who don’t care? We can do better we think. We’re dumb and passionate, me more than most when I’m so time and energy blind I forget how to predict when I have the spoons and I rely on the sense of community and purpose I get there to power my entire life. But with so much need how the hell on God’s green earth was I meant to tell them how to care for me? I remember spending services crying in the bathroom between somehow keeping the place going, I remember every time someone came and felt like they belonged for the first time ever, the secondary joy could distract me and make me forget I didn’t really want to be alive. I also remember every single person who left, hurt by something I didn’t know and would wonder about ever since. Needs of people around me stuffing my brain so full so that I couldn’t vocalise what I needed because I just didn’t know. I now know I get sensory overload from other people’s unmet needs, and I can see everything they hide. But why are there so many?
it makes perfect sense now actually, when you think about the church as a whole and all the fear and shame so many of those people grew up with and the tribal insecurity that somehow missed me because I always thought we had a faith of liberation and connection (why did we not live like that?) which meant I was never scared of people and if they insulted me I wouldn’t even notice unless it was funny, so curious to take in everyone else’s perspectives and feel whatever they were feeling that if it elicited an emotion in me it’d get lost in the fray. We used to insult American Christians for being weird about politics and lgbtqia+ people, when did we become like that too? But it makes perfect sense, for fear of different feeds on fear and shame and insecurity. We say we’re a safe space for everyone, but it ends up being somewhere people who don’t feel safe themselves make others feel unsafe and I didn’t even realise they were doing that to me. Maybe I can fix it, because I know what’s underneath. Maybe I can prioritise better and do better than I did. Most dangerous idea I ever had.
I know my limits now, all the things I can’t do, and I pray for these people. Pray for the day where maybe I can make a difference without destroying myself because I finally have the ability to see that that’s not now and there’s no ‘easy’ way to do a little, not for me at least. The tidal wave of ideas takes over. I only know how to go too far and think I can work and study and volunteer all at once. No one could do what I was trying and if they could, why should I have to? I don’t have to. That’s the point of my religion. And you can see why it gets confusing. Why it seems impossible and sometimes I just have to wait and hope that somehow people will come together in ways that can make it better. More accessible.
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wizardingsouls · 1 year
tag dump one ft. general tags !!
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