#married this June“ (up until this point they have not talked about marriage) and Tommy's like ”yeah anything you want baby“
the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Rusty Cage (Tommy x Nikki)
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Title: Rusty Cage
Prompt: Jail
Summary:  Nikki never had a good feeling about the arrangement the management team made him and Tommy live in. And his feelings were confirmed when Tommy is arrested.
Warnings:  This will paint Pamela in a very, very bad light. So if you a Pamela stan, this might not be the fic for you. Also, several aspects are being written out, so this could be considered an AU. Language, fake marriage, forced contracts.
Elektra decided it was for the best, to make Tommy and Nikki look wholesome. Nikki married Brandi Brandt, and when Tommy’s relationship with Heather fizzled away, they set him up with someone else. Pamela Anderson had been friends with Brandi, and when they set in on the meeting with the management team, everyone, minus Nikki, decided that she would be the perfect fit for Tommy’s image. No amount of begging and pleading to his boyfriend could change Tommy’s mind. He just wanted to spend more time with Nikki, and if posing as Mr. Pamela Anderson was the way it had to be, then so be it.
“I just have a bad feeling about this babe,” Nikki told him the night before Tommy was supposed to “marry” Pamela. “I just don’t trust her.”
“I know how you feel,” Tommy sighed. “But she was the best option. She’s friends with Brandi anyway. And her contract doesn’t look two bad.”
“I know, I know,” Nikki sighed. He hated that they had to put up this front. He did love Brandi, but not in the way he loved Tommy. He had agreed to have three kids with her, and she could have a boyfriend if she wanted. Pamela wanted two with Tommy, and her contract didn’t seem bad, but something about how she presented herself just rubbed Nikki the wrong way.
"You know I love you, right?" Tommy asked as he piled his long body on Nikki's. Nikki smiled and took the drummer into his arms. Even when he had nothing else, he always had his Tommy. 
"Not as much as I love you," Nikki teased before placing a kiss on Tommy.
He was going to enjoy tonight, because tomorrow was going to be a long fucking day.
She changed the contract one the day of the “wedding”. She wanted more days with her husband than was originally on the contract, and Tommy knew when Nikki found out, he was going to throw a fit.
But honestly, Tommy also did too when the lawyers she had hired told him about the changes that were taking place. He felt like a kid in a custody battle. Pamela wanted certain days with him, and his lawyers would argue, her lawyers would shove it right back. It went on and on like this for a minute until Tommy finally excused himself for some air. He was about to call Nikki, to tell him the deal was off, that he didn’t care if he stayed with Brandi but he wasn’t going through with this.
That’s when the doors opened and she came walking out after him.
“Tommy,” She said softly. Tommy put down his phone and looked at her. “I know that this whole thing is crazy, and things aren’t going the way either of us planned, but I think we can make it work.” She sat on the bench by where he was sitting and rested her hand on top of his. “You know, I always did have a crush on you when I was hanging out with Bret Michaels. I was with Poison, but I really wanted to be with Motley Crue.”
“That’s...cool?” Tommy looked at her. “What is in this for you Pamela?”
“Two kids, for starters,” She told him. “And I think we can help each other out more than you think Mr. Lee. I mean, I’m a Baywatch Babe, but I could be so much more. And your Mr. Bad Boy of Rock, we could bend Hollywood to our will.”
“You do know this arrangement is just for show, right?” Tommy told her.
“Of course sweetie,” She smiled at him. “Doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun along the way, right?” Her hand trailed up his arm, making him shiver a bit. She leaned over, letting her lips ghost across his cheek. Her lips were right by his ear. “There’s paps everywhere. Wanna put on a good show, don’t we?” She whispered before licking his ear. She pulled back and smirked at him. “Let’s go back in, shall we?” She stood up and offered her hand to him, which he took and walked back into the conference room with her.
The management team spread the wedding of Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson like wildfire. They sent her and Tommy to Mexico for it, and soon, they were coming back to LA and Tommy had never been happier to see LAX. As the plane landed, they made their way to the private area where they could be without cameras and screaming paparazzi. Tommy headed towards his car.
“Where are you going?” Pamela asked, watching him make his way to his car.
“Home?” He turned to look at her.
“I thought you’d want to spend some more time together,” She told him.
“I just spent almost two weeks with you in Mexico. I miss Nikki,” Tommy explained. “We’ll meet up and have lunch or something tomorrow. But tonight, I need to spend it with my boyfriend.” Pamela frowned as she watched Tommy get in his car and drive off.
“God, I missed you,” Tommy sighed as he laid in Nikki’s arms. “She is a little much.”
“I tried to tell you,” Nikki held him close. “Someday, we’re going to be out from fucking Elektra, and we won’t have to jump through all these fucking hoops.” He traced his fingers over tattoos and smiled as he remembered going with Tommy to get most of these.
“Just ten years of her, or getting rid of Elektra,” Tommy sighed. “I can’t fucking wait.”
She started getting demanding. On the days when he would be spending with Nikki, she would keep calling him, asking when he was coming home. On the days he was with her, Nikki could never reach him. Tommy would come back to him looking tired and sad. Nikki would’ve done anything to help him, but their hands were tied as long as Elektra was breathing down their necks.
Tommy fulfilled part of his contract in June, when he went through the process laid out by his lawyers to inseminate Pamela. Nikki remembered that fight. She had been under the impression that they would have actually consummated their “marriage”, but Tommy had gone another route to get her pregnant with the first of the two children that she wanted.
Nikki remembered Tommy’s face when he held Brandon for the first time. His eyes were wide and he couldn’t stop smiling. Yeah, Tommy had held babies in the past. Hell, he had absolutely fawned over the ones Nikki and Brandi had had.
“Nik, he’s perfect,” Tommy whispered, looking up at the bassist. “I love him.”
“He looks like you babe,” Nikki smiled and kissed Tommy’s forehead.
“Uh hum,” Pamela’s voice cut through. “I’d like to spend time with my husband and son. Alone.” Tommy and Nikki looked at each other before Tommy sighed and nodded.
“I’ll see you at home later,” Nikki told him, giving him a kiss before heading out the door. Him and PAmela glared at each other. Nikki was itching to say something to her. He wanted to tell her that Tommy wouldn’t be her husband for much longer, or something like that, but instead, he just gave Tommy and Brandon a smile before he left the hospital.
“Nikki!” Tommy called out a few months later. Nikki was in the study, working on some lyrics, and Tommy had brought Brandon with him to their home while Pamela was out for the day. Nikki made his way into the living room where Tommy was playing with his son and he watched as Brandon made it a few steps before falling.
“Oh my god! Pam’s not gonna be happy that I saw him walk before she did,” Nikki teased as he bent down and scooped the toddler up into his arms, who instantly stopped crying and snuggled into Nikki’s chest. “God, he’s a cute kid.”
“That’s because he has me for a dad,” Tommy laughed, watching Nikki and Brandon. “And you look good holding him.”
“You saying I don’t always look good?” Nikki smirked at him.
“Oh, shut your mouth,” Tommy laughed. He looked at Brandon and saw him fast asleep in Nikki’s arms, holding onto the threadbare t-shirt that he was wearing. “Well, look at that.”
“I got a gift,” Nikki smiled, placing a gentle kiss on Tommy’s lips. “Why don’t we put him to bed and watch a movie before you have to get him back to her.”
“I wish that I didn’t have to split my time,” Tommy admitted as they took Brandon to the nursery that had previously been used for Nikki’s kids. Brandi was a lot more liberal about letting the kids around Tommy, to the point that Gunner had even said once that he had two daddies and one mommy.
“It won’t be like this forever,” Nikki told him. “I wish you could’ve just stuck with Heather though. Things were easier with her. She was pretty laid back like Brandi.” His and Brandi’s contract had just come up, and with talks about Elektra dropping Motley Crue, Nikki decided to not renew or find another girl. Him and Brandi were still on pretty good terms though, and were working on co-parenting, which wasn’t too bad.
“I know, I just…” Tommy sighed and Nikki wrapped his arms around his waist as they watched Brandon sleep.
“It’ll be okay babe,” Nikki told him. “I got you.”
A prison is what Tommy felt like he was trapped in when she kept badgering him for their second child. Brandon had grown really attached to Nikki, wanting to spend more time over there than he did at home. His “NiNi” loved him just as much as he loved his own children.
So Tommy made good on his contract in 1997, Dylan was born. Another perfect little boy and Tommy loved him just as much as he loved Brandon. He had even made plans to get their names tattooed on his wrists, so they were always with him.
But also, in ‘97, things were starting to change.
First off, Elektra dropped Motley Crue from their management team. Vince came back after his time off, and while Nikki and Tommy really liked John, it was so great to have Vince back with them and Mick.
But then, the big change came over dinner, when Tommy and Nikki had a peaceful moment to themselves.
“I think I’m going to break my contract with Pamela,” Tommy told Nikki as they ate the meal that Tommy had prepared. “I’m ready to pay whatever fine it is that her lawyers lined out or whatever, but I wanted to run it by you before I told my lawyers.”
“Are you sure about this?” Nikki asked. “I don’t want her to try to cut off your balls or something the next time you’re over there to see the boys.”
“I don’t think she’s that crazy,” Tommy laughed. “I’ll let the lawyers handle it. I still want to be able to see my boys.” Tommy gave Nikki the biggest smile, which the bassist returned.
They both thought things were finally looking up.
It was about two weeks after Tommy’s lawyers were able to work him out of the contract that Pamela called. Tommy had been ignoring her calls, but this was the third time within an hour she had called him and he had had about enough.
“About time!” Pamela called out. “Dylan’s really sick and I need you to get here now.”
“Wait, what? What’s wrong with him?”
“I don’t know just get over here,” She told him before hanging up. Tommy all but ran out to his car and headed towards the house, calling Nikki on the way.
“Babe, Dylan’s sick,” Tommy told him. “I’m going over there to see what’s wrong. If you don’t hear from me in fifteen minutes, send help.” Tommy chuckled a little. “Love you.” He hung up the phone, knowing Nikki would get a kick out of his voicemail. He pulled into the driveway of the house and headed inside. The media hadn’t been told about the “divorce” yet, but it was only a matter of time before they figured it out.
“Daddy!” Brandon smiled and ran to Tommy when he came through the door. “Where’s Nikki?”
“He’s at work little man,” He smiled. “Where’s your mom and Dyl?”
“In the kitchen,” Brandon told him. “Daddy, I colored a picture today. Wanna see it?”
“I’ll check it out in a minute my man,” Tommy smiled and headed to the kitchen, where Pamela was standing with her back to him, holding Dylan. “Okay, what’s up?” Pamela turned to look at Tommy with bruises on her face and arms. “What the hell happened to you?”
“Stay away!” She screamed loudly. “The police are on their way?”
“What are you talking about?” He asked, taking a step towards her. “What’s going on?”
The front door burst open then and Brandon screamed as police came in. Pamela held onto a crying Dylan as the police came at Tommy, guns drawn.
“Hands up!” An officer barked. “Now!” Tommy immediately held his hands in the air.
“What’s going on?” Tommy asked. “Pamela?” She backed up, keeping Dylan in her arms, who was trying to reach for his dad. 
“Mr. Thomas Lee Bass, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent…” The officers voice trailed off as Tommy stared at Pamela, who glanced up at him and smiled before returning to her tears.
Nikki decided to drive by Pamela’s after hearing Tommy’s voicemail. They had been having some issues with her, constantly calling, being beyond angry, threatening. So something in the back of his mind just told him to go by and make sure that everything was okay.
That’s when he came upon the scene. Police cars in front of the house, Pamela and the boys standing in the front entrance, and Tommy being led to a cop car in handcuffs. Nikki quickly pulled his car into park and raced up to the scene.
“Nikki!” Tommy called out as he was being put in the cop car.
“Tommy! What’s going on?” The cop shut the door before Tommy could speak, but it was obvious that he was crying. Nikki stared through the window at his boyfriend, trying to find out what was going on.
“You can speak with him later,” A cop told Nikki before getting in the car. Nikki turned to look at Pamela. Brandon ran over.
“Nikki!” He grabbed onto his legs and cried. “Where’s daddy going?”
“I don’t know buddy,” Nikki picked Brandon up. Dylan was wiggling in Pamela’s arms, trying to follow his brother over to the bassit. “Pamela, what’s going on?”
“He’s an abusive piece of shit,” She spat. “Hit me while I was holding Dylan. He came over for no reason and hit me!”
“That’s...his voicemail said you called and told him Dylan was sick!” Nikki yelled. Pamela’s tears stopped as quickly as they started and she smiled at Nikki.
“Watch your tone of voice Mr. Sixx. Or you’ll never see Tommy again,” She laughed a little. “Brandon, sweetie, come inside.”
“But mommy…” Pamela gave her son a look. Brandon looked up at Nikki. “Love you Nikki.” He gave him a hug before wiggling out of his arms and heading over to his mom. Nikki sighed and looked back the way the police cars had left before getting in his car and leaving.
“I didn’t do this,” Tommy told everyone. His lawyer, the cops, and now Nikki. His lawyers had brought him in to help Tommy calm down, and it was working to an extent. “I never touched her! She told me Dyl was sick and I was worried.”
“I know babe,” Nikki wrapped his arm around the drummer. “We’re going to get to the bottom of this, okay?”
“If they say it's a misdemeanor, I’m looking at a year in jail Nik,” Tommy told him. “If they decide it’s a felony based on whatever fucking story she tells them, god, I’ll be here forever.” Tommy held his head in his hands. “Fuck, why didn’t I stay with Heather?”
“Because you both wanted different things in life,” Nikki rubbed his back. “We’re going to fix this. I know you didn’t do it. You know, Pamela knows. I just wish I could get the confession out of her before your trial…”
“Fuck,” Tommy banged his head on the table. “I’m so fucked.”
“I’m going to fix this babe,” Nikki told him. “There has to be a way.”
“She’s going to win, and she’s never going to let me see my boys ever again,” Tommy wiped his eyes. “I don’t know what to do.”
“You’ve got the best legal team we can afford. We’re going to fight this,” Nikki held him tightly. “I love you Tommy.”
“I love you too Nik,” Tommy closed his eyes. They stayed like that for as long as they could, until Nikki had to leave. 
But he went home to plan.
“Come on, one of you has to have like a Talkboy or something,” Nikki sighed. “What good are you two?”
“Hey, we’re not Macaulay Culkin. Sorry,” Vince sighed.
“We’re just as upset as you are, but we’re not spies,” Mick added.
“I mean, is there even a small chance that he could’ve actually hit her?” Vince asked. “I saw what he did to Honey back in the day.” Nikki turned to glare at him.
“She fucking stabbed him,” He hissed. Vince raised his hands, showing Nikki he meant no harm. “He’s facing some serious time and I know that she is lying. But they’ll just say I’m trying to cover for him. I need actual proof.”
“And dragging her by her blonde hair to the police station isn’t an option?” Mick shrugged. Nikki held his head in his hands. Tommy was being held until the trial, and Nikki wanted to save Tommy before that.
“Sorry man, but life isn’t like the movies. You don’t get the information you need at the exact moment that you need it,” Vince patted his shoulder. “Things don’t work that...wait a minute.”
“I don’t have a Talkboy, but I think that one of my kids has a tape recorder that they used for school,” Vince jumped up. “Give me a few minutes.” He disappeared into the other room to call Beth, not that he really wanted to.
“Wow, he must really care for the kid if he’s willing to call her,” Mick laughed. “We’re going to get through this Nikki. I promise.”
“I hope so,” Nikki sighed. “I can’t go another night without Tommy.” Vince came back then with a smirk on his face.
“Got you the tape recorder,” Vince laughed. “Now, let’s go save Tommy from being someone’s prison bitch!”
Nikki made his way to the jail to see Tommy. It felt like it had been so long since he had last seen him, and he really missed him. He headed to the visiting area. Tommy had a jumpsuit and everything, even though he was not officially in jail yet, they would not release him, fearing his was a “danger to society”.
Nikki sat there, waiting, until he heard the door open and Tommy was escorted in. He looked up from the discolored paint piece he was looking at and almost gasped.
Tommy had a black eye, busted lip, and it looked like his nose had bled some. Nikki quickly scrambled for the phone and waited for Tommy to pick up his.
“What happened?” Nikki asked. Tommy gave a snorted laugh.
“Guess it doesn’t matter how popular Motley Crue is with prisoners, a supposed wife beater is still shit,” Tommy explained. Tommy looked up at Nikki. “I still look sexy, right?”
“Of course,” Nikki offered him the best smile he could manage. “They put you in general population then?”
“Yeah, for a bit. But they’re telling me that I’ll probably serve the rest of my sentence in solitary or some shit,” Tommy sighed. “I need whoever Vince had to represent me so I can get his life of luxury…”
“Tommy, I’m trying to fix this…” Nikki told him. Tommy nodded, but Nikki could tell that the couple weeks he had been there had already taken a toll on him. MEntally, physically, and emotionally.
“I want to go home Nik,” Tommy whispered. Nikki nodded.
“And I want you home too,” Nikki told him. “I’m going to get you home. She can’t get away with this.”
“I think she already has Nik,” Tommy sounded so sad, and seeing the injuries on his face just made Nikki’s blood boil even more.
“You haven’t been sentenced yet,” Nikki told him. “She isn’t going to win. I’m not going to let her.” Tommy just gave him a small smile and nodded. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Before they knew it, visiting was over and Nikki was walking out of the jail with fire in his veins and determination in his eyes.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Vince asked as the three of them set outside Pamela’s house.
“Nope, but I have to do it,” Nikki held the stuffed toy in his hand from the last time the boys had been over. “You guys didn’t see Tommy’s face the last time I got to see him. He was beat to hell.”
“I can’t believe you’re going to do this,” Mick patted his arm. “But we’ll be right out here, ready and waiting.” Nikki nodded and got out of the car. He made his way up to the front door, took a deep breath, and rang the bell. Pamela came to the door, ready to shut it as soon as she saw Nikki standing there.
“Wait, wait,” Nikki held the door. “I just came to give this back to Dylan and…” He sighed. “I’ve came to beg.”
“Wait...what?” Pamela opened the door. “The great Nikki Sixx is here to beg? What for?”
“Just let me in,” Nikki pleaded with her. Pamela nodded and let him in. “Where are the boys?” Nikki noticed that it was strangely quiet in the house, just some music playing.
“They’re with my mother,” She told him. She crossed her arms over her chest, watching him. “I believe I heard something about begging?”
“What is it going to take to get you to drop the charges?” Nikki asked. “Do you want him to sign another contract or something? Want another kid? Elektra dropped us, but I’m sure he’d agree to it. I...do you want to actually be married to him or something?”
“I have a boyfriend,” She told him, sitting on a barstool. “I just want to get a point across that you don’t fuck me over.” She took a sip of her wine. “Where do you think I really got these bruises from Nikki? It sure as hell wasn’t from Tommy. It was from a very, very athletic afternoon.”
“Boyfriend?” Nikki asked.
“What? You think Tommy was the only one to have a guy on the side?” She smirked. “It’s someone Tommy hates. And boy, when I brought up screwing him over, he was all game for it.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Nikki asked, taking a step back.
“Because no one will ever believe you,” She smirked. “Look at him and his history, then look at me. They’ll lock him away faster than Vince driving on the 110.”
“Oh my god,” Nikki gasped.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll still be your little toy when he gets out. If he gets out,” She laughed. “But I’m sure as hell not going to make it easy on him.”
“Bitch,” Nikki whispered.
“I’d watch your words Mr. Sixx,” She tapped her fingers on the counter. “It wouldn’t be too hard to stick you in the cell right across from him.” With that, Nikki left, heading out the front door. Pamela smiled as she heard the front door close and she headed upstairs to where her boyfriend was waiting for her.
“So?” Vince asked as Nikki got in the car. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the tape recorder, rewinding it and playing the conversation from the beginning.
“Bitch didn’t expect a thing,” Nikki smiled. “We gotta get this to Tommy’s lawyers, ASAP.”
“On it,” Mick nodded and the three of them drove off, heading towards Tommy’s lawyers.
“What’s going on?” Tommy asked, confused, when the guards came in to let him out of his cell.
“You’ve been sprung,” One of the guards admitted. Tommy frowned, but let himself be led to the area where he changed out of his jumpsuit and back into the clothes he had been arrested in. They gave him his wallet, since Nikki had gotten the keys and was able to pick up Tommy’s car from impound. But Nikki was right there, waiting for him, as he left the jail. Nikki quickly had his arms around Tommy, holding him close.
“What did you do?” Tommy asked when Nikki finally let go of him for a minute. “What happened?”
“Pamela confessed,” Nikki told him. “Charges are being dropped and we are filing charges against her now.”
“What?” Tommy asked, extremely confused.
“I’ll explain when we get home,” Nikki laughed, leading Tommy to the car to take him home, where he belonged.
Tommy’s lawyers started the process, and not only was Pamela in trouble, but so was her boyfriend. She tried to blame most of it on him, but no one was buying it. And it didn’t help her case any when she smacked Tommy across the face when she saw him the next time.
Two weeks after that, the lawyers explained to Tommy what was going on, and asked if he wanted primary custody of Brandon and Dylan, who had been living with Pamela’s mom since everything went down.
“Yes,” Tommy told them, looking over at Nikki, hoping he agreed.
“I agree with him,” Nikki smiled. “We’d love to have them in our home.”
Brandon and Dylan were both so happy with be with their dad again, and they both adored Nikki so much. The first night they lived with them permanently, Tommy stood in the doorway of Brandon’s room and watched him for a moment. Nikki came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist.
“Watchya thinking about babe?” Nikki asked, placing a kiss on his neck.
“I’m so fucking happy,” Tommy told him, leaning back against him. “We have the boys, we’re free from the contracts, I’m free from jail and Pamela. We’re finally free.”
“I know,” Nikki smiled against his skin. “I never thought we’d get here, but I’m so glad that we did.” Tommy nodded and walked with him back to their bedroom, for the first time in months, they were finally able to relax.
The End
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo​ @dekahg​ @marvel-af-imagines​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @nanie5​ @imboredsueme​ @gemini0410​ @aiaranradnay​ @babypink224221​ @mogarukes​ @xxwarhawk​ @sandlee44​ @shatteredabby​ @caswinchester2000​ @supernaturalwincestsblog​ @lauravic​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​ @teller258316​ @horrorpxnk​ @tommyleeownsme​ @marvelismylifffe​
Motley Crue Tags: @primal-screamer​ @waywardprincess666​ @twistnet​ @saint-of-los-angeles​ @vader-kai​ @motleyfuckingcruee​ @sharon6713​ @kawennote09​ @2dead2function​ @nikkisixxwiththebass​ @iamtiber-andtiberismusic​ @jayprettymuchomw​ @charlyallise​ @you-know-im-a-dreamer​ @sweet-dreams-on-butterfly-wings​ @estxxmotley​ @arianareirg​ @the-normal-potato​ @nikki-sixxtynine​ @jjjjjjjoshdun​ @just-a-normal-fangirl18​ @stella20131991​ @tarahell​ @wowilovenikkisixx​ @i-want-to-shoot-myself​ @motleycrueee​ @sams-serialkiller-fetish​ @getbackhonkycatt​ @are-you-reddie54321​ @flamencodiva​ @scarecrowmax​ @major-tom-is-a-junky​ @anyasthoughts​ @bandaids-not-groupies​ @ilovetomkeiferslips​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @useyourillusion​
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Thirteen
Part Twelve
Pairing: Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx x OC
Word Count: 3.9k
Warning(s): Language, mentions of drug abuse, mentions of sexual situations
Tag list: @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry
**Let me know if you want to be tagged**
I listen as Tommy chirps on and on about anything and everything in life at the moment. His new girlfriend Roxie, his new apartment, the almost finished album, how cool he thinks Nikki, Mick and Vince are...I nearly question why he's telling me about things I know about, then I realize we haven't had an actual conversation in so long. We have small talk between walking club to club and in passing, but I can't remember the last time we talked in depth about our lives, one on one.
"Hey, um, so your folks are gonna be at the wedding or...?" He asks next, lacing up the thick ribbon at the back of the wedding dress I'm trying on and I furrow my brows a little shake my head, looking at him in the mirror of the dressing room.
"No, I don't think so." I say. "Not unless my mother's there to protest it."
He chuckles at the thought, allowing more silence to settle between us, acting like he wants to say something.
"What's up, Tommy?" I ask him, a little worried, and he shrugs a little, tying off the ribbon in a bow.
"I was just thinking since your pop isn't gonna be there to walk you down the aisles, um, I don't know, maybe I could." He suggests hesitantly.
I smile a little, licking my lips as I stare at him.
"I assumed that was already the arrangement." I state and he smiles from ear to ear, nodding his head excitedly.
"Fuckin' sick, dude." He says, trying to downplay how excited he really is.
"Viv, c'mon, we ain't got all day!" Vince pipes from outside and I roll my eyes, hiking up the heavy skirt and stepping outside to stand in front of the giant mirror, standing on the pedestal as Tansy fixes the bottom of it, making sure it looks perfect before actually paying attention to the dress itself.
She steps back to study it the way Tommy is, Vince doesn't care and I'm pretty sure Mick's asleep behind his sunglasses.
It's extremely poofy.
The short sleeves are nearly at my ears, the skirt is like a giant cloud of tool and...
"...Where'd your tits go?" Vince asks me, as if he's insulted that my boobs have been lost in the amount of overzealous fabric around my chest.
"Vince!" Tansy scolds him quietly, hitting his arm.
"I'm just sayin' when Nikki's sayin' his vows, he's gonna want something to look at to remind him why he's marrying you to begin with." Vince says as if it makes perfect sense and I close my eyes for a moment.
"Yes, because the soul of a successful marriage is built on a great set of breasts." I state sarcastically.
Tansy's just staring at him, confused, her brows furrowing slightly before she says:
"I think I am falling in love with you again." It's a sarcastic acknowledgement that she was, in fact, in love with him her freshman year of high school when they dated, and he smirks.
"I have that affect on women." He replies smugly, winking at her and she rolls her eyes.
"You look like a cotton ball." Mick speaks up.
"Yeah, you can't really tell where you start and where you end." Tansy adds next in all seriousness.
"Tommy, whatcha think?" I ask him, knowing he and I probably share the same opinion.
"It's not gonna be easy to get out of." He points out, giving me a knowing little look.
"Yeah, next dress." I huff, hauling myself to the dressing room and he follows, helping me get out of it, which is actually harder than getting in to it.
We discarded the employee on duty a while ago, Mick told her if we needed her help, we would let her know, so she hasn't bothered us since which leaves Tansy to go pick out dresses in my size she'd think I'd like.
"Here, Tans," Tommy holds the giant white fluff through the door that's ajar, and Tansy takes it from him and exchanges it with a much more subtle one. "Ooh, Viv, this one's nice." It's the first time he's said something about any of the dresses she's brought, so I hope this is the one I pick so we can get out of here.
I close my eyes, so confident that this is the one I'll love so I want it to be a surprise.
It's a lot lighter than the big one I just tried on and it's strapless from what I can tell.
Once I step outside and get in front of the mirror, I glare at Vince and Tommy who're more than happy with this dress because the fabric of the entire gown is a sheer nude color that's covered in sparkling little beads and faux diamonds, and the strapless top has my chest nearly falling out.
"You look like a Jezebel." Mick spouts honestly and I agree, nodding my head.
"Dirty Stripper Vivian in bride form would make me say, 'I do', with no second thoughts." Vince assures me.
"I am done for the day." I groan, leaning my head back and rubbing my face.
We've been here for hours, having Tommy, Vince, and Mick fitted for their tuxes and picking out Tansy's bridesmaid dress and I just want to go eat somewhere.
As soon as I get the dress off and get my jeans and T-shirt back on, I give out a sigh of relief.
"We'll try again tomorrow." Tommy says enthusiastically, trying to keep me optimistic as he slings his arm around my shoulder and walks out with me.
"Are we done?" Vince asks once they see us heading for the door.
"Yeah." I tell him and he hops up from the couch.
"See you guys tonight." Is all he says before darting out the door.
"You guys hungry?" Tansy asks me, Tommy and Mick once we get outside.
"Yes." I say before anyone else can. "I need to go home and check on Nikki and change, though."
"Okay, well, just come to the Rainbow whenever you guys are done." She gives me a suggestive look and Tommy chuckles a little, nudging my arm.
"Being that he hasn't spoken to me, aside from when I made him at the studio a few days ago, I highly doubt there will be any sex anytime soon. In fact, we might have to have one of you communicate our vows to one another because it is impossible for him to speak directly to me and I don't see that changing by June 30."
"It's Nikki, not rocket science, just walk around naked." Tansy suggests.
"That wouldn't work." I frown.
"Yeah, it would." Mick and Tommy say at the same time.
I don't argue because I haven't tried it yet.
Once I get to our apartment, I go inside to see Nikki on his bass with a couple of empty beer bottles on the table in front of him.
He doesn't look at me, engrossed in his work and I set the keys on the kitchen counter and wait hesitantly before stepping to our bedroom and shutting the door.
I discard my clothes, a sudden tinge of nerves settling within me when I open the door.
He's got a cigarette hanging from his lips, patting his pockets for his lighter and I see it laying on the counter by my keys. I grab it and step to him just as he's about to stand up and look for it.
I'm reaching out to light his cigarette before I can help myself, smirking to myself when I catch him looking me over before he goes back to writing.
I see the title scribbled down as "Looks That Kill" but before I can read any of the lyrics upside down, he's flipping the notepad over, looking at me sharply, blowing a cloud of smoke in to my face.
"It's unfair I have to wait until the album is finished before hearing any of it." I comment, ignoring the look he just gave me.
I get an almost smile out of him as he pulls the pad of paper to his knee.
"You can't not talk to me forever, you know." I point out to him and he doesn't even acknowledge me. "We are going to have to speak to each other in order to communicate vows." I remind him and he sighs out, closing the notepad with his pen inside it, plucking at his bass strings as if pretending to be busy at this point.
I huff out a breath, tears of frustration threatening to spill over my lashes.
I give up and step back to our bedroom, getting my shirt back on and just pulling on a pair of panties before stepping back in to the living room.
"Okay, I get it. If I wanted you to be happy about me being knocked up, I should've presented it in a way that seemed happy and optimistic. But instead I told you out of spite during an argument when you said something I didn't want to hear and I really am sorry, Nikki. But ignoring me isn't going to change the fact that I'm pregnant or make me disappear. If you want to break up just tell me and I'll get my shit and figure it out myself." I say shakily, about to walk away when he reaches out from his place on the couch and grabs at the bottom of my thigh, stopping me.
"I don't..." He starts, looking for what to say. "I don't know how to do this." He motions between us. "I've just kinda been bullshitting it the past two years and now I can't just bullshit it because there's gonna be a kid involved and I don't how to do this." He explains.
"You think I know how to do this?" I ask him, chuckling nervously, wiping the tear that starts streaming down my face.
"You're all calm and shit so I figured I was the only one worried about it."
"Are you kidding me? We barely know how to date, let alone be married or have a baby but, Nikki, no one freaking knows how to be married or have a kid. It's just something we have to figure out and we will." I shrug, sitting on the coffee table in front of him, my knees fitting between his.
"So we're basically just winging it?" He asks me, an amused little grin on his lips and his hands reach out to rub soothing circles on the sides of my legs.
"Yeah, I guess we are."
An hour later, we're walking in to the Rainbow, his arm around my shoulders as we step to the booth that Tansy, Mick, Tommy and, unsurprisingly, Sparkie, have taken hostage.
"Oh, there you are." Tansy's bright blue eyes hover over Nikki and I as she acknowledges us, causing the others at the table to look at us as well.
"Where's Vince?" I ask, scooting in by Nikki once he sits down on the other side of Sparkie.
"Beth doesn't want him around Tansy." Tommy says without thought and I furrow my brows slightly.
"Um, why?" I raise a brow, looking at Tansy as she exhales.
"Because I model naked." She replies, obviously not enjoying the conversation. "And she knows we dated and she's not okay with us being friends."
"Yeah, but that was, like, five years ago." I point out.
"Wait, you and Vince?" Sparkie interrupts, clearly unaware. "I thought it was you and Tommy?"
"You and Tommy?" Mick asks, his expression slightly grossed out.
"Damn, you're fast." Nikki chuckles out to Tansy and she rolls her eyes.
"Oh, like you guys haven't just gone through anything with a vagina." She retorts, crossing her arms. "And I was in love with Vince when we were together and Tommy and I were..." She trails off, looking at him as if asking for his help to describe what happened between them. "...very close friends." Is all she can come up with and Tommy cuts his eyes at her.
"You and Vivian are close friends. Does that mean you two have...?" Nikki playfully fits his index and middle finger between the index and middle finger of his other hand together in a scissoring motion.
Tansy and I look at each other, reading each other's minds.
"Maybe." She smirks, stirring her Coca-Cola with her straw.
"We won't confirm nor deny." I add, trying not to laugh at his and Tommy's shifting expressions.
Surely they know we're bullshitting, but they're still picturing us in the act, and seeming to enjoy it.
"Imbeciles." I mumble and hold back a chuckle as I shove at Nikki with my elbow and he snaps out of his daydream of the little blonde inches away from him, screwing me.
Tansy pops Tommy in the back of the head to get him to stop picturing it and he snaps "ow!" at her and pouts a little bit.
I forget Sparkie's here, mainly because he's zoned out completely and no longer speaking, riding the high of whatever he took prior to coming here tonight as it kicks in.
"So, tell me when this albums coming out." Tansy says to the guys, and I glance at Nikki.
"No clue but we're halfway through recording." He tells her.
"Well, I want to hear the new music." She informs him and I scoff.
"He won't let me listen to anything until it's finished." I tell her.
"Oh, c'mon, that's not fair. We're supposed to have special privileges that include hearing what you guys are working on. We don't care if it's not finished or perfected." She argues.
"Show us your tits and we'll think about it." Tommy jokes halfway, and Mick hits him in the back of the head this time. “Ow!” He bursts out again and Nikki and I unapologetically chuckle at his discomfort.
We stay at the Rainbow and Tansy and I order food while the guys start their never ending round of booze until it’s time for us to leave.
As always, a few girls recognized Mick, Tommy and Nikki, and covered our bill completely.
We step out of the bar and grill and listen as Sparkie makes a suggestion that I’m not entirely sure about.
“All the blow, booze and babes you can imagine.” He says as he nudges Tommy with his elbow. “I mean beautiful bitches that do whatever and whoever the fuck you tell them to do.” He adds. “It’s gonna be awesome.” He finishes off telling us about some wild party one of his friends is supposed to be having tonight, wanting Tommy and Nikki to come with him and Tansy.
“Well, baby, Viv’s pregnant. She doesn’t need to be around all that.” Tansy tells him.
“Did I say anything about her coming?” He asks, laughing at her ignorance.
“Yeah, the one responsible one isn’t invited.” I mumble under my breath and only Nikki hears me, looking at me with a little smile.
“Don’t get me wrong, hun, you’re a hoot and all but all you do is drink water and stay in the corner like a little angel.” Sparkie looks at me as he speaks.
“Nah, don’t let her deceive you. She’s got two little horns under all this hair,” Nikki tries to lighten up the angry tension rolling off of me, his hand resting at the crown of my head, his fingers sifting through my hair. “They’re red so they just blend in with the color, is all.”
“Thank you.” I mouth to him instead of rolling my eyes at Sparkie’s response that I don’t hear because I’m distracted by Nikki, who leans down and presses a sloppy but brief kiss on my lips as we step down the pavement of the sidewalk.
“I go, Viv goes.” Tommy states.
“I guess she can come with us.” Sparkie doesn’t sound enthused as now it’s Tommy who’s giving me an unamused look at the man’s words.
It’s clear that Sparkie doesn’t realize that he has to pry Tommy off my leg, like a child being dropped off for their first day of school, because ever since I’ve returned from New York he’s rarely let me be separated from him unless it’s when I’m going home to go to bed. I’ve come to the conclusion that our closeness is possibly unhealthy, however, it’s the healthiest unhealthy habit that Tommy Lee currently has, so I’m not going to complain about it.
By the time we’ve decided we’re going to this magical party with endless sins, Tommy got ahold of Vince at a payphone and he’s out of Beth’s grip long enough to go with us.
None of us are exactly sure where we are once we actually get to this place after figuring out who’s driving who.
Not that anyone seems to care once we actually get inside the high dollar mansion because it’s an actual raunch fest.
“Holy shit.” Tommy, Vince, Nikki and even Mick all seem to have a synchronized mind because they all say it at the same time the second we step inside.
Every girl in here is naked, any of the ones with clothes on are dressed in obvious, absurdly over-done fetish costumes and there’s one for any type of preference any one of these shitfaced men have.
There’s a bizarre energy created by incredibly random “artwork” consisting of construction paper plastered with hot-glued on styrofoam, used condoms and what appears to be genital jewelry that create abstract images, and paintings used with various tones of peculiar looking paint.
Sparkie sees me and Nikki staring at one of paintings in the long hallway before stating, casually, “it’s cum with food coloring in it.”
It doesn’t take me long to realize this is a glorified crack den.
The bitter smell of boiled cocaine burns at my lungs slightly because there’s freebasing happening in the kitchen as we pass by.
Loud moans and sounds of sex rattle blatantly through the house and echo from above our heads from different rooms upstairs containing orgies that are sprinkled with different flavors of kink.
It’s crowded in here, people scattered on the floors, couches, counters, tables, stairs and anywhere else they can sit comfortably and do their drugs, drink their alcohol and screw around.
“I need to pee.” I say to Nikki over the loud New Wave music that’s blaring, my hand keeping its steel grip on his arm.
“Hey, Sparkler, is there a bathroom?” He asks Sparkie and he pulls away from Tansy’s tongue laced kiss to reply.
“Upstairs, man.” Is all he gives us before going back to her.
Vince and Tommy are long gone, probably trying to get some coke and hook up with one of the pretty naked girls parading around from person to person.
I stay glued to Nikki as we push past people to get to the spiral stairs.
We’re dodging people who’re reaching out to touch us every now and then in their hallucinogenic states of mind.
“Jesus Christ.” Nikki hisses, stopping me before I step on a needle that’s sticking straight up in the shag carpet upstairs before I risk getting one of my exposed toes pricked.
Once we get upstairs, he’s opening every door, looking for a bathroom.
I keep my eyes on the floor to avoid seeing anything I don’t want to see, and I’m glad I do because every door he opens results in a “oops sorry” from him, over the sound of immense pleasure and other sound effects before he shuts the door back. The fourth door he opens is a pretty big bathroom and he tells me, “it’s safe,” before he actually fathoms if it is or not. By the time I look up and see a naked blonde girl sitting on the edge of the tub getting eaten out by a guy while another naked blonde hovers over the first one’s face with her legs spread.
“Nikki!” I squeeze my eyes shut and burry my face in to the leather of his jacket as he laughs and closes the door.
“Sorry, just wanted to see you get all frustrated.” He admits, brushing some of his teased black hair from his eyes.
“Well, it worked.” I roll my eyes and he smirks, proud of himself.
He opens the next door and looks inside, another group sexcapade is taking place in there but he looks at me instead of just shutting the door.
“It’s the master bedroom. And I think there’s a bathroom in there.” He tells me and I raise my brows.
“I am not walking through the land of vaginal secretion and ball sweat.” I argue. “I’ll go pee in the yard.”
“It’s not that bad in there. I’ve seen worse.” He shrugs and I look at him, not budging. “Why the fuck are you so stubborn?”
Before I can answer he’s picking me up bridal style, stepping through said ”land of vaginal secretion and ball sweat” to get to the bathroom.
I keep my eyes closed but hear every moan, sticky sound of skin against skin and anything wet sliding together and try not to throw up at the god awful stench of expired sex and...toothpaste?
I don’t open my eyes until Nikki’s shut the bathroom door and I sigh with relief that it’s empty, though there are signs it was recently used in some odd way.
“This dude was using toothpaste as lube in this one chick’s ass.” Nikki whisper yells and I twist my face in confusion.
“Toothpaste has no slip to it, though.” I state, hiking my skirt up and crouching over the toilet seat.
Nikki notices, leaned against the door, and chuckles.
“Are you squatting?” He asks.
“I’m avoiding an infection.” I say, grabbing toilet paper that’s surprisingly present, wiping. “Unless you want to eat infected pussy.” I flush the toilet and stand up to pull my skirt down and wash my hands.
“Eh, wouldn’t be the first time.” He shrugs and I glare at him. “You’re always shoving your tongue down my throat so really, when you think about it, you’ve also eaten infected pussy.”
“Shut up!” I laugh but feel grossed out at the same time.
“You ready to go join the party or not?” He grins, nodding his head to the door and I groan a little.
“Can we just stay locked in here? Sparkle’s getting on my nerves.” I purposely butcher Sparkie’s name the way Nikki did earlier and he laughs.
“Yeah, he’s kind of an asshole, huh?”
“Tansy scraped the bottom of a barrel and brought the gunk she collected to L.A.” I tell him, crossing my arms.
“If I can’t knock his teeth in, you can’t.” He reminds me and I step to him to get to the door.
We finally get back downstairs and Tommy seeks us out the second he sees us.
“Dude, c’mon!” He grabs at Nikki, who drags me with him as Tommy leads him to an array of naked girls, a bag of pills, a mountain of cocaine and a full bottle of Jack Daniels waiting for him on one of the packed out couches.
When he goes to sit down, he pulls me down to sit on his lap, opening the whiskey and taking a giant gulp of it.
I watch him carefully, studying and memorizing everything about him the best that I can as if this will all be over in a flash.
“What is it?” He asks me after he catches me staring at him, a drop of Jack dribbling down his chin as hazel eyes look at me with the curiosity of a little boy who’s on the brink of having the world.
I love you.
I want to say what’s never been spoken between us, but instead all I can manage to do is lean down and kiss him.
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